In strategy video games, the kind where you build a base and then send your scouts out to find more resources, most of the map is covered by the fog of war, a dense cloud-like blanket that recedes as the scouts explore the map. I have sent all my mental scouts out and the fog of war that’s obscuring my brain is refusing to disperse.
Gordon was sick the entire last week. Some kind of flu, or cold, or COVID, or something, complete with the typical symptoms of congestion, cough, and fatigue. He is now on the mend, but I think he passed all of that to me. This crud is making me kind of dumb and so tired.
I took Nyquil last night – the nasty green kind – and then had weird dreams. I dreamt that one of my children was in kindergarten, and I had a problem with the teacher, so I brought it to the attention of the school and all other parents ostracized me for it. And then there was a tornado. We were driving through a tunnel and came out into the tornado, so we had to back up, and then we ended up somehow driving on the side of the tornado. Anyway, the car flew a bit but everyone survived. Somehow the tornado vindicated my teacher problems.
This gives you the idea of where my brain is at. I’m trying to admin and we really need to start writing, because of that whole don’t write, don’t eat thing, so I will brew some tea and see if I can rally. Channeling Tim Gunn, “Designers, make it work.” Although Gordon might not be up for it. I think his fog of war is lingering, because he is watching Paternity Court online for some reason.
Meanwhile if you would like to ask some questions, please comment on this thread and Mod R will pick out the most pressing ones. I do have a couple of polls for you.

Oh, man, I could only vote for one type of merchandise? I want all the pretties!
Personally, I think you guys should write while you’re all doped up. I bet what you write would be hilarious.
+1 ROFL!
+1! That was just cruel to only let us choose 1! ????
+1 ????
Hahahaha hard agree!! Lol
+1 ♾️
the teacher situation sounds like a Kate thing ????
Seconded. It would be awesome, LOL. I have weird technicolor dreams when taking Benadryl, (hence try not to take it unless situation is dire). And the dreams are things like hairbrushes coming to life, and all sorts of other strangeness…I usually (almost never) dream/remember dreaming. But those Benadryl dreams are wow, just wow.
I’ve returned to the office for work, total brain fog. Day two seems to be worse than day one.
+ infinity……and you’re right, day 2 is worse…..
Waited to buy myself a post-holiday gift last time and missed out. Looking forward to anything you all put out!
So sorry to hear about being sick. Totally get the fog bit. Since I am a coffee and tea drinker I love the mugs that are on the bigger side. If you are looking for different ideas would love a nice water bottle.
Maybe Gordon is watching tv for research for a totally different type of plot line ????
+1 on the water bottle suggestion!
Water bottle merchandise ????
+1 on water bottle or travel coffee cup (one I could make coffee at home and take with me)
I would buy a travel coffee mug too – totally leak-proof!
+1 – like the water bottle idea!
I would love a nice 1 liter (or 750 ml will do if needs must) water bottle with the BDH picture/logo. (The one I’m using now leaks and I’m willing to treat myself.)
I had many flying car dreams back in the day. As the oldest sibling, I was required to drive the four younger ones around quite a bit. Pretty sure it was anxiety about the responsibility.
Hoping your crud resolves quickly. I spent over half of Friday in urgent care and radiology, as my doctor was unavailable, and over half of Saturday at the ER after urgent care got the CT results back. Medication is a great thing.
Now I’m looking forward to a raft of further tests and appointments over the next month. Pretty sure I know what the issue is but there are more alarming things to rule out. Should be fun!
Eight…more…days…Doing all kinds of escape reading in the interim.
I voted yes to the zoom chat BUT I only ever watch the YouTube version afterward.
I like to watch the interactions between you and Gordon and Mod R.
Hope you all feel better soon.
+1 I didn’t vote on that one because I read the transcript instead (thank you, ModR!).
I love reading the transcript as well. 2nd thanks to mod R
+1 for the transcript!
Me too – so i voted yes on the zoom so i could read, re-read, and re-read again the transcript later. Mod R rocks!
*Eyes mugs with all the fluffiness and ravening of the BDH horde*
I would really and totally buy a HERE KITTY, KITTY T-shirt and/or sweatshirt.
Anne in Virginia
We *wants* it!
+1 on the transcript; but if it interferes with writing, then go with writing.
Actually, “Here kitty kitty” anything.
I voted no on the zoom chat so you can have the time to get better and de-fog. Although having you guys loopy on meds during a zoom chat would get us all the spoilers! hmmmm
I voted yes and now I’m chagrined that I didn’t think of this. Self-Care!
Sometimes taking a break can be more productive than pushing through. I read an interesting article today on the value of sabbaticals. Obviously that is more problematic when you’re self-employed.
Hope everyone is on the mend soon.
By questions do you mean about book characters & plotlines? None of them are pressing, just fun to think about.
Anything you might want to ask House Andrews about ????
Mod R, My question is on Innkeeper.
Will we see Sean’s parents again?
If it was my son I’d buy a house in the surrounding suburb so I could
1. Act as back up security if needed.
2 Pop over to Baha Char via the Inn occasionally to catch up with werewolf news.
3 Try to resist dropping hints about planning a wedding and grandchildren ( unless I wanted to channel Grandma Frida
I can foresee plenty of snark when House Krahr comes to stay.
I always hoped it was his parents who bought his house so fast and that they’d randomly drop in.
I hope you both feel better soon.
Questions –
Are you enjoying the writing process now (after all the covid and Ruby fever etc…?)
How is Maud and Arland’s wedding prep going?
How does writing Kate now differ from when you wrote Kate (at the beginning) all those years ago?
How did you feel writing this Kate book?
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
I feel the same. I take back my yes vote!
Yes, this : the release is next week, please choose self care over fan service. You know we’re going to buy it regardless ????
+1 times a million
Yes, this. Please don’t take on anything more right now. Just rest and build up your reserves. I have a co-worker who has been down with what sounds like your malady for 2 weeks. She is beginning to come out of the brain fog after lots of bed rest.
You are absolutely right! Can I take back my yes vote? Maybe just a short one? Or maybe you guys just sit back and let US tell YOU how amazing you are!
Will you continue to write Kinsmen novellas? I really enjoy them and have read them quite often. They are just the right size and fluffiness for a short spurt of reading!
I hope you and your family feel better soon! I love large mugs – 20 oz so I don’t have to go back to the pot as often. I use the large Bubba mugs right now 😉 but a “here kitty, kitty” mug would be fantastic!
I really loved that world building too, kinsmen is really fun. fated blades was so enjoyable.
Oh my gosh yes please to Kinsmen. Adore and reread them often. Also recommend those as delicious introduction to your other series.
I didn’t take time off for the holidays – and yet having a 4 day weekend followed by a 4 day work week followed by a 3 day weekend has totally messed with my brain and I wasn’t even sick!
Feel better soon and hope the brain fog lifts (for us all).
I’m still stuck on paternity court? how, what?
Hope you guys feel better soon. I used to have weird reactions to Nyquil too, either vivid dreams or insomnia. Ive switched to another and no side effects but it doesnt clear me up as well but at least I can rest at night.
If anyone is wondering no I just dont randomly take Nyquil, I have all year allergies and the over the counter meds help me breathe better at night than the allergy med cocktails when its really bad.
Please consider resting until you both are completely well, if it’s COVID, pushing yourself could result in long term illness. Even doing admin work is effort!
All the best to you both!
Hope you both feel better SOON! FYI: that cold remedy comes in easy-to-swallow gelcaps. At least your dreams prove that nothing can keep your creative side down!
Switch to the NyQuil gel pills, and you can avoid the nasty green sludge of syrup.
I hope that you both feel better soon.
Most of my friends and family have come down with some from of cough, flu, COVID like symptoms ( I tested negative twice!) this last month. It seems to have lingered a long time: the first week of January was a big foggy blur. I feel for both of you.
Take care of yourself and make sure to add a little honey in your teas ( I love it when I have a sore throat)
sorry you aren’t feeling well. it’s been hot here in NZ. the north island is getting stormed out but we are in ☀️ and it’s too warm for me.as I’m at the bottom of the south island.
I’ll try and wave some of the grey clouds down to you. This cyclone system is nuts. I’m in the Waikato.
My husband got sick first – running nose, cough and feeling tired. Then I came down with it. No fever for any one of us during that time. It took 1 1/2 weeks for us to get over it. Never went to see dr. Hope you & Gordon feel well soon.
Got to love Texas weather.
I just want to know why Gordon is watching Paternity War….
Last night was apparently a night for weird dreams. I dreamed that we were in Michigan, along the shore and a tiny pink and blue craft container I have was floating away, then sinking with something important inside it. An artist I am acquainted with on Twitter and her husband were there, along with my husband’s brother. Also, my shoes turned up missing somehow. That’s all I can remember.
I was sluggish today, it makes me wonder if a bug is trying to bite me. But I woke up tired, stiff, sore, and generally grumpy. My stomach wasn’t happy, either. I seem to have pulled out of it somewhat, but definitely not all the way.
I have a great idea! Let’s all kick the icks and get back to being ourselves! =)
Oh, Mod R, question, please?! What is the species of Curran’s beast form? I can only remember the first part, Panthera, and I know Ilona has said what species he is… I’ve been wracking my brain all day trying to remember!
Thank you!
Curran is a cave lion, the prehistoric beast, so it would be Panthera Spelaea [Edit: spelaea, I’ve been told off] but let me double check with the books that I have the right Latin ????
I thought it might Panthera Leo Atrox, the extinct American lion, but it didn’t ‘click’ in my brain when I read it, so I’m not sure…
Thank you again!
I believe you’re right ????- there’s also Jim being identified as “Homo panthera onca”, maybe that’s the species name that stuck with you?
You could very well be right. My poor brain is still out of it today, but that sounds closer to my brain’s ‘aha’ moment than anything else.
One of the sites I looked at put a Panthera Atrox up against a 1.8 meter tall human outline and all I could think is that was I’d be getting the hell out of there… lol!! So HUGE! That is, if it didn’t want a tummy rub… =)
Thanks for looking that up!! You rock!
The first “word” of a scientific name, the genus, is capitalized. After that, any other words (usually one, but can be more) are not capitalized unless someone is including the commercial name in single quotes (Salvia microphylla ‘Hot Lips’ is a real thing).
Please take pity on me, I haven’t slept in 2 days hehe. That will teach me to dare a typo in a BDH forum 😀 , I’m properly chastised now.
Who cares? This isn’t a graded assignment, it’s an internet chat.
Yes, please, love Kinsmen and reread them. Feel like a predecessor to Houses, yet different. They gave good ‘surprise’ elements I like. Cool to go into the data pool and morph into something.
Sending my best for a speedy recovery.
I voted on the merch, because I might buy that, but didn’t vote on the zoom because that is not really an option for me at this point in my life, although it sounds fun. I have a house full of grandchildren living with me right now, with their parents who are in between jobs. We also have needy dogs and a needy parrot. My house is noisy and distracted.
I get a couple of blissful hours alone if I get up at 4 AM, which I do.
I don’t usually comment and I don’t know if you read most, but your brain fog is shared and sympathised with.
Today, I suddenly realised how people must have begun to think faeries were real and enjoyed messing with them. It was brain fog.
Today, after dropping my kids off at nursery and school, I got ready for work. I got a breakfast bar out of my cupboard and then walked to the fruit bowl for a banana. I spotted a fruit that had gone bad so threw it away, moved to my bag and went to put my bar and banana in my bag and looking in my hand I had a stone instead of the breakfast bar. It must have been on the side and I grabbed it instead of the bar, but of course I had no recollection of it ever having been there.
Hope you both feel better soon!
I would love magnets as merch. I have a place to store them and they do not take up valuable real estate that other things do. My space and closet are at a premium but I have lots of fridge surface area. I suppose I can turn a sticker into a magnet tho…
Ohhh, yes!
Hope you both feel better soon. Cuddle up with a kitty, it helps. (My big boy is draped across my chest right now helping me feel better.)
+1 for HKK anything.
+ a bazillion for Maud’s wedding.
I voted for the zoom because I like to read the transcript (thanksModR!)
If it’s the Nyquil that has dyphenhydramine in it, it’s not safe if you’re near (or over) 50. Not too good for anyone actually.
I know I read a snippet about Kate and Teddy, (Possibly sitting in a tree) ready to help someone, (possibly a Harpy) who was fighting with her husband. At the end, Kate mentioned she knows Julie is in Atlanta.
Where did I read this? Is it still available?
Feel better!
You did and it is hehe – it’s Sandra ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/sandra/
I’d forgotten that one and it’s still a short charmer! Thanks for posting the link again.
Get well soon! I understand about not feeling well. The crud has hit me too. Allergies aren’t helping either. I took time off from work today because I needed to sleep.
I can’t take Nyquill because it sends my blood pressure through the roof. It’s like someone is trying to take the top of my head off.
I wonder if Texas decided to leave the northern hemisphere for the southern hemisphere. The next two days could hit record heat in the DFW area. Ugh!
I hope you feel better soon.
something I’m wondering is,
Is it difficult to create strong female leads who have unique identities from one another? eg Julie is similar to Kate (for obvious reaons) and she still has a different voice and we still see her personality differences. How do you guys give them a separate voice and identity traits? is it figured out early on in the character development process or something else (I’m not a writer, don’t understand much of this process of character development).
Thank you!!
re: merch — I don’t want to be a demanding soul, but could all the mugs come in all the sizes because I really like the serious BDH mug was only available in the 11 oz size. I’m negotiating with the hubs already about merch purchases for the next store opening.
Love everything but most importantly — I want House Andrews to heal and be healthy!
and by that I mean I like big mugs (and I cannot lie) so 15 oz would be the greatest of temptations
I am just the opposite – I usually don’t get a mug larger than 12 oz. and prefer 11 oz.
I let my tea get cold if I have a big mug, plus I got in the habit of the smaller mugs when I was using my first Keurig and big mugs didn’t fit…
+1 Now that I’m older, even half the amount of caffeine that fueled me back in the day will keep me awake literally the entire night. And it’s increasingly difficult to find a mug smaller than 15oz.
I empathize with the weird dreams while sick. It happened to me during a crud attack (springing, I’m pretty sure, from an in-person business meeting ambush) the week before Christmas.
Small question: Maud remembers her father’s power when defending her from the Mukama as blue. When Dina merged with Magnolia Green to fight SN her power’s color was green. Did Magnolia Green’s power color change because of what SN did?
I’ve noticed that you take time and space to show characters dealing with the after effects of trauma/ ptsd. (Kate, Penelope, Sean…)
You show other characters reacting suppotively and with care.
Is this simply a by-product of your characters dealing with war/battle type experiences, or do you have experience/ know people who have experiences which have informed your writing/ characters?
Magnets would be great.
+1 for Magnets! They are so much easier to store! 🙂
Get well soon. We had ‘not covid, not flu’ for most of December and it tested me.
Only one vote for merchandise? I vote for all of them!
I hope you both are feeling better again soon. I hate having colds or anything like that. Really the only thing you can do is drink lots of hot fluids, rest as much as possible, care for yourselves.
I wanted to vote for everything in the store. Could only choose one… ;___;
Best of luck with the crud; a pre-Christmas cold had me for three weeks. Which is about normal for me with a cold; it starts in my sinuses then moves on to the chest. Where it likes to be, and stays. I hope you avoid that.
Hug, brain fog could be covid or could just be general burn out. Here is hoping that rest and tea could clear it.
As for questions would we get updates on various animal companions such as Cuddles and Grendle? And would Kate ever get a house cat as a pet?
I hope both of you feel better soon.
Hopefully, Magic Tides will provide tasty snacks for a long time!
I’m honestly confused who would be visiting this blog and voting “no” for a zoom chat on Magic Tides xD
But anyway, hope HA feels better soon!! I’ve been taking a bit of medical grade manuka honey (re: not low quality “manuka” honey), mixing into hot water and drinking before bed when my throat felt a little iffy. Placebo, pseudoscience or previously undiscovered cure, don’t know but I feel better the next morning whenever I do it xD
From the comments, it’s not that people don’t want ilthe zoom, but that they want House Andrews to take it easy and rest instead ????
Ohh I see! I just assumed that zoom would only happen after everyone feels better! Please don’t feel pressured to have one if you are still recovering/not up to it!!
I personally LOVE the transcripts that you (ModR) write up!!
Maybe if house Andrew’s isn’t feeling up to a video maybe a “fireside” / FrInnday chat with house Andrew’s instead? With the juicy tidbits and answers to burning questions? Not sure if that is easier?
Still want everyone healthy so this can wait either way ????
Omg – NyQuil dreams are the weirdest. Even when you’re in the midst of the dream you know they are bat-s__t crazy.
Hope you both feel better soon!
My current cheer up is the 11-second “do you know Linda” cat meme. Makes me lol every time.
NyQuil. It’s the 13th step.
Feel better soon!!!
Since I just re-reread Ruby Fever, my current burning question is who is the boy Ragnar brought to Bern and Runa’s wedding? I feel like he has a very interesting backstory, since Ragnar wouldn’t elaborate on who he is?
lol.. I had that crud for over 2 weeks and am still fighting it. I drove a provider in Urgent care to the point of muttering over and over, “How is this not covid. It has to be covid. But the tests are negative.” 3 negative covid tests, 2 negative strep tests, 1 negative flu test, and finally a diagnosis of bronchitis, sinus infection, and the cherry on top.. an ear infection. Go big or go home.
I hope you guys feel better soon. I think that crud hit our household too. We tested negative for flu & covid. If “blah” and “meh” had a baby with the green mucinex guy, that is where we are…
Questions? Hmmmmm……. Whats Kate/Curran/Julie/Conlan’s favorite food? I’m kinda curious.
And hope you all feel better!
Sorry to hear the crud is lingering on! Could be so many things at this time of year, sorry to say. Treat the symptoms!, which for me always means aspirin and lots of lemon tea. And a nice sleep inducing antihistamine at night, heh. Hope y’all feel better soonest!
I moved the comment for you but it now has my avatar, so win some lose some ????.
No worries and thanks!
I feel for you. Last week I (and 48 hours later the spouse) finally succumbed to covid after 3 years of avoiding it. All the fevers, body aches, and congestion to go with it. Also a partial loss of taste and smell. I feel like an older person who can only taste sweet and sour. Sigh.
Sorry if you’ve answered this before! But here’s a merch question. Since you made stickers and they’re so cute, do you think it could be possible to turn them into pins? (I absolutely don’t expect if you’re open to this it will happen for this release, so no worries!)
I got my wisdom teeth out today and just sat down to finally read Sweep in Peace. Magic Tides will come out just before I have to defend my masters thesis. You are literally carrying me through this month. Thank you very much.
I hope you recover soon!
There have been several other requests for pins, we will do our best with the shop availability and the designs ????
Rest! Though I voted yes for Zoom, your health is most important, so unless you can enjoy the Zoom session more than it stresses you out, do not do it.
Regarding eating: you should probably raise your prices. With the unique quality of writing you deliver, your books a underpriced in comparison to other author‘s books.
You are important to the BDH. So please get well. I cannot take more bad news right now; though my own Covid was pretty mild, I caught it from my father, who did not survive. Getting Magic Tides on the 17th is one thing I am counting on helping me through the funeral on Wednesday.
I’m so very sorry for your loss, Norbert.
So very sorry you lost your dad. Sending you a virtual hug.
Sending condolences. My father recently passed away as well, suddenly but not Covid, so perhaps I can understand your forthcoming situation. Take care and give yourself some grace. Funerals, expectations around them, the guests’ desire to help & share in the grief can all seem like so very much. It is ok to set boundaries and feel what you feel (or don’t feel).
Oh my, I’m so sorry for your loss! All my condolences to you and your family.
Thank you all. The BDH are a great community.
My condolences. Losing your dad is hard enough, I can’t even imagine trying to recover from COVID (even a mild case) at the same time. Take care of yourself…
So sorry for your loss, Norbert. Take care of yourself. You know this place is always open.
I’ve come to the realization that I cannot buy any more coffee mugs, travel mugs, or water bottles. Between my partner and I, our companies feel the need to continually gift us corporate merch that fall into these categories. In addition, some family members feel the need every Christmas to send us travel mugs or holiday mugs. I cannot take any more mugs/bottles. I have no where to put them and at this rate can never use them all. Therefore, I voted for shirts.
That being said, if there are mugs in your store then I will make trip to Goodwill to make room :-).
Hope everyone gets better soon. Most of December was sickness in my household. I started with a slight fever and cough, felt tired some, I thought it was just crud since home covid test was negative. Passed it to my husband then my son. The boy needed a doctors note for work/school and he tested positive for Flu Strain A. I only stopped coughing and getting up phlegm maybe a week ago. It was awful!!!! Poor husband had vertigo after he survived the sickness. Not sure if it was related but he has had a terrible time.
Question….I am rereading KD novels and just finished Gunmetal Magic. Since the book was Andrea’s POV, was it strange to write Kate as a side character?
Over most of December my husband and I were ill. He had a bad flu for a week and I had a bad cold for ten days, but BOTH of these turned into a lingering bronchitis. If you end up with that horrible cough that keeps you up at night, you should be extra careful.
I did over the counter meds (Musinex DM and Delsym) while my husband went back to the doctor and got prescriptions. We both seemed to have about the same results. That cough just hangs on FOREVER, no matter what you do. It is exhausting and you feel as if you can’t ever get enough breath.
Thank GOD we both seem over that now. I hope your family is well soon as well! Take care!!
@Mod R, RE Innkeepers: I know that the Innkeeper Assembly has been described as a magical homeowners association, but are they at all like the lees in withholding stars until their innkeepers have “grown up” enough, or are they just really scared of Dina and Sean? Or is Dina just over-fixated on the stars?
Can we add another option for the Zoom chat?
“Yes, but only if you’re feeling better”
i hope you both have a speedy recovery! i know I’ve been going through my throat coat tea more than normal with the wild temperature swings.tasty and helpful all at once!
How’s Camille doing???
When coming up with storylines or plot twist how far out/ ahead are you? Same book? One book? Two books out?
i don’t like It. the second question only allow mark one . I want to Mark every single one.
I really loved my Innkeeper coaster and would absolutely adore having a coaster for each of your series! I think they are great conversation starters and a chance to spread the word of your work to people who ask about them!
I’m sorry to hear that Gordon has been sick, and you’re feeling poorly! Hopefully, you won’t get as sick as he was.
Hope you all feel better soon! If you need other merchandise items, I would suggest enamel pins or magnets, I don’t really have room for much, but I do have designated areas for my collections of those.
That reminds me of my dreams last night. I dreamed I had locked in syndrome and I was just an invalid in a bed, being taken care of, unable to say or do anything to let anyone know I was there. I “woke up” from that dream into another dream where the whole world was like shrouded in a fog or a mist. Usually I want to stay in bed but I was kind of happy to get up this morning after that!
Maybe the crud will give you ideas, you never know. 🙂 Hope you both get to feeling better. The weather rollercoaster and allergies around Austin are just the biggest frustration sometimes!
PS – I too wanted to choose far more than one option in the merch poll darn it.
So sorry for your health and brain fog issues.
I’ve missed the post, or am looking right at it and don’t see it, with the info to order Magic Tieds from libraries.
Could someone from the BDH set me on the right track?
Hi LW,
Magic Tides is available on Libby/Overdrive if you’re in the US.
If not, the Ingram ISBN that librarians can use to order is 9781641972529 for the print copy and 9781641972512 for the ebook ????
Hi , hope you are all feeling better.
I would so love if you added refrigerator magnets as themed merchandise in your store.
Happy New Year,
Thanks for referencing that last snippet, I had missed it but totally enjoyed it just now.
Sorry you guys aren’t feeling well! Hopefully you feel better before the book release next week!
Mod R … or anyone else from BDH – why in the Garard and Helen meet snippet is the oldest boys name Charlie? (As in Charlie tried to eat a spider) … is there another brother? Is that Klaus with a nickname? Is the girl Maud?
Maybe is my own brain fog … but I can’t wrap my head around it! ????
Yes, the children are Klaus and Maud ????.
Thank you!! You are the best! ????
I have a question, is there a story about how
Caldenia found the inn? Did Dina know her already, et?
good question! I don’t recall one and I remember wondering about that and why she didn’t have at least mercenary guards. she doesn’t need them now, but she certainly would have getting there, and I can’t imagine her trusting an unknown quantity like a brand new Innkeeper
If you want to stay alive and your options are limited, you take what you can get that will help you stay alive. In Caldenia’s case, that was a brand new Innkeeper.
I have a question that has probably been asked and answered before and I missed it but does Mrs. Baylor know Linus was James’ Dad? If Linus and James looked so similar she must have put it together right?
Do you mean Penelope ?????
I don’t think there are reasons for her to figure out that the elderly Speaker of the House looked like her husband when he was young, but my head canon is that James probably shared all he knew about his parentage with her ????, especially as he was dying.
Not unreasonable. James told her all about Victoria and he knew who and where his father was. She kept his secrets.
I presumed that James *didn’t* know who his father was. Victoria was quite prepared to lie convincingly to her granddaughter years later so she was probably quite prepared to lie convincingly to her son when he was young.
I won’t spoil Ruby Fever for you, but we find out he definitely did and sought his help ????
Mod R, I love your new knitting heart avatar! ????
Thank you ☺️
I hope the brain fog clears for you guys and you both feel good again..FAST.
Right before christmas i got an extreme pain in the right hip and have been at the chiropractor and continuing to go…hubby has been having a problem with his shoulder..extreme pain …today he read somewhere that it’s the latest covid hangover problem. But everything seems to be blamed on covid so who knows.
Some friends have various things going on..nobody is a happy camper.
I think we have somehow slipped into a sickie dimension.
If you find the escape hatch please share. Meanwhile be gentle with yourselfs.
That upper respiratory crud seems to be sweeping across the entire U.S. right now. When I visited family in Alabama at Christmas, about 15 of them had it. Now that I’m back home in Virginia, I know of about a dozen folks here who have it or had it. It makes you feel miserable for about 5 days, and then it seems to take another 5 to stop feeling symptoms completely.
Hope y’all feel better soon.
I voted for the Zoom chat but only if HA is feeling up for it.????
You could always have a extended Zoom session after the 2nd novella comes out… ????
Smooth ????
May you both feel MUCH Better, Quickly, Easily, & CHEAPLY!!!
I want all the merch! Please don’t make me choose just 1!!!
I’m sorry to see how many of you are currently fighting symptoms of illness. After I had Covid I started taking extra zinc, vitamin C, D3, and L-lisene every day. My personal barometer of an approaching illness is sneezing so if I sneeze at least twice a day two days in a row I increase the amounts and, so far, I have avoided symptoms other than a lack of energy. When my energy level improves I know it’s over. I work retail so am exposed to everything going around.
My 8 lb female cat gets L-lisene for her respiratory issue she picked up at the SPCA as a kitten. Vet recommended 500 mg twice a day which blew my mind but she does well on what I can get down her. I have to get a gel and mix it with wet cat food every other day. She is a very picky eater but she actually plays now and her up-and-around level has increased too.
I am really looking forward to the 17th, A new story and a new shirt! Take care of yourselves!
Aw man, sorry to hear that. Nothing’s so wretched as a Nyquil hangover. Last time I was that sick I went with scotch and stuff probably not legal in Texas. Better? Hard to say. Perhaps just differently bad. Hope you feel better.
Y’all recover. Writing while doing so may give you new ideas or just odd tales to share. The fog should go away unless it it related to a Spring allergy even if you have not had then before because bodies change.
Take care. Stay hydrated. Get enough sleep. Y’all know all this but with fog a reminder can help.
I usually dream about tornados (and plane crashes, oddly) when my life is undergoing some kind of upheaval. In both cases (tornado and plane crash), it’s the same situation – the same physical space, actually – though each place can be different, depending upon the difficulties I’m faced with. They eventually pass, as the upheaval rights itself. We are amazing creatures, we humans – are we not? When I have these kinds of dreams, they are often in color. I remember every nuance. They do not fade with time (not always a good thing). Anyone else experience that? Life can be such a wonder (in every sense)!
So sorry to hear you are unwell. Please get better – rest until you do. Best ideas come when the brain sits idle – so resting is good prep work ????. Been reading your books since first KD novel came out – you are awesome.
Tornado dreams, since high school. I think I’ve managed to dodge the storm, but it comes back to find me in my hiding place.
The theater performance dreams show up a lot, too.
Brains are busy when the rest of us is trying to rest….
Is your merchandise available to buy in the UK. I have tried but unsuccessfu so far, Hope Gordon and yourself feel better soon.
Hi Susan,
Not yet, the international store hasn’t opened, there are a few more details to figure out ????
Warm honey whipped with fresh lemonjuice is a wonderful throat coating and cough suppressant
Davidson plum juice is a terrific pickme up, tonic, vitamin boost.
And as you know, fluids and rest are the baseline for beating respiratory illnesses.
Get well soon, and may the brainfog aflict your adversaries instead.
I was trying to be sneaky and vote twice because I want both a sweatshirt and a sticker, but you already defied my sneakiness.
I thought in Blood Heir that the family had moved back to Atlanta, but in the new book they’ve moved to give Conlan some opportunity to be out of his parent’s shadow. When did they move, in the time-line of the books and Conlans life, and when do they move back? How long has Julie been gone?
They did not move back to Atlanta in Blood Heir, they are placed firmly in Wilmington ????. Where the action of Magic Tides finds them.
They do visit Atlanta and their friends and businesses, of course.
“ “Stay out of there. Lennart once led the Pack, and Daniels has claimed—her word, not mine—the entire city in the past. Now they spend most of their time up in Wilmington because their son attends a private school there, but they come back in the summer to visit family and friends. That family is complicated.””
Andrews, Ilona. Blood Heir, Aurelia Ryder 1. NYLA, 2020. Kindle edition, page 39.
Julie has left in Magic Triumphs, so in Magic Tides she has been away for roughly 7 years. Blood Heir happens 2 years after, so 9 have passed until her return.
I had something like that over the weekend. I watched all the available episodes of Air Disasters. at some point I thought “this is dumb” and tried to watch West Wing but couldn’t follow the dialogue. So back to planes falling out of the sky for me.
Feel better soon!
I voted for Zoom call, but please don’t feel like you have to. Especially with the lingering fog for you both.
So excited to see the next batch of merch! And beyond excited for Magic Tides coming out!!!
What world is your favorite to write in right now?
Has the writing process gotten easier over the time you all have been writing?
It’s always a pleasure. Hope you feel better soon.
I have been talking about what makes something a horror story elsewhere and considered IA stories as examples of stories with terrifying monsters, life threatening and intense scenarios, but they just are not horror. I’m trying to articulate why, and I would be interested in Ilona’s take. What makes something a horror story? Will Hugh’s next story be a horror story?
I find that the Edge series in particular has horror elements. For me, any horror elements in the other series are much less noticeable.
Give yourselves time to be sick and recuperate. Once you feel better the productivity will start flowing again. I voted no on the Zoom call too because you don’t need the added pressure when you’re not feeling well. Take good care.
Get better, feel better and don’t wear yourself out. We want you and Gordon healthy and happy.
I really hope there’s a “Here, kitty, kitty, kitty…” design in the next merchandise release!
I hope you’ll feel better soon.
I don’t want to choose, so : Apparel, mugs, home decor, mousepads, all of it !!!
I too had such bad brain fog from covid. It took me 2 weeks of rest before I felt really like me. I literally looked at an email and wondered how I had ever written one as it seemed so challenging and went back to bed. 3 days later I wrote my normal marketing email in 20 minutes with no problem. There is hope just give yourself grace.
I have pre ordered audio of your books the latist two that ia I have the others waiting with mind fog…lol
Wishing you both amazing recoveries…. now!!!!
Also wishing you a very prosperous year in all the categories, ever!
As always, thank you for your gifts all year long!
No Zoom chat. Just get better. Sleeping instead of zooming. Love from Germany
All I have is one ear plugged up and I’ve been feeling out of it.
My condolences to those of you who are actually ill.
I have that same crud right now and passed it on to my grandson and son-in-law. Misery loves company, right?
Hope you (we) feel better soon. 🙂
Did this happen to you before, when you were sick all winter and determined to do too much anyway? I thought you said you were not under contract for anything, so what if you took a week and just did basic non-writing stuff, cooked, cleaned house, did crafts, maybe chatted with Gordon about a trip in May.
Give your brain a chance to reset.
We know about the fog. in the week between Christmas and New Years we went to a high end steak house with friends and got really sick that evening (We think it was food poisoning, it was aweful) and have been having problems since, extremely tired, brain fog, abd stomach/ intestinal problems w low grade fever. I took yesterday and today as a sick day,
which is like unheard of for me.
Didn’t help last night had a gotcha, I had a plumber look at the Kohler whirlpool tub from hell we have ( hint, don’t ever use Kohler plumbing products, they stink quality wise) last week. last night my wife noticed the ceiling in the kitchen was showing signs of sagging, yep, the guy didn’t turn off the spigots&,it leaked ( I shut the spigot off fully, no more water). have to now replace some sheet rock&,take the neat wallpaper we had on the ceiling that looked like having a patterned tin ceiling, but it can wait. I don’t have the energy to do it for sure.
Have a ton of things that need doing that will only get bigger, with 0 energy or desire to do it.
That is absolutely the responsibility of the repair person/company, or they should cover the cost of ServePro or similar remediation.
“Do you want a Zoom chat for the release of Magic Tides?”
Really Illona, does this crowd EVER say no when you offer them a zoom chat lmao 🙂
I have a 10 year old mouse pad, so the option of a new one is something that really caught my attention. Stickers would be fun too. Heck, everything sounds tempting.
Hope you both start to feel better, and recovery is quick for you best wishes and prayers
I can’t vote for one type of merchandise. I want all of it. Ok, almost, definitely don’t need any mouse pads.
Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. Whatever it was, we just had it and we tried to work despite the brain fog. Now we attempting to undo all the bizzare stuff we did for work in brain fog state.
For the Magic Tides merchandise, I wanted to vote t-shirts AND mugs, but I see the BDH is on top of that.
I really hope you guys recover soon. I feel your pain — I had a miserable flu in December (negative COVID test, just to be safe. although I was sure it was the flu anyway). I’ve noticed we forget there are still other miserable illnesses out there. So here’s to not being *very* sick and to a quick recovery.
Thank you House Andrews for the opportunity to ask questions. I really enjoyed Hugh and Elara’s story. When you go back to that storyline, I hope you give his Iron Dogs their own HEA, especially Stoyan and Bale…I know you hinted at Stoyan’s love interest but I would really like to see Bale’s!
I must say I was sad Felix didn’t make it.
The crud is going around our home, too. Ugh! Feel better soon!
Hope you feel better. I started to re read the Kate novels. I have a question on who was the “voice” that gave Kate insight when she was doing magic.
That was Roland guiding her through the binding ritual 🙂
Branded Ember mug for people who sip and want the drink hot for a few hours…
LOVING my KD mug!!
I would like Brooms to be sold. That doesn’t seem to be an option (yet).
Can you create a recipe hub? You’ve shared some of the recipes referred to in your books over the years. I’m really interested in the fajitas in Ruby Fever. And the Pitivier in Sapphire Flames. And the hot sauce….Ok. Basically everything Catalina makes.
This already exists 🙂 – follow the Cooking and Recipe tags on the blog https://ilona-andrews.com/category/fun/recipe/ and https://ilona-andrews.com/category/fun/cooking/
For example, the Pithivier is here https://ilona-andrews.com/2019/a-pithivier/, the fajita and pico de gallo here https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/its-thursday-yay/ etc
Hope this helps 🙂
I had the flu after Thanksgiving (tested, was Influenza A) and it was nasty. Took an extra week after my symptoms subsided for brain fog to go away. Flu vaccine next year for sure!
Hope you and Gordon are both feeling better soon. That is more important than a zoom chat.
I love what people are saying about having magnets. I am at the point where I have to start purging stuff, so smaller is better! I also like the idea of the Coasters!
I just got back from vacation and came home to my HA merch. I drank my chocolate tea from Harneys in my BDH mug while snuggled in my chair with my Ripper Cushions pillow. I might affix my stickers to magnets!
I was trying to think of questions, but I only have Innkeeper in my head, though I did start re-reading Kate books.
Thanks so much for the merch and especially for the great books you write!
Self-care is important. Y’all are more talented than I am, but I can’t write for crap when I’m sick. And Zooming with a head cold/Fluvid would suck poisonous Amazonian Tree Frogs.
(I did vote for the zoom, but when I thought about it, I realized it would be asking for misery. And it seems like you have enough of that as it is.)
Magnets. Yes, please. And all things “Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.” ????☕❤
I hope you all get well. please focus on your health.
Thank you, Mod R, for helping them and BDH.
I’m currently rereading all the Innkeeper books. More, please, when you feel like it?
Questions first, so I don’t forget in my own fog. Did the Keeper know the Baylor’s parentage before Nevada petitioned to be a House? Just how omnipotent is he? Are there other Keepers in other cities/countries, kind of like Wardens? I think the Keeper (and Michael) are much more pivotal characters than one might seem…
Hoping House Andrews and our compatriot BDH members feel better soon!
I’m. yet another who had the December crud. Lost the month and am cross that I didn’t have the energy or concentration to make my Christmas cookies. Still don’t have a voice. So be kind to yourselves and take the time to heal. Its one of those situations where short cuts make long delays.
Too bad we can’t get Orro’s recipes!
Just a quick medicalish note: American Society of Chest Surgeons did a study on which works better, Nyquil or Robitussin, and found neither does any good, but just makes you groggy so you don’t remember you were up all night coughing. It’s the same ingredient in Mucinex, Delsym, etc. Don’t even bother. Sudafed and phenylephrine make a runny nose worse by leaving you with little hard lumps of snot all through your sinuses.
What does work? well, chicken soup has been shown to shorten hospitalizations for patients with pneumonia. Hot lemonade and hot tea with honey and lemon help with sore throats and coughing. Miso soup is nourishing and helps to dissolve phlegm. Orange juice in large quantities, like drinking a half gallon all by yourself over the course of a weekend, can boost up your vitamin C levels.
If you want something in “medical” form, Tessalon Perles with a big glass of water help with a hacky cough. (I’m not sure if it’s the pills or the water, but the combo seems to be helpful.) Azelastine nasal spray works, has a horrific aftertaste, but if you drink orange soda, the bad taste goes away. (The aftertaste lasts about 12 hours and makes milk and orange juice taste spoiled.) I use prednisone for a few patients, but there are lots of side effects, like high blood sugars and high blood pressure and insomnia if you take it after noon and extreme hungriness if you take it on an empty stomach and potential immune suppression. I don’t LIKE using it but sometimes, like with acute asthma, or a sinus headache that hasn’t gone away for weeks, it can get used anyhow.
Prevention: pretty please get a flu shot even if you have already had flu; the vaccine covers four different types of flu and you only had one so far. Stay home and sleep if you are sick. Don’t go out and share it! If the flu test is negative and the covid test is negative, you might still have respiratory syncytial virus. You might have strep. You might, very commonly, have tested before or after the period of time the home covid test turns positive, and many home covid tests are not accurate. (If it’s positive, it’s positive; if it’s negative, it might be Wrong.)
Sorry to go all doctory on you, but I do telemedicine and we have been getting lots and lots of sick people who sound like the ailing members of the BDH. Hope you all feel better soon!
Thank you! I have had the flu shot and the COVID booster about a month ago. Gordon will get a flu shot once he gets over the crud.
The thing about colds – we know that medicines don’t really help that much, but when you are so miserable, you’re willing to try it. 🙂
And studies are about populations. Individual physiology differs. Within that population, treatments that don’t work for most people still work for others. I’ve been one of the 25% that benefits highly from a particular compounded medication. I’m also one of the small number that doesn’t benefit from other, now standard OTC products like Claritin that work for most people. There are times to say, “Can’t hurt, might help.”
I can’t find any such study.
Please people, talk to your actual doctor. Anyone can get online and claim to be in medicine.
Hope you both feel better soon. It is so miserable when you have to work when ill. Maybe just rest and go with it for a bit.
With merchandise I have a gamer mousepad that covers all my desk in front of my monitor. I found this worked better with all the Zoom meetings during Covid as I could spread papers and write notes and use keyboard. Have you considered doing a huge gamer type mousepad. I would totally buy that
Look after yourselves
More seriously – I hope you both feel better soon. Lots of tea and soup seems to help, especially spicy soup. I used hot and sour soup on my kids over the holidays because one had to bring home the flu for Christmas!
Huh! It filtered out the irc formatted silly comment that went with the face.
Which was
me whines: But I wanted the tote bag and the stickers!
I understand brain fog. My husband brought home covid from the plague rat he works with last August. I have never experienced it being hard to think before. The most simple things would completely elude me. It was weeks before I was well enough to read Ruby Fever. I would look at the words and not understand what was going on. (and I had all my shots beforehand, thank Pasta). My husband, on the other hand, was only sick with a mild cough for about 24 hours, though he did lose his sense of smell for about three days, a week later.
Something I was wondering about the other day, and it’s ok if you don’t know the answers to everything lol. How long does publishing take when you send something like Magic Bites (or Innkeeper, whichever) to a full cast company vs using a single narrator? Do they all sit in a room and record together? Or does everyone record their separate parts and it’s put together digitally? Weird the things you think about at 3am lol.
As it happens, I just yesterday had a chat with someone from Graphic Audio about this.
First, a reminder for everyone that the traditional audiobook is produced by House Andrews themselves in the case of self pub books. The dramatisations by Graphic Audio are produced by Graphic Audio. They buy the rights to the books and it is their own project- so House Andrews doesn’t “send the book to be done” as such. It’s apples and oranges, one will never replace the other ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/small-updates/
Most of GA’s character actors record remotely, in their own studios, but they do it with the director on a call in their headphones. Everyone has their own time slot. The various tracks are then edited by their editor team and the file is published directly on their own GA platform/app.
They have a whole roster of voices to pick from in terms of casting and availability and team work does the dream work! But they also usually need to adapt the book for dramatisation and turn it into a script, so there’s prep work the traditional unabridged audio doesn’t have. I know for the upcoming Kate Daniels adaptations, they’re aiming for 2 months/book, for example.
With the one narrator books, from what I’ve seen backstage in the past couple of years, it can take a LOT of time choosing the right voice, booking them when they have availability (oftentimes months in advance), waiting after various retailer platforms to show the product (Audible in particular takes foreeeeever approving files). The single narrator also mostly does tasks on their own, like their own directing and sound editing etc.
Thanks! That is so interesting!
I’m so sorry to hear HA is feeling poorly, and I can totally commiserate. My in-laws ‘forgot’ to tell us that they had “a cold or the flu or ‘something’” until we showed up at their door on Christmas (and it was too late to cancel/postpone.) Two days, positive COVID tests, and 101+ fevers later, my family settled in for a very quiet New Years vegging out in front of the tv. ???? It’s been two weeks and we are FINALLY almost back to normal (still a little congested and very tired, but at least feeling HUMAN!)
Long story short(er), don’t rush it and don’t worry. It will be fine. You will both be feeling much better very soon, and until then, just eat and drink and watch whatever comforts you the most. You deserve some pampering.
Feel better!
I like your dreams!
Your dream would’ve been much more interesting if you arrived at kindergarten with Helen and her daggers to join the class and “entertain” the teacher.
Mod R
My question is one that may only get a maybe answer. If it’s considered at all. A friend and I are wondering (and hoping for) whether or not we will get more of Raina and her becoming a Royal Dragon Rider? I think I got that right, I was going to include Puffles, but I know that Raina was sending him back home after taking her to the capital.
I’ve got my fingers crossed for even a “Maybe” answer, because maybe is NOT a “No”
When I asked House Andrews they said it was “A fun project” so I think we can hope in a “maybe” 🙂 , at some point. Clap your hands if you believe!
*CLAP, CLAP* and fingers crossed, ankles crossed, legs crossed, eyes crossed, etc, etc Can I get an “Amen”?
Ebook is second (third?, fifth?) best. I’m from the geezer squad of the BDH and I like paper.
Hanging in there and buying books,
I get the “don’t write, don’t eat”. And allowing yourself to recoup means the writing will flow mucch better. So please invest in yourselves!
I have a question, is there any chance that we can get another compilation of links to any (and all) of the snippets, pov stories and whatever other fun things that have been in the blog, or on the site in the past?
I only ask because I have a friend that only recently became aware of the site and missed out on the last time you compiled one. I told her about it (and she was SO jealous) Thanks!
Sure thing, I can do that ????
WOW! You’re the best!
I may have asked this before and forgotten, but MOD R IS THE BEST!!
Has Subterranean Press expressed interest in any more IA books??
Voted NO: Please put HA recovery before Zooming. We might be members of a devouring horde but we do NOT want to chew up the authoring team!
Merch: Magic Tides is the theme so shouldn’t big beach towels be a merchandise option ????
Hey Mod R,
I was trying to do one of your fun quizzes and I can only see an error code when I go to the posts https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/innkeeper-chronicles-trivia-quiz/
My question is what am I doing wrong?
Absolutely nothing!
I know exactly what the issue is, and it’s on this end- the previous quiz plugin didn’t renew its safety certification and Ilona had to get a different one. So now the older quizzes don’t display anymore.
I think I can still see the content in the admin interface however, so I could transcribe them anew and put them all in one post 🙂 , if anyone’s interested.
Dreams can be weird! I used to have a recurring dream….. for a good 5 or 6 years.
I would be driving in my Honda Civic, all by myself, and suddenly the car did not accept my direction. The steering wheel didn’t work, the brakes didn’t work, the emergency break didn’t work, right or left turn attempts accomplished nothing. Of course, at the time,I was on a highway driving at 100 km. And, as these dreams go, I lost control of the vehicle and became airborne (in a 2008 Honda!). And, as dreams go,I did wake up before the actual impact.
These dreams were disturbing to say the least.
In hindsight I now understand that my dreams were a reflection of my lack of control over my life.
Ask yourself…Overwhelmed currently? Outside pressures reaching “tornado”proportions?
Gordon and Ilona…..Take some time for yourselves….the BDH will always be here for you whether or not you Gift us with more stories or Zoom meetings or mech or Not . HA has ALREADY enriched our lives beyond measure.
Mod R….. thanks for taking such good care of the BDH. Your efforts do not go unnoticed nor do they go unappreciated.
I should not be surprised that my recurring dreams completely disappeared after the divorce.
Aaarrrgggg….merch, not mech!
This question will likely be the oddest you receive today, but it’s been bugging me for years. Back in the Edge novels, we met Spider’s psychotic neice (I forget her name). I think she was worse than Spider because she took such pleasure in causing pain. At least with Spider we eventually learned of his death, but whatever happened to his bugnuts crazy neice? I’d love to know how she met her inevitable end. Thanks for your time, and I hope you and Gordon feel better soon.
I’m a T-shirt collector. So I always want T-shirts! I mean, who doesn’t wear T-shirts? Not everyone uses a mouse (track pads here), or water bottles, or sweatshirts (Hawaii), or mugs … but everyone wears T-shirts! ????
Hope you feel better soon. Is it possible to just go away for a few days and disconnect from everything?
When Kate and Curran mover did any of the other shifters move with them or did they all stay in the street they moved to when they separated from the pack?
Hi Mod R
Hope you are well and catch up on some sleep. Sorry if this has been asked before but how do you create your avatars?
Hi Tina,
I use the Bitmoji app to make the silliness happen hehe https://www.bitmoji.com/. You can create an avatar and then insert it in various “stickers” (aka emoji designs)- they have loads and release more with every season.
Then once I have something I like I go to my Gravatar account https://en.gravatar.com/. You can create an account and upload a photo and then it will automatically pull it from there when you make a comment online.
Hi Mod R
Thank you for the instructions and all your valuable contributions
Suggestion on merchandise, cloth tote bags big enough to use for groceries. Easier for me to justify this type of tote and I get to smile and share some of my favorite stories with others.
Are we going to see more Innkeeper? More Adventured of Maud and Helen? Please?
There will of course be more Innkeeper, perhaps not straight away because other projects are calling 🙂 – and yes, the plan is for the next one to be a Maud POV. For more details you can watch/read the latest House Andrews Q&A 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/festive-qa-recording-and-transcript/
Less a question and more wish? If it’s at all possible, I would rly like for cute chibi stickers of all Kate Daniels Characters, drawn in a similar style like the profile chibis of the authorlords. *Insert take all my money meme*
P.s. Hope the sun shines soon and drives all the fog of war away
May your fog of war clear in record time. Mine took several days after I thought I had recovered.
I’d say give yourself a bit of grace. The new year is often a tough transition time, you’ve been sick, all the things. Give yourself a couple days of light lifting and staring into space and/or video games ????
One of my old clients used to say “slow is fast and fast is slow”.
Hi Ilona, on that “not making forward progress, can’t think clearly thing”, please do remember it is Mercury Retrograde until the 18th; so you are perfectly in tune with the cosmic clockwork that schedules these “take care of unfinished business; don’t start anything new til that’s done” energy periods 3 times a year, for about 3 weeks each. It’s just the way the energies in this particular solar system are set up, so, I imagine, scheduling reststops at the Inn for the 12-way jump visitors can get a little dicey at this time, smiles. Merc Retro is no friend to travel (forward movement); it’s all about going back to what we haven’t taken care of and getting it done. Rest up, and then tackle the admin.
Just a thought on merchandise…it would be fun to have Christmas ornaments of some kind. Possibly the shapeshifters in their animal forms, and Grendel? Plaques with the designs from mugs and apparel?
Please rest and heal!
All the research I have seen shows a much, much lower incidence of health issues from the vaccines than from the actual disease.
I have a question about a reference in Sweep of the Heart. Apologies if it’s been addressed. Please point me in the right direction, if so.
My question is what event does this refer to: “As your world shows, one can come to the funeral of a friend, proclaim their purpose not to praise the deceased but to bury him, and then incite a revenge riot.”
The reference is to Marc Anthony’s funeral monologue in Julius Caesar by Shakespeare:
“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.”
https://tinyurl.com/yjsbn535 for the text on Poetry Foundation 🙂
In hidden legacy Catalina mentions, ‘We’ll need some livestock for the agricultural exemption ‘. Did they get livestock? What kind? (hoping for something quirky)
giraffes would be fun…
A small but troublesome herd of sheep or goats with a guard llama or alpaca or two! To keep Grandma Frida in yarn. 🙂
Happy New Year to you too ☺
Can’t wait for the International Shop to open