Kate Daniels Series

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Kate Daniels
The world has suffered a magic apocalypse. It comes in waves, without warning, and vanishes as suddenly as it appears. When magic is up, planes drop out of the sky, cars stall, and electricity dies. When magic is down, guns work and spells fail.
Magic waves feed on technology, gnawing down skyscrapers to skeletal husks. Monsters prowl the ruined streets, shapeshifters stalk their prey; and the Masters of the Dead, necromancers driven by their thirst of knowledge and wealth, pilot blood-crazed vampires with their minds.
In this world lives Kate Daniels. Kate likes her sword a little too much and has a hard time controlling her mouth. The magic in her blood makes her a target, and she spent most of her life hiding in plain sight. But sometimes even trained killers make friends and fall in love, and when the universe tries to kick them in the face, they kick back.
Iron Covenant
Hugh d’Ambray, Warlord of the Builder of Towers, served only one man. Now his immortal, nearly omnipotent master has cast him aside. Hugh is a shadow of the warrior he was, but he must find strength to save the Iron Dogs, soldiers who’d follow him anywhere.
Elara Harper is a creature who should not exist. Her enemies call her Abomination; her people call her White Lady. Tasked with their protection, she’s trapped between the magical heavyweights about to collide and plunge the state of Kentucky into a war.
Hugh needs a base, Elara needs soldiers. Both are infamous for betraying their allies, so how can they create a believable alliance to meet the challenge of their enemies? As the prophet says: “It is better to marry than to burn.” Hugh and Elara may do both.

Aurelia Ryder
Eight years ago Julie Lennart-Olsen left Atlanta with her adoptive grandmother. Now she’s back, changed beyond recognition, to save Kate from an enemy unlike any she’d ever faced. Dealing with murderous gods and cosmic monsters is easy. Facing your friends is a lot harder.
Curran POV
Curran Lennart, once the terrifying Beast Lord of Atlanta, the undisputed leader of all shapeshifters in the South East. Now a family man, facing challenges of a daily life with a child who flushes oranges down the toilet.
If you ever wondered what he was thinking when Atlanta was exploding, when Kate was mouthing off or dying, when his Pack turned on her while he struggled to live, now is your chance to find out.

Andrea Nash
Some people have everything figured out—Andrea Nash is not one of those people.
After being kicked out of the Order of the Knights of Merciful Aid, Andrea’s whole existence is in shambles. All she can do is to try to put herself back together, something made easier by working for Cutting Edge, a small investigative firm owned by her best friend Kate Daniels.
When several shapeshifters working for Raphael Medrano—the male alpha of the Clan Bouda and Andrea’s former lover—die unexpectedly at a dig site, Andrea is assigned to investigate…and must work with Raphael. As Andrea’s search for the killer leads her into the secret underbelly of supernatural Atlanta, she knows that dealing with her feelings for Raphael might have to take a back seat to saving the world…
Dali Harimau
You know who is the greatest man alive? Jim Shrapshire. Alpha of Clan Cat. Strong, smart, handsome. And not very tolerant of half-blind vegetarian weretigers with a passion for racing cars.
But now Jim is in trouble and he desperately needs help. Dali Harimau is maybe half blind, she may be repulsed by the sight of raw meat, she may attract butterflies in her animal shape, but she is the sacred white tiger. There is no being on this planet who can keep her from saving the man she loves.