Today is the day for it, I guess.
D writes,
I was on eBay searching for a copy of Magic Breaks as well as Magic Binds signed by the author.
To make this quick,and this gentleman claims too work with you directly and offers signed copies of all of your books signed by the both of you, as well as offering (for a rather large sum of $50.00) books where you would supposedly write a personalized message to the purchaser.
Excited by my new found luck, I purchased copies of both books signed and personalized too my other half.
Upon arrival we received 2 very damaged paperbacks, your signature had very obviously been poorly forged.
We are not affiliated with anyone who sells signed copies on eBay or Amazon.
We actually can’t find a store within driving distance that would do it for us. Book People in Austin is a bit far and is very difficult to get to. We don’t know San Antonio book stores, so we welcome suggestions, ideally on the east side as we will be coming down I-35. We are trying with Half-Priced books right now, but most likely this will be a no, as they don’t actually order new books unless they were remaindered.
The store needs to have ability to ship the books, if someone wants to order Magic Bites, for example, they take the order, get the book, call us, we drive down and sign it, and it’s shipped out.
Oh my goodness. I guess this means you have made it major big. I hope you can get the guy closed down. Who thinks of these things? I mean seriously.
Oh wow, first reply? That’s never happened
Dang, can’t you catch a break??? You’ve certainly earned one!!
I apologise if this is a stupid question but why can’t you sell sign and ship the book?
Im not familiar with publishing so I don’t know why it has to be ordered by a book store.
I wondered that as well,,, ????
I think the time needed to package books, label for shipping and organize shipping would not be the best use of the authors time.
Managing even a tiny signed book operation would require time for collecting orders, ordering books, accounting, shipping, handling sales tax. They have enough to do now writing editing etc…
Well, first I would have to order the books and store them somewhere. Then I would have to figure out how to accept payment for the books. Then I would have to figure out what to charge for shipping. Then I would have to go to the post office and mail them off. All of that takes time, which we kind of don’t have.
I suppose I could set Brandi to do it.
NO! Write! Just write… please… we can catch you when you emerge from your writing cave and tour…
Thank you for answering. I was wondering if the issue was contractual.
It is a certain backhanded measure of success that people are doing this this and I guess my thinking is how you avoid the experience for the reader and the loss ood profit for you guys.
I’m surprised somebody would go on ebay to get signed copies but I guess it’s not all readers that follow their favourite authors blogs and know where they are signing and stuff like that.
I’ve gotten signed copies from Brandon Sanderson and Neil Graiman, but because I follow them I knew they were legit. (Next time in the states ill get one from you guys 🙂 )
It’s also not just about following, it’s about location too.
I live in Europe, going to a booksigning in the US would be rather difficult.
I imagine that there are a lot of others out there who are kept from going to booksignings because of the same or other reasons.
I’m already so happy about the excistence of ebooks. No longer having to wait 2 weeks extra for shipping is marcelous!
*marvelous (sorry, typo)
I’m going to remember marcelous. Thank you. It’s like conga rats.
LOL. I had autocorrect do “bison” instead of “vision” once. I’ve never used the word “bison” in my life.
But yes, I adore my kindle for the same reason. I’m in Europe as well now, but when in Argentina it was torture, I just got lucky that Sanderson was in Lisbon at the same time as us.
My husband needed client gifts and wrote to a favourite author and asked if he would sell us books with a signature. He did but afterwards he was not nice. We wished he had just said no. No is okay. We would have just shrugged and still bought his books at the nearest book store. We really just wanted to share wonderful books with others that we thought would not know of them. We wanted to support a favourite author. I am not sure that authors see it that way. There is more than one point of view. That is okay.
What about book plates? I’ve seen that on other authors’ websites, if the reader sends a SASE.
Sad. People Suck. Well, a lot of people. Ok well, some people. I never shop Ebay anymore because of all the fraudulent items, not just books, but anything really. It’s easy enough to make money on Ebay and Amazon legitimately. So. I just don’t understand the rational these folk have.
What a violation, so disheartening. Glad it was caught. Hope you are seeking retribution.
Have you tried Murder by the Book in Houston, or is that too far, as well?
That’s a 4 hour drive one way. 🙂
But we love it when you come here. I’d be glad to feed you when you’re in Houston. ?
Have you guys seen the new cars that fly and drive? 😉 That would cut your travel time dramatically! ??
This a link about one of the flying cars. It just seems so cool, like back to the future cool.
It’s maddening when stuff like this happens to a writer or an artist. But, there can be some comfort in knowing that your writing is now so popular and valued that crooks are starting to knock off your product. I sell handcrafted jewelry online and one of the biggest problems for the independent artisan is the theft of our item photos and the reproduction of one of a kind pieces of jewelry. Copyright and trademarks don’t seem to stop the thieves.
Well, that’s crazy, forged signatures. . . I do remember searching for an out of print book by Sharon Green about 10 or 15 years ago, and the only copy I could find they wanted $75 or $100 for it because Sharon had signed it. Never thought that it might be fraudulent.
Sounds super complicated, getting books signed. . . Too bad you can’t sign digital copies. LOL
you know, I want to volunteer to bring out the books from BookPeople to you, drop them off to be signed and then return them, but the more I think about it the creepier it sounds LOL I understand you are father out now, but I do know how much I love the signed copies I was able to get by seeing you two at book people. I understand why others would want that too. Maybe BP just needs to find a way to make it work…
Is there a way to get ebay to give your the person’s location? It would seem to me you could file criminal charges against him.
There has to be a return address on the books sent to D
There will be a police department in that town.
As one of your characters said, “You only have to take care of the first couple, and the rest will get the message.”
There will always be parasites in society willing to exploit other people’s success and hard work. Take it as a mark of your achievements.
wow some ppl just don’t have respect for the writers who put there heart and soul into each book. I”m so sorry your going through this
Hmmmm. Half Price should be willing to sell any hard back copy you have personally signed, especially if you know the run number. I don’t know what, if any, policy they have on ARC copies. I do know they prefer hardbacks if the author signs the book. When the Half Price store near me was new, they ended up with some fantastic first editions.
I have zero trust in E-Bay. I’ve seen too much fraud and criminal behavior there. (I’m old fashioned, I want to go to garage sales, second hand bookstores, where I can see the sellers, pick up or at least see the items.)
My local Half-Price Books sells new books – a very limited number of generally best-selling titles, true, but new. It is, alas, in Houston, so that’s no help.
Perhaps it’s a franchise type of thing? Your local HPB might consider it the start of a new revenue source…
I knew an author who had a deal with their local Barnes and Noble. I don’t know if they received anything for the signing, or just did it for their fans. Whenever they would swing by, they would sign the stuff they had in stock. Their readers loved it, because all the had to do was call that location and order a copy. If they had the Barnes and Noble membership, I believe they shipping was covered as well.
Oh no! Once again, I hope you can find some peace this weekend. I just have no words to express how this both angers and saddens me. You deserve better.
My husband just asked me if someone passed away. Seriously, I don’t know what my face looked like but I can tell you how I feel… Damn, just damn…..
Yeah, that’s how I feel when I read about crappy stuff like this happening. So sorry.
I’m sorry you are going through all this today. I know that all the platitudes don’t make any of it feel better. We love you.
If only we had a Star Trek transporter handy. That got me thinking of all the things Popular Science promised when I was a kid in the 60’s. I want my flying car, my robotic butler, and (most importantly) my food processor-thingy where I can say “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot” and it magically appears.
Also, sorry about the assholes you’ve run into today.
I’m devastated by the nerve of these people. I love and respect your guys’ work and I’m so disappointed that they would take advantage of this situation.
Whatever decision is made about the status of the Innkeeper series, I’ll definitely support it. Even if we must wait to purchase it in its entirety instead of getting the weekly free uploads, I would rather you guys get properly compensated instead of feeling used and betrayed by a supposed ‘fan’ or opportunist. And even if this whole thing turns you off and we won’t see any more Innkeeper. ? We will soldier on.
It’s been hard dealing with my depression, and I swear I hang on to Friday’s uploads and your blog posts to keep me going when it gets bad. Silly thing, but when you’re in a crisis, you try your best to hold onto anything to stay alive.
I’m sure your work brings equal comfort and entertainment to everyone else.
Hoping things work out. ?Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help. Idk, continuing to flag and report any shady things we see, etc.
Whatever your decision, we’re with you
Totally. If we’ve got to wait for publishing we will. You guys are so worth it. It gives us more time to re-read all your works for the gazillionth time.
Well, this just prompted me to go on ebay and check it out and I saw this listing selling your collection of the In Keeper books for about $700.00.
There really needs to away that will allow report things like this here. I am extremely sorry that this is happening to you and I hope this person can get shut down quickly.
That is actually a legitimate listing. It was a very limited print run and it won’t be reprinted, so technically they can sell it at inflated price.
And it is glorious. Just went to the bookshelf and petted it. Have a cup of tea and a cookie.
What a kick in the teeth today had been!
Please, please release the next installment of Sweep of the Blade. I have been stuck inside for most of the week with a bad cold and was so looking forward to Arland’s explanation. I guess I’ll have to reread Silver Shark on my nook.
Yes to Silver Shark ! It’s my to go to story. But an even bigger yeahhhhh to the next installment of Maud’s novella, I would be over the moon if it was posted tonight, today has been a stressful day…
Yeah to Silver Shark!
questing beast as well as silver shark are my rereads too..
I can’t believe it. You both are so willing to share your gift and then something like this happens! My Happy Friday has a completely different meaning. Yes, I’m glad tomorrow is No work, but now I check your blog all day to see the new post!! Fridays are my favorite day. I get a new chapter or snipet. Thank you so much for the joy you give people. A miny vacation from reality.
Again, thank you!
Ug! I’m so sorry this happened to you! Let us know if there’s anything we can do!!
Can Book People not go to you to drop off and pick up the books? You’re not that far away (San Marcos, right?).
Dear Ilona and Gordon,
I am so sorry to read about this unethical being’s action toward you and yours. I quite enjoy your works. If you decide that there will be no more free innkeeper chronicles etc then so be it. I will just have to be patient until book comes out. Sigh.
Thank you both for all your hard work.
Wow, just amazed. I hope this doesn’t dissuade you from doing a limited run print of Maude’s story, eventually. I greatly treasure my hard print Innkeeper, although I must admit to re-reading the kindle version more frequently.
My eyes will hardly handle a printed book. Kindle is so much easier on my eyes. I guess I just dated myself.
My sister has the reverse problem. The blue light from computer screens and other electronic devices gives her a major headache. She has to have the hard copy as opposed to the electronic version.
Kelticat, do either the blue tint glasses or epaper help with the issue your sister has? Epaper isn’t supposed to have that blue light. I’ve got the blue tint glasses but I dislike them; next prescription will be sans it.
I have an oddball thought. Maybe there’s a local charity you can get behind who would partner with you that’s nearby? If they handle transactions and logistics in exchange for them charging a fee to consumers on the service where those extra proceeds above the costs you set for books and/or signing go towards their organization.
Where does “Redacted Alex R” live? I would like to visit him to explain what is and isn’t theft.
You know, where I come from that’s called Makgotla, and it’s not pretty….
But I get the sentiment, considering that was my very first thought as well so who am I to juge? You bring the torches and pitchforks, I’ll find is some tar and feathers.
If you do decide to go ahead, how about requesting a Self Addressed Stamped (return) Envelope for the book? Then all you gotta do is drop it back in the mail. Insufficient postage? Not your probs.
I have a suggestion for anyone who wants signed/personalized copies from Ilona Andrews. This method has worked for me and I currently have the entire Kate Daniels/Hidden Legacy backlist signed/personalized to my name.
1) Wait until IA goes on their annual official book tour. This usually coincides with a new release. For example, last year they had a bunch of tour dates for White Hot and Wildfire in different stores across the USA.
2) Usually, the independent bookstore will only advertise signed/personalized copies of the NEW RELEASE (e.g. Wildfire last August) and you can easily order that online with a personalization request (e.g. “Dear Sarah, Enjoy the book! – Ilona Andrews”).
3) However, if you personally call/email the independent bookstore and ask them to give older releases to IA to sign, they will agree. In my case, I emailed the Ripped Bodice personally last summer and they let me buy all the books I wanted on their website (the KD and HL backlist) with a personalization request. The bookstore then knew to let IA sign those books when they came for the tour.
I realize this is only a once-a-year kind of deal, since you have to wait for IA to go on tour to a bookstore, but I honestly think this the best method for signed/personalized books for the backlist. It’s really too much to ask of Ilona/Gordon to ship and mail these books (it’s so complicated!). The bonus is that you get to support an independent bookstore.
I *think* the next book tour will be in August (for the Magic Triumphs release) so hopefully bookstores will be amenable to this request.
I hope IA thinks this method is OK! If not, please say so and discourage others from doing this.
Sounds good, but does any of the bookstores mail to Slovakia?
Ditto for Australia ?
The partner with a local charity idea ( few posts up above) sounds potentially feasible….
I was curious how much it would cost to ship to Slovakia and via FedEx it says $150 USD. (!) Crazy.
P.S.– I mean that the shipping cost is crazy, not you’re crazy. I don’t ship internationally, so I had no idea it would cost so much.
Argh! Hope this hasn’t bummed you out too much. Yes there are greedy idiots out there but there’s also the Horde and we very much appreciate what you do. (And buy multiple copies to prove it!)
Laurie R. King signs bookplates, then her local store sells the books with bookplates. Might be easier to sign bookplates, because those are much easier to mail, and then you could work with your favourite store to offer the plate and book togather.
I really appreciate the book you signed for me. The signing was a personal gift and will never be for sell. But how exciting that fans want your books they will pay $700. Wow.
Do you remember when the author of Twilight had a book posted? I read her post that “she” did afterwards. It was wonderful. Her readers lost a great book because she was so upset that she never finished. I am not internet savvy so I avoid music, movies, etc unless I am sure it’s not pirated.
A random thought on the “signed book”. Years ago my son wrote to Anne McCaffrey in care of her publisher when he knew I was going to be going to Ireland. She sent a lovely letter back with a couple of signed bookplates (which he had framed with the letter, rather than putting in a book). S there would still be post office trips involved for authors, but at least no book hoarding.
A lot of the time I can’t make it to a signing for authors I enjoy and usually get signed copies from The Signed Page and The Tinker’s Pack. I know neither are local but maybe something to consider. Authors sign copies for The Signed Page when they’re in town, and the Tinker’s Pack is charity based, so probably not what you’re looking for right now.
Good luck with your search. Sadly there’s always someone who likes to be an asshat and take advantage of innocent people.
I am sorry and upset. Reading a wonderful free book has been fun. But, please don’t feel like you have to post it. I always knew that I was going to buy anyway and hound audible to have it out in sound. I can wait. You are wonderful and talented. I hope you never quit writing. Thank you.
I second this wholeheartedly!
I know this is small consolation, but I am sure that no self respecting BDH-member would NOT buy the legitimate edition of your books once it comes out, regardless of pirated copies somewhere on the internet.
The other way round is also true: people who hoard pirated copies seldom to never buy any books anyway.
I am off being depressed now – I did not realize how much I depend on the next chapter of Mauds‘ story coming out.
Dear Authorlords,
I am very angry and sad on your behalf. I think all readers here understand your anger about this.
But I‘m also angry that behause of some idiot people all the other loyal readers get „ripper cushions“ as well.
Friday Innkeeper always makes my day at the end of stressful weeks. I‘m from Germany, so Friday starts earlier for me because of the timeshift and I know I will get to read the next installment in the evening. But every Friday I still hope you had some case of insomnia the previous day and post the next chapter early ?
Thank you for so many hours of reading entertainment, I like all your books very much!!
What a horrible thing. I am sorry for all of us. Your Inn Keeper series is wonderful and I am sorry we won’t have it on Friday anymore. I look forward to buying it when it is published. Thank you both so much for all my years of enjoying your books. I’ve loved everything and that is rare.
Maybe Book Woman, a feminist bookstore in Austin? Kate, Dali, Dina and others in your universes sure epitomize the feminist mold. You could sign a limited number of books and when they have sold those, sign more.
For that matter, Powell’s in Portland, OR does a big business along those lines. They have authors sign and take special orders, then ship to customers.
When I saw the previous post, I was livid (and still am to some extent). I had the thought of “the BDH will rip apart anyone who does crap like that to Ilona and Gordon. Our reach is long, and we won’t stand for it.” It’s stupid what people will do. I understand about not wanting to post more Sweep of the Blade installments after that.
I think it is disrespectful to steal (or pirate) someone’s hard work whether is it on Ebay or other places. When in doubt, contact the author(s).
After my soapbox moment, I want to say I appreciate and thank both of you for all your books and hard work. I remember a saying from long ago “You know you made it (in Hollywood) when you’re on Sesame Street.” Well, you know you’ve made it when people try to steal from you.
I am sorry to say that it never occurred to me that it was a pirated copy. I already have a bought copy so I was not interested and just skipped over. Learn something new every day. Keeps us aware.
Oh, yeah, one more thing I remembered just now. I hope people who pirate or steal another person’s writing realize they can have charges pressed against them. Or they can be sued for stealing intellectual property.
Sorry for the stupid heads…especially with author lords being so gracious/gifting snippets and innkeeper chapters. Grrrrr stupid heads. Thank you for gifts..& better luck?
Totally understand why we may have to wait until Innkeeper is published. Both the fraudulent eBay issue and the whatever happened earlier are beyond the pale and something no true member of the BDH would participate in. I love all the books you both produce they have given me a tremendous amount of pleasure and I pre order both print and e versions as they are reread many times. I cannot understand why any one who professed to love an author’s work would want to deprive them of income for the hours of creativity they have committed to a project.
I know that Sharon Lee and Steve Miller work through Uncle Hugo’s in Minneapolis for signing new releases. Buyers order the books from Uncle Hugo’s Bookstore ( by a certain date before publication, the books are sent to the authors for signing and then shipped on to Uncle Hugo’s for shipping to buyers. Don’t know if this is anything you want to explore or not, but I thought I’d mention it.
I have purchased signed copies of Sharon Lee & Steve Miller’s books from Uncle Hugo’s. Worked a treat.
I just wanted to chime in and say that I adore Uncle Hugo’s. I started going there decades ago when I lived in Minneapolis. Once I moved away, I’ve done mail order with them, and it’s always worked great. I’ve also used their signed copies service both for myself and to send gifts of personalized books to friends and family. I can’t recommend them enough, it’s really easy for the buyer. (And based on Sharon Lee’s blog, authors seem happy too.)
Also, as a bonus they’re the oldest independent sci-fi/fantasy bookstore in the country!
I love the Collector’s edition I got from you in Austin. Will there be a Maud edition also?
This sounds interesting … do they ship internationally? I stopped using ebay years and years ago. For the first few years after its development the site and its sellers and their goods were reliable. Then they weren’t. So personally I refused to use them.
I have over 2000 electronic books -all paid for (except for the ocasional freebie on offer). I have only around 200 actual books. I wish it was more because I love the feel and smell of a book. I have no signed copies of anything.
I live in the middle of whoop whoop Australia where there is little to no possiblility of buying any book new by picking it up and choosing it. No chance of getting a signed copy for retail cost plus shipping. This doesnt stop me from making sure I PAY for my book vice. I earn probably 28k a year. BEING POOR or living far away is NO excuse for piracy of books/movies. (Free to air tv I have different opinions about).
If the authorlords no longer wish to release their free content it would be a blow to me. However I still wont utilise piracy. If anyone does however have a legimate source for international signed copies that would be fracken awesome!!
Long-time lurker who has never written a comment before, but for Uncle Hugo’s I will do it. I was there today for their Lois McMaster Bujold signing, and asked Don (the owner) about international shipping. He said they’ve been shipping to countries all over the world for 40+ years, so they’re pretty used to it. (I even asked about Australia and he said sure, it just costs more to ship there than within the U.S.) You’d have to pay the shipping cost, but at least Uncle Hugo’s is very reliable.
thanks hun I appreciate the info ?
I am fulminating over the theft.
Yesterday I told a young lady on the NYC subway about Ilona Andrews wonderful books and series, this blog, and your generosity in providing free snippets and serial book postings. I hope you decide to continue these practices so the BDH will grow. There is a community spirit about the readers.
I voted w my $$$ by pre-ordering Magic Triumphs Nook edition, which I usually would wait until a month prior to release to do. It was the only thing left for me to buy since I own everything else. If you decide not to post more Innkeeper installments, I will compose myself to patience until the completed work is available for sale.
PS I chortled as I re-read Of Swine and Roses.
I saw someone linked to a 700 dollar listing of the innkeeper chronicles.
Any plans to partner with subterranean press again?
I noticed it says volume one… 🙂
About the shipping there is another author that i follow the blog seannan macguire that does it. It seen to work for her but it sound like a lot of work from her posts.
If you want to do it maybe you could ask some tips from her.
Seanan sells posters, music and clothes as well as books. Her base seems to Borderlands Bookstore in San Francisco. I order signed copies through them, the store ships the book to me. Ilona could maybe do that with Murder by the Book, at least with the latest book.
My heartfelt thanks for all the wonderful work you have done and the truly amazing time I get to spend reading and re-reading your books and being completely caught up in your world. ♥
Mauds Friday was special too, for one that you shared her story with us and then the comments the BDH posted which made me have to re-read each chapter because of things I’d missed the first time….
Hopefully you can kick or hit something to make you feel better on this day or indulge in something nice to make up for it.
No matter what you decide, thank you for the chapters we have seen. You have made my Fridays much happier since I found the Innkeeper site long ago. (I still mourn the ons from One Fell Sweep, but understand he added nothing to the narrative.)
May we hurt these idiots, please? It would make us feel much better, and perhaps they might learn something. I doubt that, since that level of bone-deep self centeredness is usually unredeemable, but nothing is impossible I am told.
I do hope they are reading these comments somehow. That way, the absolute contempt for their actions that the followers of this blog have for their attitudes should be sinking in soon.
Who or what are the ‘ons’ from One Fell Sleep? How were they incorporated into the story? What did they do?
Also, others have mentioned a scene where Helen gets chased out of the kitchen by Orro… Can someone provide details about that also?
(I just learned about Ilona Andrews last year (and have since purchased all of their books) and only recently started following their blog, so I didn’t get to read the previous free postings).
I believe u may be able to search for OFS in the blog and find all the original free stuff on one fell sweep. All the orinigal innkeppers vary from the published versions. Due to the fact they were released in parts week by week and the pulled together for final edit and flow revisions for print. Things always change when that happens. I think there is even posts on the blog about the changes and why.
But welcome to the blog and the BDH!!
The ons (singular) was Wing’s pet. It was described as looking like Disney had decided to draw a cross between a kitten and a spider.It didn’t really do anything. It just scurried around and looked creepy cute.
The editing for publication “left its part on the cutting room floor” and the story did not need it – but it was cute.
For new hardback releases I know that Uncle Hugo’s will do “remote” signings, they take the orders, get the hardbacks, ship them to the authors, then after signing ship them to the customers. The web address the email is They have been around forever and they do a lot of author signed books.
Uncle Hugo and Uncle Edgar (mysteries) are wonderful stores.
It makes me so sad and angry that people do stuff like this (and the Ban Hammer post too). It’s straight up theft and people like this are so entitled, as if stealing intellectual property is somehow a lesser offense. It’s not and I wish there was more awareness of that.
Whatever you want to do with Innkeeper if fine with me. I read that last one in installments but am waiting for ‘binge all in one sitting’ for this one. And that’s probably what I’ll do going forward. I’m just sorry that people like this pay back your generosity with their own greed.
((HUGS)) I hope you have a nice weekend.
And this is why we can’t have nice things. ?
I swear, if people would put the same effort into being decent that they put into being crooks the world would be a better place.
I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through this. I can’t even between the idiot linking to pirated material on your site (!) and the fraudulent signatures and I’m just a fan. I can only imagine how it’s impacting you & Gordon. Hopefully things improve. If it weren’t for the fact that I’m in Maryland, I’d happily offer assistance regarding mailing signed copies. Best wishes always.
My daughter lives in Seattle and we’ve decided that it is a book mecca city in terms of finding independent booksellers compared to where I live in SoCal.
Has Dead Tree Books in San Antonio been mentioned here as a possibility?
So sorry to hear this happened to you folks. Hope at a minimum he get’s shut down.
Someone else mentioned Barnes & Noble. I have purchased signed copies of books from them (in my case it was from Jayne Ann Krentz / Jayne Castle). I don’t believe she had a book signing at that particular store, as it was a Seattle suburb and not the main city store.
But JAK lives in/near Seattle, so that is not implausible that they are legitimate. 1 of my 4 signed books came from a signing I went to of hers, I think at a small mystery bookstore on/near Pioneer Square. (I just happened to be visiting Seattle that week, lucky me. That’s also how I met Nalini Singh at the UW bookstore in Seattle on a different visit).
I got to meet I & G at the UW bookstore in Seattle a couple of years ago when they did the Avon tour. I was so so happy! They graciously signed all my books…not just BFM. They are terrific. As mentioned earlier, if people would put more effort into being nice, which is much less effort in my opinion, the world would indeed be a more positive place.
Just shows how careful we have to be on the internet and ebay any more. so sad someone is such a crook but I think if ebay is contacted, they’ll do something about it. Meanwhile, it just reminds us to contact the actual author about where to find signed copies of their books.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this.
I’m not interested in signed books unless I meet the author. If I don’t actually see the author, it’s just ink on the page, which I could do myself. I don’t have a lot of signed books, but I cherish those I do. Memories of the event add value.
This is why I purchased my Innkeeper Chronicles – three stories in one book – directly from you. Don’t want to encourage fraud and do want to reward you for your work! I love reading whatever you write and do want you to continue. Can’t do that if you can’t eat.
I just found out about The Signed Page. It allows the author to sign for books where fans can’t be there during your tour. Patricia Briggs has got her latest book on the website and they ship internationally. Being in Oz, a plus for me if a bit expensive for ship. Maybe an option if you have a book tour.
I would also like to say Anne Bishop does a virtual signing run every year. Have to contact her though cos I’m not on facebook. We get a nice signed bookplate label to stick on her book as she mails it to us.
I believe Sharon Lee and Steve Miller use Uncle Hugo for signing copies, don’t know if that would work but figured I would make the suggestion.
Was going to suggest it as well. They ship the books to Steve and Sharon right before release date and UPS picks the boxes back up. The plus to this is I’m pretty sure they are a NYT reporting store.
Me too! Also, there’s a window of time for personalization as well as signatures. Every once in a while they’ll post a picture of the boxes of books they’ve signed. It looks like a wall! But they often release in hardback.
I hate scammers. They have soul lice.
LOL! Not sure where that profile pic came from, but I kind of like it.
I guess Murder By the Book is out too then, being in Houston…MBB does a lot of mail business, could you not send them stock of sighned copies or get orders for personal messages that mail out bimonthly. * When I was doing my obligatory nomad thing for fellowships and “good work experience” before grad school, I was all over the country and sometimes ended up in isolated small towns. MBB knows my booklist and my aunt would send me care packages curated by them. I discovered some great authors with them.
*disclaimer: bias customer of MBB and it would benefit me greatly to be able to just pop in there or have them send me your latest that’s signed.
“If I could, I would punch today right in the face.”
This is the only thing that comes to mind. When I first read it, I thought to myself, one day, if things get so bad, I would be able to use it, and just thinking of it would bring a smile back to my face.
*hands it over* Here, I kept it for a while, you can use it, hopefully it can bring a smile to your face. Also, I seriously hope you never have to use it again.
Alternative for signatures …
I buy books, ebooks and audiobooks. I think authors/ creators deserve payment. I don’t understand scammers and thieves. If one pisses off the authors there won’t be any more books. 🙁 thank you for continuing to post snippets.
Question: What is this weird/crazy “street team” thing other authors/fans do? Never heard of it.
I’ve been wondering too!
Well I feel bad for you and Gordon and D. D was just trying to enjoy a loved author. Stupid cheaters!! And you guys are working hard at making wonderful stories and a living. I respect that like all the other folks supporting you. The goodness is in the many!!
As a long-standing member of the BDH, I share your outrage. Might want to turn in the name of the A-hole who tried to sell “signed” copies of your books to the local Sheriff as a possible forgery? Likely he’ll claim he bought them from someone else (whom he can’t remember the name of for some reason or another), but a visit from the local sheriff ought to put some discouragement on the guy. As far as the other, I sure would like it if you could manage to hang them out to dry for copyrigjht infringement. I believe that is a Federal charge. While Redacted may claim that he didn’t know the site he suggested was a pirated site, I suspect that a log of his internet accounts and e-mails would reveal a pattern of similar rip-offs against other authors. Be nice if we could put Redacted in the slammer for a year or two.
Buyer beware as always. EBAY has been having issues with a few Asian companies taking the money and never delivering. Check all the online sellers you buy from as thoroughly as possibly. I’ve had only 2 bad experiences shopping online the rest have been good. One company in Turkey emailed me when they got notification my delivery was not completed on the expected day. They offered to contact the courier and ensure I would get delivery for sure the next day. As I already made arrangements to pick up the parcel at the depot it wasn’t necessary. But their concern made a difference. Hope you can get this fraud arrested. Sorry too for the fans who thought they were getting real signed books.
i hope someone reported that fraud to ebay
Why don’t you try selling directly thru Amazon as a seller? There is a distribution center here in Austin… OMG I could get a book thru Prime in hours!
This is already sounding like a good idea.
Love your books! You are the best!
San Antonio doesn’t have many different kinds of bookstores. Barnes and Noble, Half Price, there is a Books-a-Million(?)….. On the other side of town. There is an indie bookstore Twig that has hosted author events before. They have a shopping cart, purchase books option on their website but I have never purchased from their website so I cannot attest to their ability to ship anywhere let alone here in San Antonio.
About six months ago, I found Chinese Storefronts selling t shirts supposedly from “Earth Sun Moon” on Amazon (Advise from Nature T Shirts). I didn’t know the t shirts were of designs they had ripped off until after I had ordered one. The ones I got were awful, and I knew they were not from Earth Sun Moon.
I complained to Amazon, got my money back, and wrote a long e-mail to Earth Sun Moon explaining the situation. They must have gone to Amazon and complained, because the only t shirts I see with their designs on Amazon now, are only sold through their Company.
Just a suggestion, but you might want to do the same, and get him either thrown off Amazon, or have him stop selling the fraudulent signed books. I would hope E-Bay would be the same. Just a suggestion.
Yeah the fraud is infuriating for any artists. At a show we did in Trader’s Village we set up our art booth unfortunately next to us was a booth that was selling prints of artwork they clearly found online and was selling as their own for 5 bucks a pop (I mean seriously we looked up each print online and found the real artists easily ). There aren’t any real guidelines about what you can sell in Trader’s Village (aside from from the food) so they weren’t going to do anything about it. No one was going to look at our stall of original artwork priced so that we can make a living over popular art for just five bucks.
Aside from that if you’re looking bookstores in San Antonio along or close by I-35 I would recommend The Twig Book Shop or Dead Tree Books. I haven’t been to Dead Tree Books but The Twig Book Shop is a nice store situated in an area that was once part of Pearl Brewery, there’s an awesome bakery next door and cool little shops with unique finds. If I didn’t always work weekends I would spend them over there for their farmer’s markets.
Why do bad things happen to good people? I am so sorry to learn about these people who are taking advantage and stealing from you. That is what this all boils down to is theft. The person(s) selling supposed signed copies of your works on eBay is also conning and ripping off fans of yours. I just get sooooo outraged, angry ???? and puzzled??? when I hear about things like this happening. I simply cannot understand a person who makes the decision to put their efforts into stealing from people as a way of making money instead of doing something constructive or that contributes something!!!!!! How callous, selfish, immoral, and soulless these people (and I now am using the terms people and person figuratively because in my mind they do not qualify as such) they must be. How very sad and empty their lives probably are. I would categorize them as animals instead of people, but that does injustice to animals. I don’t know of any animal that devotes it’s efforts to stealing and cheating from other animals instead of working to provide for itself except for scavengers – and often even scavengers wait to take what is left over after a predator has finished with it’s kill instead of taking it as soon as the predator secured it.
I do not know how these human scavengers (for want of a worse and more accurate term to call them without resorting to the kind of language that should not be used here) can live with themselves. How can they go to bed and sleep at night with the knowledge of the things they have done?
I am so sorry that these things have happened to you. You both are so generous to your fans, and it must feel like to you that they bit the hands that feed them.
You have thousands of fans that appreciate and enjoy your works, appreciate how generous and connected to your fans you are, and believe you richly deserve compensation for your efforts!
May the miscreants who performed these atrocious acts have their armpits and groins infested with a thousand voracious fleas and lice!!! ?
I know vengeance is probably not the best way, so I will settle for justice – which I sincerely hope these criminals are brought to.
My condolences again, that you suffered from the actions of these heathens. I am sure that if the BDH could, we would tar and feather them before running them out of town with torches and pitchforks!
Try The Twig. They’re closer to downtown San Antonio, but they are right off 35. They ship for sure and hold author events pretty frequently.
Every day is the day for it.
BUYER BEWARE . . . so as l read this l am crunching on these oatmeal raisin cookies. This specialty company (up north, somewhere) sells them to my supermarket. I’m in love with the coconut (4.49) & they were on sale 3 pks./ 8.88. So l tried the OR, they’re crunchy & I’m thinking to myself don’t like the crunch, as l plow through the package, annoyed that I’m posting asl don’t have enough hands . . .
I’m glad D told, & I’m happy that redacted is banned. Get the word out, report all nefarious deeds & actions. We pay attention, as do you, reporting these actions is the only hope, slim as it may be to stop these actions.
Cyber crimes, like most, need a pattern, to be tracked. Catching one is one less perpetrating and one who learned what not to mess with.
Killed the cookies, crunch smunch
I saw Patricia Briggs is having the same/similar issues with “autographed” books from her works too
Ugh, I like her stuff. It is a problem everywhere.
Our family has been bitten so many times by this dog, I think I’m starting to like it!
We own our families 133 year old jewelry manufacturing co. and I think I spend 1/4 of my time trying to get ebay to kick off the copycats & SIGNED BY THE ARTIST! A-HOLES
I find them, confront them, get them kicked-off, they sign up again under a different handle…..
The only way I’ve ever been successful at combating this, pleading with those who purchase the items.
PLEASE, PLEASE, don’t purchase knockoffs or not do your research on limited editions/signed copies.
You, the people who purchase these items, have the power to help the artists continue to make the art.
That’s awful. I’m so sorry that people are failing at being decent human beings.
My best recommendation would be Nora Roberts book store, “Turn The Page”. I know it is in MD, but they do a lot of author events, offer signed copies and things like cups, key-chains, hats, etc. They also ship.