At some point in my life I have realized a simple fact: I can’t lose something if I always put it in the same place. Car keys? Always in a certain pocket of my purse. Glasses? Always on the bathroom counter or on the night table. Medicine? Always in the medicine cabinet by the office.
I rarely lose things. However, this superb system comes with an interesting drawback. When an object is moved from its usual place, it becomes invisible.
I am absolutely serious. I can be staring straight at it and I don’t see it.
The floor dudes stripped the layers of epoxy off our floor while we were on tour. They stripped it in the pantry too.
You know where this is going.
They moved the stuff from the bottom under the shelf space and they put it up onto the shelves, moving everything to make room.
I will now pause so you have a moment to absorb the full horror of this.
I spent five minutes in the pantry with a stupid look on my face and my thought process went something like this.
“Where is canned corn? I know we purchased corn. I left it right there on the floor under this shelf. It is not there now.
We had a large pack and there were at least six cans left. I know this because I had checked on the corn the last time we went to Sams and I specifically decided that we didn’t need anymore. Why can’t I see it?
Did one of the kids come and take the corn? But if they had taken it, surely they wouldn’t have 6 cans of it. Did I give the corn to Kid 1 when she was moving in? I gave her a bunch of groceries. Does she and Logan even eat corn?
No, it has to be somewhere around here. Where is it?”
Here is a picture of my rearranged pantry. You too can look for the corn with me.

Feel my pain. Feel it.
Also floors are still a mess. Crai.
PS. Gordon advised me to inform you that those are not our cheese balls or our pub mix. Those were purchased at the insistence of Kid 2 on account of our fridge containing nothing but “salad.”
Oh my I feel the pain and horror. I too have a system. My husband used to move my glasses to pull a prank on me.
THANK YOU! My husband swears he didn’t move a thing – but I think he’s just trying to see if I’m crazy or make me think I am losing my mind.
My late husband could lose his glasses in the bathtub. He was (and had been all his life) *extremely* near-sighted.
He also acquired a bad habit as he got older and his vision improved. (I think his focal length went from 6 or 8 inches to about 2 feet over the 47 years we were married.) He would remove his glasses to look at something closely and put them down. If he walked away from the glasses, he could not find them again.
Guess who had to find them. Yep – yours truly. It was not a problem unless he was going to work. His workday started at least an hour before his official start at 7 AM. Mine never began before 11 AM, since I closed the store at 9 PM. He was usually heading to bed about the time I got home. I tried to be in bed before he got up.
I got really good at finding his glasses without really waking up. Some days I didn’t even remember it happening…
Heaven help me if I couldn’t find MY glasses.
This is my brain as well. There’s always so much going on in their that I have to have things the same so I don’t lose track of them.
Nobody else understands it.
I can feel your pain. My family calls me treasure hunter because obviously I can never find anything.
I would say I don’t deserve it, but I have literally looked for an hour for my pencil because I *just* had it only to realize it was in my hand the entire time.
It was in my left hand and I’m a righty which apparently reason enough for my brain to decide my pencil no longer existed.
I went looking for my reading glasses one day. My husband “reminded” me that they were on my head. In fact, there were THREE pair on my head.
omg, i have done that 100 times
My tribe!
I tried to find my cell phone while talking to my sister on my cell phone. She tried to help me find it too ?
I “lose” my phone all the time when using my kindle app. I’ll look all over for it and realize it’s sitting perched on the pillow in my lap. Right. In. Front. Of. My. Face.
I stick a pens/pencils in my hair to answer the phone or something then spend forever trying to find out what in the world I did with the pen I was just using a second ago. ??♀️
I do this all the time. ?
Similar scenario with comb when I was 9. When I ‘found’ the comb, I promised myself I would never get uppity with old people for misplacing something because I was getting there quickly.
I’m the same. If something isn’t where I left it it’s like it disappeared into a black hole. And then I spend hours looking for it while it sits quitely on the shelf I went by a gazillion times.
Haha I don’t see the corn but am impressed by that giant jar of cheese balls… sorry for your pain! I hate whe stuff gets moved ?
I found the cheese puffs, now where is the beer.
Second shelf up on the left in about a foot. Are those cans? And do the cans have corn?
As always I am truly boggled by non British pantry’s – I probably wouldn’t find the corn if came at me singing and dancing.
I do however feel your pain at it being rearranged, the only solution will be to completely empty it and start again.
Same, I’m looking for wee yellow tins of sweetcorn with the jolly green giant on. Can’t see any corn in that pantry ?
I agree with Sandra about emptying the pantry. My husband comes home from being gone all week and MOVES stuff without telling me. His excuse? It makes more sense in the new spot. Never mind that I don’t USE it in that spot. But then, to me, oral medicine goes in the kitchen in an upper cabinet and NOT in the bathroom with the germs. I don’t even like having the tooth brush in there.
So how do the British organize their pantries?
It’s not so much the layout, as the different contents and the packaging. Most English brands have something similar for corn, i.e. small and yellow with green details. American brands probably have similar but different visual codes. And I have no idea what a cheese ball is in this context. If forced to guess I would think it was a small ball of fresh mozarella and best kept in the fridge – but people seem to indicate that large jar of orange beads.
LOL priceless. You are correct. Trust me, stick with the fresh mozzarella. I’ve had both and the orange beads don’t even tempt me.
Oh we just don’t have pantries like that apart from in restaurants. We have a tall shallow cupboard and/or about six small cupboards above the counter where space is at an absolute premium. You can’t fit large products in at all.
I obsessively reorganise my parents cupboard and it goes like this:
Top shelf – random nonsense and Christmas ornaments that were never quite put away.
Second shelf – jar sauces, ketchups and chutneys, onion related products, things you might put with a salad, beetroot and things like it, things that go on toast, hot chocolate and coffee, herbal tea.
Third shelf – pastas, chopped tomatoes and sweetcorn, oats, dog food pouches.
Fourth shelf – medicines and nuts.
Bottom shelf – toolbox and old random things.
Also, top right corner…
That’s what I have, tall, shallow closet… My house was built in 1780… Lol , though American! Space is at a premium and things fall when you touch the one thing…
I think it’s the fact that the pantry is so big. Ours are more like under the stairs cupboards
Pantrys are an American thing I think. We have the kitchen with a bunch of cupboards where all the food goes. Cupboards will be maybe 3/4 tins deep but no more than that.
I used to wonder where all the prepper type people put all the food they were stockpiling but now I have a better idea of the space you have!
There is that. My kitchen in London was smaller than Ilona’s pantry ? But I have seen them in farm houses and historic houses, and now I live in a medium sized flat in Germany I have a pantry maybe half that size. Which is bliss!
I had to pick up minutes for my phone today. Usually I go thru the manned checkout but I was chatting with a friend so went thru the self-check. I scanned the card, ran it thru the credit card dohicky, got my wallet out and got the cash out, paid for the card, took the receipt… and couldn’t find the card. I didn’t put it in my wallet, I didn’t lay it down on the scanner, it wasn’t in a pocket… I looked for the card for like 2 minutes because I wasn’t moving until I found the card. Finally the helper came over “In your wallet?” “No” “In your pocket?” “No” “In your purse?” “No… wait… ” For some unknown reason I put the card in the front pocket of my purse… so it would be with the phone, I guess.
My house is not in any way organized. But we do have places for somethings– car keys hang on a hook by the front door, and woah to he who doesn’t hang them back there after using them (I ALWAYS do. My husband and sons are about 50/50). Shoes go on the rack by the door. If they aren’t on the rack by the door, then I don’t know where they are, even if I tripped over them a minute ago. Meds are in a specific place for each person– mine in a basket on my desk. And there are no community meds… everyone has their own bottle of painkiller, antihistimine, Gas tablets or whatever and if you can’t find yours, you can ASK TO BORROW someone elses.
My friend has recently retired and has organized her own house to corporate standards… now she’s threatening to organize mine. I say “Have at it… just don’t expect me to help, and expect middle of the night phone calls when I’m awake and can’t find something.”
4th shelf from the bottom, just above the kikkoman sauces. My hubby and kids have the same sense of item invisibility.
+ good eyes
Kristy , do you mean in the box above the kikkoman? I was looking there at the box but when I tried to zoom in it all went blurry. Otherwise I see very few cans at all.
Is it on the top self? I saw a box that might have had corn on the front of it, it said there might have been 12 in it lol can’t tell for sure
Yep, top shelf toward that corner in the photo. I recognize the box, I buy the same kind ;-). But I’m a “finder” type brain, so this is my thing.
4th shelf up from the bottom, just above the kikkoman sauces. My hubby and kids have the same sense of item invisibility.
It’s on the shelf above the soy sauce bottles. Looks like an open box.
Moving it from the floor to the top shelf was just mean of them. It helps me if I touch each objects and say what it is and where it is.
Oldest of 8 kids – nothing food related ever stayed in place. I am sure you found it but
2nd on the far left. I bought where’s Waldo for my kid’s.
Same. I always put things in the same place. I too can look and not see, I moved my family photo albums out of the drawer where they had been kept because they were heavy and I didn’t want them to damage the dresser drawer. Then, I couldn’t find them for months. I knew that they were in either ( probably) that guest room or one other room next to it. Not the storage, not the attic, one of those rooms. I looked dozens of times over the months and didn’t find them. Until I looked one more time and found them . They were under the bed, where I had put them, in the storage box I had put them in. At least I finally found them. Also, there is nothing wrong with cheese balls or pub mix. Just sayin’
I feel your pain, though it is usually one of my kids or my husband eating it all and not telling me. What are the pink gobstopper things that look like sweets in the glass jar?
In the U.K., I would be looking for corn in the freezer!
No fair to put them on top shelf. I am only 5’1″ you can hide anything from me on the top shelf in the kitchen. My ex used to store my Christmas present above the fridge and I would never see it. He was 6’1″ so it worked perfect for him.
The corn has gone walkabout, maybe to Kid 2’s room ? I would never cheese ball shame you guys, my husband goes on Cheetos sprees once in awhile. He finds those in the pantry but can’t ever find the can of clam chowder staring him in the face!
Also, I see no corn.
It’s possible that the floor peeps did some personal shopping among your stuff? Thought I might have spotted a single can, but …?
Maybe the floor guys ate the corn. Or you have a Unicorn Lane pocket of reality in your pantry.
I see unicorn cereal… ? My favorite part of this past, besides the painful fact that I too am blind when things aren’t in their nooks. My partner and I refer to this kind of organizing as “yacht living” where everything has to have its place. Sounds better than “not enough storage space for all our random”. ? Best of luck in your corn search!
I thought it was just me.
I do lose things a lot and I tend to run out of the house in the morning “on time” but with no room to spare. So, I have systems in place to prevent me from aimless wandering and time wasting behaviors.
The problem is when systems fail……………Uh Oh.
Mmmmmmm. Those are the BEST cheese balls and pub mix! I wish I could get smaller containers, because if one gets opened while I’m reading I’ll finish the book AND the container and be superrrrrr confused as to how it happened!
I’ve never had a pantry. I have two narrow 20 inch shelves. I still lose stuff. I KNOW I have 2 cans of tuna. I really do. Last time I lost my ranch dressing mix. Chronic disorganization is real.
you know the old saying: Organized people are just too lazy to look for things 😉
It’s so weird… I have the same step ladder, the same rolling drawer set, the same box of wheat thins…
Also, I feel your pain. No one is allowed to mix up my kitchen. Or we don’t eat.
???? I would loose my mind, so would my 15 year old. He is my main organiser and one thing not put back in place he lets everyone know about it.
I know this is weird, but I love looking into other people’s pantries! And then I make judgments like: 3 boxes of taco shells = these are my people. 🙂
Do not try to find the corn, that’s impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth, there is no corn.
(Channeling spoonboy from The Matrix ??).
Along the same topic, if there is a butter storage area in the door of the fridge. Why does everyone in the family refuse to store the butter there? Instead – I have to go on a hunter/killer mission every time I search for the butter ( I have to hunt for 5 – 7 minutes, move everything in the fridge and then have the desire to kill something once I find the butter behind the celery at the back of the fridge). ?
I have an unfortunate tendency to set things down in the wrong place, but the largest disaster occurred when my car keys disappeared a few years back. I searched everywhere for them. Eventually I discovered them under the refrigerator; apparently that’s where they ended up when (presumably) the dog went hunting on the countertop and knocked them off.
I decided then that knowing where I put things is not always sufficient. I purchased beeping key finder attachments to put on all of my keys and a remote to trigger them.
It took me years (YEARS!) to realize this is a real phenomenon.
My husband and daughter have it and it makes life really interesting for all of us.
I still get a bit tetchy about neither of them seeing the thing that’s so obviously out of place, but I’m calmer now that I know they aren’t trying to drive me crazy on purpose.
My husband and I are having financial problems right now, and we have stripped everything to the bone — except for the lovely lady who comes in and cleans our apartment every couple weeks (our last luxury). She and I have a passive-aggressive* war going on over where to put things. I can’t tell you the number of times I have had to have my husband come in the the kitchen and look for something. “the spreader is not with the table knives, so it MUST be in this drawer, but I can’t find it…” and he’s pulling it out by “table.”
*Austria is culturally passive-aggressive. It’s funny sometimes for this brazen American.
Also, I saw your corn nowhere. I am choosing to trust the people who say it’s above the kikkoman.
I am surprised at how little you have in your pantry! Mine is stacked 6 deep and floors and extra books on the wall.
I can understand though, i have lost eldest grandchild’s birthday presents since July because I hid them till her birthday. Sigh
Good luck!
Okay, to be fair…I don’t see any corn either. I see something on the top shelf that MIGHT be corn? But yeah…I don’t know. Am I weird for hoping you post another picture with the corn circled? Cause yeah…I’m really not seeing it, rofl.
The kids “nothing but salad” comment hits home. My daughter said pretty much the same thing. I let buy what junk she wanted but she had to keep it out of my kitchen and take it with her when she left. I am preparing for gastric sleeve surgery next month. She thinks I am completely bonkers about food now.
Best wishes for an easy surgery, quick recovery and happy results!
Best wishes to you. We have a family friend staying with us while her parents’ house is under construction. She buys stuff that we normally only get for parties, because we have no self control. Otherwise she’s fabulous to have around.
As I new what I was looking for “Sam’s style box of corn” I found it pretty quickly – however, Ilona left a solid bread trail.
Also – I’m very familiar with the Cheese Ball & Pub Mix containers from Sam’s, my oldest son cannot live without have a full container of each in his apartment – he might go hungry! O_O
ugh “knew” not “new” stupid autocorrect!
Several years ago, my husband was searching for marmalade for a recipe. He searched for ten minutes in our pantry. After he got done complaining that we didn’t have what we needed, I walked into the panty and handed him the marmalade, at eye level on the shelf. I share this, because in thirty two years of marriage, it’s almost always ME who misses the obvious stuff.
My issue is hand splints..
I have to wear them for anything but reading my iPad…
I have a basket to keep them in ….I have extra left hand splints …
I loose them because I went to the bath room and needed to take them off because I washed one of my horses tail and the splint and ciflex bandage I was wearing got wet…I forgot..
Where are my darn splints….
I get the corn issue…..
This is a good way to find the corn. Anything else you’re having trouble with? We could find those for you too.
My MIL has dementia, but feels it necessary to put away the dishes. I think it’s a good thing that she stays active, so I don’t interfere. I just move everything back into the places she had put them in for decades before I moved in, at night after she goes to bed. She can still take things out, she just can’t put them where they belong.
That is very sweet of you
Isn’t it peaceful when we accept the way things have gone and just develop ways to get the results we want, instead of letting things they can’t change frustrate us? My beloved grandma had similar issues. I learned to let her start the coffeemaker at 3am if she wanted, I just unplugged it before bed. My uncle is now pretty deep into Alzheimers, and my aunt is fighting it kicking and screaming. A shame, because he’s such a loving, kind man, and she’s missing out on that.
Are those corn taco shells? Does that count?
“not my cheeseballs” sure Gordon, sure 😉
It also doesn’t help when the manufacturers change the design of the box. You get so used to looking for a particular splash or amount of color or image and then they change it and you have to learn the new box all over again.
A friend of mine used to remember driving directions that way and never by street names. You know, “turn right at the white house with the blue shutters”. She said if they ever painted the house she’d be lost.
Renters destroyed our home to the tune of $37000 In repairs. Had SIX repair folks come in give estimates make dates demand room prep moving stuff clearing
Out for them and then because of immigration raids on workers high demand top wages in wealthier nearby communities rebuildjng from fires they all ghost. I can’t find anything anymore. I feel for you. Sigh.
My husband and daughter have this, except they pretty much never know where anything is, even if they put it in the same place all the time. I don’t understand that part. I get not being able to locate something when it’s not in the place where you expect it. But not seeing it when it’s in its regular spot; that’s just annoying. Though as a neurologist, I’m sure I can make up some sort of neurological syndrome for this that sounds unpleasant (How about “pragmosagnosia”? pragma = thing in Greek and agnosia = inability to interpret sensation or inability to recognize objects)…
You’d probably find you have an epidemic on your hands as soon as you named it.
Top shelf on the right in a box? ?
I get the impression that you aren’t looking for advice here, but commiseration. So I’ll let you know that you have my sympathy. Just in case you want some advice… A big space like that will always have a degenerative entropy effect unless you use a rock solid organization method that is easy for husbands and kids to follow. Labels are not too much, but won’t always work with everyone. Obviously your method works, you know where the corn is supposed to be, but I would add that it’s worked better for me to take the cans out of the box. Otherwise “someone” will use the last can and leave the box on the shelf, and I will have no idea that we need more.
I see the corn only because it is your pantry and not mine. ?, but now I want Pub mix
I cant find the corn but that big tub of orange balls are those the cheese balls gordon mentioned? What are they like?
Messy. Very very messy. If you have any white anywhere on your person, the cheese dust will find its way there.
I never really eat cheese puffs for that reason, but taste-wise they’re probably close to Doritos, but not quite.
The pub mix, if it’s the one with the honey-coated pieces, is pretty good.
I feel your pain but with dishes. The cutting boards always go on the second shelf on the right side of the center island, always! ….Except when someone else puts them away. I’ve found them in 5 different areas in our tiny kitchen. *facepalm*
Also, I have a serious case of pantry envy right now. 😉
That reminds me of a scene in one of the Mercy Thompson books by Patricia Briggs. She always has to hunt for the cookie sheets. She once found one in a bathroom. She didn’t know why it was there, but she bleached the hell out of it before she used it for cooking again.
It is hard when someone else puts away the flat items like cookie sheets and cutting boards. Love that part from Patricia Briggs.
Now I can’t think of anything else, besides how can I get my hands on some cheese balls.
This is awesome, it’s like crowdsourcing where’s waldo…btw, i couldn’t find the corn, after reading the comments, I feel like the last person still focusing on those magic eye pictures 🙁
LMAO ok I couldnt find the corn either but I’m not goin with a magic eye picture Im going with Im Aussie and chances are our canned corn looks different. I mean I have questions before I can even dain to answer:-
Was it creamed corn?
Was it just corn kernels?
Were they mini cans for single use or medium cans for small salad use or the large full 400-500gram can?
On a different note….. Illona / Gordon … what are your thoughts on the BDH term Vampirates ?
Much love from Aus ??
Vampirates are great.
Very inventive, I like Vampirates!
I don‘t notice the glasses on my nose because they are see-through for obvious reasons. This changes when I step in the shower…
Also, it‘s THE LAW that the thing you have been looking for for days and finally gave up and bought again will turn up and laugh in your face when you are back from shopping – sitting in the place where you always put it.
I feel for you.
So true. They really do laugh in your face. It’s because of stuff like this that I believe in fairies. I really do.
The fastest way to find something is to purchase a replacement. Or announce that you’re on your way to purchase the replacement, stalk out to the car, and then sneak back inside . . . the lost item will have magically appeared on the counter
True story.
Or check the freezer.
To substitute, just add two pouches of Act II popcorn to 5 gallons of water, and let soak for…. Nah. That won’t work either.
I feel your pain. I often walk down three flights of stairs in the AM without my glasses. I find this quite funny because I really can’t see without them.
PS. I could not find the offensive corn either.
I frequently lose my cell phone . So I set an alarm every night and morning. And I know it will ring, and I can track it down . It once was sitting-on top of my cans of cat food .I also keep losing my glasses, very nearsighted so I need to put on old glasses ? so I can find my current pair .
I once found my tv remote in my purse .No idea how that happened.
And I know I put important papers in red folder. Now I just have to find red folder.
And you have very neat pantry .
Wow – a pantry – a whole room for kitchen storage! Just let me take a moment to savor the fantasy of that much space. Mmmmm nice! Those of us in NYC apartments fantasize about closets and storage spaces. We’re a strange but simple folk. 🙂
There was a short story in an anthology that I read recently where missing items went to the purple planet. You could search the same space 5 times and not there. Eventually the purple planet took something from someone else and replaced your item back – in the same space you already searched many times. Wait a while and the corn shall reappear 🙂
I was down in FL at my MIL’s place. I returned home to NYC and I could not find my apartment keys. I took everything out of my suitcases, my purse etc – 3 times. No keys. My super helped me out by going through a huge box of spare keys until he found ours. Couldn’t find my keys. Two weeks later I was searching through my purse (it’s a small one) and in the one pocket at the bottom – my keys. This was after my MIL and family were scouring her place for my keys. Sigh. Purple planet struck again.
BTW I love this thing for organizing cans and if you note in the lower left of the picture – cans of corn 😉
You actually had me laughing out loud…. I couldn’t find your corn so here’s a picture on one!! Thats gold .. thank you so much Simone!! ❤✨
I got home from work and looked it up on my e-reader. The story is The Man from The Purple Planet by Melanie Griffin. The anthology is Chasing the Light – a benefit anthology of speculative fiction – dedicated to the memory of author Melanie Griffin.
The way to combat the purple planet from taking your keys is getting a Dooney & Burke purse. It has what they call a “key keeper” which is an attached grosgrain ribbon with a retractable hook. It’s very sturdy and long lasting.
Thanks but the purple planet is too strong. While my keys would be safe the other items wouldn’t. I misplaced my travel adapter the morning I was leaving on a trip. Had to run out and buy a replacement. The purple planet returned it by the time I got home 🙂
I have 4 travel adapters for this very reason.
Is the corn in this picture? Otherwise mean. My best guess is it’s in the box with the 12 on it. It’s it revealed somewhere where the corn is?
Top shelf with y2he 12 in it is my best guess
That’s my thought; a large container with at least six left; a 12 pack for standard cans would be that size.
My younger sister came home from her first year at college and rearranged Mom’s spice cabinet while Mom was working…she moved all the bottles so they would be in alphabetical order. Mom threatened kicking her out of the house since she could not find the spices she used all the time that were in front for a reason! I find 30 years later I sort my spices the same way!
☺this is great,reminds me of me and my daughter!
I once decided to alphabetized my spices and herbs as well. Unfortunately that meant that the jar of ground cumin was now where the ground coriander had been. I was making a batch of hot cross buns and automatically grabbed, measured and mixed in cumin. I didn’t notice until the buns came out of the oven looking rather yellow/orangey. Hmmm I wondered until I bit into one. Yuck!!!! The spices quickly were reorganized back to by use.
I found I can do alphabetical if I ignore descriptors like “ground”and “whole”, just using the name of the spice. But I have to have two sets — one for European spices and one for Indian/Asian spices. Thank goodness I’m not a serious cook…
I think I might need new glasses — even with directions I can’t find anything that looks like canned corn. Congratulations to all who succeeded in the quest!
Sorry about the corn. I used it for soup. Guess I should have mentioned it sooner…
There are some cans on the third shelf next to the flour. Near those orange balls. Love your pantry. Mine is so much more messy but I always know where everything is. If someone cleans it, I get lost. Good luck!?
I have the exact opposite problem. If I put something away then I’ll never find it again. Bonus points if it’s a logical spot. My dad called it the “safe place” effect. It’s safe from everything, especially me. 🙁
Also, you’re pantry is huge and I am in envy!
I thought that was just me. Stupid safe place. Never the safe place either. I guess it adjusts to keep it safe.
The same safe place. Sigh…
LOL I have the same space. Sometimes I wonder if its an interdimensional hole to some rubbish tip!! Maybe one day they will DNA code a safe place so that it can only be seen by us. When we gaze upon it it flashes in bright yellow so we know that’s where we store all our important things …. and our corn!!
If only!
I couldn’t find the corn
Yeah, sure those aren’t your cheese balls. I’m calling bullshit. Own the cheese balls ?. *prays sarcasm noted in comment*
But if they own them then they own the orange fingers. …..
wait is the corn in the fridge with the rest of the salad stuffs ????
No visible corn, sorry. Wrt cheese balls, I can attest that I’ve looked at the calorie count and as snacks go, they are not the worst. You can eat a huge number for 150 calories and since they are not fried, the fat content is also lower than expected. I get them when I want a crunchy snack and probably eat about 15 before I go blech – all for 75 calories. And low sodium! So eat a cheese ball or three and say to h… with the corn. It will eventually show up. I’m sorry that the floor is still a mess, tho. Bummer that!
You have pantry gnomes. They stole your corn.
Could you see the scene Orro would make if pantry gnomes decided to visit “his” kitchen/pantry?
Yep, definitely on the top shelf over the Kikoman bottles. I checked Sam’s website to see what their corn looked like and the 12 is a match.
Today I put my house key in the wrong pocket in my purse. I found them before I range the doorbell to get my husband to let me in.
And I definitely have pantry envy. Our house was built in the ’70s and they didn’t put pantries in houses that decade. Sigh.
I am much the same way. And having 4 kids and a husband that don’t always put things in the same place makes daily living a bit of a nightmare. Love your pantry size though, wishing I had that, but where I live I’m lucky to have a kitchen big enough to turn around in.
Also, sometimes I knock my glasses to the floor and can not find them. So in my sock drawer I keep an old pair, and these are my “glasses finding glasses”, can’t see as well as I like, but can actually see more than a foot in front of me and can find my current glasses, then back to the sock drawer for the old glasses. People laugh at me. But honestly I think it is much funnier when I’m talking to my BFF and start becoming frantic at not finding my phone…that I am using to talk to her and is in my hand.
I’ll go along with the crowd. The corn is in the box above the Kikkoman sauces. It has the perforated flap in the middle and the number is 12 printed on the side. Many multi-can vegetable boxes have a similar perforated opening. My second choice is on the shelf above the bottom shelf. It is on the right side behind the dust mop handle.
Did you check your kitchen cabinets? On a side note. Years ago my brother in law lost his glass eye. My sister found it in the egg tray….,
It was not until I went in the Air Force and left home that I realized that shampoo lasted longer than a week, and that you can put something down, turn around and it will still be there. I grew up in a family of 5 sisters and two brothers. I didn’t dare let a book out of my hand, because I’d spend hours trying to track down who decided it was something good to read and then try and wrestle it back from them. I now love the fact I can think about where I last saw something and there’s a 95 percent chance it’s still there.
I feel your pain. What is the balance between habits that save time and are efficient, and habits that become a crutch? I am on my 4TH pair of every day prescription glasses, since JANUARY. This is after not losing a pair for over 10 years. Directly related to an abruptly awful situation at work that started last October and I thought would smooth out by June. It’s September, and I am praying for relief by october….
I have had this experience myself. Advise that you stop looking for the corn as it will magically reappear on its own. OR let the kids find it for you. 🙂
Actually, this can be an advantage sometimes. My little brother somehow managed to switch the hot and cold knobs in the bathroom closest to my parents’ bedroom. We have no idea how and the problem was not fixed until we moved.
But, the next day:
Dad: Call the plumber, the water is coming out the wrong temperture.
Mom: No, its not.
Dad: Yes, it is.
Mom: No, its not. See here is the Hot water and here is the Cold water.
Dad: That’s the opposite of what the knobs say.
Mom: You read Knobs!?!? Hot is left. Cold is right. I’ll have to take your word on what the knobs say, I don’t have my contacts in.
P.S.(No child or grandchild of my maternal grandfather has good eyes. So we are all used to being blind for some of our life. This is so pervasive that even my cousins who were adopted from Korea have bad eyes. So far there are only two great grandchildren with possible good eyes. If they can make it to 21 without glasses or contacts, we will praise their mother’s obviously superior Guam genes. After all, no other spouse’s DNA has manged to conquer the curse.
Top shelf box turned on it’s side. Box is open the opened part facing out.
I’m so happy I’m not alone in this. We are still moving into our house and I have to pick a spot for all the things. It sucks because I will put something somewhere thinking it’s a great spot then realize it’s not realistic, it should be in this drawer I am organizing, go to try and find the thing and I can’t.
As for your pantry, I’m going with the floor guys got hungry…
But if you really want to find the corn or any other mis-placed items, go along each shelf and touch each item individually. It works.
I forgot that tip! I had heard that before, and even used it myself for those “it must be here” moments.
Can corn search was fun!
Yep. You are discombobulated. I have taken my phone to the car and turned on the flashlight app so that – you guessed it – I can look for my phone.
On the other hand, you have plenty of soy sauce!
Between the puffs and the cereal. I use to have a pantry that big…..
I think Susan B. at 3:45 pm wins this one. Bonus points for going to the Sam’s Club site to find out exactly what their boxes of canned corn look like!
It’s been nearly 9 months and I’m still looking for my PetCo PALS card and more importantly my U.S. Passport Card. Fortunately, I know where the full passport is, but the card I paid an extra $50 or so to get at my last renewal has gone into hiding with the PALS card and a nice leather card wallet I tucked them into for a trip… they’d be safe & right where I could find them!
If you don’t want to eat the cheese balls, you might try putting them out to feed the squirrels. My hamsters loved those things when I was a kid. It was the one sure-fire way to entice the escape artist out of his hiding spot up in the kitchen cabinetry BETWEEN the cabinets….
The PALS card is in a side pocket of your carry on bag 🙂
That’s where mine always hides
I didn’t read the comments yet. I took this as a challenge. I think it’s the box on the top left side close to the corner with the 12 on it. It looks like a box from Sam’s. I wish I had a pantry that big.
I totally feel the floor pain. After an 8 week kitchen remodel the only thing standing between me and my new Wolfe range was Elias The Picky. The floors were gleaming with three, count ‘em, three coats of varnish. Everything looked perfect. I was sick of cooking in my laundry room. “Look here” says Elias from his spot on the floor near the pantry. “It needs another coat.” We look. We see nothing but gleaming floor. “It’s fine” I say. “We’re done”. “But…” says Elias The Picky. “Done” I state. “D.O.N.E. Done. Basta. Finito. Good to go.” Hand to God, I would have paid him extra to leave.
When I am visiting someone and I decide to clean for them, I take a picture of how everything looks and then I can leave it arranged the way I found it. 🙂
That is so smart!!
I’m totally borrowing that idea.
Herewith your invitation to come visit me, Lorianne. For as long as you’d like. Trailing daughter #2 is grown and gone, so there’s even a proper bedroom for your visit. 😉
Likeyou, I couldn’t find the corn… but I claim “height challenged” basis. Anything over my head is reserved for special occasions or long term storage. And then when I finally give up looking for the missing item, buy it again, the MIA item is miraculously sitting in the middle of the floor when I walk in with the replacement that was bought over an hour from home!
Lmao being 5’2 I’m hearing you on that. My family and anyone taller than me who has been in my house will always question why I don’t use the top 2 shelves of the cupboards.
I figure if I can’t reach it I won’t use it and if I won’t use it there is no point buying things to fill the space with!!
I think I saw it…but, yes, I do feel your pain. My pantry gnome is named Vincenzo and he often thinks where I put things is not where they belong.
The loose cans between the puffs and cereal are odd and ends cans. I recognize green beans and Bushes baked bea9. Don’t know what the other ones are. Corn is in the box with a 12 on it, on the upper shelf to the left towards the back.
Logically, since they are not on the left or middle shelves, they should be on the right shelf. ?Can we get a pic of the shelf on the right? Thanks for letting us comment again.?
Top most shelf I believe.
I put my keys, sunglasses etc.. in the same place always. What’s frequently missing – my phone. And the ringer is always off since I am on conference calls all the time. I call my phone and have to scurry around listening for a buzz.
If my kids are home then they will ping it from Find My Phone.
I too sometimes look for my phone while I am using it. Mostly coz I am used to using headphones 95% of the time so if I am actually holding the phone………
It’s a cornfusing mystery. I can find them either.
Thanks, Ilona Andrews. I needed a chuckle today. For corn, Try top shelf, left side when looking into pantry. The box that says 12 on it because it looks like a big box grocery multipack to me.
For your chuckle, my next to oldest sister is a school teacher. 3rd grade this year. Every year for Christmas I give her a box of 12 pair of assorted + 1.00 reading glasses because she can not find any + 1.00 where she lives. [Assorted because she likes to color coordinate her outfits and accessories so I buy the leopard print, the zebra print, the plain ROY G BIVs….[the rainbow color spectrum]) Her students help her out during the school day by pointing out the multiple pairs on top of her head and wherever else she has laid her glasses. So, the place I buy her +1.00 glasses is local used bookstore as wal mart, cvs etc start with 1.50 which she says is too strong for her and I refuse to special order online for her. Besides I go by used bookstore monthly anyway…. Hope this makes you smile a little.
The corn cant be seen (by me) in this picture. Of course except for the el paso, top shelf near the left of the door, everthing is an unusual packaging to me. How a bout a shot of the right side shelves, perhaps it is there?
Do tradies eat corn? Perhaps they got peckish?
I love this! Now this is the happy and inventive bunch I remember from before. I love Simone’s Purple Planet — explains a lot and I can stop blaming the elves and pixies. And I know exactly why the remote control was in the purse: somewhere in the middle of interruptions and hurrying off somrwhere, the hand-brain connection decided it was a cell phome.
I will now go meditate while I wait for the Purple Planet to return some missimg papers!
I got home from work and looked it up on my e-reader. The story is The Man from The Purple Planet by Melanie Griffin. The anthology is Chasing the Light – a benefit anthology of speculative fiction – dedicated to the memory of author Melanie Griffin.
I UNDERSTAND. I am notorious for my inability to FIND things. It’s amazing what can be hidden under a single piece of paper! Although when I saw the email my mind said “an Innkeeper?”
High Five to Kid 2 for looking out for you guys. “Only salad” is a terrible way to live. For me it’s Oreos to combat the health nut ways. Pure junk, but they make me smile. Go figure.
I have a spot for everything, towels, food, etc, and they always stay in the same spot. My husband follows it as then he knows i’ll know were anything is.
My sister and her family think its hilarious – like the spoons in the spoon draw always being up the same way and stacked on top of each other. Her son thought it was funny to mess them up and then come back and find they were all put back. So he’d do it again and check later, yeap tidied again. He told my sister, my sister told me, I laughed so hard as everyone thought it was me but its was my husband tidying it up each time.
My rule when visitors come, it can all get messed up, I cant control them, i’ll just fix it when their gone. 🙂
I see you have those addictive Sam’s croutons. My family has dubbed them “crack-tons”. No salad necessary; eat like chips.
I feel ya! After 20 years I finally have my wife trained NOT to move anything in the kitchen. I’m 5′, she’s 6.1″ . Now my 15yo son who has Aspergers is in the kitchen & things are never in the same place. Paper plates in the freezer & a gallon of milk in the cupboard with the dog food. It makes sense to him. I hate cooking after he’s been rummaging around. Thank goodness the 8yo daughter puts stuff right back where it belongs.
I am now at the stage where the glasses are off more than they are on when I’m reading. I have had to resort to the granny glasses necklace. The horror of middle age!
I totally live this!! If my stuff is not in its place, I can’t find it. If someone did that to my house, I think I would melt down.
This is a trick, right?
So, I am thinking the floor guys took th corn with them. ?
Shriek!!!!!! They didn’t just move stuff – they LAYERED it. How can you find what you need when it’s not only in the wrong place but it’s in front of what you expect to see when you look at a particular spot? It’s like proofreading. If I have to do it for spelling in a contract, I go backwards. If I read it in the proper direction, my brain fills the right word in. I think you may need a new vacation and to get someone in with a plan on how to put the pantry right for you. Think the floor guys would agree you’ve had pain and suffering as a result of this and foot the bill?
Holy crap!! I love your pantry. I should have built a pantry in this house. I have a lot of pull out shelves but no pantry. I have pantry envy. {and now I have a damn mouse so all the pull out shelves have plastic boxes for anything not canned so I really can’t find anything. }
I found the corn.
I did too. Top shelf just past the sugar and the stuff in the black packaging. If you get to the fleur-de-lis, you went too far?
I was thinking the box with the 12 on it, but cannot actually read the label
Are you claiming the Unicorn cereal? 🙂
Yes. The children told me it was a collector’s item so I bought it. Gordon and I can’t have any – our breakfast is those glucerna shakes in the corner, but apparently the point of it is not to eat it but to have it and Instagram you having it.
So it is kind of like the Mario cereal that is also an Amiibo?
My kids did eat the cereal because marshmallows and they are 7 & 9.
We cut the RFID area from the rest of the box once it was empty. Now we are debating printing the delicious Amiibo to hold it.
I love 3d printing.
Sometimes I love being Canadian. You see unlike the States. Canada has sugar limits on things like cereals. My mom has diabetes, and has to take three shots a day. It dosen’t stop us from having a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and yes, they use actual honey. Even though there is sugar in it. It is far less then what you would find in a lot of different types of American cereals.
You also have Justin.
Ummm fellow Canadian here and I have seen the Froot Loops Unicorn cereal on the shelves here. (Yes we have Justin but those of us in Ontario also have Ford – think baby Trump!)
Nooooooo! Baby Trump 🙁
After a time of baffled looking around store shelves for something, and finally locating an item I’ve often blurted out “That’s no fair! It’s in plain sight!” It gets some baffled looks, but more laughter.
My mom describes that phenomenon as, “If it’d been a snake, it would’ve bit you.” This is usually accompanied by her waving said item at me or my siblings while pointing to a shelf loaded up with more of the same.
If you start in the back right corner, on the shelf that also has an amazon box, it’s the third big item. White bag of bags (???), looks like box of granola bars, then box of corn.
You are amazing!
Cool! I wasn’t sure that was the corn! What really cracks me up is how much time I spent looking for the corn in Ilona and Gordon’s pantry! ?
I never found the corn, and I love to play the HOB mystery games, and I also have pantry envy…
Hope you enjoy, for a laugh, I found a copy of an old ’email story’ from years ago!!
Recently, I was diagnosed with A.A.A.D.D: Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.
This is how it manifests:
I decided to wash my car. As I start toward the garage, I notice that there is mail on the hall table. I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car. I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the trashcan under the table, and notice that the trashcan is full.
So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the trash first. But then I think, since I’m going to be near the mailbox when I take out the trash anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.
I take my checkbook off the table, and see that there is only one check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go to my desk where I find the bottle of coke that I had been drinking.
I’m going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the coke aside so that I don’t accidentally knock it over. I see that the coke is getting warm, and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.
As I head toward the kitchen with the coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye–they need to be watered. I set the coke down on the counter, and I discover my reading glasses that I’ve been searching for all morning.
I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I’m going to water the flowers. I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly I spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table. I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, we will be looking for the remote, but nobody will remember that it’s on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I’ll water the flowers.
I splash some water on the flowers, but most of it spills on the floor. So, I set the remote back down on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill. Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.
At the end of the day: the car isn’t washed, the bills aren’t paid, there is a warm bottle of coke sitting on the counter, the flowers aren’t watered, there is still only one check in my checkbook, I can’t find the remote, I can’t find my glasses, and I don’t remember what I did with the car keys.
Then when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I’m really baffled because I know I was busy all day long, and I’m really tired. I realize this is a serious problem, and I’ll try to get some help for it, but first I’ll check my e-mail.
Ok, this had me dying with laughter and falling off my chair. It’s so true!
🙂 That was wonderful! Sounds like many of my days…
Oh God, yes to all of this.
So that’s what they call that .. I didn’t realize it was a thing ..
Lol. Through a series of events, I logged on to the blog page (using my phone), and I was distracted so I read the title of the post as Discombobu Ted. And I kept looling for the mention of a cat(?) named Ted in the article.
I wish I could say this started with age, but it’s pretty much the story of my life.
Oh, yeah, I’ve had days like that. That’s happened at work, too. By the end of the day I feel like I haven’t done anything but I KNOW I’ve been working all day.
And this also happens at the grocery store. I grabbed a small cart because I didn’t have much to pick up, but lo and behold, my shopping went along the same lines.
Oh, yeah, I need hot dog buns.
Well, you can’t have hot dogs without chili.
Oh, yeah, fruit.
Ooh, they have the Snickers Clusters out for Halloween.
No good premade salads, so I’ll have to make one at the salad bar.
Oh, I should get something for breakfast.
Two things happen. You overflow your shopping cart, and you forget the ONE thing you went to the store to get.
Age isn’t really the problem. One of many instances, I was in my late 20’s and I found myself at the washing machine with the butter dish. The dirty dish cloth was in the fridge.
lol this is me, too. I am especially bad at this when I’m trying to do work. I’ll be partway through one project, then see something else that needs attention, then something else, then something else… The list goes on!
OMG, it’s that what it’s called? I like the idea of having an excuse, but I’m not sure I want to admit to having something with a name 😉
Loved this. Story of my life… add in litter boxes, taking care if the house Rabbit … lol ? I lose my coffee and give up and start a new one so then there are coffee mugs all over like that movie Signs with the glasses of water…. so if aliens invade… I’ve got cold coffee lol
I love this story. I have the same problem. I spend some days wandering around my flat, saying “Focus, Focus, Focus” It is a challenger. brilliant story. Thank you.
Wonderful! I can so relate to this…
But I thought I’d share my “sort-of” fix. I carry a small spiral-bound notebook and pencil with me for a running (literally & figuratively) to-do list when I’m working around the house.
Each day gets a page. I write down what I want to do (including things that didn’t get checked off on the previous day). Then as things come up, I just add them to the list. I keep looking at the list (and crossing things off as I finish them–very, very satisfying! I’m clearly a nerd…). And I really do get back to things.
HTH (someone 😉 )
Love your pantry, still don’t see the corn.
Seeing the jar of cheese balls and packs of things makes me suddenly miss being able to go to Costco or Sam’s… and I really don’t need a giant jar of cheese balls (Though if they were in the house they would certainly end up being eaten). Also this makes my decently sized pantry suddenly feel small… The kitchen is on the long list unfortunately.
Those giant jars of cheese balls are the reason I avoid my local Family Farm and Home. They’re displayed on an end cap right by the entrance. Haven’t seen them at Costco, and please don’t give me their location!
You don’t have to go to the store, you know. They’ll deliver right to your door.
And, yes, I know I’m evil. 😉
Good think they probably don’t deliver overseas~~ 🙂
Bad enough Amazon delivers Barbara’s White Cheddar Cheese Curls . . .
How do you still have Wheat Thins in your house? Don’t they follow you around, sidling into your peripheral vision – a constant reminder that their delicious salty-crunchy-goodness is only steps away- leaving you incapable of concentrating on anything else, until you decide to eat them just so you can get something done?
Just me?
Your fortitude astounds me.
Wasn’t it on the top shelf in a white box? And I feel your horror. I hate when anyone moves my stuff…’s like where’s Waldo to find it!
Don’t feel too bad, I was missing a pot yesterday. It was actually clean and sitting on the back burner of the stove rather than in the dish rack where I thought I put it. You could by a bar code scanner and place it in the pantry and link it by wifi to your computer. Then when items go in they get scanned and when they go out they get scanned. Then you’ll know. Just a thought.
True story. My better half and i were flying to visit relatives with our 5yo, sam and our 6 month old, jared. We took one leg of the flight and all was going well. But then horror struck. During the wait for our next plane i was in charge of the older child and my better half had the baby. At some point my better half ran up to me and said, “i lost jared!” He was completely serious. Fortunately i was less sleep deprived and was able to respond, “jared is in your arms.”
I’m so sorry but this caused me to laugh uncontrollably.
I feel your pain.
I learned organization from certain jobs, internships, and volunteer positions I’ve held… but am otherwise disorganized. So for instance, I volunteered in a couple of zoos, where ideally we had a meat fridge, a fruit/veggie fridge, and a human fridge.
My fridge has designated zones for meat, fruits/veggies, dairy, and leftovers, but things like condiments sometimes struggle to find their place in the world. Is ketchup a vegetable, or a leftover? I don’t know, I’ll put it in the middle and decide later.
And if you’ve ever seen the, um, “organization” of the enrichment room at the zoo, you might understand the beauty that is my craft room. Organization is more of a theoretical entity than an actual thing that exists. I have a theory that it requires too much magic to maintain itself on this plane, but if I’m lucky it might manifest during the next flare. By my calculation, that will be about 2022.
Condiments belong on the door shelf for small bottles of flavourful things — or the bin of small bottles of flavourful things, if that’s how you fly — as it isn’t what they’re made of but that they add to whatever they’re added to.
I am not naturally organized, so my environment must be made to do the work for me. 😉
If it’s any consolation, I can’t find the corn either despite my large desktop screen and panning across the photo at high magnification.
We call this phenomenon The Great Ketuchup Bottle Mystery. How often can you look in the fridge – not find something – only to have someone move the ketchup and find it? “It’s right there…” Is the worst sentence!
I feel your pain. I can look for an item for hours when they are right in front of me. I mean I happened to look at my phone while being on the phone!
hidden object game! weeee!
I don’t have a pantry, but I do have a large rack with shelving. It used to have wheels, but something happened and those broke. My pantry envy is strong. Your corn appears to be hiding from me too. Go to the local farm stand, they have corn.
My dear Dad, who is laughing at me from the next world, would often halt my crazed running around the house looking for a)homework, b)left sneaker, c)thingabobby; with his greater wisdom and say “I know where it is.” I would jump up and down and beg to be enlightened and he would respond in the same tone of pontification: “Right where you left it.”
Reminds me of, I want to say it was Steve Wright, who always pointed out that of course the item is in the last place you looked. Would you keep looking after you found it? No, therefore, it’s ALWAYS the last place you look.
After i have searched and searched and finally found missing object my ole man will say “bet you found it in the last place you looked”! DuH, of course i did. It usually was in the first place i looked also I just didn’t see it thus setting off a wild goose chase only to find it where i thought it was. GRRHRR!
It’s like the washing sock syndrome…two socks go into the wash but one comes out of the dryer. You look in the washing machine…no sock…you look in all your clothes…no sock…you look in your fitted sheet…no sock (that’s when I washed my socks with my towels and sheets…they come out cleaner). My mom always told me the sock would go into another dimension (or the twilight zone).
+1- I remember that.
Yeah my kids are the same. A fridge and pantry full of food and they moan there is nothing to eat. Because apparently “ingredients” don’t count.
For years, the first thing my husband would do when we visited his mother was check her fridge for leftovers. Didn’t matter if he’d eaten or not.
I thought only 15 year old nephews did that. Because they’re always hungry!
Yep, if it has to be cooked, there is nothing to eat.
I feel your pain. If it’s in the wrong place I can be starring straight at it and not see it because it’s out of context. This works with people too.
ROFLMAO!!! I hear ya. I really do…
Thanks for the great laugh…the best part being your kid’s purchases because your refrigerator had “nothing but lettuce.”
I can feel your pain 😉
My husband decided that our (MY) pantry needed to be rearranged to gain more space…without asking naturally. I shop for groceries, I used to know where everything is and I could see what we need at first glance. Now everything is packed as tight as possible and rows and rows deep. I really need to put it back the way I want
I feel your pain. As a librarian, I even alphabetize the cans.
Is it wrong that I really want cheese balls, now?
It’s really not fair that the only visible part of the corn is the plain end of the cardboard box well above head height.
That pub mix really make a good salad topping, just saying.
We are doing an impromptu remodel of our bedroom that involves replacing the floor, and are in the tear it apart stage. Everyday I come home to find furniture moved and its contents scattered over the rest of the house. I so feel your pain.
First, I love your pantry! And second who puts cans on the top shelf? That’s just dangerous!
As I have aged I have turned into Wonder Woman. I often wonder where in the heck I put something!
ha ha ha ha ha ha
That was funny!
I am so going to steal this!!! ROFL
There’s an organizational trick I learned at work – the most often used items should be stored closes to “point of use”. The less often something is used, the further away it is.
This has lead me to the “dust decision” process. If I use something often, it doesn’t get dusted. When I had to downsize it was easy. The dustiest was the first to go. Plus, it means less stuff to dust, should I ever design to dust.
Oh, that’s brilliant! My life has suddenly become much simpler — thank you, Nancyc!
Anytime I have work done in my house it’s a reason to reorganize.
I have a pantry, though it’s not a “walk-in”: my problem is that things in my pantry don’t always stay where I put them. Certain tall people (like my husband) who casually just stick things up above the reach of people of people who are only five feet tall (like me) are always interfering with my organizational standards. And it’s just remarkable how many times that something stuck up high happens to be the chocolate chip cookies
My older brother use to do that. Drove me and my mom nuts. There would be something my mom got at the grocery store and told all of us that it was for company coming over so don’t eat it. She put it in the pantry knowing where it was. So…my ever “helpful” brother (who was 6 feet tall) would put it on the top shelf so it wouldn’t get eaten. Then my mom would say “where is the stuff I bought?” I would look at her and say “don’t know”. My brother (the one who moved it) said “don’t know”. Then a few minutes later I would see it and say “it’s on the top shelf”. My mom would yell my brother’s name to get it down. Then she would glare at him because he would look sheepish at being busted.
Some of you people are evil; truly
Cheeseballs at your door
Chocolate Chip cookies up high
Goody Snacks at the home of someone who won’t eat them, is genius!
I feel your pain, Alas one must learn to adapt.
I Will knock on the neighbors door and confess I can’t find … the worst is glasses on my head
Neighbors not home … call a friend … sister NOT a brother, they hang up on me.
The Age A D D thing BUSTED. But you learn, never more than 3 distractions or you end up Spring/Fall cleaning the whole house.
Hey everybody thanks for lighting up my day
I couldn’t find the ? corn without skimming the comments for the answer. Heh heh heh
So, I’ve got to comment about Innkeeper, and am actually responding HERE to a post that you wrote back in July, where you let it be known that certain misbehaviors (including whining and guilt-tripping) would not be tolerated …
I friggin’ LOVE the Innkeeper series.
Love it so much that I’ve gone and bought the first two books, after having gotten my first copies from the library. Just finished the third (for the second time, mind you, as I have w/ all of them). And religiously check your Innkeeper site to see if there’s something new.
Now I’m trolling through your blogs, seeing if there’s anything that you’ve written that I haven’t read yet. And – THANK YOU! – I do so appreciate it when you share another author’s work whom you really like.
Ilona, much love – and I do hope that your hands heal gently and easily. I, like you, make my living writing – totally different scope, genre, audience, but yes. I get it about the hand thing. You’re in my prayers.
Both of you – I LOVE your work. Understand that it is grueling. Thank you for doing it. I’ll wait more-or-less patiently for your new releases; don’t want to pressure you at all because I DO want you to heal up and get rested and all zesty and juicy once again … but yeah. Still looking for the next one.
Be well, you two. Thanks! – A.
Thank you for cheering me up. Our house is a bit of a mess since we had a typhoon and no power (only day 3 so not too bad). I have lost so many things by putting them away.?
Thank you for all of your books too! You guys are amazing!
Thanks for the laugh! So good to know I’m not the only one who does this (puts things in a specific place). Things out of their ‘space’ tend to go to the twilight zone for a week or two.
Aaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh! The HORROR! Definately feel the pain, right on par with setting your (legally req’d to drive) glasses down without thinking & then not being able to see to find them so yes you will be late to where you were going…..
i would have never looked on the top shelf.
who puts cans on a top shelf?
Your pantry is so nice! My “pantry” is a lower kitchen cupboard that I keep completely full. You can stack it 6 cans high, 10 cans deep and 20 cans wide. It’s my security blanket in a way. I get anxious if it starts to form holes ? I’m not sure where the belief comes from, but as long as it’s full I won’t get hungry. Not that I ever have gone hungry but it’s a cheap form of security.
Only I can find things in it. My husband doesn’t try, even though his cans are in front on the top row.
I have been reading this since it started and have had so many laughs. I thank everyone. It really is good to laugh.
Don’t you know you just buy more? ?
Seriously. Your pain is felt.
I have a husband who likes to ‘reorganize’, which I feel is just a way to make me lose my mind looking for things. He’s a minimalist. That also means he tucks things away in tightly organized spaces a room away from where they are ordinarily used ?
This has puzzled me for days…since I first saw the blog post. What IS “pub mix”??