So today is my father’s last day with us, but that’s not why we are delaying. Kid 2 had bacterial sinusitis. Her boyfriend has bacterial sinusitis. Kid 1 now also has bacterial sinusitis. Everyone has antibiotics.
I’ve held on for about 4 days trying to take care of everybody, but woke up this morning with no voice and a very painful, raw throat. I am fuzzy, but all things considered, I don’t feel super awful. The problem is, I can’t communicate, so Gordon and I can’t write together. Since we are working on the final battle scene, there is no way to coordinate anything. We can’t discuss it. So we are stuck until my voice comes back.
On the plus side, he keeps making really dirty jokes because he thinks it’s hilarious that I can’t do anything except glare.
So we may have to delay until next week. Please don’t email us. There is nobody to answer your email. Chateau Andrews is under quarantine. We are all wearing masks, because we are scared dad might catch it. He needs to be at the airport at 5:00 am tomorrow and right now I have no idea how we are going to manage that, because I couldn’t even get out of bed today until 9:00 am.
Caro says
Hope you are feeling better soon – all the best wishes plus all the positive energy I can come up with heading your way.
Gina ilas says
Feel better
Gloria Magid says
Hope everyone feels better soon, and safe journey to your dad.
Joan says
While I can’t wait for Ladies! S + O to discover just how deadly Maud is ? your health & happiness is more important.
And you already gave us Catalina’s cut scene ? so I’m still dancing happily ?
Heather says
Hope everyone feels better soon!
Susan B. says
Hope everyone is better today. Concerned minds wondering how Dad got to airport today, without sending sinusitis with as a fair well gift?
Lots of liquids, sleep today, as needed. Want all of you totally healthy! If even one still sick, possibility of starting round Robin again! Uggghhh!
TWAndrews says
Hope your father is still healthy and safely on his way, and that you and your family feel better soon.
BGreen says
I hope all went well. Your father might be proud of your alcohol knowledge because if his pride brings bad luck regarding that, nothing bad will happen. If he shows pride in the truly amazing things you have done then he might bring bad luck to those important things (just a guess).
Stacey Watson says
Any bug that can knock out the entire household is infinitely more important than an installment of a book you give us free each week, or emails that whine because you can’t. Take care of you and yours, we want more of you not to mourn never getting more…?
Marija says
Hope everyone feels better !
tina henry says
Hope you get your voice back soon. Been there with that and its no fun. Also, throw crumpled up paper at Gordon to stop his teasing!
Mary Cruickshank-Peed says
While talking with my goddaughter, today, who is deaf and is in college to become a teacher for the deaf… don’t you wish you knew sign language? I knew quite a bit once upon a time… but like all language skills have lost most of it due to lack of use. She posts videos once in a while and it’s lovely to watch, like watching ballet… but I only get one word in ten.
Cynthia says
The very warm salt water gargle ( that others have mentioned) has always worked for me. It’s something everyone has on hand already (salt). You can gargle as many times as you like a day to help relieve the raw feeling in your throat.
I would use about half a cup of the warmest water with about a teaspoon of salt, stir until its dissolved. This is enough for about two or three gargles, depending on the the person using it.
Hope your Dad got off ok.
And that some of you are starting to feel better.
Lynn T. says
So sorry to hear everyone except Gordon has succumbed to bacterial sinusitis. I hope he and your father stay healthy. Sick males are difficult patients as they will not admit to being sick in any way, shape or fashion. Kind of like cats. Cats are deadly ill before you see they are sick.
Get well and what will be, will be.
Thank you both for all the stories. And Gordon for the temporary typing. Grin.
jewelwing says
In my experience they’re difficult patients because, once they’re sick enough to notice, no one else can possibly be as sick as they are. They require being waited on hand and foot. It’s kind of a miracle they aren’t murdered during their convalescence. YMMV, of course.
Kathryn says
I am so sorry to hear it! Wishing a swift recovery to all of you, and hoping that you had a good send-off to your father this morning. Take care!!
Faith says
Take good care of yourselves, Gordon included. We’ll send some mojo to help!
jewelwing says
Hope your dad made it to the airport safe and healthy. Now time to sleep and read and make Gordon feed you until you feel better. The one good thing about being sick is that you have legitimate excuse to do the things without guilt.
jewelwing says
Those things. Blasted Autocorrect, so not helpful!
DianainCa says
I hope your feeling better and your Dad caught his flight being non sick. Last year when I had a bad throat, I did the salt gargle and drank hot lemon juice, honey and a little water.
Good Luck.
Sheila K. Erbacher says
Feel better.
Eegoolina says
I hope everyone is well soon. Take care of yourselves.
Rohaise says
Yikes! Take care and hope you and the kids feel better soon.
Samantha says
Monina says
Oh no!!! That sucks! I hope the family all gets better over the weekend! And that your Dad does not get infected so he can go home as scheduled.
Be well.
Fred says
You should share those really dirty jokes!
Sandra Hughes says
or Gordon should!
Sarah says
I hope you’re all feeling better very soon and that your Dad manages to avoid catching the lurgie and has a safe journey home!
I can’t help but giggle at the thought of Gordon telling you all really dirty jokes though LOL
Sandra Hughes says
GET WELL! that is all that matters. Get a Uber for Dad? Truly, hope you all feel better soon. We can wait. But, ‘final’ battle scene??? Looking forward to finding out more.
Carol says
My goodness! Many prayers and blessings that you are all feeling better soon!!! Gordon loves through humor I see!?
IreneMBBT says
Also hoping you all feel better soon. Everyone’s symptoms and cures are unique but, for throat, warm chamomile tea. Before antibiotics there was chamomile. Use whatever anti inflammatory works for you. Mine is Advil and Arnica Montana tablets. If the nose is drippy, saline spray helps. If dry, I use Sovereign Silver brand Colloidal Silver Sinus Spray. Silver has natural antibacterial properties. Isn’t it interesting that, historically, wealthy people had platters, dishes and utensils made from sterling?
Again, hoping you feel better soon!
Let your body rest enough to put that energy to healing!
For what it’s worth – yours is my favorite author website. The writing, the snippets, the personal comments, your level of interaction with fans, the fans themselves… it’s all good;;-))
fiveandfour says
My family finds it HILARIOUS whenever I lose my voice. The seditious acts are endless. Even the dog gets in on it by doing stuff he knows he’s not supposed to do, then keeping his head averted so he can’t see me when I attempt to enact discipline via hand gestures.
Sending healing thoughts your way – hope everyone gets better soon.
Judy Schultheis says
Oh, dear. Do take care of yourselves.
Sharon says
Look after yourselves ?
Beth says
I’m sure everyone has given you their favorite remedy. I’ll just add one more. Clove tea — found it on the internet, but I don’t follow their way. This is the short cut.
Fill a mug with water
Shake on some ground clove (it’s a natural anti-bacterial)
Heat it in the microwave. (I have found this better than just pouring boiling water over the clove)
Use any type of tea – loose leave or bag; flavored or non; green, black, or white, etc
Enjoy – i usually do a couple mugs a day when I am not feeling good.
Bill G says
Take care of yourselves, and I hope your father doesn’t get a case of this to take back with him. Final battle scene, eh? Oooo
Leanne Ridley says
I’m sorry that you are feeling so mucky (although thinking of ways to pay back Gordon may help pass the down time more enjoyably LOL). Gets lots of rest and tea, and wait until you are back in fighting trim before you even think about writing that battle scene
Sarah Neuendorff says
And here I just put it down to dad being there. I hope you feel better very soon. Best!
Barbara Kuczinski says
Prayers that everyone is up n running soon!!!
SherL says
Drink lots of fluids. Maybe good to have the vicks steamer in a bedroom. Make it run 24 hrs. Nose spray cleaning. Mucinex with ibuprofen is good too.
Take care, it will take awhile to get better so don’t worry about us. Your fans will understand and just ignore those who are selfish.
Rose says
That sounds awful! Sinusitis can be so painful. I hope the antibiotics kick in fast, and I hope your dad doesn’t get it, especially with a long plane flight. Just take care of yourselves, and plan your revenge on G when HE gets it and can’t talk, but you’re all better. Mwa hah hah (rubs hands together).
Diane_D says
Hope that you all feel better soon, and that your father got off on time and w/o any sinus infection to endure at altitude!
I personally endorse tea with honey and lemon as a tasty throat-soother.
Marianne says
Hope you feel better soon! Also hope you manage to get your Dad to the airport in time, without too much trouble! Rest, drink plenty of clear fluids, … you know – all the same advice that you usually get when you are sick. I hope all of you (you, kid 2, her boyfriend, and kid 1) are feeling much better soon! I hope that Gordon doesn’t get it, and that he takes good care of you (in addition to telling some good dirty jokes). Feel better!!
P.S. You know they say laughter is the best medicine, so maybe Gordon is just trying to help you get better by telling those jokes! ?
Meg says
Hope you all fell better soon. Glad your Dad’s visit went well. Blessings.
Jennifer says
Healing thoughts to you and your family! Take care of yourselves! Hope you had a great visit with your father.
Ove T says
Get better soon. Drink often but little (small sips every 5-10 mins) – staying hydrated works wonders for you bodys ability to fight them lil’ buggers !
R Coots says
Eep! Hope everyone feels better soon!