The blog must be getting a lot of new readers, because we keep getting questions regarding editing of the Sweep of the Heart, when and if it will be published, and how the whole thing will work. I’m tagging this a story post so everyone will see it.
I particularly liked this comment from one of our German readers.

Sadly, more is not always better when it comes to editing, even when more money is involved, but it made us both feel so appreciated. BDH is the best.
Writing a serial can be done in 2 ways: one can either prewrite the whole thing or one can write it in real time, with each installment posted as written. The Innkeeper Chronicles are written in the second way, meaning we write an installment each week, have it proofread, and then post it on the site. This kind of approach has pros and cons.
Pros: the narrative is flexible and can be adjusted on the fly. If a lot of readers are confused about something, the next installment can clear that confusion up. If the readers enjoy a particular side plot, more time can be devoted to it. The Innkeeper Chronicles are shaped partially by readers’ feedback and comments. It makes for a more fun, interactive experience.
Cons: it’s much more difficult to write. In a regular manuscript, a writer can take a wrong turn, decide they didn’t like it, and cut a large chunk.

Innkeeper Chronicles don’t allow you that kind of luxury. Once it’s posted, it stays, so one has to be very sure of where they are going.
Also, the readers’ feedback tends to be a double edged sword. Too much negative feedback can be detrimental to writing the first draft, which is what Sweep of the Heart is. It takes a lot of courage to share an unpolished version of the narrative with the world, and a writer’s creative vision tends to be fragile at this stage.
Despite everything that’s happened in our lives this summer, we only missed one week this time, when we went on vacation, and a large portion of the credit for that goes to Mod R who catches the harmful comments before we ever see them. We were able to simply drive on, which means that BDH gets the story on time and our creative direction isn’t compromised.
Finally, there is another very large con: the serial nature of the narrative. A novel is a cohesive story. It has a flow and a pace. The narrative accelerates, slows, speeds up again, drops the reader off a cliff, and rescues them in the next chapter. But a serial narrative must deliver some sort of emotional impact with every single installment. Every scene becomes a tiny short story that’s almost self-contained. It must be memorable because there is a week-long gap. When all those short stories are put together, the overall story could end up feeling fragmented and disjointed. And that’s where the editing comes in.
The first draft of the Sweep of the Heart should be finished next week or the following week. Once it’s done, we will read through the whole thing, address some of the issues that had cropped up, make sure that the time flow makes sense, and smooth some of the jagged edges like abrupt transitions between the scenes or clunky sentences. Sometimes we might add a short scene to make the story flow better. Sometimes we will shorten scenes. So basically tweaks.
At this point the book will go up for preorder, and you will see an announcement on the blog and in the Release Schedule.
Once that’s done, the book will go to the beta team. We don’t typically hire a developmental editor for Innkeeper projects because again, we have posted them already. If we make too many changes, the readers will feel shortchanged and disappointed. So you don’t have to worry about major changes, like deleting core scenes or characters.
The beta team will give us reader reactions. We will edit one more time with those in mind, and then we will send the manuscript to the copyeditor, who will thoroughly scrub it.
Then it will go to proofreaders, who will be looking for typos and formatting errors and to the audio reader. We are hoping to release the audio at the same time as the ebook, which actually accounts for a delay of a couple of weeks from our first projected publishing date. Audible has been taking longer and longer to approve files.
The finished version of the book will go on sale. It should have several illustrations and will be available in ebook, audio, and print on demand formats. We are in negotiations with some publishers to see if we can deliver another Innkeeper themed collector edition to those of you who like pretty hardcovers. As of now, we are considering bundling this book and Sweep of the Blade. So if you are planning to buy a POD printed edition – it will be cheaper – to keep rather than to read, you might want to hold off for a little bit. We will let you know more closer to the release date.
And that about covers it.
Nice. I like the serial version. Frustrating though it can be. But the deleted scenes from this and the books add all kinds of depth and nuance even if they aren’t in the finished book, so those are my favorites.
Would love, love, love! to be a beta reader again, if you are looking for folks! So excited to see the entire story!
I love the serial version of your books and am so grateful that you give us the opportunity to go on this journey with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I love holding the finished work and rereading it all together. what a joy!
Okay. I’ll pre-order as soon as you allow it; but I am not expecting the finished book to be a whole lot different. I was thinking it would take two or three weeks to finish this story, but you’re the professionals, so if you say one or two, I’ll believe you.
I know we’ll have to wait for the grand finale, but it will indeed be grand, so I will possess my soul in patience.
Thank you!
Morning, I never thought about the fact that you have to be happy about what you have written because you couldn’t make big changes in a serial.
I have certainly enjoyed the stories told this way.
So can we see a copy of the cuts file from Ruby fever? I loved all the cut scenes you posted!
Plus one!
Thought that as soon as I read the filenames. I just knew I’d find kindred spirits about this!
Really appreciate your ability to write both ways.
I think of the serial as a drop of honey each week for an extended time, and in some ways I like the format even more than the book releases. The community conversation each week is a big part of that.
Reading the finished book later is an education in professional writing.
Thank you for sharing this work with us!
I agree! The serial format creates a sense of community among the BDH. I look forward to reading the comments and discussions very nearly as much as I do the installments.
I like other authors and will occasionally visit their sites, but I haunt this site. I check it several times a day, and read all the new comments. I am convinced that the serial format creates a sense of belonging among the members of the BDH.
I can name several members of the BDH who comment frequently, but not a single fan of any of the other authors I like to read.
???? Fellow haunter! The BDH is the best, and the chapter comment sections are always a party!
Reading the BDH theories were always a blast especially if those theories doesn’t jibe with mine 🙂 and became an excuse for re-reading
Totally agree with this! BDH rocks 🙂
+1 I love this community! This is the only blog I read, and I always read the comments. Everything you said ????
Agree completely, PyeCat! I always end up snorting my bveverage several times in the comments.
And of course the fact that Mod R is seemingly awake 24/7 and keeps things informed and lively also helps!
I do sleep ????! I swear!
Maybe your just so good that you can mod in your sleep! ????
Seriously though, thank you for keeping everything polite on the blog. While I believe overall that we are wonderful people here, I’m sure there has to be a (hmmm…., I’m trying to think of a nice way to say it, but everything I think of involves a name and I don’t want to call anyone out, i.e. Debbie, Nancy, Karen)….. troll, yep going with troll, visit occasionally. I appreciate the way you respond to antagonistic leaning comments in a way that shuts it down without being combative. ????
I’ve been meaning to ask. There use to be random comments that were offering voodoo spells or love spells or what not. I believe Ilona removed most of them quickly, but occasionally left ones we found funny. (It also seemed to become a game to spot and tag them before they got removed ????) Do they still try to post those here? ????
Oh yes ????, love doctor Babalooba is still in business!
???? Good for him! It must be tough to be a love doctor in this economy. ????
The funniest one lately is offering a combo of proofreader and hot-tub service :D. I can’t really fault it as a business plan, bet they’re seeing a lot of repeat custom hehe.
Huh. Very interesting combo they went with there. I’m wondering if there was a language difference there and they meant something else? Or maybe they’re geniuses and I just can’t grasp the high level of brilliancy they employ. ????
One of the best parts about a new chapter coming out is re-reading the previous chapter. Or previous 2 or 3 ????.
I’m ready to purchase and read whenever the finished product is done. Love the process however you wish to present it to us. I have always enjoyed your sharing the book clips and insights as the book is being written. When you enjoy an author, having a complete ‘blackout’ from one finished book until the next publication, often results in drifting away from that author. I’ve resorted to periodically checking on my favorite authors from a list I’ve compiled. I do sign up for their newsletters but sometimes things get lost :).
Thanks for the insights! I’m just along for the ride, but I enjoy the glimpses into your writing processes.
I think everyone is probably thrilled with whatever treasures you choose to share with us. Remember to pamper yourselves ever so often. Life should not be all work and stress.
What PyeCat said +1
Thanks for sharing that information! I love the “peek behind the curtain” of publishing. You all are so generous with your time and glimpses into your personal life that it makes reading the stories even better. ????
I’m glad that Mod R removes the negative stuff before you see it (or at least most of it)! I’m also glad that she removes it before I read it too. ????????
thanks for the commentary Ilona, very interesting!
I’m still thinking about dancing fish princesses…
I always find the processes you describe fascinating. Thanks for sharing this as well the weekly serial as it progresses. Looking forward to the finished product – whenever (and whatever) that may be.
Looking forward to the published work.
I went back and re-read starting at Chap 17 and find I missed a couple things. The one that I found most intriguing is the episode in Chap 18/Pt 2 when Olisard and Cyanide stare at each other while Dina grooms the cat and then later during the “date”, when Dina ends up grooming Cyanide.
Remembering that Olisard had the collar with initials S.N. and that stare, has got me thinking. LOL
Thank you.
Olisard’s stare was conveying, “This is why they have opposable thumbs.”
Thank goodness for Mod R! The mean comments should be deleted because I’ve read the BDH comments and they are overwhelming positive.
Which means the negative ones are not representative of the whole. You should not have to be subjected to hateful words.
Thank you Mod R!!
Three cheers for Mod R, our Khanum, who keeps the Horde orderly, friendly and fluffy!
+3 for ModR
More cheers for Mod R and all her work for the fluffy, feisty BDH! And for the inventiveness and amazing output from HA.
I have followed author websites before and usually stopped when an inner clique of in-the-knows appeared in the comments and started subtly taking them over. I have never seen this happen here. Thank you for being such an inclusive, welcoming online community and source of wonderful reading!
BDH is the best. 🙂
Uuu, Ilona, did you just say we could be getting hardcovers for this series? Why yes, please take my money! As soon as pre-order links are up, I’m first in line! ????
Your work is amazing, by the way. You two work brilliantly together whichever way you publish and it shows through the BDH’s continued attachment and support.
I love the serial method and am grateful to be able to read each release. It’s one of the few highlights of my week.
Also, who is writing negative reviews? *looks around intimidatingly* ????.
I’ve always appreciated House Andrew’s Innkeeper series. I guessing this is the adult version of surprise boxs. Lol! I look forward to Friday’s and the poof of positive energy that takes me into the weekend. Thanks you! I look forward to chatting in the comments.
“We are in negotiations with some publishers to see if we can deliver another Innkeeper themed collector edition to those of you who like pretty hardcovers. ”
Yippee!!! I’d really love that.
Same! That sounds amazing. I would love to have all these books in one hardcover or paperback volume/ collection.
Thank you for the peek behind the scenes on the pros and cons of writing a weekly serial.
I hear the Horde stampeding and waiting somewhat patiently (yes, I used the swear word) to get the links to pre-order the book.
Mod R does an excellent job of keeping the Horde in line even when we’re being fluffy. 😀
Is it possible to turn the edits into snippets and put them together into a book? Just because they didn’t work in the flow of the book doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be appreciated. I love reading the ones on the website and would be delighted to buy then.
The scenes were cut for a reason ????. They’ve either been reworked in the final book or House Andrews aren’t happy with showing them to the public.
I’d buy a “authors’ cut” just because it’s these two. =) I realize the chances of seeing them are incredibly slim to nonexistent, but it’s still Gordon & Ilona and therefore awesome.
Thank you for the explanations.
I will happily own and read the final version, even if some of my favorite (tiny) bits do not make it.
(I am still hoping that Wing’s pet onz – sorry I am unsure of the spelling at this point – shows up somewhere again. I loved the description of “a combination of a kitten and a spider, drawn by Disney animators.” It has to be a pet somewhere!
The things that stick with you…)
Anyway, I realize that the serial format is hard but you two do it very well. I appreciate the hard work.
Thankful for you two and Mod R. No one needs to see nasty comments. And yes, we will buy what you write in multiple formats!
would LOVE innkeeper collector edition – missed the first one
Fascinating, and fun. Thank you; I’ve been loving this. And cannot wait to spend money on the finish product & hopefully a pretty hardcopy.
I ‘m exhausted looking at all the steps you gave to go through, we are very grateful to you all.
Me – I preorder your nice shiny book, me happy ????
I do enjoy whatever you write and however you get it to us is simply, happily appreciated. Those who must be mean and critical, I have learned to “bless them on their way.” Which allows them and their bad energy not to stick to me. Glad you have Mod R to move those unhappy comments along. Love HA adds so much goodness to the world.
Great insight, was curious how you dealt with that. It seems like writing traditionally you could move scenes around to balance the action moments and whatnot but that is much harder serially. I can’t wait to preorder the book, love all your series so I get excited when any of them come out.
Thank you for publishing InnKeeper as a serial, it is the highlight of my week.
the comments are half the fun of reading each chapter.
For eReader format only: Any chance we could get the “comments” as an appendix with a hot link to that week’s chapter at the end of the eReader’s normal chapter? (hope that is clear)
Your hard work is very appreciated & I agree with my fellow BDH member from Germany (always love MORE story—artists are worthy of their hire & very happy to pay more money for MORE stor(ies)y 3:-)
Plus thank you Mod R for filtering out the cruft from the comments before they can upset HA. You do a fantastic job of keeping us cute & fluffy 😉
The chapters will no longer be on the blog when the book is published ????
I’d take an appendix published in the book with the chapter comments. They really are half the fun. I kind of wished Ruby Fever had individual comment sections divided by chapter.
There are over 300 comments on each chapter part published, sometimes as many as 500-700. Sweep of the Heart would have to come out like the Encyclopaedia, in a series of volumes, if it were to include the commentary ????
Yes, thank you Mod R.
We appreciate the fine job you’re doing filtering out the troll cruft!
Have you found that your writing process has changed much when writing Sweep of the Heart (book 5) as opposed to when you wrote Clean Sweep (book 1)?
Thank you for explaining the process and the reasoning for it.
I’m not good with cliffhangers/reading serials so am waiting ever-so-patiently to read it as a whole.
Ps. If you need a beta reader who’s not read any of it yet, I’d be happy to help!
thank you for explaining.
well, you know the BDH, give them a novella and they want War and Piece:). It has been interesting with the books to compare the serialized vs non serialized in the past and honestly all I see are great books. there may be subtle differences in how they turn out, but I don’t see it. on the other hand, what they do have in common is the BDH kind of wishes it was a magic book that just keeps going and going :).
btw, might be late to the party but my wife and I agree that Ruby Fever might have been a difficult pregnancy, but my goodness was the baby a stunner, you hit it out to around Alpha Centauri.
True on all counts!
If SubPress is going to publish another Innkeeper volume, please include Sweep With Me novella!! I’m so excited by this blog post.
+1 a thousand times. I really like Subterranean Press.
I love the serial versions of Innkeeper. I love the GA versions. I’m trying to like Tapas, but it’s a struggle.
That said, I would read anything you write. If you decide to publish your grocery list, I’m there. This has only happened twice before in my long reading life (I’m 72) and I treasure it, and I treasure you and all your works. Whatever you decide to write, please just keep writing.
Not all formats are for everyone ????. House Andrews appreciate all the BDH support but they’ve always sent the message that fans shouldn’t force themselves to read things they don’t like!
Turning 72 this month and agree 100%. I still enjoy every pice of writing since I stumbled onto Burn For Me and re-listened over and over for two years til next books were published.
I think there is a lot of value in both the weekly posts and in the editing process that gives us the finished product. Sharon Lee and Steve Miller used this process for Fledgling and the weekly posts were awesome but the final version was even better. (The final version had better foreshadowing and tied everything together so that the character motivations were clearer.) Either way, I love everything you write. Thank you!
Jumping up in the air with my hand up waiving maniacally! I would love to volunteer as a beta reader please.
Also the deleted scenes are always enjoyable.
Thank you as usual ❤️
Super update; I love reading your blog! This one was particularly informative too!
And I continue to love reading Sweep of the Heart; so looking forward to next installment!
Thanks for being you – I appreciate each of you so much!
The blog does keep us connected and that is a good thing. It is like having a good friend who also writes great books:). My wife&I think that Gordon and Ilona could make pretty good money streaming while they work on books ( and we also understand why they don’t, it is stressful enough to write a book.
Ok, first I can’t believe there have been negative comments. Really. Humor, pathos, drama, action….all in our favorite inn with our favorite characters! And to see how much Dina has grown and Sean coming into his own as an innkeeper! What more could you want? I’ve loved each innkeeper, but hands down this is my favorite one.
I love the serialization and all the interaction between the BDH and y’all. It’s just plain fun. And I’m thrilled to be a member of this community. As someone else said, I haunt the blog and read all the comments! So thank you for the hard work, HA and ModR!
Is it bad i saw the ‘I am your hgrandfather’ file and wondered if it might be an accidental Easter egg? ????
Love that you try to think of us when putting things together, even if it can make it harder on you two. Hate that the process can’t be super easy all the time for you guys.
Thank you. I appreciate you posting this online more than I can say.
#moreisbetter ah yes, the battle cry of the hord! Often shortened to MORE!
I must admit I’m going to miss the little “last time” recaps. I’ve laughed a lot during them.
if you are feeling watched or sence a presence nearby, fear not it is just the horde. we are patiently pacing outside the grounds of House Andrews waiting for the next feast.
I love those too! I hear it in old-timey announcer voice in my head. While it might not make sense to non-blog readers, it would be kind of a fun beginning to each chapter! ????
Thank you for whatever you write, in whatever way you choose to produce it. I am only here to appreciate and throw all my money at it! :0)
I don’t know if I’m saying this well, but I think it’s pretty incredible that we’ve all shown up here for so many weeks to read Sweep of the Heart. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with my Friday mornings after the book is published, but I’m going to enjoy every one we have left. Thank you, HouseAndrews, for your patience with us.
I am in awe of the way you’re doing this. There is no way on God’s green earth I could write a book like this. For one thing, I ALWAYS develop writer’s block at the climax. Six weeks would go by while I tried to figure out what to do next. The readers would kill me. I have written 58 books, and every damn one of them had a block at the climax. /sob
Also, I had to quit reading the latest serial BECAUSE I AM GREEDY AND I WANT THE WHOLE THING AT ONCE! I get one of your books and go NOM NOM NOM and it’s gone in two days.
Like Ruby Fever. Yum.
You ain’t kidding about the Book Devouring Horde thing.
Thank you so much for such high praise. 🙂 I’m terribly flattered and now I will be insufferably smug for the rest of the day.
I had the climax pause too on some novels, but mine is less about being stuck and more about being too tired. Sometimes I just can’t brain anymore. I got super stuck this time on the elimination ceremony’s scenery. Usually I can just sit down and picture stuff in my head, and this time I reached for it and nothing. I was really, really tired.
I have almost come to the end of Ruby Fever, OMG what a page turner!
I know it is early to ask, however, please tell me that the Baylor family are going to pop up again with Arabella!!!
“Is this a goodbye to Baylors? We don’t know. Probably not, but we’re not going to promise anything or put a date on anything. Being pleasantly surprised is better than being disappointed.” from https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/happy-birthday-to-ruby-fever-and-discussion-thread/
Once you’re finished, you can check out the various release events and all the answers regarding Arabella and the future, like https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/ruby-fever-spoilerific-qa/
🙂 Hope this helps!
I love innkeeper. I hope the editing isn’t to bad and you get the desired outcome. You guys surprise me every time there is a blog post. Keep up the good work.
I can see my own response to this post mirrored in comments by fellow BDH members. But I’m going to write anyway. As someone who often reads ‘cover to cover’ once I pick something up, I’ve been a little puzzled by the strength of my motivation to ‘drop in’ once a week to find out what’s happened next in your serial. As I read this post, I’ve realised it’s because the serialisation (sp?) gives me a sense of being in community with others. Even if the time zone means I’m a little late, there’s a whole lot of people round the world reading the latest chapter at a similar time as me, with a similar degree of emotional investment. And I’m often startled to then read the comments and realise “I’m not alone – all these other people from a whole lot of different countries and cultures and demographics have responded to what I’ve just read in a manner similar to me!” I often find that as enlightening as whatever you’ve written. Thank you House Andrews for forming and holding the space for this community, at a time when feeling part of a community is increasingly important.
+1 ???? it’s so true…
Yes! Well said. +1 to all of this.
Thanks for the update, especially on what formats to expect. I own some of your books as ebooks, some as print novels (including one POD), one collectors edition (audiobooks come from the library), and am reading the Tapas webcomic, but it’s hard to say which format is my favourite, each has it’s pros and cons (e.g. can’t read the collectors edition in bed because I might brain myself, can’t read a book while walking because I might trip and fall….). Ha!
Proposition, if you write it we will read it, ponder it, drool on it, chew it, savor it, comment on it, share it, read our favorite sections aloud to family members, quote it at inappropriate times, float and sink ships about it, and plead shamelessly for more. We are your horde, do you wish to discuss? Love you ☺️, and Mod R, thank you!
I am chuckling to myself. Your comment gave me funny thoughts.
When this book is finished and published:
We read inn book 6. Do you wish to discuss.
What is a developmental editor?
Also known as a content editor 🙂 for explanation and live examples, please see here https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/edits-and-more-edits/
HA — Thanks for taking us all on the Innkeeper ride despite all the challenges. I also appreciate that you take the time to explain some of the behind-the-scenes stuff to us.
ModR — thanks for catching the toxic stuff before it gets to our beloved authors and serving as Herder of (Book-Devouring) Horde.
To Whomever is responsible: the PIGS IN SPAAAAAAAACE intros have been wonderful. (I think this has been ModR and Ilona.) I’ve also THOROUGHLY enjoyed the extras such as the voting and character cheat sheets.
That is all Ilona! ????
I really hope there will be wordcount allowance to include them in the book, they’re so popular!
I agree completely! Thanks for saying it so well!
I have never been disappointed when I have bought an Innkeeper book in its final form after hungrily gobbling each instalment.
I look forward to the pre-order link.
Thank you for today’s explanation of how it all works and, above all, thank you for another Innkeeper chronicle. I so look forward to each instalment.
I absolutely love your Graphic Audio versions of Sweep In Peace, etc, even though I read them all when they first came out in ebook. Now almost all my books are audio. I’m loving Ruby Fever audio right now. But for the reasons you gave above about the serialized approach, I find that I can pause a little easier in my chores when I need a few minutes “unplugged”, with InnKeeper. I am thrilled that I can listen to over 100 books a year (thanks to a wonderful local library and my Audible subscription) and with Audible, I can keep them forever. I’m a very slow reader and was going through about 2 books a week and not getting very much else done.
I can’t wait to listen to Sweep of the Heart, as I love reading this serial.
Did I just learn Hugh’s father’s name in a missed tea with Dina post? First Sandra which I had missed them Dina tea blog post.
Obsessive BDH member
Hehehe 😉
Wait — what’d I miss??? Hugh’s father’s name? (If someone forced me to pick, I’d have to say Iron and Magic is my favorite IA book…)
Here is the treat we’re talking about https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/dont-fight-with-fate/
Woo hoo I was number one finding that hint? How did we miss it. Was this always up on the blog?
Also had never seen Sandra before..or perhaps before I read Blood Heir.
No ????, a lot of people figured it out, the Russian naming conventions are explained making the hint clear.
Sandra came out in June 2021, so after Blood Heir had been published.
Don’t fight with Fate is from last November ????
Ah — I remember reading that. The name is apropos given Hugh’s underlying magic. I wouldn’t have minded a touch of his magic back when I used to treat patients. There are times neurology is a depressing specialty…
(Thank you for the super speedy response )
I appreciate hearing about the difference in writing a serial versus a novel. So interesting to hear the author’s perspective. Thank you again for risking yourselves as you put your writing out there.
The Incentive Theory of Motivation – Sweep of the Heart(SOTH)
Bad work week = SOTH; Extra treat at the end of a good week = SOTH; Opportunity to get lost in a different world created by Ilona Andrews = SOTH; Reading a serial just for the pleasure of it = SOTH;
I really, really, really want to be one of your beta readers. Every character you write has a distinct voice it makes reading a joy.
I am really going to date myself. I really like serials and remember when Anne McCaffery first starting the Dragonriders stories in the Analog Science Fiction Magazine. At that time all of my babysitting money went to buy books. I really do appreciate the Innkeeper stories and love that they keep this tradition going. I love getting the new chapter on Frinnday.
I’m loving reading SOTH every week. It’s a soul saver. 🙂
Now I’m wanting an Art of the Innkeeper book! I would buy a hard copy of that!
Thank you so much for always taking the time to explain the hows and whys of your craft. I grow more and more impressed with each post!! You guys amaze!
A very interesting look into the process.
A while back i tried to desribe to a friend why i love this serie (and the other series). The answer kinda surprised me, up till then, i just knew i loved reading them. And no matter what mood, i would get back into that reading flow that was once (teenage) so normal (and addicting).
But why?
For me. Every book of the innkeeper gives sooo much information. Glimpses into new unknown worlds, glimpses of a life lived by side characters. So many different worlds, species, possibilities. Every character is its own person and has its own world and life.
Its like every new tidbit of information gives me a dopa rush XD and these chapters are full with tidbits. So many tidbits. *drool*
This writing style and these kinds of books, for me are a rare find.
I once started (and still love) with the daniels series and was lucky to find out about the blog during the first innkeeper book.
So Thank you. I mean it with my whole heart.
For me it is the excellent writing AND the fact that the people who fall into your main characters’ orbit in all your stories always seem to end up in a better place than they started.
My sister’s whole family is way into Game of Thrones. I barely made it through the first book. The writing is excellent but nowhere, ever, is anyone simply happy unless something horrible is about to happen to them. I came away from that book exhausted, mentally bruised and with no desire to continue the saga.
Yes Games of Thrones is described as ‘grimdark fantasy’ for a reason 🙁 Personally I don’t understand wanting to read a book where everyone and everything is miserable and tortured all of the time, it’s just depressing.
Love these insights and everything Innkeeper. Can’t wait for the finished book. Thank you very much!
I have written more and erased it.
Just thank you Mod R for being the firewall between the great work House Andrews gives us and the trolls.
Will there be a graphic audio version of Sweep of the heart?
Apologies if question already answered elsewhere…
I loved the clarity of the way you desribed your editing process on a serialized story. You would great writing teachers!
Would you consider adding Dina’s father’s story to this book? It’s a great story and it would be great to have in print. Alternatively, create an Innkeeper book of short stories.
I wanted to say that I have read all of your Sweep books as you posted them. I also own them all on Kindle and Audible. I have enjoyed each version, and never been disappointed. I devour each post eagerly. That said I usually miss something. I reread the whole series just before the last one hits the store and enjoy them all over just as much as the first time. Thank you for the hours of entertainment laughter and tears.
I feel like you write the Innkeeper series …well… In the window of the bookstore*. With many people looking over your shoulder…
Good luck with that. I won’t even knit with people looking over my shoulder. And I’ve been knitting 52 years.
*(It was Harlan Ellison who did this. And posted the story page by page on the window. He’d been writing 40 years when he did this on a sort of dare …or so the story goes.)
I’m surprised to hear that there are negative comments about the Innkeeper books. I have been aware since the first book that this a first draft that is being written week by week and posted. And I have been amazed at the high quality of the writing. I assume you have a plot outline to work from, but even so it has never seemed like a first draft. It has always seemed like a fully fleshed out story with beautiful language. Just saying …
It’s a sign of a healthy growth. If all you are getting is positive comments, then only superfans are reading. That said, I am grateful to Mod R for keeping us on track. She sends a summary of stuff that crops up, and it makes our process go faster.
IA is so open and informative – I learn so much from the team and appreciate it a TON. I hope it also helps temper a lot of expectations – the BDH is hard to satiate! Thanks for all you do
I don’t mind the serial process at all.. and I like it when the AL decide something is not working and change it up.. even if I liked it the old way!
Just last night finished a full re-read of Sweep of the Heart. It reads very well.
I would not say no to a short insert that showcases Oond’s date. We could all use a pretty dance. 🙂
And I cherish his words of wisdom, while swimming though the currents of life, try to not to pee on the guy behind you.
Still Team Jazz Fins
Thank you for all the amazing extra you do to give us these weekly treats! It is amazing and greatly appreciated!
also would love it if you could release some of the cut content from ruby fever. I’m sure not all of it is relevant for bdh to see but I’d pay for it! glad that you’re self publishing because I want all the words!! thanks a million!
This is unlikely ????, the scenes were cut for a reason.
I am new to this format from HA, not new to online or HA. Roughly how long is this book vice the others print wise? Sweep with me seemed shorter than the others, in print form.
Sweep with me was a novella, indeed ????.
The other Innkeeper books are all full length novels around the 90 000 words mark. I believe last count had Sweep of the Heart at 92k, so we’re right on track ????
Thank you!
I have a question, that may have been answered somewhere in the past re: Georgie or “George” and the crew, but hit me again as I was reading the beginning of this WONDERFUL serial. In “On the Edge” books, they don’t have magic when they are in the Broken, which would be like our world. However, Jack changes and they have magic in the Innkeeper Chronicles books, which seem to take place in the would be Broken. What did I miss?
The inn is not in the Broken.
Innkeeper Earth (our earth) is a different planet than Edge Earth, in a different reality. This is all covered in Sweep in Peace ????
“I can tell you that I know every world this inn has reached so far, and your coordinates are not among them. Furthermore, you are asking for a portal to a world that is very similar to ours. That world is another Earth that exists in its own tiny reality, splintered from the majority of the cosmos. It’s like reaching into a pocket on the universe’s coat. I don’t know the capabilities of every inn on Earth, but I can tell you that my father always told me that creating a door to an alternative dimension like that could not be done. It would collapse the inn.”
Andrews, Ilona. Sweep In Peace, The Innkeeper Chronicles 2. NYLA Publishing, 2015. Kindle edition, page 130
As opposed to the Broken, everyone on Innkeeper Earth has magic, it’s just a question of accepting it and practicing ????:
“ Whenever I’d get too bratty with my powers, Dad used to remind me that every human had magic. The difference between them and me was awareness and practice. Most people simply didn’t realize they could do things that bent their reality. It was kind of like growing up in a land with no deep rivers or lakes. If you never tried, how would you know if you could swim? But even without practice, the magic found a way to make itself known. Intuition was such a manifestation. Officer Marais’s intuition was telling him loud and clear that there was something wrong with me.”
Andrews, Ilona. Clean Sweep, Innkeeper Chronicles 1. NYLA 2013. Kindle edition, page 41
Wow!! Thank you so much Mod R for helping me out with that, it was breaking my brain. ???? I will definitely go back and reread that part.
Just to say, I love EVERYTHING you write. You could write about a corkscrew and I’d probably love it. Negative feedback should stay in the shadows where it belongs. You are my favorite authors of all time and always will be. Thank you for making my life better by letting me be part of the journey.
Mod R, could you please extract some of these explanations, links, and clarifications from the chapters comments? Sometimes I have missed making connections, and these tie-ins make me appreciate (and go back (or plan to) the previous stories.
Also, I get why you’re saying that some of the cut material was cut because it didn’t fit or went the wrong way, but if any were cut because of length or pacing, I know I would still enjoy those fragments.
Will you be looking for copy editors or proofreaders, or do you have plenty already on call?
The CE and proofreader for SotH are arranged, but if you have relevant experience and would like to be considered for future projects, please email me at modr@ilona-andrews.com 🙂
Will do!
I wish! Unfortunately, while I’m very good at pulling out unnecessary text, my brain tends to “fill in” for me when something is missing, which is not what you need.
Having working in newspaper publishing and public relations I will say that good proofreading is incredibly important and vastly underrated. People only notice when it is NOT done well.
Wait, you mean I am going to have to wait to see who K picked? I will go crazy. Oh man. This is gonna take all my patience. Oh boy. I am waiting with baited breath. Ok. Alright. Here we go.
I’ve just read the article again in case I missed it, were is this mentioned? 🙂
I love reading the serial version of the Innkeeper series. I agree with other members of the horde that reading the weekly segments and the corresponding remarks gives a sense of community.
Mod R, you are awesome and do really good work!
While I love the serials, it would not bother me in the least if the Andrewses made major changes before the final releases. It would be new material to look forward to. There’s no sin in improvements even if the original version is excellent. I’m looking forward to the release whatever form it takes.
+1,000! Thanks for all you do.
Pretty hardcover team right here.
Yay for lovely serial updates weekly and yay for Mod R for moderating well.
Ooh, yes, I’m so looking forward to it ???? I still can’t read serialisations, it totally triggers my OCD / ASD but I’ve mostly managed to avoid seeing any spoilers from my fellow horde members and am eagerly awaiting the publication. Take my money all day long ????
I have every confidence in your work. Its good. I have almost everything you’ve written. You have never failed to delight and entertain. Can’t wait for book!
Thank you House Andrews for this inclusive community.
Thank you Mod R for all you do to keep it chuft free.
Thank you fellow BDH members for your wit and intelligent posts.
On a distantly related note; I love the ‘Tea & Chat’ interviews.
Are they as challenging to write as the weekly installments for Innkeeper series?
Has House Andrews considered doing ‘Tea & Chat’ as a weekly serial?
(I kinda see it as a weekly galactic podcast.)
It’s such a nice way to catch up with old friends… and perhaps past contestants…
I didn’t think I would like a serial (in terms of format) but I couldn’t resist and found that I really enjoyed it – turned into a lovely little spot of joy to look forward to on Fridays!
I guess we haven’t had something like this since TV shows back in the day when you couldn’t binge watch…
I do always read the comments and I didn’t realize, but I guess it is part of the fun, to be reading along with others.
I did start to feel as we got more and more into the story that I looked forward to reading the complete book in one go, so that it would be more coherent or easier to get your mind around than the little bit every week. I think it will be a completely different experience and enable me to see the story in a new way!
I was sad to see the implication that the serial ends at some point, and then the ending of the book will be in the published edition. When is the last Innkeeper Friday?
Ha! Maybe Dina and Sean will do something so spectacular for Kosandion that HE will arrange to have Wilmos rescued for them and they won’t have to go at all.
It leaves a lot of dangling threads, but I’m starting to want them to get some rest and relaxation.
All of your books are wonderful! I swear I’ve reread the books in each of your series about 1 billion times each! But the serial is a beautiful gift each week, and we all cherish it. I don’t think many of us probably considered how challenging it is, but that just makes me appreciate it even more! Thank you so much for sharing all of your magical worlds with us!
I have enjoyed all your books and I appreciate the weekly posting. Since you mention reader feedback, the one thing that has bothered me since the first Innkeeper book is “the Costco lady”. I always ft sorry for her getting left to explain the incident after her support of D. Now that she has been introduced to the Inn, it would be nice to see that chapter expanded so she can be properly thanked for her assistance.
I think it is a sign of good writing that the scenario was strong enough that I remember it and feel sorry for a minor side character. Lots of room for future development with Officer Maria’s and his wife.
My Husband and I just finished listening to all the Innkeeper Graphic Audible productions. We enjoyed them so much! I hope this book eventually becomes available that way too. So much fun! We highly recommend everyone try them.
Thanks much for posting the editing info- I think I read something on it a while back, but I didn’t remember so this is appreciated!
Freakin’ AWESOME story!
This is part of my morning routine- love finding new posts, and if it’s a weekly installment, I always head STRAIGHT to the comments section after to see the (entertaining and positive- thank you Mod R!) buzz. The BDH is both a cherry on top and a crucial ingredient to enjoying House Andrew’s work.
I only found the serial yesterday and binged read the whole thing in a day. I love it to pieces! Didn’t realize how much I missed the Innkeeper universe! I will definitely buy the published book and read it again. The Koo-kos are definitely one of my favorite aliens besides Clan Nuan.
Thank you for doing this. It answers many questions I have had about this and other serials.
Maybe you’ll see this, maybe you won’t, but I want to say that whatever version of storytelling you decide to release to us, I deeply appreciate. I adore your full-length novels & it has been *very* cool to stumble upon this blog and get to see how you craft a serial-release format as well; how your style and flow fit into this.
I’ve really developed even more respect for you as writers as you consistently churn out engaging chapters week after week, throwing it into the gaping maw of your fans’s bottomless reading hunger. All the while you set boundaries with your readers and speak honestly – it’s awesome to see!
Perfection isn’t real, but the creative spirit is and you guys craft some magical stuff. Thanks!
I LOVE this series, Can’t wait to buy the book and always want more from both Innkeeper and Edge series. I loved you other series and books as well but those two are my absolute favourite. Thank you! Thank you for bringing us so many brilliant books on regular basis, for the quality of writing and for incredible magic of the stories and world building, for deep and multidimensional characters. Thank you for all of it :-), you two are superstars!
To all the new readers. Ilona Andrews is always this awesome and they have several book series. Check with your local library to get started!
Boo for any House Ervan energy vampires in the comments! I adore this series so much and love how you have let the readers turn out adoration into a participation event.
Maybe it’s my time in fandom, but I love the serial format. I’m always impressed how much you write each week. I love the finished books, and the experience of reading a chapter every week is a highlight.
How did I miss this? Squeee! Pretty hardcover! I’m buying the electronic version as soon as it is up for pre-order, and definitely the GA version for my husband, who has become quite the fan. I will happily watch for the pretty hardcover too! Thank you so much for serializing this novel and doing such a spectacular job of it, Thank you to ModR too-for keeping the BDH from getting too rambunctious. I enjoy your comments as well 🙂
Oh yes please! I would love to have the opportunity to get a Collector’s Edition.
I love being able to read the first draft and compare it with the finished, polished product. My husband doesn’t. So I have to hide my glee, and never give away any spoilers around him!
Thank you for explaining this. Much appreciated. I have a question : will audio format include Graphic Audio?
No arrangements have been made yet, but we will announce it as soon as it’s known ????.
In the meantime,GA have acquired the entire Kate Daniels series and will be releasing the dramatised versions starting early next year ????
first of all I am a big fan of your works. I have yet to read a story from you two i don´t like.
Normaly I am not a Person whom leaves a Comment, but your offhand comment about negativ feedback gave me the incentive to write one.
Your Storys are amazing and well thought through. The Charakters are lovable and the humor gets me every time.
I wish you and your families and friends health and happiness and look forward to more storys from you in the future.
On a personal note: I wish you would consider a continuation of “alphas: origins” since it left me intrigued ;-).
Please forgive me any mistakes in my spelling and gramma since I my mother language is german.
with the kindest regards
Silvana alias drachenauge