Thank you for a wonderful release day, guys. Gordon and I enjoyed hanging out with you on Zoom (recording here).
We are both worn out. We’ve answered a lot of questions, wrote articles, answered about a million admin emails from both publishers, and dealt with life issues and a death of an old, very loved pet.
We also need to give Mod R a much deserved break. She was bombarded with comments and emails for weeks now, and BDH is a lot. Moderating is very draining. None of our moderators, even the ones related to us, have lasted longer than 6 months, and we want to make sure that Mod R has a chance to recuperate.
Today we have an AMA on Reddit, and after that we’re going to take a break and concentrate on writing. You won’t see us until this Friday, when we will hopefully deliver the next chapter of the Innkeeper to you.
The comments on the site will be globally off starting on Tuesday until Friday. On Friday, the comments will be turned back on if the Innkeeper chapter is posted.
I’m really sorry about your pet! Hugs and Love! Loved everything RUby Fever!
Did anyone notice I got double first on todays posts?!?! I was the posting mage!!!
I love how y’all model boundaries and self-care. Hell yeah.
Also Mod R, we love you. Please take all the rest.
+1,000. … and I am sorry for your loss. I know your pet must have been well loved.
Holding you all in the light, given your loss. Take care of yourselves.
So sorry for your loss. Thank you for all you give of yourselves , ModR included.????
A big thank you for your hard work, everyone needs to rest
Thanks for all the sharing that you do, HA.
ModR — here’s wishing you all the amazing rest!
I am so sorry about your furry friend, it’s hard when the go. Many hugs.
Mod R, take care of yourself. Rest, relax, run naked in the sun and recharge.
Sending love to all of you. Losing a furbaby is awful. Moderating the BDH is less awful, but I know I couldn’t do it.
Hope you all have a well deserved rest away from everyone.
Condolences on the passing of your furry family member.
Wishing you space to grieve.
Wishing you all the best, you a work so very hard.
Thank you all
Sorry forthe loss of the pet, and a week as good as possible.
To Mod R – you are great! Have a great break, do funny things and taste a lot of good chocolade!
I’m sorry for your loss. Your pets are clearly very very well loved and cared for.
Congratulations on the publishing of so many things in the last few weeks and I hope you all can take a well deserved rest (Mod R included). You all set such reasonable boundaries in a space that is really difficult to. Thinking of you all.
+1 Well said.
I am so sorry for your loss…❤️
And Mod R, you rock!!
Everyone rocks!!!
So very sorry for your loss. It sounds like a time off social media is a good thing for all. Recharge and relax!
Love your work, all of it. I started with Magic Bites when it first came out and every book since I have gotten on release day.
Kate Daniel’s got me through about a dozen 2-3 weeks long hospital stays. As I got strong enough to read I would start with the first book and read through the series to help deal with the pain.
Take all the time and rest. I want you to keep writing forever, so keep up the self care.
You too, ModR. You are a part of the team that produces these books. I need you to keep up self care. ????
Very sorry for the loss of your beloved pet.
Feeling with you for the loss. Take all the time you need – and ModR too! Do not burn out, the BDH does not want another Khan… eh, Moderator.
(Who is in favor of giving ModR the title of „Khanum of the BDH“? After all, she keeps us orderly and well behaved. 😉 )
That’s unnecessary. Mod R does a great job, but not everything in the world needs to be tied to a made up place.
Sorry for your loss. I hope taking a break will help you all after such stress filled weeks. Thank you for the books!
Thank you for everything. Please, both you and Gordon, and ModR too, indulge!! You all deserve it. Decompress, relax, live!! Hugs!
Working through end-of-life issues with furry friends is in the top 10 worst things about adulting. You (including all friends, allies, and Mods) deserve a huge break. Find your happy places and immerse yourselves.
You all are entitled to a good rest and some quiet. Enjoy it!
Pet’s are family and their loss can be heartbreaking. Please rest, recuperate and remember the joy your buddy gave.
I’m so sad you lost a family member and wish you happy memories through the years.
Thank you for all that you have done. Ruby Fever lived up to and exceeded expectations.
Please rest and recover.
Mod R, you are amazing! Please take care of yourself, you make everything fresh and fun and I, for one, want to keep you safe and healthy and in my life.
With thanks and love to all of you?
Oh! Oh dearrrrr!!!!!
*offers manymanymanymanymany hugs*
MOD R, you are due a much needed break. Excellent work during this very busy time. You are a natural on the zoom calls and we, the BDH, appreciate your efforts.
So, so sorry about the loss of your furred family member, but so grateful that we get as much time with our pets as we do these days. When I was a kid, it was rare for pets to make it past ten years or so…..in my adult life all our pets have made it halfway or further through double digits….
(We dealt with similar just a week and a half ago, a loved kitty who’s been part of our family for nearly seventeen years. Oldest kid doesn’t remember life without her–she was his birthday gift from grandpa when he turned three…)
Enjoy your downtime this week Mod R. I’m sure you need it.
So sorry to hear you had to say goodbye to a beloved pet. It’s such a heartbreaking thing.
Thanks to Mod R and you guys, both live events were fantastic! It is a lot of fun watching the way you guys interact ( Illona and Gordon,though Mod R is great too), you really are bonded.
I will add that this might have been a rough pregnancy and a tough delivery, but the baby is amazing ( Ruby Fever). I just started reading it and all I can say is wow. I have never read anything of yours I can say I didn’t like, but this one is super so far. I also know that this wont make writing any easier in the future, you will fret, but you hit this one out of the park.
Hopefully Mod R can get some R and R and detox, and you guys can stand down from defcon 1. Sorry to hear about your beloved ( pet doesn’t even come close to the feelings we share with them).
We have our own stress this week , our son and the chamber group he is in are in a big international competition that could really change the trajectory of their career. We are sending positive energy his way and trying not to be nervous; he may be in his late 20s, travelled all over the world, but that worry never really ends.
Very sorry to hear about your elderly pet’s demise. That’s rough, how ever well you know that day is bound to come. We had to euthanize our beloved, terminally ill dog last month. The Innkeeper serial gave me something to look forward to in the sad days afterward.
Please take all the time you need to recuperate. That includes the ineffable Mod R. This blog wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without you.
condolences on the loss of a furbaby.
Rest! You all deserve it! Thank you again for last week. It was absolutely, positively amazing.
This member of the BDH is soooooo grateful!!
I hope that stoppering the BDH’s endless flow of commentary helps you all recover from this latest series of emotionally charged events. Sincere condolences on your loss as well; the passing of family, furbearing or otherwise, is always difficult.
My condolences on the loss of your pet. It’s never easy, is it? We lost our sweet little cat last November and I still miss him. Hang in there ????????????
Thank You ModR! We do appreciate your coping with us!
Take your rest !
and I’ m sorry for Your loss House Andrews.
So sorry about your pet-they are so much a part of our lives
House Andrews, we had no idea! I’m so sorry!! Losing a pet made me struggle so much last year, I don’t know how you managed to go through this past week without stopping.
I love your desk squad, they’re wonderful! I’ve also seen enough beloved fur babies go to the meadow before the rainbow bridge that I understand completely. We’ll understand completely that you need a break even if we have to wait for Innkeeper. Much hugs!
My condolences on the loss of your pet. ???? Please take all the time you need off.
Mod R, enjoy the time away from the Horde. We don’t want you burning out. ????
Sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourselves (you too ModR). Have a great break!
So sorry for the loss of one of your beloved furry family members (virtual hugs). Take all the time you need to grieve and remember him/her.
ModR, you do deserve a nice break: rest and recharge 🙂 BDH is a bit much most of the time 😉
See you all back on FrInnday
I just wanted to thank Mod R for the QA transcript. I have some audio processing issues and it was so kind of her to do that. It’s been a long day and it just made me really happy to see it. Thank you so much.
Please rest well! Thank you for writing so many wonderful books.
❤️ I’m so glad it helped!
I’m so sorry about the loss of your beloved pet.
I could have sworn Mod R has been here longer than 6 months! Congratulations for making your presence felt so much!
Happy R&R to everyone!
I have been here living my best life for over a year and a half 🙂
My condolences for your pet. It’s so hard to loose a pet but even more so when they have been around for years and years. Thank you for all that both of you and Mod.R have done for this release it was spectacular.
You guys and Mod R totally deserve some time off! Thank you for being so generous with your time and answering questions on Reddit and Saturday Q&A.
Hopefully you are able to take time off from everything and just decompress for a bit. The BDH wants you and Gordon happy and well rested!
My condolences. My pets are my family and I can only imagine how hard it is for you
So sorry for your loss. Thanks for all that you do.
You just had to use an earworm.
Now that song is stuck in my head. At least it is one I know the lyrics to.
Take your break ModR. Don’t let us break you.
Had to pick up my nephew from the airport yesterday. Dropped him off at his mom’s along with Sapphire, Emerald, and Ruby after telling her that Ruby Fever came out last Tuesday.
I won’t say she squeed but she was quite thankful.
Mod R… Turan Adin… 0.0
Utter awesomeness!
Also uhhh maybe that time off to rest and recoup. Maybe in a fantastic Inn somewhere… 😉
Big big thanks and appreciation to IA and Mod R and the entire team. What a crazy month/year. Y’all are stars.
I’m sorry for your loss. The last time you mentioned your pets, it sounded like you were expecting it, but it’s still hard.
Rest, relax. I do hope for a new installment of Sweep of the Heart, but rest for you folks is more important.
So sorry for your loss!! I hope your break allows you to focus on what you need to.
Thanks for being not only amazing authors, but great with communicating with your fans. And thanks to Mod R for keeping the BDH in line and facilitating extra goodies for us. All of you are truly appreciated! Enjoy your break, you know the BDH will be here when you get back. 😉
My sincerest condolences. I have an old pet whose every day I am cherishing now. I hope that it was a peaceful passing and that you can take some time for yourselves this week.
Thank you for sharing the Q&A recording – was really awesome to listen to after now having read Ruby Fever twice through! (I’ve been battling Covid most of the month and have had a lot of time reading on the couch)
Enjoy your time off too Mod R, you are amazing!! I appreciate all of you.
So sorry for the loss of your beloved fur baby. They do get wedged in deep in our hearts, don’t they?
I want to say thank you to House Andrews for having such a positive space here on your blog. You set boundaries and take care of yourselves as you should but you are so kind to the BDH. And Mod R you are awesome.
Hope this week is filled with calm and rest.
Sorry about your pet. Hope your week is stress free and fruitful.
Also huge cudo’s to ModR.
Losing a pet is very hard. I am sorry for your loss. I hope you all have a restful week ahead. Take care!
Himouto! Umaru-chan – is such a cute anime!!! It’s one of my favorites!
I’m so sorry for your family’s loss.
Losing a beloved pet is so hard but in the middle of a double release just sounds. . . I don’t have words. I’m hoping you can find some time and space to process it all and find comfort.
Here’s a question for the collective wisdom of the BDH if Mod R is on break. (Totally deserved, loved the zoom parties). I’m totally unfamiliar with reddit.
I tried to read the Reddit thread online but is it only available on the app? I don’t have space for the app.
Anyone else able to just read it on a web browser and if so how?
You may have to create an account, for some reason it got tagged Mature content- I can read it on my desktop browser where I’m logged in, but my phone browser doesn’t like it. Here for the link again just in case https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/x0rxbb/ama_with_gordon_and_ilona_andrews/
I’m so sorry for your loss, Ilona and Gordon! That’s rough, on top of a personally fulfilling but exhausting time.
I hope all of you, and Mod R, have a peaceful recuperation!
Your blog has given us peeks into how much you love & care for the furry members of your household. So sorry for your loss. Hope you & Mod R get plenty of rest after such a hectic week.
You’re splendid. We love you all. Sending you all the rest vibes ever.
Mod R is the Sean of moderators. Very cool.
I hope you all have time to rest and recharge. We’ll try to keep our shenanigans to a minimum.
Sorry about your beloved pet.
Mines at the vet today getting operated on and its very traumatic to be working from home and look up and not see him there looking at me.
I told people i was emotionally compromised today and had skype marked as away. So most people left me alone.
Hope everyone has a nice break and recuperates.
Thank you for sharing and transcribing the Ruby Fever Spoilerific Q&A.
Really Appreciated, I’m going to sit and read/watch it while waiting for the Vet to ring or my husband to get home.
And Mod R, you look lovely
Don’t let the downers (or self downers) get you
I’m not down at all ????. Good luck with the pet health issues!
Deepest sympathies for your beloved pet and family member.
And also echoing all of the lo e towards Mod R- definitely don’t want her to burn out.
See you all when we see you after hopefully getting the time and space your need from the hubbub.
Ummm, I have a fan art pic I did I would like to share. How do I go about it?
So sorry for your loss.
I’m sorry to hear about your pet. Prayers sent your way. You have given us a lot. Take as LONG as you need to recuperate. As much as I live innkeeper your health comes first so don’t push to hard ????