Hi everyone, Mod R here.
There will be two House Andrews virtual events next week, to celebrate the release of Sweep of the Heart, the 6th instalment in the Innkeeper Chronicles series.
The first session will be on Wednesday, December 14th at 7 pm US Central Time. You can register here. This will be a more traditional Q&A, Sweep of the Heart and by extension Innkeeper Chronicles focused, in honour of the release.
The second Zoom event will be on Saturday, December 17th at 10 am US Central Time, registration here. Saturday’s session will be the Book Devouring Horde’s equivalent of an Office Holiday party, only fun. A more relaxed chat about the surprises next week, future plans and projects, spoilers etc.
Here is a website that lets you figure out Central Time as it relates to your time zone. We’ve tried to spread the timings to cover almost everyone. Zoom is a good program, but it’s not meant to host very large gatherings, so please register in advance.
For everyone who isn’t able to attend, we’ll try to record and provide a transcription, as usual. It will probably be posted sometime in the week commencing December 19th.
You can send in your questions for the Q&As on the usual release day Spoiler Thread next Tuesday, or early by emailing me at modr@ilona-andrews.com . I’ll be making a list, checking it twice, and asking the question, both naughty and nice, Ho-ooouse Andrews’ coming to Zoom!
Ahem. Sorry, I’m in Rudolph mode.
In all seriousness, though, please continue to protect your friends who have valiantly (heroically!) resisted reading the blog serial for almost an entire year and don’t spoil them in the comment section now that the Dushegubs are ahoy.
Scavenger Hunt
Speaking of spoilers and the Naughty List hehe.
You know the mystery project House Andrews have been working on? I’ve made you a mini scavenger hunt if you want to find out in advance who the antagonist of the story is.
Difficulty level: About 3 out of 5 Chernobogs. As usual, it’s meant as funsies. Everyone will find out in due time, you’re not missing out if you don’t do it!
First Clue:
Believe in me and I become what you want.
Eat my flesh and you may become me.
Every 7 years, I can walk your world.
What am I?
Second Clue:
When magic triumphs,
There you’ll find me.
I’m a word in Chapter 13
A guy….Neig.
Third Clue:
My letters have been scrambled from front to aft
Now they spell something attached to a watercraft
Include the article, I’m usually a he
And in this picture the thing you’ll see:
Nope, I got nothing on those clues.
(More coffee stat!)
Looking forward to the full Sweep of the Heart.
God named Roa?
Close, but no cigar.
(The answer has been found lower in the comments though ????)
Totally get the first clue. Off to look at chapter 13!
Thank you! Registered for both.
Im going to have to think deeply about the clues after work
Is it a short story about Roland?
Sweep Me Awayyyy, I can’t wait!
so looking at what everyone else says…
a god named roan/raoan
first clue : god?
second clue: Moccus
third clue 😕 thung chai, also know as a basket boat
what it means i dont know cause i am horrible at mixing words to spell new ones soo ummm help
Second clue is not it, I’m afraid.
Third clue is something *attached* to a watercraft…
Rudder, sail, keel ?
Oh I forgot bowsprit, outrigger and mast(s)…hum.. anything else attached to a watercraft? Motor?
“In this picture the thing you’ll see”, so it’s not a sail or mast, but a…
Second clue = named
So it is ????
I am horrid at puzzles, Mod R but I am all amazed at your cleverness. I shall wait for the reveal but thank you for the fun. Well done!
I’m with Gingko-girl. Horrible at any puzzle other than word searches, because I just have to persevere and I can do that! But in awe of your cleverness and willing to wait for the reveal. Glad you’re having fun with this!
if we are allowed to guess, I’m guessing
1 a god
2 named
3 Rap
? if we aren’t guessing please hide answer!
Thank yo, it’s been great fun
Well, autocorrect doesn’t like rao or you today apparently. sorry
Very good guesses, not quite it…I will draw your attention to the 3rd line of the 3rd clue, but you are very much on the right path.
I had the same conclusions except now I’m totally thrown off by your hint and articles/pronouns. A KD god named Raona, except perhaps Raono to avoid a feminine ending?
The only article in English I could think of that was masculine was “his.” Still doesn’t give me the answer to #3.
thank you for the hints, you are great! so it’s something like Herao or a similar anagram (which autocorrect also doesn’t like) ❤
“He” is not an article, or in the anagram, no.
hmmm, if the article isn’t the, then the only other ones I know in English are a or an, I don’t think you would use an with a “he”
so more like Aroa or Raoa
Roana sounds more like a name though lol.
And this is when I turned to google…
Arao is a last name, and also a city in Kumamoto Prefecture…
HA and Japanese dragons?
Enjoy. Lots of fun imagery at least.
Or maybe it’s Thor? ‘the’ + ‘oar’ = thor?
Aethor? Well, at least we looked at Japan for a bit.
The article for “oar” is not “a” in English ????
Nope. It certainly isn’t.
I’m just not familiar enough with gods of various pantheons. An oar, anagram… Roarn, Noran, Aoarn… These could all be masculine names…
You’re so close you’re practically ducking to miss it ????
“His” is not an article ????
Those were my original guesses too but can quite pin it down and get it exactly. Glad I wasn’t way out in left field.
God, Neig the fire dude…but the third clue has me scratching my head. Oar? Paddle?Hrm.
Verrrrry warm 😉
I think it may be the rudder or “steering post”, but I am terrible with anagrams.
I think it’s about Christopher.
I didn’t get the first one but someone guessed God- CHRIST
The second clue is a guy in chapter 13
And the third clue mentions letters scrambled- that is a kind way of describing him.
Lol. I’m probably way off but that’s my guess.
No dice on any of them, sorry.
“What am I”, not “Who” or “Which”. The answer to the first clue is just “A god” 😉
Haha. I am not surprised at all. I’m no good at puzzles. Had fun guessing anyway.
The round basket in the boat picture is also called a coracle? Don’t know if that’s relevant…
It’s something “attached to a watercraft”, not the watercraft itself ????
Sorta got clue 1.
Cot clue 2.
Need to think about 3 need caffeine.
Helm? He’s some kind of ancient god.
3: the paddle. Or A paddle. But mixing those letters to make sense… ???? Nope, my brain is done for the day I’m afraid!
(because it says to include the article, but it doesn’t specify the definite or indefinite article, so either The or A. If that was the right term for it. Grammar classes were a while ago…)
It’s not a paddle, it’s “attached” 😉
Oh dear me. Ehm. Wait, are we going with oar is attached and paddle is not? (Someone else said oar and I’m stealing it here. But it might be a red herring at this point. But herrings are generally not attached to boats either…)
It was a looooong day ????
I’m now stuck on Thor, but I know that’s wrong because that doesn’t include all the letters but now my brain is just stuck on that loop ????????????
There are worse things to be stuck on than Thor, especially if it’s Chris Hemsworth’s Thor. ????????
Right?! ????
I thought maybe “oarlock,” which is what the paddle/oar might be attached to. And the article might be “his.” But …. then I am done.
A god
[anagram of “his oarlock”] –> hahahahahaha… yeah, nope
I think I got it.
A god named oarle or leoar?
You are SO close but why is your article in French? 😀
a god named rao? sun god
Coracle- Oracle
Oracle God
Moccus- boar god
Still confused but having fun reading the guesses. I’m leaving now. Haha
Chinese fire breathing god dragon.
Ahh, okay, a long shot at three; leaving out the ‘A’ of ‘Oar’, scrambling and adding ‘he’ gets ‘Hero’. But this is the antagonist?
No, but I like your hopeful spirit hehe! A little bit of Hemsworth for everyone!
Yes, this ????
???? A little bit of Hemsworth in my life. A little bit of Thor by my side. ????
I sang that lol
????Mambo # 5, now I’m singing too.
Please note, as always the comments are creative, hilarious and often great geeky ????
Many thank yous to Mod R ????✨
Love it!
Does that mean Loki is coming too ????
The god of love – Eros!
Which – probably unrelated, but Martin’s dad. Just sayin’.
Damn autocorrect. Marten. I think that’s the correct spelling?
The orphan child in Blood Heir. Her father is – someone – and I’m betting he is a god.
ahh… because I am French. A god named Eloar.
But the person who set the clue isn’t lol 😀 . You’re the closest one, just… try it in all English?
that’s what I got too.
Moi aussi.
For a moment I thought I’d lost my mind and English had suddenly picked up more articles besides “the,” “a,” and “an.” 🙂
Yes, it is Aaron ????.
It’s been found out in earlier comments, the whole clue is “A god named Aaron”!
@modr, will there be a transcript or recording of the events? some of us will be traveling and unable to attend 🙁
Yes, because HA and Mod R loves the Hoard there will be a recording with a transcript. Mod R mentioned it earlier.
Yes, there will be, likely uploaded the week after 🙂
thank you for doing that! it’s a lot of work.
will the transcript & recording be the entire zoom meeting or will the “Gordon goes wild” aka “spoiler section be excluded?
it’s always my favorite part!
We’ll have to see ????
Thanks for this 🙂
A god named Oarthe.
The other article :D. And it’s more of an anagram…
I’m horrible at those ???? But this is awesome, thanks.
There’s apparently a sun god named Arao in Tagalog mythology?
I keep thinking the last is Roman (wishful thinking!), but the r, a and o are not in the correct order. But he does assume godhood upon occasion.
“Scrambled” is usually a clue for an anagram, so order is not that important. But it’s also not Roman hehe.
Thor? I’m not good at this.
Ooh, riddles and clues. Things I’m not good at but definitely enjoy. So let me add my two cents guesses in here
Clue #1:
I honestly have no idea. Literally tumbleweed flying around my head on that one.
Clue #2:
Christopher /Moccus. Pure guesswork here.
Clue #3:
Oar in reverse
If someone gets it right I’d love to know
A god named Thor!?? I don’t know ????????????
You’re 2/3rds of the way there!
Horagalles? Sami god of thunder? Cousin to Thor?
Whatever it is IT IS ROMAN!! Mod R are you freaking out?!
Not even a little bit because it’s not Roman. But if it were, I would be 😀
a god named Raohe?
“Include the article”, why is everyone including “he” lol.
Because Americans are bad at the grammar of our own language … 🙂
– got the first, piggybacked on someone else’s answer for second (clue is “word”, not a name), 3rd I am working with “oar” … or “rao” is scrambled for to aft … and no clue what it all means.
…or Heoar? Raohim?
Raothe? We’ll get there eventually ^.^
I like the sounds of Theora too 😀
a god named Anoar: Anroa, Anaor, Anrao, Anaro?
90% there, you can scramble all the letters, including the article. Go Go GO Lucky Lassie!
So it is Anona? That would be an anagramm and a godess in Rome ???? Love riddles although I am so bad at them ????
No, those are not the same letters ????
A god named Aaron?
a god named Arao. In one Tagalog mythology, the sun god Arao and the moon goddess Buan each had quite a lot of baby stars
I mean, 1000 points for research but “Oar” begins with a vowel, so in English the article wouldn’t be “a”, it would be…
ANOAR, but I can’t figure out the anagram!!!!!
Aaron? A god named Aaron?
indeed ????
Congratulations HarperValleyPTA! And thanks for saving all our brains from dribbling out our ears trying to solve this
The first to guess the answer was Donna, about 1 hour and a half ago 🙂
Dudes! Anora. If all of that is correct, but Anora isn’t a god.
A god name Orathe?
The first two I got (from reading the clues and the comments above – thanks everyone).
God and name
The third clue: something that’s attached to a boat could be a life raft, dinghy, an oar (or oars).
Could it be our friendly (not so friendly to Julie) god Moloch?
Right now I’m guessing like the rest of the BDH. 😀
Yes 🙂
Cool! At least my thoughts on the third clue helped someone figure it out. Yay! 🙂
If it wasn’t a “he”, I would guess Hera, but that drops the o.
I tried Raohe and now I want to go eat there. ???? (Taiwan night market)
I was trying to make rowboat work, but oar seems easier……
Mod R, thanks for the fun! I’m not sure I’ll get it, but I’ll keep trying and I’m having fun reading the comments. ????
Arrgh I’ll be away right between those two dates, would the recording be posted on the blog? I can’t wait!
Give the lady a cigar!!
Ding ding ding! First one to get the correct 3rd clue.
Put it together and what do you have, bibidi babbidi boo?
yay! thank you,great job Kate! now I can go back to work without it driving me nuts!!❤
WTG! Kate
“I’m usually a he”…
Ugh, not enough caffeine
Is it Thor?????
A God Named Oarthe?
A God Named Oaran?
A God Named Narao?
A god named Aaron?
Indeed! Treasure complete! ????
Winner of The Hunt!
Thanks Donna! My brain couldn’t take it anymore! 😀
Fun game Mod R!
And all registered for both sessions – woo hoo!!
Someone named Aaron?
A god named oraan?
A god named Aaron?
God named Roland?
Anora! Roana?
A God named Hoarim? Horiam?
I am so unhappy to be on a vacation on Dec. 17th. I so loved the zoom meetings, will we be able to see a recording later? My husband is not willing to postpone the vacation, no idea why. He should see the importance, but he doesn’t.
I still love him, so no internet for me on the 17th.
He’s not called Horiam, I’m afraid.
Yes, we’ll try our best to best the recording and transcript w/c December 19th 🙂
Oh, I overread the info in the original post. Was to keen on finding the gods name. Sorry!
You should give us an adress where to send “excuse our stupidity and overexitement”-schokolades. You’d get sweets from all over the world 🙂
Oran of Iona?
I hope the two events will be recorded because I have conflicts for both.
Yes, it’s already included in the blog post :):
“For everyone who isn’t able to attend, we’ll try to record and provide a transcription, as usual. It will probably be posted sometime in the week commencing December 19th.”
Missed that. Thanks.
Too busy not solving the riddle.
Is this an antagonist we are supposed to be familiar with ?
a god/guy called Aaron?
I like the guess of elora above
theoar, theroa, roathe
Oh.. Aaron – having seen the answers above; although I was wracking my brain for how to work Bran into it, or a homophone for An Oar!
Made for a fun micro-re-read though! Thanks Mod R!
Anyone else reading the comments to find the answers? I HAVE to know what it is ????
It’s been guessed, so comments are a good bet 😀
Look at the above posts. Some of us got it. 🙂
Does this god go by another “godly” name when he isn’t Aaron? (Like Teddy Jo.) I’m not coming up with anybody besides the prophet Aaron, brother to Moses. Really looking forward to everything coming up! ????
Enough spoilers for today, the spoiler factory is closed 😛
Where’s Gordon when we need him? ????
Can’t blame us for trying! ????
And did you notice the pic of Gordon at the top has devil’s horns? 🙂
I saw that. I always wondered if he did that to himself or if Ilona or someone else put them on him. ????
Finally! You have no idea how I resisted reading the serial as it was posted. I know nothing. Not a single thing. I will have the full experience when that baby lands in my hands. No regrets, lots of pride in myself and my instant gratification issues.
Your willpower is titanium!
???????????? Your willpower is strong. I wish I had that much when it comes to sweets! ????
Wow, getting pretty excited now!
Any word on the audio book yet?
Thanks for the zooms!!
The audiobook will be out on January 13th- yesterday’s post has preorder links and more details 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/goodies-and-links/
is it a rudder?. instead of an oar? you did mention aft in a hint.
Mod R – this was great! I got so caught up in the flow of it as I read down that I forgot that I was ‘supposed’ to be participating. I’m happy to have been a spectator tho. Very fun! Kudos to the BDH. This is such a wonderful group.
1 is “a god”
2 is “named”
3 is stumping me!
A god named a hero? Would that be Teddy Jo or maybe Christopher? Please be Roman!
Too late and wrong to boot! This was fun! Thanks for the game!
A god named Aaron? Like Moses’ brother from the Bible or a whole new entity?
Don’t get greedy now ????. One spoiler is all the Horde gets!
I had to try. Sometimes slips happen ????????
But, but, we are so FLUFFY!! We’ll never ask for another if you give us just one more. Oh, who am I kidding? ????????
It’s a DRAGON, I think. But I am not sure how that relates to the last clue.
‘Tis not!
Ahh… a little late then. God named Aaron. Cool.
#1 Moloch
#3 Aaron, an oar
#2 can’t look up right now.
1. A god
2. Named
3. Daedal (a paddle)
Daedal, also known as greek god Daedalus.
Paddles are not “attached to a watercraft” ????
So it could be anything like:
1. Anchor
2. Mast
3. Sail.
4. Helm
This is hard. ????
“In this picture, the thing you will see”. There’s no mast, anchor etc in the picture ????
For the people who love wearing tinfoil hats – the good BDH has given us the answer to the riddles of the antagonist. A God Named Aaron. A “prevailing” (I just came up with this) theory now being – He is actually a pretty nice guy named Aaron who receives Godly powers when he travels to the weird magical pocket dimension of The Universe called Drifan and then gets sucked into the dark hole of smaller moral sacrifices for the true greater good, gets expelled by that magical land when defeated as a tyrant by Adira & her posse, and now starts life anew in the fantasy novel that House IA has just come up with. Right?!
Much theory, very prevailing! I heard it too!
*cry-laughing-emoji* Everything IS connected, the Multiverse is rEaL…
(Thank you for being wonderful Mod R)
???? good one!
Wednesday, December 14th at 7 pm US Central Time is 12pm Thursday 15th in Australia time.
I used below as it converts for you 🙂
bummer I’m at work and it’s payment day ;(
I will just hope the transcript includes ALL the spoilers.
it’s going to be Roland
– “god” like
– realm
– anchor (lol)
Thanks for the fun Mod R…..
I just want the story to be Kate’s ????
“A guy realm Neig” is…well, not the clue, but a great name for a man cave 😀
So excited for the book release & zoom events!! Always fun & entertaining.
Thanks for the puzzle! I got the first two clues and was down to the last guessing things like Aroa. I got confused because I thought the article went with the word “he”, not the word “oar”. Hahaha. Even if I realized it was “an” not “a”, I still don’t think I would have come up with Aaron as I was thinking of more outlandish names. Kudos to those in the BDH who figured it out!!
I’m going with
1 god
2 dragon
3 ore
My guess is Moccus, the Boar God!
My reasoning:
– Moccus is a God, captured by Neig, and appears in chap 13 of Magic Triumphs
– He’s a Boar – take oar and add a b for boy (weak, I know XD)
– Curran ate him, but he didn’t actually die, and Curran gained his power
No, the second clue is literally a quote from Magic Triumphs Chapter 13: “A guy named Neig” ????
I like to throw an easy one in for disorientation ????
Fun! I’m pretty bad at clues, but I’m pretty sure of two at least. Will happily wait for answers. Thanks!
Don’t have any questions for HA, but I love listening in, so I’ve signed for Sat. and will look forward to listening and/or reading your transcript for Wed. Still 5 days. Moan. But it looks like my paper copy has shipped! USPS so may take until next week hehe.
Mod R, thanks for the fun and games!!
What is the name of the dragon/God from when Julie goes to school and has to rescue the wood nymph?
The dragon’s name is Yu Fong. He is not the answer, however; the answer was given several times above (a god named Aaron).
Thanks Molly. I couldn’t remember his name, so I thought it might have been Aaron. He’d make an interesting protagonist.
I got it! I got it! FedEx just drove up my driveway and tenderly laid my package on my front porch. Whee. It’s gonna be a late night/early morning for me, for sure. 440 pages of wonderful words and art work. Happy Holidays to me. Bye now.
Anne in Virginia
WHAAAAAAAT? I’m so jealous right now! Congrats to you on receiving your present early! ????
Congratulations on getting the book early! Now the rest of us have to wait until Tuesday to get our e-books. ????????
Oh, I have the ebook on order too. The paper copy is a real doorstopper at 440 pages so an ebook for travel rereads is a necessity as well. Besides I am happy to support IA in every way possible. I always get both ebook and paper copy of the new title.
Anne in Virginia
Anne, I’m so jealous! I can’t believe that it’s 440 pages, the book is way longer than it felt like in the serial.
Happy reading!
Experiment successful, and I am loving the print-when-it’s-ordered (or whatever it’s called!) The paperback that I ordered 2 days ago from Amazon just arrived, ahead of the release date! Sleepless night for me tonight, no doubt. ???? I am NOT skipping forward to read the last few chapters first (much as I am tempted!) but I can report the illustrations I have peeked at so far are beautiful. And next week I will have the e-book on my Kindle for re-reads when I am waiting in lines somewhere, so I am a happy camper. ????
Thank you for being naughty and giving us some clue! Would our next meal be titled
“A god named hero?”
By any chance?
Mod R, I have an Innkeeper related question that you might be able to answer?
Tapas has a merch shop, but it isn’t searchable. I’ve tried looking to see if they have any Innkeeper items in there, but haven’t had any luck. Do you know if they do or not? Thanks! (Still planning on getting the official IA merch when it’s available, but wanted to look and see what they might have too.) ????
I will ask ????
Thank you so much! ????
When it isn’t the Christmas season (and you’re done being Rudolph), you can be the fairy god-Mod-R of the Horde! ????♀️ ????
I looked too ???? I didn’t find any, but your approach of asking at the source is wayyyy better of course!
I was surprised that they would have 1,254 items in there and not have a search feature or a way to filter by series. I skimmed, but gave up. ????
Mod R, you should be a Sphinx. Look at those ingenius puzzles!
Since you are in a Rudolph mode, I am visualizing you as a Sphinx with a red nose;)
Hehe, thank you, more a goof though ????
I saw that Sweep of the Heart has now officially moved from Recommendations to Holds in Overdrive! I removed my hold (I bought it too) so the next person in line can get it quicker, but took a screenshot first to share. ????
Is someone on here #1 in line? Just curious. ????
I just checked: my library hasn’t posted it yet.
I wonder if your library is just trying to get an idea of how many copies to buy, Breann.
It’s Overdrive, so it’s more than just my library. My library is tiny and wouldn’t be able to do e-books on their own, so they use Bridges with a lot of others.
Is the final part of it an “oar lock pin” or the simplified term of it…ahem a “dildo”? Sorry…lol
(1) a god (2)named (3) Aaron
I know who it is!!! ahh not sharing!!
only because I reread magic triumphs like 1 day ago coincidentally.
God first clue
Dragon second clue
Still working on the third
That was fun. Got the first two..
woohoo, so glad there is a Zoom session for european evening, thank you! Since I’ll already be getting little sleep on the 13th reading the eBook a second sleepless night would have been hard with a full schedule at work on the 15th.
Also thanks to the Horde for solving #3 where I had no idea. So now I just need to keep my fingers crossed for Julie as the protagonist countering whatever that god named Aaron is up to.
Got the first two. I suck at riddles. I suck at anagrams. I’m not sure if that’s a rudder or a paddle or if I’m looking for the wrong thing.
That’s okay; I just went back and reread parts of Magic Triumphs. ????
I look forward to learning the answer.
dammit. this commented twice.
Mod R, could you please remove this one? Thanks.
Is it: A god named Erona?
Yay! Can’t wait! Thank you for sharing the Central Time site. I didn’t realise it was different to where I live and missed the meet last time.
Hm, this definitely seems like it’s pointing to KD world!
god, dragon, rearrange the letters of oar… googlefu is not helping me find any mythical dragon gods by that name 8*sigh*
hmmm, 1) a god, 2) I need to reread (oh the punishment!), and 3) is a coracle
A Boar- Moccus?
Aaron is a Hebrew name typically given to boys. It means “exalted” or “strong.” It has also been interpreted to mean “teacher” or “mountain of strength.” While it’s spelled Aharon in Hebrew, the “h” is dropped in the Greek variation. Aaron is the version that has been adapted in English. In Arabic, the name means “messenger.”
The origin of the name has often been debated: While some people trace it to Hebrew origins, other people think that it may be from Greece or Ancient Egypt.
Not that the Author Lords ever follow *convention* LOL… Messenger.. of the Gods? LOL.. Just me being fanciful…
hmmm, used godchecker website to search the name variations of Aaron but no dice with the current pantheons. closest i found was Arawn, the celtic god of death and the underworld (a God that yields darkness, strikes fear, and fashions a smouldering cloak)
of course my google-fu is usually worse when this late at night and on a phone ????
If biblical, Aaron was Moses’s brother and a High Priest… just sayin…there’s history there, LOL
The oar is on land…..
thank you for the fun riddle.
However, I have a question on a totally different issue.
I am currently rereading Kate Daniels and curious about the flowers (Morgan’s Bells) that grew from her tears after Bran died. Then, at the end of Magic Slays Kate received a vase with the flowers from Hugh. In the next book Hugh commented he felt her magic on them.
Did she also feel her magic on the flowers. If so, why didn’t she get rid of them as I am picturing them similar to her blood. Just a silly thing that ran through my head.
not sure, but it has to do with Saiman. I don’t know, mainsail?
Not Dragon, sorry. It’s a quote from Chapter 13.
Not Saiman either, I’m afraid. 😀 “in this picture the thing you’ll see”- there is no sail hehe.
Love this! My brain is not quite working after 12 hour night shift, but i think it has something to do with Roman and his Chernobog.
Can’t make the events so looking forward to the recordings. Thank you for your hard work!
Is it Elora?
No 🙂
“El” is not an English article, and as the clue says, it’s a “he” 😉
The answer has been guessed in the comments above.
4 days and counting. I am giddy with excitement
From my haphazard notes and some comment sleuthing here’s what I’ve got:
1)Some god being, maybe the Morrigan, or a Genie
2)I was thinking Bran or his replacement Red, but if we run with genie we get the Djinn. I know he was in the series somewhere, couldn’t tell you off the top of my head. Also, no clue what his name was.
3) An oar? A basket? The oar? An island? The sand? Could be Thor, could be Roan (seen elsewhere in comments), could be Rowena, possibly with relation to Roman? Nora? Roland and his beginnings?
Cant wait to find out 🙂
Twisted and confused, but the French speaker guess turned around..
Elora who is a human with a god like entity inside her?
Could not read every guess, vision is extra blurry tonight. Sorry if already covered
Wrong again.
Yu fong? I am sooo confused and literally cannot enlarge text enough to read.
Hey Other Barbara,
I have sent you an email with the answers 🙂 , hope it helps!
Could only figure out the third one.
An oar = Aaron
Aaron is a male name too.
Is it OK to share in a like-minded group on FB?
The first may be a Vukodlak, a Wendigo.
Second, a Djinn? dunno
Third, an oar? That looks like the hawaiian boat from Moana.
Need more coffee, can’t think.
ModR, please disregard my lack of noticing all the answers above. I keep forgetting I’m behind everyone re time zones. ????
signed up for a Zoom, got the email, will try to keep up on the 13th/14th. Thanks for your hard work! ????
And yes, of course, you can share 🙂
Work (and life) have been crazy this week. I was too late for the BDH zoom.
So so sad.
Could there please, please, please be a recording and / or transcript *with* spoilers?
We’re a smart Horde.
If it says “Ye who fears spoilers DO NOT READ/WATCH PAST THIS POINT” that should be enough for those who don’t like spoilers?
You haven’t missed the Zooms, they happen next week ????. There will be a recording and transcript, we’ll see about the spoilers ????
Love all the comments! I too am not good at these puzzles so it’s alot of fun to read. Glad to be a member of the BDH ????
Check this out…
My first thought was, “Oh, no! Not Roland!”
Oh drat. I missed registration for the Saturday Zoom and now it’s closed. This is what happens when you miss a day of checking on the site. Well have fun everyone!
So for a God named Aaron, the closest thing I could find is this description http://arabianprophets.com/?page_id=2372 I dind’t have time to check how correct it is (but I am sure that HA do more than their due diligence with researching and this GUy has huge potential. (bound to have run into Roland or Era a couple of times.
usually a he.
i don’t care about the rest of the clues; Saiman
Mod R – Any chance spots will open up for the Saturday event? I tried to register but missed the window. (Sob)
It got super booked very fast, I don’t think so!
Moccus the Boar. Celtic god. Looking forward to any and all snippets and stories.
Awww man… attached to a watercraft… oar…. usually a he…. man
oar man
Teehee. If only lol.
hmm is Aaron, Hugh real name? lol sorry his real father….maybe….can’t remember an Aaron so going with it could be
regardless thanks
nothing related to the above…more like a wishlist…but I’d like to request stickers of the chibi-forms of the authors????
Just registered for first zoom event on Dec 14th, but unable to get in for second zoom event on Dec 17th and this is tots OK! Alas, such is life. Thank you in advance for Mod R and House Andrews team for organizing and having recordings of the sessions and all of the exciting treats this month!!!! ~~~
Can’t wait for the next 48 hours!!!!
a god/flare?
nieg was the dragon and main antagonist of Iron and magic
anora? heraclese? my brain turned to convert gods and I was circling the greeks…????
I’m putting money down on kd universe, and a side bet on iron and magic, but that’s unfounded optimism
further contemplation and memory digging, but An/anu is the God in the isum and erra epic, but that’s the extent of my brain
everything i see for number 3 says oar, why do I think tiller
It’s some God in Magic Triumphs Chapter 13. And it’s somehow related to long sea voyages or maybe the sea. That’s all I got
Magic Tides (Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years Book 1) Kindle Edition
by Ilona Andrews (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
Book 1 of 1: Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years
Woo Hoo, pre-order on Amazon for 01-17-2023
3. blethy. Y bleth in welsh. the rim around the top of a coracle
I heard you scrapped Iron Covenant 2. Is this true? Would be sad to never have a conclusion for 2 of the most interesting characters.
No, it’s not true ????.
Any news will be announced on the Release Schedule portion of the website https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/ , including when series are finished or not.
Iron and Magic, Blood Heir (Aurelia Ryder), Innkeeper Chronicles – none of these are finished ????
Please put a transcript out for Saturdays upcoming zoom meeting. I waited too long and registration was closed by the time I tried to enter. Thanks!
I’m stalking Saturday’s registration site hoping a few more spaces will open. Please post the BDH Christmas party webinar in it’s entirety…spoilers and double top secret hints to the future pretty please.