Our paint choices are eclectic. Weirdness is in the eye of the beholder. Rich people are not weird, they are eccentric. In a similar vein, since we’re writers who are designated to be creative and odd, we chose our paint with an eclectic, discerning eye, as opposed to throwing whatever color struck our fancy on the walls without any consideration as to the purpose of the room or the rest of the house. We made our selection through a careful process that in no way included words like, “I want a blue office, damn it” and “I think charcoal would look nice in the kitchen because counter tops are black.”
So in the new house we decided to aim for muted sophistication instead. Because there are no corners anywhere between the great room, kitchen, and the small living room – it’s all rounded arches – we were faced with having to choose a single color for a large space. Instead of going with a bright, saturated color, we went with an understated Behr called Clear Pond.
It was going to be lovely and sophisticated. It went on the wall beautifully. We painted splotches on most walls and agreed that this was it. We told our paint guy exactly what we wanted.
Then yesterday, Gordon wanted to make the drive down to the house to demolish some old cabinets in the room that may end up as either gym or craft room. He wants me to have a craft room and I want him to have a gym so we are arguing over it. We arrived to the house, walked in, and looked at our splotches.
It dried to the ugliest yellow grey you’ve ever seen. Gordon looked at it and said, “I prefer battleship grey to this.”
The house is odd in that the light really varies throughout and the same color looks completely different on different walls. But all of the walls looked ugly.
So, now the walls will be this.
Yep, it’s a saturated color. Yep, there will be a lot of it. That’s us. It’s our house and we’re just not greige kind of people.
It’s your house. Since you’ll live there the color should make you happy. It’s a lovely color. Just be happy, opinions don’t matter. I hope this color turns out better.
Not weird at all. Choice number 2 is similar to my kitchen and I have a sort of dark turquoise bathroom. The color will cool the house down which is great in a hot climate, I would think.
I love the new color!
I went through 12+ colours of “grey” to get the right grey to match a wall paper i want to put into my house… too blue… to yellow… to green… to light… finally went with charcoal to match the stripe in the paper instead! I feel your colour choosing pain!
Not weird. Choice number 2 is similar to my kitchen.
I would like to delete my art and repost. When I initially did this I did a search andI did not find bark art as a logo for someone else. Subsequent searches I have found that someone is using it. Sorry! Oversite on my part.
Serene. Good. Always good to test colors in as light and dark flow across a room. Good luck!
I remember sending you that Calvin & Hobbes comic. Last minute panic! ?
Dammit, I can’t make out what it says!!! And I must know
Here you go…
Nice! I don’t remember this particular C&H. But I know the feeling very well.
Thank you!
Thank you! Unfortunately, this describes me perfectly!
I recognised it almost immediately! I had it on my wall in front of me (at a desk) for 3 years of university so I wouldn’t do that…..
I love your new color choice!
I hate painting for that very reason! It looks great on the chip but horrible on the wall. And then there are so many variations of color and how the light hits it and what finish it has. Augh! That’s why I went light beige and let the accents do the talking.
I hate anything to do with decorating and applaud your willingness to make it how you want. I usually just live with what is there until my husband asks to make changes! Your color looks great!
It’s just paint. The world won’t end if you don’t like the color and have to have it painted again. Pick what makes you feel comfortable.
thank you,,, I’ve never understood why folks get in such a tizzy over paint,,,
We chose a colour called “Crabapple” which I still say is a medium beige with a touch of green and my husband says is taupe. It has been up for two years and we both still love it and both still insist each of us is right as to what colour it really is. When we couldn’t decide on a colour for the new kitchen we just went with the same. Then our kitchen designer suggested we paint around the white cupboards in the kitchen with a slightly darker shade (of green) in a different finish. Works great and my husband says it’s brown.
Colour is in the eye of the beholder and as long as you both love it, win-win.
…I am having trouble understanding why crabapple wouldn’t be red, or reddish gold, or burgundy… are we talking about totally different crabapples here?
(There’s actually pretty significantly different distributions of color receptors between people – long before you get to things like color blindness. People can see color just fine, but see it differently, because of how their eyes are put together. And there are some gendered trends inside of that, though I wouldn’t go as far as one of my former PIs…)
My mom had a dark green coat that my dad insisted was brown. Emphatically. Insisted. (My dad is red-green color blind. NB: Never let a color blind person mend a hole in the arm of your robe when you can’t be bothered. They might use a totally contrasting color that bothers you way more than the original hole…)
Picking a color is hard. I have a college friend who is really brave at color. (No, really, she painted a half-bath scarlet red and black and somehow made it work.). Once, she decided she wanted stripes in her bedroom. White, yellow, grey. It took us days to measure and put up the tape. Painted it, took the tape down, and it was omg awful. It looked like an nfl locker room. Several more days of sanding later, and she went with cream… I hope this color is the one for you!
Paint gets tired. Then you repaint. I rarely like the color we choose. We’ve even done the thing from Trading Spaces and painted designs. Always gave my daughter her choice though sometimes her room was happy face yellow with black drapes etc. enjoy it till you don’t!
It’s a lovely color.
Hey, I resemble that griege remark! We ended up with Morris Room Grey (Sherwin Williams) for our main living rooms, and I’m really pleased with it, but I have a bright red music room, wedgewood blue dining room, green kitchen, and bright yellow bedrooms-so yes, there are splashes of color! For teenager’s room, he wanted me to match the color scheme of his favorite Harry Potter book, The Half Blood Prince, so that’s grey, purple, and dark green. You wouldn’t think that would work, but it does.
The blue you selected is lovely, nice and uplifting. Reminds me of bright and sunny happy skies.
Grey, purple and dark green actually sounds cool to me. I’m going to have to remember that!
Love the new color!
I painted the master bedroom and bath of my house “Persian blue” and still love it more than 10 years later.
The only thing that matters is that you be happy with it.
Color is so HARD! I’m trying to figure out a color for some walls and I’m just not finding what’s right. If only I knew what I wanted.
Find what works for you and Gordon and go for it. It doesn’t matter what anyone else likes, you are the ones living with it.
I have had grey walls before, it was battleship grey when I painted it, which almost made me panic as it was supposed to be a light grey. When it dried it was a lovely medium light grey. I hate the sterile white walls, they feel cold. When I bought a house 2 years ago 1 bedroom was salmon /shudder, 1 was baby blue and the rest of the house was a medium dark brown. I removed the old popcorn ceilings, old lights, chocolate plugs and switches, old brown interior doors, painted paneling and wallpaper. I redid it all with orange peel texture, sand colored paint and 6 panel white interior doors with the added touches of crown molding and brushed nickle curvy door knobs. It looks like a totally different house, a very nice looking one. Some neighbors came over to view it and were surprised at the results. 2 of them ended up redoing their house. 🙂
Since the light changes throughout the house, you may change that paint color lots. I wish you happiness in creating just what you want for now. You can always change it again. ?
That’s a beautiful color. I have it painted on the underside of my covered patio. Birds don’t seem to want to nest in the patio eaves because it reminds them of the sky (bonus!).
It’s also inside the house (on walls), and the turquoise looks good, regardless of light changes.
I love the second color. A friend has walls that color with a beige Berber carpet. It looks wonderful and is very soothing.
Similar thing happened to my exterior paint. It was supposed to be gray. Gray is in the color name. The light makes it appear blue, which is NOT what I wanted because my shutters and front door are blue. Only at certain times of the day does my house look like I wanted it to.
I bought some chalk paint in a color called Cream and after painting my beautiful old rocking chair with it decided Mustard would have been a better name. It was dreadful…
Can I just say how much I love that you’re arguing because you want to give him what he wants and he wants to give you what you want. So adorable!
I think what you have chosen is a really nice color! I hope it dries and looks the way you want it to.
I think one of the best parts about owning a home instead of renting is being about to paint the walls whatever color you want them to be 🙂 Paint on!
I like both colors, the second one makes me think of beaches.
I totally get the whole color debate and while it is easy to say you can repaint a room, it can be a pain to actually do it. When we remodeled we took on the painting. We painted on the weekends when the construction people weren’t there. We ended up repainting a guest room and I let my daughter convince me to do a decorative wall of triangles. A lot of work.
I personally prefer non neutral colors in home decor. As Eileen Wilkes once wrote “No one ever says that their favorite color is beige.” Mine is teal, my oldest sister likes green, and my older sister is into red.
My dad used to work in hazardous waste disposal at a city dump. One day a man came in with 50 gallons of gray paint in three barely discernable shades. His wife changed her mind after they opened the first three cans and started painting.
The paint was donated to a gentleman who volunteered his time to painting over graffiti.
I’m so glad you painted test patches! Here are my paint stories.
I once painted my bedroom a pale blue. As I painted it in bright sunlight I could see beautiful undertones of violet. I loved that colour. Unfortunately the curtains prevented me getting enough light into the room for that to show up again, but at least it made the blue a living colour, rather than a flat one.
I ordered pale blue eggshell paint for built-in bedroom cupboards in another house. When we opened the tin, all we could see was palest pink! The painter returned it and this time I went with white. I lost all my bravery. White turned out to be a good choice when I repainted the bedroom several years later.
This color is perfect for your house, with all your books rooted in the south, magic, and twists on actual spiritual traditions! It looks like “haint Blue”, which Southern Blacks started painting on their porch ceiling to mimic the water that malevolent spirits couldn’t cross!
I decorate to complement my husband’s complexion and match the dog’s fur. Lots of earth tones.
I unexpectedly loved the charcoal kitchen. As for light affecting wall colors, I actually painted my darkest shadowed wall a lighter color than the other walls and they all look the same color.
I love the blue 🙂
Of your pictures, the only one I’m not drawn to is the “lovely and sophisticated” one. It is possible I have the decorating sense of a preschool teacher.
(I was discussing this with my sister yesterday – given a chance, we both go for happy bright colors, though she goes for a lot more orange than I do. I’m currently living in a home that was given a historically sympathetic renovation, and that I only own half of. Also, zendo. So everything is calm, but it’s also arts and craft period colors, beautiful woodwork, and a lot of it is green, so I’m pretty happy. The first thing I’d change are the beautiful period light fixtures in the main zendo that are totally sword incompatible – not a problem for me, but I teach in there, and argh. They’re even a bad fit for really tall people during kinhin. A little thought to function, please?)
The second is a lovely shade of blue and Serene beats Pond any day.
When we remodelled we had everything painted white, much to our painter’s dismay. We told him to wait and see. Our artwork, furniture and oriental rugs are very colorful and once there were in place the painter conceded that we were right, white was a perfect choice. One person’s perfect color is another’s nightmare, so you have to go with your vision. And blue is very very french!
As Bourdieu already argued, “taste” is not the expression of an individualistic self, but a function of the social class we belong to (or from which we are trying to distance ourselves) 😉
I was helping a friend of mine paint her apartment, we picked the color and then put some on the walls. Luckily we decided to just test the inside of the closet, because the paint dried bright neon green, which was way too much, so the closet became the place to test all the new paint. I like the color if only it was not sky blue aka University of North Carolina (UNC) blue which is a color I dont enjoy as a Duke fan.
Color is what you guys enjoy looking at in the morning.
The color is bright and you like it. Enough said. Frankly, I didn’t know you were supposed to do anything but pick out colors you like. That is what I have always done. I hope all of you are very happy in your new home.
Its your house! Do what makes you happy!
I’m a little confused about “Because there are no corners anywhere between the great room, kitchen, and the small living room – it’s all rounded arches – we were faced with having to choose a single color for a large space.”
The arches would have to be in walls, right, so aren’t the walls enough to create separation between the rooms? You could do the inside arc of the arch in a neutral color and then do the walls on either side a different color.
Or am I not understanding what you mean about the no corners/rounded arches design?
As long as you enjoy it. That’s all that matters.
the last time we picked paint colors, we lived with paint chips on the walls for days.
the conclusion? we now pick Behr paint colors that are animals (after we ended up with Painted Turtle, Porpoise and for the white, how do you pick a freakin white: Polar Bear!) So, when we went to pick the color for my son’s room (before he was born) we went with a Peacock blue that was quite dark – in a room with 2 windows, 2 doors (both white) and half one wall was in the ceiling, also white.
It’s your house, do what works for you! Also, I like your color choices! 🙂
Royal Peacock, we went with that!
I like the color.
I just painted my laundry room a similar color to your new one (just a wee bit more saturated), and i absolutely adore it. If I didn’t already love the rest of my colors, I’d paint the whole house that color.
How do your floor tiles look with it?
Ha. Once I read “I want a blue office, damn it”, I had to re-read the entire post in a different tone. Hopefully in the near future I too can pick paint colors that smoothly say “sophisticated”.
But I’ll probably go with tan. I’m jealous you all settled on a house. We’ve yet to find one we really like.
Even if it doesn’t quite match your original choice, it’s lovely. It looks happy and calming to me. I bet you grow to love it.
It’s really all about the light, isn’t it?
Our painter absolutely HATED me. Every room had a different shade of white on the ceiling, a different shade of white on the trim, and a different color on the walls. And this is a HUGE house with lots of rooms.
People think “Well, painters must like that, right? More hours they get paid for” Well, no. Painters usually get paid by the JOB. They want to get in and get out get on to the next job. And cleaning brushes slows them down. They also can’t paint with a just cleaned brush – they have to get another one. And professional painters don’t use WalMart brushes. They invest in nice ones, but they don’t have a lot of them. Some days, Mike would only be able to work a part day on our house and go home – he was out of brushes!!! Good thing he was a friend!!!
He’s going to quake in his boots when I call him up in about 9 months to paint my house. He can rest easy. It’s an “I’m selling the house” paint job. Flat white ceiling, floss white trim, one color throughout the rest of the house. 🙂
PS – my paint brand of choice is Sherwin-Williams. Painter friend uses it by choice. They have frequent sales, and their ability to color match paint (even from a smear of some other brand off the top of a paint can) is best I’ve seen.
Was Behr specifically recommended to you? My Dad preferred Behr, too, but the painter who is going to do our basement likes Sherman Williams Cashmere, so I’m not sure which way to go.
In my experience, Behr takes about 2x as much paint from 2x as many coats to get the coverage of SW or BM, will be less durable, and fade much more quickly. You’ll look at the prices and say “SW is twice as much!” but it doesn’t end up being so because you use so much less paint with the nicer brand. Most good painters / decorators that I’ve met recommend BM Aura Matte or SW Cashmere. Good luck!
The light in a house changes everything. We ran into that when we painted a couple years ago. The color also changes when you have painted all of the walls. Good luck!!!
At least you tested it before:) When we painted our house outside we chose a medium brown, color sort of like café latte, and when we painted the whole house and it dried it was a light orange 🙁
Soooo glad you color-tested it! Flip house, painted brown, turned purple. It was sad.
Doesn’t matter what I think of your color choices (I happen to think they are gorgeous) as long as you can live with them without the constant nag of “Why did I paint that wall that color?”
You are the only ones that need to be happy about your paint choice. It sounds as if you are. Wonderful! Go for it!
Many thanks for the snippet / update on the Guild – or Bob as the case may be. I love all the speculation about where Bob will show up next. I’m sure none of us have the right idea. Of course, this may be like the first issues of Girl Genius, (spoiler here) where Dr Beetle was extensively bio’d and given a major role and then killed off. Boom! Surprise!
I love surprises – thank you whatever happens.
I like the color. Isn’t it neat how you can take a swatch of something to Sherwin Williams and they color match the paint to that swatch? Technowizardry!
My husband and I could not compromise and I now have bandaid flesh colored walls in my living room. If someone were to streak naked you would probably miss them.
At least you caught it before painting!
I had the same thing occur. We chose a beautiful taupe color, which is a beautiful taupe half the time and a purple/grey the rest of the time. Lighting really does change a paint color!
Enjoy your new home!!
Oh. My. Gah. I needed to hear / read this. I could have written it about my new house, except for the self-assurance about the choices. Rooms leading one into another? Check. Light changes all day long in the rooms? Check. Not “greige people?” CHECK. Screw it. Going for the gold…
Since I have that color through most of my living space, I totally agree!!! I love happy colors!
Nice blue colour, but mind it will make your room feel cooler. Though if your climate is warmer than average I suppose it might be a good thing.
I am that rare person that actually prefers white walls. Growing up my mother repainted the inside of our house every year and every two years the outside. It was all fun until I turned 9 and could hold a paint brush or clean a wall before it was painted. Even now years later the smell of fresh paint brings a sense of dread and tiredness.
Good luck with settling in and making it your own!
Bland is people suffering from dyspepsia. Be vibrant.
We built a house and the second color you choose is what I had painted in the entry from the garage , utility room, pantry , kitchen, family room and breakfast area. It was lovely.
I like the new color. I painted swatches all over my house. Lived with them for weeks. asked opinions. After the month of deliberation, was thrilled with my choices,. Hope you are too.
Some thoughts on color and paint. I am glad you caught the griege before it was everywhere. Did you know that color has an impact on your emotional and mental health? If you paint a room all red and put someone in there for long enough they will go insane…or so I have been told. They did studies in prisons and tested different paint colors. Light greens turned out to be the most calming and soothing color. They documented less violence when the walls were painted light greens…. So color is important.
From a decorating perspective, all of your connecting rooms do not need to be the same color. The colors should compliment each other. Think beach glass. A light blue room, next to a light green room would not usually be disturbing to people. The trick my mother taught me is that you need to have a dab of the other colors in each room. So say green throw pillows in the blue room and maybe a blue painting or vase or something like it in the green room.
Good luck! I hope you are successful in finding the colors that make you happy!
Good luck!
That was one ugly color if battleship gray is prettier. o_O
For future shopping only buy Benjamin Moore! Their colors have more pigment and stay true – no I don’t work for them, I sell furniture and do some consulting on design. Their paint is worth every penny!
Yes! The Aura Matte paint is rather pricey, but it’s so beautiful…washable after it cures several weeks, isn’t glossy like eggshell, and is VOC free & low odor now. In our last house, we were able to touch up the living room wall where we unmounted our tv and not have a discernible difference in color. In our office (the first room we painted) where we used Behr paint, we ended up repainting the whole room because the color had faded and the patches were glaring…the paint also smelled terrible and I was unable to use the room for months when it was originally painted without getting terrible migraines. Definitely recommend going BM or SW.
That color makes me happy! I think it’s beautiful.
I’m allergic to paint. It irritates my throat, skin and eyes. Could your throat issues be due to the paint testing?
When I moved last year (rental) the only drawback was the donkey brown walls. Given it’s south facing (so towards the antarctic not the tropics) it was going to be dark and dreary in winter. Managed to get permission to paint it a lighter beige, when I’d much rather the colour-to-be of your walls
Why not a gym with a craft corner. One can exercise fingers while another exercises arms.
Love the color! So pretty.
Sorry if I repeat general knowledge… my neighbor didn’t know this. And I realized that I might be a little more passionate about paint : The color light makes a big difference , especially with greens and blues. The native light of LED bulbs is cool, which makes blues look sickly. Some of the newer LEDs have filters, though, which will warm the light color to the same rosy glow of the old incandescent bulbs.
Hermitage blue
Nice color be warned though…you may feel quite cool when you are sitting there awhile. We painted our living room a slightly lighter blue, closer to an ice blue and, honest, we had to wear a sweater to sit in the room. Really nice in summer though,
We did a lot of our house in shades of Benjamin Moore’s “Color Preview” line…they’re full saturated colors without a gray base. My craft room is “Forget Me Not” and was a color I fell in love with from this picture: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/5f/e7/68/5fe76842b785a43070f6941253940359–baby-blue-bedrooms-blue-bedroom-walls.jpg It’s gorgeous and intense and soothing…the more “popular” blues always looked rather dingy to me. You guys know what you like. Go for it 😀 I think it would look amazing against a lot of stained wood detailing.
Definitely give the paint patches time to cure, though, as you’ve seen; in my experience, it takes about 24 hours. I ended up buying some large sheets of art paper and painting those instead of the wall, so I could paint them ahead of time and then move them about the house.
Weirdly, our bedroom is similar to your office color (Ocean Blue by BM). We have large windows that look out over the pool in back, and wanted a really saturated marine blue. Our office is a very deep charcoal (Iron Mountain by BM) that’s super restful and great for hanging bright artwork on (in our case, a lot of vintage movie posters and comic book panels). We have white bookshelves on 2 walls and white desks to keep it from being oppressive.
Good luck! It’s such an adventure making a new house a home 😀
I am sorry your Pond color turned scummy, but I believe the new color will bring Serenity. The wall colors the builder painted the house my mother bought (about 10s old now) should have been the first clue the house was a bad idea. The indoor color scheme ran from 20 Years Of Tobacco Smoke Build Up White to Infant Poopy Diaper Brown. The crappy house is falling apart. The person that designed it was an idiot and the people that built it were inept.
Love the argument: You need a gym, No! You need a craft room. When was the last time I read “Gift of the Magi”?
So in summary, you flipped cool sophistication the bird after dipping your toesies in that pool, and instead made a triumphant return to eclectic discernment?
I approve. I have one whole wall covered in brown butcher’s paper for ideating, and another whole wall is comfortably conquered by my scarf collection.
Also, I’m picturing a yarn room and a home gym existing in the same room, with skeins of yarn draping over the gym equipment like a wooley, colourful jungle of vines poised to swallow the gym equipment whole. Chomp chomp.
That’s my favorite wall color!
Sherman Williams comfort grey.. it shifts with the light.. in the mornings I have a lovely pale green grey and the evenings a blue grey… try a swatch..
“Serene Thought” looks like a lovely, sunny-day pastel robin’s egg to me. I hope it dries a nice version of itself!
I love that second color you picked. It looks cool, comfortable, and vibrant! I can see that easily in an open format!
Sorry the first colour didn’t work but glad you found out before the paint guy had started.
Greige you are definitely not. I love that you each want the other to have a special room. Can the garage have the gym in it or be extended? I know a few people who have done that successfully.
Happy lovely Serene Thought blue!
Paint colours always look so different from the charts. How daylight affects them at different times of the day makes a huge difference.
Hope your happy with your choice now…at least it’s easy to change painted walls ?
Happy packing ?
I’m wondering what kind of light bulbs are in the house. I’m guessing compact fluorescent. The same paint with a mixture of natural daylight from the windows and LED bulbs (the cold light, aka more blue in their wavelength) might give you completely different results.
That said, I’m all for saturated colours personally. My husband has a thing about having white walls that I have to live with. So… there is vivid artwork on the walls and the curtains are splashes of saturated colours.
I love the new color, and you can always change it if you don’t like it.
I LOVE IT!!! It’s almost carribean Blue, and that’s what we painted on the outside of our house!!!
I donno… I rather like the more saturated color. I’m not into bland grey walls either. That charcoal in the kitchen is cool though! And I love that dark blue in the office.
When we purchased our old house every room was painted a color called “Ypsilanti Skies” … we called it “Shoot me grey” and repainted every room a different color before we moved in. It was awesome.
We painted the walls about 20 years ago when we pulled up the rug and put down tile downstairs. I dreadfully hated the colors my wife picked out. Spiced Pumpkin for the living room, Something yellow (not bright) for the dining room. Ugh and ugh. But with the colors and the trim and other stuff, they actually worked out great. We also did dark plum in the kitchen and green and blue in the bathrooms. I tried to do soft brown to a dark brown from the stairs to the foyer and she went Ugh. Glad they were only samples. So, for decoration, I have no say, but I uh, get to help.
My daugther’s favorite color is or was purple. So I decided to paint her room in a lovely shade of freesia lavender (or something like that).
Whenever I find a color I’m willing to paint a wall with I will go three shades lighter from the original swatch, test paint a section of the wall, and go for it if the test swatch pans out. And I thought it did.
All was great until I tried to coordinate the bedding to the color. It turned out to be the biggest pain in the tush. Nothing quite went with the paint as I envisioned it. Finally said the heck with it. Close enough for horse shoes at that point.
So glad you caught before the color was on all of the walls. Because I live in MI, it’s tough to do saturated colors on the walls without it looking too dark most of the year 🙁 I envy you the southern light.
Most of our house was painted a really light blue. The problem is they painted everything that color and it looks white when the sun shines on it. So we had to do the trim in white just to see the contrast.
I wanted the other room to have a brick red color, I was really worried because when it went on it was a Barney purple! Thankfully it dried to the right color. Good luck with your new color – it looks lovely.
Personally, I like your colors. Have no ideas on sophistication and feel you should just go for what you like. I’ve always played it safe and gone with off-white walls so I could put any colors in the rooms I wanted. It does make the rooms look larger as well. I guess I’m just not very adventurous when it comes to wall colors. Glad you’re having fun with yours. They look really neat.
My living room is sort of colonial blue, my kitchen is 3 shades of purple, one bathroom is hydrangea purplish blue, our entry, staircase and upstairs hall are a merlot burgundy, and the master bedroom is a sageish green. I don’t do subtle colors, and they all work in my house! Paint what you love, that’s what primer is for.
That’s a gorgeous color. I hope it works out better than the first one. I have around 10 sample pints left over from when I painted after moving in. Paint is weird.
New word – greige. I agree, it is a hideous color! I love saturated colors. Unfortunately, I live in apartments and they are WHITE. The answer for that is to buy large canvases and splash them with color…many colors or one color, it doesn’t matter. But it works. 🙂