The ARCs for IRON AND MAGIC are now available on Netgalley. If you are a reviewer, you can request your copy here. The number of ARCs is limited.
First reviews are popping up. This process never gets any less stressful, and there is a lot of work to do, so I threw in the towel and am refusing to look at any of them.
The audio reader has been selected, the contracts are in the works, and I will post an audio sample when one becomes available. We anticipate the audio release to be approximately one month behind the print and ebook release.
I would love to be an one of your readers.
Can’t wait for the book & audiobook. Thanks for the update! Counting down…
I don’t think I’ll ever like Hugh. You did a great job of making him a terrible person.
However, I absolutely love those covers. I’ve never in my life bought a book because I liked the covers, but I’d buy these even if I had never heard of Ilona Andrews’ books.
Ha! Agreed! I liked his banter with Kate but hes a character I love to hate!
I sent in my request last night! /fingerscrossed!
I have come to realize that writing the story might be the easiest portion of the entire publishing gestation period. It has been eye opening for me, as a reader, to hear about contracts, cover shoots, beta readers, multiple editing and correction submissions, book signings, and all the “dot the I’s and cross the T’s” necessary before the book actually starts the print run. Because you share the details and minutia of the birth process, I have more appreciation for the finished product, so thank you for the insight and happy to share your frustration when necessary. 🙂
What she said. Thank you for all the reading pleasure and all the publishing education!
Agreed! Before IA I didn’t realise how many things are needed for publishing a book.
Thank you! I’m auto-approved and thrilled to have it in my hands. See you on the other side!
Was blessed with a copy and going to read right now!!!
Absolutely made my day! Ah heck, let’s say the whole month.
(Happy Dance…..visualize Gene Kelly dance sequence in Singin’ in the Rain. Because that’s what it’s doing here in Georgia right now. )
This is also me. Never have I clicked so fast on a Net Galley link in my life.
Book& audiobook love
Guess what I get to read during my daughter’s fencing class tonight?!?!?!!
Love that fabric! ?
“Insufferable ass” <— made me laugh. Can't wait for the real thing. 🙂
I laughed too. What a great description of Hugh (among others).
Totally agreed! I burst out at that too. =D
+1 ?
The audio won’t be Renee Raudman?
Won’t the audio be Renee Raudman? I really enjoyed her for the previous Kate books…. it would be a shame if someone else had to take over for the final installment :-/
This is Hugh’s book so she’s looking for a male reader. Renee will probably do Magic Triumphs. There will be a mutiny if she doesn’t’.
Renee will be doing Magic Triumphs, but Iron and Magic is its own series and will done by a male reader. 🙂
Shoot. I don’t want to review enough books to sign up for Netgalley and then I see this!
Argh! I sent in my request last Friday and I’m still waiting. Waiting. Waiting.
I got an ARC and I’m so blissfully happy right now! But I have a midterm tomorrow and I can’t start it now. I’d never before exerted super human will but it’s happening right now…
I’m still feeling more than a little pissy about the fact that I’m not willing to go to the lengths of calling myself a ‘reviewer’ to get my hands on an ARC where others obviously have no qualms in doing so, and I’m afraid you’re about to cop it from my pissy self, Elizabeth, so this is both a forewarning and an apology for my upcoming nastiness up front.
You ‘have a midterm tomorrow’ and ‘can’t start it now’?
The ARC is *WASTED ON YOU*, Elizabeth.
You think this one piddling little midterm is really that important in the broader scheme of things? It’s not. If anything failing it would likely help you more because then you can get the teacher/lecturer to give you help and advice on where and how to improve. Everyone knows the final exam is where it’s at. (Disclaimer: unless your course does things differently).
However there are tonnes of, nay, thousands, nay, TENS OF THOUSANDS of other eager and willing so-called ‘reviewers’ who can read it now and give their review top-frickin-priority.
I would have a speed run done in under 2 (maybe 3) hours, a regularly paced read done in another 5 or 6, and probably done a savouring slow read done in another 10.
Which is to say I could read that book three times over, have put together a rough draft of my thoughts on the book in my head, and fit in a short nap to recharge my batteries before you even get home from class tomorrow, Elizabeth.
It’s absolutely WASTED on you, Elizabeth.
I’m expecting a full page of poetry of a review which puts this book on a pedestal, with a beam of warm sunshine filtering down through sturdy boughs to highlight the book’s majestic cover. A review that would bring both Roger Ebert and Mark Kermode to tears, Elizabeth. And then you better make sure to link in a copy of your review so we (I) bath ourselves (myself, really) in your reflected glory of having scored an ARC.
Anything less and I will be putting my index fingers to my temples and willing scores of massive negative karma waves in your direction.
You have been warned.
I need ice cream and chocolate. Possibly mint choc chip ice cream. I’m gonna go now.
Kate, less coffee.
Too late!
Yes. The entire tub.
Hi, Kate! Unfortunately I rely on a scholarship to get me through college so I can’t really afford to slack off, haha. But what I wanted to tell you most is that you don’t need to be a, how do I say it, a particularly big reviewer to receive an ARC. I don’t have a book blog, I post my thoughts on goodreads, and I don’t comment every book I read (so long as they aren’t an ARC, of course). So you can definitely still try it it it’s something you’re interested in! Reviewing books is actually quite fun. You don’t always get an ARC of books you want, unfortunately. Sometimes I’m not eligible because I’m not from USA, for example, but I’m always grateful for the opportunity ?
I hope you have a nice day!
Hey Elizabeth,
No worries. I wasn’t being serious about the not studying, but that
seemingly didn’t come through in the feeling of the piece.
So soz about that and I hope you feel the exam went well.
I’m not going to apply for an ARC because, as I understand it (I may be wrong)
there are limited copies available as an ARC and the pool of people who can
apply includes influencers like librarians and booksellers. I’d rather they get
one so they can recommend books to people than I get one and write one piddling
one-line half-assed ‘It was great!!’ review that no one will bother with because
… well, who the f*ck am I that they should care about my opinion? 🙂
What I am is a fantasy and sci-fi addict and right now I’m suffering withdrawal jitters
in between various book releases. I’m so desperate to read some good escapist prose I’m afraid
I might forget to put on pants when I next go out. (Really.) One way to alleviate this for me is to
read these early ARC reviews – but what we usually get with those is one piddling little
one-line half-assed ‘It was great!! Weeee!!!!!! I scored an ARC hehehe!!!!!!!!!!!! :P’ reviews.
Soooooo! Frickin! Frustrating!
I was kind of hoping to inspire (possibly terrify) someone (you) into writing something more prolonged and
satisfying to read. Hell, it doesn’t even need to be based in reality. If there was an
extended contemplation of the ways in which Kate’s blade mirrors the struggle of interpersonal relationships
amidst a description of a couple of brawny, long-haired, male fae wearing Georgi Laforge-type space visors sunbathing on
some pristine beach sand dunes, I may even start screaming ‘OMG OMG OMG’ with all the excitement. Hopefully
I’ll have remembered the pants.
As someone who has, in her distant past, suffered through many a pre-exam period cram session, could I suggest
it may even be healthy to indulge your creative freak side? Sometimes when it seems with all the exam prep that
your entire world is stifled by this tsunami of crushingly important exams the best way to handle to stress is to allot
a small period of your cram time budget to let your freak flag fly baby!
But, of course, exams first.
I’ll be keeping an eye on this page just in case you come through for me and cook me up/score me some gooooooood review
prose, honey.
With pants on, I promise.
Le sigh. When you use notepad to write up your comment and forget to take out the [enter]s before posting…
Kate, you are truly impressive and a force to be feared. You shoulda got a half gallon.
So sorry that she has a life that she can’t drop at the blink of an eye, unlike you. I’m unsure what kind of spoon feeding nursery you went to, but I don’t know of any university who treats a fail in such a coddling way. Just because you’re bitter that some people are becoming productive members of society and you can’t, doesn’t mean you have to take it out on them. So try and control your toxic, rude thoughts next time, and don’t say them out loud.
Elle, you’re a fine one to be lecturing others about rudeness and toxicity. Re-read your own comment, why don’t you.
And while you’re at it, try re-reading mine through the lens of excessive melodrama. Seriously, you really think I want someone to not study for their exams? You really think, that I think, that putting my fingers to my temples and grimacing in a Dr Evil kind of way is any kind of serious threat of harm?
…Perhaps I’m at least partially to blame. I’m aware of Poe’s Law. Maybe I should have added a winking smiley face or a ‘j/k’…
This thread is now closed. Move along, please. 🙂
This thread is now closed.
Elizabeth, midterms take priority.
Oops, I did a (hopefully) funny reply before I saw the closure notice. I be good, truly…
I requested my last night fingers crossed I get chosen to get one!
Heads up. This comment is going to come across as really pissy, and anti-reviewer. If you consider yourself a ‘reviewer’, you may be ‘triggered’.
Is it just me, or are there really low standards for what is considered to be a ‘reviewer’ these days? (Was there ever a standard?) It almost seems like some people go about calling themselves reviewers and putting up their godawful ‘reviews’ on their personal blog or in the review sections on amazon or whatever just so they can score an ARC free instead of waiting for the release and having to actually pay for it like the rest of us have to…
…or is it simply that I’m missing the point entirely and should just go and start my own review blog? After all, why swim against the current?
On a side note – if any of you haven’t seen the TV series ‘Review with Myles Barlow’ I strongly recommend it. The satire is strong with this one, if you’re into that kind of thing.
Even I can write a piss poor effing review!!
…and I actually thought the American adaption – ‘Review with Forrest Macneil’ – turned out even better than the original in this case…
…I wish we could edit our previous comments…
A review is simply a statement about how a particular work of art, fiction, or music made you feel. That’s it.
Yep. Only person to blame is myself.
…but seriously – if you haven’t seen it try and catch ‘Review with Forrest Macneil’. (I’d skip the original and go straight to the American version). It’s quality TV and funny as sh** when it gets going – but you really need to watch the episodes in order because the background story builds up over the episodes.
…and if you have the time, of course…
See, this is why I wish we could edit our comments. Of course, I could try just taking 5-10 minutes before posting in the first place in order to think things through … not that in adding “…and if you have the time, of course…” I’m going to rock anyone’s world as far as edited comments go or anthing, but still.
On another note, that poster of Elara is stunning! I can’t wait to meet her. I feel like she might just run away with the series…
Right? I’m really loving the covers! Both the models for Hugh & Elara look fabulous!
And Elara in the dress does look beautiful! ^^
Amen! I got caught up in the Kate Thing but I meant to say I MUST HAVE THAT POSTER, pic or whatever. Its terrific.
Yes, I like the dress, LOL. I want a pic of Hugh on his “horse” though… Just for the contrast you know? 🙂
Good Lord! I’d LOVE to get my hands on a ARC! It’s been a poop week and a awesome read is just what I need!
I don’t want an arc, I cannot be unbiased about an AL book. I seem to be an anomaly, but I was intrigued by Hugh from the start. There are true sociopaths and beings of evil, and there are those grievously damaged souls that make you hate their behaviors and actions but grieve for their broken hearts. I am not naïve, I worked as a 911 dispatcher for years, and I also interacted with trustees (inmates with privileges in exchange for job skills) on a regular basis. I learned much about the complexity of human nature and the danger of believing that I could judge the human heart. Judge the deeds, but ours is not to judge the heart. I am routing for Hugh’s redemption.
Hooray! That much closer to release and being allowed to read Hugh’s book!
can’t wait for the book release 🙂
A month for the audio? That‘s way sooner than I was expecting!!! I‘m so stoked!!! Who knew we’d ever be this excited about a Hugh book?
Alas, I confused this with e-arcs. Zooterkins, what a disappointment, as I have zero reviewer cred/skills. Ah, well, the release date isn’t that far away.
I will be posting my Goodreads review about a week before release and Amazon on release day, it will be posted on Wicked Scribes about 10 days before release. I got about a dozen books (or more) to read before then but I can hardly wait. Patience is one of the first things you have to learn if you are going to be a successful reviewer or you end up with a ton of books you have promised to read/review by release day and time runs out because you read all those “awesome” books that do not release for another month and now you have 10 books that release in 6 days and you have not touched them 🙂 ( Nalini Singh, Jennifer Estep, Jeffe Kennedy and Rebecca Zanetti are in line ahead of you, I must be strong )
I respect and love your consideration of Author’s release dates, dude.
Is your name here the same as your goodread’s handle?
“Is your name here the same as your goodread’s handle?”
Yes 🙂
and if you like to talk about books (or just lurk and get some good recommendations) let me suggest
Cheers mate! I booked it. 😀
Correction ‘bookmarked’ it.
I am not running away from you as fast as possible, I promise.
I wanted to thank you both for how generous you’ve been to us, your readers. Sharing tidbits from the Innkeeper and Maude series, putting up ARCs from Kate’s series – I can only speak for myself but thank you.
I’m currently waiting on results to find out if my breast cancer has spread to my lymph nodes and bones, so I’m just a tiny bit stressed out. The availability of the ARC (which I’ve already downloaded and am getting ready to start) could not have come at a better time. Your stories have always drawn me in until the rest of the world just fades away for a time and I lose myself in the characters and their travails. So, given the timing in my personal life, I am so very grateful for your generosity. This gift means more to me than I can possibly put into words right now. Thank you, both, so very, very much.
Sorry, I should have said Kate and Hugh’s series – my bad ?
I will keep you in my prayers. Though I personally do not know what you are going through I watched my mom go through the same thing and it was hard to watch because there was nothing I could do to make it better for her except buy her romance novels to read which she greatly enjoyed and it helped to take her mind off things for a while. She is 6 years cancer free now but has had a few scares come up in the last 2 years.
What better world to get lost in than Kate’s world I’m glad that you received an Arc and can enjoy the ALs new book during this time.
Take care of you Christina, sending positive energy and thoughts your way.
When I thought of how you would write Hugh’s story I had such big ideas. My idea compared to yours would be my shot glass of water compared to your ocean.
You nailed it!!!!
The beauty of your words as the pictures formed in my mind with each page. The utter perfection of the story line as it played out. I swear to you that no matter how much I love all your other books, this is the most well written one of all time! I cannot wait to see what comes next in this story line.
Thank you for all the blood sweat and tears you pour into each book.
Hot damn! Got my copy! I’m a happy blogger/reviewer! <3 <3 <3
Thank you for the eARC! I’m looking forward to reading and reviewing this weekend once I clear my desk.
I’m saving my audible credits for the audio of Blood and Iron and MT.
Oh yay, I got one. Loving it, started it last night and am a bit sleep deprived today. So worth it 🙂
It was so good I kept skimming through it, reading faster and faster. Then I went back and read it, not to proof it, but to make sure I had the full sense of it – sort of like sipping a wine you want to savor. It just carries you along with characters that make you care, and action that makes you keep reading to find out what will happen, or how it will happen.. I didn’t think a book without Kate Daniels to carry it could be so good, capturing you with the characters, but this one is. It makes sense even if you haven’t read the other books, as it does explain things, but it is much better in context.
I was impressed at how past events got explained, brought up, without dragging the reader down. It never seemed as if the dialogue for that was only there to help the reader. It all carried through quite well.
There were 2 typos that I hope they fix, as it stopped my going forward in the book until my mind figured them out, but I have noted them in remarks to the publisher.
You just made me a little teary, Rowena. Thank you. Sincerely.
Your thank you s seem to be as effective at hitting my emotions as your books! I got a whole surge of feeling teary, and really, really happy that it made _you_ feel as good as I think you should. It was HARD to write a review that didn’t discuss plot points! Or to give away any character development, which is always one of the best things about your writing but so important to this book. And I again wanted to drive down there and bake you prosciutto-wrapped chicken or chocolate chip cookies, or something wonderful to keep you writing!
You have me confused, Rowena sweetness. I’ve never written any books.
My sincere thanks were those from a KD fan who hasn’t got her hands on an ARC to one who has and did a very lovely job writing up the review. You’ve increased my anticipation for Hugh’s novel.
I hope you also posted your review on some of the bookseller sites!
I was just re-listening to Magic Binds and in the last chapter where Kate is getting ready for the wedding she and the witch oracle are talking and they tell Kate that what she is asking is possible “we will need a conduit” and the white warlock is mentioned as a possibility. Could it be they are talking about Elara? Looking forward to seeing if this comes up in Iron and Magic!
Yes they are talking about Elara!
Hello! Will this be posted on Edelweiss for booksellers as well, or just NetGalley?Thank you and can’t wait to read it!
Kate , love your passion. I love being a member of the horde. Yeah for all of us !