Hi everyone, Mod R here.
By request, today I bring you another collection of links to all the free treats on the website- snippets, shorts, character interviews and more.

But first, a few admin announcements:
Magic Tides paperback is now available for order from Amazon.
This doesn’t mean it will only be available on Amazon, but they are on a different system than other retailers so this upload went through first- more to follow.
If you want to order it from an indie bookstore, all you need is the Ingram print ISBN, which is 9781641972529.
I’m happy to report that it is also available for recommendation on Libby/Overdrive.
Sweep in Peace Promo on Graphic Audio- whether you want to complete your set or just to try out something new, the Horde gets a special 50% discount for the Sweep in Peace full cast dramatization. The promotion starts today and lasts until the 27th of January. There’s a sample for you to try of course and if you want to learn more about Graphic Audio you can read about them here.
Without further ado do do, the links feast:
I. Kate Daniels World
Intro to Magic Tides – you get to see what follows next week! Squeee!
Red Horn– small snippet from Magic Tides (scroll to the end of the article)
Guess the World– it was KD world!
Sandra – the Harpy Queen short everyone requests
Don’t Fight with Fate – ok, so it’s Roman again. Leave me alone, we’re in love! And there’s Hugh in this one too.
Kate and Curran Texts and Dabwaha– the precursors to the FrInnterviews!
The King of Fire– Julie gets Moloch’s eye, also in Blood Heir extras
The Angevin– the Order’s report on Kate, also in Blood Heir extras
II. The Innkeeper Chronicles
Gerard Demille and Helen Meet– Dina’s father first meets her mother and her two young children (Klaus and Maud). This is a snippet of a short story, there is reason to hope it will be finished one day, according to House Andrews.
All FrInnterviews happen at the Gertrude Hunt, so we technically get to see Innkeeper characters featured. I know you want to see some of them in the interviewee chair- now that Sweep of the Heart is out and there’s no fear of spoiler, that will become an option!
III. Hidden Legacy
Rogan’s POVs– nope, there’s no Wildfire Part 2
A Misunderstanding – deleted Arabella scene from Sapphire Flames
The Cool Aunt– deleted Arabella scene from Emerald Blaze
Regina– deleted scene from Ruby Fever
Mad Rogan and the 9 Month Stomach Bug– Nevada telling Rogan they’re pregnant, deleted scene from Sapphire Flames (scroll past the links)
Sgt Munoz had to go – deleted scene from Sapphire Flames
Pay Me– deleted scene from Sapphire Flames (scroll past the appearances)
More Cowbells– deleted intro to Sapphire Flames (reworked for the book)
Arabella reads Innkeeper Tapas
IV. The Edge
Whilst The Edge as a series is finished for now, George, Jack, Lark, and Gaston make an appearance in the Innkeeper series.
V. Miscellaneous
Snippets of stories, abandoned or still to come, for House Andrews to know and for us to gratefully receive and wonder about.
Man on the Road– Long Live Puffles!
Mod R, you are just too good to us! saving this link to go back and devour later
+100! there were a few snippets that I had missed (how did that happen). Bliss!
+100 Me too!!! Thank you so much Mod R! You are an angel!!
Regarding the Sweep of the Heart promo, I can’t login or sign up using my Amazon account. Just checking if anyone else had any luck?
Ok, it’s a Sweep in Peace promo, not Sweep of the Heart, I’m a dumdum and I typoed- fixed now.
You can sign up with Amazon but you need to do it through the desktop browser, not the app https://www.graphicaudiointernational.net/
ah that makes sense! thanks for checking mod R.
Thank you so much for all your work Mod R!!! Truly appreciate these link summaries every so often. It’s like reading a whole book all over again! ????????
Thanks Mod R. 🙂
FYI, pre-ordering the Sweep of the Heart paperback from Amazon.AU didn’t seem to grant any advantage on delivery. I ordered on 6th December, a week before the release date, but Amazon didn’t ship it until 4th January. I’m curious to know if other people found it delayed too?
The preorder system is a pilot- preorders weren’t available on PODs until now. No one knew exactly how it would work, some people got it early, others slightly later. We learn as we go with it.
Yay! My library just picked up Magic Tides and picked up Sweep of the Heart last week on library2go. So excited. Thank you House Andrews for bringing so much delight into my world. ????
Mod R, you are better than Santa Claus! This is just the distraction I need after TOO MUCH RAIN (yes, I live in northern California…)
Yay!!! I was looking for this, you are awesome!
Also if anyone can help me, I might have been dreaming but i thought there was a unofficial Sean POV written by Gordon?? I could have swarn I read one but can’t seem to find it anymore – Anyone one know if this was an acctual thing and where I can find the post?
There is no Sean POV that I remember- he interviews Roman though https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/friday-talks-roman/
Ahhh it must have been a dream then. Thank you Mod R 🙂
Thanks Mod R for all the feast of the links. So, for Valentine’s Day are you and Roman going on a date? Won’t Mr. Mod R be jealous or is he coming along? 😀
Off to read and savor!
Thank you, Mod R and HA for our delicious Hordes D’Oeuvres! 😀
Looking forward to New Book next week. Going to check out the special offer now, yum!
Ok that was a darn cute play on words!
Thanks for the consolidated link list! Awesome!
This is great, there were even some I hadn’t read! Thanks so much!
It’s like Christmas!!!
Also, to anyone hesitating about getting the graphic novel, I listened to all of them through my library, and they are really enjoyable.
Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Mod R, thank you so much for the links.
Btw, do you happen to also have the link for the Ruby Fever deleted scene about the favor for Agent Wahl involving two foreign Primes and a mysterious briefcase? Thank you in advance
No, that one is not available anymore.
oh, that’s too bad. ????????????
I had wondered about that one also, we will just have to be satisfied with all the rest of the snippet goodness that DID make the list!
????for the “ALPHAS’”
Wow! I know what I’m doing as soon as I can get away from my responsibilities. I will devour these by the end of the night.
Thanks so much!
‘The Trunk’ links don’t work for me – may we pretty please have direct links to the treasures in the trunk? pwettie pwettie pweese?!
Sorry, I didn’t check properly, they are no longer available. Removed the Trunk from the list.
This is totally awesome. Thank you.
Has the fog lifted?
Hope you are doing well!
Thanks for everything.
Thanks Mod R! You are too good to us! Even having already read them I am always happy for snippets! ALWAYS!
Wow, this is great! Muchos thanks!
That said, can you make Tues come faster please? The only thing that will get me thru the weekend is SOTH audiobook on Fri. Hopefully my download goes smoothly.
Thanks Mod R!
Thank you! ???? I somehow missed George and Jack at school before. So it was a new snippet for me! ????????
Thank you! So much fun refreshing my memory.
A tangent request. There used to be a blog post of recommended loose teas but I can’t find it anymore. Does anyone remember it?
Could it be this https://ilona-andrews.com/2020/spilling-the-tea/ ? ????
YES. Thank you!
yay yay yay. thank you! I was just writing in my diary that MT will be able to be downloaded on kindle 17th/18th and now these will help set the HA scene….
Thank you so very much for the delicious snippets. you’re too good to us.
I am pretty desperate to know what happens to Raina and Puffles!
I agree. Just as the story was getting good, it ends.
It’s like when we were reading the serialized version of Sweep of the Heart. Just as the good parts were coming along…poof the end of the snippet. All the Horde went “Nooooooooooo!” at that. 🙂
When that happened, Mod R would just rub her hands together and laugh at us all.
I DO rub my hands a lot. It’s becoming a problem 😛
I have tentatively made inquiries here in the comments about Raina and the continuation of her story. I have received a definite “maybe” also was told that House Andrews consideed it “a fun project” I was ECSTATATIC and over the moon! Because a “maybe” is definetely NOT a “no”
wow that wonderful reading ????????????????
thank you
The Questing Beast story makes me so happy! Mook!
Literally made my NY!
Thank you. Have missed K&C!
And A Small Blue Key is ravishingly beautiful. Just wonderful.
Saved to devour later, Thankyou from bdh member
Thank you so much for the treats! I devoured them quickly and am left wanting more . . .
oh Mod R! I agree! Long live Puffles!
“A Small Blue Key” is my favorite HA short story!
I do like “Alphas”, took a couple readings to sort it all out. Glad there is a follow-up snippet.
Would like to know more of Raina & Puffles, and also Maggie.
So many wonderful worlds to visit – maybe a short story collection? I would definitely buy that!!
‘Maggie Maggie Maggie’ mentions that there is a previous snippet about a swordsman in the catacombs. is that snippet available?
No, the Blademaster was only available for a few days.
HOW DID I MISS THE CROSSOVER??? “Arabella reads Innkeeper Tapas”…. I must say I am absolutely hooked on Tapas now. Waiting for Friday is tough sometimes.
After rereading the Regina excerpt, I would really like a book about her. Despite her history, she is very well put togeather. There is more there than her story with Patricia. If she had been influenced by her father, she would not have recognized Patricia.
Just saying, not pushing at all.
Thank you Mod R! You are so good at feeding the BDH! ????
And what a cute new avatar!
I join with the chorus, you are so good to us. Thank you, and of course to Ilona and Gordon. There is never, ever too much.
Thank you Mod R!!
Thanks to I & G!!
This is the best reading community ever & the books are 10/10!
Fabulous! Thank you so much
Thank you for all the links & stories, it’s great to have them all together! I’m off for a cry over Lucas & Karina ????
I thought you were on a break. 🙂
Thanks a lot for all those links, Mod R! You are the best!
Oh that’s wonderful, thank you so much !!! So many awesome re-read !!
The quality of writing in the deleted snippets and scenes is so excellent, it is painful to know you were convinced/required to delete them. You’ve created so many “invisible friends” for the BDH, strong powerful women and strong thoughtful men, delightful companions for our quiet times. Thank you so much for saving the deletions and giving us the pleasure of reading them.
Oooohhh Thank you – dont know where to start !
Dear Mod R,
Words fail me! When I requested a new compilation of links for a friend who had missed the last one, you replied “Sure thing, I can do that!” I really didn’t expect to see it any time soon.Certainly not TWO DAYS later! You are the most AWESOME, and responsive moderator, and all around girl friday. I’ve posted comments in the past that had a question and have been flabbergasted by how quickly you respond, usually within minutes. In my opinion that goes well above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you, thank you, thank you. House Andrews is truly blessed to have you. And YES, I know that my first words were “Words fail me” and then I proceeded to write all KINDS of words, but I really felt the need to sing your praises. You are a very special person, and you make all of us BDH members feel special also. *HUGS*
Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life! ????
Question – I remember a snippet or prequel where George meets Klaus for the first time.
I’ve looked and cannot find it anywhere, can anyone point me to I where it is?
That is the intro to Sweep in Peace ????, it’s in the published book.
Thank You!!!! I had a long day a work and needed something wonderfully wonder filled to end the day. Best bedtime stories EVER!!!
Apparently, I missed a few snippets! How is that possible? Time to remedy that oversight!
Thanks for the list/
You are AWESOME! Thank you for putting all these links in one spot!
Omg this list is the best! I had fun reading through a few of these that I’d liked in the past.
Thanks, Mod R!
Thank you for this. Somehow I missed Maggie, which was intriguing.
Puffles! All of House Andrews projects are amazing. But this is the most intriguing one for me of the Miscellaneous. I adored how bad*** her entire family is. If inspiration ever strikes, I’ll be in line 🙂
Thank you Mod R for the compilation and thank you to the Andrews for sharing your creations with us!
My comment is actually a question.Is a Mere Formality part of a series?Also I just wanted to say I laughed so hard at the contract reading.
I think it’s loosely in the Kinsmen series https://ilona-andrews.com/other-fiction/#kinsmen but none of the characters cross books ????
Oi, George & Helen. I spent the longest time trying to find the “book” I’d seen, somewhere….didn’t remember where or who, but I remembered something about a wizard (close tho) trapped in a basement and I really wanted to read it.
I pine for Puffles and George both.
Just to make sure I’m not missing anything – Magic Tides is going to be paperback only right? There isn’t a hardcover release or trade paperback.
It will be paperback, ebook and audio.
No other paper formats are in the works ????
I really want to read the snippet of Catalina (I think) with the FBI agents, the one where they are questioning two guys about a box.
I can’t remember which post or what the snippet is called.
Any help would be appreciated as at the moment I seem to be clicking on the same links.
Thanks ????
The briefcase snippet is no longer available, sorry.
Please ignore my comment. I just found the note that this snippet is not available anymore.????
thank you for sharing these! i especially liked a mere formality.
In your merch store: I really want a t-shirt saying “Hell was boring”.
Is a Mere Formality part of a series please?Thank you.
Hi Judith,
I’ve answered you above as well 🙂 : It’s technically part of the Kinsmen series https://ilona-andrews.com/other-fiction/#kinsmen but none of the characters cross into the other books ????, so if you’re looking for more about their story, there isn’t.
I maybe incorrect.
But in the interest of “ALL” (mentioned in the title “All the snippets”)
I didn’t see the snippet referenced in Ruby fever
“You owe me a favor.”
“Do I?”
“Yes. That little affair involving two foreign Primes and a mysterious briefcase.”
“Still not ringing any bells.”
“The one that was rigged to explode if they didn’t open it in unison.”
“Oh, that briefcase. I’d nearly forgotten the whole thing.”
& read here previously … somewhere…
Thought I would mention JIC.
I’m fairly certain there are other things not on this list as well but my memory isn’t perfect either and we have been richly blessed so many times (thank-you thank-you) it’s pretty impossible to catch everything.
Mod R are you feeling like Barabbas attempting to document things?
Have a great day!
The briefcase snippet is not linked because it is no longer available ????, it has been archived by wish of the authors.
The only other non-linked snippets are those already in published books.
Hope this helps ????
I hadn’t read many of the comments.
This was already mentioned … like a few posts b4 my post.
“It’s impolite to trespass in other people’s minds,” Arabella said, studying her nails. “Pull that stunt with the wrong person, and you’ll end up wearing diapers for the rest of your life, blissfully unaware that you are the sole survivor of House Piney.”
Just because.
Does anyone else remember a snippet about Elara Harper as a child? Possibly when she becomes the White Warlock. I can’t find it. I’m not sure if it specifies that the child is Elara or if I just assumed that that was who it was.
That particular snippet has been archived and is not available atm.
It was indeed Elara as a child, there may be a version of it in the next Iron Covenant book 🙂
Thank you. 🙂