I like the cover, everyone is wearing a shirt. Although where are the doughnuts?
We need a thumbs up here. Those were my exact thoughts. Maybe the doughnuts are under the shirts?
“Are you happy to see me or is that a Long John (donut)?” ๐
Patricia Schlorkesays
Nah, donuts wouldn’t work here; there is no O in the title.
My first thought was actually, “…He needs a vintage Prince ‘Purple Rain’ T-shirt to go with all the purple in the background!” The black and white doves would even match their respective T-shirts! Avon truly missed a golden cross-advertising opportunity there.
Dawn Marie Pagesays
My thoughts, Exactly!
The background is beautiful. The pose is good for a romance cover. I can’t wait for the book!!!!
This is my favorite cover in this series! Love the background!
Great cover, very evocative! Congratulations ~~
Fan in Californiasays
A shirt this time!! ?. Looking forward to it — no matter what the cover looks like!!!
I thought this too!!! Rogan AT LAST has a shirt and it was not AnnB who put it on the cover ?
Andrea Smithsays
Cindy M.says
I’m so jealous of the people that have their reviews posted on the back cover. That means they have read it already!!!
Those reviews are for the first book~
Yeaaaah !! At least the last book has a decent cover : I like the background too (violet and stormy *-*) =p The font (electrical) is great =O But.. Because I like to complain (sorry), the harmony of the picture is not that good (font, characters, background… they are kind of “isolated”, like you just put 3 elements together) but who cares about harmony when the guy has a SHIRT for once *-* ? (by the way, the Hello Kitty version was fun too =p) I’m so looking forward to reading it (in fact, I’m so excited just to read the rerelease … *desperate case*) Just thank you for writing such amazing story !
lara bryerssays
They started making mens shirts? Oh the calamity…. looks like a great cover!
Shirt acquired. Mission accomplished. Love the cover.
No one will mistake Rogan for Adam, with the shirt on.
Great cover!! Now the long wait for the next book?. I read the synopsis, and it kind of feels like this might not be the last book in this series. Here’s hoping ??
I love it! – my favourite yet.
Though is it just me or is their body language getting more distant over the three?
Tiger Lilysays
Love the purple….my favorite color?
Same. I think the color’s my favorite part!
Woohoo!!! Cover reveals mean the book is closer to being on my kindle!
ooh purple! the tornado is a nice touch. and YAY, progress!
so I was thinking this morning, and I was wondering how Michael’s dna was still so quickly recognizable. wouldn’t morphing into a 7-foot-tall monster alter it?
It all depends on whether the changes were genetic or chemical. Anabolic steroids can effect change in the body without affecting the DNA. Doomkeeper was some sort of disease thing, so I’m thinking that the changes in Michael were chemical.
Love it! Love the purple, love the shirt, can’t wait to read them all!!!
They are clothed!!! Yes!!!! Now if I buy a physical copy I won’t feel like I have to hide it in some corner of my bookcase.
Either way, can’t wait, already pre-ordered for kindle ๐
Lol, Rofl. The comments!
Love the cover, too.
Although, does it bug you that they use the pronoun her instead of they (“Ilona Andrews at her best…”)? Poor Gordon. (Question was directed to Ilona, not the BDH.)
Lol nice clarification there Tink.
Patricia Schlorkesays
I noticed that too. Hmmmm……..any reviewer by now would know the dynamic duo behind these wonderful books.
Yay! He’s Actually wearing a shirt!
I like the posing and the background is wonderful.
Pat Sciarinisays
Love the cover. Sometimes I think that having on a shirt is just as enticing as not having one. Leaves the mystery to be yet discovered!
Gorgeous colors, congratulations!
Are there tornadoes on the cover? Why, please? For dramatic explosions?
I dunno, maybe I’m just contrary. Because NOW, now I’m so suspicious of that shirt. Like, what is he hiding under that shirt?
Tasha Asays
Yummyness !?!? They obviously needed to hide them this time since people were going blind after looking at the gloriousness of his abs!!! In my house at least there w ere a lot of questions directed at hubby about why his abs didn’t look like that, this cover avoids those conversations!
Damietta Armstrongsays
You mean the hubs was not inspired to work on his abs? Fer shame, fer shame, fer shame.
As for all the fuss over shirts, I personally would not object if they were facing off wearing council robes, and Nevada swinging a baseball bat [we all know she wants to] right at Rogan’s superiority.
I mean, REALLY people, use your imaginations, and stop whingeing about whether or not the Author Lords “got it right”. You people aren’t careful, our sweet, smiling Author Lords are gonna start publishing their books with “Generic Kindle Cover #1″…and then where would alla you be?
The authorlords have no real say in the covers, so I don’t complain about them. I complain about the publisher thinking that Ilona Andrews is Jeanine Frost.
Now this one is creative — but Neva still should be a blonde!!
Looks good! Looking forward to the book releasing. Thanks for sharing cover news!
A very nice cover. LOVE IT!
BlondieB (Kathy from Aus)says
OMG love the purple and it all looks great. I’m gonna hold my breath until the books are out lol
Amy Jsays
Love it! I cant wait until May when we finally get book 2. I need a little more Nevada and Rogan in my life ;-).
And seriously – I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas, trying to be patient til the release dates!
LOVE this cover. Out of curiosity, why do the reviews say, “her” and “she” instead of “…this is Ilona Andrews at their best” or “they are storytellers extraordinaire”? Was it always this way, and I just didn’t notice?
Maybe because not everyboby knows that the pseudonym stands for two people. Ilona is a female name so they assume its a “she”.
Okay the cover is great. Yea cover. I am jonesing for the Book. Shirts, doughnuts, tornadoes, just can’t seem to wait for June. Bless you Authorlords for the long snapet.
Claire Msays
Love the purple, love the font of Wildfire. Really love he has a shirt on!! Lol so excited for White Hot and Wildfire.
i know these books are set to release close together but.. was there just no time for Nevada to put on a different shirt? i while it has been established that she just has the 2 good outfits but surely she has more than 1 top? I would never have noticed except they show the other cover on the back.
This is so funny I never even noticed her top when i saw the three covers together- and now I keep cracking up with laughter when I think about it! Good catch especially since Nevada’s wardrobe is well described in the 1st book- maybe we wait to see what happened to it in the next two books? Is it May yet?
(and the 2nd book snippet too)
This is my favorite cover of the three, but isn’t Nevada blonde?
I was just thinking the same thing. I can’t stand it when people complain about such excellent work (I had no problem with ShirtGate), but the brunette thing made me do a double take.
Her hair is blonde where the light hits and looks brown where it’s shaded – this is normal for dark blondes. Not a “dye job”!
what is that thing coming out of Rogan’s back? Looks like a stick..or a knife?
The blond thing goes on extensively in Burn for Me! The brown hair on this cover does not make me happy.
Jocelyn Malonesays
Who’d you have to bribe to get a shirt on the male lead ;-)? Pretty sure that violates some standard somewhere, but I like it! It’s a really nice cover–people almost look normal, eye-catching, in-genre, overall nice!
Yeah, a shirt! Is that the same female model? And does using magic darken ones hair, she’s supposed to be blond.
Nevada looks blond to me, her hair just appears darker because of the strategic shadows that flit dramatically across the models’ faces.
A shirt! Poor publisher must think we are crazy for wanting a shirt while normal fans usually cry for less clothes ?
Oh and I like the cover!
Nice, I like the colors and the lettering.
Yay for shirts! This must be the spare one he keeps in the land rover. ๐
What I love most about the cover is that it means the book is getting closer to being in my grabby hands this year. Shirt or no shirt, I can’t wait to get to read the next two books.
Ahhhh, I can’t wait to read this! And he FINALLY has a shirt on hahaha.
Yay! The cover doesn’t suck! Woot! Looking forward to reading the series in a few(ish) months!!!
Yay! The v-neck certainly does nice things for his cleavage, he’s obviously put some thought into his outfit.
I like this much better cover- good background, nice font and Rogan has a shirt! I agree with Tylikcat that the body language does seem to be more distant than it was in the earlier covers. I also agree with other posters who think her hair is too dark to be classified as tupelo honey in color. It’s disappointing that they aren’t honouring the promise they made to our Authorlords and doing a revamped cover for Burn for Me. I suspect we all agonise about the covers so much because we reread all our IA books so often that we have clear pictures in our minds about how characters look.
Honestly, I don’t care about the cover, I don’t care about the shirt. I WANT THE BOOK, I’m jones’ing big time for the next installment. Is there any chance you could accidentally post a snippet that includes all chapters? Just Sayin’.
! Ditto!
Charis N.says
That would be nice. Avon might get a wee peeved but it would be nice.
Although when I look again I feel like the body language (and the shirt) on the Wildfire cover are more consistent with the story content of Burn For Me, while the BFM cover is a little closer to Wildfire story content. Either way, covers don’t matter to me, just the great content!
Romana Challanssays
What they said. Jonesing for a fix.
Yay – cover reveal – it is great! Best one yet for the series. Billionaire Rogan can afford a shirt for this one lol ๐ ๐ Soooo looking forward to release date. Cheers
I agree, best cover of the three. I like how this one turned out :-).
Awesome cover! Now it is just the wait for the book(s) to go with it.
I don’t know….he’s wearing a shirt. Just kidding! Great cover!
Bummer – *she* has to have her big boobs thrust out and he has his shirt ON this time??? I was looking forward to running my eyes over his lovely pecs!
Seriously -it a good cover.
Bill Gsays
Talk about a tease. White Hot isn’t out yet, and here’s the cover of the next one to wait for? Waaahhh!
I am missing the donuts reference, was it in WH? Or a snip? (Curran took Kate’s donut. . . don’t remember Nevada buying donuts. Bacon and pancakes. Bulgogi, which I had never heard of, before .) And the Michael reference above, that’s news. Learning plot points from the smart commenters.
The donut reference you’ll find if you search this site for the White Hot (WH) cover reveal.
The Michael reference is to a character in One Fell Sweep, not Wildfire.
Omg! Everyone has a shirt on! Nobody is contorted funny!
Just saw/read Jim C. Hines’s cover poses from a few years ago so this is amazing.
Thanks for this reference Amanda. I checked out the Jim C. Hines website and loved his send up of cover poses.
Vanessa B.says
Can’t wait for the book!
What she said….I think.
Can’t wait for Books 2 and 3.
Pam S.says
Love this cover. They got it right this time.
It’s beautiful!!! I love it!!
Wow, that looks amazing!
Honestly one of my first thoughts on New Years Day was, “Now that it is 2017 White Hot will be coming out so sooon!”. Yeah, that is how exciting my own life is ๐
Ree Moreausays
Pretty close to my thought too – I am so excited, only 5 more months to go!!!!!
Ditto. We seem to have been waiting forever. I really like Nevada and her family and am interested to see if “Mad Rogan” becomes ” Connor ” or just “Rogan ” to Nevada (similar to Roarke in the Eve Dallas books). I am delighted OFS has been so successful for our Authorlords and believe 2017 will be even more successful for them. They have earned this success: the quality of their writing and their loyalty and graciousness to the book devouring horde has earned our loyalty and enthusiasm. That OFS, a story we had previously read as a weekly serial, can go to No. 2 on the best seller list without any publisher promotion sets the bar high for the publisher.
He does have a shirt! ?? I like this one the most of all 3.
However it’s the content I can’t wait for not the cover… 6 months….
Looks Awesome.
Purple is a great color for them!
Glad to see that the comments are not harsh ๐ Happy Friday and thank you for sharing. I like all the covers.. but my favorite parts of the books are the are the stories… you could have toast as your model and I would still dig it :0)
Picturing toast with a shirt now ๐
“Grins” Toast t-shirts for all ๐
(Exasperated) He’s wearing a shirt! Why is he wearing a shirt? What devilry is this? I thought the covers were emphasizing the south’s warm climate…..
On a somewhat more serious note: Nice cover, nice they kept the overall imagery. Since I’m going audio I’ll see this once – so back to my regularly scheduled program: He’s wearing a shirt!111!!!1
But….But….. man chest! Ohhh Nooooossss! Sobs in a dark closet. Love the background though. The Hurricane vs tornadoes will be epic. Dose anyone else notice that Nevada has her hand on his jelly filleds?? Jelly sounds the least naughty.
“Dose anyone else notice that Nevada has her hand on his jelly filleds??”
Hah! Now I do. Strategic placement of the book title. ๐
Oh I saw this on Amazon earlier in the day before you announced it! My first thought was “Oh look he’s wearing a shirt.” Very dramatic, I like it.
Drool, drool, drool (over the prospect of TWO Nevada books this year). Thank you for making 2017 bearable!
Eva M.says
LOL! Everyone is talking about his wearing a shirt! But… Did anyone else notice that HER hair keeps changing color? (Snicker)
The cover is absolutely great!
And for purely selfish reasons too! Coz now it can join my travel collection of other AuthorLord books (hardcopy or paperback) that provide hours of guaranteed entertainment that is a relief or break from the monotony and stress of long trips by train, plane or automobile – I travel alot & prefer the 3-dimensional book with pages in my hand to an e-reader for some reason. I usually end up chuckling hard about something or other and get the curious question “What’s that book about?” with the KD, IK, or Edge books instead of the annoying wink “I know what that book is about” (aargh!) that has nothing to do with the HL book- yet.
Hope everyone got back to where you needed to be safely this weekend! Looking forward to many more new authorlord adventures this year along with the rest of the book devouring horde.
Liz V.says
Wooo! Nice cover! I love the purple . I dunno if it’s the angle/lighting/makeup but are these two the same cover models as before? I know her hair is different but I can’t tell if they’re the ones from before or it’s just me being silly?? ๐ Anyways, really looking forward to more Nevada and Rogan story regardless of covers!! Woooooooooooo!
Best of the thre but (and this isn’t a criticism or complaint, just a question), what happened to her blond hair….her totallya natural but looks like what everyone is striving for from expensive dye jobs blond hair?
I have a question is this series only going to be the three books? On Amazon in the description for “Wildfire” it says in conclusion.
Does anyone know? Also I changed my post name from Diana to DianainCa
Maybe it’s just me… but did Nevada get a dye job for the cover? And the Wildfire cover looks way better than the White Hot one. Showing everything isn’t always a good thing.
PS – The cover doesn’t matter. What matters is the content! Could we get another snippet… pretty pretty please? With sugar and yarn on top? XD
I like the cover, everyone is wearing a shirt. Although where are the doughnuts?
We need a thumbs up here. Those were my exact thoughts. Maybe the doughnuts are under the shirts?
“Are you happy to see me or is that a Long John (donut)?” ๐
Nah, donuts wouldn’t work here; there is no O in the title.
My first thought was actually, “…He needs a vintage Prince ‘Purple Rain’ T-shirt to go with all the purple in the background!” The black and white doves would even match their respective T-shirts! Avon truly missed a golden cross-advertising opportunity there.
My thoughts, Exactly!
The background is beautiful. The pose is good for a romance cover. I can’t wait for the book!!!!
This is my favorite cover in this series! Love the background!
Great cover, very evocative! Congratulations ~~
A shirt this time!! ?. Looking forward to it — no matter what the cover looks like!!!
I thought this too!!! Rogan AT LAST has a shirt and it was not AnnB who put it on the cover ?
I’m so jealous of the people that have their reviews posted on the back cover. That means they have read it already!!!
Those reviews are for the first book~
Yeaaaah !! At least the last book has a decent cover : I like the background too (violet and stormy *-*) =p The font (electrical) is great =O
But.. Because I like to complain (sorry), the harmony of the picture is not that good (font, characters, background… they are kind of “isolated”, like you just put 3 elements together) but who cares about harmony when the guy has a SHIRT for once *-* ? (by the way, the Hello Kitty version was fun too =p)
I’m so looking forward to reading it (in fact, I’m so excited just to read the rerelease … *desperate case*)
Just thank you for writing such amazing story !
They started making mens shirts? Oh the calamity…. looks like a great cover!
Shirt acquired. Mission accomplished.
Love the cover.
No one will mistake Rogan for Adam, with the shirt on.
Great cover!! Now the long wait for the next book?. I read the synopsis, and it kind of feels like this might not be the last book in this series. Here’s hoping ??
I love it! – my favourite yet.
Though is it just me or is their body language getting more distant over the three?
Love the purple….my favorite color?
Same. I think the color’s my favorite part!
Woohoo!!! Cover reveals mean the book is closer to being on my kindle!
ooh purple! the tornado is a nice touch. and YAY, progress!
so I was thinking this morning, and I was wondering how Michael’s dna was still so quickly recognizable. wouldn’t morphing into a 7-foot-tall monster alter it?
It all depends on whether the changes were genetic or chemical. Anabolic steroids can effect change in the body without affecting the DNA. Doomkeeper was some sort of disease thing, so I’m thinking that the changes in Michael were chemical.
Love it! Love the purple, love the shirt, can’t wait to read them all!!!
They are clothed!!! Yes!!!! Now if I buy a physical copy I won’t feel like I have to hide it in some corner of my bookcase.
Either way, can’t wait, already pre-ordered for kindle ๐
Lol, Rofl. The comments!
Love the cover, too.
Although, does it bug you that they use the pronoun her instead of they (“Ilona Andrews at her best…”)? Poor Gordon. (Question was directed to Ilona, not the BDH.)
Lol nice clarification there Tink.
I noticed that too. Hmmmm……..any reviewer by now would know the dynamic duo behind these wonderful books.
Yay! He’s Actually wearing a shirt!
I like the posing and the background is wonderful.
Love the cover. Sometimes I think that having on a shirt is just as enticing as not having one. Leaves the mystery to be yet discovered!
Gorgeous colors, congratulations!
Are there tornadoes on the cover? Why, please? For dramatic explosions?
Because there are tornadoes in the book.
Thank you.
I dunno, maybe I’m just contrary. Because NOW, now I’m so suspicious of that shirt. Like, what is he hiding under that shirt?
Yummyness !?!? They obviously needed to hide them this time since people were going blind after looking at the gloriousness of his abs!!! In my house at least there w ere a lot of questions directed at hubby about why his abs didn’t look like that, this cover avoids those conversations!
You mean the hubs was not inspired to work on his abs? Fer shame, fer shame, fer shame.
As for all the fuss over shirts, I personally would not object if they were facing off wearing council robes, and Nevada swinging a baseball bat [we all know she wants to] right at Rogan’s superiority.
I mean, REALLY people, use your imaginations, and stop whingeing about whether or not the Author Lords “got it right”. You people aren’t careful, our sweet, smiling Author Lords are gonna start publishing their books with “Generic Kindle Cover #1″…and then where would alla you be?
The authorlords have no real say in the covers, so I don’t complain about them. I complain about the publisher thinking that Ilona Andrews is Jeanine Frost.
Now this one is creative — but Neva still should be a blonde!!
Looks good! Looking forward to the book releasing. Thanks for sharing cover news!
A very nice cover. LOVE IT!
OMG love the purple and it all looks great. I’m gonna hold my breath until the books are out lol
Love it! I cant wait until May when we finally get book 2. I need a little more Nevada and Rogan in my life ;-).
Yay, shirts! ๐
And seriously – I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas, trying to be patient til the release dates!
LOVE this cover.
Out of curiosity, why do the reviews say, “her” and “she” instead of “…this is Ilona Andrews at their best” or “they are storytellers extraordinaire”? Was it always this way, and I just didn’t notice?
Maybe because not everyboby knows that the pseudonym stands for two people. Ilona is a female name so they assume its a “she”.
Okay the cover is great. Yea cover. I am jonesing for the Book. Shirts, doughnuts, tornadoes, just can’t seem to wait for June. Bless you Authorlords for the long snapet.
Love the purple, love the font of Wildfire. Really love he has a shirt on!! Lol so excited for White Hot and Wildfire.
i know these books are set to release close together but.. was there just no time for Nevada to put on a different shirt? i while it has been established that she just has the 2 good outfits but surely she has more than 1 top? I would never have noticed except they show the other cover on the back.
This is so funny I never even noticed her top when i saw the three covers together- and now I keep cracking up with laughter when I think about it! Good catch especially since Nevada’s wardrobe is well described in the 1st book- maybe we wait to see what happened to it in the next two books? Is it May yet?
(and the 2nd book snippet too)
This is my favorite cover of the three, but isn’t Nevada blonde?
I was just thinking the same thing. I can’t stand it when people complain about such excellent work (I had no problem with ShirtGate), but the brunette thing made me do a double take.
Her hair is blonde where the light hits and looks brown where it’s shaded – this is normal for dark blondes. Not a “dye job”!
what is that thing coming out of Rogan’s back? Looks like a stick..or a knife?
You know what the problem is with the cover? You’re taunting us because we wants it now we do!!!! *grabby hands*
*goes to weep in a corner*
“There, there, *pats on back* we all feel your pain!” Goes back to pacing like a badly housed zoo animal while muttering to self.
Like someone else I thought Nevada was a blonde
Tupelo honey blonde not platinum.
The blond thing goes on extensively in Burn for Me! The brown hair on this cover does not make me happy.
Who’d you have to bribe to get a shirt on the male lead ;-)? Pretty sure that violates some standard somewhere, but I like it! It’s a really nice cover–people almost look normal, eye-catching, in-genre, overall nice!
Nice! Congrats!
Yeah, a shirt! Is that the same female model? And does using magic darken ones hair, she’s supposed to be blond.
Nevada looks blond to me, her hair just appears darker because of the strategic shadows that flit dramatically across the models’ faces.
A shirt! Poor publisher must think we are crazy for wanting a shirt while normal fans usually cry for less clothes ?
Oh and I like the cover!
Nice, I like the colors and the lettering.
Yay for shirts! This must be the spare one he keeps in the land rover. ๐
What I love most about the cover is that it means the book is getting closer to being in my grabby hands this year. Shirt or no shirt, I can’t wait to get to read the next two books.
Ahhhh, I can’t wait to read this! And he FINALLY has a shirt on hahaha.
Yay! The cover doesn’t suck! Woot!
Looking forward to reading the series in a few(ish) months!!!
The v-neck certainly does nice things for his cleavage, he’s obviously put some thought into his outfit.
I like this much better cover- good background, nice font and Rogan has a shirt! I agree with Tylikcat that the body language does seem to be more distant than it was in the earlier covers. I also agree with other posters who think her hair is too dark to be classified as tupelo honey in color. It’s disappointing that they aren’t honouring the promise they made to our Authorlords and doing a revamped cover for Burn for Me. I suspect we all agonise about the covers so much because we reread all our IA books so often that we have clear pictures in our minds about how characters look.
Honestly, I don’t care about the cover, I don’t care about the shirt.
I WANT THE BOOK, I’m jones’ing big time for the next installment. Is there any chance you could accidentally post a snippet that includes all chapters? Just Sayin’.
! Ditto!
That would be nice. Avon might get a wee peeved but it would be nice.
Although when I look again I feel like the body language (and the shirt) on the Wildfire cover are more consistent with the story content of Burn For Me, while the BFM cover is a little closer to Wildfire story content. Either way, covers don’t matter to me, just the great content!
What they said. Jonesing for a fix.
Yay – cover reveal – it is great! Best one yet for the series. Billionaire Rogan can afford a shirt for this one lol ๐ ๐ Soooo looking forward to release date. Cheers
I agree, best cover of the three. I like how this one turned out :-).
Awesome cover! Now it is just the wait for the book(s) to go with it.
I don’t know….he’s wearing a shirt. Just kidding! Great cover!
Bummer – *she* has to have her big boobs thrust out and he has his shirt ON this time??? I was looking forward to running my eyes over his lovely pecs!
Seriously -it a good cover.
Talk about a tease. White Hot isn’t out yet, and here’s the cover of the next one to wait for?
He has a shirt!
“Up vote!” That was my first thought too.
Isn’t it funny that it’s about the shirt…. lol
My first thought too ๐
I am missing the donuts reference, was it in WH? Or a snip? (Curran took Kate’s donut. . . don’t remember Nevada buying donuts. Bacon and pancakes. Bulgogi, which I had never heard of, before .) And the Michael reference above, that’s news. Learning plot points from the smart commenters.
The donut reference you’ll find if you search this site for the White Hot (WH) cover reveal.
The Michael reference is to a character in One Fell Sweep, not Wildfire.
Omg! Everyone has a shirt on! Nobody is contorted funny!
Just saw/read Jim C. Hines’s cover poses from a few years ago so this is amazing.
Thanks for this reference Amanda. I checked out the Jim C. Hines website and loved his send up of cover poses.
Can’t wait for the book!
What she said….I think.
Can’t wait for Books 2 and 3.
Love this cover. They got it right this time.
It’s beautiful!!! I love it!!
Wow, that looks amazing!
Honestly one of my first thoughts on New Years Day was, “Now that it is 2017 White Hot will be coming out so sooon!”. Yeah, that is how exciting my own life is ๐
Pretty close to my thought too – I am so excited, only 5 more months to go!!!!!
Ditto. We seem to have been waiting forever. I really like Nevada and her family and am interested to see if “Mad Rogan” becomes ” Connor ” or just “Rogan ” to Nevada (similar to Roarke in the Eve Dallas books).
I am delighted OFS has been so successful for our Authorlords and believe 2017 will be even more successful for them. They have earned this success: the quality of their writing and their loyalty and graciousness to the book devouring horde has earned our loyalty and enthusiasm. That OFS, a story we had previously read as a weekly serial, can go to No. 2 on the best seller list without any publisher promotion sets the bar high for the publisher.
He does have a shirt! ?? I like this one the most of all 3.
However it’s the content I can’t wait for not the cover… 6 months….
Looks Awesome.
Purple is a great color for them!
Glad to see that the comments are not harsh ๐ Happy Friday and thank you for sharing. I like all the covers.. but my favorite parts of the books are the are the stories… you could have toast as your model and I would still dig it :0)
Picturing toast with a shirt now ๐
“Grins” Toast t-shirts for all ๐
(Exasperated) He’s wearing a shirt! Why is he wearing a shirt? What devilry is this? I thought the covers were emphasizing the south’s warm climate…..
On a somewhat more serious note: Nice cover, nice they kept the overall imagery. Since I’m going audio I’ll see this once – so back to my regularly scheduled program: He’s wearing a shirt!111!!!1
But….But….. man chest! Ohhh Nooooossss! Sobs in a dark closet. Love the background though. The Hurricane vs tornadoes will be epic.
Dose anyone else notice that Nevada has her hand on his jelly filleds?? Jelly sounds the least naughty.
“Dose anyone else notice that Nevada has her hand on his jelly filleds??”
Hah! Now I do. Strategic placement of the book title. ๐
Oh I saw this on Amazon earlier in the day before you announced it! My first thought was “Oh look he’s wearing a shirt.” Very dramatic, I like it.
I like the cover, can’t wait for the book!
I like it! And Rogan has a shirt!
It looks great. I’m so looking forward to reading the next 2 books!
Book book book! Does having a cover mean we’ll get the book sooner, p l e e a a s e.
AAAIIIIEEEEE!!!!! *head explodes*
It’s Friday. Therefore I feel a Pavlovian compulsion to repeatedly check your FB and blog. Lol
Counting down to getting to read both books!
Drool, drool, drool (over the prospect of TWO Nevada books this year). Thank you for making 2017 bearable!
LOL! Everyone is talking about his wearing a shirt!
But… Did anyone else notice that HER hair keeps changing color? (Snicker)
The cover is absolutely great!
And for purely selfish reasons too! Coz now it can join my travel collection of other AuthorLord books (hardcopy or paperback) that provide hours of guaranteed entertainment that is a relief or break from the monotony and stress of long trips by train, plane or automobile – I travel alot & prefer the 3-dimensional book with pages in my hand to an e-reader for some reason. I usually end up chuckling hard about something or other and get the curious question “What’s that book about?” with the KD, IK, or Edge books instead of the annoying wink “I know what that book is about” (aargh!) that has nothing to do with the HL book- yet.
Hope everyone got back to where you needed to be safely this weekend! Looking forward to many more new authorlord adventures this year along with the rest of the book devouring horde.
Wooo! Nice cover! I love the purple .
I dunno if it’s the angle/lighting/makeup but are these two the same cover models as before? I know her hair is different but I can’t tell if they’re the ones from before or it’s just me being silly?? ๐
Anyways, really looking forward to more Nevada and Rogan story regardless of covers!! Woooooooooooo!
Best of the thre but (and this isn’t a criticism or complaint, just a question), what happened to her blond hair….her totallya natural but looks like what everyone is striving for from expensive dye jobs blond hair?
I have a question is this series only going to be the three books? On Amazon in the description for “Wildfire” it says in conclusion.
Does anyone know? Also I changed my post name from Diana to DianainCa
Maybe it’s just me… but did Nevada get a dye job for the cover? And the Wildfire cover looks way better than the White Hot one. Showing everything isn’t always a good thing.
PS – The cover doesn’t matter. What matters is the content! Could we get another snippet… pretty pretty please? With sugar and yarn on top? XD
I love this cover! My favorite of the three. Great colors, and they finally gave Rogan a shirt! This makes me want to read Burn for Me again.
It’s beautiful! Love the colors. And yay for Rogan! He finally rates a shirt!
Just want to get my grubby little hands on both forthcoming books.
Best part of a new year- new books coming out! I am beyond excited for White Hot and Wildfire!!