Saving Mod R some trouble: BDH stands for Book Devouring Horde, which is what you, our readers, decided to call yourselves.
Last week we had newsletter overhaul courtesy of Pure Firefly LLC, whom we highly reccomend for your digital marketing needs. One of the things Kristy, who was working with me, pointed was an odd form field on our Blog Updates sign up form marked Status. Nobody knows what the field is or how it got there. But there is a little space to write something marked Status. It’s gone now, but here is a sampling of what you all have written there.
Your number one fan
Yes, please
Working for a living
WHEN DOES KATE DANIELS GOING TO THE MOVIES. Well, I am getting over again and again without any new stories. When are we getting more of the Edge and the swamp….more, more, more… I was lucky to be able to read who because I forget some of them. LO
What on earth is the status field for?
What does this mean, I’m good thanks.
Waiting for next book
waiting for more books!
Waiting for doughnuts.
Waiting for a chance to escape
volatile. Ms.
visiting earth
Very happily divorced
Vampire. Also vaccinated.
Um…Adult?? (Sort of)
Team Hugh
Surviving the apocalypse
subhuman, but not a robot
Still Alive
status is unhappy that I have to wait so long for the next catalina book, lol
Staring into the abyss
Spinning toward Outer Doom
Simple yet Complicated
Rabid Ilona Andrews reader
Probably certifiable
Prime, Head of Household
Passive aggressive
Oppressed by cats
Old Lady
Nueva Esparta
Not sure what this means but I’m a Soothsayer to the Great Unwashed
Not dead yet.
Not a robot
Nose que responder aquí
Non binary
Member, Book Devouring Horde
Meat Popsicle
Mad knitter, board gamer and hiker.
Loyal fan!
Low on chocolate, otherwise five by five
Love your books!
lazy as all get out
Knight of the Order
Keeping my head above water
just me…
Is 2020 over yet?
Indeterminate blob
In need of coffee
Idk what this is. I’m currently eating lunch.
Half-dead but cheerful
Friendly neighborhood merc
Friend of the Pack
Drooling with anticipation?
Divorced and loving it.
Devoted Fan
Dazed and confused
Currently sitting on sofa
Crazy in love with my wife
Crazy dragon lady
Crazy dog lady
Content with life.
Contemplating pie for breakfast
Committed to myself
Chaos Neutral
Champion of the Universe
Bring it on
Brain Dead
Bored to death
Book Wyrm
Book Dragon
Awake and aware
Avid Reader
Angry cripple
Thank you for this accidental poem about the nature of humanity. We love you all.
Hahahaha. BDH for the win.
Tag yourself, I’m Volatile comma Ms. 😀
Filled it out too long ago, so I don’t remember if I put anything there. Oddly enough (or perhaps not), a lot of those do sound like something I’d say.
You should have kept the “Status” field for the entertainment value. Reviewed it yearly, and given shoutouts to the top three or four, or let us vote on them. Some of these are darn funny!
Few of them made me laugh out loud( for real, not just saying lol)
I totally agree! The entertainment value is topshelf!
+1 – these were a hoot, would love to see this become an annual giggle opportunity
I don’t remember for sure, but the one that says currently eating lunch sounds a lot like me.
yes, I’m potato
That was a hoot. Thanks for sharing.
Vampire. Also vaccinated (but still caught Covid 🙁 ).
Bummer ☹️
This made my morning better 🙂 My current status: On a bus, would rather not be.
current status: couch potato
I’m really feeling the ‘What does this mean, I’m good thanks’ and ‘Probably certifiable’.
QED – that nature abhors a vacuum, and that the BDH abhor an empty space.
You do attract a lot of smartasses with what you write. Please, continue.
Hahahaha, that was fun and funny.
Interesting fact: the only nationalities signed in that field are Texan and German. That probably tells something about Texans and Germans, but I have no clue what. 😉
Norbert, German
(and no, that wasn‘t me. I would probably sign: BDH / Nightwish Army)
Are you also a nightwish fan?
Also German, wondered whether that one was me. I honestly can’t remember. And I also have no clue what stating that we’re German could possibly say about us. 😀
What about the Welshman? The poor forgotton Welshman!! Beautiful singers, amazing country, wonderful castle ruins, fantastic actors, best and most use of vowels in a towns name….Vive La Welsh….also leeks and whelks for the win!
That has provided my only genuine laughs since last Monday.
Status (current): Acid stomach.
Status (future): Single after 38 years.
Eventual status: Much less stress than the previous 38 years.
Sending you all the zen, grounding, connection to yourself vibes ever. Looking forward with you to the eventual status.
Vive L’ Horde!
Status: in hell, on hold with the help desk. God help me????
Hahaha “contemplating pie for breakfast.” Not me but definitely a kindred spirit of mine 🙂
I am always contemplating pie for breakfast
Muffins are a way to have cake for breakfast.
Um…Adult?? (Sort of)
I feel you, me too, me too. When does one become an adult? I keep on thinking I’ll be adult enough in the future and then that future arrives and I think again that I’ll be adult in the future..
This is one of several that felt like me, along with ‘Meat Popsicle’.
I can only think that I am among my people.
Yes, definitely feel I am among my people.
I had pie for breakfast last week. And I’m going to House of Pies to get a Bayou Goo pie for dinner. I’m an adult. I’m allowed. I’m on intentional 6 week vacation in between leaving one job to start a new job. Pie all the time.
(had to use hair tie to close pants buttons HR meeting this morning. Status: unashamed)
For visual reference. These easily buttoned February 2020.
So this sent me down memory lane, pie style – my mum didn’t much like cooking, but her pies were amazing. Cherry, pumpkin, sour cream raisin, butter tarts and oh, her lemon meringue from scratch! I loved watching her weave lattice tops.
And yes, pie for breakfast, definitely.
What is Bayou Goo?! If it’s got pecans, I’m in.
One word description for Bayou Goo pie: sweet. Another word: sweet. If you’re looking for a third word: sweet.
The recipe varies with the cook, but starts with a crust (often flavored with chocolate or pecans) and then layers of sweetened cream cheese, pecans, vanilla or chocolate pudding/custard, whipped cream, and chocolate shavings.
Similar to a Mississippi Mud Pie.
…my teeth hurt, just reading that. think I’ll stick with apple pie (maybe w/ a pecan crumble topping? hmmm)!
oh, another childhood pie memory.
My brother and I were forever bringing home strays, 2-legged & 4-legged. Once he found a crow with a damaged wing. Mum allowed it in the house ‘til one fall day, she had the kitchen window open and two pumpkin pies cooling down. She came back to find the crow had walked through both pies – didn’t appear to have eaten any, just moseyed through. No more birds after that!
That’s entirely too sweet! Thank you for sharing the accidental poem.
+1! ❤️
Love it. Laughed out loud and almost snorted my post lunch cup of tea.
I love how Polyamorous is stuck in there with all the rest of the Ws
There was a stray w in the beginning of that but it looked like a typo.
That is awesome. I want to be friends with the vaccinated vampire.
There are no hoarders of yarn. She/he who dies with the most yarn wins……all the pretty yarn.
I love this. I laughed for the first time today and really needed it. Thanks!
So many good ones! I’m definitely with “Um…Adult?? (Sort of)” and “Potato” is also a favorite.
The only two letters not represented were Q and Z. Quick, BDH, think of something zippy!
Status: Quarantined at the Gertrude Hunt
Would not mind lock-down there!
Zzzzz… I’m asleep. ????????????????????
Can we all give a round of applause for the person who said they’re crazy in love with their wife? <3
???????????????????????? I loved reading that one.
I have no idea what, if anything I put there. My gaming guild nickname is Darth Mom and I have to admit it fits. =)
In making-Monday-awesome news, I had a wonderful present waiting for me when I got home! =) Now I am dreaming of being able to hang all of it on the wall one day…
Got mine, too!
Ditto. Lovely! No room on walls for more than one page, but I can rotate as I feel like. But funny, I didn’t realize the “calendar” part was a tiny list of dates at the bottom. Oh, well, I mostly use online calendars.
Big laughs on the Status answers. Who else answered Book Wyrm?
Laughed until I cried! Thank you.
We love you too ❤️
I don’t think I filled this form out.
You would have had “moderately crazy” on the list if I had. (That’s my usual reply to “How are you?”, too.)
Mod R,
Forgive me for going off topic; I just wanted to make sure that you/the Authorlords were aware that the National Library of New Zealand has decided to donate books from its collection of overseas published works to the Internet Archive—without getting permission from authors whose books are still under copyright.
They have decided, instead, to give authors the chance to opt out; but they have to do it by Dec. 1 of this year.
I do not want to be a smartass, but House Andrews does not like the name “Authorlords”. There was a blog post about that some time ago, they prefer IA or House Andrews ????
Thanks for reminding me!
I apologize, House Andrews, and won’t make this mistake again.
Why the heck would they do that? It’s like they’re asking for a lawsuit.
I cannot recall what I put as my status, but have a vague worry it may have been “What on earth is the status field for?” since this sounds suspiciously like me.
In which case I apologise as it’s rather rude, even though it has apparently also been rather apt.
The list was impressive!
My status would be “Content with life” – good to appreciate who and what you have. ????
Yay! Happy for you! 🙂
Hahaha – didn’t see this.
A status question is always like arguing with your wife(me) – Silence is an admission of guilt or another opportunity for me to answer the question to your detriment 😉
Status: Mother of 3 daughters – send alcohol and tea.
I have wondered about that section/field a lot. I wrote Book Dragon????????! This is an awesome post. My fellow BDH members are cool af. This I already knew but seeing proof is extra fun. Thanks for sharing this!
Is bookwyrm good enough?
I managed to find ‘Bōchwyrm’. I’ve heard it’s another name for ‘librarian’.
Totally! We’re several caves full of bookwyrms around here.
I also put Book Dragon! ????????????
Status: Slave to the dog.
Bwahahahaha! Meat popsicle *dies*
Status: back behind my spotlight, the theater is open again, and “White Christmas” had a great opening weekend!! ????????????????
Here’s a video of one of the Book Devouring Hord:
So accurate 😀
The BDH has an amazing sense of humor. Never noticed the weird status box but thank you all for the laughs! It reminds me of a weird game of telephone but instead of repeating the same word you say a different word as you go along and end up with vague sentence.
Status: bothered that polyamorous is not in its proper place ????
Committed to myself. There’s a mantra to go by 🙂
Hey! Who else is a Vaccinated Vampire? (Canadian, Cat-controlled)
???????????? omg I love us and y’all for sharing this with us.
This made my birthday all the better! ????
Happy birthday !!! ????
Thanks to everyone who helped write that poem. I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard!
Funny. My current status is I’m laying here wondering how I managed to cut my finger on a blanket.
I didn’t notice the status request either. Thank you for the laugh. Some of them made me say “what?!” or “ok…” ????????????
I really want to know if they had pie for breakfast.
I hope so. Pie is an awesome breakfast
We were visiting my aunt who loves to feed people. She was distressed that I didn’t want eggs and grits. I got myself a slice of custard pie, told her that the eggs and milk made it a breakfast food. She made sure that I had custard pie for breakfast every day. Score!!!! (Her pies were so good that she was able to barter pies for a tummy tuck.)
Hee Hee
???? love the BDH
The BDH rules. Thank you so much for sharing this poem.
Current status: Stress eating Egg Nog ice cream & binge watching SoA
LOL! ????thanks for the laugh. Lost it with “ Vampire. Also vaccinated.” haha
tired, so very tired of the foolish, young, unvaccinated, people dying on me daily in the ICU…After 34yrs, (the last almost 2yrs of it working like this,) I am more than ready to retire before 60…..
I am so sorry. And so thankful for you for working with our youth. Know there are many of us out here that are grateful for all you are doing, and doing our best to keep your numbers down. I know it doesn’t feel like it, as you are on the front battle lines, but if you could see over the hill behind you, there is a HUGE army behind you, supporting you. We got your back. Thank you for having our front.
I feel ya! Hope more people wise up and protect themselves.
so many hugs
Unexpected laughter is often the best.
Thank you for sharing
Status: Laughter in the morning
BTW Moderator R is awesome
I was filling out a form signing up for pre-natal classes and one of the fields was
relationship to father, with a blank space after. I wrote excellent.
I realized later they wanted to know if we were married.
Good enough.
I would have written “once, hence the reason I’m here”.
Tink, you made me laugh out loud! THANK you!
Crazy Dragon Lady
Updated status: Staring into the Abyss (It is the week before Fall Break and I teach 13 year old students LOL).
Well, don’t we sound like a well adjusted lot? BDH wants to live in the House Andrew World!
I never saw the field. Right know I would have to put in “whale due to last third of pregnancy”
Exquisite, absolutely, upliftingly exquisite.
Haha hahaha I knew this group was far from boring. Much love to the vaccinated vampire.
Long Live the Horde!
OMG that’s so awesome. You know some of these could be used as practise writing prompts.
I vote for Low on chocolate, otherwise five by five
I can see the whole backstory unspooling in my NaNoWriMo fried brain
Does anyone else have a mental voice for the BDH as something close to Navada Truth Seeker voice? Like something in bold italics which should make people’s ears bleed?
FYI: Feed us more. Moar!! Pretty please.
In my head it’s more like the sound of a zoo during the apocalypse…
Well, I wish I remembered. Probably friend of the pack or almost an adult ish- vaguely
Loved it. Thanks yet again!
Status : Amused
Thanks for the morning laugh
I LOVE this accidental poem!
I have never felt a poem so much in my life. My peeps!
This was so. very. good. These are my people.
Glad there are people out there who feel the way(s) I do.
???? If I didn’t note “retired” as my status, I was remiss. It’s one that I highly recommend. Do it early and often.
OMG yes! I finally figured out what I wanted to do when I grew up! Be retired!
Dang! I’m so sorry I never noticed the status form. Hehe. Great responses, bdh!
Love it!
Lordy this was wonderful, thank you!
yeah, i’m so vanilla i’m probably the one who put “married”. however, jumping off vanilla, i am choosing BACON!
Oh my gosh this was awesome. Definately keeping it in my Ilona file.
And I am also of the “keep the “status” field to review yearly camp.
love – you’re the best, thanks
Very happily divorced
Divorced and loving it
😀 😀 😀
love it!
I was one of the “tired” ;D
Current status: avoiding adult responsibilities
Is there someone from Nueva Esparta here? Hi I’m from Puerto Ordaz, as the two of us love IA, we both must be very trustworthy people
Invitame a Margarita porfaaaa quiero playa ????????
I’m loving angry cripple. Bacon and Fabulous are also pretty up there. 🙂 Book Devouring Horde scores again!
I really enjoyed this. Signed, another potato.
Breaker of Chains. I have an ebike that I ride too aggressively sometimes.
Ha! I have that shirt, it says “I’m not a book worm, I’m a book DRAGON”
Whoever said “five by five” just made my night!!
Good grief.
Cannot believe y’all missed it….that status thingie was OBVIOSLY where the typing cats were commenting.
Y’all didn’t seriously think they were just SLEEPING on the keyboard?
You killed me ????????????????
OMG, with those responses, I think you should leave ithe field there! Hilarious!
Thank you for this. So much. Laughed so hard I cried, and that hasn’t happened in far too long. 🙂
My tribe
I keep coming back to this post and re-reading it just for the opportunity to laugh hysterically. This is precious. <3
I love this kind of happy accident
I had a good laugh reading the list. Thanks!
This was great fun. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
The BDH is the best ????????????
Love y’all ????
PS : thinking about it, we are the BDH (as a group) but what do we call ourselves (as a person) ? ????
A devourer ? A Andrewnian ? (Struggling to find something fitting in English and no imagination combined = disaster ????????)
Any funny ideas fellow BDH members ? ????????????
Or maybe it was already proposed and I missed it ????????????