I skipped Zyrtec last night and guess what? I am awake. Also, today is Kid 2’s birthday. The cake arrived, and we all have blown up way too many balloons.
In celebration, here is a small snippet of Emerald Blaze. A small tiny snippet. Tiny. So tiny, Avon won’t notice it.
Do not notice this snippet, Avon.
I made my way thorough security, parked Rhino in its designated spot, and got out. A drone passed above me, one of Patricia’s. I waved at it, took the canvas bag, and walked past our building to a smaller structure.
Walking was rather difficult. I hadn’t realized just how much the fight took out of me. My face felt heavy, like I was wearing an iron mask. My hip and side ached. The thirty-second walk kicked my ass.
Before Connor purchased it, the squat ugly building that now served as the Tafts’ home housed a company selling mysterious “Texas Products.” It came as a bonus when we bought our current place for one dollar from Connor. We remodeled the building, and now Patricia and Regina used it as their temporary residence until all of us moved somewhere better.
I rapped my knuckles on the door.
“Come in,” Regina called.
I let myself in and tracked her down to her workshop in the back. It used to be a dark garage, but Regina had replaced the steel bay doors with glass ones, painted the walls a warm shade of white, and now it was a light and airy space. Plants grew from colorful pots in the corners. A drink fridge offered cold water and Gatorade in a dozen neon colors. Next to it, a kitchenette with a sink and counter supported a teapot and a Keurig. Rocking chairs waited here and there. If it wasn’t for the floor, painted with chalkboard paint to a solid black and streaked with chalk dust, this could be a Florida room in any upscale home.
Regina stood in the middle of the floor, tapping a piece of chalk to her lips and pondering a half-finished arcane circle by her feet. Of average height, Regina was neither slender nor curvy. Her flowing maxi dress with yellow sunflowers set off the golden tone in her brown skin. She dyed her hair bright tomato red, and it floated around her head in a cloud of happy spirals. A pair of thin glasses perched on her nose.
A feline creature padded out from behind the counter. Sleek and long, made of black steel and plastic, she moved on rubber-coated paws, bound together with magic into the shape of a house cat. Nobody would mistake her for one, though. She was the size of a border collie.

The cat construct sat in front of me, blocking my way, flicked her tail, and smiled. Her mouth bristled with inch-long steel fangs.
“Hi, Cinder.”
The construct stared at me with glowing red eyes.
“Place,” Regina said, still studying the circle.
Cinder rose off her haunches. Wicked metal claws shot out of her paws, a little warning in case I decided to try anything. She turned around and padded to a rocking chair in the corner. She leaped into it, curled up, and closed her eyes.
“Can I buy an hour of your time?” I asked.
Regina glanced at me. “You’re not asking me to breach our contract, are you?”
“No. This is a strictly off-the-books consultation.”
“In that case, you don’t need to pay me for it.”
“Are you sure?”
Regina nodded. “It’s better not to leave a trail.”
When we hired Patricia, she insisted on anonymity. The Tafts weren’t exactly hiding, but they made efforts to stay off the radar. They had good reasons to do so. Their contract specified that Regina could not be compelled to work for our agency in any capacity. She would never testify in any cases, and her name would never appear on any official paperwork. Patricia didn’t even claim Regina on her taxes, although they were legally married. All of Regina’s purchases were made online and tied to Patricia’s accounts. She rarely left our grounds. When she did, it was usually because she and Patricia were going somewhere together. They had a romantic dinner out at least once a week, but Patricia always made sure to do her homework to minimize the risk.
We all knew that one day staying under the radar would no longer work, and we’d made preparations, but until then we abided by the contract’s terms.
Let the speculation commence in 3… 2… 1.
My guesses are always wrong. ????. Welcome back from zombie land!
And Happy Birthday, Kid 2!
Yea! I am Excited by this one. Can’t wait.
Well, well, well, that was interesting. Sort of a sharp left of what I was expecting, but very interesting. Thank you. And congratulations on waking up Zyrtec free. Amazing isn’t it?
Thank you!!!! Look away, Avon, look away…..the couple Sgt. Heart sent to be in charge of security. Good fit since the Baylors know all about hiding
Thank-you. I guess I asked my question while your comment was being posted. I had forgotten, but your comment has brought them back to the front of my brain.
I remember this really well because my fav potential couple is Benjiro and Penelope (IA said they are eventually going to be a couple on live chat, as some folks have posted in the FB group), so i’ve read their interactions at ton of times.
No speculations here. Just curiosity.
And Avon, don’t look. ^_^
Oooo, it’s the couple Hart recommended! That’s a whole new layer I didn’t expect!
Oh, this is going to be great!
Okay, now we’ve run into one family of animators – any more?
Boo! Now I want to know who Regina and Patricia are and why Catalina (I assume) is visiting them. Does it have something to do with the arcane circle Navada asked Catalina about in another snippet? This snippet was definitely a tease.
What the??!! Happy Birthday Kid 2. ????May there be so much cake and presents!
So much wonderfulness to look forward to! Hmmmm
Oooh…. those two sound interesting. Welcome to the family. ????????♀️
ARGH!!!!! Thank you, glad you’re feeling more awake. Hope you all are well & staying safe. Can’t wait for your book!
Happy Birthday to Kid 2! Also is Regina a Prime and therefore must lay under the radar? ????
Happy Birthday to Kid 2. Yay for being awake! I can’t wait to read this book! So many questions about Regina. Thanks for the snippet.
Glad you are feeling better! Happy Birthday to Kid 2.
Thank you for the snippet ????
What? Where do these people come from? I thought the Construct Animal makers were the bad guys? Is this ‘garage’ Grandma’s garage bay? I’m totally thrown. How many snippet chapters have I missed and where are they? Wahhh, I’m confused.
From what I read, it’s a separate building, just for the head of security and her family, so, different garage.
We haven’t had many Emerald Blaze snippets, so you’re probably not too far behind.
I wonder if Regina is the construct mage…
I believe this is the couple that Hart was talking about in Sapphire that he wanted them to hire because he said they came with some baggage and a prime in hiding would definitely fit that bill!!
I don’t believe any particular magic ability is bad or good. Otherwise all telekinetics & Truthseekers would be good guys, and grandma Victoria clearly isn’t. We know there was at least one Evil Construct Mage, but that doesn’t mean all construct mages are evil.
Wow! I love having a character that has this kind of magic.
Happy you are betta! Loving our treat too. BEE well House Andrews.
Glad to have you back and functional! Enjoy the party!
So many questions….I have no idea where to start! who? where? how? why???? and most importantly…when is the publishing date for this? (Avon, don’t see this)
Ahhhh! You’re an evil genius who likes to torment our insatiable curiosity. ????????
Also, glad you’re not a zombie today and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kid 2! ????????????????????????????????
Squeee! If I had not already pre-ordered the book, this would make me do it. Thank you for the snippet!
My brain does tippy-dances in anticipation of putting my claws in this book!!! ????
Thank you for this lovely, tiny, not noticeable by Avon ???? snippet . Who is Patricia and why the need to hide Regina, what kind of power (creating alive, thinking and protective construct and what else) and how powerful is she, I ponder ????. Well now to wait until August to get an answer ……
Stafe safe, stay sane under lock, enjoy a good cup of tea
I just want to say thanks! I have no brain room left for speculating. Homeschooling the six yr old, dealing with our teens emotional fallouts from the current situation, my full time job and my full time schooling leaves me pretty brain dead
But glad you are awake and the kid had a happy birthday. Hope those allergies get under control soon.
My head just exploded!
And happy birthday to Kid 2.
Intriguing…cannot wait till August!!!!
I am sure Avon won’t notice that little snippet! The rest of the BDH? Different story entirely! I am glad you feel awake today Illona. So much interesting stuffs crammed into that little snippet! Thanks so much.
*huge eyes* oh, oh my, oh my. Cinder is interesting as are the Tafts. @ Avon, ignore this minuscule snippet.
Thank you!
Speculations? I can’t even begin to guess.
Happy. ???? ????
Thank you
Regina is actually a sentient tomato from another planet, the cat is a terminator robot from the future, and they are both the companions of Patricia (which is what the Doctor is calling him/herself these days).
You are awake, but can you breathe? I want to thank you for the wonderful books you have written. I both read and listen to books. During this stressful time I am finding much relief in enjoying your books for the ? time. I am mostly into the Innkeeper and Hidden Legacy series but have also read the Edge and Kate Daniels series. Please stay safe and strong .
Thank you! Love it – no speculation from me, just waiting on the book!
Happy Birthday Kid 2! Enjoy the cake – hopefully ice cream too.
Somehow connected to the new Security Chief that Sargeant Heart suggested to Catalina???
Wait… what? Who? Did I miss something?
Guess I just have to go reread the whole series … poor me! Tis too cruel! It hasn’t even been a year yet! ???? (thanks for the snipette …or snipling… see Avon? Too small a snipino to notice!)
I’m guessing one of them is the new security chief and the other is the wife. Her magic is probably the source of their complications Hart mentioned. God, the time passes so slow now, I wish July (or is book coming in August?) comes faster. Anyway thank you so much for the snippet, I like Catalina even more than Nevada
The prelude reminds me of the wizard of oz – ‘pay no attention to the man behind the curtain’ (or something like that)! – and made me laugh out loud. (Always chancy these days with shared home offices.)
Wow – new people. Magic. Binding contracts. I’m going to rein in my imagination (maybe) and see how what I dream up compares to what will be.
Thank you!
I love Saturday speculations.
Oooooh! Intriguing! Emerald Blaze cannot come soon enough.
Also very happy to hear that you are awake today, and Happy Birthday to Kid 2.
Am I first? Yay! No speculation, just gratitude. Thank you!
I speculate that you can never have too many balloons.
Until they deflate and you have to throw them out. Then, maybe.
Happy birthday to kid 2!
This just made me even more excited for Emerald Blaze.
Also, I want to say that I appreciate your inclusion of lgbtq couples and that they are treated as something normal in your books. It’s nice to feel represented. It may not seem like a big deal but I read a lot of books in this genre and, with a few exceptions, all the characters are almost always straight and when they’re not, they’re often single and a walking stereotype. It gets frustrating after a while and it kind of takes away from the enjoyment of reading for me.
Wow, another Mimi! Happy birthday kid 2 from Mimi 2!
You may like the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J. R Ward that features more than one gay couple though most are straight, the Wayfarer series by Becky Chambers, and Cassandra Clare writes young adult books that also has gay couples, one which even spins off from the Shadowhunters series into their own adventures. Not sure if you read any of these, but I really love and enjoy these series!
Can’t wait. Thank you@
Snippet is awesome, as always. Drool, drool as I await the release.
I’d forgotten how much better my hubby is if it skips is meds once or twice a week, It hasn’t effected his lab test or response to his condition but greatly reduces the side effects. Great job Ilona!
Wild speculation!
Spring is the worth time of year for me as well, so understand the sleep-mode completely!
Looking forward to the book comes out 😀
Happy Birthday, Kid 2!
I will have some cake to celebrate. Also because my grandma made me half of a cake on Thursday.
Thank you for the snippet! It was sooooo tiny. Barely a handful of letters, really. Nothing for publishers to take note of. 🙂 House Andrews is always so generous!
Hi! Thanks for that, I was wondering when we would see them! It’s a bright sunny day in Toronto, I got to spend 5 minutes outside, and I read your snippet! A perfect day, thanks to you two!
Happy birthday Kid 2!! So glad you’re feeling more like yourself.
I think they are definitely the couple Sgt Heart called for the security of House Baylor
Happy birthday, Kid2!! ????????
Thank you for the snippet!
Thank you for the snippet and also thank you for the face mask pattern you posted a while back. I finally got around to making them and they work perfectly.
Happy Birthday to Kid 2!!!
Speculation never works with you two writing the book. And it’s not so long now until the book comes out for us. But it’s an interesting snippet that tells me the book is just plain going to be great when I get my mitts on it. (Well, actually when my Kindle gets it translated into something I can read.)
I do adore the cat.
Yeah, ditto that. I sometimes wonder if you see our speculations and then deliberately write the book to avoid everything we’ve speculated on. Which would be totally sneaky of you.
Happy Birthday Kid II. Also the pharmacist just told me Allegra and Flonase and it’s important to use it at the same time everyday. You won’t be sleepy. YMMV. ????????♀️
That’s what I use and it usually works. Sometimes when the pollen is really bad I do the Flonase twice a day.
Why why do we have to wait so long for emerald… I really want it now even more so. Love it the tiny wee little piece you gave us
Thank you so much!
Thank you for the snippet!
My curiosity has been awakened along with you!
But it has been about 6 months since I last read Sapphire flames, so I can’t speculate right now. This means it’s REREADING TIME! (But first I have to finish Kate’s reread ????)
Happy birthday to Kid 2. ????????????????????.
Avon, don’t look.
Love the snippet. They must be the security couple that Heart wanted Penelope to hire.
And Cinder? Does he/she/it /get
along with Shadow . And Zeus and bunny. Is Cinder, pet or security or both?
Regina must be a Prime, similar to Linus? Is Patricia similar to Penelope , military background?
Can’t wait for August. Glad you are feeling better.
Have a great party with your family.
Thank you
You guys are the best!! Thank you!!!
Thank you and happy birthday kid 2!
It’s not actually practical to spend all the rest of the time between now and the release of EB with my jaw hanging open, I will have to close it eventually so the flies don’t get in. But shoot….
Happy squeals!!! Thank you for the snippet. Happy Birthday to Kid 2.
Thank you for the no snippet snippet ???? Nothing to see here Avon keep your eyes straight ahead and move along …. ????
Happy Birthday Kid 2. Glad you had a good night’s sleep – it makes such a huge difference.
So. The pentagram-ish diagram is labeled in what sure looks like Cyrillic – but it’s certainly not any version I immediately recognize.
Are we looking at OCS with abbreviations/digraphs? Something totally different?
Enquiring mind(s) want to know….
Thank you Author Lords and Happy Birthday Kid 2!
Glad you’re feeling more human.
Be well. ❤️
So finally they have security. Good for them. Thank you for the teaser, I am looking forward to the Book Release,
All the best for Your Kids. Hope they had nice celebrations . And Good for you that you er Not so tired anymore. Medication can be tricky.
Thank you for the snippet. My guess on who these mysterious women are the ones Heart mentioned in Sapphire Flames.
Thank you!! No speculation, just anxiously awaiting the book release. Happy birthday to kid 2!
I love all the different animals that you include in your writing, especially the ones that you create from your imaginations.
Enjoy the birthday!!
Thank you.
Happy Birthday to kid 2!!!
No speculation just appreciation! Thank you!
Happy Birthday ????
And what a lovely present for us! Love the new additions to the cool Hidden Legacy cast of characters and will be definetively speculating on what Regina specializes in. The cat-construct sounds promising. And yes, Avon need not worry, we are capable of counting down the days until Emerald Blaze finally downloads while still immensely enjoying whatever fun snippets and non-books and recipes you post on the blog.
I can’t wait for my copy to arrive. Love how the “teasers” make me want to start at the beginning to see what I missed.
I’m feeling “comes with some baggage” here.
I’m sure this tiny snippet is invisible to Avon. Especially if it gets you tons of pre-orders, which I’m sure it will. I went to pre-order only to find I’d already done so. 🙂
I feel it’s not a big stretch to assume that Patricia is the new security chief and that Regina is her wife. Especially since Heart had said that they come with some baggage, which must be the reason that she needs to stay under the radar.
I love the image of the light filled garage with plants and rocking chairs. And as for speculation… my wild guess is that Regina “belonged” to someone or some house (maybe she was a vassal or an unhappy daughter) that asked her to do something that she wasn’t comfortable with. Or maybe she took on someone powerful and she’s hiding from them now. Either way, she sounds really interesting. I absolutely love her red hair! 🙂
Thanks so much for the snippet!
Ohh the possibilities!
Just in case Avon did notice: All the free fiction keeps pulling me back into the worlds you have created and strengthens my decision to get the next book.
That being said, according to Simon Sinek, with all the digital instant gratification being available, people unlearn patience and thus lose an integral part of happiness and success. So, all the waiting might just be quite healthy… xD
Thank you. Lovely snippet. I really enjoy it when you get the whole group discussing things. It’s fun and hilarious. Happy B Day to both kids! Hope the hunting for the rental property goes well.
Belated Happy Birthday to Kid 1 and a Happy Birthday to Kid 2. Hope they have (had) a good one.
Yeah for the snippet.
Happy Birthday to Kid 2 and thank you for the tiny snippet that Avon will never notice.
I like it, very interesting! But then I have loved everything you have written, bar none, Kinsmen, Innkeeper, Kate Daniels, Iron Covenant and Hidden Legacy, so whatever you choose to focus on Hugh #2, KD ten years on or something new it’s all good. I like to see how you decide to handle different scenarios, like Ryder, and while it might be different from my ideas, yours are ALWAYS better so there you go.
I hope your feel better, I use Claritin D and take it at night so I don’t get fatigue from that so much (it’s the staying up until 5 am that does it;)
Happy Birthday late Kid 1 and Happy Birthday now Kid 2!
Thank you
Nice you are feeling better today and only short of breath from blowing up balloons! Happy Birthday to the kid. Great snippet, so very interesting!
Happy birthday, Kid II.
Thank you for the snippet!
Happy birthday, Kid 2! Eat cake, be awesome.
:waves hand at Avon: Move along. This is not the snippet you’re looking for.
No speculation here, but my god you do a first class tease. lol
One new and one never met character. Patricia is the new Security Chief, recommended by Sgt. Heart even while she had baggage; and Regina is the wife, probably the baggage Heart mentioned. Regina is probably a disowned daughter of a family that was hired to do dirty deeds to House Baylor. The feline construct protects its maker.
Zyrtec has baggage. Used it once and never again. It’s worse than Benadryl.
Two snippets in one weekend? I feel so spoiled!
Happy birthday Kid 2! I’m tempted to bake a chocolate cake and eat it in your honor.
Thank you for the snippet!
Speculation is always futile. Happy birthday Kid 2!
Oooh, thank you! No speculation, just gratitude for the snippet and you being awake. Also, happy birthday kid 2!????????????
Happy birthday to the kid! Hope she has a great one!
Wow, I’m so looking forward to this next book! And happy bdays to both kid1 and kid2!
Also glad to hear fatigue was definitely a byproduct of Zyrtec. Best wishes on finding workable substitute(s).
So glad you’re feeling more alert!
I really enjoyed the snippet I did not see and know nothing about but, ahem, Avon, made me somehow look forward even more to my pre-order 🙂
Snippet? What snippet? Never even heard of a snippet. Don’t know the meaning of the word and am willing to testify to that effect.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Does anyone else have a strong urge to quote Wellington right now?)
What terrifies me is the concept of “Texas products.” I was terrified as soon as I read the phrase. Then I googled it, and a brief look convinced me that, yep, I was right to be terrified. 🙂
Happy birthday to both kids!
Good luck on the house hunt!!
(Does it involve a lot of virtual viewings and hopes that it isn’t a scam?)
Zyrtec is killer, but so effective! I had pretty bad hives and really bad insomnia for a while, and eating Zyrtec caused me to have no hives for a couple of days and be zombie like for another 3 days. I was staggering to work half asleep and going through work like a slug..
No speculations here, just an intense desire to reread all the books in the series. Unfortunately for me, we are in lockdown and the public library is closed. ????????????????????????????????
I have to make do with the ebook I guess, but physical books are still the best.
I love it when a good writer is also good sneaky. If I had not already pre-purchased it, this would have done the trick.
Thank you! Kid 2 has a birthday and the BDH gets a present. Not bad. ????☺️
As to Avon…in my view they have blinders on. Couldn’t see a thing. ????
Can’t wait to read the book.
“Do not notice this snippet, Avon.”
That’s priceless. I’m so glad you are recovering your energy and pushing through the brain fog.
I wish both Kid1 and Kid2 all the best in the coming year and hope you all have a great celebration. Mmmmm cake. Maybe with homemade strawberry ice cream?
Glad you’re awake, and Happy Birthday to Kid 2! Have a great time, and thanks for the snippet!
Happy birthday to Kid 2, and thanks for the snippet. I am also celebrating my 50th birthday today. A lot of the plans I had for the year, including a visit to each of my children, one in Toronto, one in Vancouver and one in Oslo, Norway have been canceled. Therefore, this was a nice little bonus for my big day. I am so looking forward to August 25! I hope Kid 2 also had a fantastic birthday ????
Happy (belated) Birthday to you too! ????????????
Glad you are awake.
Happy BD to Kid 2!
You are SUCH a tease! Thank you.
Happy birthday Kid 2!!^^
Yay! Birthday Snippets!
Thanks you two!
Happy Birthday !
Happy Birthday to Kid 1 and Kid 2. Thank you for the snippet, can’t wait for it to land in ours hands.
Thank you! Everything you write makes me hungry for more. Even Ryder, even thought there is so much pain behind it.
Try Zyzal ir s a newer product and had less chance of making you drowsy. It’s OTC.
Zyzal is one half of the same drug molecule as Zyrtec, and still can cause drowsiness. A steroid nasal spray like Flonase rarely causes drowsiness, but it doesn’t work quickly. You may notice feeling less congested within a few hours, but it usually takes several days to get the full benefit. I’m sorry your allergies are giving you such misery, and hope you find something that works for you!
My husband, Steve, has been using Flonase for several years now and has found it to work well with minimal side effects. It took two weeks to work up to full effectiveness and his physician has told him it will take as long to ease off should he decide to change medication. I tried it myself but ran into a problem. In order for it to perform properly, you must use it regularly, taking it, as closely as possible, on the same schedule every day. This worked well for Steve as he is very disciplined in his routine. Unfortunately, I am not! So, no Flonase for me, but great results for him.
I can hardly wait for emerald blaze. Great tease! Thank you both.
I took flonase when it first came out and wore up to a massive nose bleed. Totally freaked out before I read the side affects.
Cant use flonase. All of the steroid sprays give me huge owie zits on the inside of my nose within a week. Benadryl is my friend.
That was the drug we tried early in the season. It didnt work and I ended up with fluid buildup in my ears and a sinus infection.
Love it, thank you
Oh Ilona, you are feeding us lately! The BDH is well-fed! Thank you????????♀️
Can you make me one of those cats? I need an easy to care for pet to snuggle. Is it snuggleable?
While I’m missing contact with animals during lock down, my normal life doesn’t support enough time for pets. Would love a snuggle version of cinder too
Thank you! Glad you’re feeling awake, quarantine is enough of an energy drain without adding meds to it.
I think this calls for a reread of the series. I cannot wait for this book!
Is she another undiscovered Prime? Why would a powerful magic use be in hiding ? JUICY! Thank u!!! Love the snippets!
I have great success with Allegra, which of course is more expensive than Zyrtec, but it also does not make me drowsy (where Zyrtec did).
Also, thank you so much for this. I can’t even begin to speculate. I’m just excited and grateful 🙂
Zyrtec also puts me into a coma…I sometimes still have to use it though. I tend to take it an hour before bedtime and its a little less intense on the wake cycle. I did switch to allegra and flonase…which rocked my allergy world. Highly recommend. Thanks for the snippets, they make me happy.
I so need to re-read the previous book! Isn’t Regina the Prime that deals with poison? I don’t remember her being in a relationship. And I know I should remember Patricia. I think this sheltering is messing with my memory. That’s my excuse & now I’ll be re-reading the last book -at least. At least I’ll enjoy the time. Thanks for the snippet!
You are thinking of Runa Etterson, a Magus Venenata (i.e. a poison mage).
Thank you for this mini mini mini snippet- I’m sure ours so small that Avon haven’t notice it at all. ????
Stay well and(from a fellow hayfever suffers literary sheding tears right now) i hope you find some meds that work for you.
So glad that you’re in the world, sharing your writing – providing “mental vacations” to so many. Thank you! 😉
Well heck, normally i am a Clatitin (or store brand of same) user, but i switched it up for Zyrtec for a bit. And I cannot seem to get enough sleep. I am sleepy all the time. I get halfway through the day and suddenlyni just want to curl up wherever i am and sleep.
I will switch back and see if that helps, thanks 🙂
And love the snippets ???? Thank you for indulginh us
Isn’t Patricia the security person whom Heart recommended? I remember he said he shall extend an invitation to her and her wife. Also that they come with some baggage. Atleast that’s my guess…
good point had forgotten about them ..
I’d forgotten them, too. With baggage that makes them want to stay off the radar. And a mage creating mechanisms … very interesting.
I love it; thank you!
It could be though no names were mentioned at the time. Hart said there was baggage with the couple, this may be some of what he inferred. And is Regina is hidden then Patricia, one suspects, is the soldier and apparently there new security chief of they’ve been given quarters.
And there’s a mage who can create constructs though if she can’t work for the Baylor’s, well it said she could not be compelled to help, it may not be the boost they need. Although asking might garner something. Hmmmm.
Your brilliant. I bet they are.
Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!
Happy birthday to Kid2 !!! ????????
So good, so much time to wait till it’s released. Thanks to the Author Lords from a very minor member of the BDH.
Hope you had a great day with your family and enjoyed the birthday celebration.
Zyrtec made me also vor, tired. Switchedw to Desloradatin/Aerius which helpled a lot better against allergics and also did not make me tired.
All the best
I drink buckets of nettle tea when my excema flares. A friend with allergies recommended it and it works for us. No fatigue or fuzziness. So excited for whatever is brewing in your head.
My husband and I put nettles in our tea as well. That and raw local honey helps us although it doesn’t fix his sinuses completely unfortunately. Thank you for the wonderful snippet. It’s a great end of the day for my birthday. 🙂 Happy birthday to kid 2!
No speculation from me.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kid 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you’re family celebrations are fun and light hearted ????
I am ridiculously happy to have this tiny snippet. You have no idea. I slide back into that world instantly. Thank you.
And I’m equally happy you’re feeling better. Surely the balloons were beneficial. ????
Hmmmm, another construct, eh? Off to reread some of the previous books, because the names are familiar and now I am wondering where I may have seen them mentioned before.
Happy Birthday Festivities Day!
I’ve really enjoyed the gift of Ryder . I am looking forward to reading Sapphire Blaze. Do you think you give us a teeny tiny snippet to wet our appetite.
I think that was a tiny snippet from Sapphire Blaze, I can’t wait either, but we must. Shhhh don’t tell her publisher
Great to hear that you’re awake. I know how much I disliked the feeling zyrtec gave me.
I use Allerclear from Costco every day. It was recommended by my doc to use due to the blood pressure medicine I take. I think the little bottle contains 364 pills for about $17. No sleepiness problems, works well and only 1 pill a day. You might want to give it a try. Thank you for the snippets, they make this stay at home stuff easier. Pulled out all my KD books to read again after Ryder began. You have so much talent.
I also have used.Allerclear (generic Claritin) for years, but it does not take care of my tree pollen allergy. This year I checked with my pharmacist and added Benedryl. Not having any sleepiness issues and I am able to breathe!
Sooooo ooh so excited????
June will be here soon????
Thank you sooooo much and Happ y Birthday to Kid2
I think that was a tiny snippet from Sapphire Blaze, I can’t wait either, but we must. Shhhh don’t tell her publisher
Speculating!!! (Because I am too lazy to check the book & come back to this page). Oooo, are these the new security ppl for House Baylor???? Why does the construct/animator mage have to hide out??? What does Caterina need? Or is this Arabella but I wouldn’t think so. Dime-sized cat construct, cooool!!! Ahhhhh, Emerald Blaze bait! Happy, happy 🙂 Hope you all are having a good B-day lock-down wide-awake celebration!
Dog sized, I swear auto-corrupt lives to thwart me!
So much suspens,
Thank you very much for this,
Take care !
Yayyyy! Have a fun party, and I won’t tell…????
Who delivers the cold beer to go along with the Cuban sandwhices?
If there’s one thing this experience has taught me, it’s patience. This was a lovely treat to tide us over. Thanks!
Happy Birthday, Kid2! ????????
Ι have spring allergies too. I used to take zirtec and I was always sleepy. Then my doctor gave me a new prescription ,an amazing pill much much better than zirtec . It is called BILAZ (bilastine) and it’s a new generation pill for allergies. Νο sleepiness at all! The only thing it needs is an empty stomach ,you have to take it without any food in your stomach. I usually take it in the morning before breakfast.. Oh well, I live in Greece, I don’t know if you have it in the USA. If you do give it a try. It’s truly great!
So glad to hear you figured out the source of your fatigue and are feeling alert again. Watch out world, Ilona is baaack! New characters, huh? Cool! As always, this snippet is great. And tell Avon most of us have already pre-ordered the book (well, ok, I assume so. I know I Always pre-order your books on Kindle!) so snippets won’t affect sales negatively (if that’s why Avon might object). I read the book, then buy it on Audible for the performance. Once I know the ending, I can enjoy the Audible version a lot more. But it takes longer than reading, and I have no patience the first time around.
Happy birthday and enjoy the party. Pictures would be nice.
Thank you, thank you for the snippet. Looking forward to the book. And yes have to go back and re-read the books.
Blessings to you and yours, thanks for the snippet ????
Thanks for snippets lol best wishes to kid2 bday. Best wishes to all
Alrighty! You’re feeling better and we got a tidbit from Emerald Blaze. 🙂
And checking again that it is preordered………yep. Just waiting for delivery when it is ready.
And even though Public Libraries may be closed right now, they still have awesome digital content.
Thank you, loved it ! Glad your feeling better x
Yay!!!! Thank you for the snippet!! Love it.
Were you using The Force on Avon “do not notice the snippet, Avon” (“these aren’t the droids you’re looking for”)?
Thank you for the snippet.
It sounds like you need a pharmacist to help you through the quagmire of allergy drugs and ridiculousness. As I happen to be one, feel free to email me. It’s the least I could do for the hours of the enjoyment your books have provided.
I checked out some books and picked up a book I had on hold from our library BUT before I could return them they closed the library and now I’m sitting on a book with a LONG hold list.
It is really bugging me that I can’t return these books. My online checkouts are returned ASAP so they can be passed on to other avid readers stuck in quarantine. Once again I’m reminded of the convenience of digital books. Too bad that publishers are gouging libraries so that they can’t afford as many as their print collections of books—-now sadly sitting on shelves with avid readers leaning against the windows with longing.
My library had a message for awhile that McMillan (spelling?) is limiting libraries to 1 copy of digital books for the 1st eight weeks after a book is released. I suppose they’re trying to up sales by people who don’t want to wait as long for a book, but that doesn’t seem fair. I didn’t realize that some were causing problems with print books as well. ????
I had books in transit from other libraries that were suspended due to closing. Wish they had come before closing. I returned a book in the drop before realizing I was not supposed to do it… it is still under my name checked out. I wonder how safe books and things would be if a person with COVID19 had them. I remember getting a book from a smoker and it smelled so bad! Thankfully, I have still been getting my preorders from Amazon! During the stay at home, I listened to all the Kate Daniels series… it was even better the second time! I think I devour too quickly and don’t digest as well when I read for the first time and the audio forces you to go through it at a slower pace and get more details. If you wait a couple of years, it is fresh again, at least, for me.
What snippet?
Do you see a snippet?
I don’t see a snippet…
Assuming the picture works, this is a dog-sized cat (in a medium sized dog bed). If she were a male, the bed might be too small.
Maine Coon cats can be quite large! What kind of cat do you have?
Wow, nice lead in and gets us antsy for the story, Bravo! Really, can’t wait to read it, I’m re-reading the other stories to get myself primed.
The miracle drug for my allergic rhinitis was Dymista, recommended by my ear, nose and throat specialist. It is a combination spray of a steroid and decongestant delivered directly to the nasal mucosa. I used Flonase for years but it was never that effective. It was better combining it with the over the counter mast cell stabilizer cromolyn sulfate. But Dymista really did the trick.
Being newer, a lot of insurance companies do not cover it. I guess that they consider steroid sprays alone essential, but the combo with a localized antihistamine to be lifestyle. But being able to breathe better meant I slept better – a definite improvement in lifestyle without the grogginess of systemic drugs.
If there had been a wonderful snippet for me to read, I would have found it fantastic and would’ve been extremely thankful for it, because life is meh at the moment!
Of course, there was no snippet. Therefore I am just happy you are feeling better!
Thank you for the snippet! I can’t wait to read it.
Happy birthday kid2! ????????
I love your snippets!! Thank you!
Ilona have you tried Quercetin ? It’s completely natural with no side effects. It works with the immune system to calm it down so it doesn’t have such an uncontrollable response to a perceived threat. It also blocks the receptors. If you choose to try it make sure it has Bromelain in it also natural Bromelain helps with the body absorption. I use Quercetin for myself and my dog as she has allergies also. Take Care big hugs ???? Take on an empty stomach so the food doesn’t interfere with it.
Thank you!
The new head of security and her wife! Interesting. I wish you could publish right now! Any reading suggestions while I wait. Just finished Jodi Taylor time travel series. Have you read it? ????
I love Ilona Andrews and also love Jeanine Frost, especially her Cat and Bones series, but also love the spin offs featuring other characters that were in the original series, Patricia Briggs – Mercy Thompson series, Nalini Singh – Psy-changing series, and J. R. Ward – Black Dagger Brotherhood.
I love Patricia Briggs! I’ve never read Nalini Singh, I’ll havet to give her a try. Thanks!????
Thank you ! Happy Birthday Kid 2! My pre-order is burning a hole in my pocket……
Thank you for the snippet! Can’t wait for the book!
This is the only reason I am not opting to skip 2020.
Ugh… August has never felt further away.
Lol yep, IA extends our lifetime in a few short paragraphs. I was once told by an older, much wiser colleague “Never wish your life away.” Since then, these exquisite tortures of waiting look like blessings… if it’s dusk and you squint hard enough. 😀
Brilliant, absolutely, brilliant. Thank you.
Agreed. I check the release date every once in a while in case I’m remembering it wrong. This is not a form of mild psychological torture I recommend.
Er, not that I recommend any form of psychological torture, mild or otherwise…… /edges slowly away
Color me intrigued. This is sound better and better all the time. Just from the snippets alone I’d give up a thumbs up and a five star rating.
Oh, and Happy Birthday Kid 2!
Wishing you a fantastic year. It’s gonna be great.
Can’t wait. Thank you.
Wonderful snippet that Avon would never, never notice. What wonderful characters! What intrigue. Yay! Really looking forward to the book.
Wow… just wow…
Kids 1 and 2 may have had birthdays but we got the present!
Thanks! 🙂
(BTW, I’m on Team Take My Money Please)
Happy birthday for the kids. Thank you for the snippet. An intriguing glimpse. I’m counting days to August.
Thank you and Happy Belated birthday to Kid 2.
Avon’s hopefully busy at work.
I bought so many books in the last month along with using my digital library catalogs. I keep on refreshing recommended book list hoping some indies have a few in the works coming out since some just pop up without as much PR or pre-listing. My entertainment spend has gone up and helps keep me happy.
Thank you, and happy belated Birthday to your Daughter (2)!
Happy Belated Birthday to Kid #2????
Thank you ever so much! And I agree with an earlier commenter, August is so very far away. Especially when waiting for a new Ilona Andrew book!
Speculation: Is this a peek at the new House Baylor Head of Security?
Yesssss! that’s right I forgot about her until you mentioned
That’s my guess as well! Patricia the new head of security . Until it the new book is released I will reread some of my favorites and tell myself August will be here before we know it .
Ok, ok, speculation…..
Lol, the Baylors were going to hire a head of security recommended by Hart, a woman and her wife but they had baggage.
Small Magics and Kinsmen are 50% off on Subterranean Press today
Speculating now! I think the non-head off security (the red head) makes constructs, and everybody wants a piece of her. A good ally to have, but she’s sort of an extra who lives under their protection essentially (due to the head of security) but also owes them nothing contractually. 🙂 But why world Catalina need to consult anchor constructs? 🙂 I’m excited to find out when the book is released
I think she’s not just a construct mage but also an arcane scholar.
To have a room set up specifically for testing arcane circles means some heavy duty research (think the room in MII).
So I’m guessing it’s a magic consult not a construct consult but I could be wrong.
Happy birthday Kid 2! Also hurray for wakefulness! Bring tired all the time is just awful. Viva la liberation from antihistamines! Until next time {|)/ ????♀️
Just another great example of why I don’t nag for a particular story! When I read KD, I want more, when I read Inn Keeper I want more, when I read Hidden Legacy I want more!
I am really thankful House Andrew’s produces more than one book a year.
Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
Here’s to bright happy days at House Andrews. Happy birthdays, and happy awake days! And thanks to you guys for sharing your worlds, whenever and however you decide to do so.
back in the old days, you had to walk in a bookstore and find out that a new book had been printed by your favorite author. I love fantastic fiction.com because I can track my favorite authors and find new ones, but sometimes I’m not sure if I miss the surprised of finding a new book, rather than torturing myself knowing a book will be out and the exact date.
OMG I need August to be here now.
Happy Belated Birthday to Kid 1, and happy birthday Kid 2! Also, thanks for the snippet! I love new characters.
Thank you so much!! Love the sneak peek. My birthday is in August, so I’ve decided Emerald Blaze is my birthday present! Happy birthday to Kid #2 & so glad you are feeling better. I feel for you, I’m also constantly exhausted…wish I could blame it on something other than just life stress. That isn’t something that is going away anytime soon.
Last night and today was thinking about y’all having to decide what project to pursue next. I know it’s tough! If you all still need to take time off to take it. I just thought this as things are stressful and just wish writing won’t add to it. Thus we can wait. Y’all take care and hope everyone of your BDH is staying safe and as sane as possible. The sky today in Georgia was a beautiful blue. Nice for a change. Cheers!
I don’t see a snippet here. Good marketing….
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Oh Goody!
Thank you!
Also, I’ve had Very good luck with Xyzal. I take it at night, I sleep fine and don’t wake up groggy. I have HELLISH allergies (I used to get the shots, until my body said nah and I landed in the ER. That was fun 😐 )
A snippet? What snippet? I can’t seem to find it ???? but I’m sure it’s awesome as USA, pity Avon can’t let you post more. August is so far away.
Thank you ????????????????????????????☀️
OOOO! I’m so excited for this book. August is sooooo far away. Catalina’s books seem more nuanced than Nevada’s books. It matches the characters. Nevada seems to have a more black and white approach to life whereas Catalina has a lot of shades of grey. I am re-reading the series in preparation for August.
I, too, occasionally check my digital pre-orders to see if I will have a present arriving on my Kindle soon; but usually try to avoid the torture of anticipating and simply bask in the wonder of a new book magically appearing from my favorite authors!! Thank you so much for continuing to write all of your stories even in the midst of the insanity & RL with kids at home!! Also, for sharing these snippets of both your books & your day-to-day … it’s an like an additional ‘story’ with the bonus of being real (& includes choco cake & icecream)! P.S. cake lead in was so fabulous!!! O_o
I absolutely love this world that you have created and love your writing. I love the Ryder stuff, she is a new and different creature from the little girl we knew and potentially liked before.
I love your work. You are my very favorite author.
Its my first spring in pre-shift Atlanta. I now must take no less than 4 allergy meds to survive the “pollening” but Allegra & flonase make me less tired than zyrtec or claritin did. Still I could take 2 of 4 on the West coast in super bloom & live.
Also if Regina has more kittens like Cinder in her workshop I could finally live with a cat & breathe!
Hi – I am a paediatric allergist. Not sure if you already have tried this – but try Telfast (Fexofenadine) if Zyrtec makes you too sleepy – it’s called Allegra I think in the US. I take it myself, and have not had any patient who experienced drowsiness with Telfast. Some patients do get very drowsy with Zyrtec although it’s marketed as a non-sedating antihistamine. Take care!
Thank you for the snippet! Can’t wait for book 5 currently rereading and relistening to the books at the moment. I honestly can’t wait!
Roll in August!
Happy birthday to Kid 2 – loved the cake it looked awesome!