One Fell Sweep has been out for less than a month. We don’t even know how many units have been sold yet. Will you please, please ease up on the Innkeeper IV emails? 🙂 We’re trying to finish Hidden Legacy 3 – in the final chapters now – and once we are done, you know what I am planning to do?
That’s right, you heard it here first. I’m going to do big fat nothing for at least a couple of months. I’m going to tinker with proposals for the new series (nothing to do with our previous worlds), putter around, paint, have fun, and that will be that. We are not going to start Kate 10. We are not going to start Innkeeper. We are going to have vacation until my brain relaxes enough to where I don’t want to rip my hair out when I think of writing something and until Gordon finishes up the taxes and all of the paperwork that generally goes with them.
That’s it. I’m damn tired. I’ve been working for the last two months pulling 60 hour weeks with very little breaks and there will be down time. So thank you for your emails, we are very glad you enjoyed Innkeeper Chronicles, but we’ve got to breathe. 🙂
Karen Morris says
I am so, so glad you’re taking a break! Do nothing. Watch bad tv. Putter. 🙂 Come back when you’re ready!
Kat Rodman says
Good on you… take a break, do something different, refuel your inner 4 year old, you inner artist. We will be here when you get back.
Jenna Wallis says
Have a lovely break, and thank y’all for all y’all’s hard work!
Kat says
This right here is pretty much why I love you guys. Yes, your writing is great too, but it’s a rare author who tells their fanbase to butt out when we’re being overwhelming. I take my hat off to you.