First, my routine doctor appointment a week or so ago didn’t turn out as routine as expected. Today I had my diagnostic mammogram and it’s clear. Yay!
On Thursday I stepped on a nail. It went through an inch-thick shoe and into my foot. Ow. It didn’t get infected but yesterday my children realized it what happened and guilted me into getting a tetanus shot. Also ow. Hurt like hell.
Work stuff happened. Yay! Also yay!
And this occurred at our local Whataburger, which was a hell of a thing. Warning: not safe for work lyrics.
The one good thing about tetanus shots, aside from tetanus prevention, is that they last a long time. Yay for all the stuff you got done! I hope you find the next nail before it finds you.
+1 Glad you’re clear another year. <3
I did almost the exact same thing. Taking some shelving apart, stepped on a nail, and it went through the thickest part of the sneaker. I don’t recall the shot being particularly painful, thought.
Different shots. Tetanus toxoid will last up to 10 yrs. That is the one you get in the TDAP.
Tetanus antitoxin is of limited use – good for each infection only. That is the one you get when you step on any rusty nail.
How do I know this? Worked around livestock most of my life. And I get the tetanus toxoid shot every 5 years because tetanus LOOOVES animal waste.
I was bit by a neighbor’s dog in the abdomen. It broke the skin so I was sent off for a tetanus shot. The day after both the arm that had the shot hurt more than the dog bite.
In Argentina where I live shot is for peevention and lasts for 10 yrs, and if you got exposure to tetanus its a intravenous saline solution with tetanus antiviral. And it itches.
Tetanus love the dirt also, so good luck making a hole in the dirt, its everywere 🙂
Where I was going with this is that the emergency procedure do not lasts for 10 years like the other you have to take a shot a month later, so, does the shot for emergency exposure last for 10 yrs in usa? Bye
Growing up on a farm, summer vacation didn’t really start until I stepped on a nail while barefoot. Lots of tetanus shots over the years.
oh hell, what a Monday!!!
I hope that means the rest of the week is ALL uphill !
Love What-A-Burger, this now make me Hungry!
Note, hate mammograms…… had to be a man that invented that torture.
We call them ….. ‘fridge-door-slams’ …. 🙂 But, as long as they’re keeping us aware, the yearly 10 min of being uncomfortable is worth it.
Ugh, did you ever see those stories of mammograms gone wrong?
After an ultrasound (that found multiple cysts but nothing worse) they suggested following it up with a mammogram ‘just in case’. Nuh-uh, not with several cysts up to 9mm cos they would rupture in an agonising way.
The radiologist moved his hands protectively when I calmly said “if testicular cancer was tested for by flattening the testes between two plates, then we’d have a new test by now”. He also agreed that there would be and discussed new research into effective replacements for mammogram.
It’s called ultrasound ?. I’m an advocate for making sure insurance companies cover them if a mammogram isn’t the most effective means of determining calcifications. It’s how we found my breast cancer. And no squishing!
LOL, perfect!
So glad to hear your scans were clean. It’s stressful waiting for results
Be careful with your foot and feel better soon! ?
I stepped on a nail almost every year as a kid. We moved a lot, and my mom was not one for keeping records. So I got that tetanus shot almost every year, because apparently a sobbing child trying to assure everyone she really did get one the previous summer was viewed with suspicion. Better safe than sorry they said, abd they would jab me once again.
Me too. My mother was a nurse and could never remember which of her three children she’d given the shot to from year to year. I’m pretty sure my immune system is so pumped by this time that it reaches 10 feet out from my body and destroys any tetanus germs it finds.
Phew! Yah x 2, at least. Wine? Cuppa tea? Chocolate ?
Agh. There has been serious cruddiness this year for you. I wish for you a better end of year and a 2019 that had all the goodness that 2018 should have.
Glad your scans are clear . It is always hard waiting .
Sorry for foot problems . I am trying to remember when I last had a tetanus shot . I think that are good for 10 years ? Maybe ??
Have a nice productive rest of the week . With chocolate.
Yeah! Tetanus shot! Not! I had one a couple of years ago. Not fun. Made me cry. I’m in my 30s.
I am sorry for the nail that went through a shoe and into you. I hate needles, so I am sorry you had to have them stab you.
Yay for work stuff and Yay YAY Yay on good test results. Sorry for the squish.
You are amazing.
Well, you’re at least good on tetanus for another decade. I keep forgetting when my last one was, so I think I get ’em every 10 years.
Nail story: I use to hang out at my summer camp gun range and stepped on a nail (through the foot-ugh-squick) by the targets. As I limped to the doctor’s bunk someone ran ahead yelling “Shlomi got hurt at the shooting range!!!”
Boy, were they bummed / grateful it was only a nail.
As a male I make obsequious bowings as to the necessity for mammograms. As we all age (I think I’ve got a decade on y’all), medicine finds new and “fascinating” ways to intrude deeper and, um, deeper into our personal spaces.
May all ya’ll’s tests come up clear. Yours to, Gordon! 🙂
Cheers, and thanks for putting both Kinsman short stories online!
I hate needles. I also share your thoughts about mammograms. I have always thought better safe than sorry though so I have sucked it up and gotten my shots. Flu shot was today. Unfortunately I also need my second shingles shot before January. Those are NOT FUN! Take care and heal up.
Take my word for it – *Shingles* is less fun than any shot or series of shots you will ever get in your life.
Get the vaccine. Be sure you take that second shot.
You do NOT want to get shingles.
When I had shingles, I was too young for the vaccine. (It was only available to people over 60 for years. That’s changed some now.) My nephew got a bad case at 16. I have no idea if he can have vaccinations or not.
I have shingles 3 different times. First I was 20 something and last time I was around 40. They still wouldn’t give me the shot. Thank heaven I have turned 50.
My follow-up mammogram is when I discovered that, although mammograms are fully covered by insurance, diagnostic mammograms are not. Major co-pays! But, like you, I got good news.
On the other bright side, tetanus shots are good for a decade!!
Got my tetnus shot Friday. Caused a lymph node in my armpit to swell up so large I can’t use my arm! I got to stay home and finally have the time to read Magic Triumphs. Strange coincidence, no?
So glad to hear the good news that it’s clear!! And getting a tetanus shot is a good thing! It’ll protect you from getting infected and lasts a super long time.
I had to get a tetanus shot for each pregnancy and before it for glass cutting my hand open so it was 3 tetanus shots within a couple years. But better safe than sorry!
And work stuff happened? So glad it’s a yay! There’s just so much to look forward to from you guys that I’m excited about your yay work stuff 🙂
Better safe than sorry. This is for me too. My scan was worrisome so my extra test is Thursday.
I lecture the radiology tech every year on a study done at Oxford that says that MRIs are better at diagnosing breast cancer than mammograms and that the mammogram is just an insurance being cheap because they don’t want to pay for the MRI.
I lecture every year because my mother is a breast cancer survivor and I’ve gotten a mammogram every year for the past 20 years. I don’t like them, but they save lives. My mother’s included.
I’m glad yours was clear. I have a friend going thru treatment for breast cancer at the moment and it is definitely not fun.
So glad your mammogram was clear. I have broken up numerous dog fights and gotten bitten a lot so I feel your pain with tetanus shots. Spidey was awesome until Buzzkill stepped in!
So glad your mammogram was clear. I have broken up numerous dog fights and gotten bitten a lot so I feel your pain with tetanus shots. Spidey was awesome until Buzzkill stepped in!
Did you see the Serena Williams ‘I Touch Myself’ breast cancer awareness clip?
A few years back Chrissy Amphlett from the Divinyls passed away from breast cancer, and the Divinyls song ‘I Touch Myself’ was given to a foundation or some such raise breast cancer awareness.
If you don’t know the song, watch the Divinyls version first. Is very sexy and cheeky. Loses this interpretation when the breast cancer campaign takes it over.
So anyway, a year or two back a number of Aussie divas did a joint clip/ad of them singing to jointly pay tribute to Chrissy and also as a reminder to check our breasts.
Now in the past week or so Serena has also done a version for the cause.
..but also – cheers on the mammogram ?
Here’s hoping the non-routine part of the routine exam was not a problem. Gotta watch those nails; they sneak around to attack at random. And I’ll Second the Yay for work done!
Triple yeah for clear mammograms!
Glad and relieved to hear the good news and sad to hear about your foot. Gordon will just have to carry you around the house for the next few weeks.
So glad the mammogram came out good I remember reading that you have fears about breast cancer from experience so know that when you go in for your yearly that it is always a tense time for you. Sorry about the nail and the tetnus shot My husband built boat docks and welding when we first got together and invariably one or the other of us wound up getting tetanus shots once a year Our doctor finally just started giving us both one as a part of our annual exams went on like this for almost 14 years those shots hurt. Hope to hear you are feeling better soon.
Great to hear you got an all clear on the mammogram. Ouch,I sympathise for the traumas of the nail in your foot and having to have an injection…definitely pamper time!
Don’t work too hard ?
I’m so glad your mammogram is clear with a secondary congratulations on work progress.
You are fortunate the nail wound did not get infected. Getting the tetanus shot is the least of your pains and consequences.
Since last Thursday you and Gordon wrote another SoB episode and then went off to the Houston book signing, your stamina is approaching KD world status. Please puddle-down for 24 hrs to regenerate.
I feel your pain …. I was spared the ouchie of a nail driven into my foot, but I blythly signed the release about those adverse reactions for a shingles vaccine … but, really, what are your going to do? Not get the shot? Nope, shingles are nasty, painful! Having never had an adverse reaction to anything, imagine my surprise when I suddenly developed those flu like symptoms, complete with 101 fever. My colleagues said go home! You are the first to tell us when to go home! But I felt sucht the fraud. I wasn’t sick … just symptomatic! Your most recent installment of Maud’s story came to me when I needed it most!
Anyway .. hope your foot is good! The pain from the shot gone and your boobs re-inflated 🙂
May this week bring you only pleasure.
I have a acquaintance who blew off a post nail encounter tetanus shot – and started on Lockjaw. It was not a pleasant experience to say the least.
I some what remember that this happened to you a few years ago, did you get a tetanus then? Not that another won’t be helpful.
A lot of the discomfort from a tetanus shot is the media the vaccine is cultured in. If you have an egg sensitivity, the vaccine will make you very unhappy.
(My late husband was always very sick after vaccinations, being allergic to the horse serum that used to be used and the chicken or duck eggs that replaced it. He couldn’t catch a break…)
Um. I put a nail through my foot. They debrided the area, gave me my shots (as a gardener, I get them more often anyhow), and sent me on my way. It turned out the cleaning out of the damn hole caused my CRPS/RSDS. I have a personal hatred of things nail and foot related. Take some large does of VIT C, please. Seriously. It is used to help prevent CRPS after breaks, carpel tunnel surgery, and the like. If I’d known…
Grew up on a farm in Amish country (though we’re not Amish ourselves). Let’s just say my shots were not up to date and due to an accident involving a rock, a rusty piece of farm equipment, and an over eager cousin, I not only almost lost the tip of my finger but also got tetanus. Now almost every doctor I encounter wants to give me a booster ‘just to be safe.’ And they wonder why needles make me pass out…..
Glad you’re ok.
Ugh, as someone with breast cancer, I have complete & utter sympathy for what you must’ve gone through waiting for that ‘all clear’. I’m so happy for you, you must be incredibly relieved.
My original cancer was locally advanced, I’m now considered high risk for recurrence, and my remaining breast is dense, so my oncologist always orders a breast MRI. Which you might think means I catch a break but noooo, I still have to get a mammogram too – BUMMER ? The latest round of fun medical drama? I have a chain of lymph nodes that have been swelling, running from my collarbone area now down to near my armpit – all on the side of the remaining breast. PET scan didn’t show activity but my, less common, type of breast cancer doesn’t always light up on PET scans and it has a tendency to show up in the other breast as well, so… I’m in a wait-and-see period right now, since an attempt at needle biopsy couldn’t get a good sample, but I’m growing increasingly nervous and I’m likely to press to have one of the lymph nodes completely taken out for biopsy. Until then, I’m going to not think about it as much as I can. By which I mean I’m going to re-read the Kate Daniels series all over again… ?
Hang in there. All the fingers crossed.
Very glad to hear your mammogram was all clear, and also that your children convinced you not to ignore the chance of tetanus! Take care of yourself!
Yay for whatever’s up with work-related Yays.
The Whataburger vid has been removed from Instagram, I’m afraid. Oh, well.
Glad the important stuff was ok. You don’t need more than 5 tetanus vaccinations in a life time – not against vaccinations or big pharma or such things, it’s simply that exposed to that much antigen, then antibodies last life long, so you get no benefit and an increasingly sore arm! Mamagrams hurt! Good on you for looking after your health. Have you all had your flu shots?