First an important announcement.
We will be doing an Ask Me Anything (AMA) event. The AMA will take place here at on JULY 19th, so this Wednesday. Come and ask us all of your weird and wonderful questions and we will do our best to answer. Don’t forget, JULY 19, this Wednesday, at the link above.
Also to the gentleman on Twitter, we didn’t forget. We’ll post a snippet later today.
So, 2,000 + comments, huh. Awesome. We threw in an extra mass market.
Winners of WILDFIRE Giveaway:
Gloria (hardback):
I love Nevada’s guts and adherence to her moral code. I also love that, thanks to her experiences with her military family, she understands Rogan’s black and white view of the world. I love that both of these characters do what they think is right and do what they feel they must to protect those they love.
Aside from the building romance, I love Nevada’s complicated family, and they way they pull together in a crisis. I also love the vividly painted secondary characters, like Bug the surveillance expert, Dr. Daniella, and of course Augustine. I want this to be a continuing series, not just a trilogy. I have read the first two books multiple times, and am dying to get my hands on the third installment. Here’s hoping it ends with a wedding!
Everything! But the first favourite that springs to mind is Sgt. Teddy. “I had been hugged by a giant, pacifist , super-intelligent bear. I could do this.”
Thank you for your wonderful books.
Pam Martin:
I love Nevada and Rogan’s emerging relationship. His comment “I see a Prime” was just lovely. But probably my favorite part of White Hot was Leon’s commentary after the attack at Nevada’s home. It was hysterically funny!!
Woooo give away!
What is there not to love about Hidden Legacy? It’s hard to choose just one thing, but for me it is the family. Nevada’s family is wonderfully normal and not normal at the same time. I cant wait for Rogan to join it forever!
Katelin says
Sad day. I’ll just have to wait. Can’t wait to see you in Orlando!!!
Elaina Roberts says
Congrats to the winners! Enjoy!
Red says
I’ll second those congrats! Looking forward to the snippet and the AMA, only 8 days until Wildfire is out so who’s counting? 😉
Nicole says
Can I just echo the statement that I too want this to be a continuing series and not just a trilogy. You’ve caught us hook, line and sinker with both Inkeeper and Hidden Legacy. Your readers are a voracious, book consuming horde, always wanting more but so appreciative at the same time. Please, please keep feeding our addiction!
Seriously, un gros merci for having written such wonderful books (however still a little miffed you used the name Alix for a guy, seeing how it’s my daughter’s name, and actually the name of one of Eleanor of Aquitaine’s two daughters so goes WAYYYY back).
monica n b says
I don’t want to add a comment when I would be saying virtually the same thing – want more, want more (no daughter named Alix, though)
Simone says
Name usage varies around the world. I was traveling for work in Italy and the person I was meeting with was quiet upset that I was a woman. “Simone is a man’s name!”. I stated I realized in Europe it was different but in North America Simone is the female version and Simon is the male version. Went on and on about it so I told him “I realize this is upsetting to you so please feel free to call me Ms. instead”. He finally simmered down and we got to start the meeting. Same thing happened in France and Quebec but they were more amused than upset.
Simone says
took out my comment in brackets. 🙁 Told him to call me Ms. plus my last name.
Luys says
Funny! My friend from Armenia had a similar reaction from Americans. His name is Karen and it’s a man’s name in Asia (female equivalent being Karine) so when he travelled in the states, people got visible confused and sometimes even upset.
Laurence says
It’s weird because it’s the same in France: Simone is female and Simon is male.
I think it’s just in Italy, and he really got his knickers in a bunch over nothing.
For Nicole: I remind you that we have a long continuing Belgian-French comics serie called Alix, following the adventures of a roman boy… ;o)
yeah, and when I worked in the States, people calling my home number would ask to talk to my dad or husband. It tickled me to then explain how Laurence (female name) is pronounced in France.
anainasia says
same for Andrea (i love Andrea in the books happy to share her name) – female in Germany and USA – female version of Andreas or Andrew – but male in the French speaking world – constantly ended up in the boys races when I competed across the border as a teenager.
Shannon Gonzales says
I agree. PLLEAASEEE, keep writing for us! I’m practically frothing at the mouth for Curran and Rogan POV novels. I adore Kate/Curran and Nevada/Rogan so much. Thank you for creating them. <3
Ilona says
Do you mean Alex? Short for Alexander?
Nicole says
Nope – it’s Alix the mercenary in Magic Shifts. And yes, i did read some of the comics Alix growing up so point well taken.
Kelly B L says
Not a winner of the raffle.
Winner because I am a reader and new book comes out soon.
Thanks for all you guys do for your readers!
Caramelia says
THIS. We’re all winning, because in a few days we’ll get to read a new Ilona Andrews book *wooooohoooooooooo*
Fan in California says
And, additionally and hopefully, some of us will be able to meet Ilona and Gordon Sunday!!!
Colleen Champagne says
Congrats to the winners! Such fun for you! More patience for me. 😀
Chris T. says
1 week & a day until the release – I’ll re-re-re-read the 1st 2 book this weekend so I can segue seamlessly into the 3rd. Wonderful to have the releases close together! Though I will admit Imma missing Dina and the Inn . . . write on!
Bibliovore says
Rena says
Congratulations to the winners. Next week we will all be winners. 🙂
Ms. Kim says
Teresa says
I did not win but feel like I did if we get another snippet. I really like the cliff hangers. Who was on top of those sexy heels? Mean grandmother, Randa, or new character?
Tink says
I was wondering if it was Lenora coming to ask Nevada to do some truthseeking.
Julie says
I think it’s Evil Grandmother. It’s a good thing they filmed the application to be a House, she can’t lobotomize a camera. And I think EG paid a visit to Linus Duncan beforehand and was the “annoyingly difficult person” who made him late, which is how she knew to show up.
Wendy Saf says
Ohh. Bet you are right!
Luys says
Second that.
trailing wife says
My public library now is accepting reservations for the new book… and has the usual first chapters sample. It is indeed Evil Grandmother whose heels are heard tapping down the hall — and that’s when it gets really interesting in a completely unexpected way. What fun it must be inside the Author Lords heads!
I didn’t bother reserving, because I already bought it.
sarafina says
I was thinking Nevada could pay off her mortgages in no time if she got a couple of gigs doing truthseeking for Houses at $1,000,000 for 30 minutes.
Patricia Schlorke says
Congratulations to the winners! One week from tomorrow. Can’t wait. Thank goodness I have some other books to read before July 25th. It will make the time go fast.
Simone says
Congrats to the lucky winners! I read some but not all of the 2000+ comments and there seemed to be a theme. People loved everything! The world building. Slow burn between Nevada and Rogan. The family interactions. The humor. The realism of the characters not being perfect but always growing.
You two are fantastic authors and after one of your books I usually have to wait a bit to read something else. What would otherwise be a perfectly good book by another author will pale in comparison.
My husband and I went to a jazz concert and it was Pharoah Sanders with a great band, very tight, and it included a sax player. Special guest Kenny Garrett came on for a few songs (sax player) and they blew the house down. Amazing. I kind of felt bad for the regular band sax player having to come back on stage after KG – a very hard act to follow. Kind of like your writing – you’re a hard act to follow.
Just over a week away until Book Birthday. Hooray!
Lee says
Congratulations to the giveaway winners, but as several people have already commented, we all win with a new Ilona Andrews story! And a snippet will help the time pass as we compulsively re-read it, along with the others you’ve provided, while waiting. Thank you!
Barbara says
Congratulations to the winners, enjoy your early book birthday!???
Roxanne says
Congrats to all the winners!
Angel says
Congrats guys!
Angel says
A different topic- it’s lovely not being stuck in the moderation queue! Thank you so much for figuring out how to fix that!
sarafina says
MeggsH says
Congrats to the winners- I kept checking the blog and saw the comments number rising each time and figured I was probably toast anyway ? – am now attempting. to exercise my super flabby patience muscle….can’t wait for next week!
Boohoo101 says
Congratulations to the winners! I thjnk though we will all feel like winners soon in a week’s time. I cant wait to read wildfire!
Lissa says
Congrats to the winners! And thank you again for holding this contest!
Mel says
Congrats to all the winners!
Regina says
Congratulations to the winners! I had fun reading through the wide varity of postings and watching the count go up higher and higher. Thank you for today’s snippet, your kindness knows no bounds!
Pika says
Congrats to the winners !!!
Barbara says
Ah, you lucky bastards. Enjoy 😀
Ms. Kim says
Snippet? Snippet! Snippet, Snippet, Snippet. Oooooohh, snippet.
Julia Varga says
Congrats to the winners!!!
8 days to go!!?
Robin_WH says
Well, congratulations to winners!
But I have a question for you: I have been re-reading Wildfire snippets (between preparing for Physical-Chemistry exam), but it occurred to me, that you have posted only snippets of Chapters 2 and 3. I can´t find any Wildfire snippet of chapter 1. Am I blind? Was it posted?
Ilona says
Yes. It’s in the back of White Hot.
Robin_WH says
Oh no, I bought audio version of White Hot on audible. It is not there.
Ilona says
Well, that’s not good. I’ll email you something.
Robin_WH says
Thank you very much.
Kathleen Kennedy says
OMG! I won! Thank you, thank you. Such a great thing to find out after being put on bed rest. Yay from Down Under! Brain is a bit fuzzy from medication, do I p.m. you with my address or email? Thanks again??
Julie says
Congrats to all the winners! I’m kind of glad I wasn’t one of them because a) I’m travelling and still would have gotten the e-book I oredered first and b) the comments by some of the commenters on the “crappy wednesday” post made me rather hope that someone who needs cheering up would win because a bright spot is a blessing when you need one.
Thank you in advance for the upcoming snippet! I too hope that this series will continue past the upcoming book, it’s far too good to end at 3.
Shannon Gonzales says
I’m jelly of the winners. I pre-ordered Wildfire on iBooks and am not so patiently waiting for it! Also, I wrote down all kinds of questions that I want to ask you when I re-read the books. I highlight in different colors to signify the content and I scribble notes everywhere. I’ve been in school for so long that I treat my leisure reading like a text book. Sooooo, I’ll be sure to send those over to the reddit link on Wed.
wont says
Congratulations to the winners. I entered, but have to say I’m fine with not winning the giveaway. I’m focused like a laser on next Monday night, midnight. I will be ready. I like the idea of spreading the N&R love around. I’m quite certain I can feel the energy revving. Wheee!!!!!!!
Gracie O'Neil says
I didn’t win, but you’re going to give us a snippet, so YAY!! It’s a win! Thank you!
Liessa S says
Wait! You forgot me!
Oh well – just read that I can see you guys in Houston at Murder By the Book!
I’m going total fangirl over it!!!!!
Fun place too:)
Rebecca C says
Congratulations to the winners! Tomorrow will be my 1st excursion to reddit – it will be an excellent birthday present!
Rebecca C says
Duh! I thought it was already Tuesday when I commented earlier. My birthday is the 19th.
DianainCa says
Congratulations to the winners! Enjoy the book!
charisN says
ok. Congrats to the winners…….really. sniff sniff
Akeru says
New snippet!? My greed is showing. Excuse me while I stuff it back into hiding… I’ve been double checking the blog every 30 minutes… like a caffinated hummingbird, No, I have no patience.
ReneeG says
Can’t win all the time, and by this time next week I’ll be winning as I fall into the pages of White Hot!
Congrats to those who are getting their books early – Read in Peace. 😉
And hopefully the publisher decides that a series with Nevada and Rogan would be a wonderful gift to your loyal reading/buying public!
Thank you for all the books!
Gloria Magid says
Whee! My address is
Gloria Magid
13810 Riverhead Court
San Diego CA 92129
I am so excited!!!!
Katerin says
Omg i won! Thank you so much!
Katerina says
And i missed an “a” on my name. My excitement got the better of me.
Carol says
So I started with the wierd house posting. I also want to know how you find these “incredible” places. Then I moved on the the winners notification. Congrats!! Really cool adding an extra one too btw. Plus, I think it is entirely wonderful to send the 1st chapter to the reader that got the audio book! You guys are just really nice people! Now! Now I’m going to snuggle into the covers cause it’s almost 3am and read that snippet! Ahhhh! Thank you!
NicoleB says
Congrats to the winners!
I must say, I did hope to be one of them, so I would maybe get Wildfire a bit sooner than what Amazon promises right now for the delivery date – which is not before August 3rd… ??
Enjoy!!! ?
Pam Martin says
I’m another winner and, boy, was I surprised when I won. I didn’t think I had a chance. There were so many good comments. My address is 4365 Briarcliff Rd. NE Atlanta, GA 30345-2103
Felicia says
Congratulations to Gloria, Kathleen, Pam, and Katerina! 🙂
mcdanib says
I wasn’t lucky enough to win, but my local bookstore put them out early… several hours later, and I can say EG was awesome !