Yesterday, a man pointed at my Ouija board pinafore costume and asked me whether I “worked there”. I laughed dismissively “Yeah, pal, at the Great Beyond”.
Now I recognize him for what he truly was – an unsung modern age prophet. Because this post truly comes to you from the Other Side. PSA: if you go to a party and they serve Witch Swamp Margaritas, don’t. Especially don’t three of them.
I’m open to hangover cure suggestions, but I know, realistically, that the only way to make it better is to invent a time machine and stop Halloween Mod R from drinking in the first place. Or at least remember to hydrate and eat more than Halloween candy. Electrolytes, if I’m feeling fancy.
On a scale of Which Medieval Cat Are You Today, I am Mori Tetsuzan’s tiger.

It’s possible that the artist had never seen a tiger and based his whole scroll series on domestic cats. That’s very significant to me today. You can look at more of them and decide for yourself hehe. (And I know it’s not medieval, don’t come for me. Head hurts.)
Which cat are you today?
chicken nuggets and fries. hydrate and caffeinate, if that’s normal for you. wash the bad stuff out with some good stuff!
l’m cat No 9 – my stomach feels like I ate THAT! That chameleon fish thingie – and it’s still alive and movin – for sure… 🤢
Definitely do not recommend hangover. Especially after drinking homemade limoncello after wine. All i can recommend is Electrolytes, like drinking pickle juice after consuming pickles
Ugh. Sorry you’re not feeling well. Hangovers are not fun! I don’t have any wisdom on a cure. I usually find myself eating toast and trying to move slowly to keep my brain from hurting. lol Wishes for a quick recovery.
Love the medieval cats! I can relate to the freaked out looking cat in a tree. Most days lately I think this is my expression. 😝
I can only recommend the usual sorts of hangover treatments: ibuprofen or aspirin, herbal tea, cold compress for your forehead, soda crackers (“saltines”) or plain matzah bread, flavored sparkling water.
Hope you’re feeling better soon!!
I’m no 9, but substitute coffee for whatever it has in its mouth. 🙂
ModR, I have no hangover cures, but maybe we should just blame Steve.
Mod R can say “Steve kept tempting me to drink mire of those delicious drinks.” 🤣🤣🤣😝🍹
*more. Ugh!
It was obviously Steve who asked if she worked there!
lol love it! Steve’s to blame for everything!!!
Sorry you’re not feeling well today, Mod R. Crackers, soup, and ginger ale can help with your stomach.
Get well soon. 🥹
you need grease. go for bacon and eggs and toast and coffee for breakfast. grits if you can get them, preferably drowning in butter.
for next time, drink one glass of water for every drink and take a multivitamin and the pain killer of your choice before bed. (i prefer advil.)
+1. Best if bacon and eggs are served in a biscuit sandwich and add OJ.
I hope you had a good time to justify the hangover 🙂 A tried and effective hangover cure is orange juice, two Anadin Extra and a fry-up breakfast!!! I used to go to Bike rallies and I can testify to the effectiveness 🙂 🙂 🙂
Take B vitamins
I am. a 4, hooping for a 6.
As someone who studied scientific illustration, I’d say the tiger artist did not have the benefit of access to tiger physiology, in particular their skeletal structure. But hey, that just adds to the mysticism that is that tiger!
As my bartender boyfriend once urged me: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate when drinking. I hope the day gets better. Thanks for the fun quiz!
Fried egg sandwich with tomato sauce. All the major food groups, always worked for me!
My favorite hangover cure is standing on my head. It works on two levels. First off flooding your brain with blood seems to do wonders for the headache. AFTER you stop standing on your head. Hurts real bad while you’re doing it. Second the excruciating pain of standing on your head with a hangover tends to make you take it a little easier at the next party.
I’m a margarita fan.I can chug them down like water, and I learned years ago that I really need to limit myself, or I’ll regret it the next day. I’d like to know what the witch swamp version is like.
As for Cat… #1 — I’m currently nursing two who were spayed last week and whose incisions got infected. They’ve been in cones for days and are not happy campers, even though they’re nice cones.
Breakfast tacos and hot salsa. You sweat it out. I’m thinking you probably can’t get that in the UK though. B12 and fluids?
I’m sure you had fun though!
Ugh havent had a hangover in forever because after 40 I dont feel like we ever recover fully from anything. But you can try Midol and coconut water, my retired USMC husband swears it helped his guys/gals during Marine Corps Birthday season.
I think I’m Cat #8. She looks tired but cant lay down just yet. Im pretired as this weekend starts a full 6 weeks of packed events every single weekend, both days in some cases. I’m going to have to people, remember to fix my face, and not let my first thought run out of my mouth. Lots of coffee in my future! You guys send me good vibes please 🙏🏿
All the good vibes. Think happy thoughts.
Orro providing you your favorite meal.
And coffee.
Arland delivering to you the hearts of your enemies (or people who are annoying you, keeping you from doing what needs to be done, etc.).
And coffee.
Good thoughts.
And coffee.
Good vibes sending your way.
If it gets too bad, remember the Void prayer that Roman says in Sanctuary. If you have the t-shirt, wear it during the week if you can. 🙂
I’m also a fan of “on a scale of Bette Davis.”
Now trying to decide what the House Andrews version would be . . . Hmmmm.
Not sure, but Arland’s ‘moon’ run in the orchard has to b one of the options.
I so feel your pain, I am also hungry over. Advil and my first coke cola in well over a year, plus water after the cola might help. I sincerely hope I am smarter next time!
crap, I apparently can’t spell either!
Have you ever checked out the museum of bad art? It’s so fun. https://museumofbadart.org/
I love the animal ones, in particular.
KatieV Thank you for posting this!! The art is bad, but the interpretations are gold! 🤣
I know this isn’t going to help but the best cure for a hangover is to take some aspirin the night before you go to sleep as in when you were drunk
My tried and true cure needs to be served very cold, so it requires advance prep which is why I keep a 20 oz.Pilsner glass in the freezer and 6 oz. cans of tomato juice in the refrigerator along with a 12 oz. bottle of American Lager (Budweiser works well here– you don’t want anything too hoppy).
(1) 12 oz bottle American lager, cold
(1) 6 oz can tomato juice, cold
Carefully pour 1/3 of the lager into the cold glass, taking care not to create a buncha foam.
Carefully pour all 6 ozs of the tomato juice in the glass along with the lager. Gently mix with a bar stirrer — again, avoiding foam.
Carefully pour the remaining lager into the glass (foam is the enemy here).
Chug the mixture as quickly as you can before it warms up.
Sleep for minimum of 3 hours.
Chalada, salt rim and lots of lime
Mwahaha someone had fun! Yes, drink water when you get home from a party and take your headache med of choice before falling across your bed comatose hehehehehe. That and time is the only cure, been there done that and don’t anymore! The memories are more than 40 years old now of the last one and still GREEN!
Witch Swamp Margaritas…? Not to bring up bad memories but I have to ask what’s in them? I mean, you drank three…
There was definitely tequila involved, midori (melon liquor), lime, matcha and some bitters but I wouldn’t be able to tell you exactly which. 🧙
You need a great big greasy Southern breakfast. Texas toast slathered in butter, fried eggs over easy cooked up in bacon grease, sourdough biscuits swimming in cream gravy and Jimmy Dean spicy breakfast sausage, with a side of grits with butter, salt and pepper and bacon crumbled on top. It’s best if you stop a Waffle House or truck stop right after leaving the party so the carbs can soak up all the alcohol but it works they next day too.
I’m voting he’s actually seen a snow leopard in that link you posted. Is one heckuva funky tiger but it’s not that far off from a snow leopard. You can just imagine someone being like, “Like that but with stripes and less fuzzy ears” and he ran with it.
May your brain and liver forgive you soon. Blessed be. lol
I think the most effective strategy in future is to avoid anything with artificial dyes. Sadly, many of the fun drinks that taste good do have such dyes. If you’re gonna go for them, the suggestion in the comments above of taking a painkiller before bed is a good one – as long as it’s an occasional thing. Combo of alcohol and painkiller will wreak havoc on your GI tract if you do it too often. Maybe try to eat something sort of bland to pad the stomach before and/or after. While I am a huge fan of salsa, it is not the way to go for a tender stomach lining. Beware hangover cures that are really pi$$ing contests.
In my college drinking days, I ate peach yogurt after a memorable night of drinking. It kept me going for my 8am physiology class and brought me eventually to full functioning. However that particular hangover was enough for me; I never let things get to that point again.
Heeheehee … it sounds like your heraldic animal today would be “jessnt-de-lis”, which is literally a lion (or other animal) head pierced by a fleur de lis.
Perhaps it was invented on a morning after the night before? Seriously looks like a cat barfing-up a fleur de lis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessant-de-lys.
PS, my medieval heraldic animal is a fox courant (running/trotting, so, the “fox-trot”) hee hee
As to cat, I think I am cat #7, sitting staring at the door waiting for something to happen. Cat #5 is my cat ‘Buca, wide staring eyes, always looks faintly astonished. I hope no one is cat #3, bleeding and stuck up a tree …
H-Proof the Anytime You Drink Vitamin. A friend introduced me to these wonders from modern day science. I was skeptical but they 💯 work. Buy them, use them and no more hangovers for you. Promise.
I am #1 – tired, comfy, & ready for a nap.
For the morning after too much fun the night before:
One aspirin, lots of electrolyte drinks and bananas when you first wake up.
A shower (steaming hot in cool weather or a cool shower in hot weather).
Then go out for a greasy breakfast with your friends.
Would you pretty please post a photo of the Ouija board dress?
It’s this one 🙂 https://tinyurl.com/24k2z8du
What a fun outfit for Halloween.
Thank you.
Thank you. It’s a really cute dress. I’m just sorry it forced you to drink too many swamps. Get well soon. In the meantime, maybe Roman can send over some companions to nurse you.
Oh that’s cool for costume!! I’m number 8..chasing mice all nite long trying to get them to bed but taking two days to recover just from all the strenuous waking I had to do…🙄🤣🤣
Hangover cure: Spanish rice.
Cat I’d like to be: one of my own, I’ve had in my life. A friend once told me “besides the neutering, I’d like to be reincarnated as one of your cats”.
I have only had 1 hangover in my life.
Asked my husband “if it felt like 10,000 cowboys line dancing in your head?” He said “yes” I told him “I only have 5,000 but they are all wearing spurs.” He put me back to bed, gave me Alka-Seltzer cold medicine and some Tylenol pm. Woke up 4 hours later just fine.
p.s. cinnamon jello shots are evil.
🤣 I’m down to 3000 cowboys atm!
I’m the Pink Panther, I chased a trick O’treater down yesterday after I unknowingly dropped a handful of candy and my EARPOD in his sack😩
As to the cats, I’m #7, actually. I hope your hangover is gone by now.
That’s an impressive snake face on the Tiger…my tabby has a similar expression which I call his snake face…
7 aussi
Try activated charcoal pills. My boss likes to drink a lot and she swears by them.
In Germany, the recommended hangover cure is Rollmops, which is pickled Hering wrapped around gherkins and onions. Lots of electrolytes. 😄
Also it is cat no 5 for me. Bewildered in a tree.
Sidebar question:
Inquiring mind wants to know…
Houston Chronicle has a story about a Secret Squirrel Facility that showed up on google maps in Texas?
Is this a training ground for ferrets & squirrels for Cornelius?
LOL, that’s hilarious.
Hangover Soup
Ginger tea, with trace minerals: 15 to 20 drops. Followed up with at least four cups of water.
Home made gatorade is also good: a gallon of water, one tablespoon lemon juice, one tablespoon (or a bit more) of real honey, and a tablespoon of kosher or sea salt. (Stir into a pitcher or other vessel of choice.)
If you feel better after this, chicken soup, or bone broth.
This is the family go to whenever there are hangovers, seasonal barometer headaches (which I have right now), or upset stomaches in general.
I am this cat. I understand it has its own ice cream bar which is good enough for me.
Definitely 3 A Hunter and Dogs Attacking a Treed Wild Cat today. The chaos and constant emotional and other assaults of this election definitely have me up a tree, the target of howls and arrows.
Well, I guess we finally know what happens when you cross a bird with a tiger. And maybe toss in a few snake genes. That painting was definitely done by word of mouth.
some preemptively take pain reliever before sleep
Huff oxygen for hangovers if you can get it. It was a favorite with pilots during Vietnam.
i don’t have threads, but my first thought was “I am grumpy cat”
Late to the party but…Red Gatorade.
#7. Whole heartedly #7.
Can you Instacart Pedialyte? Or at least Gatorade in some inoffensive flavor?
i always craved extra salty french fries after a night of drinking. preferably mcd’s fries. i figure they give both potassium and sodium to replace electrolytes, plus they’re tasty.
I am my favorite wild cat, a Caracal.
They can leap amazing heights, though they are small.
But I’m sorry you’re hungover. Drink lots of water— you’re probably dehydrated.
The liquid IV they sell in every drugstore works beautifully for me! I agree he never saw a tiger. Hope your feeling better.
Apparently the Coconut song author was on to something: