Hi everyone, Mod R here.

House Andrews, as you know, are hard at work on new projects (some of you have guessed which), and with a release approaching, I thought it was time for another quintessentially chernobogian quiz by yours truly.
Disclaimer: You know I set tricky questions. l love you…but I’m also evil. It’s all intended for entertainment though and doesn’t actually mean anything. Should it prompt you to do a reread, oh well, someone has to sacrifice. But please don’t go through with the quiz if you think the result could make you real-life upset.
I was going to post just brief answers in the comments, but seeing how there are requests for in-depth explanations, here they are.
Unexpected first💃💃💃
I am so smart! SMRT!!! This was fun and made you have to think about all the different Kate books! Thanks Mod R
55%. Not good enough!
Weird way to start the week… thanks!
Same 🙌 Dum Dum Dum
I’m confused. My score was 55.56%. I thought I did better than that. Also, even with the bonus question, that’s a weird percentage. Fun quiz, though. Thanks.
Completely ditto.
Same! I’m very disappointed. I think the scoring may be wrong, I see everyone having the same score.
Hi Greta,
The scoring isn’t wrong, I tested it myself going though the permutations with correct and incorrect answers before I published it 🙂 . You can see comments from people who got different scores, but probably a lot are falling into the same mischievous traps.
I did however ask you to not take the quiz if you think the result could have adverse reactions, it’s something meant for fun and a rereading honeypot, it’s not worth real world distress. This will probably be the last quiz I devise, the last thing I want is to cause anyone upset.
They are fun, Mod R! Please make more!
I had a lot of fun with this. Sometimes the correct answers were no fun, so I picked another. I still scored over 55%. Please keep doing them, block the complainers.
Have a fun day, Mod R!!!!!!
Ditto – the sky _should_ dream of dragons! And Teddy Jo totally deserves romance! 😉
Like with your quizzes, ModR, succeeding with 100% of a horde is impossible and it should not ruin your fun! If you have fun making the quizzes, the large majority will have fun taking them 😊
Please make more quizzes, Mod R. You have a gift for hilarious content. The less sense the quizzes make, the better imo. And I request that you continue to include Jimothy, a quiz character destined to make poor life choices. This must have been a lot of work and you are appreciated!
I had 100%, because I went with the fun/most amusing answer.
(Actually 44%, because I haven’t reread the books in a while and have too many different magic-mythic-folklores floating around in my head.)
Don’t take those people seriously, Mod R . The Quiz was a hoot!!! Too fun! More please!
This was totally fun, even with my bad score. Don’t let any complainers ruin it! Thanks Mod R!
Greta, I have 77% and I wrote the damn books. 😀 The scoring is right, it’s just that there are a lot of words and they were years ago.
Hahaha 😝 😅😂🤣
I, too, read books, drink tea, and know things! Woo-hoo! Thanks Mod R, very enjoyable.
Bouwahahaha !! 🤣🤣🤣
There is a plot.
9 questions … so # correct divided by 9 gives a decimal percentage like 88.89% for 8 right, 55.56% for 5 right, etc.
Did I miss the answers somehow?
Also, I apparently sprout metal feathers, so I have material for Team Rose.
You don’t sprout them, you cough them, which is simultaneously better and worse 😂
Better a cough than they use the other exit. Ouch.
either way, those feathers are disquieting! Do I turn into a Stympahalian Bird or did I eat one in an unremembered shift…
well, I died tragically
Everyone survives! 🤗
44.4% and I survived the shift, but the tragedy is the correct answers aren’t given afterwards! AHHHHH!!!! Now I have to research why I am coughing up metal feathers. 🙁
LOL Time for a reread!
You probably ate a Stymphalian bird and don’t remember 😉
Can we get the right answers after the quiz, I’m curious what I missed? 😊 Thank you!
Request for right answers, or at least, where are all the dragons I missed? (I would have guessed “2”.)
The question includes the books from Kate’s POV and alternate character POVs…
I won’t give the right answers until more people take it, otherwise it’s no fun.
I can give you a hint though: Kate gets into fights with 3 dragons just in her books. And not all dragons are bellicose towards our cast 😉
That question threw me off cause I didn’t know if we were including siblings of a *cough* known dragon…or if someone else technically counted as a dragon, since I believe he doesn’t have legs, which means he could also be considered a wyrm….and I’ll just see myself out here.
I was thrown off by the picture of the bird lady. It was used before but this question was referencing someone else. Tricky, tricky.
This was fun.
😈 I did give evilness disclaimers
So I didnt count the sea dragon, but I did include the dragon Kate saw during the flare in Magic Burns. I don’t think that dragon was ever identified.
Ouch, only a third correct – better catch some z’s and try again in the morning when my brain starts braining again 😉
PS Thanks for the quiz ModR, fun as always!
This was fun. Made me dredge through the old memory bank. I missed 4 dragons or so, especially Chernebog’s!
I’d be happy to take one every month or 2. Good reason to reread the books.
See, perfect illustration why the scores don’t matter, we all read the books in our way and different stuff sticks in our mind, as it should be!
The scene where Aspid gives Roman kisses like Dino in the Flinstones lives rent free in my brain, I think of him before I think of Yu Fong! That’s definitely not other people’s experience, going by the answers 😅.
When I did the Innkeeper quiz, I asked about the Chatty Cathy joke that cracks me up every time in Sweep of the Blade and something similar happened 😂
55.56% ok, not great. Funnily enough, the results blurb said “Well done!
You sleep with Bullfinch’s Mythology under your pillow and it shows. All your friends come to you with their magical creature problems; you can spot a badzula by smell alone and a marakihan even in stormy waters. You have promising career opportunities with both the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid and the Guild of Mercenaries.”
High praise for a 55%
Getting over half is an amazing result! The Book Devouring Horde are always so hard on themselves and their scores.
I got 66.7% and the same explanation. 😁
I’d rather be with the mercenaries than the Order unless the Order has a clam bake party. 🤣😉
I wonder how many members of the BDH are already planning to celebrate release day by having clams for dinner that day? I know I am!! 😂
Me too. 😂
Sadly, I’m not. I’d like to live long enough to read Magic Clams…um, Claims.
Ditto! 🙂 I’m curious as to which ones I missed. I def. guessed two but fun:)
Woot! Merc inbound! 66.67%
L8ve the kitty puc going with my results! 😹
“Well done!
You sleep with Bullfinch’s Mythology under your pillow and it shows. All your friends come to you with their magical creature problems; you can spot a badzula by smell alone and a marakihan even in stormy waters. You have promising career opportunities with both the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid and the Guild of Mercenaries.
Your score is 66.67%”
I love that you give nebulous answers for some of the questions. Will eagerly look forward to the correct ones.
so much fun…. 55.56%
I’ll survive the shift LOL
but looking forward to the answers
44%. So at least I survived the Shift, but I may be hiding a secret within me.
Woo-hoo! 77.78%!
Thanks ModR, that was so fun!! It took me a minute to understand the rattatuille joke, but I lost it at the popcorn!!
Oh no! I will have to hunker down and re-read the series. (Grabs blanket and kindle) I will make that sacrifice in the name of survival. 😁
😂😂TricksyMod R is making me second guess answers I’m pretty sure are right. But I guess pretty sure isnt good enough. This was fun though! I have absolutely nothing to do today so I tried a couple times. The highest I got was 66.67. Gonna go watch tv with the kids and come back later to try again some more.
I won’t complain. I think middle-of-the-road is vastly underrated!
88.89%! I really want to know which ones I got wrong x_x
Me too!
8/9 I don’t think Q10 counted in the scoring.
The point being, you only got 1 answer wrong. :^)
Can I join your gang/neighborhood/company/family? Pritty please, oh person who outscored Ilona?
If 55.56% means I sleep with Bullfinch’s Mythology under my pillow, this was a tough quiz.
Regarding the bonus question, a definitive answer depends on a question…
do griffin lay eggs or give live birth?
Ooo. Wait…don’t platypus lay eggs?
I say we go break those boundaries and plump for ovoviviparity 😂😂😂
Yes platypuses lay eggs & some species of snakes/fish bear live young (I believe, though those nature shows wer awhile ago).
Snakes do both.
Some mammals lay eggs…
Wait! why weren’t all those other comments visible before I answered?
Also, do they lactate? since they have a lions body I think it’s likely they both lactate and give birth to live young so obviously a mammal, d’oh
Well, the good news is you survived the Shift.
The bad news is that magic has awoken a creature INSIDE you, and you can’t even identify which one it is. Better start rereading up, this morning you woke up coughing metal feathers.
Your score is 44.44%
Ok i want to see what I got wrong. And obviously reread everything!
Fun quiz! 66.7 – looking forward to the answers!
Well, I did a whole lot better than I expected. I was only sure of one answer and sort of on a few, while winging it on the rest and I got over 77%. Lucky guesses. Fun quiz 😜
That was fun. Thanks for taking the trouble to put this together.
66.67 not bad legit got stumped by two questions. Fun quiz though
That was fun, even tho I’m obviously toast at 44.44% hehe. Thanks!!
Ok. 1st time was 66%. Took a little while to get 100%. Tricky, tricky, Mod R.
That’s my middle name 😂
It’s a mammal. Sure it lays eggs but so does the platypus. And it needs to be a mammal or else I can not be a wereGriffin and that would make me sad.
Don’t mammals suckle their young? I wouldn’t want to nurse anything with a beak.
Maybe they have soft beaks when they are young? And they harden as they get older? After all chickens are born with teeth. Or rather a egg tooth that falls off so why couldn’t griffins be born with soft beaks that harden? And if they have a lion’s body they would have the necessary equipment to nurse.
exactly. Lion torso means lion mammary glands. Definitely a mammal.
I’m not so sure about that–the were-alligator family of Hugh’s would disagree!
66.67% meh, it’s not what I was hoping for but I’ll take it😅
66.67% well, I’ve read the books; several times, listened to them all on Audible so the only answer is to get them all on Graphicaudio…. really it’s the only answer..🤣🤣.
So much fun!
Fun! You’re the bee’s knees, Mod R!
Graphic Audio is super wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!
Im happyish
Gunna try again and see where I went wrong
But damn that was enjoyable
Well, took it again and got 66.67%. Looking forward to seeing the answers heh
Folks, we’re all going to die if we’re depending on me. I will gladly sign up for side-kick or snarky minion duties.
Thanks for the fun quiz, ModR.
Loved it!
66.67%, I’ll take it! I don’t sleep with Bullfinch’s Mythology under my pillow, but it is on my nightstand. I have read it almost completely. I’m currently rereading Magic Slays for the hundredth time and then I’m on to Magic Bleeds.
44.4 mainly because i was answering silly! but hey! i survived the shift and am now coughing metal feathers! I like it.
55.56 % I will take that! fun quiz! thanks mod 4!
Thanks Mod R for the fun!
I’m fine with the score I got considering I’m not feeling well and guessed on some of the answers.
I think the ones we get right highlight in green quickly before going to the next question. If they’re wrong, they flash red real quick. 🤔
I can’t say I’ve noticed it doing that, but my eyesight is not the best!
Don’t think so. Mine all flashed green (except the bonus) and my score was 55.56% That Mod R is soooo tricky!
True, Mod R is very tricky.
I wanted to throw it out there just in case the BDH starts a conspiracy thought. 😉
Two more weeks to Magic Claims (or Clams)!
Do griffins lay eggs or live young? That’s the answer
On the contrary, I think that is the question! 😀
Actually, the question would be, do griffins lactate/possess mammary glands or not? If yes, then mammal, if no, then probably bird.
Also, can you or House Andrews recommend a good book about Russian/Slavic/etc mythology? It’s much harder to find books about that, than about, say, Greek mythology.
I think the starting point there is definitely the Russian Fairy Tales collection by Alexander Afanasyev 🙂
Oh that was sooooo much fun, even though I pretty much flunked. Guess I need to start re-reading the ENTIRE series. Oh well, it was so much fun the first time, that a re-read isn’t going to be a chore. Maybe when I’m laid up after back surgery next month I can do a binge-read of KD.
33.33% and there i thought i did better … oh well… it has been a very dry reading season… so i guess a revisit is in order .. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
thank you Moderator R… please make more….
Loved that – and the cat poster at the end!
88.89% so would love to know which I misremembered!
What’s the story behind the Gryphon question ModR? Who be ye arguing with?
My friends, it got very heated at the weekend lol. We basically recreated the viral “The Wicked Witch of the East, bro!” https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/wicked-witch-of-the-east-bro (warning for very passionate shouting 😀 )
I can divulge now that the griffin question does not influence the score hehe. I just wanted to see what people say 😀
Wahahaha I’d love to see a pie chart on what the BDH thinks 😂
Mostly that it’s unfair 😂
So much fun. ModR, hats off to you for coming up with a quiz that is hard to second guess and makes me laugh and want to choose all the answers! I have put in a good word for you with Chernabog. I also love that you are shipping Teddy Jo and Sandra.
I thought my score wasn’t so great until I got here – 66.67%. Am I correct in suspecting T/F quizzes drive you crazy too?
66.67%. Expected to score more.
I enjoyed it. But you are a wicked woman — I want to know which ones I missed, since I got a 55.56. I felt bad about that until I saw a lot of people got the same. Considering how many times I’ve read or listened to the whole damn series, the fact you stumped me so often indicates you are indeed tricksy.
Super fun! Did poorly, but am not upset about it. (It’s been a while since I read many of the books.) Please do more. Can I see the correct answers somewhere? I have no idea what the answers are to some of them.
yes, answers please
I didn’t do well, but it was fun. Made me laugh. Thanks.
My score was terrible but it was still a fun quiz!
I’m feeling pretty good about it considering I’ve been rereading Dina lately.
I’ve got to get Bullfinch’s Mythology from under my pillow and start actually reading it, I guess (55.56%). Orrrr….do I hear a re-read calling? Yooohoooo! 🙂
i chose the *fun* answers rather than the ones i guessed to be correct, hehehe! so i scored 22% and am coughing metal feathers. now i’m gonna try again.
55/. Lol. Fun quiz
I drink tea and know things lol
Well done!
You sleep with Bullfinch’s Mythology under your pillow and it shows. All your friends come to you with their magical creature problems; you can spot a badzula by smell alone and a marakihan even in stormy waters. You have promising career opportunities with both the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid and the Guild of Mercenaries.
Your score is 55.56%
I love you mod r
Tbh though, I do not need to survive the shift.
Post shift life is a big no thanks, I want internet, and reliable transportation 😅
Oops, my comment went in as a reply>>>
88.89%. Pretty proud of that score! Mad that I missed one… and not sure which it is. I’m pretty sure griffins would birth rather than lay an egg so I said mammal, was that it? I didn’t run from the bird lady, was that my mistake? Ha ha. Is there an answer key somewhere? If not, I might need to do it again to get 100%! 😅
Fun quiz!
oh boy i scored so bad. 🤪 But totaly ok, thanks for the quiz. It was entertaining ❣️👍
I love it….I have survived but changed. Woot woot😀😀. Have to identify these metal feathers so I can narrow down what I am now by my inability to digest them.
33% when I pick all the fun answers & 77% when I try to pick all the correct answers. I’m happy that I’m on the same level with Ilona. I’m just curious which ones she missed. I look forward to seeing all the correct answers. Thanks for a fun quiz, Mod R.
This was so fun!! More!! **buys mythology books**
Took the quiz twice, and even tried to think more/pick different answers still got 55.6% ; I think I really do need to get that poster though
Well, I suppose 66.67% can technically be rounded up to 66.7 because getting a 666, even with a decimal point would be just…weird. 😉 I, too, am curious about the real answers and I’m totally stealing the “badge” that popped up–except I dring coffe, not tea. Just sayin’…
Wow! I sucked 😳😂 Just 33% correct. That’s OK, it was great fun.
Whoa scored 88.89% Yea!! all day I will be pondering the pros and cons of choosing a career in the Guild of Mercenaries versus the Knights of Merciful Aid??? Decisions, decisions…. Nick Uncle Stupid Head as a boss or hmmm who is currently head of the Guild – Curran in absentia? Barabas? Who is on site handing out the work?? Leaning towards the Guild….
Mod R, Which ones did I get wrong?
😂😂😂😂😂33.3%. I really thought I was doing good. Cool can’t wait to do another
66.67%, a little less than I expected. I blame Jimothy, the name distracted me 🤣🤣🤣
That was really well done, Mod R! I did lousy, but that’s OK. I love your quizzes regardless of how I do.
That was fun, though I may need to refresh my knowledge since I got a 66.67%🙈!
77.8% looking forward to the correct answers. Loved, how you formulated the answers and the little puns.
“ Well done!
You sleep with Bullfinch’s Mythology under your pillow and it shows. All your friends come to you with their magical creature problems; you can spot a badzula by smell alone and a marakihan even in stormy waters”…. Lol love it…. 66.67%
I’m currently at Barnes & Noble confused as to why Joseph Campbell’s Hero with 1000 faces is being sold under “Fiction.” … 😎📚
Was the dragon kid in Julie’s school a were-dragon or a were-human?
Neither. He’s a dragon.
Wow, 66.67%! I thought I’d done much worse. Such a fun quiz. Please do some more, they really add a spark of fun to my week.
100%! Do I need other hobbies or do I just surrender to my KD obsession?
Wow! You outscored everyone including Ilona. 😁
Well done!
You sleep with Bullfinch’s Mythology under your pillow and it shows. All your friends come to you with their magical creature problems; you can spot a badzula by smell alone and a marakihan even in stormy waters. You have promising career opportunities with both the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid and the Guild of Mercenaries.
Your score is 55.56%
I had to resist picking the Jeannie Frost answer…
This was so much fun….thanks
Mod R! 😁
77,78! My choices were based on vague feelings of ”this one”. Very few clear memories. Fun!
77.78% not sure how I got that score but I’ll take it. Such a fun quiz.
Fun! Thanks Mod R ! You are the best!
So evil sorceress, we’re all average book hoarders. (55.56 percenters all around)
Thanks for making me think too hard on the last day of my vacation.
I have read those books like 15 times each…. I am seriously questionning my memory´s abilities…
It’s allergy season, so the coughing first thing after I wake up does definitely feel like metal feathers! (I would mention this at my next appointment, but my pulmonologist does not have a sense of humor. Oy.)
Thanks for the fun quiz! 🪶🪶🪶
Looking forward to the next one!! 📚😁
I got 77.78%
Look mom! I’m so proud of myself!
Clearly a re read is in order at 11%. 🤣 Although some of the answers were more fun to chose than the correct ones. Thanks for the quiz!
Very much fun! Helps me as I wait for “clams”!
That was so much fun! I almost chose answers that I knew weren’t right, but they were so much fun in what they said lol. A few I just took a stab in the dark, because I really could not remember, they sounded about right. Got over 88%, so hey…😃.
Well, the answer about the griffin depends on how they feed their young, as far as I’m concerned! Milk or no milk? I don’t remember that being addressed in KD world.
That’s why the questions says “Bonus question, not related to Kate Daniels” 🙂
Echidnas and platypuses lay eggs but are still mammals.
44.44% but I had fun 😂
66.67%. i do not, contrary to apparently popular belief, sleep with bullfinch’s under my pillow. it’s on the book shelf with the rest of my mythology books.
i’d have gotten higher but i was seduced by the snark. thanks, mod r, that was fun!
77.78 Not too shabby.
22%! Still super fun!!
33.3%! How sad. But I survived! Probably not for long, but hey, it would be a fun ride.
You crack me up Mod R, that was fun 😊 I took it, passed pretty good and waited a bit and took it again once I thought about the books some…and failed! I second guessed myself too much round 2 trying to do better. Sneaky sneaky on some of those answers, but that’s why you get paid the big bucks! I vote to rename you Mod I (for Ilona Andrews-pedia!!!)
@mod R – Is there some sort of lore tracker you have access to, or did you just know these things?!?! incredible! (also, if there is a lore tracker, how would one go about inquiring about access to it? I’ve always wanted to run a dnd campaign set within Kate’s world but would be easier with some sort of cheat sheet)
The lore tracker is being plugged into the BDH, I’m afraid 😅.
Most of these are devised around bits people are recurrently confused about, because I like to do double duty with my quizzes hehe.
For example, every now and again someone will post and say “Wouldn’t Kate just be able to defeat the Upir with Slayer in Magic Bites? It’s made of bone.”, so I knew there should be a trap question about him being afraid of bones in general, rather than specifically bones of his prey, which are actually the only ones that can affect him.
And others are just subjectively the things I like the most, which obv will differ from person to person. You’ll notice a predilection for Eastern European mythology questions- because I’m Eastern European 😅.
I received 22.2% and I love my score because, for me, the snarky options were the most fun to pick. Where else can you take a quiz, have a blast, and there aren’t any “ripper cushions” Go Mod R!!!!
Re-reading for the tenth time from Magic Triumphs:
Christopher’s expression sharpened, growing somehow more fragile. “The two of you only remember the man in the cage. Before that I was the Legatus of the Golden Legion. I murdered my way to the top. I committed atrocities. And unlike Hugh, I have nobody to blame but myself. I own everything I’ve done. I did it because I wanted power. I must live with it. Hugh lives with his memories. It will be his choice to atone for what he has done, or not. But I’ve forgiven Hugh, because if I don’t forgive him, there is no hope for forgiveness for someone like me.”
Can’t answer that. I’ve my own anchors.
Fun! Thank you for the in depth questions explanations
hahahaha, I did expect that
I have been there. With 20 people in the ER. All saying to my daughter say goodbye.
I’m still here, five years later. Million to one odds.
I thank my family.
Mod R. How about Yu Fong’s brothers?
Great quiz!!! thank you!
They exist but they’re not heavily featured in the books. We hear other descriptions of dragons at times, Persian dragons, proto-dragons etc, but I (semi-fairly) went with the ones that at least make a more substantial appearance- in fight scenes or memorable dragon kisses moments 😉
77.78%! That was fun!
You are tricksy Mod R! Please keep giving us more quizzes whenever you’re up to making one. 😁
Now to go read the explanations…
Loved this! So much fun! Thanks Mod R 🙂
44.4%!? I’m in trouble! 😆
That was fun…Thanks
great questions mod R, very trisksky
Well that was meh. Lol I didn’t do awful but not good either. I haven’t read the newer ones just yet so I had to guess on those.
Well damn, I have to reread the books. This is fun! 😊
Gryphons are definitely mammals. Is anybody expecting an egg to come out of the lion part?
Thank you! That’s exactly my reasoning too.
Pliny the Elder says that griffins lay eggs, but his writings are, as scholars delicately put it, of “uneven accuracy”.
I’m not letting a person who thought headaches can be cured by tying a fox phallus to one’s forehead contradict my logic!
No comment to the third sentence. All I’m doing is this: 😲🤣🤣🤦♀️
Loved it Mod R, well done!
Only 44% but I did pick a lot of fun answers as opposed to thinking about it 😀
66.67% not bad, but I feel a reread coming on.
Wow, thanks! I could only come up with 3 dragons, so that answer was especially interesting. Need to go back and reread Magic Mourns! I have no memory of the three headed dragon at all, altho I do remember her eating the apple. And I totally forgot about Sirin, too. Fun quiz!
Well done!
You sleep with Bullfinch’s Mythology under your pillow and it shows. All your friends come to you with their magical creature problems; you can spot a badzula by smell alone and a marakihan even in stormy waters. You have promising career opportunities with both the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid and the Guild of Mercenaries.
Your score is 77.78%
Considering Ilona got that, I don’t think I can complain about my score. 😀
I missed 1 and 7. I considered the right answer on both of them, but wasn’t sure.
Shouldn’t “chernobogian” be capitalized, since it’s based on a proper noun?
(Not a grammar Nazi, more of a grammar Storm Trooper.)
Okay, so, this is awesome. And griffins are mammals, they “lay” babies and that’s that. I started with ~33%, reset & then got ~66% (hehe) and then just played around till I read the answers to finally get 100%. But I wanted to read all the different results, which were super super fun as well. This is the best-est thing on all of the internet this week. The best-est.
Fun … surprising 88.89%
Love the quiz! More fun like this, please! Sometimes the “wrong” answers were so good I had to pick them (like the vampire question!) Even with picking out some more playful/evil/hilarious answers, at least I survived the Shift! 🐱
lol I love quizzes or is it quizi lol
I did better the second time. 77.78%. I can apply for the Knights or Mercenaries. Decisions, decisions.
Woot! B+ 88.89%. Still need another re-read soon 🙂
i couldn’t resist some of your lovely choices Mod R, they deserved to be chosen despite being obviously fun answers (like a Lady deserves to grow feathers and chill in a tree) that totally cracked me up.
Thank you for treating us to this fun quiz, I got 55,x% and a cat meme on top, had lots of fun and not enough dragons and really hope for more quiz posts in the future. Kudos to our KD encyclopedia, she of the cute avatars, our lovely Horde wrangler Mod R 🐲
Huh. 66 percent. Guess I would not last that long, cuz I’d run up against something I didn’t know how to deal with, pretty quick like! Fun though. And made me think about the plots!
Apparently I’m going to morph into a Sphinx!
Awesome quizz Mod R! 33% so of course I immediately went to read the answers, clearly need to up my knowledge! 😆
For anyone in the UK, Magic Tides is a 99p Kindle daily deal today (31.5)
i totally agree, keep the quizzes coming
on a separate question and totally unrelated question, ” where is Grendel?” I don’t remember what happened to him.
He’s alive and well, we see him in Magic Tides, frolicking in the yard of the new home 🙂
thank you. I hoped he was. I obviously missed that.
Wow – 88.something!! I read books, drink tea, and know things!
soooooo much fun, thank you so much!
… oh wait, you’re not supposed to take it more than once, giving your other preferred answers, just for fun?
If I were a character my name would be Whimzee Chaositty because I picked the fun answers without concern as to meaning. Fun, fun fun Mod R! Please don’t stop!
it said I need to re read and true is I’ve been considering it for some weeks I can’t find anything else I like but also I fell like I know this books from memory
Cool Quiz.
BTW Super excited for magic claims. I’m giddy
Fun quiz! Thanks for making it (and linking another post with explanations).
Oooh. technically 6 dragons, but I’m currently reading Magic Shifts –
“a draconic” I said, out of the frying pan into the fire.
“why is that bad?” Julie asked.
“there have been four documented sightings of a real dragon,” Luther said. “they are the UFOs of our age…
So, how come if there are only 4 documented sightings Kate world books have managed 6?!? even if it is only technically.
The answers are linked in a separate note 🙂.
There are more books after Magic Shifts and Luther, against all evidence, does not know all.
33%. Not so bad since I do tend to skip details and concentrate on the action when reading. I got into that bad habit as a teenager when I was into Harlequins, technical-sounding sci-fi books like Isamov, etc…
which book kate got married and have a child?
Kate and Curran get married in Magic Binds and their son, Conlan, appears in the next book, Magic Triumphs.
I’m a little late to the game, but I LOVED this quiz – so very tricky😈! Bravo Mod R!👏👏👏
In regards to the griffin question, does it lay eggs or not?