I have the Youtube recording of the afterparty ready below, but for those of you who can’t watch right now, here are some answers to some questions that the long suffering Moderator R has compiled.
Will it be a series?
Moderator R says: Despair, thy name is BDH- it came up 223 times on the Spoiler thread alone (it was fun to click count after a while :D).
We don’t know yet. We’ve moved from possibly to probably, but we will know more when we get the list placement this Wednesday and first week’s sales numbers sometime this week.
“Why is Ascanio a douchebag now? He used to be great, we want redemption.”
After 20 some books, you guys still don’t trust us. Ascanio is not a douchebag. He has reasons, they are good reasons, and they will be revealed later on. It has to do with the current state of the Pack, Jim’s imminent retirement, and what Andrea and Raphael foresee as the fragmentation of everything Curran has built and Jim has refined.
Why is Sophia older than Conlan?
A selection of weirdness by ModR
- “I thought she was a magical-insemination-clone something…”
- “Christopher is an Albino… Sophia has been conceived by highly illegal magic with genes both from Christopher and Barabas. But who was the surrogate mother?”
- “I thought that she was biological somehow.”
- “Elara was their surrogate”
- “Wasn’t Christopher still raving mad at the time she was supposed to be born? Also she’s been absent from all the KD novels when she was a toddler…”
- “what was the illegal means by which Barabas had a child? They hadn’t mentioned invitro being illegal in any of the other books or gene splicing so I’m left wondering what it was?”
- ” Bit confused by age of Sophia? Conlan was born before she was??? Speed grown?!”
“I wondered about magic cloning too. She’s so fair maybe Elara was involved??” - “I haven’t figured out yet how Sophia became Christopher and Barabas’ daughter!”
- “Julie was gone for 8 years and their daughter is 14? I’m confused.”
Sophia is adopted. Unless you live on the African Continent, if you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras. Older children deserve to be adopted too. Adoptive parents are parents. Sophia is an albino. Barabas is not an albino. Christopher is not an albino. Her adoption is canon.
When is the audio book coming out?
We will announce when Audible finishes processing it. 🙂
Are you guys happy with how it did?
We are thrilled. We both feel so fortunate that you guys like it and that in this stressful time we could deliver a little distraction into your world. This has been an absolutely amazing release. Even if the sales somehow will fall short, this was worth all the effort and editing and rewriting. This was amazing for us. Thank you for making our launch special.
Here are our rambling answers. We cut the spoiler portion off. Sorry about feline interference. 🙂
Jenn K says
Yes, yes, yes!
Sara Joy says
So I’ve finally purchased & received a print copy of BH. I’m thrilled. This will be my no-blue-light-emitting way to read in bed at night. & this time going through (I’ve read it multiple times in e version), all I can think of is: I want to make myself a Robin Hood like what Derek wears, for returning to work in a month, in what we’re crafting into outdoor preschool! Imagining- maybe I can rig an internal cinching system to make the mouthpiece tight enough ????. Feeling stylishly optimistic, in post-Shift Seattle.
Melissa Alexander says
I absolutely loved the newest Blood Heir book with Julie’s new story. I am looking forward to future books about her and Derek.
Please continue with this wonderful series.
I have read the complete Kate Daniels series at least twice. It is one of my favorites.
Thank you, Melissa
Debbi says
You both are amazing! I love everything you have done and can not wait for the next. Of anything! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Melinda McConchie says
Omg! Has anyone volunteered to do the map yet? I would so do it. Long-time designer and illustrator here with all the Photoshop/Adobe CC ????
Moderator R says
Hello Melinda,
If you have an example of how you would envision the map and want to submit it, please contact me through the Reader Contact form here https://ilona-andrews.com/contact/#inquiry
Thank you ☺️
Melinda McConchie says
Quick map! Could never figure out where Unicorn lane was.
Brianna says
Given that Sophia is a weremongoose like Barabas (which seems to be a very uncommon type of shapeshifter), Christopher is a powerful magic-user trained by Roland, Julie said lyc-v normally fixes albinism in the womb, and Julie said flat-out that “there was only one way for Sophia to exist and that way was highly illegal” I don’t think it’s that surprising that most people jumped to the conclusion that Barabas and Christoper did something odd to conceive a biological child belonging to both of them.
It does beg the question though – if Sophia was absolutely for sure adopted, then what was the illegal thing done to facilitate her existence? Was taking her from wherever she lived originally illegal for some reason? Did Barabas infect her with his virus illegally? If so, shouldn’t the Lyc-V have fixed her albinism when she turned into a shapeshifter, or does that only happen to albinos in the womb? If not, how is there an albino shapeshifter?
Elaine says
I burst out laughing with the Sophia answer. Many people over think it, I understand because of what Julie said/thought, but the answer is so simple that just made me laugh out loud in an empty office (don’t ask why I work in an empty office)
Amy Chase says
I’d assumed Sophia was adopted but am pleased to see it confirmed. I am an adult adoptee, who has foster/adopted three kids and not all of them were babies (or healthy, our youngest suffered abuse in her home of origin and is significantly challenged physically and developmentally as a result, I mention this to reiterate that all children deserve a loving family. I enjoy your books in part because of the strong acceptance it shows of adoption, family of choice and related connections.
Kimberly says
Thank you for the glimpse into KD kids childhood adventures Poor Ascanio!
I wanted to hear HIS POV into rescuing the kid gang.
Also appreciate the snatches of love interest Erra is getting from Damian and Great Uncle. She deserves some!
So many story lines I am looking forward to playing out! Your imagination is so delightful!
Doreen E Raia says
Just finished Blood Heir and am sad… I tried to drag it out so I’d have something to look forward to when I got home every night. But tonight I finally finished reading it. Want more Derek and Julie, puleese! Please please please! Love them !!! Miss them already!
Lara says
Is there a recording of the spoiler time, that would be awesome.
Jacqueline says
When Coren took over the Guild, didn’t he say Julie was his kid and he didn’t want her thinking he worked in a dump? (something like that) I never saw him thinking of her as a younger sister.
tina says
I have to admit that I am purposely reading Blood Heir only about 10 or 15 minutes at a time to make the book last as long as possible. I know that sounds crazy, but I really like to savor any of your books. When I finish, I have the enjoyment of a well written story and then the depression that I have to wait until the next book. Crazy right? Thanks for all your books, any series and your inventive worldbuilding.
Rachel Cobb says
I loved it! Now I have to reread all of Kate’s books. Again. ????❤️❤️❤️
ann says
Julie asked Derek if she was finally pretty enough for him now and hjs non answer felt like a yes… ????????????
amanda says
I completely loved Blood Heir and I’m so excited for more of this world. Reading it made me want to reread the whole Kate series again so I did. I forgot how much I loved Roman. I hope we see more of him in upcoming books.