I’ve received a very upset email from a fan – abusing the technical issue form again – that’s accusing us of, and I quote, “discriminate against blog fans” by posting exclusive content to Instagram. This person states that they have been a fan for years, they do not want to change the platform, and they want the Instagram content on the blog feed.
What has prompted this, you might ask? Apparently there are pictures of male characters on Instagram. This person was willing to let Ascanio slide, but Bernard’s poster really upset her.
Dear readers, you too can have the character posters. 🙂 Click the images to enlarge.
There, I fixed it.
Instagram is mostly image driven. Today’s Instagram will consist of a picture of bookshelves, so it won’t be nearly that exciting. 🙂
Upside, I never thought to find you on Instagram and now I’m pretty stoked to have you on many platforms!
Sheesh – I wish people would calm down and just be happy that we have so many avenues to enjoy your work. Y’all are awesome.
+ 1
Please don’t let a Negative Nelly ruin it for all of us. Most of us appreciate ANY content you put out.
Me too! Had no idea they had an instagram.
Sigh the guys sure are good to look at! And sigh, Im sorry my fan siblings are so petty sometimes.
How you choose to post should be your choice…. what entitled whiny babies we are! You do you…. I will now get on instagram, though…. Thank you for sharing this with us! I appreciate all y’all do.
I joined instagram this month just for you so I guess it just depends how dedicated one is.
I’m dying over Ascanio’s quote. Is it addressed to Julie or Derek?
To Derek.
And I also joined just for this :).
I left Instagram because it’s just so fake. I didn’t know I was missing these sexy dudes. So, from another blog reader and Ascanio’s #1 fan, thank you Ilona for taking the time to create this hilarious post!
I’m not on Instagram. My choice, and I accept that I’m missing things. That’s on me, not you. Thank you for the gift of the photos.
Exactly. I’m not on Twitter, although I give it a stab a couple times a year, but it’s my shit, not Ilona’s.
+1 ❣️
+1. My choices are not your problem
+1 but I’m super happy about the pictures ????
+1 Exactly!
+1 And Thank you also (not sure we say that enough)
I never made an account because they want to force you to make an account by not allowing access otherwise and I can be pointlessly contrarian with such things.
Oh, on the contrary, I completely agree with you which is why I don’t have a Facebook page or any other social media accounts.
I thought this passionate grumpiness of stubborn was a one off… but now I
know… I have fellow humans who don’t do social media and life goes on.
I am still trying to figure how anyone has the time to do all the computer
stuff and following stuff and get anything else done . I give myself kudos if
I manage to check my email and it has been several days since I last
+1 – I don’t like being told to do something -if you want me to do something, tell me not to do it – now that has got me into trouble over the years ????????????????, but gotta love the photos….
You can’t fix crazy. That is all
Haha agree!
Be grateful for your limited experience, Luys. That spoilt attitude is definitely not exclusive to Americans!
Please don’t paint all of us Americans with that brush. Though I agree there are way too many here that have a vast feeling of entitlement, there are also many that disagree with that attitude.
I was on line in Paris once, following just such an entitled American. I had to apologize to the service person when I got to the head of the line, telling her not all Americans are like the a**hole she had just dealt with.
Really!?! I don’t understand why some fans feel they have the right to dictate your actions, or even feel upset about said actions. I guess I feel that, as a fan, I have the “right” to read, discuss and have opinions on your written work but that’s the extent of it. If I wanted posters or pics, I would ask (politely) where I might be able to buy them, but I wouldn’t feel I had the right to demand that you rectify a perceived “slight”. I personally think it’s Covid-Cabin-Fever that is making everyone crazy. 🙂
Hahahaha. Sometimes all you can do is laugh. I’m continually amazed with your patience and kindness in the face of nonsense.
Might as well laugh – it’s laugh or cry about the selfish idiots who seem to expect the world to cater to them.
I don’t get those people, but I am old and was raised before extreme rudeness was considered a virtue – and perhaps a competitive sport. I am sure my consideration of others is considered a weakness by the newer hipsters. (I even took the food trash that some illiterate oaf put in the plastic bag recycling to the trash the other day. The sign clearly said “No Trash”. They obviously cannot read?)
I don’t bother with social media (I said I was old…) but it is my choice to miss out on some of the things more savvy folks enjoy.
I hate that this entitled “Karen-type” (apologies to all normal folks named Karen) made you cater to her bad behavior.
I do, however, enjoy the pix. Thank you.
Haha love it! ????
Haha love it! ????
OOOOWWWW Roman in his Eeyore PJs ????????
+1 a million times!
Is that a request, or is there actually a picture of this already?!
Is Roman in his Eeyore PJs going to be the reason I finally get an Instagram account? The world* needs this.
*By the world I mean me. I need this. Very much. Please, thank you. 2020 is melting my brain.
Oh, yes! HAHA
And me.
I would join instagram for Roman in his Eeyore pj’s
Ok this faked me out ???????????? I RAN over to IG for this pic of Roman ????????????
Social media platforms are all used for different purposes.
I’m sorry you have to constantly appease unreasonable requests.
Hmmm, as a fellow non-instagrammer I can (somewhat) relate to their fomo, but don’t think any discrimination is involved. For me, I choose which social media to access and I get what I get. Maybe, instead of accusing you of discrimination they might have asked nicely for a weekly/fortnightly summary post on this blog? Pretty please? You are authors who can make even the thought of bookshelves sound exciting!
There was a cute kitty needing a nose boop picture on Instagram too. I’m loving having these pictures show up in my feed.
I’m so sorry. Thank you for the posters. Bern looks a lot cuter than what I could imagine ????.
To simplify life I don’t do social media, so no objections if you decide to sometimes double post between Instagram and Blog. Ready for a Bern novella now :).
Bern Looks very cute but for some reason I had him more beefier. Kind of big like the guy from Xman who turns into metal. Either way very cute. Love Ascanio and the character that comes through his pose and eyes. ???? thanks for all you do.
Me, too! That is exactly how I pictured Bern: Colossus from X Men, AKA actor Daniel Cudmore (way to go British Columbia, Canada!)
Well, don’t tell that person that there is a Facebook Grup that has a loooooot of good stuff.
Like one of the Admins Rossana Sasso <3 seems to know answer to anything IA related and has print screens of pretty much anything interesting that I missed over the years by just casually following blog
Anyway – the quote on Berns poster where does it come from ?
I picture Bern with more football lineman shoulders and that guy looks too slim, but there’s also nothing next to him for scale, so it could be he’s exactly as I picture him and I just can’t tell.
But seriously? This is what people wanted to complain about?
Or a rugby player for those who don’t know about American football.
I recently saw a rugby game on tv and I have to say it was bizarre and so fun to watch. I mean they lift each other up to catch the ball and the shuffling ball tunnels through the legs was just crazy. And the buffness of the guys were o.m.g. Have to say yes I’m a fan now and yes I could see one of those guys as Bernard.
One of the blessings of being an exchange teacher “back in the day” for this American Girl LOL: Getting to see live Rugby games!
People is crazy.
Wow. Simple choice for fans– join Instagram, or don’t join Instagram. Accept the real life consequences of either. I’m on Instagram because of my youngest daughter wanting me to follow her, but I rarely look at it. I don’t mind missing pics of characters. I tend to like the images your vivid descriptions create for me in my own mind better.
Thanks for the pictures 😉 I didn’t even know there was an Instagram account for your work. I am a technological caveman, lol. I can’t keep up with all the social media. Ooo!!! Hot mens!!! nom!!!
“Like button!”
Thanks for sharing the pics on the blog. I’m a newbie IG, and still learning. I just shake my head at some of the fans….and let me say to you and hubby and the moderators. ..Thank You!
But why does Ascanio’s quote make me want to cry? I don’t think it was supposed to evoke that, haha.
I love the background in Bern’s image!
Uh, hang on.
Bern is HOT.
Ok, that’s all. Thank you for listening.
I listened and I agree ????
Lol! I actually joined Instagram to get IA feed!!!
Wow. Some people can be so extra sometimes. Perfect example of fan asking you to do more labor for them. You are awesome, sorry joining a new media platform was so difficult for them.
Ooooofda. Even after reading the Debra Saga over on Nora Roberts’ blog I am still shocked at some of the ish people direct at authors. My dudes, you don’t even have to have an instagram account to view somebody’s instagram page! Just click and view!
Lordy, Lordy, look at the hotness.
I hate facebook but love the ‘gram (yeah I know they are connected) and monitor twitter – but I only follow certain ppl and handles I want so that I am not too overwhelmed – it can be managed. It is FOMO!!
Thank you for providing all the information you post on one focal pt – this blog – for the ppl who don’t want to got to different sites – however I do love your ‘gram feed I feel happy when I see something w your handle along with the bunnies and baby penguins that I follow to keep me smiling
Some people are just whiny, crazy fans.
I appreciate anything you post. It’s creative, informative and funny .
Ascanio is how I pictured him.
Bern is close.
Definitely need a grown up picture of Arabella. And Leon( still think of him as an modern elf.)
Also Roman and Luther.
I still don’t see Hugh, I see him with Marine short hair. Not long.
But I did like the face and body.
Liked Elara and her gown.
Thank you.
As bad as it is to abuse the technical issue form, I do appreciate the result (as a non-Instagram user).
I am so excited to find you on instagram!
I saw literally every other author on insta but not my favourite author.
I am so happy that yu are finally there!
I dunno, depends on what floats your boat. I think pictures of libraries are much more interesting than pictures of guys.
Wow Bern looks like Thor a little bit… ???? thanks for sharing!
That’s exactly what I thought! Quite Chris Hemsworth. I thought of Bern as more like a big bear who cleaned up nicely. Which, maybe that’s a good description of Chris Hemsworth?
Hahaha yes… I think that fits. He seems pretty down to Earth for a “Norse God”… ????✨
Ok, you’ve got my attention; what books are these posters related to?
Thank you…
Hidden Legacy series ????
Great pics – I am not on Instagram but don’t expect everything to be exactly the same – FBook, Insta and here. How exhausting to keep everything up!
I follow authors on Amazon and get emails when a book is coming out, sign up for newsletters when an author has them and blogs for a few. I’d rather be reading a book than staring at a screen ????????
Ascanio’s – Blood Heir
Bern’s – Ruby Fever.
Huh… I don’t instagram or tweet or snapchat. That’s my choice and has nothing at all to do with people who post there or what a friend on …say… Facebook chooses to post elsewhere. If I want to look at it, I can get an account there.
A couple authors I like tend to tweet a lot. I got a Twitter to be able to read them. I didn’t ask them to accommodate my preference. Takes some entitlement there… Oy.
Thank you SOOOOO much!!!!
I quit Facebook back in 2014 when their involuntary mood altering experiments on users came to light, and Instagram is owned by Facebook so I’m out there, too. I won’t support companies that engage in that kind of Supervillain behavior, but I miss out on so much. So much.
I would never, ever complain about what you post where. You don’t need to post anything anywhere. I just want to say that these pics made me really happy and I’m so grateful you shared them!
I’m blaming this level of petty on 2020. Emotions are running wild. But thanks Ilona for sharing the love. Hot guys and quotes that keep me up at night wondering… Julie or Derek?Because I could so see Julie breaking up this fight and outing herself.
PS I love you guys but I’m skipping Twitter and Instagram. 1
Uuuu, I liiike Bern!!!! :)))
I am a longtime fan. I found you with the first KD book and your generosity is exemplary and constant over the years.
What makes a fan writing complains like this (and others) is beyond my understanding. What do they miss in their life wishing for you to be their satisfier of needs? I do not get it.
My advice to them: wait a day and think about twice before adressing your issue. Is it really how you want to be?
I wish you and your family the best and a big THANK YOU. Keep well.
Well said!
I am a new reader of your books. I just have FB so even though the instagram pics are real hot, my imagination is alot hotter ????????
Ooo, I bet I would like that house too. For the record, I like sexy images of anyone, because sexy things are fun for me.
Discrimination? Really? There is a tiny part of me that responded to the “I don’t want another platform “ part but that is my issue not yours. While there are parts of FB I love part of me still regrets opening that Pandora’s box. I don’t have the inclination or time to mess with Insta or the long list of other platforms available. I do consider myself vey fortunate that the AMAZING admins on the FB fan site keep us all connected to the other stuffs House Andrews does elsewhere. I don’t get the people that harass the authors. I really don’t get it with you guys since you are are so communicative and responsive to your fans. I do enjoy seeing the posters again though! Thanks.
In many ways the internet has added some fun layers to life. I enjoy seeing the thoughts of authors I enjoy. Connecting with people I might never have connected with is fun. But I think that like the cellphone it has brought out the worse in people. Somewhere people decided that common courtesy is a thing of the past. Who are these “fans” that think they have the right to dictate what and where authors should share information. What happened to just being excited that something is being shared? Just because an author chooses to be approachable on the web does not mean they do not deserve courtesy. And I will now get off my soap box and go back to my corner.
LOL. Save us from our tech deficits oh author lords! /s/
I think I’m in love!
More people are dying of COVID-19 every day than died in 9-11. Turn around,throw a dart, and you can hit an infinite number of real problems with life and death consequences. Seriously. Life and death. By all means, let us melt down over a picture…… thank you for providing relief from reality. At least you get provided with inspiration for idiots in your books. Merry Christmas to all your people in both the human and animal world.
Wow! Wow! Did I mention Wow?!? GQ for the win with both Ascanio and Bern!!
Also, if there is a poll, Roman in his Eeyore p.j.s – yes, please! And thank you very much! (Also, Luther in the “Knight/Wizard” t-shirt! ????)
I second the Roman in PJs re quest…and Christopher in a suit with his wings!
Some people…
Could we maybe get a countdown clock for Blood Heir?
Wow. People are nuts. We are fans and should not dictate what you should do or where you should post it. Holy moley people are crazy in 2020. You’re being very patient. ❤️
I’m never joining Instagram. I don’t care if I see your images. Yes I know why- marketing and fans love it The content of your fabulous books and my imagination are sufficient.
Thank you for the posts you do here
I’m just going to put this out there….Thank you for putting up with stupid people. I know that all of us at one time another have worn the dunce hat (myself included) but from your side of the fence it must look like a constant stream of idiots attacking your sanity.
Thank you for persevering and providing us top quality reading material especially during a pandemic.
+1 ????
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the pictures and post.
I am not on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter as I am an old doggie (per nephews and nieces). I am sure that they mean another word but their Grandmother is a sticker for being prim and proper. She uses cane now instead of hickory switch. Grin. But what I am saying is that this is on me, my choice, not you and yours.
Thank you for posting the eye candy pictures on blog. I apologize for my rude fellow BDH member.
All I can say is, Runa is one lucky lady!
Thank you, Ilona, for sharing.
How sad and pathetic some people are. The amount of author interaction we get is a privilege, not a right. You as a reader are entitled to nothing. People truly do suck at the moment.
Its so weird reading the entitlement of some people. Once you posted something exclusive to Twitter and so…. I got a Twitter account??? Idk it would just never occur to me to write a complaint to make you do something different for MY convenience.
It goes to that overboard “customer is always right” myth
You have so much more patience than most people. I hope the discriminated party receives equal parts of shame and enjoyment from your pretty pictures.
Thanks! Sorry you have to deal with entitled twits, but it’s a sign of the times. No one escapes.
Ooooooo, someone got their undies in a bundle, didn’t they? Yikes!! Ummmmm, getting an IG account isn’t very hard. Maybe they were just having a really bad day…or something. Loving ALL the character art! Ascanio and Bern, gah!
Books give you the option of picturing characters and settings in your head any way you want – within the guidelines the authors give you and you see the cover. But after 3 books without a visual of Bern I had my own image.
Therefore I could have done very well without this picture of Bern which is far from my own imagination. When has he ever put on a jacket (illfitting!) And Bern is never sleek.
Anyway thanks for your patience with unreasonable requests. ???? and unreasonable comments ????
First, I think these are delightful. Huge Bern fan here – who doesn’t love quiet competence????
Second, how fortunate the “Complainer’s” life must be to need to manufacture hurts and slights of this sort.
Of all the authors I follow, you generate the richest fan-fabulous content around. I think a lot of people don’t understand the level of work that goes into feeding the digital monster. If they did, they’d show more respect for what you provide and the sheer amount of content you provide.
Thank you to you and your team for all your do.
When I read stuff about complaining fans all I can think of is the phrase “too stupid to live”.
I don’t know that I ever pictured Bernard quite like that, but it works for me!
Ascanio? Bravo! Much applause!
And I have a new plan for dealing with annoying people.
Ignorare stultus!
It’s Latin, so not quite a word of Power, but it IS working well for me today. You guys are very much appreciated!
Okaaaaay, there’s raging psychotic insanity (redundant?) in DC, real people are dying in ICUs which a significant amt of people could care less cause, ya know, they hv to protect their “inalienable” right to not hv to wear a mask, but some are concerned about media content availability? Well that’s a new one for the record books.
On a lighter note, who do I hv to see to get a date with with Ascanio? He’s into older women right?
Don’t know what will happen with Instagram now that the USA has hit Facebook with an antitrust lawsuit. Of course for those of us who want to see pictures of bookshelves we will now have to join instagram. So again some fans might complain???????????????? There is just no pleasing some people. Hope you and the family have a safe and happy holiday season and a Merry Christmas.
????????♀️???? Thank you for all you do!
The Bern in the photo does not look like the Bern in my imagination. Where do I complain?
I’m supposed to use the “technical issue form” for this – right?
(Insert laughing emoji)
However, Ascanio is (insert chef’s kiss emoji and also drooling face.)
I’m SO happy you’re on IG!!!!
Ascancio is not how I imagined but … ooooh la la! Hot man in a suit! Uploading new image to brain. Bern – sigh- yum- athletic super nerd – sigh….
Not a big social media user but if I miss something posted on another platform, that’s on me not you. Thanks for sharing as much as you do!
Little do you know how happy I get when i see a book shelf.
Very, very, rarely do I post a comment,however today, your post had me cracking up laughing. Also, your post on the Nora Roberts/JD Robb fan left me in a fit of laughter. I had to read it for myself as I had just the day before finished her latest book. Acerbic wit, my favorite!
Someone needs to tell The Complainer too cool her jets! House Andrews is under no obligation to post these pictures anywhere. Bitch too much and maybe the ALs will decide not to bother posting at all. What is she going to complain about next? That the character does not look like what she imagines so the picture has to be changed. She isn’t paying House Andrews for the pictures so I don’t see that she has any rights to complain.
I do agree with some of the other BDH members that the pictures do not match what is in my mind. So, big deal. I am much more interested in the story content and that has never failed to deliver a quality product.
Oh my I would never have known. I am proud of myself that I can read your blog. instagram is way beyond my perview. I am proud that I finally got onto youtube. I am just glad to find you at all. I guess I am just a luddite at heart. Thank you for whatever you give me.
I follow 2 blogs, Ilona Andrews and Recipe Tin Eats (Nagi in Australia). Both have fabulous content and great pet pictures.
Best wishes and happy holidays to you and all the BDH! Stay safe everyone ????????
Instagram! i’ve heard that word somewhere……. if i don’t use different forums it’s on me not you. Thanks for all you do.
Ah, I forget I even have an Instagram account. I’ll have to go look you up there now. (Bern looks amazing in a suit–for whatever reason I always thought of him in board shorts and a t-shirt.) It’s getting tougher to venture out on social media, I have the attention span of a gnat unless I’m reading/writing or painting these days.
Also, in the interest of *not* abusing the report form:
Hubby signed us up for Britbox a few months ago, and there’s a show on it called “Shetland”, about cops solving crimes on Shetland Island in Scotland. It’s one of the few shows we’ve watched that I haven’t sussed out the killers in the first five to ten minutes. Thought you guys might like it.
The writing is excellent, and the actors are awesome. A bit Grim, but good.
Have watched every episode of Shetland, great show, country side is so beautiful. Would also recommend Brokenwood mystery tv series, its a NZ show,a joy to watch, where every one keeps their clothes on.
what? you are giving instagram bookshelves while we make do with leftovers?
Holy shit there is Instagram content? *runs over to Instagram*
Is that Bern quote from a future book? If not where is it? Why am I not placing it?
Read The Edge series again. I’m pretty sure that’s where it’s from.
OK. I started to reread the HL series because… boredom. Apparently, Bern is the cousin in that book, not in the Edge series. But this guy is not what I had pictured for Bern, who at 19 was 200 pounds of strong former wrestler who still went to work out to stay in shape and could easily lift up 100-pound Arabella and hold her off the ground to keep her from fighting with Catalina! I also cannot place the quote, so perhaps it’s in the third book of Catalina coming in the future. Book 2 mentions that she’s seeking a house where they can all have privacy. Something to look forward to, but this guy is not who I picture when I picture Bern.
I don’t do IG much, and while I love the sneek peek quotes, but I don’t care about the pics. They never match the image in my head.
So it is impossible to please everyone. So do what you need/want to do, and everyone can just deal with it.
Oh my goodness! The crap y’all have to deal with from some fans amazes me. I love your writing, I love your characters and, honestly, I like using your descriptions of people to come up with my own images of what they look like. Hope y’all have a wonderful, blessed Christmas and a very happy, safe and healthy New Year! And please…keep writing these wonderful stories!
You have an IG?! I did not know and must follow!
Also, Bern is a hottie.
While I feel bad that you feel the technical issue form was abused … I hope the abuse is minor for you.
Personally I visit the Blog because I love everything you two have created. I realize this is strictly a bonus you generously share with us.
That being said I visit your website & blog and ONLY these because while you probably run standard analytics and data collection I doubt you share or sell our data and if you use it in any manner it’s with the best of intentions and without damage or malice to us customers/consumers (your favoritist people’s ever!! (Those of us that behave and aren’t annoying at least))
Instagram and Facebook and etc etc … will sell us and any private info they gain.
The instant they can make 1/100th of a cent on our loss of privacy.
So while the channel to you was abused … I can’t fault the results … Thank-you for recognizing and alleviating this honest over sight and I thank-you again and encourage any & all efforts you make that make this website a complete resource for everything Ilona Andrews.
… as a side note … yes I’m an odd duck with regards to social media but some small supporting details for the unaware out there.
My IT career started shortly before the time modems and ethernet cards started to be developed for government and then business implementation.
At that time and equipped with a 2400baud modem I was thinking that computer data collection is going to be ridiculously easy. As I explored various BBS and everything following it. I have zealously guarded my privacy online.
Now the lesson … a few years ago a corporate backed “college research” data collection false face was using every high pressure tactic for me to allow them to farm me for the data points they didn’t have regarding me.
Offering to pay me ~ $500-$1000 for X data regarding me (you know all that data that Facebook,Google,Amazon,Micro$oft, &Netflix just take from everyone … without the average Joe ever having the slightest idea of what was happening to them at the time. Now people have a better understanding what’s happening to their personal data … but for most it was like closing the barn door AFTER their data horses were already rustled by X.
So tldr … I still own most of my data horses I didn’t let FaceBook steal them they had a value of ~$1000 5+ years ago … You putting all of your content here helps us that avoid spy companies preserve whatever privacy we have managed to keep.
(See Cambridge Analytica, “The Great Hack” on Netflix, & more recently the FaceBook monopoly suit to force FB to sell off WhatsApp & Instagram)
Much Love and thank-you for going through the extra effort to make your site the definitive source regarding your awesomeness.
** like ????
A Family member works for an alphabet agency, so …I do no social media of any kind and I made one exception for on line accounts, I have my kindle. IA is the only blog I go too, emails I receive that are not family, friends or work…imma ICU/Flight nurse….then again I live in bum-f no-where growing my own vegetables, owning chickens, hunting, electricity from solar panels, keeping warm via wood stove and watching movies and TV/Internet shows via disc when not doing puzzles or reading for fun…
Thanks for the Like ????
Sounds like we have a lot of similar information resources and a heathy respect for responsible minimized impact living (permaculture) I too am a resident of BFE adjacent(must have high bandwidth inter webs)but I’m attempting to heat the house with rocket stove power!
By alphabet agency I assume FBI,NSA,CIA vs Alphabet Company (Google et al.) but an info resource that works for either will give good info regarding privacy and cause most sane people to be concerned about electronic presence and footprints.
Also thanks for being a caregiver/responder in these sucky pandemic 2020(Be Gone Already!)year.
No good deed goes unpunished.
What kind of people email about stuff like this ??
the kind of people who want to ruin it for everyone else -_-
Lol, as a social media Luddite, I am shocked there are pictures on Instagram. I thought it was an instant grammar check program…
Wait…does this mean you have Linked In profiles for all your characters? That would be pretty ????
I must be weird, because it seems I’m the only one who don’t like watching pictures of books characters. I like picturing them in my head, and it never match with it.
Or it places these images in my head when I read the book, and I don’t like it. This is the same reason I don’t like watching movies based on a book. It doesn’t suit my vision of the characters…
I’ m weird.
Ok, less weird than the crazy ones who complain to authors by email…
I was really excited to find you on IG. My feed used to consist mostly of cute dogs
Is it just me, or do Bern’s eyes look kind of glowy?
If he/she is not changing platform, how does he/she know what you post in Instagram?.
Is he/she checking the site ‘in secret’?. I don’t understand.
But thanks for the images, I really like Bern too ????????
hubba hubba. Bernard, we hardly knew ye. suddenly turtlenecks are secksy!!
I am deliberately not on social media, which I may be mistakenly thinking that Instagram is. I’m not overly computer literate. You, as the writers, can do whatever you want, wherever you want, and your fans can participate as they choose. Is this too logical? I adore your blog and am so happy you post here. It is my choice not to have an Instagram or Pinterest account, and that is on me. I will say that I love the pictures today and the quotes. Thank you for everything you do. Nancy
I complained to my kids about missing out on the pictures they post on Instagram, they looked at me as if I’d lost my minds down just said “Then get Insta” and that was the end of the conversation. I got Insta.
Not going to complain about where you post stuff as it is up to us as fans to follow you on different platforms if we want to no your job to repeat post stuff on all you different platforms but still very happy this was posted here since I rarely go on Instagram 🙂 Thank you!
” Today’s Instagram will consist of a picture of bookshelves, so it won’t be nearly that exciting.”
WHAT????? BOOKSHELVES AREN’T EXCITING?????? I’M BETRAYED!!!! I’M DESTRO … aw, cripes. I can’t keep it up any more. But for full disclosure, I’m not on Instagram, not likely to go there, and I would be more excited over bookshelves than characters.
I personally like that there is different content in different channels. Makes it like a treasure hunt when i find new stuff!! Like when I found out you even have an IG account!
Sigh… no comment. ????
Don’t you kinda have “exclusive content” just by the nature of being on various platforms?
I mean, you comment in the Fan Facebook group sometimes and that’s not posted here….and I don’t Twitter, but I’m assuming most of that content doesn’t make it to all your platforms.
Does this person watch all of your interviews and attend every convention you’re at to make sure they don’t miss out on anything?
I am highly amused by outrageous people who if they thought for just a minute would realize they were being ridiculous.
Also, I think they used the “technical issue” option on the form because this was obviously an oversight and that content was meant to be on the blog. (Sacastic eye roll implied)
Btw – thanks for the awesome IG content! I’m loving it and IG is prioritizing it for me right now so you are always at the top of my feed. I also searched Tik Tok for y’all on the off chance you might have posted something after you posted links to some Tik Toks. Sadly, you are not there yet. I have no idea what you would post, but I know I would watch it. Lol
omg that’s ridiculous. can you exclude them? people do not own you!! i understand that a lot of what you do is to build/keep readership, sell books, etc. but there is also a good bit of sharing of intersting, fun, personal, funny, painful things, and I (for one) appreciate y’all’s willingness to do whatever you’re doing online, wherever you happen to be doing it (even if i don’t necessarily know about it) best,
Hah!!! Normally I don’t agree with any complaints, but I got to say I loved those!!! Made my day. Thanks. ????
People are so needy. I choose not to have an Instagram account because I can barely keep up with email and Facebook. Thank you for sharing the posters even though that nitnoid doesn’t deserve them. <3
Ha ha! So funny that THAT is what made them complain!
Love everything you post, wherever it is!
Ugh, I hope it wasn’t that uppity commenter Debra who was harassing Nora Roberts ????????♀️
I would like to say thank you…..you guys don’t have to give us anything….but you do…..and I thank you for all that you guys give us….I am grateful for the ideas, the teasing, and the invites to another world…….thanks again
I would like to say thank you…..you guys don’t have to give us anything….but you do…..and I thank you for all that you guys give us….I am grateful for the ideas, the teasing, and the invites to another world…….thanks again
Im sooooo happy you are on Instagram Now!
I wish you could do live streamings to on Twitch, but i understand how busy you are…
Cant wait for the next HL book!
Imagine that in the year 2020 this is a big enough problem for someone to get upset about and abuse the technical issue form again.
Lord have mercy, you guys have the patience of a saint 😛
Dear, sweet merciful Jesus…I wish that Instagram envy was the biggest upset in my world. Cheers for the posters, though!
Thank you for showing the pictures.
To quote Eve Dallas in one of the In Death books by J.D. Robb (aka Nora Roberts): “People are a hazard to the human race.”
That’s one of the best quotes I’ve read and so true. ????
Roger that!
I miss all the facebook stuff because I loathe facebook with the fiery intensity of a thousand suns. But that would be a me problem, not a you problem.
On an unrelated note, how do you pronounce Ascanio? I’ve always gone with as-CAH-nio, but a friend says AS-canio. May we please have author executive ruling?
I love it when authors such as Bethany Adams take the time to put a guide in book saying who and what the characters and places are and their correct pronunciations. It is especially helpful, as well, when there is a series or when we are rereading a book to refresh our memories
I am greatfull for complaining fan; she got us great pictures. Thank you Ilona Andrews. I have always been amazed that gran Frida was so good at internet. I just found YouTube. The only blogs I have done are yours and Rvsue and crew.
We get Tuna, Artho, and other pets. I love your blog.
Thank you? Wonderful pictures.
I cringe every time you post something about what your “fans” have done. And I’m so, so sorry you keep getting these trifling messages.
My immediate response to reading this was to head over to Instagram to check out the bookshelves ????
There will always be someone who finds the universe isn’t revolving around them and want to complain about the unfairness. You are awesome – don’t listen to the grinches!
But where are Barabas and Christopher? ;D
Jk. But I wouldn’t say no. :3
Lol. The Bernard picture is nice eye candy though.
The second giy is who I see in my head when Derek speaks, no lie.
You guys are saints. I don’t know of any other authors with your generosity. I love all platforms and am thrilled with all posts.
This is unrelated, but hopefully makes you 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_tL5R8lIL0 (related to previous animal adventures on the blog)
Good grief! People are getting up in arms about this?! Holy cats!!!
I can’t be bothered to look at Facebook more than once a week, so why would I care about looking at Instagram. Despite all those utterly delightful dachsie photos, it just is such a time sink. More power to those who like it, but reading this frequently hilarious blog is so much better!
Thanks for the blog!! It’s always a bright spot when you post.
Oh hi there. I’m Runa Etterson of House Etterson, magus venenata. I eat poison for breakfast, but I have a weakness for a thicc pattern mage that blooms like mushrooms under the lights of computer screens.
Mental note: avoid drinking coffee while scanning through comments
+ 1
I love your blog check it very often, Facebook I follow, but only once in awhile. I don’t think I have any accounts other that. Do understand, if I miss something, just hope it’s not snippets. Posters are nice, jealous about not seeing them before, but understand why. Would like to beg for a picture gallery on your web site, but also know that would be up to you. Thanks for all your hard work.
oh jeez !!!! some people r crazy and wow!!! totally didn’t know about ur IG … gonna follow asso
You are too kind. And you have more patience than I would were I in a similar situation.
I have a question: what way should fans choose to contact you? What is that you prefer?
Who needs pictures? They’re never as good as the imagination.
Thank you anyway, the posts are Fun????
LOL. So entitled. I was wondering why there was a picture of bookshelves. And you do not have to subscribe to Instagram. I just bookmarked your page and can see what is on there (I just cannot scroll).
And I hope Derek kicks his ass.
Hehehe somehow I imagined Bern to look like a mixup of my male computer programmer friends. While I love them dearly, let’s say that did not much resemble the hot dude in the picture ????
Huh, Bern isn’t what I was picturing. But the again I’m in it for the story/ adventure you spin.
Is it over yet?
Wait…are they finally buying a house?
Yum yum! I pictured Ascanio a little less civilized looking and for some reason shirtless….. I didn’t realize that Bern looks just like Thor but there you go, now I know…
I love House Andrews and sent a glass ornament for your tree.
What, Upset? Ilona Andrews.com and all its iterations probably has the most open and accessible sites on the net/web. Don’t complain, bitch or curse; just ask. Bless you darlin.
I’m sorry but bookshelves are exquiting ! 😀 It’s bookshelves !!!
Best place in the universe !
An weapon according to the Doctor …
I appreciate you “fixing” this for that deranged “fan” who complained, but it was never broken. There are billions of things in this world that some of us will never see or hear because we don’t have access to them. Get over it. If you spend time doing things for people who don’t have the sense to know that you are human with a life to live in addition to being fabulous writers with imaginations you share so well with the rest of us, you’ll use up all your rest time on it.
Rick Nelson said it best, I think. “You can’t please everyone, so you’ve got to please yourself.” No one who actually reads what you produce will stop reading it if they can’t see the sexy men on the blog. Do you hear me complaining about the fact that BOTH men have facial hair? Ugh! You can’t even see their faces! If these are today’s “sexy men”, I’m glad I’m too old to care. And yet, I think the posters are pretty cool for those who like that sort of thing. They’re just not imperative to my sense of fulfillment in life.
Honestly, I think it is genius that you are own Instagram. I would have never thought of it. Instagram is a picture format. This is why I am on there as an artist. I like to post my art. I would have never thought of it for an author. Good for you! I really think that when fans act like this it is because they want you to ‘see,’ them.I was a teacher and some people will take any attention whether it be good or bad.
Well, guess I need to start following you on Insta. There, problem solved.
I agree with the poor deprived Instagram person. I too, don’t subscribe. I had no idea what I was missing! Bern and Ascanio look like their characters to me! One slippery and one and safe! LOL
While I’m not a Instagram fan cuz prose and lyrics are what move me the most, I truly appreciate what you and yours crank out AND still provide high quality on all of it…thank you for helping a very very difficult year more endurable.
Good luck on non-green yarns!
The nerve of that person. I can’t believe the complaints you receive. Ungrateful people don’t deserve your attention. One person versus millions who love your work.
I applaud your patience and your professionalism.
Rude fan but thanks for the images whoo hooo hotsy totsy giggle
I gotta say, that Bernard pic took me by surprise when I saw in on IG yesterday. It is creepily attractive. Not my physical face type but neither is Curran or Gordon.
I had a completely different picture of both Bernard and Asciano in my mind. Asciano doesn’t look like that in my head. Similar though. Just sharper edged.
I love all of the characters though!
I’m just grateful to you for including us here! Thank you for everything you do for us! (It’s my own choice not to be in Instagram, Twitter or Facebook 😀
Debra strikes again
I thought the very same thing!
Does this mean we will be getting a Bernard Centric book soon?
I do grow tired of having to follow people on multiple platforms to get all the content. I’ve also been ignoring Instagram most of the year too. So I appreciate this, and can I say Bern looks yummy?
Yay, thank you for sharing these here too.
So sorry that some fans are so difficult. The vast majority of us are thrilled with all you share! Thank you for these!
If she doesn’t have Instagram then how in the world would she know what you posted there?
Thank you,
This brightened my morning!
I appreciate both the artistry and the blogger discrimination social-media movement (BDSM)
Love ALL your work – you are entitled to only positive critiques, reviews, comments as you 2 are amazing story artists!!!
That’s not Bern! concern…. (frowny face)
This is kind of hilarious. Sorry if they upset you, but you managed to reframe it for humor. Nice.
Thanks for sharing the Instragram goodness. I don’t really Instragram, but no skin off my back if you do. Different strokes, different folks.
PSST, Gordon. Here is some gorgeous yarn, not a green one in the batch, all grown in the US and produced by a cooperative, also in the US: https://twistedstraitfibers.com/product-category/yarn/
Since green is out of favor at the moment, just remember white goes with everything? 🙂
They have the most beautiful wool comforter too (which would be quite wasted on the Texas heat, but still gorgeous. If I played the lottery and if I won, I would buy the comforter).
Merry Christmas to all of you.
I think Ascanio is going to regret saying that. Promises well for the story, though.
Also, I really like Bern. I hope they get the house in question.
Why do we let one unhappy person change the way things are done. I appreciate a picture of a good looking person. Do things your way. Unhappy people can never be made happy. A good photo or catchy title has gotten me to try new authors over the years. So keep the pictures.
Well, bless her little heart! ????
Uhhhhhhhh….some people really need to learn how to chill. I love having more stuff from you and don’t care where I have to go to get it.
Also, instagram is much less gloom and doom right now, so yay.
**Need a little help over here!** I rolled my eyes so hard that my eyes got stuck! ????????????
::bangs head on desk:: Ah. That’s better. ????
I’m sorry some people feel entitled to send you such ridiculousness. Apparently, they don’t have enough other things to worry about.
Thanks for everything y’all do for us.
SOME people need to take a chill pill. You want more – do the job and stop whining about it. If there’s different stuff on different platforms you want – hop to it. It’s not discrimination. Holy jeebuz and Gomorra….what the hell people. If you don’t pay for it don’t demand anything and for Pete sake…stop using technical tools to voice your whiny little opinion…
I hope most fans aren’t as mentally aerated as this person seems to be, but appreciate the fact that we get snippets, whole stories and extra insight FOR NOTHING else but signing up for a list…and “our” writers use time (and money) to keep us updated. Personally I’m appreciative and I’ll be damned if I’d be COMPLAINING about something I want FOR FREE because I’m too lazy to sign up for another social app.
Get over yourself you complaining person…
And to “our” writers – sorry you had to get that noise and I hope you know that so many of us appreciate the extra work you put in for us !
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
That Ascanio poster has me so excited for Blood Heir. Like jittery just thinking about it. Could also be because I drink tea from sun up to sundown.
Wow! I’m signing up for Instagram…this instant! LOL
Oh and said grumpy fan…lighten up.
Gordon and Ilona GO FOR IT! Beautiful stuff you have posted there!
I get where they’re coming from.
Th k you! I may have to use Instagram!
???????????? the things you get to deal with… My god ????
For some reason in my head Bern was black. I guess I invented that detail while reading?
I pictured him dark and shambling, like a comfortable bear in his cave. But I didn’t think black, could be.
Now I have to go back and re-read first HL.
This whole thing is a perfect continuation of the fan tea party post…
Thanks for sharing.:)
I don’t do Instagram and probably won’t – but then again, I thought I wouldn’t do Zoom and now I do. Who knows what the world has in store for us?
I never watch series based on books, I don’t want to see how someone imagines the characters, how they think a vampire or werewolf might move, etc. I just want to read the books and imagine it all myself. So I don’t really care about this angst.
That’s not how I pictured Ascanio or Bern in my head. Ascanio was always gonna be more Latino and Bern was gonna be a little more blocky but that works too.
Hmmm With Covid taking away so many activities, it seems some folks need to invent reasons to be upset! Thank you for sharing your talents in what ever form you choose!
Umm.. Can I just say this: I do not think you should try to make her happy. It is not your job / hobby to make her happy.
She has totally misunderstood services authors provide at their free will. Sure you want to sell more books but hey – DO NOT GIVE IN TO THESE PEOPLE. Bullies will bully and should be cut at the knees. Like right away.
Do not want to go to Instagram – good. Don’t. Simple.
Want to get the same stuff – too bad. Not going to happen. Not their call.
*flips table and trips over chair while running to laptop*
Love you guys!
Thank you
I don’t usually do social media stuff. WAY to much drama. (case in point) buuuut i do like character pictures soooo…. THANKS!!!
It never ceases to amaze me just how entitled some people feel that they are. I enjoy your blog posts and occasional story bits.
A number of other authors that I enjoy reading don’t go to the trouble of interacting with their fans, so please know that the vast majority of us appreciate your efforts and wouldn’t dream of criticizing them.
The hell?? Bern looks like Thor.
As someone who followed a blog called Bookshelf Porn for years, I disagree with your assessment.
Looking for your IG!
Mmmmm…. Bernard. Ascanio knows he’s hot but Bernard is very nice.
I was like, who’s Bernard?
And then, oh right! Bern.
And then, that image made me like, damnnnn, Bern.
I signed up to Twitter just to follow you. I realized months later that I rarely go on it. So, I signed out and never went on again….. Then on your latest blog, you mentioned uploading pics in Instagram. I paused, thought of the realistic value of signing up for Instagram. And acknowledged that I will just end up rarely going in it. I’ve decided Not to sign up for one. That’s my choice. It aint your problem.
I am just coming back from 8 days of vacation so didn’t see this until now.
I am so sorry someone is acting like an entitled jerk. So many people are so frustrated and taking the frustration out in inappropriate places for crazy reasons.
I think you guys are great and whatever you chose or do not chose to share is up to you. I am here for whatever you want to throw to us and I appreciate the ray of sunshine you posts have been to me these last, difficult 9 months! Thank you!
Woo Hoo! You are on instagram too!
LMAO! And I thought that I dealt with all the silly people. OMG! Giggling can actually hurt.
People really need to open their damn eyes. We are losing way more lives than 9-11-01 every day and panties are in a twist over some pics on a fiction blog (great though that blog may be)? Let’s click over to Insta-Reality and get a grip. Seriously, put your damn masks on right, socially distance and try not to kill your neighbors. A couple of pictures, REALLY? Think about what you are whining about while people are dying alone of Trump-19.
Am I the only one seriously crushing on Asciano
Nice! Mr. Dark and Dangerous and Mr. Nice Guy. Love them!
Thank you. Not all of us want to be on FB, Twit. or Instagrim. But we do like you.
And we like your posts. Happy Holidays, Have some fun, get some rest.
Hello! Instagram? I’ll change to whatever media it takes if it means getting posters like that!
Lit up up my morning!