In the middle of EMERALD BLAZE release, Gordon told me, “I booked a vacation.”
I just sort of turned around and looked at him. COVID is going on, we are on a crushing deadline, we’d have to board seven animals…
He said, “It’s a house on Santa Rosa beach. It has its own private access to the ocean. We drive 12 hours. We don’t stop unless we have too refuel or use the bathroom. We will have all of our food delivered. I promise to not go into a single restaurant while we are there. We can take the girls. We haven’t taken a vacation in years. We are going.”
And we went.

Santa Rosa is in Florida’s panhandle. The sand is white; the water is crystal clear. There are sandbars running along the coast, changing the sea from turquoise to jade green.

We would go swimming early in the morning and after 5:00 pm, when the beach emptied as everyone left for dinner. In between, we sat on the porch and looked at the ocean.
We didn’t socialize. We wore masks with filters. And I think we were the only ones who did. I have to tell you, the restaurants were full. We were driving in and saw tons of people through the windows. Nobody wore a mask. Seriously. People walked outside like the pandemic wasn’t happening. So we hid inside the house and went to the beach.

It probably wasn’t the wisest choice of action, but I didn’t realize how close we both were to the breaking point until on day 4 I finally exhaled.
The six of us are now quarantining for the next 2 weeks. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Good for you! Glad it was worthwhile and you stayed careful.
Sounds absolutely perfect. You all deserve a break – and what a beautiful place!
I am so glad to hear your family was able to hid away and relax. And heartfelt thanks for taking the sensible path with masks, distance etc.
My husband and I plan to do the same on the Mendocino coast in October. We may still be within 4 walls but at least they will be a different set of 4 walls, with the ocean right outside the window!
Assuming Mendo isn’t on fire / the air clears by then. We’re in SF, and right now it feels like no escape for us. Of course – we’re really lucky that we can stay home and aren’t evacuated, but it’s still hard.
Hang in there!!!
I really hope it’ll be a case of the fires “peaking” early, as has seemingly happened with us with covid in KwaZulu Natal in South Africa (it seems we actually peaked in July instead of end-of-September as predicted). I really hope that’s the case; i cant imagine anything more scary than being surrounded by fire like that.
I’m so glad that the whole of House Andrews was able to take that break
At least in Cape Town, South Africa, we’re allowed to go walk at the sea/ beach, get some fresh air.
I am lucky in that I work one street away from the Sea Point Promenade – I see the sea every day, I breathe in that fresh air and love it! So refreshing.
I’m so glad you managed to get a break in such a beautiful location! You definitely deserved a break and you did it sensibly by minimising your Covid risks. I hope you’ve all come home feeling refreshed
I’m in the East Bay and am really tired of not being able to go for a walk outside what with the air being so bad for close to a month now.
But… how about that red sky last week? It was surreal and cool all at the same time.
Sara T. – another East Bay denizen here. Hang in there, the skies have to clear sometime! A year from now this will be just another chapter in our lives to look back on and say “Yeah. We did that!” I passing the time deciding which air purifier to. Yu once they are available again. You know we’re gonna need them again next year…
Thank you for the lovely beach pictures Chez Andrews! I’m so happy you got away and relaxed for a bit. Thank you also for all the yummy snippets and extra treats here. They brighten my days. Stay well everyone!
What a guy! Nice beach, too.
I’m glad that you took the time to rest and enjoy!
Glad you took a break. You guys have more then earned it.
Stay well everyone … beasties included.
Awesome! So glad you got to exhale!
Good for you! Everyone needs a break, especially now. I feel sorry for the idiots without masks though. How strange that fear makes you do things that increase your risk of dying…. Sigh.
Hope you all feel less stress after your (almost) staycation.
I’m glad you enjoyed your break!
It looks beautiful, and that was such a thoughtful thing to book.
Good for you. Hope you all had a wonderful time. It looks so beautiful. Stay safe.
It looks beautiful.. I hope you relaxed.
So happy that you got to take this time together as a family.
Mental health is just as important as physical health right now. You needed this. We’ll all be keeping our fingers crossed for the next two weeks. Glad to see you’re back ♥
I think you took a well deserved vacation, and handled it very responsibly.
I know some folks who went to the beach, and then went out everywhere. With no masks, no distancing, and no common sense. A relative went to Sturgis!
So glad you had a nice vacation and were able to take a break???? Those pictures are so pretty!
Good for you. It is important to take care of yourselves. You did all the right things. You prove you can be Covid smart and still enjoy life. Thank you.
Vacations are so important. I am glad for you. (Crawling back under my rock…the air quality is 490 here today…. masks actually help with some of the particulant matter…)
I’m so happy for you all. And kudos to Gordon for making this happen! You all deserve it, and what a wonderful way to practice safe vacationing!
How beautiful! The water looks entrancing. Hope you all enjoyed a much needed and enjoyed a richly deserved vacation. Way to go Gordon!
Honestly, we did the same thing. Last year we had prepaid for a vacation to one of the national parks. We have been so careful up til now and so we did a risk assessment and decided to go. No eating out, no hiking on busy trails, etc. Self checking and out at the cabin and there was local mask ordinance at the grocery stores. Came home and quarantined for two weeks. Mental health is so much better.
I am near Pensacola…I deliver mail…I try my best to stay away from the crazies… Don’t go out but to the beach during off times and unless I’m in my mail truck (extreme humidity and no AC in the truck means no mask) I do my best to stay masked. There are so many people who just don’t do masks here… It is crazy
Good for you guys that you took a break. It was well deserved and very sweet of Gordon to do it. I hope that everything continues to go well for you all.❤
You needed that. I’m glad you took it. Author life is hard. Honestly I don’t know how you do it. Please consider writing a guide to author life one day. I’m tired. I know you all must be exhausted. Your advice is always like diamonds. Just a POV from the peanut gallery ❤️
Looks beautiful! Hope you all had a restful and relaxing time!
I’m so glad you had time to relax! I haven’t taken a lot of vacation this year and I think it’s catching up to me..
Oooh, thank you for sharing beautiful pix and so happy for you that you got a vacation. Best of luck with quarantine. I live in Northern California where the air quality is so bad right now (due to wildfires) we can’t even open the windows, so we have two major reasons to stay home and wear masks when we venture out.
You wouldn’t have to board your fur babies. I have a licensed vet technician daughter who babysits.
I’m so happy for you both, what an awesome husband to figure out what you needed, and do it!
Sigh, I hope it recharged your spirits!
Awesome. Gordon rocks! Now that you know how to do it, you can take your breaks before you break. (Sorry. Couldn’t resist). My husband and I found three day getaways once a month this summer kept us sane. Mountain cabins our own food and quit hiking trails. He got to fish and I got nature.
Supposed to be quiet hiking trails. ????
If there is one thing I have learned over the last several months is you can only do what you can do. You did everything you could to protect yourself and you were able to have a nice vacation.
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. We were supposed to go to Ireland this year for our 25th anniversary. I am hoping for next October for my 60th birthday. Dammit. Need to recharge my batteries for the next 20 years.
Good! Breaking point averted, you exhaled. Hopefully the vacation helped your family.
(And those who didn’t follow safety protocols, just Boo!)
I am so glad y’all got a much needed break. That looks incredibly gorgeous! I am so glad y’all wore masks with filters. Hopefully everything will be just fine.
Scary to go, but worth it with the precautions. And the husband award goes to….Gordon! Glad you were able to take a breath and spend some time together
So glad for you! I think if you avoided the crazy people you’ll be fine.
Glad you got a break!! Our work crew went in July and it was crazy the amount of people out and about. We went to the beach in the evenings and it was peaceful! Thank you for all your hard work. Your books have been a wonderful escape in this tough time.
Good for you!! So glad you guys had the chance to get away.
Your books have been a huge escape for my husband and I this week. On Monday night we had a historic level windstorm hit western Oregon and sent a huge forest fire roaring down the canyon where I live.
We got us, kids, and all animals out fine, our house is still standing – not all of our friends can say the same 🙁 but staying with family is stressful and your books are a welcome escape from reality.
So thank you again for the world building to escape into when our world is too much to deal with!!
Stranger from Northern California sending you virtual hugs. Thank goodness for books.
Hugs back! Hope wherever you are, it’s not near any big fires, since there are an AWFUL lot of them right now.
Gordon and Ilona’s books have been absolutely sanity-saving this week.
Well done. You deserved a nice vacation.
Such a nice break at a beautiful relaxing spot!! Sounds like you were super careful and safe. So glad for you!!!
I’m also glad you had a chance to have time to relax with your family. So important. ❤️
Good for you! In every sense of that phrase. So happy that you are taking care both body and soul.
???????? Rested and Recharged!
So glad you enjoyed your holiday. Hope you and your daughters are doing well
You are so wise and bless Gordon.
So glad you got a vacation. You all have been working so hard. I am glad you had a good time, it sounds beautiful my little brother used to live near Fort Walton beach and he misses it so much.
I am happy you got to do something wonderful and relaxing! It is important to take care of yourselves. ????????????
Gordon deserves the “husband of the year” award!
So happy for you that you could relax for a few days. 🙂
Sigh, I’m over a bit from there on the Alabama coast. Same thing with no masks. We’ve asked why and can’t get a lucid answer, just a puzzled look and a reply that they can’t catch it here. Just telling them to remember to tip their hard working servers who risk Covid to serve them.
“Can’t catch it here”. I can’t decide if I’m ???? or ????
Try the vomit emoji.
You can’t get a lucid answer because their isn’t one,the same way they can’t explain why they support the politicians they do,they say it just is the way they feel..it is obvious wearing masks protects people,they now know that what Trump and other politicians told them about Covid isn’t true, yet they still claim there is no reason to wear them.
Sounds like the best possible way to vacation these days and everyone needs time off! Sounds like you were smart and safe about it and that you really really needed it.
I am glad, stay well and happy
Gordon is the best! Sounds like just what everyone needed. Happy for ya’ll.
It is so wonderful that you were able to do this. I went once to ibeo star grand rose in Jamaica and I dream of going back. I was diagnosed in April 2019 with leukemia. I am an avid reader and I love your books. I am one of those who collect…when a new book comes out I read it then reread the series…its amazing sometimes what you can miss. I absolutely love your books they let me laugh and for a short time forget some of the present hardships.
You deserve it!! And those pics look amazing ugh I’m jealous!
Excellent idea! Enjoy every second ????
We have cabins that we’ve been renting on a lake in rural SE Ohio for decades. In May, they reopened. So we went for our annual vacation in July, and honestly, were more socially distanced than at home. We were the only ones wearing masks the one time we went to the grocery store.
But, being able to have something “normal” this year probably saved my sanity.
So, I totally understand. I’m glad you guys got to relax!
Glad you had a good time! Y’all deserve it! Sorry to hear Floridians weren’t doing a good job with masks, especially in a tourist town.
Future reference, please be very careful swimming during dawn and dusk time- that is when sharks are more active. In general they will not bother anyone but they do get excited when feeding.
Please do not make blanket statements. It isn’t all Floridians by a long shot!
A blanket statement would be “all Floridians don’t wear masks.” I am just saying that I was disappointed to hear some Floridians not wearing masks. I know personally that many are- so far here in central Florida I have seen a great number of masks.
You really deserve a vacation. I’m jealous, I still took my week off this summer but I spent it at home cleaning my house and getting my daughter ready for her first year of college
I’m so glad!
A friend of mine booked a spot w two cabins on the water about an hour north just before Labor Day. She invited us to stay for a couple days in the second cabin. We were torn, but then last minute threw some old frozen food in a cooler and headed up. My mind completely reset as we played w old inflatable kayaks, played in the water and watched seals, porpoises and even an orca pod swim by one morning. I needed it so much more than I realized. So I hear you and am glad you enjoyed your trip. 🙂
Well deserved vacation. Gordon is a prince among men.
It looks so peaceful.
Thank you for posting this.
My cousin moved to Myrtle beach this year from Westchester.
When the pandemic hit she drove back to Westchester and got her daughter and cats to stay with her at Myrtle beach. They ordered in , would go shopping once every two weeks.
All through the pandemic , they wore masks and basically stayed home. They would go to the beach very early wearing masks and gloves. They sanitized the elevator and doors.
Very few people were wearing masks.
They were smart and stayed safe.
I haven’t been on vacation in a very long time. I tell people the last time I was away from my home was in 2008.I had stage 4 skin cancer and spent 10 days at Sloan Kettering .
I thought it was a vacation. I was dumb and survived.
Was thinking of visiting my cousin this year.
Still haven’t been on vacation.
Maybe next year.
Loved Emerald blaze and Cool Aunt.
Inhaling every chapter Ryder.
Dear Gailk,
I think you should call your cousin, get your face mask, your hand sanitizer, and your disinfecting wipes and go to Myrtle Beach.
You will be amazed at how good it makes you feel. It can be done safely with no disease transmission.
Try to enjoy what you can!
You nailed that!!!
Well deserved.
Just as with your writing, I will enjoy vicariously.
That looks absolutely lovely! Thanks for sharing!
I’m so glad you took time off and enjoyed. It’s so hard right now to vacation, but it’s also so necessary. I hope you enjoyed the family time and just being able to relax!
I’m so glad you all got a much needed break. And it sounds like you all approached it with as much caution as you could. The pictures look beautiful. Thinking kind thoughts your way.
I am so envious. Not of YOUR vacation, but of you being close enough to drive to Florida. My mom is in Deltona, alone, and celebrated her 80th July 4th. Alone. We had plans to fly down to see her, but obviously that didn’t happen. I can’t be in a car for more than an hour, so cars are out. I’m so glad you were able to get that break, you deserved it. Writing and publishing is hard, hard on the gut, hard on the body, and maybe worse due to computers, versus typewriters. You all needed it, and it’s good you got to be with your girls, especially after the COVID 19 worry.
One of my favorite places!! So glad you took time to recharge!
Good on y’all. I’m super happy you got a break.
I’m happy that you got to relax. Being reckless in a pandemic is dangerous but so is not not taking care of mental health… and staying at home all the time takes its toll. I hope that you can take the happiness back with you and feel it for a long time still. All the best to you!
Good for you guys, taking some very well deserved time to relax! Leave the same four walls to the trash bandits and smelly striped ‘cats’ for a couple of days, your mental health demands a break.
We travel in our RV this week, so we can bring the pets with us. Only contact is gas stations and park check in, because it’s amazing how many people want to court death these days!
It is AMAZING to me how many people are not wearing masks. Such a simple, effective action. So glad you were able to get away. It looks like it was absolutely gorgeous!’
I am so glad you got away! You look so relaxed and happy in that photo. It is good to recharge.
Sometimes you have to take the risk, but you were sensible and minimized it.
Such a nice smiley selfie!
Good for you! I am starting to work on a similar set-up.
Love the books and the blog.
Good for Gordon. Good for you all. <3
Mental health is crucial these days. I can that a mental health vacation and good call! You can do it and stay safe. It looked beautiful.
We planned to do something similar in California – go to a resort with private cottages, cook your own food, hot springs and fly fishing. Alas, the fires happened. If we’d gone a week earlier, we might have had a new experience – evacuation by helicopter! Going to the coast would not be pleasant right now either with the smoke. So we count our blessings that we are safe and healthy. Thank you for your creative and entertaining worlds.
Thank you for making good choices to distress safely. In CAli we have front row seat to apocalypse. Sky is red. Thick smoke ash. Take every precious good moment.
It looks lovely.:)
Sounds to me like yall had a great idea!
So glad you guys were staying safe while on a vacay. I know too many people who have gone on vacay and living life like nothing is wrong. I actually appreciate that example set. I wanted to vacation this year but of course couldnt. But there is nothing wrong with staying away from the masses. Enjoy your time, you guys deserve it.
We did this in the Ozark Mountains! Just a few hours away from home, but it was nice to get away from work and just relax!
We see that a lot in the beach areas. One person said that it’s not as bad in Ormond and my mom and I just stared. Orlando, most people are wearing masks but I still see so many who don’t. It’s baffling.
Good job taking care of the family, Gordon. It looks like it was lovely.
I’m so happy that you had that trip. I was a bit worried about you guys because you had so much stress. Gordon was just right by booking this vacation. You needed that time off.
That’s wonderful! I think in these stressful times that it’s still OK to go on vacation as long as you do it safely. We did the same back in July where we rented a beach house and pretty much just went to the beach and ordered takeout for the week. It was one of our best vacations.
This is a great idea, and since you were very careful, totally worth it. Creativity is your livelihood and burnout can mess with it. I’m glad you all practiced self care and did it carefully. Think of quarantine as a staycation from your vacation!
I’m so glad you guys took a break and came back recharged (or so it seems). I hope everyone is ok *hugs*
Good for you. I’m glad you were safe about it. I hope it provided the relaxation you clearly needed.
Such a beautiful beach!!
That is my idea of a perfect vacation – swimming and watching the water from the porch. Ocean or lake, I would be totally blissed out. And falling asleep to the sound of the waves….
Gordon is a gem!! And families need time together.
May your quarantine go well! Your fur babies will be glad to have you all back to snuggle with!
I was born in Santa Rosa County and I have lots of family there. They can be the salt of the earth and then there are the red neck crackers.
The Panhandle is pretty solid red with bright spots of blue. But it’s the best beaches in the world. Squeaky white sand. So glad you all got a break. Go Gordon!!!
Aww, happy vacationing! A beach house sounds nice and sweet.
You look so happy! You used sense and really effective masks. I am glad you got to exhale a little.
Sneaky Gordon.
He gets a lot of gold stars for awesome. ♡
Hope you remembered your sunscreen!
It is so surreal what people are doing. You took precautions and continue to take safety measures. You needed it. Take care of yourselves. I wish could go to the beach. I had to cancel a dive trip to the Bahamas and two camping trips this summer. Having a staycation and binge watching NZ and Aussie shows for my travel trips from Washington state amidst the smoky haze due to the West Coast wildfires.
Exhaling is good.
Yay! Way to go, Gordon. Y’all have a wonderful time being safe by the beautiful seaside.
It was a wise choice. You were cautious, mindful, and in need of a break. What this pandemic has taught me is that breaks are necessary. It’s harder to plan for safety, but it can be done. And after spending days taking all necessary precautions, its not something I do often.
Wishing everyone health and safety.
You were careful and it sounds like you desperately needed the break glad you were able to have some time for you
I am so glad you had a chance to soak in the beauty. Hope Kids 1&2 could just relax as well. Glad you stayed smart and safe. The cavalier behavior of people in certain states disgusts me.
You deserve to relax!
Sounds like heaven. Glad you had that time and the weather behaved, even if the people did not. I hope the next two weeks pass quietly.
I just re-read The Edge. I swear, I re-read that every year, and Andrea’s book. Love them all, but these are all old friends.
Congratulations to Gordon on finding a way to do the beach while socially distancing! My DH is trying to find a safe spot for us to celebrate our 30th anniversary and this was inspirational. Best wishes for continued health!
So happy for you and your family to have this chance to get away. All the best for the 14 day Quarantine. It sounds like you did everything you could to stay safe.
Florida can be so beautiful…. I spent many hours in that water when I was a child. I would tan on one side of my body from all the snorkeling.
I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Sometimes you just need to veg out on a beach and breathe.
Sometimes you just need a break.
We live in Jersey and went to upstate NY and PA for a week.
Congratulations on a wonderful choice and such responsible living choices. You and yours are a wonderful example for the rest of us. So happy you had a chance to decompress. Sounds heavenly.
Looks beautiful. So happy you got this vacation.
I am so so so happy for you all.
You deserve it. Thank you for being safe even when those around you were not.
Finding balance in life and happiness are essential to our mental health especially in these times.
Way to go Gordon!!! Love you even more now ????
Smart is sexy and relaxing. Be smart like IA.
Glad you enjoyed our beautiful beaches. Have lived in the Florida Panhandle since 1980. Nowhere prettier. (smile)
I am so pleased to hear that you had a vacation….. much needed and very much deserved!
I hope you take your time returning to work, and wish you the best throughout your quarantine period.
We all need a break. This pandemic stress added to regular life stress really wears you down.
Florida is definitely not handling things the safest way, but you stayed away from everyone and enjoyed family time and the outdoors. Sounds like you were as safe as possible.
We did pretty much the same thing when we went to a lakeside cottage in New York in June. Brought coolers of food, stayed at the cottage, looked at the water, kayaked a little bit. Just had to get away after months in the house, two teenagers finally done with the school year. Things were bad in New York city then, but this was far west. We were fine.
I wanted to do another weekend away before school started, but didn’t work out. Maybe at Thanksgiving if cases don’t start jumping up before then.
Glad you were able to get away! Great pictures. It sounds as if you took a safe vacation.
Just waiting for clear air in the Bay Area so that going outside is not considered a health issue.
Sometimes you need a break. Good that Gordon booked it. We went away with the family 3 weeks ago for the weekend- all legal where we live. It was the best thing we could have done. Next week we are going camping with friends- again we are being careful, on both occasions we had/ will have medical professionals in the group. After 6 months in hard lockdown we need to see people again. Take care, be careful and stay healthy. By the way – did your wool arrive?
After 4 days home, go get tested. If you contacted it, it will show. Otherwise, I wouldn’t worry since you stayed to yourselves anyway. I’m glad you were able to relax. You all deserve it.
Excellent! It sounds amazing and I’m sure you all needed the break. I’m glad for you.
I think everyone can agree this year has been horrific in so many ways. Please continue to take the time you need for your mental and physical health. We recently went on a roadtrip and it did wonders for our mental health and spirits, even though we were like you, masked up and mainly stayed in the house!
The water looks stunning.
Sometimes, a carefully planned, minimized risk is necessary to your emotional health. I’m glad it worked for your family.
I am so sorry to hear how at risk people are in the south. And angry at all the misinformation being passed around.
I am glad ya’ll enjoyed our beautiful beaches and stayed safe. Thank you for all the joy you bring with your books and blog.
Wow, what a beautiful place !! You look great !!
We have our share of careless people here too, it’s scary…
I just got back from the Outer Banks in North Carolina and did the same thing and felt the same way at about Tuesday. So worth it, and swimming in the ocean felt like stress dissolving off of me. I’m so glad you got to go! Your husband is a keeper 🙂
Good for you.
Sometimes you have to think of your own health mental and physical and take the holiday! You followed every safety precautions that you could and I am very glad you enjoyed it!
You stayed secluded and that is the most important part,so you were wise enough. I am happy you could go on holiday and made the best of the time you had at the beach.
With all that constant stress from covid and deadlines you definitely need to kick back and refuel and a change of scenery helps 🙂
The picture ist beautiful!
Glad you got away, you have to live,I understand only too well how stir crazy we are all getting. You guys did the right thing and I doubt you were exposed to Covid doing what you did. Believe it or not ppl are flicking to Florida and it is likely it is going to.explode again. Restaurants and bars are the big spreaders, here in NJ they are enforcing the 25% capacity and people wear masks except when eating; and ppl are considerate; in florida the MAGA idiots are chanting herd immunity and you gotta live, morons ( and if ppl don’t like this being a political statement,at this point given what we know about Covid,Trump’s lies and stupid governors supporting Trump, if you still think Covid and masks are a plot against Trump, tough).
Gordon you are a men among men, you do the right thing and are brave enough to drive an Alfa,bravo!
To all those suffering through the horrible fires my thoughts and prayers go with you, I wish there was more I could do than that. My fondest hope is that this finally wakes people up to what we have done to the earth and we fight to cure it,elect leaders who understand it and do something.
The photos are beautiful… you look so cute????
Good for you, you needed this you all did and a lease you stayed safe that’s all we can all do take care and stay safe ????????????
Glad you had such a great break, while staying safe
That sounds like the perfect Covid-19 vacation; safe, private and relaxing! Good for Gordon, you have to take care of each other.
Totally worth it.
Sounds like you did everything right.
Really glad you took the time.
Gordon’s a genius.
You look so happy!❤️
And you managed to avoid hurricanes. Impressive.
How were the audio books?
Brilliant! Proof of life! On several fronts. We’re all so focused on COVID-19 right now, it is worth taking a step back to acknowledge that it isn’t the only risk out there and we are privileged to live in a world where many dangers come from ourselves… Thanks for letting us vacation vicariously through your pictures as well!
Sounds like a wonderful and much-needed getaway! Looks idyllic, plus you got to spend time with the girls, win-win!
Gorgeous views, awesome husband, awesome wife for setting an example by finally breathing in!
…I *mean* awesome wife for setting a stellar example by finally breathing OUT!
And may your quarantine be cozy.
Cheers, Faith (again)
I’m happy you took a vacation, it sounds like you really needed this. The photos are beautiful
I am so happy you took family time and a vacation.
Gordon – good job!
So happy you were able to finally relax, and also that you used safety protocols. The beach is a wonderful place to decompress and enjoy family time. ????
I’m so glad you got some R & R in. If everyone would follow protocol like your crew did, we’d kick COVID right in the ass.
You so needed and deserved it. I hope that you inhaled after you exhaled. The Florida panhandle is glorious and this is from someone in Washington state. I hope this respite makes things easier for all of you. May your quarantine be quiet and uneventful
So glad you You were able to go and relax.
Sounds wonderful! Hope you had an amazing, relaxing time!
So happy you guys got away for awhile and were able to relax!!!
I am SO happy that you all got away. You needed it. It was a wise decision. I hope y’all are safe, and have more relaxation during quarantining!
I am glad you had a good vacation and time to de-stress. You took beautiful photos. The panhandle does have nice beaches!
I live in an area of Florida that DOES take masks, restaurant/store restricted capacity and the 6 foot rule very seriously. I hate to hear about areas of the state that do not take these seriously.
What a super nice thing to do! Glad to hear that you were there and made it back again…
Looks like you had a lovely time and that you needed it. Stay safe in quarantine!
It is so good to see you are doing well, Ilona…
Your selfie with the beach is wonderful!
I wish I could take a vacation, but, only time will tell. There is a lot going on up here in Missouri!
Missouri University, in Columbia, MO has had over 1100 cases of COVID-19 because the young adults refuse to follow the rules…
At least I have a semi-secure job and I don’t have to worry too much about catching it, yet. Halloween and Christmas should be interesting! 😛
Keep taking a break when you need it and keep doing good… you will make it! *hugs*
That was very smart of your husband.
Happy for you and your family!
It sounds as if that break was exactly what your family needed! My son is in his first year of college at a Florida state school and you obviously know how stressful it is to have a child far away and in a hot zone. Thankfully the University is taking campus safety and health very seriously. We took him down mid August and had to quarantine for 2 weeks on our return and honestly it was the first break I have had since January (pharmacy tech) It was a nice break. Give yourself another chance to take a breath.
YES! Congrats! A friend of mine actually fell into depression from the isolation (she belongs to the risk group). Treat yourself for you own emotional health and take the necessary measures when doing it.
Personally I am not really a people fan so your vacation sounds perfect to me 🙂
Santa Rosa looks wonderful. Glad you had a great time and got to exhale. Crazy that other people are oblivious to what is going on.
Thanks for the photos the water looks heavenly.
Courage ,at least you re all together and healthy,you could make believe your vacation’ s extended ,I would.
You married a good man.
Well it isn’t a Florida or Santa Rosa thing with the masks. I live in Peoria, Ill in a 15 story brick building, HUD low income elderly and ssi. more than half the people living here are high risk and 3/4 don’t wear masks and huddle in groups in the lobby, rec room and outside park area. Can’t blame them too much, this is a republican area and they go to FOX for their news and everyone is saying this is a hoax, when I point to the number of deaths, they say the number is inflated and only 1 in 10 of the deaths are corona, “the doctors are lying so that they get more money and publicity.” What a sad bit of business to depend on liars and conmen for the truth rather then scientists and doctors.
Yay!!! I’m so happy y’all were able to take a break and spend quality time with each other! And what a joy that you could do so in beautiful surroundings. 🙂
What awesome pictures! How terrific it is to recharge your energies and greet life renewed! Thanks for the reminder.
Sounds like you did everything right. Not too sure about the rest of the bozos, however. There’s a reason FL has a high positivity rate and high transmission.
Stay safe, stay well, KEEP WRITING but… no pressure.
It was a responsible way to holiday and somtimes you just need to get away. If I could I bloody well would! Rest, relax, pretend nothing exists – it sounds lovely.
Santa Rosa is lovely… I’m glad you took a breath. How thoughtful of Gordon.
You deserve a break!
That’s really great to hear! Sometimes it’s awesome to have someone in our life that takes control and takes care of us even when we feel there isn’t any possible way we can do something or to get away. The world didn’t end and you were all probably able to breathe, hopefully COVID free!
Gordon is a genius, of course.
So very glad you went, and that you were very careful.
Take a deep breath and start knitting something. The book is wonderful. You deserve some naps in a comfortable chair.
Masks are not a choice. They’re an IQ test.
I love this,I have to remember this one:)
As someone who’s lives near Santa Rosa beach (an hour away) it is a great place to visit but when you are local and you do see all the tourists not taking it seriously it is frustrating. It feels like you are living in a different reality then other people and you are scared to venture near them. I’m glad you got to experience some beauty from our area and try to relax.
So glad you took the well deserved break. What a good man! It looks idyllic. Great photos. Happy quarantining!
In these current times I found that a few days someplace different does wonders for your mental health. Sanitise everything, wear masks if near people not in your group and regularly sanitise, and wash your hands.
You and the beach look just beautiful!
Fantastic time out that you obviously needed. Staying safe and enjoying the beach.
So glad you were able to get out and relax.
I’ve been reading various trip reports and have come to realize it really does help a person’s mental health. Not to say one should throw caution to the wind but it doesn’t have to be a choice of being completely in a bubble vs. licking toilets.
Good luck on your quarantine.
Yaaaaaay! I’m glad you had a lovely time.
Great news – so glad for you!
Glad that you have some time off yourself. My 73-year old father is recovering from COVID. It hit his lungs and kidneys so were closely monitoring his vitals even after 2 weeks after his discharge. Hoping for this pandemic to go away so we can have some time away from the city. ????????
Oh, question for you. 12 hours in a car, what did you all listen to or do to pass the time?
If it was as relaxing as it looks on the pictures I am really glad that Gordon came up with the idea and you went. Nothing like a change of scenery to recharge the batteries and this was more than well deserved.
Hope you can still hear the ocean when you close your eyes and the memories will keep your spirit up when the usual stuff gets in the way (or the watermelon bandits reappear).
So much love! I’m so glad you went.
You did everything perfect! And still had a much needed vacation! There is nothing like being at the ocean to take your problems away or to a new perspective! I live in Switzerland but am originally from the North Sea coast of northern Germany. Last week I had the oppotunity to make a road trip with my friend, we drove right up north and had lots of wonderful walks at the beach! It was heaven! I even lost my dark marks under my eyes ;-)! So despite Corona: if you get the chance to care for your soul – do it! Bowing to Gordon for the lovely idea!!!
Greets from Switzerland
I’m so glad that you were able to get away from the stress for a few days. Kudos to Gordon for knowing that you all needed to take a safe vacation and finding a beautiful place where you all could decompress and simply enjoy the scenery and being with family. Hope that you all came home refreshed and continue to stay healthy. Take care.
I am so glad you went. I hope you have a wonderful time.
Ooooohhhhh, that sounds heavenly…. I so wish I could take a vacation just like that!! I need to exhale…
Well, living vicariously through my favorite authors!
thank you so much for sharing ????
That sounds amazing! I’m glad you went.
Glad you had an enjoyable trip. We all need a break.
So happy for you! A needed break after such hard work and success with EB! I think vacations like this will be the big thing in the next year, at least with those of us who understand what a pandemic is and take it seriously. So glad you were able to relax. Just remember that invigorating, fresh air and peaceful evening view any time life back home gets to be stressful again. 🙂
So so happy for your family to get a chance to breathe. Safely, masks, filters, and socially distanced ????. But breathe. Wishing rest on all of you, good health, and connectedness. I miss swimming most. Glad you got to swim.
Glad you and the family could get a way for a little while. Gordon deserves the two thumbs up award for best vacation idea.
Everyone on the west coast, please stay safe as possible. Everyone on the Gulf coast, please be safe too.
Glad our favorite writing duo got a short break. Love the green water!
Still looking for Ryder chapters every few days though. ????????????
My husband and I listen on audio when those come out, but until then we read out loud to each other from kindle or from print. Books are how we have traveled to other worlds while we raised our 8 sons (I gave up on having girls when the boys started arriving with a buddy in tow). And now as empty nesters after 56 years together and 38 grandchildren born and starting to marry, books are how we continue to travel. Awww, it is glorious.
Good for you!
Sometimes you just need a break and some new scenery. It refreshes you and gives you re-energizes you and provides new perspective. It sounds like you did everything possible to keep yourselves and others safe. The photos are beautiful and it sounds like you had a good time!
Sounds like a good vacation. Thank you for the post, house Andrews, we were starting to worry here.
I am proud that you wore masks and looked out for your fellow humans. It’s difficult to walk the high road of doing the proper things to protect yourself and others when others are so blatantly doing otherwise.
Enjoy your 2 weeks of quarantine with hopefully no adventures with the black and white mammal. Grin
Yeah, it is surreal here in Florida. We stay home, have things delivered or we pick up (no contact). We have not been in a restaurant since March. However, the rest of Florida is out and about and very few wear masks. If they wear them, their noses are hanging out… go figure!! Very frustrating.
Hope the quarantine goes well.
Good for you all! It was well deserved. Thank Gordon from all of us. My husband & I are both being careful. He has Type 2 diabetes & CHF. I have undifferentiated mixed connective disorder (i.e. symptoms from lots but nothing definitive) & am still recuperating from a bad accident nearly a year ago. He’s disabled & I am able to work from home. Even with 6 acres & no close neighbors it seems like a blessing to just go for groceries. We DEFINITELY mask, not everyone if FL is nuts. We’ve started short trips with the dog (she gets bored, too), usually about an hour or two. No mission, just exploring our world. Seeing what changes have occurred. Yesterday we drive the two hours to Jacksonville to check on my elderly brother in law. He lives in a high rise full of other elderly people. He was fine, but declined our invitation to come stay with us in the country. COVID has worked a miracle! It convinced my 74 yr old inlaw to quit smoking after nearly 60 years.
Everyone needs a break. Glad yours was good and you appear to be home safe. Once the fires are over, I’m thinking I need time away. Since I live close to ocean, looking toward mountains, maybe some snow. Anything that isn’t full of smoke. Hope you had a fun time.
Happy you took the time for yourselves and to decompress. You look like you enjoyed yourself. Oh, and your hair looks great!
I think it was good, mental health is also really important. Best wishes 🙂
So glad, well deserved. Clever thoughtful husband. Enjoy the holiday.
What a sweet smile. I know you had a great time. Good for you.
You will all be fine and you needed and deserved this!!! Mental health via time with nature is key to boosting the immune system. So happy for House Andrews!
Good for you guys ! Sometimes you need to disconnect.
So happy for you guys
I’m so glad you went. ♥️
So glad you got a chance to recharge! Good to see the smile & what wonderful views! Pull these pictures up when things get crazy again! There is peace in the world!
Did you leave any food out for the watermelon bandits?
Good for you getting a much needed vacation and taking all the appropriate precautions!
A well earned break!!
sounds wonderful
You’ve got a keeper there, glad you got to relax ,all of you.
Oh, it’s good to see you look so happy!
Im SOOOO happy for you!!!! Yay!
My God, you guys deserved it.
Gordon is the best! You needed this so much.
And you were smart about it.
We still have to live. We just have to do it wisely, with integrity for ourselves a d other, which you dod and are doing.
So glad you are ok, and had a good vacay. I need you guys to be ok. Haha.
My situation is not good and you two, help keep me going on rough days.
Thankyou for all you do for us and for taking care of yourselves.
Love the pitchers of the sunset thanks for sharing
I’m so proud of you! So very glad you got a little break!
Fantastic! Sometimes you just have to toss the dice and go. My husband and I are going to Asheville next Saturday. It will be our first in years too. We both work retail, are considered essential & are exposed on a daily basis for months now. We wear masks, practice safe distancing and scrub our hands like crazy. We understand & respect the fear of others. But if we have to work (home improvement) we are also going to enjoy our lives. I fought cancer 2 years ago and asked my husband when he was concerned “Are we going to wait until it comes back and then go when I’m too sick to enjoy it?” I say good for Gordon all of you needed the break!
Sounds like a very wise course of action to me. You guys deserve a break after The year you’ve been having!
I’m glad you took a break. Stress does horrible things to your immune system. I haven’t had a vacation since summer last year, but the next time our beaches open in 2 weeks, we’re going swimming. I hope you had a great time, some family and husband bonding, and feel refreshed.
You needed that!
Good for you! You deserve it! Glad you had a chance to relax!
I’m so glad that Gordon made this a mandatory family vacation (NO is not an option). I live in an island that we can drive around it within 90 minutes non-stop at 40mph. I had to pause when Gordon said it was a 12 hour drive. Wow! That’s a long drive – each direction. BUT, it soooo was worth it based on your comments! You all needed down time. I’m glad you all had a great and relaxing time together.
P.S.. I cannot believe that people are still Not wearing masks!?!!??
I think you guys were super responsible about it. I have been under a lot of stress lately with family and work stuff. I am to the point where I would like to disappear somewhere for a few days and be “unreachable” so I can breathe a bit.
I haven’t been to the ocean in so long. My work would flip out if I went to Maine though.
Maybe I can just take a long weekend at a lake campground here in Vermont. But I am sure the Leaf Peepers have already booked everything up… *sigh*
Bonnes Vacances! So glad that you all took some well diserved rest and mental respite from all the crazyness and your taxing job.
Hope you all recharged your inner batteries and feel refreshed!
Ocean part is key. Relaxing is not underrated at all. Glad for y’all!! ????????
It looks gorgeous. Well done Gordon, glad he whisked u away, beasties n all. We’ve been in urban lockdown for months n im ready to kill for some beach time ????
Really happy for you! This was a great surprise, so thoughtful of Gordon.
and thank you for the pictures!
I hope you feel all rested, I wish you the best for the next 15 days.
In France, they’ve changed the quarantine to 7 days instead of 14, it seems that this period is the most important and it makes it easier to adhere to it.
You look happy!!.
What a beautiful place, I hope you enjoyed. Unexpected holiday are the best to me ????
So happy you and the family had a great vacation!!!
Personally, I think the beach is one of the safest places to go. We’re spending as much time as we can outside now before it gets too cold. I think this will be a very hard winter. I’m glad you had a chance to relax.
Good for you! In crazy times it’s important to keep perspective and take care of yourself.
Out of curiosity what did you do with the animals? I only have two dogs and it’s a major production whenever I go back to visit my family (14 hour drive which requires at least 2 gas stops unless I’m very very lucky and additional doggy potty breaks).
Awww. You look so happy!
Sounds like you really needed a break. You were careful so I don’t think it’s an issue you went on vacation for a bit. Mental health is also important.
Working hard without any rest is no life. Good for you taking a well earned vacation. Florida is also one of my favourite destinations.
Glad you had a well-deserved vacation. The ocean is a great relaxer.
Wonderful! With the precautions, you were not at an increased risk and we all need to breathe now. Its been a long haul.
Glad you got a vacation!
What glorious pictures, thank you so much for sharing them. I am breathing, and have joy in my heart. p.s. LOVE Emerald Blaze, great work!!
Good for you, in every way! We took our annual extended-family beach vacation in July, but we didn’t do any of the casual shopping, boat/board rentals, or restaurant meals we normally do. Just went from the house to the beach and park, walks around the neighborhood, and a careful couple of trips to the outdoor farmers’ market and grocery store, all with masks on face indoors and on persons outdoors to wear as needed. No infections, thank goodness. Hope you all got through it safely as we did.
It’s good that Gordon recognized the need for a break and did something about it! The pictures are amazing and I’m sure the benefits will last beyond the week you were off relaxing. I was on a long-awaited vacation just before COVID shut everything down, and the glorious memories have carried me through quite a few difficult moments since — I put a couple of favorite photos on my work desktop and screensaver so I see them quite a lot, and it reminds me to breathe.
And EMERALD BLAZE was wonderful – I’m on my third re-read and noticing more details every time!
It looks perfect! Oh I am so happy for you guýs! Glad you were able to de-stress a bit
I hope you had fun! Well deserved.
Also I SO appreciate all of your covid caution. I live in a tourist town, and it’s be so nice if people who visited were more like you!
What a wonderful husband!!! ????????????????????
I’m so glad you didn’t talk him out of going. He was right – you and your family needed a break to recharge. I’m so glad you were able to isolate and still enjoy beautiful weather, the beach and ocean.????????
Go Gordon!! The look on your face says everything! So glad you took the plunge.
You needed the break and did everything right. You were masked and outdoors with a lovely ocean breeze……you should be fine! Goodness knows the last 18 months have been very difficult and wearing on all of you.
So happy you were finally able to take that deep breath and RELAX
What a beautiful respite for your family. I am retired military and a lot of my co-workers either moved to Florida or spend time there. They share their photos of fishing, swimming on the beach, etc and there is not a mask in sight. I’m glad you were able to travel safely and responsibly. Good on ya!
I’m glad you enjoyed your break. My fingers are crossed for your quarantine time.
Congratulations! Can’t think of anyone who deserves it more!
In case you don’t already know: I nominated the Innkeeper’s Chronicles Series for Chris Brecheen’s pool, ‘Best contemporary fantasy book (or series) written after 2009.’ Some people had nominated the Kate Daniels series but the date requirement made it ineligible. You’ll be happy to know that you won, with nearly 44% of the vote. http://www.chrisbrecheen.com/2020/09/best-contemporary-fantasy.html
I am sooooo happy for you. Other people and masks….well what can you do? Last weekend we had a memorial for a first cousin, 54 years old, no underlying health conditions, who passed away from COVID in March.
We can’t help what other people do, we can only protect ourselves, and our loved ones.
BUT YAY for vacation!!!!!! Major goo goo points for Gordon.
I’m glad it was a vacation and not a disaster. Under the circumstances, I was beginning to worry – I live in Oregon, but I have been hearing what’s going on in the rest of the country.
Take care.
Yay for Gordon! Great way to take care of everybody. Speaking from a strictly neutral viewpoint, WE NEED YOU TO KEEP IT TOGETHER FOR OUR PERSONAL SELFISH REASONS!
Oh! My drool is three feet long! I live in CA’s SF Bay Area, and flat-out forgot the sky could be blue. Very happy to see the pics and live vicariously through your real-life adventures, as I do your fictional work. 🙂
(PS: That pic I sent? That was 10AM a few days ago.)
When did they transport the West Coast to Mars?
We are so frustrated living in the Flori_DUH part of Florida nearThe Villages.
They cancelled BikeWeek here back in Feb when we had about 200 cases. Today we have over 7,000 cases in our county and the commissioners are sill weighing their options about cancelling the event again. ( Daytona is going ahead with their Biketober Fest, so it must be OK.) I saw a clip on TV today of a man who said he wore a mask for 3 months to no avail, because there is no covid. I’m beginning to understand cult mentality. Socialists have proved in studies that once someone has decided on an issue, there is only a 2% chance that they will reverse their thinking, no matter what evidence they are given.
I am glad you were able to get away for a little while.???? You always work way too hard. We will still read everything you publish, even if it’s just 1 book a year. That would be a lot better than compromising your immune systems do to a crushing work load and getting sick again, or worse, or just burning out. ❤️
Such a beautiful place. I have a friend in FL who says it’s crazy there nobody takes this seriously. I hope you are all well.
I am glad you got away. Hats off for staying as safe as possible.
I ‘m so happy for you, that you had a good vacation and relaxed, and stayed safe. We usually vacation on St. George’s Island – it’s our happy place.
This almost made me cry. Thank you Gordon for taking care of Ilona.
Relationship goals: Find a man who loves you so much he knows what you need even when you’re too stressed/overwhelmed/exhausted too know it yourself.
So glad you could relax and enjoy being with your family,
Take care ~~
I’m very glad that you took some time to depressurize. It looked lovely….
Best photo I’ve seen of Ilona in a long time. I’m glad you exhaled, finally. The photos are stunning, the beach is gorgeous, and your eyes are bright and shining and happy. Yes, you have to quarantine, but you’ve been doing that since March, anyway, struggling to avoid this pandemic. We all have. Gordon, you fixed a lot with that vacation. SO good to hear you held to the social distancing the entire time! I’ve been kind of worried with no posts, but I’m glad you just stopped and rested and enjoyed yourselves.
Soul Food is what my dad called what you and your family did ???? at some point we have to feed our souls in order for us to survive day in and day out. I pray and hope that you and the family are well and that you don’t have any germs , But I am really glad to hear that you all got out and about and especially at the beach. I have to tell you being stuck in the deserts of Arizona sucks and I’m terribly jealous that you got to go enjoy it at the beach but in the best way possible. Thank you for sharing your pictures????
You are smart and beautiful and talented. Happy you got away to de-stress. Florida people….wear you %$*# masks! Unbelievable.
This bloody virus would be a fraction as deadly without all the stupid people. I live in SC, and we’re stupid people wall-to-wall.
Glad you have a great vaycay.
Your vacation sounds heavenly. So glad you took a break.
I came back today just to bask in the tranquil scenery. I’ll probably be basking a lot . . .
You deserve to enjoy this beautiful world with the people who matter most to you. You were as safe as you could be in the environment you were in. You are doing a responsible follow up and I hope you are relaxed.
That is awesome! Way to go! I’m so glad you got that you finally got a real relaxing break 🙂
So beautiful. Gordon RULES! Thanks for being SAFE and sharing you holiday pics!! (It makes me so emotional reading that people are not in masks.)
Sometimes you just have to stop and breathe. Good for all of you going with your masks!! People are strange! 200,000 dead in the US alone but for them it’s over. Sheesh! Anyhoo…it looks lovely and relaxing and I’m so glad you all went! Thank you for sharing.
This is awesome that you guys got the time with your family to relax, and you were conscientious about keeping safe during COVID times. We shouldn’t put our lives on hold completely and indefinitely, and glad that you guys have adjusted to find your new normal :).
So wonderful that you were able to destress with your family next to a beautiful beach!
Wishing you well from my corner of the world in NZ
Glad you took the time for a vacation! Envious of your trip to the beach.
Sometimes you have to take a risk. Unfortunately, this time is all about how much risk we choose. It sounds like you did fabulous in minimizing your risk while still taking some much needed R&R. The pictures are gorgeous!
Thank you for the update. It’s wonderful you all had a good time.
I’m so thrilled you all had a vacation and you did it so smartly! Santa Rosa is a very pretty beach and I love your photos! Yeah Yeah Yeah! I hope everyone is staying healthy and relaxed. Cheers!
What a beautiful looking place. When we didn’t hear from you for a week I was hoping that meant you were taking break. I really hope it recharged your batteries sufficiently.
I am so glad you did this! I had a feeling you were taking a break and I am so glad to hear that you took some time for yourself and your family. Thanks for taking the proper precautions, I see so many people ignoring them as well and I worry for all the others whom they put at risk. Love your vacation pics!
I’m just happy that the baby is okay!!! After I read the book, I was horrified at the thought that this tiny little newborn was being kidnapped, and I’m SO happy to read this and find it isn’t so!
I wish the rest of people were so responsible.
My family just got back from our yearly trip to Santa Rosa Beach on Saturday. We all needed the change of scenery. We were surprised by how many people didn’t wear masks in public when we drove through town. Like you were stayed at the condo enjoying the view and swimming during the quieter times. The water was so calm it really refreshed us all. And as usual we overpacked a little on food. I’m so glad you got to experience out favorite vacation spot. Thankfully it had so many fewer people than the usual insanity over the holiday. We all look forward to the post season exodus but our vacation schedules the last few years mean it has to start during the holiday.
Sometimes in the middle of all that is happening is the best time to take a break….and breathe. Good for Gordon to just book it and drag you all along. Life happens when we are too focused on what we have to get done because deadlines.
Now I have to get back to writing and figure out how to use inkscape.
I live on the Gulf Coast of Florida-where everyone else is coming to GET AWAY! Believe me we are not the only ones who are nuts during covid. I see them every day. Its like “Hey, I’m not at home! Lets infect the populace and leave!” Yikes! If we get desperate we go to our lake house and sit on the swing by the water and zone out with a pina colada! Private lake near Silver Springs with nobody but us usually! YAY!
Oh I mean’t to post in defense of Gulf Coasters. Everyone in Alabama and Mississippi and Georgia heads to the Gulf Coast beaches, its the TOURISTS but not just them, not wearing masks. But mostly right? right…..
Keep safe in the storm.
Thanks for sharing the pics. I’m glad that you got away from it all, for a little while. 🙂
My hubby has to step in to get me to unplug from the craziness, too. That’s why we keep them around, I guess – that and the whole pickle jar-opening thing. 😉
Take care.
That is great that you got to take a break!!! 🙂 Like you, I DON’T understand the no masks and eating in restaurants thing. I will go occasionally with mask on to pick up food I ordered, but I won’t eat in one. The air is recirculated by the AC, it doesn’t stay 6 feet away…sigh. But I also have had two family members get COVID, one recovered and one passed away.
Glad you could exhale!
Funny how people feel so safe at the beach. I do too. But I wear my mask indoors by golly. Not safe indoors.
Do glad you guys could unwind a bit! Lovely place!
Glad to hear you were able to take that breath. It’s always nice to reach that point. Props to Gordon for knowing what needed to be done. I hope you had tons of fun and the pictures are lovely!
Whoohoo! Go Gordon! Sooooo glad y’all took some much needed time off. I just read the shutting off social media post. Good for you. Rest, write, live. We adore y’all and want you to be happy, not stressed. So know we’ll be here to read your books when they are released. You get to live your lives as YOU see fit.
My family did the same thing. We’ve been taking isolation seriously since March, by August we were facing psychological issues.
We booked a beach house for a week, avoiding the locals, and restaurants.
We were still isolating, but with ocean views and beautiful weather.
It was a mental health requirement, we all felt much more like ourselves,and recharged. Just in time for virtual school.
You look so happy! Wonderful! We needed a getaway and got a lake house, and besides smelling like, well urine, the view was amazing and I totally understand feeling like you can take a breathe and exhale. We left once for A few groceries we forgot to pack. I cooked beautiful delicious meals and baked goods on our short, late summer vacation. You should plan another trip, you deserve it!!
Good for you that youe have a vacation