The kitchen is a wreck, the house is half packed, a third of our possessions is in the dumpster, the book is due, I caught a cold, and I have to go to the dentist in 9o minutes.
No blog post this morning, maybe later. 🙁
Blog, Just Life POST A COMMENT by Ilona
The kitchen is a wreck, the house is half packed, a third of our possessions is in the dumpster, the book is due, I caught a cold, and I have to go to the dentist in 9o minutes.
No blog post this morning, maybe later. 🙁
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Argh. Moving house is bad enough without all the rest. You have my deepest sympathy and virtual hugs.
Hope it all sorts itself out soon.
It will get better.
Good luck getting through your day. I hope it gets easier.
Hot tea and hugs! I hope you feel better
Man, that sucks. I want to get in my car and drive down to help you!!
I’ve gotten a stupid cold too. They never come when you have a stretch of easy living ahead of you. It’s always when you got tons on your plate. Never fails.
Feel better! Rest whenever you get an opportunity.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Dentist: No joke.
Keep repeating ‘this too shall pass.’ Hang in there.
((Hugs)) it will get better. Promise.
Movers come for us on Monday. My life completely feels like a dumpster fire! wishing you health and peace as you guys move.
It will get better!!!
And Alabama voted across traditional partisan lines. That’s a sign of good things in the world 🙂
YES x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!
Sushi take out and boxed wine.
Sounds like you’ve reached maximum moving entropy, which means things can only improve! Good luck with everything, including the dentist.
(((hugs))) Don’t worry, it’ll all be over soon!
I am sorry that things are not as great as they *could* be. I am especially skeezed out by dentists (I have panic attacks in the dentist chair). I do hope things improve real soon!
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
Blog posts should be last on the list. Take care of yourself! Try to at least take time for a cup of tea (just a few minutes.) This will pass.
Feel better!
Moving always sucks. And then to have the rest of it – definitely not fun times! Take care of yourself first, the rest will come. {{hugs}}
Holy Molley! 1/3 of your stuff is in the dumpster. I totally admire your dedication to weeding out stuff you don’t need and not moving it. I have before decided that I’ll do that later and then I ended up with all these boxes that need going through and moving all this stuff I don’t need. You go girl!!!
Hang in there….just keep the takeout menus handy and beverages accessible! And a soak in the spa is great end of day reward (if you have one).
But this in and of itself was a blog post so you can cross that off your to do list 🙂
Sorry you’re having a rough day. Take care of yourself.
We can live without blogs (although your writing while on painkiller has huge potential for . . . something ). Ignore us until you get situated.
Blessings of Good health, happiness and prosperity upon you and your family ! Sending you positive vibes ☄
Well, technically you DID post a blog entry this morning. It was a blog entry to say you weren’t going to post a blog entry but it was indeed a blog entry. 😛
At least you have an excuse for your place being a mess. I’m just glad the cousins that were thinking of coming down for Xmas aren’t coming down after all, which means no one will need to stay with me, which means I don’t need to clean my place after all. Which is good, except that I DO need to clean and now I’ve lost the incentive — and deadline — to do so.
So true. So true.
Hope you feel better soon. Don’t worry about us. Drink tea and relax.
As for the kitchen being a wreck ignore it. That is what take out and sandwiches are for. When we remodeled and I was cooking in the garage I figured it was a short time and wouldn’t hurt us too much so we ate more processed food then I would like but we ate and survived. One thing I did was have the family help me with ideas on what to eat. Plus I switched to as much disposable stuff as I could to avoid doing dishes.
I feel your pain! I’m in the middle of the busiest period in my year, got almost 50 boxes of chocolates to make by the middle of next week, and I woke up this morning with a streaming nose and a throat like sandpaper ?. Bleh!!
Hope your appt this morning goes well with no drilling involved. And sending you best wishes with your massive to-do list that we know you will accomplish despite the germs because you’re a can-do/will-do kinda gal…even when adulting sucks.
I hope you will feel a little better knowing the BDH is sending hugs and happy thoughts your way!!
Virtual hugs, tea and sympathy winging your way ….
I hate those days. The cold from hell got us last week. I hope you recover faster and easier than we did.
Feel better and good luck at the dentist.
Feel better, hot tea and good old chicken soup,or won ton soup, or whatever makes you feel better. Hang in there, you had great post yesterday, so don’t worry about today. Good luck with the moving, and especially the dentist. It will get better. No matter how awful, it gets better. hugs from Cold NYC 25 Degrees with wind chill of 8.
I’m reading Frances Maye’s Under the Tuscan Sun (which is not at all like the movie by the way apart from the concept of an American woman going to Tuscany to renovate a house) where she and her boyfriend (?) buy a house in Cortona, Italy and renovate it. She makes it sound very embellished and romantic, like there is a beauty to the chaos and I’m like “Stop making it sound like so much fun, it was a stressful messy time in your life.” Feel better! This too shall pass.
(Hugs, many hugs)
The blog can wait. Reading the replies can wait. Do what you absolutely must and get better. I know you are a conscientious person, so your “Must Do Now” list will be longer than mine would be, but please remember that you will get more done if you are not sick.
We love you. Please take care of yourself. Let people take care of you sometimes. It really is okay.
Shhh… Relax. Hot tea, honey, lemon. Nap. Toss bits in garbage bags. Relax…repeat.
I know your pain. We just had a terrible move, from the Adirondaks back to civilization. I dont know where anything is, most especialy, my business clothes. I may have to go to a job interview in a denim jumper. Please feel better soon.
(Word of advice: it’s only money. Pay someone to come in and pack)
We are with you in spirit and wishing you a positive upswing!
The house is half packed! Go you!
Zinc and vitamin C will help with the cold. Needless to say, stress is a major problem for you. Whatever your health regimen it obviously isn’t working well or you’re not taking enough for a long enough time to get rebuilt. Most likely at least a year at maximum dose to get your deficit filled in before reducing to a maintenance dose. You need a whole food product, anything made by a drug company comes straight out of a chemical barrel and is worthless because they don’t do “natural” and how products are made is just as important as contents. In any case, wishing you an easier meshing of all your life gears! We worry about you.
FYI – I have used Shaklee products for 13 years after cancer, major depression, and all the other crap life throws at us. My lens Rx has not changed in the last eight years even with glaucoma, haven’t had a full blown cold in at least ten years or any other major illness, no sinus headaches for 12 years so I know what I’m talking about and my stress tabs keep me civil every day. There are a few good companies out there but knowing the right questions to ask is an important part of picking one. Any company that tells you “that is proprietary information” needs to be avoided. Sorry for the lecture.
I wish you better luck.
I just want to say THANK-YOU for this post. I’m having a rough time of it at the moment between loosing my wallet on vacation, my boyfriend having surgery, I just got a flat this morning and my car needs other repairs, it’s COLD, I need to buy a blanket for the horse (but can only pay in cash because I have no cards because no wallet), and I haven’t been home in a week and it’s breaking my soul. Thank goodness for my dog or I’d be useless right now.
Seeing that I’m not the only one having a bad few days definitely helps me get my stuff together; complaining is silly when there are plenty of other people in the exact same situation 🙂
Patty Briggs posted a snippet of Burn Bright and Anne Bishop has posted an excerpt of Lake Silence. Roll on March!
Don’t worry about us. Please, please, please get better. Your book, move, and ok the dentist, are more important than posting more to your blog. If I could, I would take PTO from work, and drive the 5 hours to Austin to help just so that you and Gordon could have some downtime.
I am going to blame the crazy, bouncy weather we’re having in Texas for the sniffles. My body is having a hard time adjusting to this roller coaster ride. Ugh!
For all the AWESOME you guys always bring. Always. Hopefuly things are already looking up. Best of luck with everything. May all the love and pampering chase the cold away in a speed of a light. Oh and heres something beautiful to look at. It always works for me as a lil boost of energy. Hope its okay to post it, Its from a Mollie makes tutorial.
I don’t know but those are too cute!!!
Meant to say, I don’t know how to knit, but those are too cute!
Hugs. Creating something awesome involves some chaos, and you’re creating a fantastic new home. You will get through this. Then, one day very soon, you will be sipping a hot beverage in your new kitchen, everything put away, walls painted the exact color you want, something delicious just out of the oven and cooling, waiting to be eaten.
I hope you feel better very soon!
Hope you feel better soon and that dental is speedy and easy.
Hope the day got better. Just think of the fresh start you’ll have in the new house. When I moved I brought everything and most of it’s still in the Attic (after 20 years).
Oh, ugh. My sympathies. At least you’ll probably get good stories out of it?? Maybe?
Hot buttered rum should do the trick. Dark or spice rum, butter, water, brown sugar, vanilla extract, cinnamon & nutmeg. Heat water & butter, add the rest.
As usual the BDH says it well. Get well and thank you for thinking if us during such a stressful time.
Thankyou Catlover.says for the heads up about the snippets, especially Patricia Briggs.
Thinking about snippets, hints, cover reveals etc I wondered if the excellent illustration by Doris really is Maud and does this mean the Maud story is written and almost ready for release or is it going to be released as a serial like other Innkeeper stories?
Whatever happens I am eagerly anticipating it. I love both Maud and Helen and would love to hear more of their adventures both before and after being reunited with Dina.
Of course the kitchen is a wreck. It has to be taken apart before it is put back together all nice and shiny the way you want it. The stuff in the dumpster? You put it there b/c you are done with it and no longer want it to clutter your nice new house. The cold? Ahh, I got nothin’. But you’ll get over it, and at least it isn’t leprosy. The dentist? Mine retired w/out telling me (bastard!) and except for him (he was my dentist for 30 years-ish) I am TERRIFIED of dentists. The one I had as a kid hated children and didn’t believe me when I told him the Novocaine wasn’t working. I had two sets of adult teeth, with the kid teeth having roots that grew over the adult teeth. Pliers, little hammer, no Novacaine, 7-8 years old. A little emotional scarring. Try humming tunelessly through your nose while they look around inside your mouth. Could be fun driving them crazy. Good luck. Get well.
I’m so with you on bad childhood dental experiences, however there ARE now wonderful denitists out there. Look for “no fear” or some such tag line on dental ads…pretty much they get it nowadays. It won’t be as bad as you think….really! I’m an untrusting sort of person the first time I do anything (I also now have anxiety, which can lead to panic attacks) and I’ve learned to be blunt and frank about my fears and concerns. If they don’t honor them, brush me off, or don’t try hard to deal..get up and leave! You’re an adult now…you can do that! You have choices! Sending positive vibes….
I, too, am happy you get to transition to a new life, unburdened from the old baggage in the dumpster, that you have a loving family, and that you don’t have leprosy! Hang in there; you can count on change! Take care and thinking of you….
Take care of yourself. Sounds like the stress is getting to you physically. We are all here for you. Many hugs and well wishes.
Maybe this will cheer you up:
I hope the dentist went smoothly and painlessly.
You are getting lots of cold remedy suggestions: Here is another. Our nephew swears by “doctored” chicken soup He uses canned, though he is a fabulous cook, because if you are sick with a nasty cold, you don’t want to be making soup from scratch. Add LOTS of ginger (fresh, if possible) and black pepper. Make it as spicy as you can stand.
I hope you can get some sleep! Let yourself dream that you are settled in the new, perfect for you, house. You’ve been working the ending of the book in your head. You might even write the end of the book in your sleep – and you’ll remember it when you wake up, too. Sending good wishes for this rough patch to be over very soon.
Similar idea: whatever broth base (used to be miso for me before allergies struck), lots of fresh garlic, lots of fresh ginger. Throw in some cooked rice (the assumption being that one always has cooked rice). Scallions – or jiu cai, or garlic greens, or anything like that – on top if you have them. I usually added a little pepper paste and lemon if they were on hand.
Moving is the worst.
Awww feel better soon xxx
It’s such a bad day the stars are falling from the sky 😉
(Geminid meteor shower)
Hope you feel better soon!
Stress is brutal on the immune system. By now, that dentist appointment is out of the way. You’ve already decluttered by 1/3, probably stuff you haven’t even looked at or thought of for years. Stick all of your clothes on hangers and get the moving boxes for clothes that have a rail. Less ironing later on. No folding. I could give a million packing to move tips, but you are probably deep in the misery of a rotten cold. You’ve probably already got a plan to work through it all, one thing at a time anyways.
As others have said, tea with honey and chicken noodle soup. Me… I go right for the cold medicine capsules. Colds are my nemesis and while I very rarely take any medication, they are something I make an exception for. Not being able to sleep because you can’t breathe properly doesn’t help your body fight. Being exhausted in the morning when you get up doesn’t make your day even remotely productive. Tylenol Cold and Flu is your friend at times like this.
Yep. It Is Written:
When Moving, Thou Shalt Come Down with Something Nasty That Lasts Until You’ve Finished Unpacking. Well, hopefully not that long. But it sure happens to me every dang time!
Hang in there, it’s gonna be great!
Cheers, Faith
Just caught the grot going around work and on public transit. Stay at home if you are sick people! Co-worker next to me has been basically coughing for days. Taking oregano oil as an immune booster. Label says a warming sensation is normal. Me at prescribed dose, I can’t feel my mouth 🙂 Hope it gets better for you.
The Creeping Crud is what we call that – it creeps up on you, makes you feel awful, and just doesn’t go away. There’s a terribly fine line between getting sick and staying home from work so you don’t pass it on, and staying home from work WITHOUT PAY and being able to afford to eat! That’s the real reason people go in to work sick, not from loyalty to the company!
Ilona! Just BREATHE. All the bad will go away soon.
My deepest sympathies for all the stress life is throwing at you right now. I hope that you are able to find some solace in the fact that you have so many (in fact a complete horde!) that are sending you positive vibes and their love to help you through. Read these replies (when you get the chance for a few minutes of much needed “down time”, and let our love and support give you an infusion of strength.
You are an incredibly strong woman – look at what you already have handled and accomplished!! Know that the rest will get done as well. I, along with so many others, have my own dentist horror stories and fears. Your dental appointment today was for me the crowning dread!! I know it is over by now (thank goodness!), so that is at least one thing already taken care of. Now you need to take care of you a little bit!! Spend a few minutes with some hot tea or soup, read these replies and feel the love!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
If we don’t get a blog from you, we know it is because you are chin deep already. We understand, are completely ok with it, and want you to feel better most of all.
I wish I had a magic wand (or sword ? or broom ?) that I could wave and make everything all better – but instead I will do all that is in my measly power – keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Huge hugs ?
It’s the moving. Moving = STRESS, and stress weakens your immune system, hence the cold. I hope the dentist went OK, and that you get over the cold soon, but I also know that once you are in your lovely new home, many other things will also improve. I personally hate moving, so I completely sympathize. Take care of yourself.
It could be worse.
You could be on fire. At least you’re not on fire.
Just kidding! -_-
Sending you good, relaxing, vibes. Feel better soon.
Be blessed, do the dentist, dose your cold, pull the covers up & rest.
You’ll wake up groggy & slow but ready to tackle something in the pile waiting for you.
Find a way
Aww honey. I hope you feel better soon! Take good care of yourself. The rest will fall into place!