New York Times

BLOOD HEIR is #5 on Combined Print and Ebook List. New York Times is a very prestigious list. This isn’t the highest we’ve hit, but it is still very high for a self-published release, because NYT relies heavily on counting the print sales. Our “print” sales are POD, print-on-demand. We don’t have mass shipments of books going to stores, so that hamstrings us in terms of list placement. This is my round about way of saying, “Omg, #5, how did this even happen?”
USA Today Bestseller List

Last week, we had #2 bestselling book out of all books published in US. All books, hardcovers, mass market, fiction, non-fiction, all books. This is as high as we’ve ever hit. MAGIC TRIUMPHS was #5. WILDFIRE was #2. BLOOD HEIR sold significantly more than either of them. BLOOD HEIR sold more in the first week than MAGIC TRIUMPHS sold in the entire release month. It’s not a totally fair comparison because MT came out in hardback and was a final book of a popular series, while BLOOD HEIR was competitively priced, but an unknown commodity, but I don’t care. This is amazing.
It might be our fastest selling book ever. It is definitely our fastest selling self-published book ever. BLOOD HEIR is what the industry calls an “instant bestseller,” a run away first book in a series that shoots up like a rocket against all expectations. The term is kind of ridiculous – the book is a bestseller or not – but it sounds impressive.
This happened entirely because of you. You bought, you reviewed, you posted about it. You made this book a success. We didn’t have any publisher-backed advertising or marketing. It was all you and online ebook retailers. The Book Devouring Horde has spoken.
Since there is no publisher to do an announcement, I will have to take a stab at it.
Ilona Andrews, Inc. and Nancy Yost Literary Agency are pleased to announce two more novels in the instantly-bestselling Ryder series featuring Julie Lennart returning to the magic ravaged world of Kate Daniels’ Atlanta to stop an ancient enemy who threatens people she loves most.
Now for the big questions: when? We must finish the manuscript of RUBY FEVER in March. Once that is finished, we will have more concrete dates for you. We definitely would like to start work on the sequel to BLOOD HEIR this year.
I know that you are eager to know about audio – it’s coming in the next couple of weeks or so – and about continuation of other series work, like Innkeeper. We are not ready to discuss this right now. We are working on RUBY FEVER and once we turn it in, we will let you know where we stand.
Thank you for the wonderful launch, guys. You did it.
Congratulations and thank you!
Yay! Congratulations – and thank you. So excited for more books as always.
Congratulations!!!! And thank you for being incredible authors!!!
Woohoo! The good news keeps on coming this week!
Thank you for writing a wonderful book! Looking forward to the new releases! You deserve this.
Congratulations, House Andrews!
I am so happy for you and proud to be part of the book devouring horde! You’ve earned this success!
(I think my previous post was eaten, so reposting…)
Beware the Book Devouring Horde. We are Legion. And addicted.
Congrats on everything!! So glad your writing is getting all the attention in deserves.
Congratulations! It was a wonderful book and I can’t wait to support the next ones.
I am so thrilled by all of this. The book was an absolute delight! Congratulations!!
Congratulations and thank you for a(nother) wonderful adventure!
But will there be an audio version, cousin?
I hear it was a sick audio, but still. It would take at least 2 people to announce it.
???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Love you both Gordon & ModeratoR!!!
Congratulations that is so impressive. I started reading Blood Heir online but life got in the way so I promptly preordered it. Looking forward to reading it at my leisure. I love to savor books by my favorite authors. Looking forward to your next books. Thank you for all the reading pleasure.
Your books have been a refuge to so many in such a challenging year, and I’m so thankful that we’ll have even more to look forward to.
I demolished Blood Heir in a day (I had just found out my mom was diagnosed with Covid) and it was a much-needed escape. I’m looking forward to getting the audiobook when it is released to really savor the story.
I hope your Mom is OK!
Hope your mom and you are doing alright!
Oh yay. What glorious news! Congratulations to House Andrews and their team, and thanks to all the BDH who helped make it happen. Two more installments to anticipate!
Wow this is so great!! I’m still waiting for my copy in Germany, but it should arrive next week.
I’m looking forward to the next volumes.
Greetings from Germany.
Congratulations! It is a well deserved honor. I loved the blend of old and new characters and the way you were able to make parallels between Kate and Julie’s stories while still creating a fresh new storyline. Thank you for writing books that manage to brighten readers lives even during these difficult times.
I just punched the air with joy at this news. I am English we do not punch the air……
Congratulations on Blood Heir we, the BDH love you both.
This because your write excellent books !
All you !
I am enormously pleased for you and for us, your fans, as we will reap the benefits of more stories about Julie Olsen Lennart/Aurelia Ryder (the girl with a thousand names). Thank you for a bit of escapism!
This totally rocks! I’m so happy for you guys! This book was everything and we thank you for your awesome storytelling.
Way to go!????????????
Absolutely fantastic news!!
Congratulations to you both????????
Congratulations! YOU did it. 😉
I am sooo happy to hear that the book is such a success! That means we’ll get more… ;P
Well, I certainly did my thing – bought it both on Kindle and in Print. ^__^
Loved every word and look forward to the next one. <3
Keep rolling them out and we’ll keep buying
Between this and the inauguration, I’m almost giddy. I cannot tell you how much joy I’ve experienced with Blood Heir, the Zoom video, and the BDH this week, and of course earlier when the chapters came out.
And Emerald Blaze dropped while I was evacuated from the firs this summer, so all in all, you’ve had a tremendous influence on my resilience this horrific year.
Better days ahead!
Thank YOU for writing a book we can love so much and go so incredibly excited about. ????????????????
WOOT!! Congratulations, House Andrews.
Wow, so happy for you … and so happy for the BDH (more Blood Heir, yay!). Congratulations and thank you both; you’ve lifted so many people up over the terrible months of the pandemic you really deserve this success.
Congratulations and thank you!
Squee!! So thankful for any new books from you!
Super Congratulations! You and your amazing works certainly deserve it!
I’m so so so so happy!
And the book was so good <3 I adored it and I published my review on Goodreads!
Thank you for all your hard work, especially this year! You are amazing, both of you!
Great news. Love the dark and gritty side Atlanta brings and can’t wait for more. Also loved hearing snippets about Hugh and if you ever get bored “LA would make your hair turn white over night” is something I would like to hear more about ????
Congratulations!! So happy to have so many fabulous books that I can look forward to. (Still would love to see another Iron Magic but will be content to wait and see:)
Congratulations!!! This was best news I got today!! You guys are awesome!!
Congratulations-loved the book. So happy more are coming!
You did it! but I am glad my humble purchasing dollars helped pile onto that magnificent (well deserved) result. Hope you enjoy your laurels, we enjoy the fruit of your brains.
Congratulations!! We are all so grateful you are willing to go on with the story.
Is there even the slightest chance we will see Derek’s POV?
Thank you for all your wonderful work.
Yaaaay! Exciting news! Congratulations to you both and I am greedily pleased because we get more JULIE!!!
I am in awe.
I have something in my eyes. I have never been this excited about other people, besides me, buying a book.
You keep writing and I will keep buying!! Love you guys and congratulations!!
Hooray! So happy to hear this, and congratulations on your instant bestseller! Your work continues to be fantastic!
Ruby Fever MS done in March AND two more Ryder books to look forward to. As today is my birthday – thank you for the gift of knowing I have wonderful books to look forward to reading!
Happy Birthday! ????????????????????
Congratulations! I’m so very happy for you, and as an extension, for us! Totally awesome and super exciting!
Woo hoo!! The BDH thanks you for your greatness! We appreciate that you all took our comments to heart and created such an amazing book and that you love us so mich thatyou have extended it to a series!!!
House Andrews – in case we have forgotten to mention it – WE LOVE YOU!!!!!
Love this, love y’all and thank you!!!
Yes! I am so glad for you! Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! So wonderful!!
WOO HOO. Excited for the future of Julie’s story.
I also loved the chapter of Ruby Fever. I can no longer imagine what I read before Ilona Andrews. Except I do bounce between IA and Jeanine Frost. 🙂 It’s a good schedule.
Congratulations! I’m so, so happy for you!
(And also for us and for all who might be first-timers to your work through BH.)
Yuhuuuuuii!!! Congratulations! We love you!
Fabulous! and Congrats!!
This has made my day – I’m so pleased for you both. It is so richly deserved. Many congratulations!
Congratulations and I like many will be waiting to devour any book of the Julie/Inn Keeper or Hidden legacy series that you guys write.
If you’re looking for something to write about I’m curious about why you self publish some books and professionally? Publish others and which you think is better…
But NYT Bestselling Author! Woo!
Hello Mary
House Andrews have touched on this subject before here https://ilona-andrews.com/2019/hybrid-authors/
I hope that answers some of the questions ????
Congratulations!!! 🙂
We all love you so much. This is well deserved news. Happy all around!! Hugs.
You deserve it. You’re the best, la crème de la crème.
Thank you for the announcement.
I didn’t dare imagine there would be other books. But even if you had chosen to not continue the series, I would have been able to let my mind wonder about Julie and Derek thanks to your kindness in releasing book 1.
So congrats and thank you!
Now is the time for you to enjoy and relax.
This is so marvelous!! We simply cannot get enough of the world building, deeply funny characters, and great writing.
So glad to hear there are two books in the queue, and I cannot wait to see what happens and how this family of god-killers takes on this one
Thank you for the amazing first book!
You have captured our hearts with KD. We branched out into the other books and most of us were “OMG why didn’t you tell me this series was So freaking good???” I happily read my KD over and over but someone said hey… I saw this other series they have yadda yadda I’m over pressing the buy buy buy button on amazon after trying the first books. There is just something in your writing that allows us to forget we are reading a book.
You two have a gift and I thank you for sharing your talent. Congratulations!!!
This is so exciting! I’m so happy for you…and for me…and your fans, I’m just really really happy.
Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you and for the BDH because we get more!!!! I will continue to read everything you write and promote it to all my friends!!!
Congratulations! I had faith that it would do well, but to see it competing with the big mass publishing books (and their thousands of shipments to bookstores) is awesome! It’s a bit unfair to have to compete with Bridgerton’s and the boost from a new tv series (but it is a good series too, so yay for her!).
I’m so excited for #2 and #3 (and 4, 5, 6, ….. ????) and also Ruby Fever! Thank you! ????
Woo hoo!!! Congratulations! That is amazingly awesome!
I am so glad you guys have earned this and deserve it greatly for your excellent world building and characters. I have been a fan for a long time since the first Edge book and I have anxiously awaited every book you have published. Kudos to a well deserved launch to a new series and here is to many, many more!!
Congratulations! You guys write, and we will buy!
So happy for you guys! Yay for us readers too!
Love, love, love your books!
Audible is so inconsistent with allowing preorders! Hoping to contribute to your numbers soon. Congrats on another successful book!
Congratulations!!! House Andrews seriously rocks!!! And THANK YOU SO MUCH for deciding to continue the Blood Heir series!!!
Congratulations! You have created such a memorable world — it’s no surprise your readers can’t get enough of it. Thank you for sharing it with us. And thank you for continuing the story!!
tears? TEARS? why did this announcement produce tears? I’m blaming it on the first vaccine dose I got yesterday.
Congratulations. You deserve it. Thanks for being a light in both 2020 and 2021.
We need it.
Yay! Absolutely amazing news and a testament to the loyalty of your fan base. I can say with certainty that you are the first (and only) authors I followed online, interact with blogs, etc. I think it was the discovery of the Innkeeper serial that hooked me as an online follower. What can I say? You have savvy.
Eeeee!!! So excited!
Congrats on the awesome book and sales and thank you for indulging us with more!
Squeeeeeee, and thank you.
Please enjoy your success, you’ve worked so hard for this.❤️❤️❤️
It is with deep pleasure and great humbleness that we THANK YOU for giving us all such a fantastic world to dwell in, in our mind’s eye.
I just audibly yelled “YES!” at my computer at the kitchen table, scaring the bejesus out of my husband. Cannot wait for more books!! Julie and Derek have always been my favorite characters of the entire Kate Daniels series. Hoping the next two have even more scenes with them from start to finish this time. Congrats on a great launch.
That is excellent news!!!! I’m so very excited there will be more Books in this series!!!!!! Blood Heir was amazing!!!
See,you guys always worry no one will like what you write,you are as bad as my musician son with his self criticism,you say it is aweful and of course it is wonderful. You guys have a dedicated fan base, justly deserved, and that is a powerful thing ( fortunately, unlike the people of the sun in Blood Heir, we don’t require sacrifices, just more books!).
Only problem now is the beast is hungry, so you are gonna have to figure out how to feed it. Other than continuous coffee IVs so you can work 24/7, or replicating you 2 en toto ( fully formed,ready to write), might remain a dilemma, beast might do what our 2 beasts do,sit there looking at you with sad,sad eyes….(or the virtual equivalent thereof).
Just finished Blood Heir btw and wow,blew me out, great yarn w requisite snark, and love the epilogue….and the description of what the white box was made me laugh with pleasure, especially the way it was created.
Congratulations and thank you again for the wonderful book!
Congratulations! Well deserved, your writing is splendid. Keep up the good work, we will always want more!
Yay! That’s so exciting!!
I’m crying. I feel so happy for you guys! You deserve it ❤️
Woo Hoo!!! 2021 is starting out with such amazing news! Thank you ????????????
And thank you so much for your books.
That’s the best news EVER. I swear, my book pages are the only reason I stay on Facebook! Thank you!
Congratulations! As much as I and the rest of the individuals here would love to take credit for this achievement it’s not ours to own.
You created this world. You populated it with interesting characters full of charm and flaws and, even though it’s complete fantasy, made them relatable and realistic. You challenged that world and the characters in it with epic storylines and plot twists and exciting adventures.
We simply devoured it and begged for more.
I’m so happy there is more to come. I know it won’t last forever but I, and everyone else here, am so eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Until then I’ll continue to re-read the series and recommend it to anyone I talk to about books.
You guys are awesome. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to see what comes next.
Dear Ilona and Gordon
We love your work.
The Book Devouring Horde
Congratulations! We love entering these worlds with you, whether they be with Innkeeper, Hidden Legacy, or Kate Daniels. Clearly, we want the books, but we want them to be your vision and we are willing to wait!
Yay! Congratulations! Thank you for everything you write. You both rock!!
I’m so excited for you!!!! And us, of course, because that means more Julie and more magic apocalypse Atlanta, but still. This is so cool!
So excited for a continued return to this world, though after the snippet from yesterday, I’m MORE excited for Ruby Fever right now. :3
Huzzah and Faboo! I am looking forward to many more happy hours of reading.
I read at least 100 pages an hour. I finished that book in what felt like a heartbeat. Told my wife, “This will be a series, at least as popular as Kate. ”
Wife, responds, “They did not say it was going to be a series.”
I laugh, “This will be an instant best seller, they will write more of these, I guarantee it.”
I am grinning at your press release.
It will be more than 2.
Just sayin’
Yep. What he said.
At least the BDH will be begging for more. You know that we will always beg for more. However, if you don’t have the yen to write the book(s), make us wait until you do. In the long run, we’ll all be happier.
Please leave some “plot ends” dangling after book 3, just in case…
Congratulations, so well deserved. I look forward to more books with Julie. No surprise, as I have loved every single series you have written.
I’m happy that the sales warrant a continuation of Julie and Derek’s story. I enjoyed the book very much. I like all the series you have going, so it doesn’t really matter to me which book you choose to focus on next. Thanks for all the great hours of reading pleasure I’ve had in your various worlds.
I’m so happy for you! Fantastic news!
I’m so happy for me! More books!
I knew with the first book in the KD world i found at the library you guys were something wonderful. I immediately went out and bought the book and added you to my automatic buy authors because i knew i would be reading your books over and over and enjoying them each time. Thank you for a wonderful book, please stay healthy so i can enjoy many more books!
Yey ???? ???? ????
Congrats Ilona Andrews and the horde. ???? ???? ????
I really don’t mind waiting for the next books. Knowing 2 more are coming is good enough ????❤️????
Congratulations! And hooray more story to come!
Wonderful news for you to get a bestseller, and wonderful news for us to get more Julie/Aurelia! That’s win-win!
So freakin’ happy for you guys! and for us, because I really, really need to know what Derek saw after that bite he took. Very much looking forward to hearing more about this story when you guys have time to work on it.
Of course, also in a tizzy waiting for Ruby Fever, more about Hugh and Elara, more Innkeeper stuff… You all are my favorite authors.
This made me tear up. So happy for you, and us, the readers.
Literally crying. Over a book.
This was such a tough last year.
I remember you starting this book to help us cope with the pandemic.God bless that nurse. All the workers.
It worked, it helped me cope and escape. It relieved stress.
Terrible losses on all levels.
Still terrible losses.
Reading about Catalina and Alessandro andthe Baylor familyhelped. Julie and Derek and the KD universe helped. The blog helped.
So BLOOD HEIR is a special book.
The cover is strong and creative.
The writing is thrilling and funny and touching.
More important, this book’s success is a thank you from your fans, your legions of friends. The BDH.
I am so proud to be a member of the BDH.
Congratulations on doing a great job during a terrible time.
Big , big hugs to everyone.❤️❤️
Looking forward to more books.
But really, Thank YOU!! it was a wonderful awesome book that I read start to finish as soon as it arrived. Of course I’m so happy we get to see our favorite characters again, but mostly it’s just a great story and a great book.
Keep em coming!!
– Devoted Hoard Member
Congratulations! And thanks for writing for us!
I am so beyond happy for you guys! I discovered your books through Magic Bites just over a year and a half ago and the pair of you quickly became my favorite authors. Thank you for all you do for us! Proud to be part of the BDH!
One of the best and most compelling books I’ve read. I’m re-reading Kate and it is fascinating to read about young Julie and Derek knowing what the future brings!!! Thank you and please enjoy the process! It makes me sad when people put pressure on you. It’s the nature of a series – authors need time to write the next book!!
WooHoo!!!!!! On the excellent launch and the announcement of two more books!!!
I even want to buy another copy cuz I LOVE THIS BOOK SO HARD!!! I want a Derek of my own. “Be careful what you ask for, princess.” He’s gonna pursue her.
Yes!!! Congratulations and fan-freaking-tastic news on the series!!
Yes!!!!!!!!!!! A win for self-publishing! And, it’s so well-written, i am not surprised the BDH reviewed positively! I am so glad for y’all! Congrats! I hope the next Innkeeper does as well! And, love how the BDH rallied for this book and hopefully for all future books! 🙂
Congratulations! Well deserved. The book was wonderful and I am looking forward to the next two.
Congratulations for all your successes! While we appreciate the kudos, as we are all part of the BDH, this is also due to your excellent writing skills. Alms tour ability to immerse the readers in a wonderful world, with most excellent characters! You are truly awesome!
And, excited to hear there will be more of the Baylor’s!!!
This makes my week!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you – and for us. I love your books and look forward to more. Congratulations, again! Cheers 🙂
Yes yes yes ! I was hooked from the the first snippet, there was no doubt Blood Heir was going to be a hit. Thank you and Congratulations House Andrew’s!
Oh frabjous day, calloo callay!! How richly deserved. Enjoy every moment (perhaps with tea and chocolate).
Wheee, go you! 😀
Now back to waiting for my copy – my friends have given up on me ever just buying the e-version of authors I particularly enjoy, it’s dead tree version or bust 😉
What with The World and Life and probably also Brexit, my copy will take some time to reach me. This is okay 🙂 Looking forward to something is enjoyable all in itself 🙂
Soooo happy!! Congratulations and thank you for the next ones! Love from Turkey 🙂
Wonderful news – congratulations!!!
Awesome!! You are such great writers!
Thank you. Knowing it was written to help a healthcare worker cope with the pandemic makes me even more grateful. Can’t wait to help the other books be successful
Congratulations!! You guys deserve it!! Blood Heir was absolutely AMAZING, I loved it!! Great news to hear there will be more books coming in this series!! You guys write them, and I will buy everything you write!! I have an IA addiction lol!!
Congratulations! I am very thankful for your work. The countless hours of enjoyment spent visiting and revisiting the worlds and characters you create and the balm they are to me in troubled times is everything. You selflessly created this work for your readers as a treat during the pandemic and the reward balances the generous gesture and the quality of the work. Thank you!
Yes! YES! YES! This is FANTASTIC News – CONGRATULATIONS AND it couldn’t happen to better Authors! LOVE this world & LOVE y’all’s writing! Thank you for continuing on the KD World! I LOVE seeing how things change & grow. It’s like coming home to an old friend EVERY.SINGLE.TIME!
Yay, congratulations!
I’m excited to see a certain male character’s version of shapeshifter courting >=D
Amazing!! Yay for wonderful writing. Easy to support by buying when product is this stellar good ????
I’m so excited for you guys, this is awesome. Also, super excited that we get more Julie. Thank you for all you do and write!
Excited that the rest of the horde liked it as much as I did…meaning MORE JULIE, yay!! *insert Kermit flail*
(also hoping it was more profitable for you as it was self- published. You deserve all the moneys!)
Be sure to let us know when Ruby Heir is up for pre order!!
I’m so excited!! Thank you for that news and congratulations!!
This is AWESOME! So happy for House Andrews…and us! We get more Julie and Derek. Squeeeeeee!
Such a huge congratulations!! So excited for you guys (and also excited for the rest of us who will now get two more books)!
Congratulations!! Thanks so much for all your amazing work. So looking forward to the rest of this series ????
Congratulations and happy 2021 news to your readers! I can’t wait for more Derek! Grand gestures incoming!!! 🙂
Woot, woot woot!!!! What a validation for you guys! Very well deserved, and look forward to many more years of your gifts – please pace yourselves 🙂
This is fantastic news! Thank you for continuing to write for us and to cave to our needs. We appreciate everything you do for us and I can’t wait for the story to dive into. Plus I’m extra appreciative for the audio, I find it hard to find time to sit and read these days, but I can have a mind numbing boring job that I can liven up with an audiobook!
Much love!
You did it! You wrote a wonderful book, as a gift to your readers. We really appreciate it.
I’m so excited for books 2 and 3. ????
Congratulations. It isn’t just us that did it. You provided us a fantastic read and that makes it easy to sell via word of mouth. For example: “OMG, how have you NOT READ THIS BOOK” and then I go on to list alllll the reasons all your books need to be read all the time. Like that.
I am looking forward to (hopefully) reading a scene where the Knights of the Order try and manipulate Julie when she is still young.
Yay! and Congratulations.
Congratulations! All the heart emojis!
I am beyond happy! Yes, 2021 is off to a very good start.
Congratulations!!!! So excited there will be more books in the Ryder series!!!!!!!
Thank you for a wonderful book and your generous inclusion of the Horde as you created the story. At this time, we all feel alone and worried, you let us be part of Julie’s story and your creative process. We needed it. #mentalhelp #wecanbeapaininthea**
Congratulations ???? well earned success because it’s such a great story. Can’t wait to see what happens next ❤️????????
Thanks to you for the always amazing stories and characters! So happy for the results and the boost they give you, and I would say they are even more significant if you consider the Duke and I was backed up by the TV series (not that it isn’t another great read!).
Glad to be part of the BDH family! ????
*squee!* That is marvelous news!!! Congratulations to House Andrews! Looking forward to future books in all the series.
Awesome! This is great news! We love Julie and the KD universe and I’m so glad there are more! Thank you for these creative world you willingly share us.
Omg, # 5, how did this even happen? ” This happen because you are wonderful authors who transport us to a world where we can forget our problems for a couple of hours, thank you
So happy for you two! And so happy for us, since we’ll get two more books!
It’s INSANE that there was no advertising and it was self published but hit #2! If ever there were a sign that you guys are LOVED (and the BDH does what it does…devours your books) then this is it. Congrats on an incredible feat.
I wonder if this situation has ever happened before??
YAY! Congratulations!!
Also, MORE Ryder – YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Thank you!
Congratulations! Yay more books! Lol
Yippee. So pleased there will be two more Julie books. Thank you.
Yay more Julie. Congratulations ????
Crying happy tears two days in a row? I’ll take it! Thank you so much for your words! I discovered Kate after all the books had been released but they got me through a really hard time. So excited to follow along with Julie in real time!
Yay!! Congratulations! This is such fantastic news!
I absolutely loved the book and am SO EXCITED that we get 2 more.
Also, I saw in your Q&A video that you were interested in a map of Julie’s Atlanta. I wanted one too and so started making one – though it’s still really rough and I’d love to make it more accurate. I have an example I can send, if you’re interested 🙂
I almost cried I’m so happy.
OMG Congratulations! I am delighted at its success. I suspect starting it as a serial during a pandemic boosted its word-of-mouth publicity and made everyone anticipate it even more. I know I did.
The Best Sellers lists have spoken. “Blood Heir” completely deserves the fuss and bother. So seldom does an independent book do so well. (You’d have had #1 without the TV tie-in.)
We all knew the book was that good – that was never the issue. Face it – you two write excellent books. I am looking forward to many more.
Thank you for letting us read them.
Possible Covid vaccine check
Change in the White House check
More Ryder novels. Priceless
Fantastic news! Congrats on the list and I’M SO EXCITED THERE WILL BE MORE BOOKS!!!
Okay, I got that out. I’m calm now.
Not really. Off to do my happy dance.
Congratulations!!!!! Richly deserved. And two more books, there aren’t enough exclamation marks about how happy I, as card-carrying member of the BDH, am about that.
I was ready to buy multiple copies if I needed to in order to get a series continuation. So happy!
Woot! It was awesome. I loved reading how characters have grown and changed.
I am doing the Happy Happy Joy Joy dance over this. I am so excited, not just that we are getting 2 more books, but that The Book Devouring Horde showed up and and showed out, book sale wise.
Congrats Ilona and Gordon! So happy for you ????
Well done the BDH: 2 more books to know what will happen to Atlanta, Kate and family (will there be a new baby?), and more importantly between Julie/Aurelia and Derek ????
Gratz, the timing for release was perfect. The reading public needed a nice place to hide, and Julies Atlanta was perfect. Always looking forward to your next release in any and all of your pocket universes.
Congratulations and thank you guys so much for writing an incredible book ???? ❤ ????????
Could not be happier with the news we have more Julie books to come!
This year just keeps getting better.
If you ever have a spare moment, like that’s likely to happen, maybe a Roman book…or two…just suggesting.
Okay it’s more a wish than an actual suggestion…you write what you write and we all love it, but thought I could maybe plant an idea.
Incredible news! Both how popular Blood Heir is and the fact we get MORE BOOKS about Julie & Derek!! Yay!
As a loyal fan, it’s quite simple . . . you write them, we buy them & read them. 😀
2021 looking better and better. Thank you!
Hallelujah! Thank you! May you & yours all be well, happy & productive.
Have a FANtastic year!
Congratulations! We only did it, because the book was worth it. And thank you for a lovely book that you wrote for us in these super stressful times. I am grateful that there will be 2 more books in this series and will be awaiting them as patiently as possible.
So happy for you and us! ???? Congrats and thank you..looking forward to more Ryder!!
I had no doubts that BLOOD HEIR would kick ass and take names!! I am happy for you guys, you deserve to give each other a big ol pat on the back.
Thanks again for doing what ya do.
Congratulations, I have both the E Book and Print version (managed to get it here in New Zealand the day after it was released!)
Thanks and keep up the good work, supporting you all the way!
Congratulations! You deserve the recognition.
Congratulations!!! You all deserve it!!
Congratulations. Thank you, I’m so happy to read this, your books are absolutely fantastic. I admit to laughing out loud at seeing the BDH referenced in some of the Amazon reviews I read. ????????
Congratulations! I was happy to help!
Congrats, very well deserve! Can’t wait until you publish whatever in the world you want to write because, you can guarantee, I will buy and read it!
Ahh~ I’m so excited and happy at this announcement. Thank you and congratulations!
Congratulation! That’s a very incredible achievements! =D
Congratulations! And thank you for everything.
This! We may be the BDH but you all are the writers, House Andrews. We read it because you all write it so well.
As soon as I read this comment I thought – “Congratulation! And thanks for all the fish.”
But truly – what Alex said. Blood Heir was soo awesome.
Congratulations and Hooray!!!!! Thanks for letting us know!
How wonderful!! And thank you. This announcement has made a tough day brighter
Yes!! I knew everyone was I so with the KD world. We’re not ready to leave yet.
Thank you so much for writing such great characters. Waiting impatiently for news of book 2.
Thank you. Really.
ok guys, now that we got them to make it a trilogy, lets start working on making them think they want to start a diskworld like multi-series universe. we need books about ̶m̶̶o̶̶r̶̶t̶ i mean Roman, and books about the witches, the people, Erra and {spoiler}. we need to know what happened to Derrek in detail, the bouda clan and Roland so many possibilities, not enough time!
YES! And can’t forget Conlan. Kid is already a super interesting character. I think he has the makings of a male lead when he grows up.
Love the way you mind works!! A selection of Roland POV snippets from his pocket dimension would be amazing as well!!
+ 1 Couldn’t have sait it better!
Let’s not forget about “What happened to the cow?”!
I’m so happy, I’m gunna die!!!! (Imagine the little one w the unicorn in the first Despicable Me movie “It’s so fluffy, I’m gonna die!!!”)
I’m so happy for y’all bc I mean DAMN that’s a helluva accomplishment- especially with a self published work- and I’m so happy for us, the BDH, bc now we get more book!!!
Long Live House Andrews! Long Live The Hoard!!
+1. What she said. Sincerely, thank you for everything you do and everything you write.
LoL Best response ever! All I can say is: What she said!
So happy for you! Great authors with great imaginations deserve such success. Can’t wait to read Ruby Fever and whatever comes next, including Julie’s next story.
Yahoooo! So so so very happy ????
And two more books sounds very promising, the return to Atlanta was so amazing that I am glad there will be more whenever it fits your schedule.
*excited, incoherent screaming*
Trilogy! More Julie/ Ryder! More everyone! Huzzah!
*goes back to handselling the book on social media as hard as possible*
And Thank you two again.
This is the best news in this week, the fisrt than brought a smile on my face. Thank again.
Yay!! Congratulations! I know I told everybody and their mother to go read the book. I’m so glad Blood Heir was so successful, you deserve it so much!
Whoohooo! Congrats! And yaaaaaaay more books! So glad to hear there’ll be more! I want to say “I can’t wait”, but since you have other books in the lineup first, I’ll just gobble those up _while_ I wait. Whoooo!
My heart just screamed in joy!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts with us.
Thank you for sharing first Kate’s world with us and giving us Julie’s story. You all save my sanity more than you will ever know. Life is hard right now, so very hard and reading your books lets me just get away from it all for a little while.
Thank you!! I’m so excited for Julie’s story to continue! You’ve made my week! ????
I just got chills. This is amazeballs. Big fat congrats!
Well deserved! Blood Heir was an amazing book. Now if Netflix makes a KD/AR series it would be a shoe in for #1. That would be epic. But only if House Andrews had oversight. Wouldn’t want them to ruin it. Can’t wait for Ruby Fever, or anything else you publish really. I happily jump between universes with you 🙂
This is the power of writing a gift novel. You wrote BH as a gift to us during a really hard time. So thank you for giving us such a wonderful new series it is a true gift.
+ 1000
Success grown from generosity.
Thanks again!
Thank you, Thank you, Ilona and Gordon for the beginning of Julie’s story as an adult. At a time when I needed a good escapism read (Breast Cancer, My Husbands passing) getting back into the “Magic World” was a godsend. No pun intended. Your books have so much of what I seem to need right now: a great plot line, wonderful wordplay between the characters and a world far away from mine. From page one I was hooked and couldn’t stop reading except to feed and walk the dog! Now I’m so looking forward to the continuation of Hughe’s story as well (“put down the cow”??!!?).
This is so great! You are the creative genius (genii?) and we are merely the consumers but it also says something about you that this many people are so happy for you. You are talented, hardworking, thoughtful and kind.
The BDH bows down. And if you do the work on two more books, my fellow members, we damn well better deliver on the sales.
Just sayin’. The authors gotta eat.
Such good news!!!!! Hurrah!! Excited for all of it!!
Congratulations! 🙂
Congratulations????????????. The credit goes to the two of you, who kindly wrote a scene for the nurse who requested it and then expanded it for the BDH. Your master storytelling talents draw the readers in to the worlds you create. The characters cease becoming characters and are more like acquaintances, friends and family. A world the BDH can escape to for a bit where even though there are challenges there are also triumphs and ultimately a HEA.
Thank you for being the nice, caring people that you are and writing Blood Heir for your fans. I am very happy to hear there will be two more books in the series ????????????????
Yay! Happy dance, happy, happy dance. Thank you ???? I reviewed the day after release day (when I finished it after way too little sleep) and I am so glad that it did so well and that means we get more.
Congratulations guys!!! I’m so excited for this announcement and the next books in the series!
What about Hugh and Elara??? Will you be working on the next installment in Iron Covenant series? I would love, love, love to read more about Hugh and Elara!
It seems to me that you need a Netflix series as that’s your main competition.
Wish I’d love.
Congratulations the book was fun read and I’m excited for more.
This is amazing. I’m so happy for you and for us. Your success means more books for us! Blood Heir is sooooooooooo good and I look forward to Ruby Fever. Also Iron Covenant 2 and 3, something about Roman, more Innkeeper, more Blood Heir, Arabella and Leon stories. My point is while I appreciate the time lines, I am happy for whatever you write for us because you are the best authors ever. Take care of yourselves and enjoy your success. And you are right, we can’t let it go.????
Woohoo!! Congratulations!! ????????????And thank you for such a wonderful adventure with Julie!! And two more books!! ????????
Last week Blood Heir, this week a chapter from Ruby Fever – this is better than Christmas was!! (Although there was chocolate pie on Christmas…!)
I loved this book so much. Thank you for writing it FOR us… it was such a kind and thoughtful gesture on your part, and I’m glad that you have been rewarded for your genorosity with such success! I am so excited for this trilogy!
I hope Julie and Derek make it work- two wounded souls, friends always…I love it. I hope Julie gets the romance she was looking for, and I hope Derek gets a happy ending and things work out for him.
Congratulations, well deserved!
????????????????so happy lol. I was reading the free chapters online and somehow missed a few and then saw there were edits so I just bought it and it was Amazing!!! So excited to hear about more books for Julie and crossed fingers for Innkeeper.
Well deserved! Cant wait (but will)
Thank you, Ilona Andrews, for the post.
Congratulations to both of you for the fantastic story.
Regarding the requests by fellow BDH members for a Netflix thing. There is a big difference between reading a story in print and seeing a story as a movie. The only stories that I liked that I thought translated faithfully good to big screen were Marvel Avengers. Gordon will point out that is visual media to visual media. I suspect many people don’t consider the difference in type of media when they are begging for a movie from a written work.
So for me, I prefer dead trees. However, my nephews and nieces are not readers. They are literate.
Hear, hear — I love the richness of these worlds that live in my head, that sound in my ears. Transition from books to tv/movie changes so much (voices and appearance of characters, back stories, the joy of re-reading and going “aha” when you find the foreshadowing, much more). While it would be fun to see this acted out, but I think I would miss the world that is unique to my head. And what if Derek did not sound on screen the way he does in my head? This is the joy of reading.
There is probably something to be said for the “visual to visual media” — I too like the Marvel movies. However I really enjoy the created images that the Ilona Andrews storytelling (and character development) gives me.
… so, thank you again, and congratulations on the reception of this work! You (plural) deserve all the accolades.
So wonderful!!!! Thank you for all you do for us!
Oh dear my heart ❤ yes yes yes yes yes!
Congratulations on the success of the book. I had no doubts it would be an instant blockbuster! Now eagerly awaiting Ruby and more Julie. Love you guys and all your books. Shout out for more Innkeeper too pretty please
Your writing is so amazing and a gift for your readers. You guys deserve every accolade and top rank you receive!!
When some authors I like have changed publishers who changed prices because they figure it’s an automatic best-seller, I have skipped those books entirely. I like that you control it all yourselves. Most people who self-publish do so because no one else will do it, but your audience is already here, salivating for the next morsel, and I’ll tell you truthfully that if you were running off copies of your books on plain paper and sending them out in paper binders from Staples, I’d buy one. I like you for being humble enough to know that you’re only as good as your last book, but you really should understand that we know your books will all be fantastic and we’ll give you a pass if something doesn’t work out perfectly. Your worst is better than the best so many others produce that seeing you on best seller lists does not surprise me in the least. This is so far ahead of the curve on being a good book that the others can’t even see the dust of its passage in front of them.
Knowing there’s a deadline for Ruby Fever makes me happy, too. I didn’t realize it was so soon! That’s going to be so fantastic that you’ll have another runaway best seller, I’m sure. This is your due. We all appreciate you so much for all you give to us that the least we can do is read your books and love them. And, of course, tell all our friends!
“Most people who self-publish do so because no one else will do it”
That might have been the case twenty years ago, but it’s no longer true at all.
The advent of the ebook broke down all of the barriers and removed the need for gatekeepers.
Authors self-publish now because they can deliver exactly what the audience wants, *when* the audience wants it (versus two to three years later), and rather than getting a paltry 6-12% of the sale price, they get 70%.
They do it because they’re in control; they can work directly with the cover artist and depict the character exactly as they picture her, rather than being handed a cover at the last minute, seeing that your vibrant redhead who always wears leather to protect her during fights has been depicted as a blond in a linen pantsuit, and having no say in it because the publisher insists “No one will buy a book with a redhead on the cover.” (Or a cover showing a character’s face. Or a cover with a character who has dark skin.)
They do it because they can communicate directly with their fans, ask them what they want to read, and then publish that; rather than knowing the fans want it but the publisher’s literary agent insists that [insert popular genre here] is over-saturated and won’t sell, so therefore they won’t publish it.
They do it because they can finally publish a story and have full control over the rights and the characters. If they want to allow a good author friend to play in the world they’ve created, they can, no matter what publishing house “owns” that author. If they want to write a spin-off series, they can. There are no predatory publishing clauses that say the publisher owns the characters for the next fifty years and the author can’t write another story about that character without the publisher’s approval. Or “first look” clauses that give the publishers claim over anything the author writes, even if it’s in a different genre or with different characters, and prevents the author from shopping the book around to different agencies for a better deal or self-publishing it.
Self-publishing is no longer vanity publishing. It’s freedom from good stories getting lost in an agent’s massive slush pile. It’s freedom from good stories being cast aside because the agent was in a bad mood and chucked half of her submissions into the trash, saying “I don’t have time to read all of these today, and there’s another hundred submissions coming tomorrow.” It’s freedom from waiting a year and a half to see your first paycheck, then another year to see your second, and *never* being allowed to see the actual sales numbers. It’s freedom from waiting years to be paid, living hand-to-mouth in the meantime. It’s freedom from publishers making so much money off of a book they’re living high on the hog in expensive Manhattan condos while the author’s having to hold down two jobs to put groceries on the table even though their book is a NYT Bestseller.
Self-publishing is a good story finally, FINALLY getting the opportunity to be shown to the world and surviving or failing on its own merits.
Self-publishing is the future. The attitude of “you only self-publish if you can’t hack it with the big boys” is the past.
Wow! Thank you for the excellent information on self-publishing! So many details that would never occur to me as a reader, regarding publishing companies.
(Also, I agree that a linen pantsuit would be of absolutely no protection in a fight. I’d rather have the leather! And red hair – mine’s plain mouse-brown, which must be one of those genetic default colors for camouflage….)
Oh, way to go YOU! Well done, I can’t tell you how amazing it was go come back to the KD world. Two more books of this, I’m melting from happiness! Ready to preorder when you tell me. 🙂
Yay, two more books ????
Congratulations! – well deserved.
I think when you guys mentioned this may be the only book unless it sold well, we all took that challenge on and sent you guys a clear message. ????
Mission accomplished, crying happy tears there will be more books in this world. Thank you!
Thanks for the credit, but you and your team deserve the kudos. You wrote an excellent story. I enjoyed it SO much.
Looking forward to Ruby Fever
I don’t want you guys to burn out though 🙁 It started out for funsies.
Yes. That. I’ve watched other authors crash and burn to the point I may never see another story from them. If that happened to you two I would be so sad. Please take good care of yourselves.
I know its a lot more fluid, but I saw you were like 110 of all Kindle books on Amazon last week. Youa re at 180 now, which is not shabby at all. Congrats! Good to know the animals are not going to have to forage for food. 🙂
Cheee! Hot Dog! Well done! I am so happy for you both!
As for your next books, it remains, if you write it i will buy it, one a year or 10 a year.
If I were the 2 of you I would bask in the glow of success and relax a little!
Congrats again!
No, YOU did it! You consistently write amazing books, with interesting characters, great world building and wit. Who wouldn’t want to read them? Thank you for all that you do. Congrats on this amazing achievement!
That is so freaking awesome! Congratulations on the sales and Yayy for us for 2 more books.
So glad we will see more Julie and I can’t wait to find out what Derek saw when he *spoiler*
Hooray! It was such a gift to us, and we appreciated it.
Congratulations! Job well done. After reading this, now I have to go back and read all the Kate books again for like the 100th time.
Thanks again and can’t wait for the next one! No worries, the book devouring horde will wait.
Yay so excited that our book overlords will be continuing the series about Julie. Reading the book on your blog was a bright spot in my week and then when you announced that you would be releasing it I was so happy. Thank you so much!
Hehe, congratulations HA ^_^
Yaaaaaaaay! So excited for the series! So happy BLOOD HEIR is doing so well! Looking forward to RUBY FEVER! Congratulations and thank you for the wonderful worlds and characters!
I don’t think we can accept your thanks, though. It’s pure selfishness on our part… We want more books ^_^
CONGRATS!!!! It is a huge accomplishment especially for a self published book. I am excited and proud for you and can’t wait to see what the future brings.
Much love and high props for Ilona Andrews!!!! Woo-hoo!!!
Wow. Teamwork between House Andrews and the Book Devouring Horde really works well — and the reading/listening public benefits.
Heartiest congratulations on a job very well done! I look forward to doing the same for the sequels when they come out, along other books planned or already in the pipeline.
I am so happy for you as it has not been an easy year for you. Your work deserves all the positive recognition it can get. I look forward to Ruby Fever and Innkeeper and the next Julie and of course Hugh. Also thank you for the last Innkeeper, Sweep with Me. It was light and fun and feel good. The space chickens will forever be with me.
Omg! Is it Christmas again? I am so happy about this. I am glad the readers appreciated a great book. It was amazing! More BH! ❤️
I had Blood Heir on my pre-order list months ago, and will have the next two on that list when they are up for ordering. Thank you for the great quarantine read!
hoorah, hooray, oh frabjous day!
congratulations I&G, so deserved!
I’ve loved your stories ever since I saw Eloisa James on Yt raving about the latest Nevada/Rogan book & first dived in. Blood Heir now ranks as a favourite & I’ll happily wait for the continuing adventures of Julie & Derek.
mille mercis!
Maybe I missed this but who is narrator for Ryder?
Hello Sherri,
The narrator for Blood Heir is Suzanne Freeman (https://www.suzannefreemanvoice.com/), who is new to Ilona Andrews books.
I hope this helps 🙂
Thank you.
Congratulations! We love you guys!
Whoot whoot!! ???? Two more! Two more! ???? I’m going to be singing this all day ???? but seriously, it wouldn’t have been anything without your amazing world-building and storytelling skills – which is why we are such a devoted BDH!
Congratulations to you both (and yay for us – two more!!) ????
Ok IA say it with me now”peple love our books” sometimes maybe too much. Your one of the few authors that I buy straight up. Oh new book we dont know the subject…Ill buy it.
This is so cool! It’s also a great story and I’m happy-dancing around the sitting room that there’s more to come.
Congratulations on the success of your work, and thank you for it! It’s wonderful to read that the sequels will be coming.
I am on my 3rd time through, reading this. It is, as always, so high-quality in all aspects of what makes fantasy so enticing–the world, the characters, the plot. All of it.
You could write about the KD world forever and I would read them all. Forever.
Yaaaay… 2 more books. Result!!!!
Seriously, I am so ecstatic for you guys. What well deserved success for two amazing and truly kind people. I am happy for me too and, of course, the BDH.
What wonderful news all round. I feel relieved, it means so much to me.
Hurrah! Loved Blood Heir and not surprised it did so well. More of Julie please and I would love more of Dina too!
Congrats and can’t wait until the next one
I am so happy for you, and us, because we get more Julie. Squeals in delight.????????????
So very deserved! I love everything you write!
Thank you, thank you, thank you
Love all your books ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Well deserved congratulations!!!!
Congratulations to HA
For me, this is bad news. I find that I can no longer read anything with a post-apocalyptic background where civilisation is decaying. I find those sort of books, from any author, too depressing.
This is just a bit of grumbling on my part and a plea to not forget Innkeeper and Hidden Legacy.
I would defend to the end HA’s right to write whatever books they want to regardless of whether I like the results
“Omg, #5, how did this even happen?”
“Surprising, this is not.”
— Thomas “Yoda” Jefferson
Ilona Andrews, Inc. and Nancy Yost Literary Agency are pleased to announce two more novels in the instantly-bestselling Ryder series featuring Julie Lennart returning to the magic ravaged world of Kate Daniels’ Atlanta to stop an ancient enemy who threatens people she loves most.
Wait, wut…Julie Lennart?
Hello Kamchak,
Julie has been a Lennart since Magic Tests, which takes place straight after Magic Slays.
“Technically my name was now Julie Lennart-Daniels-Olsen, which was silly. If Kate and Curran got married, I’d be down to Lennart-Olsen. Until then, I decided Olsen was good enough.” Andrews, Ilona. Small Magics. Location 103, Magic Tests. NYLA Publishing 2019. Kindle Edition.
I hope this helps :).
Yes, I understand this as I have been a fan since I was introduced to their work beginning with a short piece (Alpha Origins which was sooooooo disturbing on soooooooo many levels, but I was also impressed and I just had to get me more of that so I read Magic Bites and was immediately addicted) in a larger anthology series, but this project from the jump had the Aurelia Ryder label.
I always loved the Julie character (TEAM DEREK FOR THE WIN!), and I couldn’t understand some readers’ disdain for her shown on the blog.
My hat’s ???? off to you, ModeratoR, for patiently answering questions (even when they’ve previously been asked and answered)! I especially appreciate the times when you respond with citations — that takes extra effort and mastery of the subject (or a good search engine ????).
Congratulations!! You both deserve it. Thank you for working during these extraordinary times to bring all of us some joy in our lives. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to anything you write. Enjoy the success and take care. I am looking forward to Ruby Fever????????
Yay! Congratulations on your success! Very happy for you!
Blood Heir is fabulous, so glad to see how the characters have grown (or not),I truly hope to see more in the future, but if not I will enjoy the re-reading of all my books. Thank you Ilona and Gordon for the safe place you give our minds…and here is to the future ????
*snoopy dance*
Yayyyy so happy for you House Andrews and so happy for MORE RYDER!
I really needed this wonderful book at this time in this new world of pandemic. Thank you for writing it and thank you for the two books to come. Kate Curran Julie Maud Dina Arland Sean Rose George Lark Helen and Jack helped me to survive insanity this past year. Love you two to bits.
Congratulations too!
Whoo hoo! Congratulations! You very generously say this success is due to your readers, but actually it’s all down to you both. We’re mad book devouring fans because you consistently write stories that are compelling, exciting and full of characters we can love (and hate)! There is nothing you have written which I haven’t thoroughly enjoyed and trying to decide on my favourite series by you both sends me into an endless loop. Thank you for being masters of your craft and so generous and giving to your readers!
The Horde has spoken! Congratulations! Your writing is soooooo great that it’s the reason why we buy, buy and buy. ????????????
Well done. This book and you two so deserve this!
OMG!!! Congratulations! I am so happy about these announcements, woohoo!!
Reading the series rough drafts in the pandemic was cathartic for us and I’m so please to see Julie’s story. Congrats!
Yea!!!!! So excited Julie/Aurelia’s story arc will be a series. Blood Heir was amazing and I can’t wait for the next! Congrats on making NYT Bestsellers List.
I am so happy for you both. Blood Heir was an amazing book (naturally I’ve already read it twice) I will read anything you publish. Innkeeper, more of the Baylor family, a Roman book, a Julie book, more Alphas (the short story was awesome), ANYTHING.
How about a short story to cover Maud’s wedding? That would be awesome.
Wow! Congratulations!! This feels historic somehow, or maybe I just have that phrase on my mind. How high has any other self-published book gotten on these charts? In any case, I certainly enjoyed it and your success is very deserved.
I’m so excited for you guys! Absolutely well deserved!
Oh, oh oh my. You have made many, many fans so happy. Thank you!!
Well deserved! And such good new on the trilogy.
I do enjoy a trilogy ☺️
For all the sweat, time, cussing, aggravation, and tears you guys put into your work, please always remember there are lots of those who appreciate your work.
1st: The writing makes or breaks a story. You captivated us years ago with the “Broken/Edge” series & those first “Kate Daniels” novels. Once an author has impressed me, I just buy whatever s/he puts out. Some authors have degraded a bit in quality after 10+ books, but y’all stay firm.
2nd: I needed an escapist novel that wasn’t about zombies, racism, a pandemic, race to survive some dypstopian nightmare, refugees, politics, etc… “Blood Heir” may have touched on those subjects but didn’t feel like I was reading hourly news updates.
3rd: We (the readers) knew if we bought enough books, y’all would feel obligated to continue the story.
Strategy was successful. Objective achieved.
Woohoo! *Happydance*
Well deserved
YAY!!! Thank you for everything. I’ve enjoyed your books for years, you deserve all the credit for spilling this out of your overworked brains.
I thought this was one of your best and that is saying a lot. Does this mean you are delaying or dropping Iron Covenant 2? I know you were having trouble with it, so I would understand. I would very much like more Innkeeper books too.
A month or so back, I seem to recall they said they were picking up Iron Covenant 2 again and it might come out this year – they didn’t publish it last year because it was too grim for 2020, which was (God knows) grim enough in its own right.
Enjoyed the book and glad it did well but hope next book in innkeeper series stays on track. Maude’s book was fabulous and can’t wait to see more of that universe
Woot woot congrats guys
Congratulations! Best news ever!!
BDH for the win!!!!
Amazing power of readers pushing excellent authors onward and upward, go US!
Congrats! It’s well deserved and thank you for putting this together in record time. It was a great bright spot to kick off a new year!
YEA! I actually bought both the online AND a physical copy as I really want a sequel!!!!!
Thank you and congratulations. You always deliver and I will always buy.
WOOO HOOO ! Congratulations! So happy for your successful launch! Here’s to more to come!
Congratulations! Your success is because you are awesome writers!
It doesn’t matter what you write next, it’s all great!
yes! Yes! YES! ????
Congratulation and chiiiiiiiii! Looking forward to Ruby Fever and more Ryder, but don’t forget to rest and make time for self-care!
Congratulations to you both!!! A well deserved, wonderful result!!
I’m so happy for you and for us, as we get more books. Please take care of yourselves and write whatever you feel like writing as you know we’ll buy whatever you do!!!
I always enjoy whatever you put out, so I’m not picky—though I do admittedly want to see where you’re headed with some plot threads.
Just as a question to toss out there for whenever is convenient for you to answer: Assuming you end up in a good headspace for working on the Iron Covenant series, would Iron Covenant titles come between entries in Blood Heir, is it being abandoned, or is it postponed indefinitely?
Thanks! Take care of yourselves!
Ahh congrats!!! You guys deserve everything ❤️ The power of the BDH hehe
So happy for your success! A thousand thanks for writing Julie’s story and a thousand more for making it a trilogy.
This makes me so happy I could cry. I LOVE Derek and Julie/Aurelia and I am so very excited that you will be continuing their story. Thank you thank you thank you!
Cream rises to the top.
It was a great book and you guys are amazing authors. I’m not surprised. I love all your books.
AAAAAAAA! Amazing! We love you!
Yayyy!!! Congratulations~ I’m so happy to be looking forward to more Julie (& all the kiddos!) in the future :’), and Ruby Fever (especially after the most recent snippet!)
OMG! That is fantastic news! I am proud to be part of the Book Devouring Horde! (We so need T-shirts!!)
Congratulations on the success and you have to know that we love your books because they are SO FREAKING GOOD!
You two are the amazing and wonderful ones! We, the BDH, are merely living up to our (collective) name.
Yayyyyyyy!!! So happy to hear we have more coming!! I gifted two copies of this book too!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations ????. I knew it was going to be a success…u can’t quit once you start a IA book, I started with Magic bites 6 years ago and went through everything you ever posted. Reading your work brings me such joy I knew it did the same for others. I’m really looking forward to BH # 2 and Ruby Fever ????
Love the book! Love it even more since I know more are coming…
I hate to bother you but – When will print be available in Canada? I’m old school and waited anxiously at Indigo to buy the print to add to my “will read again and again till the end of the world” collection. I will not geek out on you, you’re busy, but hope to hear back…????????????????
Hey Elisa,
The paperback version of Blood Heir is already available for order in Canada, for example:
https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/1641971657/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr= or
I hope this helps.
WE DID IT! The success that it brings you, our favorite authors, is to me even sweeter than the book itself, because you deserve it so much. And then we have more books, so we win in the end.
Thank-you so much. I think since it is a continuation of a very famous series also helps. Your generosity and compassion paid off????
Congratulations!!???? and Yay!!
If I may wax philosophical for a moment, you gifted us with Blood Heir during a time when people were isolated from the “normal” human contact they were used to. You gave us the joy of “story”, you gave us something to share and to be “together” for and that was amazing. So not only do people want Blood Heir because it’s an awesome book, but because it was our light and our link during a time of darkness and disconnection.
Thank you House Andrews, and bring on Ruby Fever and all the rest.
That’s awesome. You both are the best!
How Sweet it is!!!!!!
Yay!!! So happy and excited and I LOVED blood heir! This has made my day 🙂
Had to make sure we got more. So stoked it worked.
Congrats to you guys!!!! And two more books?!?! Yay for us!!!
Congratulations. This book also stands on the shoulders of all your other works. We read those. They were excellent. They build our confidence that you, as authors, will deliver excellent work. And now many people know that you do.
Oh I’m so happy for you all! Your books are an absolute treat to read and I find myself returning to them over and over again (especially during the pandemic). It’s so wonderful to hear about how successful and well received Blood Heir has been (and selfishly, that there will be another two books eventually)!
Squee! This has been a crap week at work. And you have been a huge bright spot two days of it. Thank you House Andrews for being awesomely you!
Congratulations! This is so very well deserved.
YASSSS!!! Congratulations!!!
And I can’t wait to see some Derek and Julie fire. 🙂 And was soooo happy to be back in the middle of Pack Politics. Yes, we just all couldn’t wait to be back in the Kate Daniels world and their side characters we missed reading about.
Yaaaasss, THIS! I feel so happy and I think part of it is, as a fan, I almost feel like I share a bit in this happiness. I mean, I told everyone about the book – friends, family, co-workers. And when I said, “It’s a spin-off series.” They of course asked, “Of what?” which led to some reading the Kate Daniels series first. Two for one!
Can I just say that I’ve never checked other author’s blogs like a crazy stalker? I usually just check the release schedule and pre-order books of known series. But for IA? Oh no! Check blog, check release schedule, watch entire HOUR of author chat, read reviews to see others’ theories, etc. I’m emotionally invested 🙂
Thank you so much for the wonderful update and I’m so happy the book did well.
I am ready to pre-order as soon as they’re available!! HURRAYYY!!!
Yay!!!! So excited for more
So much love for you guys. I’ve been here since Kate #2 (“Rocks fall. Everyone dies.” still cracks me up) and it’s been a wonderful journey. Keep writing what interests you, and we will keep reading it 🙂
YESYESYES. Although I am not surprised at the success. Such an awesome book. I can’t wait for more. Maybe self-publishing is the way to go since this was so successful.
Now anxiously waiting to read more about Hugh!!!! And I love the idea of a Roman book.
I couldn’t wait for the Audible, I’m using my iPhone Accessibility-> Spoken Content feature to read the Kindle book to me. It’s not great, but it works and I’m really LOVING Blood Heir!
Congratulations Ilona Andrews, Inc!!
So happy to hear this. I actually teared up about the trilogy plan. The news gets better every day! OK, not a high bar lately, but still. Thank you for this.
Wow! Congratulations!!!! And Awesome! TWO MORE BOOKS!!!
This is a classic case of good Karma coming around to bite you in the rear end. You started this as a gift to the BDH, and it’s turned into an instant bestseller that lets you reap the rewards. You gift is giving back to you, which in turn gifts us, the BDH, with more books, which is really all we want.
What happened to Julie and Derek? Did I miss a book somewhere along the way? I sure hope to see more of them (together) in the future!
oops, not clear enough…..where did the aqua come from? What about his journey to Alaska?
Hey Jill,
You will have to read the next books to find out 😉
My week has suddenly been improved with this information.
Thank You
It’s very fitting that a story you started as an act of kindness to help people cope with the pandemic would be a bestseller! Congratulations. The rankings are very much deserved. BH is a great story filled with wonderful characters—some new and some that are old friends that have been very much missed by the BDH. The announcement of two more Ryder books is great. Thank you.
You always worry that books will fail. And they keep achieving. Stop worrying!
Congratulations! I’m so happy! I was focusing so intently on reading this post I didn’t realize I was pouring duck sauce all over my lap! Best news ever!
Yaaaaay!!!!!! Yay for you guys, yay for the fans, yay for Julie, just so many yays for all!
Because I’m too tired to type: ????????????????????, ????????????????, ????????????????
YES YES YES YES YESYESYESYESYES!!!! Congratulations to you both! And congratulations to US because now we get MORE BOOOOOOOKS!!!!
Definitely will be waiting for more.
Though I love all your books, so will be happy with which ever series your muse let’s you write and publish first.
Sucks to be the assholes who almost abused you out of ever writing Julie’s story, eh?
Seriously happy for you guys – you deserved this, and I’m so glad you took the chance on writing Blood Heir. Looks like 2021 is going to be a shiny year for the BDH!
I’m so happy for the great response! I was hoping it would do well because I just love everything you guys write. I read a wide variety of authors and genres, but you’re the only author that I pre-order without knowing what you’re writing about. I just know your book will deserve a place in my home library. Congratulations!
Congratulations, looking forward to visiting the KD world again with Julie as a lead character.
Can I get a “WHOOT! WHOOT!”
Happy dancing while I say, “Congratulations!” ????
Question: where is the best place to buy your books that gets you the best returns for revenue/publicity?
I’ve been buying my books through Amazon, but if there’s a better place to buy them from that’s better for you would you post them please?
Hello Heather
This has been somewhat covered previously here https://ilona-andrews.com/2019/best-strategy-to-support-a-new-book/
The take away message was: “I am not going to prescribe to the readers how to buy our books. If you buy in paper, thank you. If you buy it in ebook, thank you. If you borrow it from the library, thank you. We want you to buy it in the most convenient and easiest way for you. Just don’t pirate them. That’s all we ask.” 🙂
Gotcha. Buy it somewhere. Anywhere. Don’t pirate. As someone who works in the video game industry I completely hear you about that.
And thank you for the book!
It was wonderful! Y’all deserve it so much.
So I’m guessing no big 5 {or 4, 3 however many there are now} contracts for a while?
???? Yay!! ????
Although most of the BDH would read grocery lists from House Andrews.
We would. Yes. I’ve looked at the tea cake on Instagram like 20 times this week. Anything. Anything to consume. Devouuurrr
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you guys, as well as myself because in this post you have simultaneously confirmed that we will have a chance of finding out Maude’s kill count at some point as well as assuring us there will be more to the Blood Heir series!!
So absolutely thrilled! This is the best torture ever!
I’m going to fan girl here so hard, but oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so beeping excited for you guys, and for us!!! Do you know why this happened? Because you guys write phenomenal stories. Like really, there are other authors out there, but you two are in a league of your own. i’ve search the web high and low for anyone who even resembles your style, world building and so on, and I can’t find them. I have other favorite authors, but you two top my list every single time because you’re just that amazing!
No lie, I was reading these stats like they were mine and I actually accomplished something! I’m so excited for you guys that the book has sold so well. I am super stoked as a proud member of the BDH that we get more Julie and Derek. I swear this just made my week!!! OK, I’m done here, but not in my head. Off to mentally celebrate!
I am DECEASED. Rolling around slobbering mad. 2 more books!!? I can’t. This isn’t real. You might make me cry.
We love you!!!
Well deserved success for you both, and reiterating what everyone else has said will read anything you write – maybe not your grocery list, familiarity and all that.
But the snippets of your week just show what fantastic and entertaining writers you both are. Love your generosity.
Don’t care how long it takes, don’t care what universe it’s about, will read the next book with glee and a massive re-read of all IA books in anticipation. SQUEEEEEEE
Take care over there – stay away from the crazies and the non-mask wearing conspiracy theorists….. Just take care.
Yaaaaaayyyyy! That is so awesome. Thank you for the wonderful characters and stories. I’m thrilled with the success of the book and delighted there will be more. Congratulations on your success!
It’s all because we ❤️ you.
Just kidding, it’s because the book was awesome.
So happy for you guys that BLOOD HEIR did well.
And so excited for us that we will get more of the Ryder series. You two completely wet our appetite. Well done and thank you ????
Congrats! And thank you for writing such a good book. I hope the nurse who requested the original story is doing well, wherever you are <3
I was laid off this summer the day before my birthday. My thoughts, in order:
1. Oh thank the gods and pass the severance check. (It was a really bad fit)
2. Job hunting in this economy during a pandemic as a high risk person is going to be rough.
3. But hey! I don't have to spend a vacation day to take the day off to read Emerald Blaze!
Thanks for always providing a welcome escape 🙂
That is wonderful news! I preorder all of your books. I’m also really looking forward to Ruby Fever – I’ve read and re-read all of the Hidden Legacy books.
Omg omg omg. That’s as close as I get to a squeeee. Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you both! And so happy for all of us who love your stories!
Waiting impatiently now for both the audiobook and also Ruby Fever (love, love the Baylor family). And pretty much anything else you want to write. But I’m also putting in my plug for Innkeeper. First intro to you and still first love. I just sorta feel like they’ve been left hanging. This is not a complaint! I know the series is not your bread and butter, promise.
And please don’t neglect yourselves in all this. Stay happy, healthy and take breaks to recharge, please. Your books and blog are such a bright spot for so many.
So! When is audio coming out?
Congratulations. This is wonderful news.
lol. too funny.
Darn I forgot to ask. Is it still possible to get a book plate if I order a paper copy? If not, no worries. Thanks!
Hi njb,
I would check directly with the independent bookstores which are offering them.
Their contact details are:
erin@bookswithapast.com or
staff@bluewillowbookshop.com or
Also, Whoo Hoo!!! At least two more books in the Ryder series!!!
See what I did there? As a proud member of the BDH, I’m always angling for MORE books! 🙂
In all seriousness, this is just excellent news and you both deserve every bit of success you get!
I’m doing a reread (well, re-listen) of the entire Edge series. I have been away from it for awhile (I have to pace myself or I will ruin my favorite books) and I am enjoying these great books again just as much as I did when I first read them years ago. I am on book 3 and I have read the entire series at least six times. So, thank you again. You have given me thousands of hours (quite literally) of entertainment.
“Against all expectations”
Seriously? Whose expectations are we talking about, because I’m pretty sure there are a boatload of us who expected this exact thing!
Congratulations! I’m absolutely thrilled for you! (And for us because we get more books.????)
CONGRATULATIONS! ????????????????
Confirmed news of 2 more books:
HAPPY DANCE!????????????????????
I will now try to remain calm…….
NOPE – TOO HAPPY!!!????????????????
Thank YOU and your team for bringing us the worlds of your imagination and sharing them with us. Supporting you as writers is something I will always do, and be happy doing it!
I have to say… This piece of news almost made me cry. I’m so happy, and I’ll be waiting in line to get the next ones. Kate Daniels’ is my favorite series and I can’t get enough of that world.
Congratulations on such great sales! Never underestimate the BDH!
And SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! We are getting more Julie!!!!!!!
A hydra has been born. I would love to read the continuing story of any of the characters in the KD universe… or the Kinsmen universe… or Hidden Legacy…or the Edge…. and, of course, the Innkeeper Series. Basically, anything you guys write, I will joyfully read…probably in a single day, as with BH.
Congratulations and thank you! Your imagination is a beautiful place!
Hail Hydra!
???? thanks for the peek into your sense of humor Mod R
I learned it all from Gordon ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/2018/on-gordon-andrews-wittiness-of/
Yeeeeeesssssssssss! More Julie! More Derek! Best day ever! Except for all the days when other books have been released, or snippets have been released, or new posts to the blog, or days I reread anything by Ilona Andrews. ????
You brought us light in a dark time, you deserve this!
I lost a lot of my faith in humanity between our government and the pandemic. You helped to restore a little bit of that by helping us through the rough spots with your writing.
Thanks again!
Yay congratulations! You guys deserve the success and recognition for your hard work!
Congrats! I hope more readers are discovering ALL your books.
OMG. the BDH will be ridiculous now. We want, please write it, we’ll make it a best seller 🙂 OMG woo hoo
Now, questions, rereading Blood Heir (love love love) but don’t know it you set this up but….
“Roland wasn’t bored in his prison – he was far too brilliant for that – but he planned to get out, and Conlan and I were his link to the outside world. ”
Its like you are setting up a future where Conlan has to fight Grampa, what a great book (series) that would be 🙂
always hopeful
Yes, we CAN’T let Kate Daniels World go, we love it too much
Congratulations !!! And thank you !!!
It wouldn’t be this successful without your writing prowess ♡♡♡.
Very well done and a well-earned success.
But please don’t forget about Hugh and Elara.
At about page 88 (ebook version) “there was only one way for Sophia to exist, and that way was very illegal. Barabas knew that better than anyone. What did you and Christopher do, and how in the world did you get away with it?”
thats why we, the BHD, keep asking questions about Sophia. No mention about adoption (except in the live skype) so who are her parents???
Hello Kyle,
The question is addressed here https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/answers-to-blood-heir-burning-questions/. If you turn a bit sleuthy in the comment section of that article, you’ll see Gordon provided some further insight too 😉
I hope this helps.
To put it like an anime fangirl: “Kyaaaaaaaa”! ????
I’m so happy for you!
In my humble opinion your words are always worth reading.. (and they bring my heart a lot of joy)..so your success’s well deserved!
Loved the book and I understand now how much work must have gone into the re-written samples you had released. It worked really well.
Congratulations again and can’t wait for your next book (from any series!).
I agree wholeheartedly.
+1 = I agree! Congratulations again!
Oh that’s fantastic, a big congratulations to you and so happy we are getting more of Julie, made my day. Thankyou
Love the book! Love it even more since I know more are coming…
But, a request? Could we have an update of the post-Shift map of Atlanta?
This is amazing news. So happy, both for you and for us (cause we get more Ryder books yaay).
The Horde can now stop chanting “More more more” outside your window.
I don’t think we will ever stop chanting “more, more, more!”. Their books are addictive and we NEED THE NEXT FIX. We need AA meetings. (Andrews Anonymous)
Congratulations on the amazing results. You guys Rock!
Although AA (Andrew’s anonymous) sounds great I really don’t want to get over this addiction
Lol agree… but AA and AL may say that we need help as a group…but maybe that help is emersion therapy ????
Hahaha! Love this comment!!! I definitely need Andrews Anonymous right now! Their books pull you into alternative universes and help you to re-examine your own universe. Please keep writing, Ilona and Gordon! After all, your books make great presents for my friends and family!
“Omg, #5, how did this even happen?”
Uh, because you guys are amazing.
And thank you. 🙂
I‘m so happy right now ????
I bought Blood Heir in print for my “keepers” bookshelf and an an ebook for ease of reading for myself. (I justify buying both formats for myself with the refrain, “Just in case there is a major solar EMP. LOL) I also bought a print copy for my daughter. This was the first of your books that she has read. Working in cardiac health care, she has spread the news about Blood Heir to the other nurses, introducing them to your worlds. Now that she is hooked, she has started on your Kate Daniels series. They are loving your books – hooray for new members reading about the worlds created by team Ilona Andrews.
THANK YOU for writing the book. The snippets you released on this blog helped get me through the dark beginnings of this pandemic. When I didn’t know what the next week would bring or if I could adjust to working from home, I had those snippets. Buying blood heir was the very least I could do. It was great to read in one night. I needed to know if Derek knew that Aurelia was Julie all along. So thank you! I hope you get some sense of how much your work means to us. Art in all of its forms is magic. It does so much to help us, simple humans.
I don’t know why the surprise. Every year you two have better sales than in the previous year. I, myself, have turned at least five people on to your work. You are consistently excellent, and I feel you genuinely care about your readers – unlike some other bestselling authors. I love all your series to the point it is hard to pick a favorite. I was not a huge fan of the previous Julie, but now I adore her. Congratulations on another deep, engrossing, captivating read. I don’t think we did it as much as your excellent talent did it.
The Julie before was a teenager. Perfectly believable teenager, and smart and competent as well. I adored her then, too.
Derek was pretty cool, too – though if she called him 400 different kinds of dimwit/moron/idiot, that was true as well. The reasons for his thickheadedness were laid out in several different places, so it’s understandable – but I do hope he remembers that he did, after all, make this mess for himself and really needs to clean it up.
Congratulations! ????????????????????????????????
Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you! 😀
Congratulations. Read the book. Enjoyed it. Looking forward to listening to the audible version. Who will be the reader?
Hello Wilbur,
The audio narrator for Blood Heir is Suzanne Freeman, https://www.suzannefreemanvoice.com/
I hope this helps ????
Your blog and books have been such a welcome pocket of escape, especially this/last year.
So glad to hear Blood Heir was an ‘instant’ bestseller and the Ryder series will be continuing.
Really enjoyed following along on the blog and will continue to follow and support.
Thank you for letting us into your worlds.
Wishing everyone good health and good luck for the year ahead.
And ZOOM which allowed us to hear and see our favorite authors at home, from home, without the stress of travel, and we have video to replay answers to our most burning questions about our favorite KD universe, while keeping everybody safe and warm cuddled up with your book and our imagination in winter……the BDH thanks you, and so do I, a proud member of BDH anonymous.
Everything you write is amazing IA (you will always be the original authorlords to me). Your words and your worlds are a special kind of mind therapy that allows us to escape and imagine more. Thank you for sustaining the BDH with your words in what had been an otherwise terrible year beyond our control for lots of us.
Please also take time to care of yourselves and rest, and your BDH will be here for all the next chapters yet to be written in your amazing worlds. The BDH will be here.
PS: Blood heir also made a great post-christmas/new year/ pre-inauguration/ gift . It was near to impossible to scrub our brains to forget initially, but the published book was well worth the wait and suspense.
And most of all, having your blog and the BDH online community was the other best thing about finding you and your books and I would not trade for anything.
Fantastic: Julie is one of my favorite characters. I’m looking forward to the next book in the series. I’m also looking forward to Ruby Fever. I’d probably buy your grocery list if it were for sale…
No, YOU guys did it. You created this unforgettable world, and the people (not to mention other creatures) in it that we care so much about. We, the Book Devouring Horde, just tagged along for the ride. And what a ride it is!!! Seriously, thank you for being awesome.
Congratulations! ???????????????????????? I’m thrilled beyond words that there will be more Julie and Derek!
May the two remaining books in the series flow effortlessly from your brains to your keyboards . . . and to our hands. ????
Congratulations! Blood Heir is an amazing book and I enjoyed every moment reading it. I am joyfully anticipating not only reading more about Aurelia sometime in the future, but also, every book that will be launched this year!
Congratulations! You both deserve this amazing achievement. I got goosebumps reading the news (a lil bit sensitive right now). Blood Heir was amazing, it gave me a hard case of book-hangover and I have to reread the whole Kate Daniels series again. I love you both and take your time and just thank you for the great and amazing works you did, it was a blessing to be able to dive into the book and take a breath from the world.
Congratulations!! This is awesome. As a member of the BDH I loved the new book. Hopefully you can use the money you saved self publishing to get a third 5 gallon box of yarn. This book started out in the best way as a gift to fans during a horrible year. The great thoughts and intentions were appreciated by your readers. Thank you for writing this book.
Yay! And congrats.
Great book, characters and story occasionally get through the noise to sales. 🙂
Congrats, stay happy and healthy!
I saw on Wall Street Journal…Blood Heir was number 1 for fiction Bestselling Books Week Ended January 16 via my apple news
Also 5th on the New York Times Best sellers list for January 31st 2021
Congratulations! I’m thrilled for you guys and in love with the new series!
Yee hah! Two more books!!! I’m doing the happy dance!
Hells yes. I am in!
YES!!!! And congratulations!
I enjoy all your books but had really been looking forward to this one and it didn’t disappoint. And to know two more are coming is really awesome. Thanks!
Congratulations. You both deserve this success, and more. I checked out the reviews on Amazon, and you have over 3,300 listed. I think that is one of the highest, if not the highest, listed number of reviews of one of your books.
So, very happy you are doing two more Blood Heir books. Hopefully, we will see an Arabella trilogy, and more of Maud and Arland. I am sure this sentence alone will drive you crazy, because there will be a lot more people putting in their two cents worth on books they would like to see. Peace and Blessings to both of you and your Family at House Andrews.
Received my “hard” copy today with bookmark! I’m in awe of the bookstore’s packing skills.
Whoot! Congrats from this member of the BDH who did her fair share of speaking! I am so happy for you guys! ????
I love this, bravo!
WOOT!! Well deserved recognition. Great news about continuing the Julie story! Love the hint of things to come as well. On another note, how are your hands? BDH will survive if you take more time between books to keep you pain free. I know publishing is how you bring home the bacon, I just hope we aren’t putting you under too much pressure. (We can get a little greedy.)
Sincerely, congratulations on a job well done and getting awesome recognition for it.
I am crying. This is the best news. Yay guys we did it ! :)))
Congratulations!!! I hope you are rightly proud of your self-publishing accomplishment and can take some time to enjoy it!
The power of the BDH… first Hugh and now Julie… watch out! ???? We’ll never stop being greedy for your books because… YOU BOTH ARE JUST THAT GOOD! Thank you!
I hate to disagree, but *you* did it. All we did was appreciate quality when we saw it. (And having the serialization of BH 1.0 didn’t hurt!)
Yay!! This is such great news!! Blood Heir is a fantastic book and story and I’m so happy for your success!
The books success had very little to do with your rabid fans and a ton to do with just how good you two are at creating an incredibly good story. The main reason why I love all your books so much is how good you two are at the male/female dynamic. all to often other authors tell ridiculous stories about it and totally ruin the realism for me.
This is wonderful news! So happy for you and us. I thought the book was absolutely beautiful, it was like a love letter to the fans. Thank you for deciding to continue with the series, I cannot wait.
It was so wonderful to see the placement of Blood Heir. You and Gordon are such wonderful writers and we fans are always there for your books of any series. Thank you so very much!
I’m so happy for you and glad that this book sold so phenomenally!
I haven’t realised until Blood Heir how much I missed the KD World and now I’m rereading the whole series! I’m already on book 2 again! It’s so much blood and gore, and all the fighting! Oh my! But I love it and I can’t wait for the next book. GO Julie! There is so much Kate in her but she also so much her own person. The ambition and her relationship with her magic. Kate always had to hide it and didn’t have a teacher to learn about her full potential, but Julie had this whole education and it’s fascinating to get a look at that!
Of course there is Derek and of course he knew from the start that it was Julie. Because he knows the way she rides. Priceless!
And I could go on. Reading blood heir was like visiting with an old dear friend, like coming home.
So pleased with this news, thank you.
Sometimes I think us readers get so tied up in the stories we forget you guys have to earn a living from said books and sales should really be the deciding factor, or a very strong one in deciding how far a series goes.
The only downside for me is now accepting Innkeeper plans (if any) might get pushed 😛
Congratulations!!! And we are waiting for the next books with bated breath!!!
Hooray for Blood Heir! Hooray for the future of this delicious series!
Your books are selling well because they’re well written and very entertaining. You guys rock!
You deserve it: you deserve all the success!!!!
Amazing writing, and very deeply appreciated.
Thank you very much.
Thank you ❤❤❤
Happy New Year!
I noticed how it was a New Year’s gift. 🙂
We celebrate New Year’s twice.
I also saw, and appreciated, that this book was shining like a light at the end of the holiday season … a “source of cheer” after the family celebrations wrapped up … and, as always,
an inspiration for resilience.
Thank you!
Nice job boss(es)
Thank you for the consistently superior quality of your books. They are a homogeneous mix of humor, action, believable imagination, and heart touching love (familial and romantic) I look forward to every release. Thank you for not rushing and sacrificing quality.
OOooooh! Congratulations!
Here’s hoping new readers will snap up the entire Kate series, too. (Hey, it could happen.)
Love you guys, thanks for the great new and congrats on the success of Blood Heir
Congratulations to you both on all book lists. Blood Heir was great and I enjoyed the journey and look forward to anything you two write. Thanks, too, for the reference to the Leverage TV series. I’m loving it.
I am so excited about how well this book is doing and for the next two books. I hope that self-publishing means that you’re getting a much bigger cut of the profits from this book.
I pre-order every book and buy every Audible copy. You guys have taken over as my “Favorite” authors.
Yippee! You guys deserve it. Julie deserves it. Derek deserves it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so glad you have decided to continue the series. Thank you so much for the best entertainment available. Sending safe energy hugs.
Thank you! Everything about 2020 was hard, but having this to look forward to was beyond uplifting.
Well deserved congratulations!!!
Joy, joy, joy!!! Congratulations to you, Ilona and Gordon! You did it and brought all of us along for the ride. Your announcements on the book’s success and the future two arc series are the cherry on the cake of this week. Thank you so much!
Woot! Congrats
Your print sales would probably be even higher if we could have gotten it on the Canadian side of the border.
With the border closed the option of running over to the USA to buy it was eliminated, and it has just now popped up on Amazon.ca. It is still not available at the bookstores.
I always buy your books in both e-book format and print version. As far as I know, this is the first book you’ve published that has not been available to Canadians in print version.
Hello Judy,
The paperback version of Blood Heir has been available for preorder on Amazon Canada since the 2nd of January. It is also available at Book Depository https://www.bookdepository.com/Blood-Heir-Ilona-Andrews/9781641971652?ref=grid-view&qid=1611302207793&sr=1-18 and Bookshop https://bookshop.org/books/blood-heir-9781641971652/9781641971652 .
The links can be found here https://ilona-andrews.com/featured-release/.
I hope this helps 🙂
Thank you.
More Julie, Erra and Kate, Yay ????
You are fantastic writers who create three dimensional characters and believable worlds. We care about your characters. You never disappoint. Congratulations and keep writing.
Congratulations I have been a huge fan for years. I’m so excited for what is to come and I don’t care how long it takes.
Any chance you might need an experienced journalist and editor who simply loves your books to do press releases and those announcements so you don’t have to? ????????????
I’m so happy for you! And for me, because moar bookssss!!!! My husband is sleeping, but I’m screaming on the inside!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!
Congratulations! Well deserved!
Congratulations!! I am so glad that something wonderful came out of Covid. It truly was a big highlight in those dark early days. Y’all deserve all the praise.
Awesome news. Well deserved platings on the book lists. Congratulations ????
I am so emotional today that this somehow brought me to tears.
I’m so happy and dare I say proud of you guys.
Also, where do I sign to become an oficial member of The Book Devouring Horde?
Same here – tears. No idea why.
If you write it, we will come…
You deserve it and thanks for the hope that there will be more.
Stay safe and well!!!
I think when you first put out the blur that you were self-publishing and you wanted everyone to kind of come together and help you guys make this a success I bought the book on Kindle. Don’t ask me how I forgot about it but I did. What a happy accident the other day I went into my Kindle, which line do I never use because I’m always in my overdrive media app, and lo and behold there is my book. Can I tell you how excited I was? Omigod I did a happy dance and I’m disabled so that’s a real feet for me. I’m in the process of reading it and I’m loving it. The little Snippets and free book that you put out at the beginning we’re nothing in comparison to this. There is nothing that compares to the polished edited pretty pretty Edition that goes out. This has made me rethink going back and getting the books that you have previously given us as free fiction for The Innkeeper series. I’m definitely going to have to purchase those now because I realize that in reading the free versions I missed a great deal. Thank you guys for sharing your gift with us. Thank you for your wonderful blog which always entertains me. Literally I get excited every morning when I see the email in there that has an update to your blog.
Yay! And congratulations! You guys deserve it! Can’t wait for the next book (after Ruby Fever , of course). It would be a sad day indeed if team Andrew ever decided to quit writing. Trying to wait patiently for the audio version of Blood Heir. Love you guys!
This post gave me the goosebumps! Love this so much and can’t wait to read the rest of Julie’s story!! Congrats to you both! ????????????????
OMG Congratulations!!!!! I am so happy to be one of the people that modestly contributed to this success by buying the book 🙂 The Kate Daniels world is one of my favourites and I hope for many more than 3 books in this new series, but I am so happy to hear there will be two more!
I have to say, reading your blog posts for the past few months has made me even more committed to buying your books. I loved the books, but now I also really respect and appreciate you as people. And it all started with reading the Ryder series on the blog! Thank you thank you this was an amazing thing you did for us during the Covid times and I will support you forever 😀 Definitely buying Ruby Fever when it comes out as well! Here’s to another record!!!!!
The BDH may have spoken, but it’s because Team Andrews has built a mythos with fantastic world building, great characters, and action that just draws us in. We love these stories so much. So thank you.
I can’t wait for more. There’s more coming! WOOHOO!
On a side note, this should be proof not to let the naysayers (like the Julie bashers) make you doubt your own story telling and instincts. ????
Betcha the big publisher is wishing they didn’t pass on more KD world novels, that weren’t KD. ????
Woo Hoo! So happy about the great launch and about the future of Julie’s story.
And this result reinforces my strategy of buying TWO copies of all of your books. I have a dead trees copy in my chair that I ordered from Malaprop’s Bookstore in Asheville. And I have the ebook from Amazon. *happy sigh*
THANKS SO MUCH for all the wonderful books you write for the BDH. OK, and for other folks, too . . .
*throws confetti! Yay, that is so awesome! But truly, I’m not at all surprised. The book is phenomenal, I honestly did devour it. ❤ Thank you so much for all of your books!
Yay! So so happy for you both and for book’s success, and so so happy for us (two more in the series, cowabunga!)
Well deserved recognition. Good for you and good for us because we get more books. Yay! And thank you for caring about your fans. You wrote this to give us needed uplift and it’s terrific that, in return, it has done so well.
No, gotta say you did it. I’m delighted to be a part of your fan base for so many reasons. Just Please keep writing!
Congrats! And glad that we, the BDH, have some use;)
How did this happen?? Well, you guys write the most engaging, interesting and character driven urban fantasy out there!
Congratulations! The plan for world domination is progressing well! You both deserve it. You are phenomenal authors.
Fantastic news!
Woohoo!!! I love a good grassroots movement. And congratulations! It’s all because of how generously you have given of your talent and hard work for many years. And here’s to many more successful launches and an overflowing well of creativity to fuel them.
Congratulations!!! You and Gordon craft amazing stories and I can’t wait until the next book!
I can wait, but it won’t be patiently!
Awesome! Love all your books and this latest was great to read, I’m probably heading back for a reread of Kate books now that I’ve fallen back into that zone. Yeay for 2 more!!!
Thank you!
Yeeeah, thank you so much for this masterpiece and I am beyond thrilled that there will be more sequels of Ryder ♡♡♡♡ I love all your books so I am happy for every new book you are going to write! Be safe and stay healthy ♡
Congratulations! It’s a awesome book and deserves the accolades. You done good!
yea! I’m so excited and I am so ready for Ruby Fever. Confrats
Massive kudos to you both! We in the BDH do love and purchase your work, but that whole dynamic is in play because of your talent and dedication in actually doing the huge work to bring these fabulous, exciting, brilliantly entertaining stories to the page.
PS *Loved* the Ruby Fever snippet. *So* satisfying. But also figuring that if you’re showing that to us now, the whole Baylor crew is in for a wild ride because that is a heck of a set up for the next set of crises and adventures to cross their paths. Wriggling in anticipation. No pressure.
Yay yay yay! I’m so happy for your success and happy that there will be more of Julie! You’re my favorite author, and I’m so grateful for your kindness to us!
Congratulations on the success of this fantastic book in my favorite KD world!! I am beyond excited for the next 2(Yay!!) in this series and for Ruby Fever, Iron and Magic #2, and Innkeeper – whenever they may be. I will wait not so patiently but eagerly because I love all your worlds and your character families. They have kept me sane in this isolated pandemic world. Thank You for your words and imagination.
Congratulations! And while the kudus for us are appreciated, YOU did it! Nothing we did can atone for a bad book, and Blood Heir was far from that. You guys wrote an incredible book that took me deep into the depths of my imagination, and I can’t wait to read it again…and again…and again. Thank you for this!
My Incredible love of all your work (and not my sever addiction to it 🙂 Is why I ordered my copy day after it came out. Thank you soo much for all your hard work. I would love another book about hugh and the white worlock some day as well
Congratulations – well deserved!!! I’m super excited that there will be two more Ryder books and I’m also really excited to read Ruby Fever when it’s ready. You’re one of the few authors who are an instant buy for me no matter what you write. I love all your books and am so happy for the ginormous BDH out there who loves you, too!! Yay, more IA books!!! 🙂
Best authors EVER, thank you from a lifetime
member of The Book Devouring Horde.
Congratulations!!!! Blood Heir is fantastic like all your work but I really love Julie.
Wooohoooo! Congratulations and thank you for this awesome book.