This morning, while I waited for Gordon’s MRI, my phone made this video for me complete with the overly sentimental music. Apparently I take a lot of pictures of the orange menace. He got in trouble yesterday because he was very pushy about shoving the dogs aside to sit in a specific spot on my lap.
Behold, Tuna the Cat.
He can never see this, or his ego will be even bigger.
Good morning!
He may be a troublemaker but he is adorable and loved. That is a great video
Who doesn’t love a good cat video? Cat videos are half of all that is good about the internet. I hope all is well with Gordon, having an MRI. (Hugs)
He’s adorable!
P.S. I do the same. My phone is brimming with photos of my animals ;-).
+1 75% of the videos my phone makes are cat compilations lol
Really like the crown on Tuna’s head. Did Batty go off to the big Catnip Patch?
The crown was my favorite too.
I hope Gordon is OK
Good morning! Thanks for the Tuna Moment. All the best to
He’s an absolute cutie! The cat distribution system hasn’t seen fit to send me an orange menace in a long, long time. It’s lovely to get my fix via Tuna, so thank you for sharing!
Oh what a bootifull kitty (and he knows it). This is a nice video for the morning.
The best use of a phone camera, ever.
I love the overly sappy music just because it is such a mood.
He’s so precious
Hope everyone is well and the MRI has good results. Thanks for the adorable kitty montage!
Tuna just needs all the attentions……
I was just typing that! Too funny.
jing speaks the truth!
I just came out of a work training on a new digital lab info management system. This was my first stop with lunch. Thank you for sharing precious Tuna. He made it better.
The orange menace is adorable. The picture with you and Tuna is hilarious. I’ve had that look on my face that reads “I’m sitting here minding my own business when all of a sudden I get a cat on my lap. Why me?”
Some of the other pictures reminded me of my cats when I was younger. They weren’t orange menaces. They were a spotted menace (my female) and a black/grey menace (my male). I had another name for my male cat (his name was Luke). The other name was Mr. Tubbo since he was heavy after he grew up.
Thanks for the Tuna video. Good luck with Gordon’s MRI.
All of our furbabies have such hard lives…. =)
All Hail Tuna – The Great and Powerful Orange One
Love it. My phone does the same. Compiles pictures of my cat and sets it to music.
Kisses to the kitty!
I have a 4 year old cat I’ve had from a kitten and a 10 month old kitten I got when he was 3 weeks old. They are both grey, a medium haired grey tabby and a long haired grey and white. I’ve taken a million pictures of them, and because they’re both grey cats, Google puts them all together in videos with sappy music for me regularly.
Honestly they’re some of my favorite movies. 🙂
Tuna in the tiara was perfect.
Er ist ein Hübscher!
Hope Gordon’s MRI went well! Mr. Tuna is quite the lovely cat- and yes, that tiara! He looked quite fetching in it.
I hope your day continues to brighten your spirits, especially when viewing the tree! But a cautionary tale: my hubby liked ours so well that, even when I removed all the ornaments, it didn’t come down until Easter! And it remained green. Thank goodness for a watering tree stand!LOL!
Tuna!! Love the upside version. Reminds me of my Murphy.
Aww, sweet cat. Where would we be without our animals? I was struggling to fall asleep last night so I read some of Roman’s book and I loved reading about all of his creatures. My kitten was extra snuggly this morning because it’s so cold here right now in WI.
You can never have too many photos of your cats….(or your dogs…)
Thank you for sharing!
Orange creamsicle cats are the best!
why am i crying/laughing?!? sooo cute!
He’s adorable and he knows it! Heehee!
He is truly regal, what a handsome fellow. 🐈
I’m the same way. My Aunt asked for photos of my kids (they’re now 18 and 20) and I had to scroll back about 6 months to find a photo. Then she asked for my picture of my dogs. I said they were all my favorite and I sent her 10 from that weekend. Google photos is always creating photos of my dogs for me! The kids hate their photo being taken and the cats are usually too fast and I just get blurs.
Hope the MRI wasn’t too loud and was smooth going. As for Tuna, clearly AI is planning for cats to take their true ascendancy over us all through the art of cute media.
A star is born!
LOL! He Fits He Sits and He will do soos for elebenty billion treats if you try to deny Him.
Hail Tuna, First Overlord of the Name
First, hope Gordon is feeling better soon, and that the MRI went well.
So then…..Tuna!!!! I love him! 🥰💕💕Tuna reminds me so much of my little boy kitty.
My little guy and his twin sister are pure white with silver blue eyes, but as we like to say “he’s running orange cat software on white cat hardware.” In so many ways he’s a stereotypical orange cat! 😂
My phone also gave me a video of “my sister’s dog” today. It was sweet and surprising because Isabelle passed away last Thursday.
Hope the MRI finds the problem with Gordon’s arm/shoulder and does not require surgery.
Besides the bejeweled Tuna, my favorite is Tuna all sprawled topsy-turvy on the dog bed. Should have a bubble thought over his head with “life is so hard”. 🤣
Tuna is a star. Best wishes to Gordon. January is a lo n g month.
Cats rule!!
Our Gigi is 17 and just came back from the Vet after his arthritis shot, nail clipping and, most importantly, his Old Man Pants brushing. (He lets us brush everywhere except those back legs. )
We always thought he was in the spectrum but suddenly, this year, he has decided to let us pet him. Yay!
ON the spectrum. Arghghgh
very nice! Tuna’s so adorable, and hope the mri came out clear of anything troublesome.
I will suggest to anyone that has a phone who does this that if you have a pet pass away you turn off the notifications from that app for a while. Mine popped up unexpectedly with a similar sideshow with music shortly after my cat passed last year and I wasn’t in a good place to deal with it.
Also true when it’s people you’ve lost. My phone is on strict lockdown with photos. Apparently there are a zillion places u have to check if u don’t want it to show u ‘memories’ etc. Especially when a death is recent it is not a good addition to a day you’re just trying to survive. Most days my relationship w my phone is tolerate/hate. People can b astonishingly indignant when I explain that I am not instantly available to them by cell at all times. (Rolls eyes)
AWWW I love cats SO MUCH. I love seeing your pets. Whenever one of them pops up on the livestreams I always smile. They are all so adorable. Hope all goes well with the MRI!!
Hahaha orange cat doing orange cat things, with an appropriately sized ego 🤣
When he laid his paw across your hand!! My heart.
Awww, I miss my orange menace, he crossed the Bridge a few years ago. Enjoy him.
I love Tuna. Thank you for the smiles.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just finished the Kate Daniels series. Just wanted to say thank you.
Yay Tuna! It’s been awhile. Nice to see you again.
Hope the MRI shows and an easily solved problem.
Ah, the paw barring access to the keyboard… enforcing productivity breaks, of course. So considerate! Stray thought: Tuna’s nose looks like it was dipped into tea leaves… have you had his tea nose read?
Tuna certainly brings joy to everyone who sees him.😄😸
He’s big and beautiful and he knows it. I love it when kitties sleep on their back, belly up, not a care in the world. You have a houseful of furry therapy 🥰
Without your eye witness account, we would think him the cutest sweetest bestest cat ever. He photographs very very well.
What a splendid kitty! Hope all good with Gordon 🐾🥰
I’ll be honest, I saw the video on Youtube and thought “Oh no! I really hope Tuna didn’t die!” Because the video is like all the RIP videos that people put up on their pets. Thank God that Tuna is good!!!! Lovely video.
don’t you just love it when they put thier paw on you. 😍😍😍😍
also hope Gordon is well and you are coping well Ilona.
What a cutie.
Hope all is well with Gordon. This was a great way to wake up this morning watching that video, takes you away from all worries for a few moments while you enjoy the cuteness.
Awesome! A little menace is a good thing.
Such a beautiful, fluffy cat!
No wonder he gets a video, just of him. 🙂
Tuna is so cute, and they know they run the house.
He’s such a cutie.
Oh goodness! I avoid that lil feature in my photos because the sentimentality would cause me to cry at inconvenient moments. I’m alone right now, so maybe I’ll go peek.
I especially love Tuna’s bejeweled crown. It suits him.
good morning!
His ego cannot get bigger – Look at him – He knows he owns you all!!!
What a pretty boy. Does he have the infamous ginger feistiness, or did the white fur gene dilute it a bit?
Tuna is a handsome cat
iPhone allows you to change the music and even alter the sequence or add more pics. It just puts the montage together for you. Always hits me with montages of my Mom who passed away two years ago. I had a lot of pics of her in my phone from the obituary and posting to the Meta hellscape. Always a gut punch.
He’s magnificent. He’s very much like our Bruce, who we had to put down last year.
A beauty 🙂 (and he is ensuring primacy 😀 )
Tuna is a marvel. It is interesting to me that the quality of light changes the way his fur looks!
Love our fur babies….so sweet!
Aw, got to love the kittehs! I have 4 feline overlords-1 six pound tuxedo, 1 sixteen pound gray tuxedo, 1 little old man gray floof, and 1 big orange Manx. My orange guy thinks he rules the house, but the two tuxies do not agree with him on that. Thank you for sharing the Tuna video. He is a gorgeous boy! Most of what I look at online is other people’s cats, and they’re absolutely my favorite things to see.
Sadly, I couldn’t access the video. I was instructed to sign in, but there was no screen for that.
You can watch it at this link 🙂
Tuna, you are a cat among cats. May there always be a warm lap waiting for you.
Aww! Good cat !!!🐈 Sweet!
yeah. my Rosie is a golden doodle and a diva. she is well known in my towns Home Depot and Lowes (as well as my office). she believes the ENTIRE world exists only to give her snuggles. my phone did the same thing…and I also refuse to show her 😆
I get those videos too. I’ve tried to take less photos of Ember, but apparently I’m addicted.
Cat videos: taking over the world and no one cares because it’s *cats.*
Insert big grinning smiley emoji
Tuna is a lovely monster! As well he should be, cuz Cat. Thank you for sharing it!
Apparently, the Internet is something like 15% cats. I delight in imagining what future history books will write about that 😀
Imagine what aliens would think! It would both hilarious and terrible.
That’s adorable.
Fun! Thanks for sharing it!
Best wishes for Gordon’s health.
Your cat is adorable. I have one dog and thirteen cats. One of mine looks very similar to Tuna. There are no leash laws for cats where I live, and many of them just showed up. They keep me busy. Fortunately, we have a large house and a large back yard. They go in and out.
Good job phone!
I too have an orange menace who is destructively nocturnal. We love them no matter what. Thanks for sharing and best to Gordon.
tuna had a cameo in catalina’s story – leon, arabella and grandma slammed the tank into the house to saaave him –
good wishes for gordon –
and thanks for all the stories…
I hear a lot about Tuna, but who is his dark cat friend and co conspirator?
What a beauty! Typical cat, must be at the center of all action – and attention!
Did anyone try to read what book was on the computer screen that Tuna was in front of?! Me neither. 🙂
Aww. He really is cute.
So much orange kitty cuteness! I have lots of cats, but orange kitties are my favorite. 😍
I love that he holds your hand.
What a beautiful cat. Most cats tend to be trouble makers, at least mine were.
Must have been an iphone thing…’cause I got the same kind of montage as well. Except that I have 3 yellow cats (all girls, tg) AND I’m of the childless camp, so I take LOTS of cat pictures AND I just finished building their 16′ x 8′ catio. Many pics to make music with. 🙂 It was fun to watch them grow up.
Hope all is well with Gordon.
Our tree is still up too. May stay that way, who knows!
He is “the One”
Great video but then you had a fantastic cat to video! I love Tuna, his name, his attitude, his lovely self! Of course, he pushed those “worthless” dogs over for HIS special spot on your lap! That is definitely where he, King of all, is supposed to be. Thank you for sharing this – he is gorgeous!
Yup, Alpha Cat!! LOL
I never noticed his nose freckles—so cute! Don’t tell him they ruin his dignity 😉
He is a majestic beast, and appears to be channeling his inner Curran.
Was looking at an authors web page. It had a fat,furry cute cat flying a broom. I thought of u and the innkeeper series. I’m sure you’ll be able to find it.😺
I understand orange menace, I type this with my non dominant hand because my orange menace is hoarding the warmth from my dominant arm. This is while her sister (also orange) hoards my husband.
Love the pic where he’s stretched out on his back!
Wow, I really went the wrong direction when I read “Orange Menace.”
Cute cat.
Hope Gordon’s MRI went well and he’s better soon.
Tuna makes me miss having a cat! Long story but we have a dachshund and he demands complete attention. Have to satisfy my cat craving with friends’ cats for now.
I love Tuna ❤️ I have an orange menace too. I may talk smack to/about him but I love that psycho will allllll of my little grinchy heart.
What a cutie pie!
He is adorable! Totally out of left field but is there a possibility of putting together a list of recipes of all the cool menu items in your books? I must be particularly hungry as I’m rereading about Catalina cooking….
Nothing of that sort has ever been confirmed, but you can start with the Recipe and Food tags on the blog and you’ll find a few of them 🙂
You guys are so awesome! Thank you!
Wish I wasn’t allergic to cats. I would have one
Loved the jewel crown on his head. I hesitated at word ‘crown’. But don’t know what else to call it.
Tuna is so majestic!
Precious. What a lover-cat.
Cats; they’re all narcissists, though some do have redeeming traits
He looks so handsome posing on the stone bench <3