Apparently, there was a typo in the latest Kate Daniels novella announcement. We are so sorry. Here is the new cover for your enjoyment.
This is in reference to several readers mistakenly typing Magic Clams into the search bar of their retailers and then being puzzled why they couldn’t find it. A surprisingly large number of you did it. Thank you for the chuckle, guys!
Patti says
This is a striking & appealing cover! I don’t judge a book by its cover — especially as I know many authors don’t have any say about them. I go straight to what the story is about. And when I know the previous works of a favorite writer, getting it is a done deal. Can’t wait to see the final story for this novella!
Bee says
This image brought to mind Creature Comforts. Has anyone else seen it? 🙂
MerryB says
That cover is priceless! Thank you.
Sue Slivinsky says
That is hilarious. Love the cover art.
Toyanne says
Haven’t laughed this much in a long time. Thanks.
Why do I have a feeling I haven’t seen the last of this?
Ruud says
I double checked my typing. I don’t think I was mistyping things, it was at the moment of my searching simply not visible. 😛
Cindy says
Heh… okay, random question. Erra and Julie were going to get Mom because she wanted her bones taken back home. Did that ever happen, or did Erra do something else with Mom’s bones???
Heather says
Or maybe we’re getting two books, and I will happily read both “Magic Claims” and “Magic Clams”.
Nis says
I am reading this only now because, out of all the email newsletters from House Andrews, my gmail decided the one about this post was spam. This has never happened before. Clearly my email could not compute the idea of a Magic Clams by Ilona Andrews and decided to treat it as a hoax. Lol.
Pgs1 says
I have a question about Shinar and the power to claim Land. What is the point of claiming the land magically if you cannot draw the magic from it to use yourself. Has it any actual benefit besides putting a large magical sign on the land that you own it?
Samantha says
LOL okay that’s good. Thank you for sharing the giggle.
Jenn in Genoa says
Typos annoy me, too. But it’s not your fault that they get out there in the world. It’s a reminder that we are real, imperfect people, “humans with problems,” to misquote Stan Lee.
Thank you for the laugh! I really enjoyed it.