I really do my best to, as the French say, m’occuper de mes oignons. Every week is a good week to stay hydrated and mind my own business.
But then the algorithms shove these AITA posts with clickbaity titles at me and I can’t help checking them out.
AITA stands for Am I the Asshole? On social media, people ask AITA when sharing personal disputes in which they are unsure whether they’ve acted they like an asshole—that is, been mean, selfish, or wrong in some way. Other people then offer their opinion on that person’s behavior. AITA was popularized by and is widely used in reference to r/AmITheAsshole, a Reddit forum dedicated to this activity.
If only they were book-themed AITAs… (All events depicted aren’t canon, just funsies! Horde funsies! It’s not canon until it’s in a book or House Andrews say so.)
AITA for letting my boss lose sleep and money over me?
My boss (Male/ Kinsman/ 35ish/ Bionet Fire Beast) doesn’t know I (Female/ Psycher/ 30/ Bionet Silver Shark) was the one he met during an attack on the Security Forces Database.
I had to hack it to pay back a life debt I owed someone, but I want to make it clear I at no point posed a threat to any of the governmental, financial or any other type of valuable data. I was just getting a child out of deportation/possible fatal danger over an insignificant school incident.
AITA for letting my boss spend a sleepless week and a fortune on reinforcing spiral cell protections instead of revealing the Grade A battle-trained psycher he’s looking for is right outside his office? I’m afraid he’ll find out it’s me and then kill me. Or want to marry me. Did I mention he’s super-hot and I’m totally emotionally compromised around him?
AITA for wanting to abandon my girlfriend in the forest?
I (Male/ Otrokar / 27/ Gutripper/ Blood Drencher/ Bone Crusher) have bought my girlfriend’s (Female/Human genetics of some sort?/Unknown age) freedom from a bunch of homicidal trees.
We were both competitors in this Intergalactic Spouse competition, long story (good story). I got swept up by excitement and did this heroic gesture to save her from her delegation just as they were about to “consume her to recoup resources” because she stopped being useful to them.
I brought her home to Harra and things were great for a while, because I am a mighty hero and totally rescued her. But now she’s taken control of the Tribe of the Gar behind my (admittedly physically impressive muscular) back.
AITA if I try to return her to the trees on the sly? I tried to check with them and all they said was “KNOCK HISS HISS creeeeeak hisss hisss creeeeak Unessa knock”. I mean, that sounds harmless, right?
AITA for letting a pretty lady reach the wrong conclusion and not bothering to correct her?
I (Male/29/ Weird noble) am on a secret mission in this lawless place called the Edge to get a world-destroying device back from my evil uncle.
I’m camped on this gorgeous woman’s (Female/ 22/ Edger) lawn and she somehow got the impression I’m here to propose marriage. Your guess is as good as mine. She’s has these 2 adorable young brothers and I don’t want her to worry about me or the danger they’re all in, because she seems seriously overwhelmed. I will protect everyone anyway, that’s why I’m here.
I sort of played into her assumptions though, and now I’ve made an oath to fulfill 3 tasks and get her hand in marriage. AITA for not telling her why I’m really here?
Edit: It’s not a “lie”, no matter what you want to call it in the comments. Thanks everyone, I’m *actually* courting her now and taking everyone home to the Weird with me. Still haven’t technically told her everything yet, like the fact that the Duke and Duchess of the Southern Provinces are my parents. What’s life without surprises? My mom’s going to love her!
Interesting…. I’m currently re-reading the edge series, it’s been fun watching it all play out and see the assumptions made on both sides when you know how it’s all going to play out.
1) NTA. You did have your reasons.
2) YTA-BIG TIME. Did you think it was going to be foot massages and back rubs 24/7. The minute she shows an ounce of initiative and tries to establish any kind of support network you’re going to dump with the carnivorous trees. Next time just bring home a blow-up doll. Divorce court is not going to be kind to you.
3)YTAish. You could have been upfront about your motives or your goals or your background (or ANYTHING) but you weren’t. I’ll bet you got pissy when she was upset about the “not quite” lies. YTA in so many ways.
Number 3 did learn it from his mother 😀
I love this so much. the post & this response.
I got sucked into the Reddit AITA page for a while. apparently reading advice columns is a dopamine kick, not quite sure why. Glad to weigh in on drama that’s not yours?
the posts and response were just perfectly & authentically on point.
thanks for making my day.
+1 Agreed! (Though for number 3, she did make assumptions and it’s fun to let people go on believing what they want at times)
+1 especially for Number 2- did he think she was a vapid little idiot who would just put out and stay pretty like a flower on the vine?? She stayed alive with carnivorous trees for years of course she’s a force to be reckoned with!
Exactly! She’s gonna get those warrior boys discussin’ 😀
I hope that certain authors now realise that some may start crying for unessa’s story… or otherwise think… yta
The Horde cometh….rehabbing Uneesa is a worthy follow up to Hugh…
Also cannot just scroll by those AITA? posts. The obvious rage bait posts crack me up at how stupid they are.
I once read an advice column (maybe at Salon) that was obviously reworked from the song Voices Carry by ‘Til Tuesday. It was fun to read the comments before someone clued the columnist and readers in to the source. I felt so old, because anyone who grew up in the beginning days of MTV got it immediately.
And toss in a log or two to the fire. 😁🪚🪓🌴🌲
Take my upvotes!
George and Jack were the adorable ones. lololol
who got played in That story sir.
He got Legends-of-Zelda level of played 😀
He helped create them.
ah hahahahaha
This would be a hilariously amazing book idea!
AITA posts are so much schadenfreude!
This is funny in so many ways.
#1 No. You were hiding for your life. If the ones who won the war from where you were from caught you, you would be dead. Plus, you helped out those who helped you when you were on the bionet.
#2 Yes you are, and I will leave it at that. 🙂 Plus, you allowed someone who was once a galactic tyrant to manipulate you.
#3 You might be. You cannot help it if others get the wrong reasons why you’re camping out on someone’s lawn without telling them. However, to play along with it might lead you to it.
Love it!!! Made me want to read post 3 again
I read sometimes the AITA posts from AskAbby on Twitter but they’re usually depressing.
Thanks for the LOL
Love #2! And you were
oh verdicts!
1 YTA- To YOURSELF. If he’s so hot, and you caught the feels, plus he’s ready to marry the mysterious hacker, Jump Him already!! (you’re kind of TA for wasting company resources but whatever)
2 NTA- sounds rough that’s a lot stuff going on, but you don’t hand people back to their abusers That would be AH territory. Just get some talk therapy. Maybe a nice cup of tea at the fire pit with your favorite priest.
3 ESH/NAH– just a lot of ASSumptions happening on both sides. Learn to communicate!! What is this, a novel??
1- she *did* manage to hack through, though- so, are they really wasted resources? Or did she just manage to highlight weaknesses to the system that needed to be addressed anyway?
3- yes, of the best kind! 😀
This is hilarious. I do like listening to people discussing those posts. I dare you to form a sub-Reddit! LOL
Mod R, you are a genius! Thanks for the Thursday morning giggles, there is no beter way to start the day than with BDH silliness 😎
Book related: Where would the story be if SOMEONE wasn’t being an asshole at some point? No matter how good their reasons. That would be a book about flawless characters. Boring.
ha! Hilarious! You are the best, Mod R. No wonder HA depends on you.
House Andrews are powerhouses – Ilona’s been hard at work a few days after the surgery! I’m a tiny cog in the machine.
You are an important tiny cog in the machine. We don’t want Ilona and Gordon to go off the deep end.
Mod R’s job list:
– Keeping the BDH from going off on the crazy train as much as possible.
– Editing stuff that she can’t talk to the BDH about too much. 😉
– Doing, as Ilona put it so nicely, marvelous posts on the blog to keep the Horde (and herself) happy.
– And other administrative and Horde wrangling jobs to keep things running smoothly.
It’s no wonder why Roman and Horde love you, Mod R. 🙂
Awww, you’re determined to make me blush! 😀 The Horde are the best
THIS! Couldn’t have said it better!
Mod R, this post was hilarious! Thanks for the morning laughs!
I’m in the middle of my umpteenth read of On the Edge right now.
Yes on every count.
Love this so much. I lose so much of my life to AITA!
I had to delete the Reddit app because AITA ate my life! I hadn’t realized how much I missed it until this post.
Love the Hords versions of AITA. They are wonderful, and I found them fun to read.
This is AWESOME.
1. Nope. He is. If he can’t see what’s in front of his face, that’s on him. 🙂
2. This is going to take a minute because I’m laughing too hard. (Fortunately, I’ve learned to put my tea or coffee down before reading posts.) Yep. you are. Do wish to discuss?
3. Yeah. You kind of are. But we’ll give you a chance to redeemd yourself.
#2 ‘Do you wish to discuss ‘ had me snorting my tea 🤣🤣🤣
+1 definite spittake!
Ha! I was about the make the same comment, then decided to search first because obviously someone had to have made this joke already. It’s right there! 🙂
I need to reread that Edge book. I don’t remember how it started. I remember the kids and a trip to Walmart, but I don’t remember the rest. It has been a while since I read that book.
This was freaking Hilarious with a capital H – and everything I needed right now.
Now the urge to start the Kinsmen books ASAP (my TBR is outrageous) is even stronger! Just like the one to re-read The Edge series (all the fault of the Sweeper).
Btw, now I would love to have a Sweeper book in which Unessa The Conquerer and ‘TA’ get some screen time. Divorce Court in Gertrude? I can’t imagine initiative like hers isn’t loved by The Horde. Unessa will probably be crowned an honorary Horde princess of Harra in no- time with several other eligible bachelors lying at her feet, thumping their muscular chests in admiration (and showing off the pecs), for her conquering ways. Bu-bye Gutripper.
super lovely Mod R…..
Unessa had the brains after all 😉
Mod R!
You are the best for keeping us all entertained while we wait for the next book to devour!
THANK YOU! I desperately needed a laugh today.
Mod R you are an excellent Maven for House Andrews. Very amusing post.
I am rolling – I love all of these!
Super fun peek with how “rescuing” Unessa resulted. I have popcorn and am happy for more revelations on this front 😀
this is the best ever! can’t wait to see what the horde dreams up
AITA – I keep wrecking cars to get the attention of the totally hot, out of my league CatClan head. the only way to get the workaholic’s attention is to be the job.
Then I pretend I have no idea why everyone’s so upset, I didn’t mean to! but oh yes, yes I did – I mean, what does a girl tiger have to do!?
It took him SO LONG to catch on too! 😀 Mr Chief of Security, I know all the secrets lol.
Yeah, Mr. Chief of Security couldn’t see what’s right in front of his nose. 🥸
Wait wait wait, Unessa did what now? Is that described anywhere? Definitely want to read that one.
No, hehe, just what we’ve been imagining happened when Surkar brought this ferocious Dushegub-values badass to his tribe of warriors 😀
If House Andrews decided to side project that some time, I would be all over it.
Nope, it’s canon now. ModR has called this reality into existence.
Noooo, not canon, just funsies! Horde funsies! It’s not canon until it’s in a book or House Andrews say so!
*evil chuckle* that’s what you think… but… now the hoard has been given an idea of a book…. I seem to remember another “bad” character getting their own book….
Oh no… now I have to see Unessa at the front of a Horde Vanguard helping out when Maud and Arland get married!
Perhaps “helping out” should go in quotes. Or maybe not. Could go either way.
Head cannon = Horde Cannon. ‘Ware boarders!
Now picturing severed heads coming out of a cannon, and trying to work out whose heads they are.
Fine. Alternate BDH reality. 🙂
My reaction to Iron Magic has always been to describe the plot as a question to an advice column:
“Help! In the midst of a personal crisis, I have gotten myself and 300 of my closest friends involved in a cult. What do I do now?
Ps: I am married to the cult leader and she’s hot.”
😀 Where is the lie tho
Bwahahaaa! Also, I am totally in love with the cult leader but can’t admit that or my feelings of regret for previously being an AH while under mind control of my godlike boss…
Plus, the cult boss makes awesome crepes and invades my dreams. Hey, a guy’s gotta eat. Plus the really nice fantasies about the cult leader in nothing but an apron doesn’t hurt either. 😉
OMG I love this. 11/10 should be one of those little reaction quotes publishers like to stick on print copies of books.
meh those can go both ways just like the whole Karen thing. All the sudden if you don’t agree with them your a Karen or an ass. Edge series has always been one of my favorite. It was the first series I read
Those are hilarious!
Now I might end up having to read those AITAs and giving them the IA/HA twist in my head.
I would never have really thought that Declan, Surkar and Claire would even have been contenders in the AITA category.
Mind blowing!
Thank you…,,loved these!!
🤣🤣🤣Glad I’m not the only one to fall down AITA rabbit holes!!
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!
Great post! I loved it. What a fun way to look at the stories. I personally feel that only Claire cared that she caused any issues. The other two were fine with what they did. Alpha-hole heroes.
OMG! That is my secret vice – AITA posts! lol Sometimes I get online for just a minute and then my morning is all gone!
Thanks for theses AITA posts, although I feel that there wasn’t enough hand wringing doubt and obvious red flags denied to feel “authentic.” 😜
Bwaaahaaahaaaa! I needed that giggle today, thank you sooo much! You guys are the best. Love to the Author Lords and ModR!
This was such a clever AITA post!!
Thank you.
(Hope your surgery recovery is progressing in a positive direction.)
the title alone almost made me BOL. At work. Can’t wait to read them.
This is AMAZING!!!! I think you should make this a weekly feature, it’s entertaining and a little skewed perspective on the characters. It’s fun to view characters from a different direction. Although I do wonder how the Horde rescue worked out.
Lovin’ it!
Loved this! 😂 Thanks, Mod R.
Loved it!!!
Thank you so much!
😂😂😂 thank you so much for the laughs! I also get these on my algorithm and no matter how much I try to ignore them I always end up reading them 🙄🤷🏼♀️
So funny!!! I needed this! Thank you!
Thanks I needed this
Loved this post and many of the responses!😂😂
omg this was super funny 🤣… I’ve fallen down a few rabbit holes for AITA in the past. Thanks Mod R for the laughs 😁
NTA, A for sure, A 🤷🏻♀️
best laugh of the day
Hahaha love this version of a book blurb – this should definitely be a thing
1. NTA always, always save the child. He has the money to burn can sleep after the honeymoon.
2. You’re both TA. What a pair, both sneaking around behind each others backs. Also you are too easily manipulated. Seek therapy.
3. You’re NTA but poor girl might be stressed raising two adorable handfuls. And she might have been to stressed and frazzled to think clearly. Count your blessings she didnt shoot you onsite.
These are great! Mod R You’re a genius!
😀 Seek therapy bwahahahhaaha
Seek therapy may be the new “do you wish to discuss?” line. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Isn’t “Do you wish to discuss” the therapist’s line? Or could be.
Thank you so much for this Mod R! You have made a wait resulting from a flight delay much more enjoyable. 😊
Love it! Thanks!
I am also a sucker for AITA. I was pretty much cured when the last one I read was about being late for a birthday dinner celebration. The comments were concerned about the fact that the (younger than me) hosts would might have to stay late being old and all that. 20 somethings. For the record someone in their 50s, otherwise healthy, can manage to stay up after dark now and then with no serious ripper cushions.
Anyway I’m hooked again #3 absolutely TA but we love you anyway.
LOL! So hilarious, Mod R! Thank you!
Omg, those are funny! Thanks so much for the giggles!
I’d never encountered the AITA stuff before. What FUN! Keep up the good work and I hope everyone at House Andrews feels better.
Thank you Mod R for this wonderfully creative post. My cheeks ache from smiling at the deliciousness of the AITA’s and ensuing comments. 😆
AITA was new to me.
I suppose that Unessa has found her niche — just be in a group where everyone else is as well informed as she is. 😆
And yes, mod R, this is now canon, unless House Andrews explicitly refutes it. It is too good to not be canon.
George and Jack, adorable.
Giggle! You should have done an AITA for accidentally turning an innocent girl’s pencils and shoelaces into snakes without explaining to her how to protect herself before I turned her hair into a viper? And I didn’t even apologize!
Mod R, your brilliance in keeping the BDH entertained and fluffy is very impressive and makes my day each and every time!
My brain is still stuck on “…. His Sexiness the Black Volhv” from the previous post and has not been able to process anything else since ….
Like the old technicolor TV messages used to say…. normal service will resume again soon (or likely when I get my hands on the new Sanctuary novel by House IA)
Until then, thank you Mod R for keeping us royally entertained while House IA gets their much needed rest.
omg i love this, i listen to rslash everyday. The crossover I didnt knew i needed but must re-read till my eyes fall out. hapinessss achieved
Now I have to go re-read Silver Shark again. Thanks a lot. 😉
OMG! The Edge and Kinsman! I love these two storylines!! Please, please add to either, both, more, more!
I am so addicted to AITA!…
ModR, this is GOLD!!! Love it!!
I just re-read Cassie Alexander’s fantasy/sci-fi book AITA:A Modern Fairy Tale and it starts with a Reddit style post. Very clever.
As for abandoning Unessa in the carnivorous forest, YTA. Please help her settle somewhere safe since you volunteered to take care of her.
OMG, still 😂🤣😂. That was FUNNY!
Sorry modr, you skipped the biggest “AITA”; Hugh, he has so much to offer.
Hugh needs his own subreddit 😀 . He would never ask whether he is the asshole, he would proclaim himself an asshole, and damned good at it hehe. Only, retired asshole now, he’s a gentleman of leisure.
Oh, I don’t know about being a retired one. I think he would really be one if his family was in danger. I think about the conversation between Julie and Hugh. We do not want Hugh back in Atlanta. Heaven and Nav help everyone if he ever does.
I. Love. These! More oh much, mucho, more. No proper sentences to be had, oh a happy, giggling high from AITA…Bwuhaha 🤪
Btw Mod R, there actually is a Fictional_AITA subreddit, it’s just not very active and leagues smaller than the AITA ones…
Funny post. Loved it.
I love this!! And can I put in a plug for the Innkeeper Graphic Audio series?!? I am looooovvviinnggg it so much!! I have read the books many times and the GA version is just something special!
I love it, too! I haven’t made the financial jump to the Kate books, but am listening to Innkeeper on repeat!
Make the Jump! I stumbled across the Innkeeper series, thought “Well let’s see what else she has written”, discovered/absorbed Kate, started to tell my son who then sent me the whole book list and informed me that I was seriously behind. Found the BDH & HA and now I am hooked on the graphic audio books (great to crochet by). MAKE THE JUMP !!!
Library loan?
3) the main reason for why I never really liked The Edge series, it introduced the male lead in a way I really do not like, no matter the later behavior, it feels still wrong 😑
OMG Mod R you have combined two of my favourite guilty pleasures, r/AmITheAsshole and fanfic.
It’s right up there with Otter x Benedict Cumberpatch photos! Lol
I love the way your mind works 🙂
Love how your mind works, Moderator R! You’re the perfect companion to HA and the Horde is forever grateful…and LIAO
Hilarious take Mod R and responders – and definitely joined the canon. None of us will ever be able to think of them again without giggling.
I’m ROLLING!!! Fellow AITA addict/lurker, and these cracked me up! (Especially about Unessa taking over the Otrokar clan…)
Mod R, you are a brilliant woman – these are hilarious and perfect!!
I LOVE AITA posts!!! and the comments. and the drama. I delude myself that I’m learning good boundaries — because most of these scenarios involve that. Thanks for this funny post! You totally made my day!
I am not a fan of the new email subscription system, whether it’s a workaround or a new setup entirely. The prior one would email the entire blog post; this one only sends a partial blurb (evident in the last two emails). Hopefully this can be adjusted in the future somehow. I liked the simplicity of check email, read email.
Hi Ryl,
The newsletter was reset to send the entire post in the email- today’s newsletter should have showed you all 🙂 I’ll get in contact directly to check with you.
It worked fine for me; this posy showed up in its entirety. Thanks for the swift action.
That was all Ilona 🙂 ! Thank you everyone for your understanding through the newsletter settling process.
Love this so much! Now I feel like I need to reread everything AGAIN (oh, no, Brer Fox, don’t throw me in the briar patch!)
That was fun!
This was so fun! Thank you!
“Every week is a good week to stay hydrated and mind my own business” should be my new life motto. But I cannot resist the lure of AITA posts, and these were hilarious! Well done, Mod R!
1. YNTA you risked being discovered and killed. And he wasn’t in the state of mind to listen to you or think of you as nothing more that what his little mind accepted. Give him hell.
2. YTA you are no Otrokar. You are a sissy. Put on your big bad pant and control your female. Eat her yourself if you want her to be eaten. Send her to a tree to do your dirty work. Shameful.
3. YTA She didn’t think you wanted to propose. That implies agreement. She thought you wanted to buy yourself a Bride. No proposing involved.
Edit: Did you even tell her who you really are before you arrived? YTA
1. NTA. trauma sucks.
2. NTA, just an idiot.
3. NTA, but dude just pick somewhere else to camp while you save the world.
3. But pretty pretty lady! 😀
Made the mistake of reading this while waiting in the doc’s office with a scope in my nose (don’t ask). Thank you for making Friday even more awesome! Also, thank you for sharing the /rAmitheAsshole subredit rabbit hole.
🤣🤣🤣 Loved this Mod R! Also loved all the responses! Thanks for making my day!
Now I want to go back and re-read the series. ALL THE SERIESes (plural of series?) HAHAHA
Ha! Love it.
Very clever, Mod R!
Super fun! And why everyone of those were great reads!
Best post Mod R!
I always get sucked into r/AmITheAsshole. I manage to avoid it quite well these days.
This was delightful! And I LOled at the guy who wanted to return her to the trees!
hysterical! thank you!
The edge one made me cackle xD
Mod R, these are brilliant! Currently wearing my wrist brace from scrolling Reddit (AITA related subs-also, thanks algorithm.) You’ve captured them beautifully.
RE AITA BOOKS: No, yes, maybe.
AITA is my guilty pleasure read. I LOVE this, pls do more.
love this, and thank you. Do want to say if Hugh wrote one, he’d be surprised to be judged as nta….probably upset too, he claimed label himself, love him though
Omg LOVED this!! Thank you Mod R! 🥰
This makes me think:
* would I be the A* if I kidnap a girl then threaten her mother over pancakes and bacon?
* would I be the A* if I roared at my wife’s father?
I would totally be in on the sub-redit people have suggested above! 😂
hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Too funny! I also get sucked into that same type of junk on FB though I am resisting more often after finding way too much time wasted on FB.
Fun! Thanks Mod R!
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I love all your series, but the Edge has my heart. I have reread it the most. Totally not a lie, he just ran with her assumptions.
😆 you are adorable ModR, & I love that Unessa has now “its cannon!””not cannon at all!” Taken over the tribe 😆
Love these!!
Thank you so much for brightening my day!!
Reading this AS I have AITA in Reddit on another device next to this device. Ha ha.
Ooh, I have one – Curan, letting Kate think he was no longer interested in her, because she’s a bad liar. AITA Bahahah
This has been hysterical!! Thanks Mod R!
LMFAO! Love them! I must admit that it did take me a minute to recognise these stories, but I did & I liked them!
I needed this today. Thank you!
This is hilarious! Now I want to reread everything! Btw, The AITA can really suck you in.
I love these so, so much. Especially being able to recognize immediately who they were about 😂
In Québec, we have a similar phrase: “C’est pas ma job.” It’s not my job.
This is said with a hint of a shrug at the complexities of the universe while also informing the person asking that they absolutely are incapable of anything that is not, in fact, their job. 🤣
It’s still so gloriously French, our Gallic roots show through in beautiful displays. Two years ago, a judge in the Quebec court ruled that ‘it is every man’s God-given right to give someone the finger’ (yes after someone sued someone else for flipping him off).
Snicker…I am a total sucker for those darn clickbait stories!! Yours are better, but I must admit that the ones about people who quit dreadful jobs leaving awful bosses in the lurch are a personal favorite. They suck me in every time. And I’ve actually found myself rereading the same stories after they changed the first one a little.
I’ve often wondered what it must be like having all of those characters living in your head. I’m not an author, but you folks must have terrific memories to keep them all straight.