Book turned in at 105,000 words and change.
Supersick. Throat hurts. Been editing and watching Chinese historical dramas. Concubines are mean like snakes.
In two days, flying to France.
More when we come back.
Admin, Blog POST A COMMENT by Ilona
Book turned in at 105,000 words and change.
Supersick. Throat hurts. Been editing and watching Chinese historical dramas. Concubines are mean like snakes.
In two days, flying to France.
More when we come back.
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So glad you got your edit completed – hope you have all the fun in France (and actually get to rest some, in between fun and work)!
Joyeux voyage!
Voyages sécuritaires mes amis.
(Courtesy of Google translate)
Hope you get some rest and feel much better.
And here I was thinking google translate had gotten better….
“Fun” story: I work in France for an International Association so we do most of our work in English, but we have to know French too.
We had someone with a French sounding name who had fibbed about the fact she spoke French.
She was asked by a client to provide a document in French and as it only existed in English, instead of asking for some help, used google translate….
Let’s just say that she didn’t stay long after that and that we were lucky it didn’t blow in our face too badly…..
Any way, here it should have translated to:
Bon Voyage. Actually, this works for safe trip as well, you could say “soyez prudents” instead of voyage securitaire, but it implies they have to do something to keep safe.
Rest up, flying while sick sucks. If you’re congested, I recommend chambered earplugs while flying. I’ve had to fly internationally while sick a few times, these helped but I couldn’t hear a damn thing.
I’ve used Flents Flite Mates for years:
Thank you for recommending this product. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as pressure relieving ear plugs.
My mom would get the bends in her ears when flying (yes, the same kind that scuba divers get if not swimming up to the surface properly). I found earplugs at Walmart that Navy pilots use when flying jets. They worked very well in her ears. I’m not sure if Walmart still sells them.
After a very bad time, even with the plugs, we decided road trips by car would be the better choice than flying. I realize there are times flying is the only way to get to the destination. ?
Or swallow a lot to help equalize the pressure. Having a drink helps, but dry swallowing helps also.
Earplanes for your ears, CVS. Our WalMart don’t carry then anymore. My husband swears by them. Only problem, he can’t hear anything I say. Well, maybe not so bad…safe travels
Chewing gum works amazingly well – especially for short distance air travel.
Fair play!! Looking forward to it.
Don’t forget, if you get the time (ye deserve a break), to leave a good few hours to go & walk through Pére Lachaise cemetery. Totally worth a visit.
I know people hate suggestions–but–just in case. HIGHLY recommend cheap–like $27 bedside humidifiers from Amazon an basically any of the Edens Garden essential oils to drop in. They work just fine and are like $10-15. THEN get a SECOND set and send it straight on to your hotel in Paris. Same thing with Ayr normal saline nasal mist. Add good old Vicks around your nostrils at night. Use all above MULTIPLE times a day.Want you to have a good trip. PS In our community we have CHARMING combo of high acrerage Ag, ground up road pollution from 18wheel trucks and Petrochemical industry. Making us the MOST polluted city in the US especially with PARTICULATE pollution that totally wrecks voices&sinus systems.
Throat coat with honey and Cold Eeze. Those are my standards to help with colds. Hopefully you can get rest now that edits are done. Congrats for that and I hope you get feeling better soon!
Bon voyage!
Congratulations on powering through despite feeling ill, and turning in your edits in good time! Wishing you a safe and pleasant experience, both as you travel and once you arrive, and looking forward to hearing about your adventures when you return.
Congrats on getting through with the book. I am really looking forward to it.
I’m so sorry you are under the weather. Rest up if you can and get better so you can enjoy France. It is such a great place to visit.
Paris is beautiful in the spring, though a bit cooler than I expected – though I should have known it would be.(My first visit to Europe was to London in late March and it snowed on the second of April. Nobody had a winter coat.)
The food was fabulous in the local cafés in Paris. (Fine cuisine would have been wasted on us. We didn’t insult the locals by even considering it.) I am sure there is bad food in Paris, but we didn’t find it.
If you haven’t taken a boat tour on the Seine, I can recommend that, as well as a tour of Notre Dame cathedral. The docents are great and they take you some places that the public is not allowed in unsupervised. I could have spent the whole time my husband was at his conference in the Louvre, but I waited for him to be finished.
I am sure many folks will give you non-touristy destinations. Enjoy whatever you decide on. Feel better and have fun.
Get well. There is only one you. And we want you to be around for a long time. Have a safe trip.
So sorry to hear you’re even sicker than I thought, from previous post. That sucks! Despite that, hope you have a good time in Paris. And well done on the edits 🙂
Congrats on finishing the edit! Looking forward to this book so very much. And I’m sorry you’re under the weather – stress does that! Sleep is the best measure, so hopefully you can get some extra in these next two days. Have a great trip!
Hope you feel better soon. Cold/flu sux.
If you are a Chinese historical drama fan, I’m sure you’ve see Red Cliffs. It’s one of the hubbie’s favorite movies. I recently bought him the version originally released on China – came out as part 1 and 2 – clocked in over 4 hours. We really enjoyed it – more sumptuousness, more battles – yeah! Great for dozing through while the NyQuil kicks in.
Hope you feel good enough to enjoy France!
Congratulations on edit completion! Do so hope that you recover in time to have a lovely time in Paris. Please feel better.
Congratulations on being done with the edits. Feel better. Try to rest up before the flight. And have fun once you get there
Omg, are you watching Empresses in the Palace??? It’s one of my goto’s for de-stressing.
Omg! Second empresses in the place. It was my first C-drama. So amazing!!
If you liked Empresses in the Palace, Sun Li’s stars in another C-Drama: The Legend of Mi Yue, which is also really good. If you can read Chinese, I recommend the Concubine’s daughter is poisonous (For those who can’t read, but can listen and understand Mandarin, its also an audiobook) Note: they made the concubine’s daughter is poisonous into a C-drama titled Princess Wei Yang….its not the same story, the book is much better
The pharmacies are wonderful in France. We had to go to one when my daughter was sure she was dying. Super helpful.
Yay! Congrats on getting the word count down.
What are the names of the dramas you are watching? I wonder if I’ve seen them yet.
I hope you feel better soon! ❤
My best wishes for you to get well and enjoy your tour. Edits finished!
I’m sure you don’t want advice, but as someone who just recently got over a bad sore throat from allergies / maybe a cold, I’m going to risk annoying you with it. ? My 88 year old grandma told me to gargle with warm salt water and it really helped! Immensely! 8 oz of warm water (Not as hot as tea, you don’t want to burn your throat. I used hot tap water.) and 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon salt (canning, kosher, even sea). Gargle, swish, spit, and repeat until the water is gone.
Wow, that’s a really long web address.
Hope you feel better! ?
Find a sunny spot and bask and people watch.
Congrats! on getting the edits done. Looking forward to the book. Sorry you’re sick. If your nose is all blocked up, it is good to use the ear plugs before takeoff, while still on the ground. The idea is to maintain the ground air pressure within your ears throughout the trip. And I also use Vick’s Vaporrub on throat and chest and even put a dab on the end of the nostrils! It helps to clear the congestion.
Congrats on the edits.
Flying while sick sucks. Hope you feel better soon.
I hope you get well soon. And thanks for finishing the edits – I’ve got this one pre-ordered for my Kindle.
I’m glad the edits are over, but I will miss the pearls of dialogue left on the edit floor. I hope that you will feel better soon. Paris awaits you, enjoy!
You’re amazing.
I hope you can mostly just sleep until you leave? Planes and being sick are one of my personal least favorite things. Intercontinental sounds super dire. (Though I have managed to spend travel days napping and end up less sick… but it was kind of marginal, maybe? It’s a haze. Spending $150 or whatever it was to spend a few more days in Oakland in the sun eating tacos rather than flying right back to polar vortex Cleveland when I was getting over the actual flu is still some of the best money I’ve ever spent.)
I should be plunging into the next paper… instead, I am catching my breath and doing graphics for the new lab. So, Turtle Art!
Love the turtle art. Be great on a map!
Make sure to add dragons where the world ends. I understand it’s a steep drop and ships aren’t powerful enough to overcome the fall.
Kraken I think. I’m in a marine state of mind.
Hopefully they won’t fight with the elephants.
Pretty much the look I’m going for 🙂 The new lab uses robots to work out how animals, sea turtles in particular, navigate using EM. And a major lack of associated graphics. So I got to draw turtles and then send a bunch of ideas to B.
Feel better and have a lovely trip!
If it’s strep, get it fixed. Jim Henson didn’t. Safe travels!
Hip-hip hooray the edits are done! ?
Yuck about not feeling well right before your trip. Either something is still going around or it’s really bad allergies. The pollen count in the DFW area is super high. Boo! ?
Have fun watching Chinese historical dramas. Gotta watch out for those concubines! ?
Congrats on finishing edits!! I know that was a nasty one!
Feel better so you can halfway enjoy your trip.
Safe journey and swift recovery.
Feel better soon! Congrats on finishing your edis!
You guys are rock stars!
Powering thru work, while ill is awful for everyone, but the challenges of being your own boss (deadlines count – but still) adds layers.
Travel as safely as you are able – however you can knock yourself out to fly is downtime(!?)
I’m sorry to hear you’re unwell. I hope you get better soon! Rest as much as you can before your trip and I hope it goes well for you.
Two words: Nettie pot. Saline rinse 2-3 times a day saved me.
Super congratulations! I can’t wait:)
One more suggestion to the many above. Bring Afrin or Dristan. Don’t necessarily take them, but have them on the plane. Not pleasant to take when congested but works almost instantly to clear the ears/sinuses and should last the whole flight. Physically addictive, so no more than occasional usage (which my doctor meant as < 1/week)
Avoid large crowds in yellow vests.
I prefer the Chinese fantasy dramas myself. My Chinese sucks and usually I’m forced to watch them without subtitles, so it’s easier to track whose on what side, though not always. But as long as there’s lots of wire work and crazy battles, I am entertained.
Hope you heal up quickly and have a painless flight overseas.
Oh yay, edits are done! Glad you didn’t have to bring it down to 100k.
So sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, and right before traveling. I hope you feel better soon.
I always get really pissed off when I’m sick, no matter how sick I am. Maybe beat the crap outta your pillow on the end of the bed, they try some of the stuff everyone suggests. You never know… If you go with a nettie pot (I use ’em, but always while showering), boil the sucker before using. Then, boil water and pour over salt (Diamond Crystal Kosher preferred as it is super clean and no chemicals to help “flow”. Baking soda is a buffer that keeps salt from stinging.)and baking soda. Wait for salt and baking soda to go into suspension, and use once a few drops on inside of arm is body temp. Just like a bottle for a baby.
1 liter boiled water
½ teaspoon Diamond Crystal kosher salt
¼ teaspoon baking soda
2 cups water
¼ teaspoon Diamond Crystal kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
Whatever works, I hope you are better when it is time to fly, and I hope you folks have a wonderful time.
Snakes are not mean, they’re realists . . .
it’s about getting the important things done for a
fortuitous harmony in future paths . . . like finally saying, Edit Completed!
And on a time frame that allows you to turn to your newest challenge interaction. Pamper your sinus, indulge your wonder, snapshot your visuals, find the joy of this outreach to your readers, Live, Love, Laugh . . .
Choose happy! Ta
Oh my God, the thought of flying with any kind of congestion is terrifying. I hope you buy A LOT of decongestant, because flying without it is… it’s not a joke.
I flew when I had a (mild!) sniffling cold once and both the ascent but especially the DESCENT were e x c r u c i a t i n g. It was when I was flying home as a college freshman for winter break and I didn’t realize it at the time, but flying without a decongestant was sooo dangerous. (I was young and I didn’t knoooow!)
During the plane’s descent though, I actually thought one of my ears had started bleeding, and at one point I had this very… out-of-body… moment where I insanely and very, very calmly wanted more than anything in the world to stab a pen (or ideally a metal chopstick???) through my left ear just to stop what felt like explosive pain/pressure that kept building and building and building, because my lizard brain was screeching that my head would burst.
(My rational mind stopped me, and I didn’t have a pen thin enough on me anyway (thank God!), but I realize now that I pretty much dissociated while it was happening and that’s how I stopped myself from doing anything crazy. Well, that and the seatbelt, along with the pressure of our descent shoving me continuously into my seat.)
Descent must have lasted just a few minutes, but that space of time felt warped, like it would never end, just absolutely unreal.
I had moderate tinnitus afterward for like… a year? Maybe a bit less. (It gradually faded, so there isn’t a clear demarcation of when it went from moderate to mild.) I got so scared because, when the ringing wouldn’t go away even after the pain and my cold did, I ended up doing some online research and reading some terrible things.
Stuff like this:
(Hell, it might actually have been an earlier version of this page, because it looks so similar.)
It’s been almost 15 years, but when it’s silent? The kind of silent at night where you can barely pick up the wind muffled through a closed window and nothing else? I can still hear this very, very faint ringing, which gets louder when I plug my ears. It’s faint enough that I can usually ignore it 99% of the time, so I’m really lucky. I just have to use a small fan as white noise when I’m sick and congested and it gets worse.
I’ll never risk flying congested ever again. I’m too scared that it’ll worsen, or my eardrum will actually rupture this time.
Get well soon- enjoy the trip and i hope that you get better as your traveling so that your time away is enjoyable.
Congrats on making the word count 🙂
Congratulations on the done edits, yeahh!!!
I wish you a pleasant rest before you have to fly to Europe.
Congratulations on finishing the edit. What a shame you had to cut some bits out ( though we ardent members of the BDH enjoy the offcuts!) I hope you are happy with the finished story. I’ve already preordered my copy so am looking forward to it being published in due course.
Enjoy your trip to Paris and I hope your health improves rapidly and doesn’t cause any problems and spoil your trip.
Hmmmm. Could it be The Legend of Zhenhuan: Empresses in the Palace? I am currently watching it for the second time, spending time on Youtube everyday. I hope you’ll be watching all 76 episodes and not what you can stream from Amazon (You lose too much of the story.).
Safe trip!
Congrats! Great news about completing the edits! Pamper yourself for the next couple of days and have a wonderful time in France.
I just hope you feel better before it’s time to go! Try to enjoy your trip and congrats on the edit!
So sorry that you are now sick and had to do edits when feeling crummy. Please attempt to enjoy France once you fly over.
I hope you feel better. Yay for the book finishing! And, if you are going to Paris, I have a restaurant recommendation. It’s called the Angelina on Rue de Rivoli. It has the best hot chocolate I have ever tasted, and their Croque Monsieur sandwich was delicious. Their desserts are also super tasty. My sister still talks about the one she had that had gold leaf on it.
Are you watching YangXi Palace? =D I’m watching that now.
Hope you feel better soon.
Recently discovered Ginger Lemon tea, it’s wonderful!
Yuzu with honey is great as well! I prefer it to lemon when I can get it.
I fell in love with too.
Feel better and have fun in France.
Get well fast and I hope you have a wonderful and fun trip to France. You deserve to have a blast after that nightmare of an edit! Safe travels too!
Have fun in France, hope you feel better soon. Love Chinese historical dramas.
I hope you are watching Yanxi Palace. Because that C-drama was A.W.E.S.O.M.E! The acting. The costumes. The plots. The power plays and schemes. Just wow.
Hopefully, all the drama will help you de-stress. Enjoy your trip and get well soon!
Maybe you should get strep test asap to make sure your sore throat is only that, esp with Big Trip ahead? Congrats on final word count! Looking forward to enjoying your story. Hope y’all have a fantabulous trip!
Congrats, brutal job, well done! Pamper yourself so you are good for your Parisian Adventure!
Yes, please, pamper yourself. You deserve every bit of it.
I hope your trip is wonderful.
Safe journey and enjoy. Hope you’ll feel better soon.
book recommendation – if you like political drama mixed with a bit of fantasy & action try the The Empire Trilogy by Raymond Feist & Janny Wurts titles are Daughter of the Empire – Servant of the Empire – Mistress of the Empire
Loved this!!!
One of my favourites. Have read it many times. Strong female lead character.
Nothing worse then having to travel while sick. I hope you get well very soon.
I hope you recover completely before your trip.
I loved Rise of Phoenixes on Netflix until the very end. But the show was so worth it. Have watched several historical/fantasy c- dramas-what is it with the concubines and empresses being basically evil! I just finished “W” on Viki. That one was pretty cool. Started the one about Secretary Kim because you mentioned it but I’m only half an episode in but it looks funny so far
Ooh, girl, go get you an antibiotic to hang onto so you’ll have a good time in France! Hope y’all have a blast in France!
YAY on the book! I’d spend the next couple of days sleeping and taking theraflu, myself, but enjoy France (only been there once. DO NOT tell a Parisian taxi driver that you only have 2 hours to see everything. They take it as a challenge. 2nd scariest taxi ride I’ve ever had… First scariest was Boston.)
Love chinese dramas my favourite is Ashes of Love on netflix ; it’s amazing xxx
Get wellvand enjoy Paris
Feel better soon, and safe travels!
hot honey and lemon! Hope you’re feeling better soon and have a lovely trip!
Oh, fabulous! I am so thrilled that you’ve got the edits done. 105K + change is a BIG reduction from original; am sure you were able to negotiate keeping that extra 5K.
So totally appreciating all your hard work. Grueling, I’m sure. (One editor friend of mine compares this process to deciding which of your children you have to murder. I’m sure that Kids #1 & 2 will not appreciate the analogy.)
Very much wishing you a calm and easy journey, with enough time to care for yourselves and recover.
Very best wishes!
Eternal Love/Three Lives Three Worlds on Netflix is Great too. The pacing is good and where most dramas lag, it resurges in the middle. Enjoy!
Hope you feel better soon. Hope you have a lovely trip
a lovely trip
Enjoy Paris! I know it’s a working holiday for you, but I hope you’ll have time and energy for fun too.
Been meaning to say, for Ilona – muscle soreness after workouts is often magnesium deficiency. I don’t know what the normal range is, but if I take magnesium after my workout it’s rare for me to feel sore the next day. If I don’t take it, it hurts! It comes in different forms, and you may find one, or a combination, work best for you.
Epsom salts, which are often recommended as a bath soak for post-workout, are magnesium sulphate.
Healthline has a good article on the uses your body makes of magnesium. It’s pretty much the miracle element for our physical and mental health.
Wishing you a safe journey and hope that you are feeling better (or at least can leave your allergies behind). Have a wonderful time and get some fun in, Paris is a beautiful city 🙂
Thank you for keeping those 5000 words even though your publisher may disagree :). Have a safe flight and enjoy Paris! Looking fwd to snippets!
The finished word count is this year’s April Fools, right? To celebrate one of your prior jokes-turned-into-gold I’m rereading Iron & Magic :). Much love to you & serious dollops of recovery!!! Scratch the tea bags of ginger & lemon- it’s so much nicer to chop up ginger & lemon & simmer them in water on the stove! The infusion is hire possibly the closest I can get to magic.
Ilona – Hope you get better soon. Have a safe and fun trip to Paris!
Hope you feel better in time for your trip. Congrats! Y’all worked hard.
Hope you feel better soon. Currently watching Goodbye My Princess and I feel like EVERYONE in it is mean like a snake but I still live it sooo much.
Please go to bed now and try to sleep for at least 12 hours straight.
So hope you are both feeling better soon so that you can enjoy your trip to France.
Have a safe flight and a wonderful trip!
A bientot!
computer decided the nose was too high and pushed the nose down. The pilots fought with the computer to try to bring the nose up. The pilots could have flipped 2 switches and regained manual control had they followed procedure. Apparently it did not matter which particular system was causing the computer to push down the nose, the solution was to switch off the electricity to regain manual control.
Look forward to reading this, and sending magical get-well rays your way! Hope you feel better soon.
Have fun and I hope you get better soon. Congratulations on the editing . That’s the best part !!