It’s day 8 of the roof construction. We were told it would take 2 weeks. We knew it would be a major disruption. We know the crew is working as hard as they can around the Texas weather.
That said, I’ve got to vent. This is a whiny post. You have been warned.
I’m so sick of the roof construction. The dogs are stuck inside. They bark. People are hammering, pneumatic tools are going, and the level of noise is just constant. I’m stuck inside. I’m very set in my ways. This is driving me slightly batty.
It doesn’t help that our roof has been designed by some architectural maniac.

Just make a damn rectangle. What is this nightmare?
To top it off, one of the ebook retailers spontaneously rolled back some updates on our books, so the painstaking edits are all negated. We don’t know why. We are fixing it. Our website refused to migrate, and although that issue is now fixed, it took a whole day to sort it out. Now my made up language at Vulgarlang isn’t saving. I can’t access the save menu. My subscription order spontaneously self combusted through no fault of my own. My HEB account – gasp! – has somehow become so borked that I cannot add any methods of payment. I might have to get it deleted. I have to talk to support to do it.
I’m my own one woman magic wave. Everything digital around me is exploding. ::eyes her PC:: Don’t even think about it. How will I play Solasta if you croak? It’s the only thing that’s keeping me sane.
I have talked to various “support” so much in the past 3 weeks, it’s unreal. Last week and the week before, I had a Zoom every day. Every day. So much zoom. And support chats. All the support chats ever.
Too much talking.
Orkin guy is outside spraying everything. The dogs are barking. It’s that or spiders and scorpions in the office.
Zen. There has got to be some zen around here somewhere.
And this concludes our Edition of Introverts Today. You might think from all the public appearances and lectures that I’m an extrovert. Nope, I’m an introvert trained in public speaking. And this introvert is seriously overloaded.
This might be a good day to take the dogs to the park. Sounds miserable and I hope it’s better soon.
Ah the introverts curse. This too shall heart goes out to you, but at least you have tea.
And this too shall pass. If that is of any comfort. Or run! away I mean. Use a groupon book a cheap hotel and disappear for the day. or like a library! ooh, book a cube in the nearest library and leave the chaos to Gordon!
I’d say this too except for all the pets they’d need to board or bring.
Fortunately, when we had our roof replaced, we were working in the office, but we were home the day they tore the old roof off…. It was Migrane inducing. So.. Much.. Noise… And along with the banging, hammering and scraping, there was the constant rain of old layers of tar paper falling all around the house. Ugh… Fortunately, we upgraded to a metal roof. We live in a barn shaped house and the pitch of the roof is too steep for shingles. Before the replacement, I’d find shingles in my yard after every windy day. So, I shouldn’t ever have to replace my roof again – Thank Goodness!!!
I am commiserating with you. Sounds frustrating. I hope venting helps a bit, I like to vent too – but to people who don’t offer helpful suggestions – LOL! I save those people for when I do need the helpful suggestions.
Your fellow introverts are here for you! Quietly. Off with our books and not interacting with other people.
We’ll save a spot in the pillow fort.
Scratch that.
We’ll make you your own pillow fort and bring you tea.
And then leave.
Does anyone have one of those Moon Pod pillow/beanbag chairs? I’m curious if they’re as comfortable as they look.
I take it Kids 1 or 2 can’t babysit their fur-siblings for a few days until the roof is finished?
When I was a teenager and in my early 20s, I used to dread getting my tax refund back because inevitably something — usually on my car — would break and my refund would go to fix it. So yay that I had my refund to pay for the repairs, but boo that the refunds triggered the need for repairs. Or so it seemed at the time.
Nowadays I dread tax season because 1) I’ve had to pay federal tax ever since a certain someone put a cap on property tax refunds, so 2) I still expect something to break around the same time, except now I’d have to pay taxes AND pay for some repair. So I’ll be walking on eggshells the next couple of weeks.
I hear you on the repairs. This year it’s ball joints, control arms, and alignment. Last year was brakes (ALL the brake bits). I guess we’re both stuck in the spring repair loop. 😬
Our daughter’s car got all the brakes fixed plus transmission! I join the subgroup of car repair pain.
I hear you on the tax refund. Money comes back, only to go back out again.
For, me it was only tires. But dang, they were costly. 30K mile Summer water shedding special Potenza (sp?) Sport tires required. Why so costly? Oh, 18 inch rims. Why?? Why couldn’t I have 16 inch rims like the other nice cars do? I could have saved some that way at least. $$$ for all four to be changed out with the Costco discounts. Sigh. And I’m not done. The oil needs to be changed, the AC recharged (a total MUST in Florida with the hot rainy season (summer) approaching!….I need my car, I love my car. I do. I do.
I feel your pain. Nothing worse than noise at home.
I am in customer support hell with Kobo trying to add my credit card to my account. Two and a half month now and they have no clue what is wrong or what to do. So my ereader is a bit useless…
On the sunny side – it is almost weekend and spring is on a warm wave!
Sorry to hear it, imagining it was the Beast Lord of Atlanta and his teenage wolf assistant hammering on your rooftop would make it slightly better?
Love the vines on the walls 🌿
How do I subscribe to Introverts Today? Seriously need it!!
I hate to be a bother, but what happened to the post asking for a paleontologist? And is there a way to know if a “contact us” form went through or not?
Hi Grace,
I took the post down when we found the right person.
All the contact forms get to me 🙂. My apologies, I should have sent acknowledgement emails to everyone who was kind enough to get in touch, including you -but I have been very busy after the selection was made.
Will fire them off later tonight 🙂
Please consider escaping for a bit, if you can. Even if it’s in your own town or close to you. Or maybe somewhere far away. Whatever you can fit in.
Do noise canceling headphones help at all? Maybe you could listen to whatever sounds make you calm and happy. Music, nature sounds, ASMR sounds, whatever floats your boat.
Best of luck with all the construction and your electronics! 🤗
Introverts Unite. Just not in the same place.
Unite via Zoom. I hear Ilona loves Zoom.
Introverts United has my permission to send me a text. Just one text. One!
And don’t expect a reply.
More like unite for an online teams call with the camera off and we’re often all muted, but one person has music or stand-up comedy playing.
😏so true!
You have my sympathy. String introvert here. I hope you find some peace. Maybe a nice cup of tea, some ear plugs, and if you weren’t a diabetic, I’d say chocolate also. The tech things can be addressed another time when you feel more equipped to conquer them. Maybe a good book? I re-read of Magic and the Shinigami Detective?
On the bright side, I saw someone use the term “ripper cushions” on a Reddit thread yesterday 🙂
Have you seen the t-shirt that says “The baby was crying, the dog was barking, and the phone was ringing. I had to burn it down.”? I think this may be one of those mental moments where there is an imaginary conflagration.
Like a bad burrito-this too shall pass
Sending you calming vibes and quiet energy(switch those around if you need).
I hear you and understand your pain. I have a small pittie mix. She might be 30 -35lbs. We live in the suburbs and everything sets her off barking. I am also an introvert. I like the peace, and quiet. You must feel totally drained. I try to remind myself that “this too shall pass”.
I feel ya! I had a 19hr work day on mon, 13 on Tuesday, 10 on Wednesday and worked 3 hours this morning just so the painters could come and paint my bedroom, living, kitchen and dining rooms (I was tired of builder grey). My dogs are outside and yes they are barking at everyone. So I definitely feel ya! I’m also an introvert and not crazy about having people in my space,but after falling off a ladder, I can no longer do these things myself. Hang in there!
I feel your pain that was my last two weeks.
Fellow introvert that totally understands. Virtual hugs headed your way.
I so get that, and I feel for you. One of the reasons it took over four years for my husband and I to find a new apartment is that everything available, affordable, and half-decent was next to a construction site. When we first moved in, my husband would just sit “listening to the silence.”
Then one of our neighbors on the garden level bought a power lawn mower for his garden. Let me be clear: these gardens are roughly two square meters. We’re not sure how he fits the power mower in. We REALLY don’t know how he turns it around. We sort of understand why it takes an hour to mow his postage stamp, because of the above how does it fit/how does he turn it questions. We don’t understand what he’s doing to make his grass grow so fast he has to mow twice a week. Or why he doesn’t stop doing it so that he doesn’t have to mow so often.
We’ve actually discussed buying him an edger. It would use the same power, and he could be done in ten minutes.
Our courtyard is shared between four buildings. One of the other garden apartments has a decent sized green space. Our neighbor spent all last summer building a roofed pavilion with built in stone furniture and a water feature. It’s lovely. We have no idea what he’s going to turn it into because he started construction noises again. It’s finished. We enjoyed the very low background noise of quiet conversation and burbling water in the evenings.
And these things are happening sporadically. An hour after work, maybe. Not constant. I can empathize but I am stopping myself from actually imagining it. Count the days.
so sorry! Introvert here too! give me quiet so I can work and no zoom meeting every day: so draining!
all I can offer:
“I’m an introvert trained in public speaking.”
Ditto with bells on. Just home after a 3 day work conference.
I. Am. Beat.
Wishing you me-time and an end to the mayhem!
I bought prescription eye glasses online that came in today. Prescription is very wrong and they are ugly. Looked at the website and actually have to call customer support. Oh man I really don’t want to. Why can’t I just send a message saying I can’t see with these stupid ugly things you sent me, take them back and refund the money?
I’m so sorry for all of the trouble. I feel your pain about constant calls to various tech support numbers.
Have you considered noise cancelling headphones?
All the hugs. You are in the home stretch. I wish there was some place you could have the dogs to go to during hammering so at least that stress is reduced.
I get it. I am gearing up to make my 3rd call to Apple about a problem and my 5th call to Amazon. I can only stand to make them about once a week so it’s taking forever to get the issues resolved.
A very distanced hug from one introvert to another! In fact, a tiny wave might be more in order at the moment.
A microwave?
My condolences.
Other than that, all I can think of to say is: remember to breathe.
Sending hugs! As a fellow introvert I empathize.
Too bad we can’t create an introvert reality where we can jump off to (where you can be quietly alone!) when it all gets to be too much.
Sending positive energy that the tech problems smooth out sooner rather than later!
Hopefully, you’ll get some peace in a couple of weeks.
Things like that used to happen to me around tech all the time. Computers froze, battery powered watches wouldn’t hold a charge, cell and portable phones would do weird things. I used to tell people that it was because of my magnetic personality. Not much since menopause though. (don’t know why)
My cell phone still does weird stuff on a regular basis, but I don’t think it is me. I think it is the “What you actually want to make just a simple phone call? With your voice and everything?” device.
OMG. I thought I was the only one thst wrord things l8ke that happened to. I’d go through 3 or 4 watch batteries a year, my printer hated me and we won’t even talk about jitchen appliances, computers and dishwashers…..
Chocolate noise canceling headphones
I suspect support workers and hold lines emit technological pheromones. Whenever I have to call a “helpline” I always end up having to speak to someone else regarding some other unrelated matter as well until the whole day becomes an alternating nightmare of hold music and shout-talking at someone I can barely hear despite their hold music being so loud my eardrum is bleeding.
The only explanation is pheromones. Or spores. But definitely something that spawns itself. Maybe its the music. It does repeat alot, so possibly there’s some biological imperative in that. Or technological I guess.
I don’t know anymore, I’m babbling and I have a hayfever headache so I’m stopping before I get infected by the hold music spores.
A few posts back House Andrews requested help from a paleontologist
Related to that request, anyone wondering how large the extinct American lion — Panthera leo attic — can see mounted fossils at the museum attached to the La Brea Tar Pits, about a half mile east of Rodeo Drive on Wiltshire Blvd in LA. The American lion is the third or fourth largest member of the cat family that ever lived, depending on how large that South American sabre tooth cat was — both are bigger than the North American Smilodon.
Panthera leo atrox. Bad words related to the ancestry and probable chances of salvation in the afterlife for whomever invented autocorrect are redacted.
I’m sorry for the stress and noise around you. hope you find some zen soon.
I was just looking at the publish date of Clean Sweep; 2013. now it’s 2023 and we’ve gotten 6 books (I’m including the short stories and Maud) in that series. 6 books in 10 years. and that doesn’t include the other works y’all did in between since we’re just counting the Innkeeper series. I’d like to take a moment to thank you for being such high producing authors. it makes me happy to have your quality content to read and re-read.
and it’s a nice bonus as well that your content is interesting for other mediums to reach out and partner with y’all like Graphic Audio and Tapas. it makes it feel like you’ve produced more in the series than actually has come out. 😉
also sorry. it’s prolly exhausting for an introvert to have their fingers in so many pies. and I’m sure that slows the writing process. but I’m glad y’all are authors, doing what you do. keep the words/books/series coming! 😀
List of Books since 2013:
Magic Steals (Jim and Dali novella #2)
Magic Stars (Derek’s Novella)
IRON AND MAGIC (Hugh’s book #1)
The King of Fire (Julie’s short story) {On this site and in the back of Blood Heir}
MAGIC TIDES(Wilmington Years #1)
MAGIC CLAIMS (Wilmington Years #2)
BURN FOR ME (Nevada)
WHITE HOT (Nevada)
Diamond Fire (Nevada and Catalina)
RUBY FEVER (Catalina)
SWEEP OF THE BLADE (Maud’s novel)
Sweep With Me
Fated Blades
Not including extras, etc, 24 works of novella length or higher, 20 novels.
🤯Just wow!
and thank you from the bottom of my heart 😊🥰
+1 🥰
And not including the hundreds of blog post that I *SO* LOOK FORWARD TO.
Look at all of us here, loving the blog posts. Commenting even, forgoodnesssake.
You’re doing awesome.
The Saga of the Lawn Orphans remains my favorite, and I’d happily buy you the nicest noise cancelling headphones they make.
It’s treat to come here at the end of a long day and be entertained so generously, so often. Thank you!
Oh, my dear, I know how you feel. I am an introvert with 20 years experience in small store retail. (I can talk for *hours* about art level crafts – wood, ceramics, glass and “art” jewelry. Do *not* get me started!)
Since I retired, I don’t even want to pick up my mail at the post office. If I can’t do it online, I’d rather not do it at all.
I’m not agoraphobic – I happily leave the house every day – but I’d rather not *bother* anyone.
Luckily, my son and daughter-in-law live “Houston close” to me, i.e. less than 30 miles away, so I have some family time most weeks. I like a lot of people. I just don’t want to spend much time with them…
Oh my… I am so very, very sorry. I really hate that “my skin is gonna explode because of overestimation” feeling. Maybe a “sneaky” trip to your local public library for some quiet time? I have browsed (hid) at my library many, many times. I believe the smell of books is hooked to my dopamine response 🤣
Sorry. I’m going to whine about our winter which has been extended into April. We had snow this week! We’re supposed to be having April showers bringing May flowers! No we’re having snow!
We have a metal roof also. The woodpeckers love it.
Wishing you peace, tranquility and maybe put an offering out for your house brownies. They seem to be hexing you.🤷♀️🌨🕊️
Introverts even hate listening to YouTube videos. Too much talking. I just watch. And fast forward if you’re going too slow to show me what I need to learn. Sorry.
Oh, I remember the horrors of roof repair. We had a 110 Chow-lab who loved the roofers but decided the noise must die, die, die. If I could have boarded him for that whole week and a half I would have. Then our grey cat became glued to me, and she would claw whenever the roofers banged.
Between the dog dragging me over the floor on a throw rug, with the cat shredding my ribcage at the same time, it is not a good memory.
Hubby refers to me as the Harry Dresden of our house. If I’m around, something technical blows up. Always. **Sigh**
Hope the repairs are finished and your gremlins find greener pastures elsewhere.
Many many hugs. I’m not fond of peopling, or noise, and I sympathize.
Those complicated roofs are roofers’ retirement plans.
When Hubs decided to replace the asphalt shingles with metal, he promised it wouldn’t take very long. He was right, he and a nephew did the job in 4 days. While they did the roof work, I handed the metal sheets up to them. Once it was complete, I swore never again. Now it is several years later and I hate the metal roof. Heavy rain, sleet and hail makes it sound like drums. Dogs go nuts when it first begins then settle down after about 5 minutes. If I ever get the opportunity, that metal is coming off and good, 50 year shingles are going up. I will take dogs and hubs someplace else for a week. Be sure to let insurance company know about your metal roofing, they provide discounts in some areas.
Comiserating with you. we are buying a new house that closes tomorrow AND I’m interviewing for new jobs. All the calls, all the paperwork and all the zooms are happening.
It’s my own doing, but it’s A LOT. Icant wait to resume my normal schedule. lol
maybe noise canceling headphones and a good cup of tea?
Ugh I feel this post. Have spent the day in back to back zooms and so now working late to do the work from the zooms. Also my authenticator app for work has been playing up all day so haven’t been able to get into any of my work documents, email or apps Ive needed to. At one point I was on the phone to IT help desk trying to fix my laptop software drama whilst on a zoom call on my iPad. I’m just glad my roof is ok, maybe I should go check it….
How you are staying there thru all the noise/mayhem? I rx mini vacation for you – rent a hotel room that allows pets and get a break from noise! Knit up that fabulous yarn!
Once your home is quiet again the tech probs will be easier to handle.
Take care of yourself!
I heard today on the radio that Mercury is in RETROGRADE. This is apparently such a thing that Wendy’s is giving away free food (through their APP, no thank you) to make you feel better.
I wasn’t going to believe in Mercury retrograding but you are changing my mind.
Oh dear at least the cat looks happy exploring the new items on the lawn.
A multilayered roof is something to be avoided for the next house purchase. If you cut foam earplugs in half they stay in your ears better and you can even sleep in them. It cuts the noise way down but you can still hear. I keep two sets (in case I lose a piece) in my travel bag and purse for noise emergencies. The tube shaped ones work best for even pea sized results.
When I feel overwhelmed I put in my earbuds to listen to a fine Ilona Andrews audiobook (generally while also doing crafts or building in Sims 3), but I’m thinking that might not be the huge gift of enjoyment and peace for you that it is to me.
If it helps, you have helped many in the BDH find their Zen. 🙂
Also, every single time you talk about roof noise I think of Curran and Derik hammering on Kate’s roof in Magic Bites.
Thanks for all your amazing books (I’m doing an annual re-listen of all the Hidden Legacy books right now— LOVE that series so much!).
I do not care for Graphic Audio books in general, but my husband has a hard time getting into the audiobooks that I so adore (he will listen to podcasts, which I mostly don’t care for). I bought Sweep in Peace in Graphic Audio (I already have the traditional audiobook) because my husband likes the idea of a “radio play.”
We will see if I can tempt him into the BDH with me! Also, the Graphic Audio version of Sweep in Peace is so good that I preordered Magic Bites in GA form even though I already have it as a traditional audiobook.
Both teens are into the Innkeeper series, and are sorely disappointed that Sweep of theHeart has not been adapted. I’m saving Magic Bites for our next road-trip. My husband cracked up at Arland’s caffeinated adventures, so I want him along for the Kitty, Kitty ride
Aaaaaaactually, I can’t say too much until the ink dries on everything, but there is good news about the adaptation of Sweep of the Heart by Graphic Audio! Watch this space 😀
Please don’t leave us in suspense!
Announcement coming soon, but it’s good news 😀
Perilously close to swearing at us, I infer. At least you didn’t use the P-word.
😂 I know I would get my mouth washed with Horde soap
Yup, Curran on Kates’s roof is my first thought as well. Unfortunately, the IRL roof work doesn’t seem quite as fun as the book version.
Oh my, all I can do is say sorry! You are allowed to whine, it’s been more than the normal life annoyances. (Your house does have an interesting roofline)
The website snafu sounds horrid. Re HEB, if you’re using their app, have you tried deleting it and redownloading? I’ve had considerable luck doing this with other apps that suddenly stopped working. Last night I did it to my graphic audio app because it wouldn’t play the new book. Grrrrr, but it did work.
I guess the e retailer also has system issues? Ugh. Hang in there!
Same! Only my book played but was basically fast forwarding while playing so only screeches were coming out if my phone. I had to delete and redown load the book which for some reason takes hours. It worked though so hang in there.
Sorry to hear that, ladies! I did let GA know, hope you can listen now.
I feel for you. I am currently hiding out in another floor’s break room, prepping myself mentally to be talky for a 1300 meeting.
They “fixed” the roof at work last year. It took 10 months. They dropped heavy loads (by crane) right above my desk. That was honestly terrifying. So I moved to another desk. Because I moved, they came and looked at the roof support structure and determined it had been damaged. So they cut out the portion of roof and patched it. That was month 1. I had a water feature by my desk for ~8 months. Plastic and a series of trash cans to catch the water. Wanna know how much it rains in South Mississippi? Last year was a record year – 10’ of rain.
So yeah, I feel your pain. Here’s hoping your 2 weeks is actually 2 weeks. Thankfully our roofers switched their schedule so they weren’t working the same schedule, and I had a home to escape to.
I seriously hope your day gets better. Sending you all the hugs. Maybe take the dogs to a park for awhile.
Upon reaching that degree of misery, while there is no cure, treatment is possible. First you must select items you procured (for you maybe yarn) for me gemstones find a spot and contemplate your precious and be soothed. Refuse any interruptions until refreshed and finish with copious amounts of tea. Rinse and repeat as needed.
That all sounds very….. peopley. I would be in the same state you are.
Sorry that all is happening to you. At least your eyes aren’t red in areas where it should be white. My eyes were extremely red early this morning I looked like I should be an extra for the Walking Dead.
I put eye drops in my eyes and it helped. However, they’re still a little red.
I told my boss if she saw me she would’ve asked me what’s wrong. 😎
As an introvert also I will mention that once the roof is done, it will be beautiful and never leak again.
See you Saturday zooming🙏
The local news channel was borked the other night. They couldn’t do the news from 4:00-5:00. At the dentist yesterday he couldn’t pull up my file on the computer or do X-rays because they had a new panorex xray machine installed that messed up their entire system. A lot of people are posting about computer issues the past 2 days. I think Mercury went retrograde a few days early! Sending positive thoughts for peace and quiet soonest.
I feel your pain. Last year we replaced our roof. It took 55 squares of shingles and is steep. We had four dogs at the time, two boxers, one Aussie and one white foo foo dog. They barked the whole time. As a part of the re roofing our solar panels a had to be taken down and put back on. That was another five days. Who knows why but some of the solar panels are no longer working. They say there is some corrosion. Luckily this part is under warranty.
Next week they replace the bad panels. We have since added a great Pyrenees pup.
I will be at work but my husband will be a bear the whole week.
**Introvert trained in public speaking**
Yep its draining! I hope you get some quiet time and rest soon. Advice from my extrointorvert daughter. When feeling overwhelmed sometimes crying for 10mins helps. She doesnt know why it works and why 10mins is her magic number. But she swears by it and offers it to everyone.
I commiserate with you. We replaced our roof after field mice killed it to feast on my grandfather’s table in the basement one very cold winter, (I kid you not.) The hammering and hordes of men staring at the damage still echo in my brain. Sending hugs and your choice of healing beverages!
Sending hopes of peace and zen! Good luck with the roof and the tech!!
I suggest a cup of tea and some fiber therapy (aka knitting). Maybe some noise canceling headsets would help too.
mercury retrograde?
Is something in the air? Because I’m having a bad glitch/support chat week too and we just found out our water pipes need replacing because the city is upgrading its water system and will add more pressure to our ancient pipes. Last summer was also filled with garage construction and kitchen upgrade to lower cabinets (pull out drawers) and a spice rack was added to the old ironing board cabinet. (Result was awesome though.)
Walmart package was delivered to a guy at a pharmacy so two chats over that and a phone number for our refund. Safeway ignored my no substitutions order and gave me a page of substitutions only to tell me that I didn’t select no substitutions. (I did so twice to be sure. Previous week it wiped out my whole cart.) I’ve asked that they escalate to programmers because their delivery web page has so many glitches.
But construction noise WHILE dealing with various support chats and calls is the worst. Plus you can’t really explain the noise and being shut indoors to your pets.
My sympathies! I’ve had my old email address hijacked and have been changing contact info & passwords for weeks. Then I lost my cell phone. Then a flat tire–like a pancake. But then I found the phone!
Things come in threes, so they say. I’m hoping that’s true and my latest 3 are done.
Deep breath. Deep breath. Take yourselves and the do’s off on a daycation to your kids house. Dogs might still bark but at least no drill or hammer noises
Dogs not dos.
Apparently SpaceX Starship exploded today but they called it a success and everyone cheered. Their guy called it a “rapid unplanned disassembly” which i guess is an official term!
Sending Zen vibes. Calming quiet noise cancelling vibes.
My company has a very high percentage of introverts. One of the divisions is entirely extreme introverts. When the boss suggested we all turn our cameras on for meetings, everyone bought camera stickers. When the same boss suggested we have a Zoom happy hour on Fridays with cameras on; no one from the division came. Our manager asked us why and was told:
Oh, you mean Unhappy hour.
This week sucked. I hate everyone.
Go away and leave me alone.
I would have to wear adult clothes.
You want me to talk? To people?
We finally had to explain that the entire division had scheduled Fridays as ‘Quiet Day’. No meetings, no chat, silence. The entire day is blocked off with meetings that have no meeting links or locations and no one attends.
I hope that you get a Quiet Day.
Teamwork done right! 😀
That sounds about right. I am so glad I work from home. I get to wear my BDH and Cutting Edge t-shirts. Plus not a lot of interruptions from people. 😶🌫️
Tea, pets and earphones with your favorites playlist. Annnd, breathe.
I so get the last paragraph! I’m an introverted extrovert.. recently heard that means I’m an ambivert. Ahh labels!
Your comments about the roof made me chuckle. My brother is a general contractor who is frequently called to estimate shingles/steel roofing on multi-level roofs. After one particularly frustrating day, he went off on a rant about “@ssh@[+$ with Adobe, whoo! Look at ALL the chunks of roof I can make! The b@stards aren’t the ones explaining to a homeowner WHY their roofing job is so expensive when their buddy only paid blah de blah for his SQUARE house!” He thinks architects are sadistic little gremlins, who might need to be pelted with balls of their own waste.
Mercury is in retrograde….. maybe go have a mini spa day …
I feel you and feel for you.
I hope all the digital stuff starts working for you and that the roof is done soon.
Yes, even dogs who normally like people are instinctively protective of their house.
Set on auto-repeat.
Can recommend tea for soothing frazzled nerves.
Electronics and computers and help desks, oh my!!!
May it all resolve soonest!!
Some tea, some knitting, and some game play seem to be required, STAT!
Umm, it looks like you decided on a metal roof. I agree that metal roofs last a really long time. But they are harder to install. Aren’t you thinking of selling and relocating? I recently installed an asphalt shingle roof with a 50-year warranty. They did it in a day. My lakefront house is 5,000 square feet. So not a small job. I love you two but I think this issue was self inflicted.
Our roof was replaced in 2011 with a good quality 30 year shingles. It needed to be completely replaced in 2021, so about 10 years. If the hail storm is strong enough, it can require replacement in 3 years. Unlike the genteel South Carolina, Texas specializes in golf ball sized hail hurled with the kind of velocity that breaks glass and car windshields. Let me put it this way, we have hail damage to our wooden fence. It looks like someone shot it with a shotgun. 🙂
It took us 2 years to convince the insurance company to replace the roof. This is our chance for a metal roof at a huge discount.
Ouch 🤕
Maybe it was a shotgun, you are in Texas 🤔
Idk whether you happen to have a big magnet thingy on a long handle about waist high, but if you do, then that’s good to drag around the ground around your house after the workers leave to catch any stray nails.
We have one that came from the in-laws and we use it for that whenever we have work done. So, idk how old ours is or whether your workers use one (we’ve never had them aware it even existed- but they want it as soon as they see us using it and giving them back a bucket of nails they’ve dropped). Anyways, it’s super helpful to keep the dogs paws from possibly stepping on a nail. Good luck! Happy Renovations!
As a fellow introvert, I can sympathize! I hope everything sorts itself out smoothly and soon!
I live in an apartment complex and on a regular basis the gardeners come through and trim the oleander bushes right in front of my apartment. The bushes are 5 ft away from my windows and front door. The tools that they used to do this are so loud that I cannot sit in the living room and comfortably listen to the tv or read a book, gasps while clutching my pearls heheh. I go and hide in the bedroom. Then they come through with the blower because God forbid anyone should use a broom. This is the only thing I have to compare to what you’re going through and I know it’s not even barely comparable. I don’t know how you guys are doing it. I know it’s unreasonable to think that you could just pack up all the animals and go stay in an Airbnb until it’s over. This is what happens when so much of our lives revolve around our homes. I hope it’s over soon.
All of us, introverts, understand your pain.
Introvert virtual fist bump and hug.
Good information to have if/when I need my roof replaced. I’ll make sure we rent a Airbnb to avoid the chaos.
I’m sorry this can’t be fixed with a cup of tea…🙁
Sounds like you need to secretly escape to a hotel without telling anyone…and..just..breathe!!!! Do whatever is needed to get back your inner peace. 🙂
Construction noise is the worst. And, people who don’t live in the house are around all day. Terrible. As another introvert, I feel your pain. Hang in there!
Many hugs.
Not sure if it’ll help or hinder concentration, but certainly relaxation: I’ve recently discovered these amazing 1-10 hour rendered (or combination rendered + real life) inmersive YouTube videos in the ASMR / Ambience genre, mostly products of the quarantine.
Oceanside cafe in Rio with Bossa Nova music and crashing or gentle waves? Check. Cozy log cabin in the alps with a crackling fireplace and snowfall? Check. Space station cabin bedroom with a view of the stars and earth? Yep. Experiencing rainfall while laying in a tent/camper van in the middle of the forest. Taking a bath at an ancient Roman bathhouse. Inside a hobbit’s home with sounds of cooking or writing. The Penderton drawing room. Spring sounds and flowers at a lakeside home. Fantasy alien world with fairies and flowers and amazing colors.
In my work-from-home days I have these on all day. The more I ‘thumb up’ the more I discover. All free!
I’ll happily share the channel names if anyone asks (if permitted) or in email.
Oh, I love those!
I use some to boost up boring tasks. Do I need to clean? World of Warcraft Alliance Tavern Music. All of a sudden I’m doing quests! I’m a wench!
Some of them are pure magic if you have ADHD, like the 10 hour high-frequency Brown noise- it’s like I just have the best night sleep of my life and I can finally focus! And it you put it in headphones it blocks the loudest snoring or construction noise- ask me how I know 😂
In other website investigative news ……. like Nancy Drew I was snooping around my favorite IA website (as usual) to find any changes since the last time I visited (yesterday)…… and lo and behold….. ……dun dun dunnnnnnn!
There is a blank book-holding template with RYDER 2 news coming soon!!!
Now, most likely maybe its been there for ages but it is still worth a collective BDH happy dance Friday……. and an investigation report (of website snooping skills) worthy of a nod to many teenage years reading Nancy Drew.
Any who…..If the coming soon reveal is part of the IA website migration shenanigans & led to BDH breaking news worthy (or not) of a happy dance Friday- it still makes my day🎉🎊
But if wishes were horses, hopefully the roof-pounding will stop long enough for House IA to have a quiet restful weekend.
The website redesign is likely to move things around and add new features, indeed 😊
But for the moment, project announcements have no changed: House Andrews have decided to not announce ongoing projects until the manuscript is completed or the book is ready for pre-order, in order to manage both reader expectations and workload.
At the moment, the offering is the Wilmington Years series, which is paving the way for the sequels of Blood Heir.
Hope this helps 🙂
Yes Thanks Mod R ……..
I am still 💃💃💃 quietly on the inside.
Love this image of roof construction + Tuna. Your new roof is gorgeous!
We were having pent-up dog issues, and we signed on with a doggie day care. Not every day, but one to two times a week, half or full day, for that mental stim that chills them out *and lets them sleep through the night*. Thank you to the working parents who came before us and paved the way for an easy drop-off and pick-up system at doggie day care. If we miss the dogs, we can find their dog group on a webcam. Ours are wandering around the room while the others relax on a bed at nap time.
You need a vacation.
Mercury entered retrograde today until May 14th 😭😭😭
And Texas weather has gone crazy!
Hopefully BHD sends you some good thoughts to help you find zen. And by Zen I mean you had better name a pet “Zen” so you can find it.
Ok, this is a dumb response, as you and I both know that holistic methods just make the bad critturs giggle. But along with all that Orkin, maybe aroma therapy including peppermint? Supposed to have the effect of repelling all things buggish and rodentish. I don’t know, it certainly repels me. Candy canes should smell of peppermint and maybe toothpaste. The ambient air? Blech.
But hey! It’s calming and helpful, and maybe it will magically get the dogs to stop announcing the roofers are working.
By the way, that roof is going to be GORGEOUS, and you will have a shiny 35 years of no trouble (one hopes).
Hi Nancy, peppermint essential oil is toxic to dogs. Most essential oils are actually toxic to dogs and cats so aroma therapy is straight up banned at our house. We rely on select, carefully curated incense and candles instead.
Here is some fake outdoors to look at…more pretty Texas. ⭐
This too shall pass.
Two words – soundproof earmuffs. They have been a sanity saver for this introvert who works in an open office. I’ve threatened to get ones with kitty ears.
from one introvert to another I totally get it.
some days I feel like the Grinch: the noise, noise, NOISE, NOISE,
So when that puts you on edge it makes everything else so hard to deal with.
can you escape to the spa, for just an hour or two? sit in the steam room or get a massage? can the doggies go to a kid2’s house or a dog park for the day?
Good luck figuring it out!
As a fellow introvert and having suffered through roof repair, I feel your pain. Wishing you some peace and quiet soon and sending computer gremlin banishing magic to you!
Wishing you a peaceful day
So much sympathy. My library sits over our school cafeteria and the maroons that are renovating it farbled up the floor. Now they are having to jackhammer it up and start over. Currently there’s one working directly under my office. SO MUCH NOISE!
Sounds just awful! Been there. Having said that, you will love your standing seam roof! Everything…snow, sleet, ice…or in your case, scorpions…will roll right off. Do they make foam earplugs for humans and nonhumans?
Eee gawds, this is when I’d go to a hotel for the night. Get food delivered to the hotel, put all the pets at one of the kids’ homes and be by yourselves. Or leave everybody at home and you hibernate in the hotel. Either might work for a night.
Hey…when the roof construction is finished, you might want to borrow a metal detector from somewhere and run it over the whole yard. When we had our roof replaced recently, we ended up with a LOT of nails hidden in the grass. And, in the twelve months after Charlie, Jeannie, and Frances swept through (August – September of 2004), we had more than a dozen tire patches or replacements on our two cars (I kid you not…this is NOT an exaggeration).
As an introvert — who has two grown children unexpectedly living at home, is in the middle of a home remodel (whilst working from home), is sorting out a recently deceased family member’s tangled estate, and has 3 cats who do not get along with one another — I CAN RELATE. I wish you peace and tranquility in the very near future <3
I am in awe of that roof. That is one seriously overdesigned, underthought masterpiece. I’m so glad that when you’re done with the uproar, it will be better. Sending wishes for speedy roofing.
Mercury retrograde just started. Just breathe through it. Things are going to happen. Sorry.
I can relate to the introvert part. I am one. Happily. Which makes for tense times when it’s necessary for someone to be in my house. When we were going through all our storm damage repairs, which included a new roof and substantial repairs inside the attic, I was borderline basket case. THEN the fun started with all the interior repairs. I have pretty much smoothed out now. But, I can still get twitchy. I know you will survive. Maybe earphones will playing Solasta? Hugs.
Is it bad that the first thing I thought of when I saw the photo of the roof was: Oh, it’s like Gertrude Hunt. haha!
Kidding aside, I really hope things get better soon. This blogpost sounds too much like Murphy’s Law running into Unicorn Lane during a flare and unleashing all the “things-that-can-go-wrong-will” energy in your direction. May good luck return to you three-fold.
I so feel your pain. After four months away from our house, we got home last week and were greeted with the chainsaw symphony from hell. Our neighbor finally decided to cut down the numerous tall Eucalyptus trees on his lot. This is a good thing as they are a horrible risk in fire season (we live in NorCal), but every day except Sunday, from 8am to 5pm, we’ve had chainsaws and a wood chipper going non-stop. And did I mention that I’m allergic to Eucalyptus pollen? I’ve been hiding inside taking Claritin D, Flonase, and running my Hepa filter all week.
I too cannot eat sugar. I found Goodsam chocolates. No sugar, some carbs but not much if I only eat a square or two. It uses allulose as a sweetener which doesn’t bother me at two squares.
Virtual hugs
Hi Ilona
I’m so sorry you go through so much ordeals
It sounds like u will benefit from Space Clearing your house
You can do it with
Clapping or
It’s sounds like crazy talk but it worked for me and my friends every time
Good luck
I’m so sorry you’re going through this 😫 My phone was destroyed and getting the new one activated took 6 days. All because they couldn’t use my old phone to text me an activation number. Like they never heard of someone’s phone going from their back pocket into the toilet.😬🙄
Hope the roof is done soon and you find your Zen.
I have tinnitus, so I have constant sensory overload. My method of dealing with it, since I live alone, is to have audio books on all the time when I am awake. (Basically, thank you and Gordon for keeping me sane!) But, my method of avoiding one noise, by overriding it with sounds I like, works very well. I need the good sounds to be words, since they engage my intellect as well as my sense of hearing, so, you might try that…. an audiobook you really really love, or, even better, a series you really love, put it on very loud, and really pay attention to it, maybe knit or do something to engage yourself with visual and tactile sensory effects that you add to give yourself pleasure, and give yourself several days of loud audio of your choosing, even if you have to barricade yourself in the quietest room in the house and surround yourself with color, yarn, tea and cookies, and do nothing but keep yourself sane til the roof is done.
Introverts with public roles are seriously misunderstood. I feel your pain. And noise!! The chinese water torture of the modern era.
I will send you some hopes for peace. I’m so sorry that you are going through all that. Do you know Mervury is in retrograde? My daughter and I think that is the answer when we are having tough days.
My husband saw the roof, read “architectural maniac”, and punched his fist into the air yelling, “Yes, another person with common sense!” He hates artsy roofs – fortunately, we live in a metal-roofed American four-square farmhouse.
I think your husband might enjoy the blog as much as I have. I try not to indulge my unkind laughter, but sometimes things just cry out to be jeered at.
🙏 noise canceling headphones? My apple EarPods help a lot, with music of choice, or a white noise playlist. And they still connect to my iphone and announce incoming messages and calls, so I don’t miss something crucial, or I can mute all notices. I’m sure something similar can be done with an android phone, or connection to pc.
I am having a wall taken down mo day to open up space. I am not looking forward to this. I’m still trying to pack things and move furniture and cover tvs but my back is killing me and Th Spawn is sick. This is 5 years I’ve been dealing with my kitchen redo. I just want it done.
I feel your pain.
Ilona et-al, at least it appears you are doing a metal roof, 50 years, not another one, even hail won’t destroy it, might dent it, but won’t destroy it. excellent choice. Ok, not dog person, more cat, but they all take money and time away from other things I would rather do, so we don’t have pet’s period. Was thinking about raising chickens for the eggs, but then saw the story about the fellow in GA with three roosters, and they crow all the time, keeping the neighbors upset. So out with that idea. Put ear plugs in, take a walk away, or drive to HEB and sort of the account issue, if necessary, just get a new card and setup new account, delete old one. I had similar issues with outlook/Gmail. Finally went to, in Europe, strongest protection laws of any country, no spying, dumped outlook and Gmail. Very little junk mail since those got gone. Much better life now.
Sounds like a terrible, very bad, no good day.
Up here in Northern Wisconsin, there are no scorpions or 100+ degree temps, just plenty of pretty snow.
I hope it gets better.
I realized during covid that i was an introvert. I grew up with 7 siblings, so i just thought i was bad at making friends. During covid i wasn’t bothered at all to be the one of two people working in the office the entire time, and not seeing other people didn’t bother me too much.. so i went hmmmmm.. introvert!! it explains a LOT about me.
last year at work they replace our roof i thought someone was dropping boulders on the roof on a regular basis, but it only lasted 5 days.
what about noise cancelling earphones?
As a fellow introvert it sounds like you are living a nightmare and I feel all the feels for you. perhaps some knitting or crochet while locked in a spare room by yourself while wearing noise canceling headphones will help? Seriously invest in the best noise canceling headphones, they will change your life.
I can definitely commiserate as an Introvert that also had a roof replaced…that was NOT fun. 😟
Also, my sciency daughter tells me that the sun has been in a very active phase for solar flares this year. Some weeks are worse than others, and some very strong flares are firing off this week.
You probably already know this, but for anyone in the BDH that doesn’t know, when solar flares are strong enough, they do indeed mess up electronics and such, causing weird happenings such as networks borking, downloads taking forever or files needing to be re-downloaded in order to work, Wi-Fi flipping out (mine has kept dropping sporadically all week), etc.
Hope things get better for you soon…hang in there! Sending virtual calming waves your way
Age of Wonders 4 comes out May 2nd!!!!
I feel your pain as a fellow introvert! This sounds like a life-sucking situation. I’d have to find a hidey hole to recharge! Also, I’ve always found my animals recharge me! Hang in there!
Good Vent
If you can’t crawl back in bed with noise canceling headphones it might be time for Benadryl and a blanket in the pantry.
From one introvert to another this does sound like torture. All that noise and people then still having to chat… because universe forbid tech support actually use the quickness of phone calls.
Some zen time is needed. Maybe take the dogs to a small or longer trail. There you can get some quiet(er) time with less people around than a park (typically) and the dogs get a bit or exercise. Grab Gordon too, and stop for ice cream or something.
Self care is screaming for you.❤️🩹
Hopefully today will be the last of all the technical issues and the roofing time will go smoothly. 🤞🏽
Sony WF-1000XM4 are awesome noise canceling earduds/ headphones. Even for when I’m not playing an audiobook or music.
sounds like time for a spontaneous one week vacation…
Ack! Your pain is felt and I commiserate with you.
I hear you. I absolutely 100% hear you. I am so sorry for the stress and tension in your life at this time. In Search of Zen? Hmmm. Maybe – pay attention to your breath? I’m trying to do that more – as in, notice when it’s short, sharp, hard, fast and consciously soften and slow it. As in introvert who works in a job where I spend my days speaking with public, I’m becoming more aware what this does to my internal stress levels. I aim for something called ‘Candle Breath’. I imagine a lit candle is just in front of my lips, and gradually change my breath so that the flame doesn’t even flicker as I breathe in, and breathe out. Breathe in… And Breathe out…. In….. Out…, and it helps. Sometimes. This too will pass.
When we had the roof replaced, I was pregnant at the time with a bladder infection. I remember when they would take a break, I would run from the basement to my bedroom upstairs to try to rest for a few minutes. The lunch breaks were my favorite, 30 minutes of pure silence, bliss! (I have no idea why I stayed home lol)
I think that your roof lines are giving the contractors nightmares. I am not on their side! I am hoping that you get a little evil joy at causing some nightmares for all of the stress they are giving😉. I hope they surprise you and finish early. I am an introvert who hates public speaking. As for your digital dilemma, my husband told me that I am so far from computer friendly that I am “computer hostile” but they started it. I hope that you have a low bark, chill weekend.
An official source has announced a new short form tax return. It has only four lines.
1) What was your last year’s income?
2) What were your ex pensesx?
3) How much do you have left?
4) Send it in
A tax time topical joke. Enjoy
WOW!! We had a massive power outage last night, and I JUST got you back on my computer! Oy, now I can cope. You cheered me up. Thanks.
Ilona you have to get out of there. Go take a walk and get your attention on something else. Go to a hotel, go see kids, something. You will be so busy trying to fix things, not producing anything because you’re so introverted by the environment. Get out of that house.
😏 [me] kiiill them … kill them all
🧐 {myself} my level of tolerance is mighty I shall endure
😎 (I) Yo, I’m good wit it eeder way Word, I ain’t cleaning no mess, including splaining nuttin to no body, so don’t be asking or making wit de 👀’s
sending you hugs. collect them from Gordon. okay
Ugh; what a mess; I’m sorry to hear it. And as another introvert who needs to act extrovertish at times, I sympathize with you. (Though my times are nothing like your events, I’m familiar with having to stand out while wanting to sit in a corner.)
I totally feel you on this one in a very deep way. On Tuesday the 18th I had to put down my beloved Great Pyrenees dog and I am simply not adulting this week. I’m hiding in my room like the sulky teen I was four decades ago, my remaining dog sulking at my side.
When I had my (admittedly far simpler) roof redone a few years ago, he was OK with the workers and even let them use the bathroom in the house. But I’m also coming to terms with just how much he helped with my social anxiety. Not only because he was the “never met a stranger” sort, but because when you’re walking a polar bear on a leash you have a conversation starter litterally on hand!
As an extreme introvert (when it’s bad I get agoraphobic) I feel your pain. I don’t want to talk to workers I just wanna hide.
We are here.
We are listening.
We are figuratively holding your hand.
We are hugging you.
You can vent to us anytime.
We will be here for you.
Good luck on the rest of the weekend.
Sending introvert energy and positive thoughts your way! Sounds overwhelming!
introverts Unite!! On-line so we don’t have to stand up or react to others.
And I’m with those who suggested grabbing the furbabies and escaping for an hour or twelve. A trip to a park (or beach) with furbabies is a hood way to destress.
As soon as the roof is done, go away to the shore. Find your zen there. Even if it is for a few hours.
3m makes a head set that totally covers ears and has Bluetooth! I think I can connect to your phone and you can use it to talk on the phone.
Cutting the noise down can help. Also, I have found that having a fan on for white noise and having the tv on also can cover up some of the noises do the dogs don’t hear everything, but you have to keep everyone in the same room,
That truly sounds (he he he) like a nightmare to endure. Poor you and poor dogs.
I’m recovering from a broken ankle. I am ALL about rage venting to my friends. I have cabin fever, I’m tired of it, but at least I don’t need to sleep in the boot anymore!
I feel your pain. For the last month I’ve been living with a gutted bathroom and no kitchen cabinets, courtesy of a leak in the walls. Fortunately I was not in the shower when the ceramic ceiling tiles crashed into the tub. But that started it all, walls ripped down to studs, a water bug nest discovered and destroyed and the kitchen cabinets on the other side of bathroom wall is slated to be replaced as well. I use my neighbor’s shower and I’m tired.
They say misery lives company and I’m sorry you’re going through this but you understand.
This is my kind of whine.
I suggest a cool glass of something… non-alcoholic.
At this point, alcohol will just turn one into a sobbing, wet mess, exacerbated by a pounding headache from the egregious noise of power tools and thumping of hammers. So a cool, sweet drink, or soothing tea. Such opposites definitely attract.
Take your time.
I’m not going anywhere.
I’ll be in my dining room, reading the blog, poking through my email inbox of gigantic proportions and dreaming of a good Spanish red with a label that was obviously written by a computer translation program because no person would ever use the word “appellation” in a label description, in this century, of a wine from a respected 1864 Spanish winery. Perhaps because millennials would never understand it. I had to look it up myself and I still don’t understand why they used it. Much too old and vague a word for marketing wine today.
Mmm, still tasty, though. Just don’t read the label.
I can SO relate. Roof is under tarp and our inspectors came to create chaos. My car died. Like dead-dead. Engine is kaput. Except I put A Lot of money into it trying to keep it running so that was pouring money down the drain. We had to defer our taxes as I am just over a 2 week long bout of Covid that made dealing with our taxes impossible without risking our older tax accountant. My laptop is a piece of crap that my company got me during 2021 when every electronic purchase was a crap shoot. On my laptop we got the crap in bulldozer loads but they wont replace it with a decent one. Yeah…. from one insane and miserably stressed human to another… hang in there. You are not alone!
Bless your Heart! I mean this in the best ways.
When I was doing the online college thing my internet was not talking proper to my CPU. I was on a short deadline. So I worked all day and then spent all night on tech support. My service call got bumped to 3 different over seas locations. Before they switched me to a tech located about 20 miles from the house who fixed it.
Sigh > shrug< Since I had a job to go to I rolled back to work and did it then cam home and worked all night to meet the deadline.
Electronics gadgets works great when they work. But it's a freaking hassle to fix something that was a provider's software malfunction.