It’s been a very busy Monday, complete with trips to the vet, the pharmacy, art payments, and other things.

Gordon and I will be joining Jeaniene Frost at Coastal Magic Con on February 22-25. It’s a small casual con in Daytona.
The schedule is still being adjusted but right now it looks like we will have panels on Friday and Saturday. We will post the exact time after the schedule is set. We will be coming in Thursday, 22nd, and for once, our schedule is very light – they only put us on two panels – so if anyone is attending and would like to do an informal meet and greet, please comment below, and we will try to set something up.
If anyone is attending, would you like to have books available to be signed? I just told them 5 of each of Magic Bites and Burn For Me, but if you want more options, please let us know.
Have a wonderful time!
If only Scotland wasn’t quite do far away I would have been there in a flash to get a signed book . Have a lovely time at the convention. Fridays Roman post was excellent as always . Thanks for all your hard work and imagination .
Same from the North East of England 🙁
same, happen to stay in there until near the end of this year
Enjoy Florida!
Suuuuuuueeee I have never done a con before but my sister is in FL so what better sister road trip than a book con!!! I was planning to bring some of my books but some there would be good. Burn for me was the first of yours I read!! so stinkin’ excited
The only limit the convention is putting on that is please no more than 3 books brought from home
However, Ilona and Gordon have been known to sign Kindle covers and related things 😀
thanks for the heads-up!
I will see you two there! Steve will be dropping me off, but not staying. He will also be picking me up on Sunday, so if you want to see him we can make it happen.
Yes! My daughter and I would love to attend a meet and greet
I wish I could go. Thank you for sharing your schedule, please keep doing it. One of these days you will be in my neck of the woods.
It’s my first conference. I would love to meet you both that weekend. I love your books both written and recorded.
Any chance you will do the fantasy con in Lancaster pa in Aug 2025?
No plans for that, I’m afraid. Costal Con and Dragon Con in 2024 are the only appearances, at least for now.
Dragon Con in Atlanta GA Labor Day weekend???? That’s in my neck of the woods. I have always wanted to see what it is like but I don’t truly fall into the gaming/cosplay/fantasy world but I will definitely want to go if IA will be there. Any BDH members planning on attending?
I was just looking to see when that was so I could ask if they were going. I need to research that some more to see if I can go this year.
Yes!! I go every year- absolutely love it.
I hope to go! I went once before with no cosplay and watched some author and actor panels (boy meets world).
might be worth checking out the guest list if that helps. for instance, an editor for penguin random house that works with Patricia Briggs will be there.
Oh, maybe this is my year to go!!
Ugh, going to FL in March🤨
Have fun, Daytona reminds me of alot of great spring breaks😜ahh the good ole days!
How nice/ with only two panels maybe you can get in some beach therapy 🙂
I love that you just offered a meet and greet! You’re not in my neck of the woods but it’s a lovely and appreciated gesture to the BDH!
Yay! You are coming to Daytona! Hopefully my work schedule will allow me to drop by! Get reservations for Millie’s for great farm to table food. For yummy treats, Cherry Hill and Kow Lick have great ice cream, both are about a block apart and within walking distance to the event.
Darn, that sounds like fun. Have a great time!
I cannot wait!! I took vacation time from work to attend! An informal meet and greet would be fantastic! Travel safe!
A meet and greet would be nice. I look forward to seeing you all there.
This sounds great! Too bad I can’t make it this time since I’m having surgery on the 12 and won’t be able to travel that far yet. Hopefully next time.
Hello! I am so excited you are going to Coastal Magic. I have attended almost every year and I’ve been a featured blogger for the past three. I was really looking forward to moderating one of your panels and getting to sit down and chat. However, family obligations have me pulling out of attending. I’m soooooooo sad that I can’t make it. I hope you will consider going another year so I may get the opportunity to work with you! Enjoy! Jennifer and her staff of volunteers are amazing!!
Aww :(, I’m so sorry you won’t get to be there, Jen. I hope everything is ok!
I would like a meet and greet! If we already own your books can we bring a copy with use to get an autograph?
Yes! There is a limit of 3 books from home set by the convention
I will be attending and I am very excited to do so! I last attended Coastal Magic in February 2020 (literally days before the Covid-19 shutdown). While I am not new to book conventions, I will be attending this one solo, so an informal meet and greet would be amazing, not only to meet you in a more informal setting, but to connect with other members of the BDH. 🙂 I have recently purchased a new copy of Clean Sweep to bring with me to the convention for your signature. I definitely would have no reservation on purchasing the remainder of paper versions of the Innkeeper series (currently I have all of the e-books and audio (both versions)) from you, if they are available.
I will likely be attending solo, too, so I will look for you Proud Bookworm 🙂
I am going likely coming solo as well. I would love yo meet up with other members of the bdh.
Yay! I’m not sure the best way to share contact details in a blog comment but I can also just run around yelling BDH until you identify yourself 😉 I’ll look out for other singletons!
I am also likely to be solo and was wondering if there is a way for the BDH to connect. The last time i was in Daytona for a book convention was 2006 RT book lovers con. It was huge and very spread out but so fun to meet authors and fans. Good times.
Yes! I would love to attend an informal meet and greet. I hoped to buy an autographed book while I’m there. Whatever one you bring is wonderful. I’m so excited to attend the conference.
Wish it were here by me, PNW.
I would love a meet up 💕
Saturday? I’m over on the other coast, and would be able to make it over there for the weekend. And yes! To a signed book. Every and any would be fantastic.
Yay for all those able to attend! It sounds lovely. You both are so kind to offer a meet and greet with signings! 🤗
May you have a wonderful time, lots of fun with Jeaniene, and plenty of time for relaxation as well! 😊
Have fun! Florida in March sounds like a good idea. Probably no iguanas falling from the trees by then.
I would love a meet and greet. Looking forward to the conference. Bringing some of your merchandise to sign as well.😁
If it’s on the weekend, I’ll definitely be there!!!
Enjoy yourselves, sneak in some R & R
I am crushed! I’ve lived in Florida for the last several years, but moved to Washington State in July (grandchildren). I’m sure it will be excellent and it’s a great time to be in Florida.
squeeee I live orlando. Unfortunately I work thur/friday night so couldn’t come till Sat afternoon or sunday but would definitely be up for stopping by for a meet and greet!
I will be there and would love to attend a meet and greet with you
I would love to!! I will be there the entire event as well. I was so excited to see you and Jeaniene Frost on the attendance lists!
Arrrg— I leave Daytona on the 20th (visiting Mom)- gaaaah!
I signed up for the conference (first time) because you are going, so a meet and greet would be wonderful!
For books, I would be very happy with buying a print copy of Magic Bites, or anything else. I have read them all.
I will be attending and would like both books please. I would also be interested in attending a meet and greet.
Hi. Love that both are speaking. Speach will be Like Nevada speaking to her family. Can we the horde after a while. Have a video of you both. Speaking to the houses?
Sincerely a person of the horde.
Hi Sandy,
I’m not super certain what you mean, sorry! Like a video with the authors? We have several Question & Answer sessions here on the blog, something like this 🙂 ?
Oh man! I’ll be at Chatta Con in Chattanooga that same weekend! would have been lovely to see you guys again. Maybe another future appearance at DragonCon?
Enjoy getting away from Texas for a little while.
Unfortunately I will be at work those days. Have fun with those of the Horde who can be there. 😎
Awesome!! I can’t wait. I love about an hour away and I’m so excited!!
I will be attending specifically because you and Jeaniene will be there and I recently moved to FL! I would absolutely love an informal meet & greet. I generally read ebooks and collect hardcovers (can’t wait to get my hands on your Arcane Society editions).
My sister and I would love to attend your meet & greet!! I’d happily get a couple books too.
BDH Road Trip!
My friend and I are coming to Costal Magic (mostly) just for you two!! It will be our first book convention. We would be absolutely THRILLED to attend an informal Meet and Greet with you!
And if it doesn’t come to fruition, we will be thrilled just to join your panels and get some books signed by you. Thanks!!
Oh, also – I am planning to bring my own copy of Magic Bites to have signed, but I would love to purchase a copy of Burn for Me to have signed for a friend. (Hidden Legacy is her favorite series.) Is there a way to request a copy so that we can make sure it’s available for purchase and to have signed?
Hey Ash,
Reader attendees cannot make an order directly from what I can see, sorry 🙂 – it’s the authors who estimate the number and get copies through a preorder form.
The only thing the convention is officially asking is no more than 3 books brought from home 🙂
And they said only 5 of each? Hahaha!
I am attending and would love to participate in an informal meet and greet 🙂
I wish I could be there; enjoy, those who can!
Me and my bestie and both so excited and would love a meet and greet. Any chance of some of the Inn Keepers at the signing? Somehow I only have the first in paperback. Can’t wait to get some of my Kate Daniel hardbacks signed even if I can only bring three.
I am going now… I met you in 2009 in Orlando and I am so excited your coming back this way. I don’t know if you have any Kate Daniels – Wilmington Years but I would love to purchase them if you do 🙂
I would love to have an informal meet and great! I am a long, looooong time fan 🙂 I recently moved from Seattle to Miami and when I saw you were coming to Coastal Magic Con with Jeaniene Frost, I immediately signed up <3
I'd love to have you sign Clean Sweep but can also bring a copy if that's easier! I'm going to do my best to cosplay, as well, hehe. If I can rope my step kiddos into it, we'll have a little posse. But otherwise you'll just have an AMA pregnant lady either in a robe or with a plastic sword 😉
Hi Ilona Andrew’s- I will be in Orlando for a business conference the week after so I epwill fly in either Thursday or Friday to attend the Daytona-con. I’m secretly “fan-girdling”. I hope to see you in Daytona
I would love a few minutes to meet with the two of you at Coastal Magic.
I’m an avid reader, and aspiring (although humble) writer. I think writers are GODS!
Please let me know if you have a time to meet.
Sue DeJarnette
Madeira Beach, FL
I will be at Coastal Magic and would love to meet. We are going to be there on Monday (coming from Ohio, hoping for warmer, sunnier weather).
I am so excited to meet you two in person. I have my convention ticket and room reservations.
I would love to do an informal meet and greet (not in a stalkery way) and I also plan to sign-up for the luncheon with your favorite author event.
I would love a meet and greet.
If only it weren’t in Florida. Have fun!
My best friend (who’s never read your books but is planning to try one) and I are going to go. I would love to do a meet and greet! It always depends on my mood if I’m more Kate/Curran or Nevada/Rogan so any books you have as an option for signing sounds great!
Wrong coast for me unfortunately, but I’ve recently started wanting a special edition set of the Edge novels, though I’d take a signed older set instead. Random I know but there it is.
I’m ready to join our happy fan club at the Con and am looking forward to meeting you!
I can only get the Friday off work and plan to definitely attend. I would buy any book that I could have with your actual signatures on it, instead of the name plate that COVID caused. 🙂 Once schedule is posted, I may pay for one of the packages that involve you guys.
Hi! It’s my first time commenting but I’ve loved the books Ilona andrews writes for so long (esp Kate Daniel’s and Hidden Legacy) and I’ve heard that the hidden legacy books are getting a revamp. I can’t go to any of the cons they have scheduled this year. Will there be an option to buy bookplates from an online store for those books?? Thanks!
Bookplates will be available- details to come soon! 🙂
My husband just bought Saturday tickets for my Valentines present!!! Love that man so much! Cant wait!
I am so excited that you are coming to Florida. I will be attending and can’t wait to meet you.
If we were looking to get a signed copy of the full Innkeeper series to round out owning the og audible, the graphic audio, and the kindle – what is the best way to do that? Thank you for creating!!
It sounds like Clean Sweep will be available on the day and you are allowed to bring books from home to be signed 😌. Good luck!
Hello! My mom and I will be attending the convention, and we would feel so lucky to have an informal meet and greet! We both have been longtime devouring horde members, we’re looking forward to the convention 🙂
And yes, all the signed books.
I would love an informal meet and greet! Thanks for suggesting it. 🙂 As far as books to be signed, I love them all so no preference, but will definitely want one 9at least). I’m SO excited you and Jeannine are attending. You are the reason I considered attending.
Hello! My daughter and I are so excited to see you. Could you please let us know when the meet and greet is or when you might be available for us to meet with you for signing some books that my daughter has? On a personal note, I met you many years ago (you probably don’t remember) in Portland with my daughters & husband when we were visiting at a conference. We went to a play ground. have since introduced your books to my daughters who are now huge fans!
One of these days I hope to meet you two.
Hi Mod R,
I just booked my flight for Coastal Magic Con this morning. So excited! Is the offer for an informal meet and greet still available? I hope so!!! Thank you.
I’ll be there Thursday, afternoon so I would love too. Will you guys do any signing if we bring books?
Jacksonville is only 90 minutes away! Yay!
Hmmm….can i make it? 2 miles from my house? Yes….yes, I can.
Hello. I will be there and am so excited! It is my first authors convention. I love your books. I would love to do a meet and greet. It is so nice of you to offer.
Me and my wife are French Canadian – Québec, Canada. We would like to meet a little moment with Jeaniene Frost – Author. We read their books in french and really appreciate. Hope to see her at the convention this weekend.
Let me forward this to her. 🙂 Let’s see if she has availability.