Nevada’s trilogy was published in Israel with these beautiful covers.

Readers loved the covers, but of course, someone will always complain about something. In one of the Facebook discussions, a reader suggested that the covers should be in Aramaic, like religious texts, and that way everyone would be happy. It’s a hilariously absurd suggestion. In response, the publisher printed dust jackets which are absolutely brilliant.

I can’t tell you how much I loved this. I shamelessly asked for a set, because this is just gorgeous.
This is a limited edition jacket print. Apparently, it’s a huge success. It’s in the newspaper.

The Hebrew editions are translated by Yael Achmon. The covers were designed by Chen Yaka Shimron. The absolutely brilliant publisher is Dorit Tamir, whos says, “Thank you for this beautiful post just one correction: the books are jointly published in Israel by Ahavot הוצאת ספרים אהבות & Alma Books ספרים בעלמא.” Thank you to Gili Bar-Hillel of UtzBooks for first tweeting about the story.
Edit: Thank you to K D and Judith in the comments for the link to Tamir Publishing.
Those are gorgeous!
Those are beautiful! I can understand why you wanted a set. ????
And look nevada is wearing a shirt no donuts or tassels required. I love the covers!
And no Hello Kitty shirts either!
I do not see the dust jackets, but the books appear to be here
I *love* these.
So so pretty!! Poland doesn’t have the Hidden Legacy books yet, and it looks like they cast different Kate on the cover of her books 😉
All 6 of them are beautiful ???? ❤. O would want copies too
I not O
you can purchase those books here
Please keep writing! I especially love the Innkeeper series
Really neat. I don’t blame you for wanting copies.
Will they come out as books not just e book and Audio in German anytime? Want to get them for my Mum.
This is sooooo cooool! I’m running out of “o”s.
Really happy that you are a success also in Israel, I agree that the covers and the dust jackets are gorgeous.
Have a great weekend, looking forward to next week.
Beautiful! Love the cober and dust cover both!
Both are very pretty! Like the others, I can see why you would want a copy. I looked at the cover and noticed Nevada in shorts instead of jeans. It is so interesting to see how international covers differ than the U.S. covers. 😀
Does anyone have a translation of the news story? Even google translate?
The same hot Lady in a different hat:
It looks like holy books but inside hides steamy content: the covers of the romantic fantasy book trilogy, that caters for speculative fiction fans as well as well as romance and erotica fans, upset fantasy readers, so much so that one of them designed it an Aramaic cover with a ‘holy book’ design. Now it’s out as a collector’s edition.
Navada Baylor is a beautiful, hardworking PI in a world that parallels ours, with a small change: .. end of blurb.
“Hidden Legacy” from author Ilona Andrews, the pseudonym of American couple -Names- whose blurb presented above, is a successful trilogy fantasy romance books -same sentence about readership as above- the books came out in the time of quarantine, so the second and third were only published digitally. It sold out well, considering the limited sells of an digital only launch, according to Dorit Tamir, one of the publishers. It brought discussion about the covers in book groups (Facebook, probably ((me)).
The covers, typical of romantic fantasy, present a young, fair haired woman, wearing a top and shorts, holding tools such as handcuffs or a handgun. Readers associated with fantasy fans, tells Tamir, complained about the cover, and one of them sent an Aramaic version of cover. (Only the writing(me))”It was such a funny version that I had to do with it something” told Tamir. Following, branded as a collector’s edition, she (Tamir, that’s her last name(me)) decided to publish dust cover with an Aramaic writing and style. “Wildfire” became ‘nura aziza laharabanit Ilona Andrews’. For the question, if the new cover is supposed to help selling the books to ultra orthodox Jewish women, Tamir said “This is not the intention, even if there will be ultra orthodox Jewish women who will be buying it because the cover”
A paragraph about different covers for books to enhance sales by publishers.
(Me) -comments by me
Those are stunning! Being in the newspaper is huge deal! Congratulations you international successes :).
Wow gorgeous and dust jacket idea is clever. ????????????????
Kol kavod to to the designer and publisher, I love how they look like chumash.
This is brilliant!
Congratulations on getting a publisher who put out not just one, but two! sets of Hidden Legacy covers that are remarkably beautiful. (They must have a great sense of humor, to have responded so amazingly to the pseudo-complaint) May their efforts, and that of the newspaper which covered the release, create many more new readers for your work.
Also, happy book birthday for BLOOD HEIR’s print version! My copy has been ordered for months and I’m looking forward to diving in as soon as it arrives.
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post. I agree the dust jackets are lovely. Thank you for sharing.
Don’t worry about someone complaining. Someone always does even in matters of life and death. I think is just being human. Now if a lot of different people were complaining about same thing then be concerned.
Although I agreed with your editor about the eagle name change yesterday in Blood Heir post. But I am an American farmer, live in rural rural area and have chickens. I ROFLOL. Still chuckling today in the rain/ sleet/ snow weather. Thank you.
Those are gorgeous covers!
I do not know what to do now of course I intend to buy a set in Hebrew But now I need another movie with these stunning jackets… I need to recalculate my book budget problems of book lovers. They are simply stunning…
That’s absolutely fantastic. What a testament to House Andrews and so well deserved.
The covers are indeed gorgeous and the dust covers look timeless.
Counting the hours to Julie and Derek, aka Blood Heir.
Absolutely Beautiful! Congratulations!
amazing!! I can totally see why you’d want a set! 🙂
Congrats on the success, the newspaper, all of it. Makes me smile.
Those covers are beautiful, you can inmediatly know wich book is wich without text.
???? Brilliant!! Congrats!
Hey AI, do you know someone who can hook you guys up with Shondra Rhimes? I see lots of “celluloid” in your future! Nevada and Togan on the big screen, what’s not to like?
Those are so beautiful that I’d totally go fan-girl over the posters!
Aramaic?! Next someone will demand editions in Sanskrit and Old Church Slavonic, both using the original alphabets.
Congratulations to House Andrews on having a large enough readership in Israel to justify translation, gorgeous covers, and physical printing as well as ebooks — and also the hilarious Aramaic dust covers. I seem to recall that Aramaic is still spoken by some Christian communities in Syria and Iraq, though the Jewish people themselves stopped speaking it a good many centuries ago. As far as I am aware, Aramaic only shows up in Jewish literature in a few prayers and the records of rabbinic debates that are the Talmud.
My paperback copy of BLOOD HEIR was delivered this afternoon. Who needs sleep?
While checking the listing I see that BLOOD HEIR has been chosen as an Amazon Editors’ pick in the Science Fiction/Fantasy category. Congratulations, Ilona and Gordon. Well deserved.
Anne in Virginia
We hope you like it! <3
Enjoy! I just checked Amazon again, of course. We are still promised our pre-orders will arrive January 12, and not a moment sooner.
So back I go to practicing patience.
Those really are stunning covers. Well done.
Congratulations for having such a worldwide reach! What a proud addition to your bookshelf! They’re beautiful!
Oh. Oh. Please tell me that they will be translated to Korean!!!!
Do you have to edit your books content for other countries? Are certain things not allowed?
Those are lovely ????!
I love these covers so much! Honestly much better than the US ones. I feel like the US cover (especially Burn for Me) is so misleading as to inferring what kind of book it will be. It took me over a year to convince my mom and best friend to read them because they took one look at the cover and went ‘Nope! Think I will pass’ and me going ‘Noooooooo! TRUST ME!! Don’t look at the cover just read the book!!’ And naturally of course once they got past their bodice ripping imagine-ings (straight up romance isn’t really their thing) they got hooked on the books as well!
Covers really do make a difference in that snap decision to judge whether it might catch ones interest and when the cover seems like a different genre then the actual content I think I confuses some.
Either way I love the books!!
These covers are so beautiful! Congratulations on the success and beautiful books
Congratulations. The books are beautiful.
Why does the US get all the dumb bodice ripper covers?
I’m a proud owner of a set, every time I look at them I smile
I love the set too, and how it came about. I was looking on that link to see if I could also get a set, just for the purposed of historical recordings of one of IA’s BDH influencing the real word publications, but the link that someone else shared, when translated, didn’t mention those dust jackets….oh well
For those who complained, I have no words – they need to get over themselves.
Both the covers and the dust jackets are just stunning.
Wow! Really gorgeous covers!
These are so beautiful!
Love the covers! Especially the Aramaic ones. 🙂
I have the set in English and live in Israel. Wondering if I should spring for the Hebrew ones…
Of course you should, CP — if only to encourage broader attention to House Andrews works in the future. And it would be a wonderful way to practice your Hebrew (or your English, if that is weaker), by comparing the two texts side by side. 🙂
They look like beautiful siddurim (Jewish prayer books)!
The covers are awesome! A tough, independent, and beautiful woman reflects my personal preference of Nevada’s story much better than the romance covers in the U.S.
Wow, these are great!
Those are beautiful
If anything like those dustjackets happened with something I did, I’d want a set, too.
Off subject, but if you’re still looking for pretty yarn, my little local boutique store has Malabrio yarn on sale for 40% off. I’m sure they would ship to you, but if you needed, I could ship it somewhere for you (I completely understand not wanting to give out your private info, but maybe to one of those places where people pick up mail or a PO box?). It’s all so soft and pretty, but I resisted because I need to use what I have. (Hope the pic is clear!) ????
Darn it! Maybe it was too big. I’ll try again.
How Cool is that!!! Love the covers!
Luv’ed the covers on the Polish editions.
Fascinating to see how different countries represent the same character.
Beautiful. I cannot imagine the thrill it must be to have your work presented this way.
Congratulations to you both! Well deserved accolades for brilliant work. You should be immensely proud – deservedly so!
Gorgeous. Is there a Hebrew audible version?
Those are beautiful! It’s also wonderful to imagine people in different cultures reading and enjoying these books.
Aramaic? How funny! But I really do love the dust jackets. Thanks for posting this. It made my evening!
If readers like me would like to purchase a set of the dust covers, how would we go about it?
It is really amazing to see what other countries do with the covers. They really are beautiful. Thanks for sharing! Congratulations for being in other countries too.
Congratulations on your world wide pretty covers. The American covers were kind of generic.
So happy that the Baylor family is a world wide success.
Blood heir is coming!! Pre-ordered!!
The cover is awesome!!
Some people are never happy…
I got BLOOD HEIR yesterday and read it all in one sitting today. IT WAS AWESOME and now I have a book hangover. I had started reading the story when you posted it weekly, but went off all social media to save my sanity. It was great to read it in one big gulp, but now it’s over and I’m sad. Thank you so much for this fantastic book and a return to Kate’s world. I love that Julie has her own unique voice and this is a rich, robust, character/plot arc and not just a spin off. (Although, I can’t say as I’d mind that either, I’ve been desperate for a return to Kate’s world.) BLOOD HEIR was like returning to your (post-apocalyptic) hometown to meet up with old friends and family and finding some new and interesting folks. Granted, most of them are bristling with weapons, secrets, teeth, magic, and or claws, but hey, you can’t pick your family.
I hope with all my heart that there will be more books in this series, as well as some more books with Nevada’s sisters and cousins. Once I make friends with the characters, I want to keep abreast of all their happenings.
[Edited for Spoilers- MOD R]
Thank you, thank you, many times thank you for this moment of happiness in an otherwise dark night.
So thrilled that you enjoyed it! Sorry I had to do a cheeky spoiler edit there 😉
This is amazing! I’m totally fascinated by foreign language editions and have a shelf full of them. I actually can and sometimes do read the German-language versions; I have pretty high hopes of eventually being able to read the Spanish-language editions… I would like to be able to read them all, but I’m not sure I’ll ever get to that point.
Per google translate at the publishing site the titles are:
Hot Fire, Cold Fire and Wild Fire.
Love the series, went through all 5(.5) books in under two weeks! The only “but” I can find is the Basque characteization: I’m Basque born and bred and some things just sound… weird. If you ever want to consult anything on either Spanish or Basque topics (I also remember references to Basque people in Kate Daniels universe), please feel free to ask, I’d be truly honored to help.
We had both Basque and Spanish proofreaders for Diamond Fire. This is a fictional series set in an alternative history world where Russia is still an Empire, Italian noble titles are important, and Mexico is a military juggernaut. 🙂
Of course, I understand perfectly, and I’d never presume to know more about a world you created than yourselves, I did not mean to be rude. I do stand by what I said, if you ever want to, I’d be happy to help. Thanks for taking the time to reply 🙂
As an Israeli fan, I think it’s really cool you noticed and loved the books in their Hebrew cover!!
I can’t wait to read “Ruby Fever”!!!