For business reasons, we had to pull together a traffic summary from the website. Turns out that Maud’s novella is our most successful Innkeeper to date. That’s pretty amazing. Thank you, guys.
The comment section is blowing up at the latest Innkeeper posts, with some posts getting over 600 comments. That’s a lot of comments to scroll past. To help you get a hold on the comment section, we have enabled some new options. If you look at the comment section of this post, you will see a new option to subscribe to follow-up comments to your reply. Hopefully this will make things easier to load. I tested it and it seems to work. Please let us know if you are having trouble with it.
Because we were testing Jetpack as a way to allow you to receive follow-up comments, the sign up to receive this blog feed by email option was also enabled for a short time and some of you signed up. I’m sorry, but at this point we are not interested in allowing a direct signup to receive Innkeeper entries by email. It is done for several reasons, piracy being one, with the main reason being impracticality. Jet Pack plugin is a massive resource hog. It’s buggy, slow, it drags the site down, and I hate it with a passion of ten thousand suns. Periodically it peters out and we have to turn it off. Right now, for example, it is causing a twenty second delay for me. It’s not the most reliable system. If you want to be notified of Innkeeper posts, please sign up for the main blog feed here: We always send out a notice when the Innkeeper is posted. The newsletter for the the main blog is done through Mail Chimp and allows us for better editing tools with regards to subscriptions, appearance, etc.
We are looking into updating the theme of this site to something that will let us manage the information a little better. For some reasons people have difficulty finding extras, innkeeper site, and so on, so clearly our current set up needs a minor overhaul.
And that concludes the boring admin Monday. Here is a tiny Hugh snippet bribe for reading through all that.
Elara paced in her room. Traces of her magic slipped out of her, trailing her body. The gentle glow of custom feylantern bathed the room in soothing buttery-yellow glow, but her temper needed a hell of a lot more than some ambient light to soothe itself.
That asshole.
That fucking bastard.
When she’s insisted on the joint decision provision, she was thinking of limiting his reach. At the time, it seemed like a perfectly reasonable choice.
Elara closed her eyes and whispered, projecting her voice. “Savannah.”
The echo of her power flew through the castle, finding its target. Savannah was on her way.
Elara wanted to march back into Hugh’s bedroom and crush him with her power until he groveled. To wipe that smug grin off his face.
She stopped and took a deep breath. Her magic swirled out and Hugh stood in her room, exactly as she remembered him, a perfect copy of the man, just slightly transparent when she looked at a feylantern through him.
She circled him, examining him, the broad powerful shoulders, the sculpted arms, the flat stomach, tree trunk legs… Built to crush all opposition. The man emanated a predatory confidence. If he said he would kill something, it would die. She was sure of it now.
A trail of faint scars marked his chest, no more than lighter lines across his left pectoral, over the heart, ribs, and side. She felt him heal his people. He had to be able to heal himself, or he would have a lot more scars.
What sort of damage was severe enough to resist his healing?
Food for thought.
Thank you!
Thank you! Interesting about his scars
Bahahaha. If Elara is his love interest I really hope she threatens (and follows through) to give him more scars for hanging on to Kate’s sword marks. Also, Curran would have an apoplectic fit if he knew Hugh let the scars stay. As Kaldar would say…he’s a sappy moron. (I may or may not have been binge reading the Edge this weekend)
Ha! I so agree with that especially Curran having a fit of all fits about those scars. 😀
Could be wrong but I’m pretty sure those are the scars from Curren nearly killing him at the end of Magic Rises – after which Roland had to put him into a Phoenix egg to heal.
I thought most of that damage was from Curran breaking his back. I’ll have to go back and read the scene again. Maybe they’re from the fight on the bridge escaping Mishmar.
I just like the idea of him being a sappy moron hanging onto wounds from his unrequited love lol.
I binged on Kate Daniels this week. I was going to wait till this summer but with this snippet I am glad I did. Can hardly wait for Hughs book now.
He’s a fuckwit. Which, since he has pretty good reasons for being a fuckwit, I find somewhat interesting and sympathetic… I’d almost go as far as endearing, but then I think about what it’s like when confronted with someone who has gone on carrying a torch after being firmly rebuffed, and oh, hell, the term is not endearing.
I look forward to the look into his head. And to him remaking himself. (Though wasn’t there a snippet where Elara ranted to herself about being sick of hearing about Kate?)
Was there? I don’t remember it, but if there was, could someone please post the link to it? Please, pretty please 😀
If I’m not hallucinating (jury’s out…) it may well have been on twitter – ISTR something of a snippet? But I might be conflating it with something else.
Love it!
What evil bait!
yep, this is killing me! I think I’m looking forward even more to the Hugh book than the last Kate book!
Yes, absolutely!
Woohoo! Love it already! MORE!
“What sort of damage was severe enough to resist his healing?”
I am loving Elara more and more. Hugh is multilayered character and there are things I love about him. But he is cruel.
And manipulative and stubborn, and, and and…….
I really hope Kate and Elara meet. Either in Hugh’s book or in the final Kate one. I can’t wait for both women to meet. Please, authorlords make it happen. Pretty please? ?
Oh yeah, it’s happening…
Read the snippet in there 🙂
I don’t know . . . Could be Andrea and Raphael
I never caught that! Thank you. Probably isn’t Andrea. That was my first thought when it was originally posted.
I never caught that either. This definitely sounds like Hugh and Elara! Gah! Waiting sucks!
Oh good catch?. I hope its Elara.
I think Erra knows Andrea so i’m voting for Hugh and blond chick 🙂
I don’t know about this book. I trust the Authorlords, and know that they have mad skills, but I can only think that a HEA ending would mean that someone used a subatomic particle annihilator on him.
This. All. Day.
He’s my favorite character I love to hate, the perfect anti-hero.
And knowing his history and exactly who and what screwed him up gives lovely perspective
Thank you! You guys are the best!
I need that book…. thanks for the snippet!
Thanks for being the Jetpack guinea pig. It’s good to know that it only sends you replies now, because a hundred years ago (in internet time) when I tested it, it emailed me *every* comment, reply or not. I haven’t turned it on since, but I may need to reevaluate now. 🙂
At first I wanted to read Hugh’s book for Hugh, but after the snippets I’m super excited to meet Elara! She seems amazing! … Which I guess makes sense, Hugh was totally gone over Kate after all 😀
Many thanks for both the snippet and for all the info you give us ?
OMG! “Food for thought”
Also – I’ve missed ( or forgotten – I have 3 young kids so it’s probably forgotten ) which will come out first – Kate or Hugh?
Hugh I believe. It needs to because he plays a role in the final KD book.
Awesome thanks!
Hugh is supposed to come in April I think?
April 1st maybe – that would be fitting ???
No lie huh? That would be the BEST!
Woot! Love the snippet. Thanks.
Maud’s novella is well writtennand full of exciting action, so of course it is popular. I imagine the Innkeeper audience has grown with each serial, so it makes sense the latest has the largest readership.
I re-read each installment several times during the week to keep me from wishing the week away.
Thank you for the Hugh snippet.
No bribe EVER necessary to get me to read your work. I wonder though if it was actually a bribe or payment? No matter. Thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait.
IN CASE you are reading this, there are some book births scheduled for tomorrow. I will force myself to go to bed anyway. I am too old to sit up waiting for Amazon to make them available to my Kindle. Oh Happy Reading tomorrow, but which shall I start first?
Which books? I need some new reading material:) thanx
I am not sure if this is what KathyInAiken was referring to but Patricia Briggs and Anne Bishop both have books coming out tomorrow. Both are well into a series, and both are great authors.
Boing boing boing is the sound of me jumping up and down… I thought Burn Bright was coming out on Thursday. Tomorrow! Or in half an hour if my iBooks luck holds! The last coupla books I preordered downloaded at 9pm Pacific time (I live in CA). Squee!
Burn Bright by Patricia Briggs and Lake Silence by …um…i can’t remember her name, but it’s The Others series. Those are the only two I know of.
I love Patricia Briggs, but why is a kindle book 13.99? That seems excessive to me (and I’m mad that I’ll probably buy it anyway, ugh).
The authors do not have any control over how much the publishers decide to charge for the ebooks. I have noticed that the prices of several of my favorite authors have doubled in the last year. Jayne Ann Krentz and Nalini Singh are two of my favorites and their prices have gone through the roof. It is sad that the publishers believe a person will pay any price for a new novel by a favorite author. They might be right, but it means that I must buy fewer books from other authors.
It really feels like massive greed on the part of the publishers and there is not a darn thing the writers can do about it. That is why I so much appreciate what the serial, weekly publishing of The Innkeeper is giving us.
Thank you so much. Hugs.
I think she means “Lake Silence” by Anne Bishop (it’s the first in a new series set in the world of the Others) and Patricia Briggs’ next Alpha and Omega release “Burn Bright”.
Personally, I am jumping in anticipation for Burn Bright (Patricia Briggs) & Lake Silence (Anne Bishop), both out tomorrow. I think there’s also a Catherine Bybee romance out? Maybe others.
Lol. I go away to answer & EVERYONE answers!
Wow, thanx to everyone.
I have them on my “to buy list” but I have absolutely forgotten that they are out tommorrow. Suddenly tommorrow seems brighter:)
Sorry, I was watching the Manchester United game (we won!!!!!) and then had errands. Yes, the books I am waiting for are Anne Bishop and Patricia Briggs. Then I have to wait ALLLLLL SUMMER for Ian’s book in I think September (Jeaniene Frost). I love reading! Enjoy.. And thanks for answering since I was so irresponsible.
Also Tricks for Free, if one follows Seanan Mcguire’s InCryptids.
(Tomorrow is my birthday, and I have a bunch of books on pre-order. I also have a bunch of experimental work that is well accompanied by audiobooks. Though I have a couple of new minions to train, and a date tomorrow, so I don’t know when I’ll get started on them.)
I ugly screeched when I saw your comment. I thought tricks for free was coming out next month.
Happy birthday for tomorrow!
Thank you! (It’s on my phone. Though the first bit of Burning Bright was today’s morning workout accompaniment. And maybe I’ll have time for an experiment + more listening before my new minion comes in this afternoon.)
Happy early birthday!
Thank you!
Happy birthday Tylikcat. I hope you have a fun date + happy reading ?
Thank you! Downloaded a passel of books first thing this morning 🙂
I’m going out with someone whom I met at a party back home, and then, oddly, at the local bike shop, 2,400 miles away. So it will probably at least be fun, and we have enough background in common that there won’t be that awful *uncomfortable laugh* “…so, um, how likely is it that you could beat me up?” thing that is why I mostly don’t date out here.
Happy Birthday Tylikcat, and may you have many more
Also a David Weber prequel in the Honorverse, Call to Vengeance, and Grace Burrowes, A Rogue of Her Own.
Busy, busy, busy!
Omigosh! Thank you for posting this. I’m a huge David Weber fan and I totally missed this announcement.
Heh. I won’t say more – mostly cause of exhaustion – but “burn bright” was fantastic. More melancholy than other books, I think, but that’s certainly understandable.
OoooO. Everytime you post a snippet, I want to order the book. Now.
Bribe away. I don’t think the BDH will mind (I don’t).
Oooooo…..Elara wants to do damage to Hugh. The plot thickens on that.
As for the scars…I agree with others that he’s hanging on to them because of Kate. Won’t that be an atomic bomb if Hugh says who gave them to him? Where Kate is concerned, Hugh doesn’t have a whole lot of sense. Curran would love to knock some sense into Hugh (or kill him in the process).
I just had this thought: sparks are going to fly when Kate, Curran, Hugh, and Elara work together to defeat Roland. Won’t that be something?
Can’t wait to read more.
Something I am not clear about. When Kate’s father put Hugh in a phoenix egg to heal, was Hugh healed by his own magical power or by Roland’s ? If the latter, the scars may have been left to remind Hugh how close he came to dying and enrage him into killing Curran. Not as some weird keepsake, that Hugh left to remind him that Kate holds his heart. If Hugh eliminates Curran, then Curran is conveniently gotten out of the way without adding to Kate’s anger against Roland.
Mmmmhhhh interesting …
Oooooh. Thank you!
And Maud is totally awesome, plus we get to see Arland work through all the consequences of loving her!
Thank you for the snippet! And congratulations on “Sweep of the Blades” growing popularity!
I can’t help it, I’m wondering what Hugh is blocking and why it has Elara fuming over her mistake in insisting on a “…joint decision provision..”
And “Squee!” for Inkeeper Friday’s… only 4 more days!
I appreciate you both!
I’ll read mountains of foolishness if you print that good a snippit at the end of each. thank you
One feature I would really like to see in the comment section is the ability to collapse comment chains so that I can just see the top-level comments and not need to scroll through replies unless I want to read them. Don’t know if its possible or not but it would be awesome!
I just know this book is going to be so freaking awesome!
Thanks for the fix. Can’t wait for the book! And I hate Hugh (because he’s despicable, not because I don’t appreciate him as a well-drawn character), so just imagine how Hugh-lovers are feeling! 😀
Hmmm, subscribing to the comments seems to be funky for me. Am I wrong that you are only supposed to be notified with replies to your own comments? I haven’t gotten any emails about replies to my previous comment, but did get an email about one of the unrelated comments on the post. I’m not sure why only one when there have been several.
Your comments on the thousands suns made me think of a scene in Cluedo.
(hope the image loads correctly).
Thank you very much for the subscribe to comments thingy, much appreciated!
I don’t love or hate Hugh. He’s a great villain and potential antihero,and in some ways I’m looking forward to his book more than the last KD book.
Its Sweep of the Blade that has me totally enthralled. Brilliant, just brilliant.
OMG He’s naked… *fans herself* okay okay I can move past that… wait until she finds out he’s keeping scars from another woman and why… HA oh lord he’s in for it. Hell hath no fury!
I can’t wait for her to meet Kate.. just can’t wait! I can see poor Hugh as he suffers for his being such a naughty boy. He deserves it all.
The last Sweep of the Blade segment was fabulous. But I’ve realized something: we’re already in Chapter 5 and nobody has been killed yet. Granted, it’s only Maud’s first day at House Krahr, she hasn’t even pulled out her blood sword. *whine*
I’m glad Maud’s book is so popular. When the full book goes on sale, the BDH may just crash the Kindle store. Of course, you could probably say that about Hugh’s book, too.
Hahaha, I’m also ready for Maud to start slicing and dicing (and chopping and mincing) as well!
Wow! Love it every snippet and blog.
Thank you mighty Authorlords. Not surprised at 600. I do a lot of clock-watching come Friday afternoons.
I do love Maud’s InnKeeper, but there would be no Maud with Dina and crew first! 🙂
Still hate Hugh. Glad he has scars. Starting to like Elara though, but Hugh needs a lot of soul searching and more scars before he can be redeemed. Don’t care that he looks hot. He is cruel and vicious.
Love that Maud’s story has over 600 comments. TheBDH loves what you write and you only get better with each Innkeeper . I loved this last chapter. And Arland and Maud are finally reunited. And Maud still hasn’t met Arland’s mom.
And we have the wedding to look forward to . I am Irish ? and Ohh I have spent some crazy times at Irish wdddings.
So, just waiting semi-patiently for Friday. And the east coast is expecting another snow storm on Wednesday. Yikes!! Will need Innkeeper to get through this week .
I’m living in Ireland and have to wait for my Innkeeper fix untI’ll Saturday morning – but SO worth it ❤
On the subject of Irish weddings – I got married at 12 noon + we had our first dance at 6pm – after the Ceremony + photos + full sit-down dinner + speeches were over – and then we danced and danced and danced ? My new husband had to drag me off the dance floor at 2am the next morning ? which was better than my parents who had a 3-day house wedding in Ireland and didn’t get to bed after their wedding until 10am the nextime morning ?❤
Thanks for trying Jet Pack. So far it is working for me. Easy to navigate and you only need to read the new comments attached to a previous comment if you want. Or you can read previous comments. Your choice. Am agreed that it would be computer space/process time hog, but most software these days are. Perhaps the attempt to use this software on a huge blog (and yours is increasing by leaps and bounds with each Friday snippet) would help the company that made it, improve it.
The Hugh book looks interesting but the first snippets kind of turned me off concerning Hugh. His almost incestuous relation with Roland seemed so unhealthy and Hugh seemed so cruel. It kind of saddened me and I like to feel happy/invested in what I read. Maybe will mine previous blog snippets for stuff done after I gave up on Hugh. Who knows, he might grow on me.
Hugs from Canada. Keep on trucking …er writing.
Woot! Thank you. 🙂
Not at all surprised that Maud’s story is popular. I love all your books (and have reread them many times) but this one is …. stellar!
I had a crazy Friday because of the weather so didn’t do my usual haunting of the webpage. Imagine my delight on Saturday morning.
Thank you!
Thank you but I really love the Innkeeper series. Good example of parenting between Maud and Helen.
Yay to your Unikitty reference! I was just quoting her this weekend! “Is this working??? Yay!”. The snippet was an added bonus. Thank you, Amazing Authorlords!
The Hugh snippet was worth everything else. Can’t wait to learn the extent of Elara’s magic. Also, I’m really looking forward to reading any clashes between her and Hugh. Clearly both have healthy egos.
Thank you!
Wow! Very interesting snippet it’s has the brain cells lighting up wondering where this will go from here, can’t wait!
I keep seeing the comment “Authorlords”. I dig it. HAIL, Authorlords!
“Sweep of the Blade” is amazing. As sad as I am to approach the end of Kate, I’m so excited for the next project.
Also, more Julie + Derek, please? 😀
You’ll see lots of comments with Authorlords, BDH – Book Devouring Horde(s) and ‘squee’ or equivalent ?
Yes, I love Julie and Derek too and also George and Jack and their friends from ‘The Edge’ books ❤
Our Authorlords are fantastic at writing adult characters we love or love to hate but they are also brilliant at writing great child characters too – Helen ❤
THAT’S what BDH means! Hah, I thought it was Horde something.
Thank you!! ?
I can easily imagine the 600 + comments, and am actually surprised it isn’t more. I am sure that is just because some of your faithful fans either aren’t online often or aren’t very techno savvy. Your fan base must be in the thousands, and if it isn’t … then what the #@*! is wrong with people?! Those that haven’t had the pleasure of reading your books need to wake up and smell the coffee!! Once they do read one of your books, I am certain they will be as hooked as the rest of us and join the ranks of the horde!!! Long live the BDH! Woot woot!! ?? Ok, I seriously don’t know what came over me, or where exactly that came from – but there you have it. It is 4:37 am, and I have not been to sleep yet. Long story. I just might be a tiny bit goofy from lack of sleep.
Anyway, my point is your books deserve an ENORMOUS following, which I hope (and imagine) you have. Long live and prosper the Authorlords! ???? May your majesties thrive and be prolific.
Ditto ❤❤❤
Also double ditto all hail the Authorlords long may they reign, write, live, and prosper.
I like her. Elara is going to be fun!
Hehe, now we project things, are we? ^.^
Has Elara made an appearance In any book before? I really can’t recall seeing her before
Elara has not been in any previous book as far as I remember but she has been in a few ‘Hugh’ snippets from 2017.
She’s obviously Hugh’s love interest in his book ?
Knowledge of Innkeeper greatness (and yours) is spreading, eh? Great. Thanks for the snippet.
Oh, yeah… almost busted fingers going to sign up for the newsletter, and then remembered I’m already getting it. It’s how I got here. Early A.M. here, and not very caffeinated yet.
Lol I almost did the same thing. Have a great day!
Hi, I know I should know and I knwo it was mentioned somewhere and also in my defense I did search… but I can’t find the link any longer….. But does anyone know when the expected release date is for Hugh’s book?? I want this book sooo bad…
saying that I also want the next innkeeper and the one after that… and the final Kate book … and I hope there is a follow on series for the Hidden Legacy books…
In short , I want , want, want , want now!! 🙂
I think I signed up – but if I get to antsy waiting, I just go to the site or FB, to see if it is posted yet.
I hope this one works for you!
I love how you usually post the Inkeeper chapters every Friday by 4pm central time. Works perfect for my schedule.
Could Gordon please update the Curran POV in extras section? The files there contain Curran POV only up to Magic Bleeds, while some new ones were posted here on blog since 2013…
Thank you.
Thanks for the snippet! I won’t say that it took away the frustration of having to spend over an hour digging my SUV out of a snow drift so that I could turn into my driveway and get into my garage after work, but it did improve my mood quite a bit. 🙂
PS, why do I pay for AAA when they refuse to send out help because you are stuck in the snow? Isn’t that the entire point of having a roadside service up in SD? Instead they told me to dig it out, get rid of the snow, then they would come out. Duh, if I dig it out, I don’t need you. /sigh
Same thing happened to my Mom and her husband. They now use their Insurance Road Side Service, the service goes anywhere you are.
I spend way to much time wandering the internet, and let me say, one more time that your site is at the top to the form. It is attractive, informational, intuitive and extremely easy to navigate. And the new splash page with the new Sweep cover is incredible, both the page and the cover.
Here, here
Any hint when Roland’s book will be released? Love the snippet!
That was a lovely reward for a bit of reading half of which I don’t understand. Thank you!
ok, I am almost done with Magic Shifts, (I read these all in order of course). WHO is Elara? Does she show up in the next book? Where are the previous blog/self published Elara stories?? Somebody please help me!??? THANKS! Am I going to like Hugh now? No, do not answer that last one please.
Elara is so much fun haha
Is the scar a sweet remember of his fight with Curran ? :3
Is Kate/Curran going to appear in this book, like not only in the thoughts but in flesh too ? 😛 Refering to the fact that Elara talks about Savannah, it’s where Kate had her house right ? 😛
Ooh, Ooh, l did, l did . . . But only because
When l saw the sign up here to receive . . . I signed cause l didn’t want to lose my connection. Better safe than sorry caused you sorry.
S O R R yyy, cause I’m about to do it again.
I will sign up at new link cause . . . Better safe than sorry.
INNKEEPER link is about greed, plain & simple. The opportunity to receive a continuous feed of a story, tale, world, l love AND then to get the book.
SHEesh, l am so there!
BEFORE Innkeeper, l was at the site to see (hear) what’s up wit you!
POST Innkeeper, l had a (damn) near heart attack, trying to find George & Jack at school! UNTIL l thought to check (push link) MAIN SITE!!!
Just Saying the Association Tunnel Vision can SERIOUSLY bite you on the ass
In thinking innkeeper (going to) you start hunting for where you saw something else and you dissassociate the blog from Innkeeper.
As readers we disassociate your worlds from you (blog) and your other worlds.
Kinda beggin here! One vote for not fixin what YOU ain’t broke.
Our (reader) confusion is easy to fix, 》》go to MAIN SITE 《《 just a friendly reminder that it’s all in the family!
Plus it’s fun & luvin when we reach out & one of the other kids answer