I am a bad friend. i completely didn’t realize that today was Tuesday and Jessie’s new book, AURORA BLAZING, is out today.

To save her brother and protect her family’s future, a powerful princess must join forces with a dashing man from her past in this thrilling space adventure, the second novel in the Consortium Rebellion trilogy.
Read the first three chapters!
More information and order links here: https://www.jessiemihalik.com/
Jessie was our neighbor for a while and we used to go to each other’s house for game nights of Cards Against Humanity. So I am biased, but I really enjoyed AURORA BLAZING. It was a fun space opera adventure and I connected to the heroine. She was smart and capable and determined to not be a victim again.
Loved the first one! Can’t wait to dive into AB!
Whaa thank you for reminder! Ready to devour this book next xD
Omg I completely forgot!
Thank you, preordered it agars ago, it will be warm and toasty on my Kindle when I get home!
Everyone who had the ARC was going crazy over it, I know it will be great!
Thank you for the announcement. Purchased 🙂
Happy Book Birthday Jessie!
Got t the audio book and I am settling in ????
Love her writing. Thank you so much for the introduction.
Sample chapters hooked me
Ooooh, so it’s out already? I knew it was to be released sometime end of September/beginning of October.
Really liked the 1st one, so now I gotta dive into this one 😀
You are a great friend because I bought (and already read) her books because of you. Ditto with all Jeaniene Frost’s books too.
You are not a bad friend, you’re the best! Thank you so much for sharing! ????
Saw that pop into my tablet after midnight last night but I was in the middle of reading a book from Forthright. You can blame Ilona; she introduced us to Forthright.
I do have the book in my queue, though.
She introduced us to you, too, so… yep, thank Ilona.
So that’s how I got onto the Amaranthine books – I was wondering. Always good to try something a bit different, and these are good.
Yeah, thank You for sharing!
I loved both books.
Actually Your recomendation is almonst always safe bet (so much better than kindle recomendations !).
So thank You from the bottom of my heart.
I loved the first one and I got this one to save for vacation next week.. hahahaha.. like that’s going to happen!
Thank you so much for introducing me to this author. I read her first two and fell in love. I’ve started AB a and can not wait to keep going!!
Yay! Thanks for reminding us! Life catches up with you sometimes and fun things like book releases get forgotten ????
Oh it’s out already?? I would love to check it out. But why it so insanely expensive?? Sigh. Have to pass
Sorry please disregard the accidental reply ????
OOoooooh I’ll take a look-see, Happy Book-Day!!
56% on my Kindle, and I am really enjoying it!
Thank you for the reminder! Please excuse me while I ignore this world for several hours in favor of hers.
I didn’t forget after absolutely adoring Ada’s honorable Machiavellian mind, which is my ideal mind, in Polaris Rising.
I am hoping, but not expecting, Bianca will be as interesting.
I just bought and read all of her other books the last few days, thanks to the recommendations of you and the BDH. I am so ready for this new book!
P.S. Thanks for the earlier snippet. Yummy!!!!
Fantastic series! I can’t wait to read this one.
I had the book preordered and was re-reading Polaris Rising to get back into the plot, but could not resist when the book hit my iPad at 11 (central time). I callously abandoned Ada for her sister. I am only about 40% finished – I made myself quit at 3AM.
Loving it!
No chance to read today yet. I have spent much too much time in Houston traffic. I will get to that when my company goes home. (I am a bad hostess.)
I had this book pre-ordered as soon as it came out on B&N. Ready to download this morning. Started to read it. Had to work. Picked it up at lunch. Got to page 21 before I had to go back to work. Will continue to read before going to sleep. ????
Saw that Catarina’s book is the last one in this series. Hopefully there will be more books from Jessie in the future.
Happy book birthday!
I just finished it! Love it and can’t wait for the next one.
This promises to be an exciting adventure!
I’m excited to read it!
Omg, thank you for the reminder! I read the first book of this series on your recommendation and was not disappointed. I thought I saved an alarm for this release but I guess I didnt. Yay!
Saving to read while I’m sitting getting my monthly infusion on Thursday and it was so hard not to read it this morning before I left for work. My Kindle has its own gravitational field at the moment. Not letting myself pick it up because I’d start reading and not stop til I’m done.
Just finished it. Turning back to read it again. So much fun!
Thanks for the recommendation. I’m on it…
It’s not out until 14 November for us Brits… ah well, the wait will sharpen the appetite
How odd – the kindle version in the UK came out yesterday (I accidentally stayed up until 2am finishing it, work today was not fun)
Right, will go and grab that one on my kindle, I really enjoyed the first one. Squee I have nearly run out of book…and being addicted to reading may not be so deleterious to the health as being addicted to smack, but its almost as ruinous to the finances.
Stayed up until 2:30am last night reading it and I’m not done and I didn’t want to stop. Damn Midwestern work ethics got in the way.
I am not sure where the comment I made yesterday went, but now I can give a review of the book after finishing it.
Lovely book. I really enjoyed Bianca and her trials and triumphs. Catarina seems to be next. I do hope that at least one of the brothers is on the list after the girls.
One very nice thing – a pronunciation for Aoife. I was positive it was not pronounced as spelled, I just had no idea how. (Gaelic is tricky that way.) “Ee-fa” would not have been my first guess. Thank you, Ms Jessie.
Looks good; thank you for the suggestion.
Thanks to your recommendation I am thoroughly enjoying this series by your friend and can’t wait for the third one next year- please pass on my congrats
Looking forward to read the second book! The first one in Jessie’s series was really good!
By the way Cards Against Humanity is a fantastic game, epic lines come out of it ????
Thanks for the reminder! I’ve been waiting for this one ever since I read the first book!
Thanks for the recommendation. I have to get the first novel, since my mother and granddaughter are both named Ada. 🙂
Thank you for the recommendation!
For the record, I don’t think you’re a bad friend; you’re a very busy friend who has been ill and had more than your fair share of household upheaval. I’ll bet your friend agrees with me. 🙂
I am inspired to ask, what is Cards Against Humanity?! ????