Thank you for keeping the mystery live. It’s always fun trying to put the clues together ???? Looking forward to the upcoming story.
Yvonne A.says
you say it
+1 Exactly what I thought!
TEASE!!! ????Thank you!
So cool. Can’t wait!!
Marcia Sundquistsays
Ohhhh a tantalizing hint, love it
Me too!
Sarah Ksays
Oh the suspense, the mystery!!! Breath… I have to take it.
Not on that planet ….
Wonderful! Thanks for always bringing joy and anticipation to our lives ❤
Eeeeeeee….Oh, I love it!
Fantastic art!
I don’t get it. Are we supposed to know who he is?
Moderator Rsays
I think we’re supposed to get excited and entertain ourselves guessing ????
Is it Dina and Maud’s father? Is it George? So tantalizing. Love it! ????
Lea Coatessays
My daughter thinks it is Sebastian North – they must find him to find their parents
What we know so far, someone has ended ip on Karron. This is not good. We have to go find him fast. The picture looks like it could be Dina in her robes. We know she does open doorways to various realms. Could a guest have stumbled into 1? Or been banished into 1? Or is this a new rescue mission?
We don’t know yet. But we are excited to speculate!
I’m on the Innkeeper speculation (at least at this exact moment in time)! I agree with your assessment, and like what if its a parent?? Or George?
Robin Šebelovásays
It may be Boo the Space Hamster, or not…
Go for the eyes, Boo!
laughed so hard I peed my pants.
I don’t know what I’m looking at, but I’m excited!
Theresa Benhamsays
OMG! I can’t wait to find out more. ????????❤️????
Kristine Ahlskogsays
Now I am imagining what electrified sand looks like…hopefully sparkles are involved….
Thanks for sharing that link! It was really interesting to read. ????
Cynthia E Spillersays
That article is amazing. So cool. I don’t think it’s Innkeeper. I think it is the new novella. Yay. This blog makes me happy 🙂
Moderator Rsays
Hey Cynthia,
The tag under the title is always the main clue 🙂
Cynthia E Spillersays
oops sorry. I read on breaks at work and sometimes skim over important clues. Now I am extra excited. 🙂
Cool link! Thanks for that, it gave me some fun mind -visuals!
I simply cannot fathom how you guys get in the right mindset for certain worlds and characters. The feel of each is so different just by a few simple word changes. Even something that seems unassuming: “We must” instead of “we need to” or “we have to…”
I love your writing style and world building so so so much. Always grateful for the work you all put in – thank you!
Find who??? Did the cat disappear ? xD
Not The Ripper of Souls!
Sabastion North. That’s my guess!
So maybe they are looking for Dina’s brother?
Oooo good question. Cats have been pranking the Andrews houshold. Could he have figured out how to get the inn to open a doorway to a “sandbox”
Sandra Youngsays
Too funny!!
Squee! Perhaps we will learn why Klaus has shown up to Maud. Hmmm.. could he have finally located their parents or at least one of them?
I doubt he’s found their parents, but he may have found another clue, or maybe he’s just visiting. As an Arbitrator, he’s forbidden from visiting his home planet, Earth. But there’s no rule preventing him from visiting Daesyn.
WHUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please say this is real. (Also, that artwork is splendid!)
Sebastian North??
Margaret Rsays
Yes, YES! WE MUST FIND HIM……Who?…Who knows?! ….BUT WE MUST FIND HIM………
Is the dude who’s initials are on the cats collar perhaps?
The Shadow knows…
Maria R.says
Oh that’s a good thought. Sebastian North wasn’t it? Love the snippet plus wow on the artwork.
OMG! This makes me giddy! (but what a tease!)
Patricia Schlorkesays
Mic drop…let the guessing games begin.
To be continued. 😀
Uuuuhhhhh, the mystery! My guess: Sebastian North
omgosh omgosh omgosh – thank you so so much!!
I absolutely love your worlds. Thank you!
More innkeeper!!!! Yay!!! Woo!
SO excited!!!!
Leah LeBrocsays
YAY Can’t wait!!!!!
aaaah!squueeeeee! yeees! moreee! whereee???? come on! let’s save him!!!! :))))
Moderator Rsays
???? If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself! BDH rescue mission activated hehe
Debbie Bsays
Oooooo! Squeeeeeeee!
This sounds like Arland maybe – or Klaus…. Maybe George. Argggggggg
Love it!!!!
Also, I was re-listening to the Innkeeper series again last week and I was wondering, what is the name of Dina’s parents’ inn?
I don’t think it has ever been mentioned in the books
Yeah. ???? I’m hooked.,, you had me at mysterious and deadly dunes!
Barbara Costellosays
My favorite series. Love them all, but Innkeepers is my favorite. Just gave them to a friend of mine recovering from hip surgery.
R Cootssays
*boing boing boing* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Gasp! New Innkeeper content!?!?
Tina in NJsays
Looks like Dina in the bubble, blonde in a cloak.
Oooo! ????
I was excited to see this, but when I saw that it was tagged as Innkeeper my excitement went through the roof! Yay! Thank you so very, very much! ????????????????????????????????????
I totally missed the tag! The artwork put me in mind of Innkeeper, but I missed the tag.
! Oh yeah, tags do help a lot! <3 So excited!
Can’t wait!!!!
WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I so can’t wait! You tease us horribly….I love it!
Reina Mazesays
So cool!
You’re doing that teaser thing again…
Heavy sigh. Waiting impatiently.
Ainda bem que a aventura Innkeepers vai continuar. Foram os primeiros livros da vossa autoria que li. ADORO TODOS. Estou sempre a ler de novo e a descobrir pormenores que me escaparam. Obrigada pelas aventuras fantasticas que criam.
Reading the comments is almost as fun as enjoying the beautiful artwork! Thanks for feeding the anticipation need!
Adorei a ilustração.
Amy Rsays
*gimme gimme gimme*
Recovering from knee surgery and reading again the Innkeeper series. I think it Sebastian North?!? Thanks House Andrews for the tease, life has gotten so much better!
Susie Q.says
I had both knees replaced. My physical terrorist, oops, therapist said I should buy a pound bag of rice and put it on my knee to help flatten it while sitting in my recliner. I took a dish towel , sewed the sides up, poured in the rice from the plastic bag and then sewed the top up. I would nuke it in the microwave so it was warm and then put it on my knee. It helped. I loved the gadget that ran ice water through a pad too. Best wishes on your recovery. It is totally worth the pain.
Oh Boy! Brother or George?
Or Arland…
I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking it might be George!
Or Sean Evans? It can’t be Sean! Dina would definitely be looking for him.
Who is the person in the robe?
Omg omg, Innkeeper!!! ><. Hm, interesting, I wonder if Dina will be going on an adventure away from the inn to a different planet to find someone? Or maybe another character if innkeepers are tied to their inns?
Very interesting, ya.
Aaaargh! You guys make it so hard to wait patiently.
Back to waiting…
Katie Valerossays
My guess is Klaus. Klaus gets a bigger story line.
oooooh oh oh oh squeeeeee
Doing happy dance with shivers of anticipation
Love the artwork and really looking forward to finding out if Arland manages to get electrified sand in (and out) of his armour, without choking on methane. Maud may roll her eyes but will still help shake it out 🙂
House Andrews is the bestest!
Whaaaaaaaat??! Much needed. Thank you.
Dorothy E Sizemoresays
Such a tease lol
Ooh. All the teasers — and for separate series!
Mary Ellensays
Whoa, Ruby Fever had to be finished, but a novella that went long is also in/out of edits. They, most likely, are not the same story. ???? House Andrews is very tricky, which is part of why we like them so much!!
Moderator Rsays
Hey Mary Ellen,
The tag is for Innkeeper :). Hope this helps.
Ooooh! New Innkeeper? ????
* gasp! *
That is such beautiful art work.!!! I can’t wait for this novella, I love this series and this world.
I love you guys…and kinda hate you too. CAN, NOT. WAIT!!!!!
I have very wide eyes and the hair on my arms is standing straight up. Yes, please.
So many questions ???? So excited ????Thank you ????
Laura Martinezsays
I. Can’t. Wait!
Now THAT is how you write a teaser! LOLOLOLOLOL
Diane Wilsonsays
Such a tease!
In the words of Arabella (I know, wrong universe)… YAAAAAAAAAASAASSSS!!! I’m thinking George or their father since we last saw Klaus at House Krahr.
Yes! Jumping up and down! Spousal unit thinks I’m nuts, lol.
Ditto on what EVERYONE said. Despite being a faithful and devoted fan of KD (read more times than can count) Innkeeper is my favorite. THANK YOU for the promise of our next installment!!!
Terrible tease. Can’t wait.
All I need to know is that it’s the Innkeeper world!!! ❤️???? That art is amazing, love it!
Ohh, I love your teasers so much, no matter which series it’s from. Thank you for sharing!
Heyyy, I’m an old lady, teasing isn’t good for my health!! I need me more Innkeeper to keep heart healthy!!!!
kIm Hurtsays
Who is him and who’s looking for him?
Moderator Rsays
😀 That’s the mystery!
Kelly Msays
OMG. The quote and the visual – LOVE IT!!!!! I can’t wait!!!!
I’m re-listening to all the Innkeeper books right now to get my House Andrews fix (I re-listened to all the Edge books before that, and will re-listen to the Hidden Legacy next, all while re-reading the KD books, hahaha).
I’m really glad you get pleasure out of these maniacal teases. I can see the smile and hear the evil laugh now. ????
Johanna Jsays
Perhaps the novella they were working on?
This is so much fun but at the same time it is slowly killing me ^^*
So. Excited. SO EXCITED!!!
I think we need to push up the Fall to the end of August so I can have a nice birthday present 🙂
So looking forward to this
thank you
??? Snippet from the short story you mentioned as a summer possibility? Sounds darn interesting! Or have you (please please whine) started the next Innkeeper novel?
In an aside, is there a title as yet for the new fall novella? Sigh, waiting so (im)patiently. Hee hee
Natalie Naumannsays
oh joy, more innkeeper?……!!! Yes please. and thank you.
Not sure if this is relating to Innkeeper or the secret novella (?) Ilona and Gordon have been working on or something else but either way I’m intrigued! If it’s Innkeeper, “he” could be Klaus, George, Gerard (Dina/Klaus/Maud’s father), or even Arland. Fun little snippet!
Moderator Rsays
It’s Innkeeper 😉
We left Klaus outside Maude’s recovery room. ‘Him’ could be any of several males including humans, a cat, any of the male ‘lee’s’ or even a Red Cleaver Chef.
Is the unnamed novella due in the fall from an unnamed publisher set in the Innkeeper world or is this posting a separate Innkeeper project?
I was wishing House Andrews a nice summer beach vacation but if they are working to give us more Innkeeper. . . it’s tempting to stop wishing for much deserved R & R!
Moderator Rsays
I cannot spill too much about the secret novella, but I can say that this is a separate Innkeeper project 😉
We should always wish House Andrews plenty of R&R, healthy Authors give us happy worlds ❤️
Patricia Schlorkesays
Mod R you need a megaphone saying to all the BDH “look at the tag underneath the post title!” ????????
Moderator Rsays
😀 I do my best to help my Horde peeps hehe.
Anne in Virginiasays
I could be mistaken but I thought the Innkeeper world stories are all independently published, not contracted to a regular publishing house. It was mentioned that this (as yet untitled ) novella is a contracted work which is why we don’t know much about it yet. And if it is a contracted work with a regular publisher that’s a really fast turnaround time if it’s supposed to be a Fall release. House Andrews sure knows how to ratchet up the pressure and speculation. Whatever it turns out to be, new world/universe or old favorite, I am confident we’re gonna be in for some mighty good reading.
Anne in Virginia
I live in hope.
New Innkeeper, hurray!!!!!!!!
RE: Your Blog Post… I fixed it!
Moderator Rsays
WordPress has a size limit for pictures unfortunately- 1 MB. And sometimes it’s just stubborn and doesn’t work 🙁
Well… 2nd try 😉
Now I am determined.
Oh, hell, I give up. Y’all likely can’t read it. The exploding head above was from the OMGs and YAYs! and Squees! and the lower tag was evil laughter from House Andrews: muuaaahaaaahaaa! 🙂
Moderator Rsays
We can read it! It tickled over at House of A 😀
I think the players are about to change. I bet this story introduces a new cast with “guest stars” from previous books. Betcha, betcha!
Thank you.
I have really missed Innkeeper. So looking forward to another addition to the series. You write such wonderful mind candy….. Thank you again for continuing it.
LOVE. IT. Can’t wait!!
Methane wind and sand dune. Remind me of Titan and my thesis ???? thank you for the update on innkeeper ????
Ooohhh….???? thanks for the new content ????
After Sweep with Me did the Inn get a huge boost in power? Did it grow roots in the new property or open new doors? So exciting!
Pauline Dixonsays
Hints are always welcome, it means there’s a new book on the way, so thank you in anticipation
There be naughty Author Lords laughter somewhere out there. Does anyone else imagine a whole planet filled with the weird stuff we find on the bottom of our oceans next to those methane vents… Lots of tube worms and bacteria. Maybe sentient muscles? Well whatever ends up being We know it’ll be good!
Ooh!! What an awesome teaser! Mwahaha!
Gaëlle from Francesays
Yyyeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss !!!!! And the artwork OMG !!
Love it! Excited! Doing Snoopy Dance! If you would like a scientific laugh, watch the really bad 2001 movie Evolution; I taught middle and high school science for 4 years. Each spring, for something fun, we watched key parts of this movie in specific classes (biology, biochemisty, geology, and physics were the main ones), and had very long and entertaining in-depth discussions about what was scientifically accurate and what was scientifically FUBARed. One kid, who was a standard, straight C student, came up with some brilliant thoughts, pulled out my college biology books, and found some clever rationales for his thoughts. It earned him a B in the class in extra credit for all the thought he put into it.
Love this! Thank you! Always keeping us on our toes… You both are just wonderful!
All the blessing on the House of A! Thank you for the hope! YAYYYYYYY!
Marie Ssays
Ooooh, exciting. I’m trying to guess who but will be wrong. Love the image. Dina! Yaaaay!
I am so Happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Let the planet swallow the nasty Blog Trolls that correct your works.
Lynn Thompsonsays
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post. A very thought provoking picture. Love the red spot. Or maybe that’s an x. dunes of Karon. Hmm.
Jan Aniblesays
Hurray! This looks very hopeful!
Yay Innkeeper!!!
Suzann Schmidsays
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Here we go-buckle up, buttercups. Tea and snacks-check. Hand rubbing and chortling. Can’t wait. Thank you.
I know I hadn’t be first with a lead in like this to IC, but as I’m in a very very bad signal area and my phone hasn’t loaded the all the comments, I can pretend I’m the first ????
Knew it????????
ahhhhhh!!!! I can’t wait!!!!!
Oh wow, that illustration is really pretty ????.
Yes please! ^_^ I cant wait to see what kind of adventure this might become.
Could this be an Inn-adjacent world or is this a by-ship adventure? Eeeeee! Either way I know I’m going to love it.
I would just like to say thank you for adding alt text to the quote. I’m blind and my screen reader isn’t always cooperative when it comes to reading things like the above. I mentioned it last time and Moderator R came through. I just noticed what you did and am super appreciative. I was gonna send this in an email, but the rules say don’t send emails unless it’s about technical issues. Pissing y’all off is NOT on my bucket list, thank you very much.
Mary Emettsays
Damn! ????. I need so much more.
Katy Asays
Can’t wait!!!! I loooove Innkeeper books!!
You guys always make my day, sometimes my week. Wonderful snippet ( three lines, but wow, amazing writers), fan speculation (like the best episode of Friends) and the back and forth is better than most conversations I’ve had all week. Thank you, seriously.
Tantilizing! Looking forward to seeing the scene in the book and learning things like:
Who is he and what is he doing on this unwelcoming world? Is the planet beautiful? It sounds like electrified sand could make incredible dunes. Is the eating literal? Which we has to rush to his rescue? So much to wonder!
So much to look forward to!
Victoria Trinhsays
This is electrifying mysterious and I am so here for it!!! Ilona & Gordon, thank you so much for your wonderful works, I have read them all – from the Kate Daniels to Hidden Legacy to Innkeeper to Edge. For my residency training I’ve gone from Texas (my parents still live in Austin which I consider my hometown, but I spent a significant amount of time in Houston, Nevada’s namesake is the medical school I attended!!) to Boston and now to California. I will be patiently waiting for your next books!!
oh baby, oh baby, oh baby! I love all that you write, Ilona and Gordon! But you’ve written such a great mystery with the Innkeeper series, that’s why we’re bonkers for any juicy tidbits. Love the teaser! THANK YOU!
Scott R-Ssays
Oh, yes we must. We must definitely find him. I am so looking forward to the search.
What guy do I know who would be on such a planet for a job? A wolf or a vamp? Who would have the skills to plan a rescue? Which lady? Who could she get help from? How did he get stuck in this place? Who took advantage of him? Who could get the drop on him? A brother who is on a special journey? Long lost parents? Hmmmm. Let the games begin.
Thank you for keeping the mystery live. It’s always fun trying to put the clues together ????
Looking forward to the upcoming story.
you say it
+1 Exactly what I thought!
TEASE!!! ????Thank you!
So cool. Can’t wait!!
Ohhhh a tantalizing hint, love it
Me too!
Oh the suspense, the mystery!!!
I have to take it.
Not on that planet ….
Wonderful! Thanks for always bringing joy and anticipation to our lives ❤
Eeeeeeee….Oh, I love it!
Fantastic art!
I don’t get it. Are we supposed to know who he is?
I think we’re supposed to get excited and entertain ourselves guessing ????
Is it Dina and Maud’s father? Is it George? So tantalizing. Love it! ????
My daughter thinks it is Sebastian North – they must find him to find their parents
What we know so far, someone has ended ip on Karron. This is not good. We have to go find him fast. The picture looks like it could be Dina in her robes. We know she does open doorways to various realms. Could a guest have stumbled into 1? Or been banished into 1? Or is this a new rescue mission?
We don’t know yet. But we are excited to speculate!
I’m on the Innkeeper speculation (at least at this exact moment in time)! I agree with your assessment, and like what if its a parent?? Or George?
It may be Boo the Space Hamster, or not…
Go for the eyes, Boo!
laughed so hard I peed my pants.
I don’t know what I’m looking at, but I’m excited!
OMG! I can’t wait to find out more. ????????❤️????
Now I am imagining what electrified sand looks like…hopefully sparkles are involved….
It definitely moves the wrong way around 😉
Thanks for sharing that link! It was really interesting to read. ????
That article is amazing. So cool. I don’t think it’s Innkeeper. I think it is the new novella. Yay. This blog makes me happy 🙂
Hey Cynthia,
The tag under the title is always the main clue 🙂
oops sorry. I read on breaks at work and sometimes skim over important clues. Now I am extra excited. 🙂
Cool link! Thanks for that, it gave me some fun mind -visuals!
I simply cannot fathom how you guys get in the right mindset for certain worlds and characters. The feel of each is so different just by a few simple word changes. Even something that seems unassuming: “We must” instead of “we need to” or “we have to…”
I love your writing style and world building so so so much. Always grateful for the work you all put in – thank you!
Find who??? Did the cat disappear ? xD
Not The Ripper of Souls!
Sabastion North. That’s my guess!
So maybe they are looking for Dina’s brother?
Oooo good question. Cats have been pranking the Andrews houshold. Could he have figured out how to get the inn to open a doorway to a “sandbox”
Too funny!!
Squee! Perhaps we will learn why Klaus has shown up to Maud. Hmmm.. could he have finally located their parents or at least one of them?
I doubt he’s found their parents, but he may have found another clue, or maybe he’s just visiting. As an Arbitrator, he’s forbidden from visiting his home planet, Earth. But there’s no rule preventing him from visiting Daesyn.
Please say this is real.
(Also, that artwork is splendid!)
Sebastian North??
Yes, YES! WE MUST FIND HIM……Who?…Who knows?! ….BUT WE MUST FIND HIM………
Is the dude who’s initials are on the cats collar perhaps?
The Shadow knows…
Oh that’s a good thought. Sebastian North wasn’t it?
Love the snippet plus wow on the artwork.
OMG! This makes me giddy! (but what a tease!)
Mic drop…let the guessing games begin.
To be continued. 😀
Uuuuhhhhh, the mystery! My guess: Sebastian North
omgosh omgosh omgosh – thank you so so much!!
I absolutely love your worlds. Thank you!
More innkeeper!!!! Yay!!! Woo!
SO excited!!!!
YAY Can’t wait!!!!!
aaaah!squueeeeee! yeees! moreee! whereee???? come on! let’s save him!!!! :))))
???? If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself! BDH rescue mission activated hehe
Oooooo! Squeeeeeeee!
This sounds like Arland maybe – or Klaus…. Maybe George. Argggggggg
Love it!!!!
Also, I was re-listening to the Innkeeper series again last week and I was wondering, what is the name of Dina’s parents’ inn?
I don’t think it has ever been mentioned in the books
Yeah. ???? I’m hooked.,, you had me at mysterious and deadly dunes!
My favorite series. Love them all, but Innkeepers is my favorite. Just gave them to a friend of mine recovering from hip surgery.
*boing boing boing*
Gasp! New Innkeeper content!?!?
Looks like Dina in the bubble, blonde in a cloak.
Oooo! ????
I was excited to see this, but when I saw that it was tagged as Innkeeper my excitement went through the roof! Yay! Thank you so very, very much! ????????????????????????????????????
I totally missed the tag! The artwork put me in mind of Innkeeper, but I missed the tag.
! Oh yeah, tags do help a lot! <3 So excited!
Can’t wait!!!!
WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I so can’t wait!
You tease us horribly….I love it!
So cool!
You’re doing that teaser thing again…
Heavy sigh. Waiting impatiently.
Ainda bem que a aventura Innkeepers vai continuar. Foram os primeiros livros da vossa autoria que li. ADORO TODOS. Estou sempre a ler de novo e a descobrir pormenores que me escaparam. Obrigada pelas aventuras fantasticas que criam.
Reading the comments is almost as fun as enjoying the beautiful artwork!
Thanks for feeding the anticipation need!
Adorei a ilustração.
*gimme gimme gimme*
Recovering from knee surgery and reading again the Innkeeper series. I think it Sebastian North?!? Thanks House Andrews for the tease, life has gotten so much better!
I had both knees replaced. My physical terrorist, oops, therapist said I should buy a pound bag of rice and put it on my knee to help flatten it while sitting in my recliner. I took a dish towel , sewed the sides up, poured in the rice from the plastic bag and then sewed the top up. I would nuke it in the microwave so it was warm and then put it on my knee. It helped. I loved the gadget that ran ice water through a pad too. Best wishes on your recovery. It is totally worth the pain.
Oh Boy! Brother or George?
Or Arland…
I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking it might be George!
Or Sean Evans? It can’t be Sean! Dina would definitely be looking for him.
Who is the person in the robe?
Omg omg, Innkeeper!!! ><. Hm, interesting, I wonder if Dina will be going on an adventure away from the inn to a different planet to find someone? Or maybe another character if innkeepers are tied to their inns?
Very interesting, ya.
Aaaargh! You guys make it so hard to wait patiently.
Back to waiting…
My guess is Klaus. Klaus gets a bigger story line.
oooooh oh oh oh squeeeeee
Doing happy dance with shivers of anticipation
Love the artwork and really looking forward to finding out if Arland manages to get electrified sand in (and out) of his armour, without choking on methane. Maud may roll her eyes but will still help shake it out 🙂
House Andrews is the bestest!
Whaaaaaaaat??! Much needed. Thank you.
Such a tease lol
Ooh. All the teasers — and for separate series!
Ruby Fever had to be finished, but a novella that went long is also in/out of edits.
They, most likely, are not the same story.
House Andrews is very tricky, which is part of why we like them so much!!
Hey Mary Ellen,
The tag is for Innkeeper :). Hope this helps.
Ooooh! New Innkeeper? ????
* gasp! *
That is such beautiful art work.!!! I can’t wait for this novella, I love this series and this world.
I love you guys…and kinda hate you too. CAN, NOT. WAIT!!!!!
I have very wide eyes and the hair on my arms is standing straight up. Yes, please.
So many questions ???? So excited ????Thank you ????
I. Can’t. Wait!
Now THAT is how you write a teaser! LOLOLOLOLOL
Such a tease!
In the words of Arabella (I know, wrong universe)… YAAAAAAAAAASAASSSS!!!
I’m thinking George or their father since we last saw Klaus at House Krahr.
Yes! Jumping up and down! Spousal unit thinks I’m nuts, lol.
Ditto on what EVERYONE said. Despite being a faithful and devoted fan of KD (read more times than can count) Innkeeper is my favorite. THANK YOU for the promise of our next installment!!!
Terrible tease. Can’t wait.
All I need to know is that it’s the Innkeeper world!!! ❤️???? That art is amazing, love it!
Ohh, I love your teasers so much, no matter which series it’s from. Thank you for sharing!
Heyyy, I’m an old lady, teasing isn’t good for my health!! I need me more Innkeeper to keep heart healthy!!!!
Who is him and who’s looking for him?
😀 That’s the mystery!
OMG. The quote and the visual – LOVE IT!!!!! I can’t wait!!!!
I’m re-listening to all the Innkeeper books right now to get my House Andrews fix (I re-listened to all the Edge books before that, and will re-listen to the Hidden Legacy next, all while re-reading the KD books, hahaha).
I’m really glad you get pleasure out of these maniacal teases. I can see the smile and hear the evil laugh now. ????
Perhaps the novella they were working on?
This is so much fun but at the same time it is slowly killing me ^^*
So. Excited. SO EXCITED!!!
I think we need to push up the Fall to the end of August so I can have a nice birthday present 🙂
So looking forward to this
thank you
??? Snippet from the short story you mentioned as a summer possibility? Sounds darn interesting! Or have you (please please whine) started the next Innkeeper novel?
In an aside, is there a title as yet for the new fall novella? Sigh, waiting so (im)patiently. Hee hee
oh joy, more innkeeper?……!!!
Yes please.
and thank you.
Not sure if this is relating to Innkeeper or the secret novella (?) Ilona and Gordon have been working on or something else but either way I’m intrigued! If it’s Innkeeper, “he” could be Klaus, George, Gerard (Dina/Klaus/Maud’s father), or even Arland. Fun little snippet!
It’s Innkeeper 😉
We left Klaus outside Maude’s recovery room. ‘Him’ could be any of several males including humans, a cat, any of the male ‘lee’s’ or even a Red Cleaver Chef.
Is the unnamed novella due in the fall from an unnamed publisher set in the Innkeeper world or is this posting a separate Innkeeper project?
I was wishing House Andrews a nice summer beach vacation but if they are working to give us more Innkeeper. . . it’s tempting to stop wishing for much deserved R & R!
I cannot spill too much about the secret novella, but I can say that this is a separate Innkeeper project 😉
We should always wish House Andrews plenty of R&R, healthy Authors give us happy worlds ❤️
Mod R you need a megaphone saying to all the BDH “look at the tag underneath the post title!” ????????
😀 I do my best to help my Horde peeps hehe.
I could be mistaken but I thought the Innkeeper world stories are all independently published, not contracted to a regular publishing house. It was mentioned that this (as yet untitled ) novella is a contracted work which is why we don’t know much about it yet. And if it is a contracted work with a regular publisher that’s a really fast turnaround time if it’s supposed to be a Fall release. House Andrews sure knows how to ratchet up the pressure and speculation. Whatever it turns out to be, new world/universe or old favorite, I am confident we’re gonna be in for some mighty good reading.
Anne in Virginia
I live in hope.
New Innkeeper, hurray!!!!!!!!
RE: Your Blog Post… I fixed it!
WordPress has a size limit for pictures unfortunately- 1 MB. And sometimes it’s just stubborn and doesn’t work 🙁
Well… 2nd try 😉
Now I am determined.
Oh, hell, I give up. Y’all likely can’t read it. The exploding head above was from the OMGs and YAYs! and Squees! and the lower tag was evil laughter from House Andrews: muuaaahaaaahaaa! 🙂
We can read it! It tickled over at House of A 😀
I think the players are about to change. I bet this story introduces a new cast with “guest stars” from previous books. Betcha, betcha!
Thank you.
I have really missed Innkeeper.
So looking forward to another addition to the series.
You write such wonderful mind candy…..
Thank you again for continuing it.
LOVE. IT. Can’t wait!!
Methane wind and sand dune. Remind me of Titan and my thesis ???? thank you for the update on innkeeper ????
Ooohhh….???? thanks for the new content ????
After Sweep with Me did the Inn get a huge boost in power? Did it grow roots in the new property or open new doors? So exciting!
Hints are always welcome, it means there’s a new book on the way, so thank you in anticipation
There be naughty Author Lords laughter somewhere out there. Does anyone else imagine a whole planet filled with the weird stuff we find on the bottom of our oceans next to those methane vents… Lots of tube worms and bacteria. Maybe sentient muscles? Well whatever ends up being We know it’ll be good!
Ooh!! What an awesome teaser! Mwahaha!
Yyyeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss !!!!!
And the artwork OMG !!
oh! yesssssssss!!!!
Love it! Excited! Doing Snoopy Dance!
If you would like a scientific laugh, watch the really bad 2001 movie Evolution; I taught middle and high school science for 4 years. Each spring, for something fun, we watched key parts of this movie in specific classes (biology, biochemisty, geology, and physics were the main ones), and had very long and entertaining in-depth discussions about what was scientifically accurate and what was scientifically FUBARed. One kid, who was a standard, straight C student, came up with some brilliant thoughts, pulled out my college biology books, and found some clever rationales for his thoughts. It earned him a B in the class in extra credit for all the thought he put into it.
Love this! Thank you! Always keeping us on our toes… You both are just wonderful!
All the blessing on the House of A! Thank you for the hope! YAYYYYYYY!
Ooooh, exciting. I’m trying to guess who but will be wrong. Love the image. Dina! Yaaaay!
I am so Happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Let the planet swallow the nasty Blog Trolls that correct your works.
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post. A very thought provoking picture. Love the red spot. Or maybe that’s an x. dunes of Karon. Hmm.
Hurray! This looks very hopeful!
Yay Innkeeper!!!
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Here we go-buckle up, buttercups. Tea and snacks-check. Hand rubbing and chortling. Can’t wait. Thank you.
I know I hadn’t be first with a lead in like this to IC, but as I’m in a very very bad signal area and my phone hasn’t loaded the all the comments, I can pretend I’m the first ????
Knew it????????
ahhhhhh!!!! I can’t wait!!!!!
Oh wow, that illustration is really pretty ????.
Yes please! ^_^ I cant wait to see what kind of adventure this might become.
Could this be an Inn-adjacent world or is this a by-ship adventure? Eeeeee! Either way I know I’m going to love it.
I would just like to say thank you for adding alt text to the quote. I’m blind and my screen reader isn’t always cooperative when it comes to reading things like the above. I mentioned it last time and Moderator R came through.
I just noticed what you did and am super appreciative. I was gonna send this in an email, but the rules say don’t send emails unless it’s about technical issues. Pissing y’all off is NOT on my bucket list, thank you very much.
Damn! ????. I need so much more.
Can’t wait!!!! I loooove Innkeeper books!!
You guys always make my day, sometimes my week.
Wonderful snippet ( three lines, but wow, amazing writers), fan speculation (like the best episode of Friends) and the back and forth is better than most conversations I’ve had all week.
Thank you, seriously.
Tantilizing! Looking forward to seeing the scene in the book and learning things like:
Who is he and what is he doing on this unwelcoming world? Is the planet beautiful? It sounds like electrified sand could make incredible dunes. Is the eating literal? Which we has to rush to his rescue? So much to wonder!
So much to look forward to!
This is electrifying mysterious and I am so here for it!!! Ilona & Gordon, thank you so much for your wonderful works, I have read them all – from the Kate Daniels to Hidden Legacy to Innkeeper to Edge. For my residency training I’ve gone from Texas (my parents still live in Austin which I consider my hometown, but I spent a significant amount of time in Houston, Nevada’s namesake is the medical school I attended!!) to Boston and now to California. I will be patiently waiting for your next books!!
So cool
oh baby, oh baby, oh baby! I love all that you write, Ilona and Gordon! But you’ve written such a great mystery with the Innkeeper series, that’s why we’re bonkers for any juicy tidbits. Love the teaser! THANK YOU!
Oh, yes we must. We must definitely find him. I am so looking forward to the search.
What guy do I know who would be on such a planet for a job? A wolf or a vamp? Who would have the skills to plan a rescue? Which lady? Who could she get help from? How did he get stuck in this place? Who took advantage of him? Who could get the drop on him? A brother who is on a special journey? Long lost parents? Hmmmm. Let the games begin.