Yays! This was such an unexpected surprise. I didn’t think they counted novels. Thank you, guys! Here is a celebratory snippet.
“Danger is our middle name,” Grandma Frida said.
Mom stopped what she was doing and looked at Grandma Frida.
“What?” Grandma Frida shrugged. “It’s been too quiet around here. I’m ready for some action.”
“The last time you got some action, you drove Romeo through a Storm mage’s compound, while Nevada rode shotgun and fired a grenade launcher at the giant animated constructs chasing you,” Mom said. “Your tank needed to be rebuilt from the tracks up, and you had three broken ribs and a gash on your head that needed thirty stitches.”
“Don’t you worry about me getting action, Penelope.” Grandma Frida grabbed a handful of her platinum curls and pulled them back, exposing the edge of a scar. “It adds character.” She paused. “And an air of mystery. A woman can always use more mystery.”
“God help me,” Mom said.
We love you, that’s the result ?
+1 couldn’t have said it better.
Well, actually I loved the book…..
Congratulations! Woop, woop! Love Grandma Frida. Thank you for the snippet.
as this was nearly exactly what I was going to write.
Grandma Frida steals every scene 🙂
Thank you for the snippet!
What snippet? I get so lost on this website, but I’m using phone so maybe I can’t see all the options…
I noticed it did well on Amazon US, Canada and Australia and not as well in UK so this isn’t a surprise to me.
It was #1 paranormal romance Best seller on Amazon UK the day of release?
I was concentrating on the bid category — books — rather than the numerous smaller categories it topped out in.
Congratulations! The book is fantastic and deserves the listing.
Congrats! Can’t wait to see more of Grandma Frida.
I love it… I think you could do a Grandma Frida book and everyone would love it and just chock themselves from laughing so hard with her antics as everyone else runs around trying to stop her/keep her safe. Congrats on the #11 Diamond Fire is a great transition to the next in the series.
I think we could probably count on Arabella to join in Grandma Frida’s hijinks. 😉
I would have said Leon, but I think she’d make him blush too much, so yes, Arabella probably would be a better sidekick for Grandma.
Definitely want that book.
Just think of Leon hanging out the top of the tank while firing 1 handed whatever weapon he had. 🙂
Gratz on the ranking. It is well deserved.
….now I want a Grandma Frieda/Arabella novella. Damn it.
?? +1 just the thought of this makes my cheeks hurt from smiling and I can’t stop laughing at thinking of what they would do lol
Congrats!! Well deserved.
Thanks for the snippet
Congrats on the ranking! Glad to hear Romeo made it after some TLC.
Hurray for the Author Lords!
We love your work.
The number of “we” keep growing because your imagination and storytelling abilities are awesome, and “we” buy whatever you write!
Yay!!! Congratulations ?
Congratulations! The book was awesome, and I just love the snippet! Thanks for everything!!
Congratulations!!! ?
1. Congratulations!!
2. Bwhahahaha! Grandma Frida is my hero. I wanna be her when I grow up! I’m still cackling. Thank you I needed that laugh.
+ 1
Really happy that Catalina, Arabella, and Leon are coming into their own. Very excited in anticipating their next adventures. 😀
As an aside, your author bio at the end of Diamond Fire seems under count how many successful series you have. It lists only 2 successful series instead of (at minimum) 3:
– Kate Daniels
– The Edge
and Hidden Legacy. Then, there’s also your self-published Innkeeper series. 😀
Agreed on all counts.
I’m guessing that since it was published by Avon they can’t list list self-published works or any books listed with other publishers.
Anyone else thought Grandma Frida was talking about a different kind of action?
Me. Also, I love grandma Frida.
Yep. 😀
100% I did. As long as we’re wishing everyone happy endings, let’s give Grandma Frida a boyfriend. Unfortunately, the only age appropriate male we know is Linus Duncan and that would be… weird. Very very weird.
Is this snippet from Diamond Fire or an up coming Catalina’s Novel due in 2019? Thank you for a reply.
An upcoming novel, I believe. I don’t remember it from Diamond Fire but I could be wrong.
Or it could just be a snippet the Authorlords wrote just to celebrate the ranking. It wasn’t long and it focused on the past, rather than the future.
It is from Sapphire Flames I am assuming. HL 4
There is another installment planned? Yay!
Congratulations! Wonderful news and as, already mentioned, very much deserved. Started HL from the beginning and on Wildfire now. Will we get any Connor POVs? We had a few paragraphs in Burn for Me and White Hot. You may have already answered this eons ago… Sorry if I missed it.
Go Ilona Anderson!
There’s a couple of Connor POV’s under the free fiction.
I didn’t find any. Am I just not seeing it?
Thanks, Siobhan. I can’t find it under free fiction though. A link would be great if you can find it. Thanks!
I’m really sorry, and I hope you’ll still check this. The Rogan POVs AREN’T in the extras yet, they are blog posts here. In order:
Burn for Me #1: https://ilona-andrews.com/rogan-pov-from-burn-for-me-part-one/
Burn for Me #2: https://ilona-andrews.com/rogan-burn-for-me-pov-part-2/
Wildfire: https://ilona-andrews.com/rogan-pov-from-wildfire-part-1/
Although that Wildfire post says Part 1, I don’t believe we ever got a Part 2.
Why didn’t it post the first time? I hope it doesn’t double post.
I’m sorry, I was wrong about the location. They are currently only blog posts. Here:
Burn for Me, Part 1: https://ilona-andrews.com/rogan-pov-from-burn-for-me-part-one/
Burn for Me, Part 2:
Wildfire (it says Part 1, but I don’t think there was ever a Part 2):
I hope it’s not too late and you found these. Also, you don’t have to trawl through old posts. I found them by googling “Ilona Andrews blog Rogan POV” and they all popped up right at the top.
I just tried twice to post the links, and they don’t show up. Maybe an anti-spam thing? Anyway, since I can’t link directly, I found them by googling “ilona andrews blog Rogan POV”. All three were right at the top of the results: 2 from Burn for Me and one from Wildfire (the Wildfire post says Part 1, but I don’t remember us ever getting a part 2).
Anyway, I hope you’re still checking and see this. And maybe one of my posts with the links will make it through eventually.
March 5th 2017, and may 10th under the blog if you can’t find them somewhere else
Thanks! Stacy. Found them and they were well worth the trawl through the blog..
Question for Ilona and Gordon. Do you think you will ever write a book with both points of view? Perhaps Derek and Julie? Pretty please??!! ??
Both books 2 & 3 of The Edge have both POVs, as does Iron & Magic. I don’t remember how much we see of Richard in Edge #4.
Oooh, forgot to say I loved the snippet. You have to really love the women of this family!
I would buy and read your shopping list. xxx
Hahaha…..and the audio of the hugh guy reading it…
When I grow up, I wanna be Grandma Frieda. Or Betty White. Or Maxine “reclaim my time” Walters. Badasses all around ?
I love Maxine. Assuming you mean Maxine of the greeting cards. I don’t think I knew her last name.
OMG – Does anyone else picture Betty White in Lake Placid when they think of Grandma Freida??!! Or MeMaw from Young Sheldon?
Not Betty White but Estelle Getty aka Sofia Petrillo
Agreed. Grandma Frida sounds more like Estelle’s character. Or maybe Vicky Lawrence’s Mama.
Maxine Walters is a Congresswoman. She takes no crap.
Don’t forget Ruth Bader “Broken Ribs Are Barely An Inconvenience” Ginsburg who was working and cracking jokes the day after she fell and broke three ribs.
Congratulations, and well deserved.
Great snippet,,, thank you.
Congratulations on the best seller list.
Yay #11! For a novella!
Thanks for the fun snippet. You two are the best 🙂
A well deserved honor. Congratulations!
I just read it, and now am fan-girling like crazy!
I love your books sooooooo much. I am tickled pink that this one focused on Catalina, and I absolutely ADORE Mrs. Rogan!
Glad for ypu. Loved Diamond Fire.
Congratulations on another success. Loved Diamond fire and WooHoo , this means more Baylor family. Love each one and looking forward to more of Grandma and Romeo !!
Congratulations. You’re in and a whole shebang of others are not. Well done and damn toot’n much deserved.
Congrats, it is a great story.
This will probably become one of my favorite book quotes. “And an air of mystery. A woman can always use more mystery.” Love it, thank you.
Congrats!! ????!! Grandma Frida cracks me up I want to be like Grandma Frida when I get older lol it’s that oh crap what is that crazy old lady going to do now!
Grandma Frida is feisty!?Congratulations?
Well done and congratulations!
We love the Hidden Legacy series…and all the others too!
I also want to be like Grandma Frieda when I grow up!
Love to see that, just as I loved the book. Congratulations.
I hope all of you are all well now.
Whoopity-whoop-whoop! And snootboops for all!
Congrats! Love Grandma Frida — she’s my hero.
Oh, for a peak into Grandma Frida’s secret dating journal.
Love Kate, Maud, Dina, Nevada & now Catalina 😀
You are both so talented!!!
Congratulations! Well deserved. Thanks for the snippet – I, like many others, am looking forward to Catalina’s book. Hope you are all starting to feel better, as well.
Congratulations! That’s awesome!
Wonderful ranking and Congratulations. Read Diamond Fire in one fabulous evening. Being so good at your writing must be a heavy burden (lol), but I am sure you and Gordon are up to the challenge. Hugs
I do hope you and Gordon are feeling better.
Congrats on the listing and thanks for the snippet – love grandma Frida, always unexpected and makes me laugh.
Hope you are all feeling much better
Haha Grandma Frida is the best!
Congratulations! ??? loved the snippet!
Congratulations! Diamond Fire is excellent.
Thanks for the snippet, love Grandma Frida.
I bought it twice! Had ordered on iTunes ( which is having all sorts of problems downloading with pre- orders – works fine if buying normally – just hates pre-orders which won’t download – can fix it eventually over about a week – who can wait that long! – so rather than wait just bought it again through kindle – so now I have two for twice the enjoyment!!!!
Well-deserved! Thank you for the snippet, too.
Happy Dance!!!!!
Can’t wait for the next book.. when is Maude story coming out?
Yay!! So deserved!
Also, yay for more Grandma Frida in HL4!
Congrats. Love Grandma and Pen’s scenes. Thanks for snippet.
Congratulations! Great news and so happy for you both!
Many thanks for the snippet as well.
Hope it goes up some more, you both diserve it so much!
More Catalina in monitor, please! Waaay to short.
I agree! More Hidden Legacy. Catalina needs a longer book. Another for Nevada would be great too.
The novella wasgreat I bought the e-book the moment it was available and read it before the sun was up. Loved it.
I am hoping for some new innkeeper because I spent the night in an airport luggage claim with group of 78 parents and children for the 8th grade field trip caught in the snow storm in Newark, New Jersey.
All your books and snipets make great pick me ups.
Congratulations! I have read and re-read Diamond Fire until I should have it memorized. Just as impressive are the authors you beat out for your eleventh place; Clive Cussler, Christine Feehan and Mary Higgins Clarke!
I read Diamond Fire multiple times. I really love the Baylor/Rogan clan. Not at all surprised that the book is doing well – it’s a great story.
Question about Prime houses. Is it always the case that, when a woman marries, she joins her husband’s house? Was surprised to learn that Catalina was becoming the head of House Baylor. Does a House cease to exist if all the Primes are females who marry out?
I’m sure we’ll find out. The first explanation everyone leapt at was that since Nevada isn’t in country, then Catalina is (Acting) Head of House Baylor. With no contract for their marriage, it’s not clear that what house either Connor or Nevada are in. Presumably, there’s official notification or dispensation for the house affiliation of the married couple.
It seems fairly mutable. In some cases, it’ll be a clear cut break, like when Ramirez Family married into House Rogan across the ocean. But then there’s House Howling, where the second wife appears to have gone back to her family, House Collins (of the East Coast Collins) when the marriage fell apart, leaving the son to be raised a psychopath. Tremaine was never going to leave her house, but her fiancé was not a head of his house before he was murdered.
We have no clear indication (yet) that it’s mutable, but I do wonder if something is going to happen with Connor’s mother now that the young branch of Ramirez Family has thrown a Prime. Mother-in-Law Rogan may bring the surviving and loyal family back to Texas and become the new head of House Ramirez, forcing Connor and Nevada to choose which house they want to represent. Since a House only needs two living Primes when the next one is tested, House Ramirez could establish itself with 2 Primes across three generations, House Rogan could be left with Connor waiting on a Prime child, and House Baylor could be chock full of Primes as (prime) husbands marry into the House.
What we have seen of House politics is fairly hidebound, such as excising less powerful members who don’t marry advantageously and second wives and half-brothers being driven into obscurity. So it is not that far fetched to believe that it is always assumed the wife marries into the husband’s House. But again, assumptions are likely not official declarations with the Keeper of Records, so the official members of Houses may be left vague until the next Prime trial.
No one wants to see Baylor fade from existence, but we should all expect something to rock the House structure before any Baylor children are tested as Primes. (Rocks fall, everyone dies.)
I think your comment is well thought out, except for one point – would Mama Rogan want to take over a House Ramirez, or just incorporate the little girl into House Rogan? I think the post-wedding Ramirezes are too deservedly embarassed/humiliated/beaten down to object.
I also can’t get my mind around who would make an acceptable husband for Arabella.
And as of the wedding, Nevada was still working for the investigative agency. I don’t think she’d stop that even with kids.
congrats, well deserved, you guys rock
Je suis en Martinique (FRANCE), et super fan. Diamond fire est il déjà publié en France ? Peut-on le trouver en librairie ? Si non comment faire ?
Laissez-moi parler à mon éditeur et je saurai quand il sera disponible. 🙂
I wanna be Grandma Frida when I get older…..?
Congratulations! You guys deserve it.
So hope this bit of good news aid in getting you both back to feeling well.
I totally agree with Teej’s comment. I too want to be Grandma Frida when I grow up!
Wow! Congratulations and thanks for the snippet!
<3 Grandma Frida's story will be great!
That’s outstanding! Congratulations!
Yes!!! I bought the eBook and read it three times. Congratulations ♥️
This was definitely a fun read, and an interesting tack for the story to take.
So now I have another question the author lords will likely not answer. Nevada’s mom is a relatively young woman. Does anyone think she will get a second chance at love? I may be crazy, but I thought there might be some interest from Heart… she’s been a widow for a long time.
Yes, I had a thought of Hart as well… but very faintly. ?
Yes, but there’s a line in Wildfire that says “hearing dad’s name still hurt her.” I think if she does fall again it would have to be someone like Heart — not his personality, but the fact that if she regularly volunteers to work with Rogan’s army, she would be in contact with people and could become friends first. I don’t see her accepting a date. I think it would have to creep up on her. And she would have a hefty struggle with feeling like she was betraying James.
I was so happy the Hidden Legacy series was destined to see more installments, I almost want to leave it at that.
I admit the change in the narrators gave me a shock. Not to say it was bad, but the variety of voices we were used to must be so hard to replicate. Perfect voice for Catalina however.
But just a few points. I was confused where Alessandro came from and then disappeared to at the very beginning. Almost wish we had waited to see a more fleshed-out scene.
Only Leon and Arabella felt the same to me. I guess I was confused by so many varied new people and the need to reveal all the nasty secrets. And that Nevada and Rogan left absolutely everything to a teen.
I was not a happy camper at first reading, but after a few days, I developed a kindlier view of this novella.
I had hoped for a better sense of Mrs. Rogan earlier, but the more filled out scene of the sword-fight and her “old dragon” presence was more satisfying. And the promise that she would train and help Catalina.
Things I noted: 1. Catalina spent more energy keeping her power to herself than exerting it. 2. Leon seems happy and confident and is one heck of a body guard. 3. The similarity in description of Catalina’s power in use to Nevada’s, working it around so they wouldn’t notice. New one in me, though supposedly she had been practicing. Similar results but less brute force. 4. So MUCH time spent on the teens and the long disputes and simple evil of bad boy and his complete nonrelation, but absolutely no time on the catching of the elusive cousin Kelly Waller – after evading everyone for three books and the treasure trove of the information that must be in her mind, and why in the world she was there herself versus henchmen, etc. To see everyone die of poisoned icing? Why no hysterics, etc.? Seemed so strange!
I really, really miss the old voices (in audio format) but I guess beggars can’t be choosers. Again, no disrespect to the new narrator. I’m hoping she can develop some different voices (though it must be a serious talent to be able to do such, never heard one done quite so well as Renee Raudman). Rogan’s voice especially threw me for a loop.
I love this series oodles, but did no one else feel that even the writing seemed different? I just didn’t feel I recognized the writing or narration. So odd. I was left feeling confused. But it’s perhaps because a segue novella? All in all though, I wait expectantly for the next segment, because I love these characters so much and it’s a fascinating world.
PS: (Somewhere I thought I read a comment wanting Leon and Augustine together, as in together-together? No! No! Bleh!)
Sad to say, I really miss the back and forth of Nevada and Rogan, and especially Rogan’s voice.
Suppose I had hopes. Like what would happen if ALL the grandmas got together? Including… the lady under sedation, the original Beast of Cologne? Or am I wrong that the birth mother is still alive on the continent somewhere? That would be a crazy gathering no doubt. Who knows, maybe the funky magic cauldron of all the bloodlines creates a whole new tier of magic… what would happen then?
I keep picturing a scene where the lonely Catalina can only let her light shine (and wings unfurl I guess) near those immune, loved ones and that mysterious Alessandro whose power can block her magic, (stronger now maybe?) and perhaps treat her normally, even coolly.
Grandma Frida is the best ???
Congrats!! It is such a great read! 🙂 and thanks for the snippet 🙂
number 3 on the weekend Wall Street Journal
I’m so glad you’re writing more stories about this family. I’m enjoying it, a lot. Thank you.