Happy Monday!
Today is a boring admin post. Let’s talk a little bit about the schedule for the year going forward.
These are tentative dates, subject to change due to life and other factors.
We are looking at additional 2-3 installments of Sanctuary. You will get the entire story except for the epilogue. The plot will be complete, and the epilogue will be mostly for warm fuzzies.
Sanctuary should be available for purchase this summer. As usual, there will be an ebook, print, and audio. We expect it to be around 30,000 words long, so shorter than Magic Tides but longer than Magic Mourns. We will be looking at $3.99-4.99 ebook price point depending on final length.
While the last installments of Sanctuary will be winding down, we will be working on a writing project we can’t tell you anything about. In fact, we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of said project. If all goes well, the first edit of this mystery project will be finished in June.
Following this project, we will likely do another novella. This is happening for business reasons. We need a second release this year. We do not know what that novella will be. It maybe Wilmington 3 (Gordon’s vote,) Roman 2 (depends on sales of Sanctuary, so vote with sales if you want a second one) or something unrelated (Puffles.) It will not be an Innkeeper novella.
Here is why it will not be Innkeeper: if you look at the reviews of Sweep With Me, several of them mention that readers didn’t like taking a side detour from the main storyline. That is especially relevant now, because of where Sweep of the Heart ended.
If we do an Innkeeper novella, people will buy it expecting a full novel containing the resolution of the parents’ storyline and they will be disappointed. So the Innkeeper must wait until next year when we hopefully have the time and opportunity to really bring it to a satisfying conclusion. While this is probably not the final Innkeeper Chronicles novel, it is the final novel for the Parents Are Missing arc. The final books in a plotline are always difficult, and we will need extra time for this one.
Once the novella is settled – and we will be looking at the holiday release for it – we will continue additional edits of the nonexistent project, and then we will be moving on to Hugh 2.
What does all of this mean for Hugh 2’s publication? Second quarter of 2025, if everything goes well. If not, 3rd quarter. The next Innkeeper novel will likely be published toward the end of 2025, and we do not yet know if we will be releasing it as a free serial or if it will be a traditionally written book. The free serial keeps us from editing and this book may need edits to make sure it delivers. If writing it takes longer, it will be pushed to 2026.
To reiterate, tentative schedule:
- Sanctuary – Summer 2024
- Undetermined novella – Holiday season 2024
- Hugh 2 – 2025
- Innkeeper #6 – 2025/2026
Of course, life throws random strange things at you, so please don’t hold us to it. Once we know the exact dates, they will be added to release schedule.
Edit Mod R: Link for Puffles for everyone who wants to meet or remember him.
Yay! Future projects with tentative dates. Thank you for giving the BDH more details. Much appreciated.
The Horde will do a lot of calming breath work around “this is probably not the final Innkeeper Chronicles novel” 😁
We will be saying Roman’s prayer to Chernobog. 😂😂😂😁
lol, perfect!
What about blood heir 2?
Julie’s adventures will get a sequel too 🙂, this is just a rough sketch of the most immediate plans.
Here, breathing through it😂 this makes me so happppy!
Innkeeper graphic audio. I laugh so hard people look at me funny.
My absolute favorite!
Ha! I came here to make a comment about the roller coaster ride of this whole section. 😄
Thank you for the updates!! ‘Much appreciated as always.
One question, and I apologize in advance if this was mentioned earlier and I didn’t pay attention, but: what about Maggie? I’m assuming the undetermined novella is not that.
We cannot confirm or deny anything in regard to Maggie.
Got it. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Somehow I have missed whatever ‘Puffles’ is (will be going down that rabbit hole momentarily), but stopped by to say PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Wilmington 3! I just reread 1-2 for the 19th time and desperately want more Conlan and weird towers. Post shift is my happy place 🤷🏻♀️
Oooh, intriguing. I myself can neither confirm or deny that waiting for Maggie is terrible 😂
Maggie is not the undetermined novella, no. 😉
Ooooh, is that a clue? “It’s not the novella” as in “It’s the mystery project”?
Combining it with Ilona’s answer above, I think? Mod R?
No comment 🙂
This is super fun!
You guys cannot confirm or deny, but we’re sure having a lot of fun speculating. 🙂
So what are the clues?
1. Maggie is a complete manuscript and some weeks ago was sent shopping for publishers
2. Sudden conspicuous absence of Maggie updates despite this year’s schedule reveal
3. Some mystery project should have the first edit finished in June. With Roman in-between, that’s a tough timeline. And edit, by definition, means tweaking something already written. Oh gee, I wonder what’s the already written HA project that would qualify for an edit.
And from available clues, drumroll for my my (not!) genius deduction: It’s Maggie! The mystery project–already written, but getting yet another edit by June–is Maggie. Maggie has found a home. And you guys have to be all secretive about it for now.
Congratulations. Just a bit bummed that we won’t get our grubby little hands on the portal fantasy of our dreams this year after all.
I should have read your comment before asking what happened to Maggie, below.
Ooo I love this speculation! I loved reading the first few chapters of Maggie. I hope it found a publisher and gets the royal promotion treatment it deserves! 😁
In a completely unrelated question, if a random novel is picked up by a publisher how long does it generally take to be released? A year? Again a completely unrelated general question on the publishing industry.
In a completely unrelated answer, if a random novel is picked up by a traditional publisher, then all decisions would be taken by said publisher and the authors would not know or influence them much. It would depend on not only edits and marketing but also scheduling arrangements like printing queues. But a year is probably an (unrelated, goes without saying) fairly good bet.
Puffles!! Puffles, Puffles, Puffles!! (But also everything else too 😉)
My thoughts exactly! (puffles, puffles, puffles…)
Puf-FULs! Puf-FULS! Puf-FULS!
(Respectfully and Please)
Puffles!!!!!!! I’ve been wanting Puffles since I read the intro years ago, and I still dream about it. Puffles for the win!!!!!!!
Yes! Puffles!!! Of all of the stand alone snippets Puffles has stuck in my head the most. I so want to know how that story goes.
Puffers was that awesome dragon rider story right? I want to vote for that too!
Yes 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/man-on-the-road/
I also vote Puffles Puffles Puffles!!!!
Yeah, I forgot about puffles and I’m obsessed with it the second time through! I would read a whole series of Raina! The characters and the world seems so interesting already! Plus dragons…
Yes! I second this! Puffles! But also, everything else!
Yes, Puffles! Though I will be sales-voting for Roman 2… Also, Kate please! It is an impossible choice again.:-(
Also, it will be very interesting to hear more about the project-that-does not exist – tentatively nicknamed „Project Voldemort“.
I vote for Puffles too!!!!
Oh please, oh please, oh please, more Puffles!
I love Puffles so much!!
I love puffles so much!!! I’ve been waiting ever since it debuted on the blog for more of the story!!! PUFFLES!!! *squeal*
yess, came here to say exactly that. I mean, everything sounds great and I would love to read Wilmington years III. But if there is a chance for Puffles…
undetermined novella seems like an unexpected gift. Like out of the blue your parents are telling you that in 8 months we’re all going to Disneyland, and while we’re at it, I can invite my beastie along for the trio
Sorry but that’s an hilarious misspelling. Is it a wee beastie like a wild haggis or a big old dragon? And will it rampage on the rides or frolic with Mickey?
Wee beasties are wont to do as wee beasties have always done.
And I think Gsg + Donna have just given us the tagline for Puffles – #WeeBeastie.
Now we need to come up with tags for Sanctuary 2 and Wilmington 3, and then we’ll have a vote, like the democratic Horde that we are 😀
How about for Sanctuary #2: # WillRomanGetTheGirl
Maybe this for Wilmington #3: WillCurranGetHisMoatFortheNewFort
Oops, forgot the # for Wilmington #3.
I think Sanctuary #2 should be RomanGrovelingPart1 or TheArtOfGroveling-ByRoman. I kind of like the second one; it sets it up for each chapter being an attempt at groveling and how that attempt fails.
Call me crazy, but Kluiv might take issue with that hashtag.
Moat, moat, moat!
Throwing out some hashtags after #WeeBeastie, how’s about #PriestCharming (hand’s up who loves Roman?) and #SuburbanKnightWere (I made myself giggle).
Please send help to London. Instead of sleeping I’m lying in bed with hashtag mania running through my mind.
It’s all very cheesy too, but it’s now out of my control, and hopefully sending some to the horde will free me from the terrible mind control.
#SlavToLove (I’m embarrassed for myself)
#Moat-ivation (or for the Brits, #MrMoativator, lol)
#Hugh’sTheMan (not even a novella option!)
#YouCurranButCan’tHide (actually I’m ok with my brain here)
#SaimanName (another non-contender!)
#DragonAHotTinRoof (Tennessee what now, I’ve seriously lost it)
And there’s more still, but I’m optimistic that sharing is caring and I can close my eyes and sleep now since I’ve been up since 5am and it’s 12:30am and I’m getting up again soon. (#helpme)
these are great puns, i love them!
I love your sleep deprived hashtags!
Chuckles and guffaws and hats off. Bravo!
Hah, I reread that like 3 times and still missed two typos. I’ve had surgery on a hand where they also had to move a nerve or two around a bit and sometimes the fingers zig when the brain tells them to zag and interesting things come out. I will say I have a beastie on my lap, who has protected me from the evils of the Amazon van that stopped across the street. She has the soul of a Warg in a toy poodle body.
Well, while I do hope your hand feels better, it was clearly actually the universe speaking to you through the medium of spell check. These modern days we don’t have psychography, it’s techography (I had troubles here thinking up a good word, but I’m stumped, especially since techography sounds too similar to technography but what else can I call it?)
Autocorrectomancy? 🤣
Yes, definitely. It clearly also speaks through you😝
Please don’t tease me with Puffles.
Sometimes I wish HA were clones and could work on three stories at a time.
Heck, I’d buy Sanctuary right now if votes for Roman 2 are needed. 😆
Me, too!
Me three!
That is all, thanks for the update!
Puffles, Puffles, Puffles!! 🙂
Me as Oliver Twist: Please sir, I want some more.
In my opinion, “Sweep With Me” was not a side detour. It provided essential elements and character development for “Sweep of the Heart.”
Sorry I sent too soon. I just finished rereading the whole series and find that every book is essential to all following books. One of the things I like best about your series(es).
🙂 Some readers like to focus on the solution, others stop to smell the werewolf-hydrated apple trees. There’s room at the inn for all hehe.
Mod R! I am a confirmed journey-enjoyer, but EEWWW.
BRB, am currently sending imagination into Oreo’s kitchen for damage control
Sweep with Me was delightful and necessary to the series, Sean and Dina’s growth as couple (Sean brought Dina a flower from Baha-Char), new characters/planets (Drifen, koo-ok, Medamoth). add some more dimension to Orro (Grand Burger, FIRE!, Chef Adri) and most of all Treaty Stay.
But I need more Puffles, LOTS MORE PUFFLES!
Sweep with me is excellent! And has critical character development, esp of Sran and Orro. I just wish that Amazon would include it in the series library, rather than keeping it to the side as a stand alone book.
I totally agree that it was more essential than detour and delightful regardless. But I can wait for a novel, serialized or not.
I thought it was an essential stop in the series too! Plus, it kind of made me want a story about the world the Drífen come from… it sounds amazingly different.
This showed Sean becoming an Innkeeper witch is emphasized in the second chapter of Sweep of the Heart.
Exactly!! it showed Sean becoming an innkeeper, Dina and others recovering from trauma.
Not to mention Rudolph Peterson’s ninjas, one of the funniest scenes HA ever wrote. “’Oh dear,’ Caldenia said. ‘I think he broke that one.’”
I live the novellas, esp this one. I mean, space chickens! Bad ass weary millennials who crave Big Fake Macs! Fed up merc flipping macho team members! What is not to love?
A side detour is like going quite a bit out of your way to see the”World’s Largest Ball of String” on a road trip. That book was like being next door to the “World’s Largest Tea/Yarn/Candy/Ice Cream/Fill-In Your Favorite Thing Here Store”. You HAVE to go in! It just makes sense. And if you didn’t, then you’d know in your heart that you’d be missing out on something wonderful. 😁
It was wonderful and I loved it! Thank you! 🤗
“maybe Wilmington 3 (Gordon’s vote,) Roman 2 (depends on sales of Sanctuary, so vote with sales if you want a second one) or something unrelated (Puffles.)”
I’m greedy and I want them ALL. But is this our only chance at Puffles? Because I REALLY want Puffles. But I’m not sure about Puffles not being book length because greedy and I wants it.
I dunno. At the end of the day, if you write it, I’ll buy it. You spend weeks/months bleeding onto the page, I gulp in down in hours and snuffle around for more. I really appreciate how much you communicate with us but don’t let our constant unending demands for MORE stress you out unduly or send you into a tailspin. Patty’s got a new book coming out in June, so we’ll flock over there and caw at her too. Maybe that’ll take some of the pressure off.
Nope, this isn’t our only chance at Puffles 😀 , it’s NOT now or never. There will be other occasions for Puffles if he doesn’t get chosen now.
Puffles rides on! #weebeastie
I had the same thought- I want puffles but I want a full novel for complete worldbuilding, dragon riding joy. I don’t think a novella introduction could satisfy the intrigue.
Agree — you write it and I’ll buy it. Enough said
I miss the exciting adventures of “What’s in this tower?” from Wilmington days if that counts towards Gordon’s vote
There needs to be a tower that has nothing but a red button that says “Do not touch the red button!”.
Kate: “stabs red button”
I don’t know. Pressing it seems like something a cat would do.
A cat could lean or rub on the red button instead of pressing it. That will depend on the cat.
If it’s my adolescent cat, he could leap up and bounce off it. Multiple times. Until someone failed to notice him on top of the kitchen door and accidentally shut it on his forearm, he spent a lot of time up there. He still hangs out on curtain rods and the tops of kitchen cabinets, both of which stay still. Unless the red button was behind glass, he could absolutely press it.
With a stick.
Fortwoods, Wilmington. I LOVED “No Heros”. Thanks for sending me to release Schedule so I could read that little story. I Definately want more Wilmington years and more stories of the ‘Prince’ from the townspeople perspective. It was such a turn of the kleidescope to look at Conlan from the outside in (obviously I will never be a writer).
Thanks so much for letting us know the tentative plans. So much to anticipate. Woo Hoo!
Undetermined novella!
Something that may or may not exist!
More Innkeeper! (Also, thanks for giving us the Klaus eplains earlier. That certain helps tide my Innkeeper-loving heart over until the next installment.)
More Hugh!
More waiting. Umm. It’s good for our character? Yay?
Link to Klaus?
Here you go, Klaus 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/i-will-explain-everything/
Thank you for the updates and I hope your careful language will manage BDH expectations.
This reader is hoping the Upspoken Project takes us back to the Hidden Legacy universe (cough, Augustine, cough)…
I’m betting a return to Edge. Maybe George and Sophie coming home for someone’s birthday so we can visit all the characters, or a story around finding out what Jack’s doing.
Ooooh, how did I forget Augustine and Diana? or anything HL. That would be excellent!
Thank you for the tentative schedule of all the delicious reads coming our way.
I’m going to sit back, drink my tea, and read what my fellow Horde are going to speculate on the mystery novella. Whatever it will be, we all know it will be great. 😊
we love you and love even knowing that THINGS are COMING. is enough to generate a solid SQUEEEEEEE!!!!
I want Puffles! Please!
Thank you for sharing all of that! This member of the BDH wants you guys to write what makes you happy, when and how it is right for you. I will read anything, published anytime.
Having said that 🙂 – how goes the process with Maggie? 🙂 🙂
See Ilona’s answer above 🙂 “We cannot confirm or deny anything in regard to Maggie.”
Never mind! I saw Ilona’s answer above. I’ll just keep sending positive thoughts to the universe.
So I had to go look Puffles up because I didn’t remember it…….my vote is definitely for Puffles!!!!
I will happily read anything you give us—even a diversion snippet of Innkeeper 😊. Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️
The new one- Is it Maggie? Is it Maggie??? I am waiting for Mags like for a new kid in a kindergarten class when I was four and needed a new friend.
How exciting!
Thank you for the update……
I will definitely be voting via sales….woohoo!
I will be thrilled to buy whatever you publish!
Seconded! I am all about side detours if it means MOAR BOOKS. Whatever! Hugh! Julie! Maggie! Puffles! Roman! Random mystery project! Here for any and all of them.
Also, Innkeeper! Edge! Kinsmen! It’s all good.
I really appreciates some kind of schedule, even a vague one. Thank you.
Thank you and Huzzah! I love having things to look forward to, and your books are always the best of treats.
Yay for the “warm fuzzies”!
And since my vote means exactly nothing I have to go with Gordon. I want more mastodons. Then more Roman. That could change if you give Roman a mastodon. Or we could go with the third option. As long as it has mastodons.
Excuse me, I just need to get this out of my system “I WANT EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW!!!!” Whew, I feel better now.
My adult self is happy to wait, especially if there are warm fuzzies and Roman involved. I am totally in the I ❤️ Roman camp!
I’ll be near the beginning of my 10th decade when Innkeeper 6 begins to see daylight. So my anticipation is teetering near the top
of my ladder.
Thanks for sharing!
I cannot believe you began this with, “Today is a boring admin post.” You were trying to be hilarious, yes?
Also, of everything you have ever written, Sweep with Me is my favorite. And I love all your books.
Happy to buy, love, hug and cherish whatever you write this year, and so appreciative of this post that lets me enjoy all the anticipation!
Thank you – this is great. I actually thought that today was the release of the Graphic Audio only to see it is mid April – argh on my poor calendaring BF’s (bring forward for those non-legal ppl). Anything you write is on my radar and I will be very happy with Roman – all the Roman. Sad that some were not fully engrossed in the last Innkeeper…I loved it!! so many options of where it can go next!
Well, 3rd of April – it’s just next week! Mid- April is a bit defeatist hehehe.
The Mystery Project is not on the tentative schedule. Is it safe to assume a 2025 release?
We can neither confirm not deny the existence of the so called “Mystery Project”, and the Release Schedule is not a purported Area 51 for “hushing secret projects out”. All of these allegations are to be met with a dignified No Comment 😛
I read this comment as we (the BDH) need to be dignified now and all I could think was “Yeah, right, no way! Not with book release news!!”. But I realize it’s Ilona and Mod R who are going to be dignified, NOT us. So the BDH can resume jumping around like toddlers hopped up on sugar and yelling “Woohoo! Is it out yet?”
The novella could be a Maude one. maybe after Klaus visits if you don’t want to give any details. Maybe a Christmas wedding or a special Vampire holiday event?
That’s sort of in the direction of this denouement novel of the missing parents plot. I must not say more 😀
A BABY!!!!
PS: just adding to the chaos
Yay! Yay!! Yay!!! So many lovely books/projects to look forward to!!
Thank you for the update! 💖
Also: my vote is with Gordon — I really want Wilmington 3! And if it’s going to be a holiday release, I would LOVE a novella set in December. Seeing Kate/Curran/Conlan celebrate Christmas with the prehistoric animals and Wilmington Pack would be super fun.
I also cannot believe people don’t like Sweep with Me. It’s so fun and cozy and festive. I reread it every December.
I vote for Puffles! Wilmington #3 is a close second.
Raina Belfort has made a very strong impression. Eager to read your take on a dragon war.
It’s going to be weird if Dinah ever does find her folks. “Check out what I did to your inn while you were gone. Hope you like it being on the vampire planet.” Though if they’re like most grandparents, I guess they’ll be pretty happy to be close to Helen.
She saved Magnolia Green from completely dying under the corruption of Sebastian North and harming those it loved in its death throes 🙂 – I think Gerard and Helen will/would be very proud and grateful.
Yeah, you’d think so. But I remember the time I painted my granny’s house and got some on a rose bush. Never did hear the end of that.
You were both the helper and the executioner there 😉 . Dina only contributed in the saving aspect.
Least I wasn’t poisoning anybody’s apple trees!
Thank you for your work!
I will read anything you read, don’t care which line you take. Just hope you enjoy writing it.
I appreciate you taking the time to give Innkeeper a proper ‘ending’. It is clear how difficult endings are and I would much rather wait and let it fully bake!
As a paralegal, I really enjoyed the non-confirmation confirmation of said new item.
One a huge KD world reread and I am so so happy that Hugh 2 is on the timeline..
Thank you! I so appreciate that you share news-about-writing!
Wilmington 3 has my vote but also loving the Roman story. I need 2 votes 🗳️
you can write anything and I’ll buy it. that being said, I’m glad Hugh is getting his 2nd book. I’m glad to see Roman getting his story told too. I’ll be ordering it as soon as it’s placed for preorder.
woo hoo! new Ilona Andrews books coming!
You write it, I’ll buy it. No questions.
Fingers crossed for “Puffles”!
The hoard approves 😊
Thank you for the update, fantastic way to start the week!
Thank you for the update 🙂 I have to buy another copy of Wllington 2 – lent it out – never to be seen again! )Yay! More BDH!) and Roman, and …. I really should have a book budget instead of these weird splurges that I do but where is the fun in that?
I don’t remember puffles- we beasties – so I’m excited about that too!
Thank you for updates, Ilona! I will buy everything you write.
I love surprises (when it comes to books), so your news is pretty exciting. I do have to say though, that I am so sad that Sanctuary is coming to an end, I have looked forward to every chapter. However, I am really looking forward to reading it all at once with an epilogue.
I am so happy Puffles is a possibility!!!
Thank you for the update – it’s always interesting to have a peek behind the production thought process! (Also there is internal squeeing about any and all of the projects under consideration, yay, yay, YAYYAYYAYYAYYYYYY, ALL THE STORYLINES, can hardly wait to see what we get!!!)
Thank you for a peek at your current lineup. I look forward to each release!
Fascinating. “Roman 2 (depends on sales of Sanctuary, so vote with sales if you want a second one)” Now, there’s a dilemma! Wilmington 3 really trips my trigger, although another Roman story is grand … oh, who do I think I’m kidding? Sales of “Sanctuary” will go up by one as soon as I see a link. Whatever comes next will be something I love.
There are much easier ways of getting your vote across than depriving yourself of Roman’s adventures 😀
Yes, by buying both eventually. 😀
Mod R, I hope you have your dignified “No Comment” readied to be copy/pasted into the Horde thread. That’s going to be a running commentary, if it isn’t already.
What’s happening with Julie’s second book? Maybe I’m just behind.
Some things in Wilmington 3 are needed before Julie 2 can fully spread her fire wings 🙂
so excited for this bit about Julie 2…
I just wanted to say that all of the books that you write are awesome and any time I see a preorder pop up it’s an automatic buy for me. Thank you for the schedule update!
Oooohh, good to know! Now I really want Wilmington 3, because Blood Heir is my absolute comfort read.
So exciting to hear about all the excellent stuff coming our way!
One question: where has fair Maggie gone? Unless this is the top-secret-non-existent-can’t-answer-questions-about-it project, in which case I’ll just be over there keeping quiet…
See Ilona’s answer above 🙂 “We cannot confirm or deny anything in regard to Maggie.”
P.S. Wilmington 3 or Roman 2 would each be a HUGE win in my book— I am excited to read both of these!
Thank you for sharing your process. Im just delighted that there will be more books!! (Or novellas)
hi thanks love all your books where is Maggie in this release timetable? all innkeeper books are good do we BDH need to knock some heads together!!!
Roman 2
So exciting! Fascinated by the Plausible Deniability project, of course, but thrilled by the tentative schedule! Also excited for Maggie, whenever she may emerge. Happiness all around and I will be part of a fluffy Horde no matter what we receive or when. You are so good to us!
So Puffles could be Arabella story? Please please pretty please…..
No, Puffles is a different, unrelated story 🙂 – it’s fantasy dragon retelling of a beloved cloak and dagger story, you can read the beginning of it here https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/man-on-the-road/
Arabella or other Hidden Legacy adventures are not on the schedule at all at the moment. The series is considered finished for now- which is to say sequels are possible, but not at all guaranteed.
Hi Mod R! 😁
Quick question: I did not realize that Puffles was a retelling of a beloved cloak and dagger story…what story is that? (Just curious because Puffles seemed familiar to me as I read it, but I could not place it…)
P.S.: I will very happily immediately buy and later devour anything HA writes! My vote is for whichever approach brings THEM the most joy! 🥰💕💕
I’m not sure if I can say… 😀 As usual with House Andrews, once you know, the hints are all obvious hehe, but until then it doesn’t ping.
Let’s see where the chips fall with the novella plans so I don’t ruin the surprise.
Good point! Thanks Mod R…I promise to be as patient as I can while I wait, even being part of the BDH and all! 😂
Everything HA has ever produced has always been worth the wait. 🥰
Holy cow. Some readers did not like a side detour that you released during the pandemic to give all of us some much needed cheer? And, which set us up for the First Scholar’s reappearance in SotH? And, which showed Dina emerging from the trauma of the prior book? You know what’s most doable and when, but please also understand that SWM was exactly what was needed when it came out. Just keep swimming. You’re doing great.
oh this is hard to pick. Puffles novella because dragons. Then Wilmington 3 second vote but I like Roman too, but the moat,but dragons, but more mysterious things in Towers, but dragon. OK I’ve got it, Wilmington with Roman visiting and a dragon hiding in one tower but nice like puffles and a moat, maybe the dragon makes the moat then flies off.
Seriously I would be happy with anything and I’ll gobble and hoard it like the inner dragon I am.
So Willromufflestein! Got it, will let House A know 😀
Thissss +1!!!
yes, yes, yes Somthing to look forward to…Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
Please do a Puffles novella no matter what. I have been thinking about that story ever since you put it out there.
Did I miss something about Maud? Will we get Maud’s wedding someday?
We will get Maud’s wedding, probably as the mentioned full Innkeeper novel that will tie up the missing parents’ fate. 🙂 This might help too https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/i-will-explain-everything/
How did I forget this existed😂? That snippet is better than an Orro doughnut, but don’t tell him I said that…
NOTHING is better than an Orro doughnut. Except Orro’s mango ice cream. That said, that snippet comes really close.
While there is no wrong option, and I love disappearing into any world you give us a peak of, I’m just excited at the possibility of Puffles being revisited!
wow, any and all 3 of the undetermined novella options look awesome
Wilmington, Roman and Puffles are all great!! though I do agree with the person who said Puffles should be a full length novel. Very much so – a new world, lots to explore!
Innkeeper is my favourite (hence the moniker, I hope it’s not disrespectful to House Andrews, I’m just signaling Team Innkeeper), but I am pretty happy to wait, if there’s all this other stuff coming. The little Klaus snippet was great. so no worries on that front. there’s the GraphicAudio versions to relisten to, as well as the existing ones to reread.
I am definitely happy to see it on the calendar, though! and Hugh 2!
am also delighted that the end of the Parents arc is not necessarily the end of Innkeeper!
Whoa… How did I miss Puffles???
WILMINGTON 3 x 4 votes (1 for every reread of Kate complete series😂). Will be happy with any and all though so just keep writing as life allows❤️
Thank you, your books have gotten me through many life stresses.
Thanks for that, something to look forward to. but what is happening with Maggie?
“Roman 2 depends on sales…”
Give me the pre-order link stat!
The agony, the horror, the mental anguish! Of course I am buying Sanctuary (duh) but I really want Wilmington 3. So can I just buy both now and save myself the stress??
Definitely the desirable course of action 😀
My Monday is instantly better; I shall be able to buy Sanctuary for my later, book-y enjoyment. 😀
Three guesses where my vote on the tentative novella will end up, LoL…
I’m with Gordon: Wilmington 3!
here is my opinion, as a reader and a bookstore owner—you write it, and I will buy the print version!
Thank you for these wonderful words, “While this is probably not the final Innkeeper Chronicles novel, it is the final novel for the Parents Are Missing arc”. I really want to know what happened to the Parents but I as dreading the end of visits with Gertrude Hunt. Orro I need a blueberry cheesecake!
I can hear the “STAT” there at the end without you having to type it :D.
It’s medicinal cheesecake at this point.
“Medicinal cheesecake”…my new favorite explanation and go-to when anything goes sideways! 😂😂😂😂😂
yea for Hugh 2.
I want the others also but really want Hugh 2.
#WeeBeastie, #MagicKeeps, #Maggietherepeater, #greedyreader😂
I am totally in favor of anything HA!
I will content myself with the April GA release. Hopefully they will keep coming in between all the #newreleasesofanythingHA.
Thank you for keeping us “in the know”🤗
Omg omg omg I’m twirling on my toes with happiness! A Sanctuary release this summer and another novella this year!!!!!!! I vote for any of the offers on the table, but maybe Wilmington 3 gets top position. Or Sanctuary 2. But Puffles!! Oh I cannot decide.
I take exception to all complaints made about Sweep With Me! This was not a side trip. There were lots of hints that I felt moved the story arc forward. And it was an amazingly fun book that answered a lot of little questions I’ve had all this time. Plus really, Dina and Sean needed a chance to grow more into a full fledged, power couple. Stop complaining people!
If you want an unsolicited opinion, which I am sure you do not hehe, I think serializing the next Innkeeper would probably be a disservice to the story. But actually, I don’t care how it comes down the pike.
And we get Hugh 2 and coming sooner than expected. And let’s not forget Maggie! (Would it be too horrible to ask for an update on how that is looking for y’all? Dying of curiosity here). Truly, I feel giddy. Thank you so much for all this wonderful news!
No comment on Maggie 🙂
Ok, just saw all the Maggie commentary, so never mind, question retracted!
It’s been 84 years since an Innkeeper *criesssssss
Ok now that, that emotion is purged. THANK YOU for the timeline. I can manage expectations and hope. Thanks House Andrews <3
In an unrelated question – I know that the promotion of "The Kid Book" isn't going to happen (and why has been made clear) on this page. However, she said comma – if we wanted to locate "The Kid Book" there is a VAST see of books – how do would we go about attempting to locate it? Like can you point with your elbow where it might be found? (The snippit was delicious and now i want to devour)!
please pardon my excited spelling error
It hasn’t even been a year and a half since an Innkeeper so you’re right! In Horde Patience years, that’s *is* about a century, give or take.
Although I wouldn’t like to see Caldenia’s version of dropping us in the sea at the end 👵
I 2nd the elbow comment. Treasure hunt? Cluesssss?
After a post like that I truly appreciate the beauty of a title like Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. Except I want Everything, Inside HA’s Heads, All at Once but Definitely As Soon As Possible. Sigh. Now back to regularly scheduled appreciative adulting.
Wilmington 3 ❤️❤️❤️
Hi and thank you for the update !
Sorry if it was asked and I didn’t see it but is there any plan for Julie 2 at all ? Her first book left us hanging so I supposed it would have a second installment. And if I understand well : if there is one planned it will not be before 2027 ? I’ll read everything while waiting of course. I’m currently beginning Kate Daniel’s series for the 5th time !
Julie will get a sequel too, these are the more immediate plans 🙂, and as Ilona says, they are subject to shifts (the life and/or magic ones).
It was hinted that some things from Wilmington 3 had to be revealed first before heading full-mast into Julie, so that will probably come first.
“These are tentative dates, subject to change due to life and other factors.”
I read this as “change OF life “ and was thinking “same, girl … same”.
🤣 Please, don’t return anyone to the Big Sender just yet lol.
I think she was referring to menopause, often referred to as “change of life” in the US. Which is why I cracked up at her comment. Sistah! I see you.
Yes! Puffles, Schmuffles. I swear some days the hot flashes are so bad that I could breathe fire myself.
Going to eat healthy and exercise so I can be in good shape for all this reading. Yay for Hugh 2.
I want to see two sets of hardback lifts in perfect form, now! ::blows reading whistle::
Coach Mod R, what if we don’t have two sets of hardbacks? Do we use 10 paperback books – 5 for each hand?
::backs slowly away::
One vote for Puffles.
Not to be too fangirlish (yet, I totally am), I will happily read anything yall put out in whichever form I can get it. Nothing I’ve read of yours has let me down. With that being noted, thank you for the tentative updates! Have a blessed day.
That sounds good and we know now what to look forward to – whenever it comes up regarding your life situation. Thank you very much for letting us know your approximate plans.
Why are there so many books written that are connected to KD? I am not interested in KD myself and would have preferred a mix-up of other releases. And this is not criticism in any sense, just a comment 🙂
Because the authors have inspiration for them and the readers want to read them 🙂 . Kate was on break for a very long time before her Wilmington adventure, almost 5 years, and people never forgot about her.
There are new projects coming on the horizon, so there is will be enough for everyone 🙂 . Both completely new and new in series unrelated to Kate World.
Hi Sophie,
Inspiration will be what it will be. And KD people have been very patient waiting for their sequels. 🙂
“Here is why it will not be Innkeeper: if you look at the reviews of Sweep With Me, several of them mention that readers didn’t like taking a side detour from the main storyline. That is especially relevant now, because of where Sweep of the Heart ended.”
I loved Sweep With Me and am happy with side detours from the main storyline in Innkeeper!!
I second that.
Thank you for the info re Innkeeper series.
Can I suggest that you please keep it as a traditional novel instead of a free serial ….
It would most probably generate more sales BUT the reading of it will be more …… WOW!!!
Love your books.
I’d love to return to Puffles. But I’d also love that story to get a full novel treatment so now I’m conflicted…
Hmm should I vote Puffles to show interest in that story, vote for Wilmington 3 to hopefully get Julie’s sequel more quickly, or vote for Roman because the Fri snippets have been amazing and I wanna see more Andora and Roman.
Oh the struggles of a fan!
I don’t mind side adventures. The stories go where they go. It’s not up to me to demand that a book have certain plot points in it. Whatever you write, I will buy. Also, does Gordon have a special address where he receives cash and chocolate? I’m generally for anything, but you don’t dangle Wilmington 3 in front of me without some sort of uncontrolled response that completely contradicts the behavior of a horde member in good standing.
Thanks for the update, Ilona. Release schedule posts are the exact opposite of boring for the BDH! I really, really love the Puffles snippet so I’m a bit split. I would love to read a full length novel but then again I would rather have Puffles novella than nothing, especially since it has such a great potential. Knowing how long your novellas often end up being, I think my vote goes for Puffles for the second novella of the year. And maybe we could then have Puffles 2 at a later date…Hehe, sorry for being greedy, I swear I’m always grateful to read anything released by House Andrews!
I’m sure I don’t know what you mean 😜. House Andrews novellas are always the intended size. Hungry Hungry Horde size!
Thanks for the info!!! I will read anything you write!
But I also miss Dina, Maud and the Innkeeper crew. So I must say to the people who wrote reviews about side stories — stop leaving reviews. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. Oh heck, what am I saying? I love everything you write.
Totally agree! I’ve read the Innkeeper Chronicles and listened to Graphic audio multiple times. So gooood!
I noticed there is absolutely no mention/possibility of “Hidden Legacy” for the novella, Is that deliberate? Is the series completely done?
I thought it might continue with Arabella in the future… I know that it would have to be after all the “KD universe” books are finished so maybe only around 2025/2026 (and with the devastating real-world war going on, it might not include the fictional Russian Princes plotline)?
But a novella should be ok right?
However, its not even mentioned as a possibility here, so I started to wonder if the series was dropped due to all of this…
It’s my absolutely favorite IA series (and yes, I have read them ALL, even Kinsmen and The Edge) would love to read a novella about someone from that world (for example Runa, or Bern, or Leon … even Augustine! )
Is this series done for real? If so, I would be so sad I might actually cry.
The Hidden Legacy series is finished for now. I love it so much too, but sometimes things just end. It wasn’t “dropped” because of any other books, it just reached a neat ending.
Finished “for now” doesn’t necessarily mean for ever- sequels are possible, ideas and hooks for future stories with Arabella and the rest of the cast exist 🙂. They’re just not on the schedule for now.
Kate was on break for 5 years until inspiration came calling again, so there is definitely hope!
Hold hard , Gordon. Use all your persuasive skills.
Need the ETA for Wilmington Years book 3 pleeeaaase..
Puffles! I’m always voting for dragons.
I really don’t have a favorite bacause all books are special and unique. I look forward to all of your work and deeply enjoy them all. In my eyes, you can’t do anything wrong. However, I keep on wishing for a Sean and Marais short misadventure w an Orro or Beast/Gorvar thrown in. I can wish, right? Sean and Marais, Sean and Marais… 🙂
I would just like to say that I have really enjoyed every Innkeeper story. Maud ‘s was great too. I do not understand how anyone could not like a journey down a side road. Side roads are joyful little journeys too see something new ans different. Thanks for all the great stories you have written so far. Here’s to more stories in the future.
I vote for either Wilmington 3 or Roman! I am sorry that we won’t be getting a wedding planning novella for Maude and Arland…how about a universe crossover and Roman can officiate since he’s got wedding planning experience? ^.* Bwahahaha!
Please, please, of there is any vote, I vote for Puffles!!!!
Just putting this out into the ether in the hopes that speaking it could make it happen.
Could I please request a few Friday shorts from Inn Keeper? not the start of the next novel but little things. I would squee the squee of most joyous joy for a brief glimpse of Dina explaining the existance of the new gate to Maude. And for Helen to take her Ripper Cushions pal on a trip to the Inn for tea or maybe easter egg hunting?
And it harm none, so mote it be… 🙃😉
Puffles! But, also everything and anything. IA=Auto-buy!
Ooo I vote for all of the above, but especially Puffles (Raina), Maggie, Innkeepers, Hugh, & Chernobog’s guy…& more Kate & Julie wouldn’t hurt my feelings.heh heh
Woopie! All of your book/novellas are awesome and I’m super excited for whatever you do come out with! Thank you for all of your hard work and your incredible imagination! I have enjoyed everything you have put out and will continue to do so in years to come❤️
Who didn’t like Maud’s book? I thought it was a great break from the actual inn and set up some things that were definitely going to pay off. Don’t listen to those people!
I’m pretty sure everyone unanimously adores Maud’s book 😍, this is the novella, Sweep with Me, that was mentioned. Dina POV, the Ko-koos, Orro yelling FIRE, the Drifán liege.
I do love that book! I’m a big fan of holidays, and it is a cool reveal of some of the history of the Innkeepers. 💖
Ah! My mistake. That wasn’t my favorite but I thought it was interesting.
I screamed a little when I saw we might get puffles
yeiiiii!!! really loving that schedule, i vote for wilmington 3 too!!! and then maybe, just maybe we could see julie 2 any year soon!
Kinsmen or The Edge, pleeease, for the novella.
Dear Author Lords,
These are the things I personally wish for as a member of The Horde…in no particular order:
Maud and Arland wedding,
a book/novella/whatever on the African American Houses of Houston and whether or not their powers are elemental, arcane or mental,
a Lattimer novella,
a Arabella book resolving the Russian Bear question,
a novella or whatever on Pack medmage, Doolittle,
a novella or whatever on recipes and herbal concoctions like Panacea etc,
plus, plus, plus
too much to list
basically all of this is to say that however your schedule works and whatever you produce, I’m sure it will be fine, even if it isn’t exactly what each of us would rather.
We want All the Things ™! This is known 🙂
I just want to mention that the Hidden Legacy series is finished (for now) – meaning sequels aren’t guaranteed or on the schedule – as we can see. They’re always possible in the future, though 🙂
Just because the characters initially appeared in Hidden Legacy does not mean that I meant I wanted more from that series. Some characters can exist in a completely new series built for them alone. I just want to mention this because it is the second time you felt the need to bring up the fact that Hidden Legacy is over, which I am very well aware of, without considering the possibility that I am completely capable of comprehending it. I can want to see more of certain characters without their previous structure, and in fact, I believe I would like them much more outside of it.
I didn’t realise you were aware 🙂 . I cannot monitor what information everyone has already seen and find it’s better to clarify for everyone who might read. No offense was intended.
Holy cripes! What a most awesome veritable smorgasbord of nearish future releases! I’ll be ecstatic with each one, regardless of when they’re released and in which sequence. Thank you for giving us so much to look forward to!
You guys have said multiple times that you need a new flagship series and that Maggie is not it. But everything here is connected to an established series. (Puffles being a caveat, but launching a flagship with a novella seems risky and kinda backwards… assuming there even is a viable series there and not just a novella. )
Is the Schrödinger’s project a flagship possibility? And if so, can you touch on some of the why’s of keeping it so hush hush?
We can neither confirm nor deny what the anchor status of the alleged project is.
(Omg Horde we would be *so* bad at covert operations, it’s not even funny 😅).
Just to say though, speculative novella to launch a series is totally a thing 🙂. I can think of so many 0.5 books!
The Horde Undercover: Maxwell Smart or Inspector Clouseau?
Maxwell Smart come Mr Magoo 🤣
Wilmington 3 would be grand.
Puffles <3
Thanks so much for the info.
We really do appreciate it!
Would love more Puffles!
House Andrews + dragonriders = my fav adulthood books + my fav childhood books = everything this nerd could want
Puffles!! I would love any of the 3 options but most want to see puffles. I find it hard to explain that my mouse pad
is my favourite quote by my favourite author about a dragon named puffles that was never actually written…
“If the sky could dream it would dream of dragons” is a quote from the Edge series, not about Puffles specifically 🙂
Love my Edge quote t-shirt with the beautiful dragon!! 💖
Please do Puffles!
What about Maggie? Is she somewhere in the works? So far I buy everything you write because it always delivers.
See Ilona’s answer above 🙂 “We cannot confirm or deny anything in regard to Maggie.”
Thank you for the update. I am looking forward to Hugh 2, and am happy to see the schedule. All of the novella options sound good for their own reasons.
I like that the Innkeeper parents haven’t been found yet. Life itself is messy and things take time, everything isn’t so cut and dry. It’s great that other adventures are happening in the meantime.
+ 1000
so true. Insightful and true.
Wading through that messiness, myself …
and your stories are a great comfort, when it all gets too overwhelming.
Thank you.
Happy happy joy joy, whatever you decide to do!! I will love any and all!
PUFFLES!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I vote for puffles!!!
Hugh 2! Yay! ❤ Woohoo!
First, I think you are very brave to dangle a tentative schedule in front of the BDH.😄
Second, I’ll take anything you write, anytime you write it but will definitely be voting with my purchase of Sanctuary when it comes out.
If there is ever a vote I am probably gonna vote on Wilmington #3…I just finished first time listening ( have read it multiple times 😁)to whole Kate Daniels series including Wilmington parts just yesterday and now I have to know what happens next ASAP😄😁
Just wanted to add that the audiobook was great, the narrators did a great job 👍
People are silly. Sweep with Me was a wonderful Innkeeper. Not every arc needs to be a “straight line”. It added to character development, introduced new friends and potential allies. And it was a good story.
Having said that, I’ll read anything you write and be happy. You write great characters.
When Sanctuary is released will it be the same as the serial or will there be more to it besides the epilogue?
The manuscript that was serialized will go through a couple of rounds of edits, the transitions between scenes will be made more smooth, and details may be modified – you can read more on the general process of getting a serial ready for publication here https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/editing-of-online-serials-sweep-of-the-heart/ , with the note that it depends from serial to serial how much alteration there is 🙂.
The Inn Keeper series is my favorite and I am thankful that there are more coming
Isn’t it something to already be thinking about 2025 and 2026? I remember thinking when I was little, about how far away a new century seemed and now here we are, 1/4 of the way through it!
I am casting my vote for Wilmington 3 (team Gordon). I will purchase the Roman story, and would love a second, but it can’t beat our Kate and company.
Ooo, so much to look forward to! Also, it was lovely to revisit Puffles 🐲
Team #Puffles !!! Yay!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️
You didn’t ask us for a vote – but – in the best horde tradition, I’d love to see Wilmington Years 3 as the mystery novella. Would love to see how that all plays out!
Look, you folks do what you need to do. I will continue to buy everything you produce. Not a problem.
Kinda sad to hear that reviews weren’t all positive for Sweep with Me. I really enjoyed seeing Sean get his new, yet soft robe, meeting the philosophical space chickens, and learning about the original treaty signatories, including the Drifans. I reread it before big family holidays to get myself in the spirit.
I love that story!
Oh goodness, I feel like a kid standing outside a candy shop. So MANY goodies just waiting inside.
It’s such a hard vote and I wavered on each. I think my vote is ultimately with Wilmington #3 just because we’re already on a roll there. The epilogues and snippets with opening the fortress towers was amazing. Also Keegan. And Luther. And Narra. And the Sharrim spymasters (my memory is failing me). I’ll probably just start naming everyone, lol.
I am however so very, very glad that Puffles is due for a revival. If we hadn’t revisited Kate, my vote would have gone there 💯.
Thank you House Andrews: you spoil us 🧡
I look forward to each project, known and unknown. But you’re wrong that we wouldn’t love an innkeeper novella unrelated to the main plot line. I would happily read about Orro trying to start a restaurant on the Dysen side of the inn or about Maud trying to teach Arland to ride a savok, or how many more ripper cushions Helen has racked up and what for. We love these people.
But I will read whatever novella house Andrews decides to give us. I’m sure it will be fun and fabulous.
can’t wait for the next stories! yay! something to look forward to for the next couple of years
Wilmington 3 gets my vote
Also loving the #Moativator hastag
Thank you! What is the schedule for Blood Heir 2?
This is the currently available schedule 🙂. Julie’s series will have a sequel, but as you can tell, there are no immediate arrangements.
Thank you for the updates! Always looking forward to whatever your next release is.
PUFFLES! *ahem* Many thanks for update, all and any of your writings are gratefully received but Puffles has lived as a worm in my brain since the snippet was first shared and I’d love love love to see more of that world! (Pretty please, thank you)
For what it’s worth, I enjoyed the Sweep of the Heart. The whole alien game show was delightful.
As to Roman and everything else you’ve got planned, I’ll buy it and devour like the loyal member of BDH I am.
maybe yeahhhh
but all i got is Puffles might be a thing
weird note, just received the email in my inbox at 8.08pm Tuesday here
1st comment March 25 11.00 am there
last comment March 26 3:16 am there
Is there a delay on the email notifications?
YEP – theres is a long delay – they have quite a long mailing list, it gets send out in parts.
Up to 24 hours 🙂. Unavoidable, I’m afraid, as the newsletter is disseminating to tens of thousands.
I’ve been thinking about that puffles story for so long! It would be amazing to see where that goes.
Um. Maggie?
See Ilona’s answer above 🙂 “We cannot confirm or deny anything in regard to Maggie.”
So glad Sanctuary will be available in Kindle/Audible, I’m having a hard time keeping up with it and would prefer to have it all in one shot. It’s amazing so far, from what I read. Can’t wait for the release. Definitely vote for Roman2. And Wilmington3. And all the others, lol, whatever you write will be awesome😃
I’m just glad you finish your series. I’m happy to wait for a series arc on Inkeeper. In fact take your time -> do it justice
..Also Roman is awsome 🙂
Are we allowed to vote for the novella we’d like? If so I’d love another Wilmington. I love those stories so much 💚
fyi . I loved the last innkeeper. I loved lady wexon. more than that I completely adored the character development of caldenia. I thought the story was light and refreshing. and truly, I’m not too keen to find out what happened to the parents. I’d rather find out about the makuna invading arland’s homeland. that is going to be a hoot
Wilmington 3!
That’s a lot of excitement over this “boring admin post”!
Me? No. I’m cool as a cucumber.
On a totally unrelated note, does someone know how to get a song out of one’s head? Freddy’s been singing “I want it all” for over an hour, now…
if the wishes were horses BD Horde would raiding bookstores right now
(by that I mean my heart goes “yes please can we move release date to tomorrow for everything? Pretty please.” but I know that reality doesn’t work that way)
also I vote Roman or Puffles
oh and also – thanks for letting us know
What about the Hidden Legacy series?? I need to know if Arabella and the Bear of Kamchatka become a thing! Can’t you just imagine the Beast of Cologne and the Bear of Kamchatka bringing down some bad guys!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me Arabella gets her time! I just re-read the entire series and now I’m gonna start on the Inn Keeper’s Chronicles again. I LOVE YOUR BOOKSSS!!!!
The Hidden Legacy series is finished for now.
Sequels are not guaranteed or on the schedule- but they are possible in the further future, ideas and hooks for future stories with Arabella and the rest of the cast exist 🙂.
Thank you for your update. It makes it easier to wait, knowing you intend to keep writing and putting out your best.
I desperately want to read about Puffles adventures- the small piece you gave us has not left my mind since reading it!
I missed Puffles, I’m so glad you added the link. The old dragon and young woman were such a beautiful team.
Hugh 2 💛💛💛
I LOVED the Maude side story. 🙂 but I love everything HA – especially looking forward to the new book that you keep warning is a departure from your regular style. Challenge Accepted!
Thank you for the possible timeline preview. As always, write what makes you happy.
Also, I wish you would charge more. You deserve it. I don’t think I am in the minority if the BDH on this. I
I’ll take whatever you write whenever you write it. Sure, I have my druthers, but something is better than no book/novella/serial/….
Could you please incorporate the mystery book and Maggie into this schedule? Where those books stand?
Thank you for letting us readers to know.
Ohh I am oddly maybe most excited (of the novella possibilities) for if Puffles became a full thing!? Mostly because I thought from previous wording it would never be anything else, and I think about it sometimes with “I so want to know what happens next” always appended to the thought. But all of this is very exciting, thank you!!
Dates sound great! can’t wait! Hallelujah to ‘this is probably not the final Innkeeper’!! PS, I loved Sweep With Me, full stop.
Tears of joy and one loud yes! From a member of the BDH!
Whatever you decide for the mystery does not matter to me, I will devour it like the BDH I am.
Love Puffles!!
Thank you for the rough publishing schedule, this is great. But how no one is talking about Heir 2 in the immediate future is killing me, especially how BH1 ended… I’m dying here *cries into pillow*
Thank you so much for the update. Of course, we want everything immediately–we aren’t called the Book Devouring Horde for nothing–but I am grateful for whatever you put out and whatever your timeline is. I will happily wait, perhaps not patiently, for as long as you need and will scoop anything you write.
Thank you for the updates! And thank you for sharing the Puffles link, Mod R! If only Ilona Andrews could clone themselves and write all the stories!!
Yeah! Thank you for updates. So looking forward to finding out about Dina’s parents. Happy to hear there will be more Innkeeper. First HA book I read was Innkeeper series and loved it so much I’ve read all HA books — more than once, ok several times I admit it.
Thank you for sharing! Wilmington 3 would be awesome ( I vote with Gordon) !
Honestly all of your stories are great, your characters are amazing. Thank you for all you do!
I am delighted that what I was expecting to be a quick bit of holiday Roman fluff has turned out to be a novella I’ll be able to buy and reread. Roman was always one of my favorites and I really hope we will get to see him get his grumpily contented ever after – because I don’t quite see him admitting to happiness even if he is.
If we get a vote I want more Wilmington years first. So I’m raising my hand for Wilmington for next novella
No Maggie?
See Ilona’s answer above 🙂 “We cannot confirm or deny anything in regard to Maggie.”
Just as a point of opposition to those who didn’t like the “detour”…..i LOVED Sweep with Me. In fact – just finished re-reading it.
Yeah, that “detour” reasoning is rather baffling: that’s as foolish as saying, ‘well, I can’t have wedding cake, so now I’m going to whine that cookies are not good enough.’
Um … [perplexed] … surely one has the wit to comprehend that cookies are delicious too … ??
And surely one should have patience with beloved artists as they craft the pinnacle of a series …
Also, it is kind of interesting to imagine how Dina’s life goes on, while the larger arc is brewing … it is all a wondrous work of art, and we are so lucky to have glimpses of it.
Sending much gratitude.
Puffles, Puffles, please Puffles 🙏 🐉
Thank you very much for your writing. We are delighted to receive whatever you write.
Whoever wrote that about “Sweep with Me” was being silly.
[that sentence was redacted and re-written several times, on an upward arc of politeness]
All writing received with gratitude and admiration.
Comfort reads, all. Thank you.
If it mean visit to the Innkeeper world I’ll take a side detour.
I was a little surprised and a little sad to see no mention of Maggie.
I’ve be n keeping my eye peeled for weeks hoping for any mention of Maggie the Undying 🤞
At the moment, we cannot confirm or deny anything in regard to Maggie.
Ahhh I see. I hope this means HA found a publisher 😁
So happy for y’all if so:)
I’m just happy you all are writing. Write the stories you want or need to. I will sit over here in the corner with my teacup and wallet.
I didn’t consider Sweep of the Heart a detour and I was far from disappointed as far as the main plot line was concerned.
Or perhaps more correctly, yes, one may consider the spousal election a detour, but it was one well worth taking.
So many favourites visiting the Inn, so many new interesting characters, a love story (awww) the back story on Caldenia.
What on earth is there to be disappointed about?
Apart from all these goodies, we also learned so much about Magnolia Green, and about the corrupted Innkeepers.
We watched Sean grow as an Innkeeper and to top it all off, the new door.
The possibilities of that new door are endless.
Instead of being dissapoibted I felt this huge wave of hope.
Innkeeper isn’t over yet. Not by a long shot.
I understand the reasoning behind the release schedule.
I’m looking forward to Sanctuary, to new novels, to secret projects and to any other book/story you will be publishing.
May the innkeeper series live long and prosper.
I just read Puffles! I’m hooked! If I have a vote, I’d love to find out what happens. But I will buy and read anything you write! And I’ll wear my BDH t-shirt while I read!😉
thank you for the admin update! very happy to hear about Hugh
Is all of the above, as you have time and inspiration, an option? You write it, I’ll read it.
How about Hidden Legacy, an Arabella story?
Hidden Legacy is finished for now. 🙂 We left it in a very happy place and we do not intend to continue it in the near future.
I’ll love whatever is published, but now that I’ve reread the snippet, I know Puffles would be awesome. But I’m enjoying the current story so much, that a follow up world bet lovely. It’s all good!
I’m so excited!!! My favorites series are Kate Daniels and Innkeeper Chronicles, so I will happily read any novel or novella either part of or tangential to those series. I do acknowledge though that I am one of those people who would feel a hint of disappointment to read an Innkeeper novella that didn’t pick up with the missing parents plot line.
I’m willing to wait a bit longer for a fully edited Innkeeper book given it will be the conclusion of the missing parents plot line and will likely refer back to lots of little details we read in previous books. So an editor will be very helpful in making sure that all the linkages and references make sense to the reader.
Puffles is charming … I hope you get back to that story, a strong-minded woman who rides dragons … yes indeedy, I’m always ready for strong women doing remarkable things. Thank you!!! (And since we’re all thinking karma lately, what with Roman getting a reminder of childhood misdeeds, that shadow guy in the Puffles story really, really needs a karmic update.) Smiles, glad you firmed up a timeline, and that you’re setting boundaries so that you have time to let the creative juices flow, and the vacation juices restore you. Smiles, no matter what you write, or when you write it, we’re here for you, cheering you on, and re-reading all the glorious stories you’ve lavished on us. Smiles, sally forth with vigor, on your own schedule.
Thank you for the update!!! That is a huge kindness. Also, I desperately want to read more Puffles!!!!! (But as always, I will happily throw my money at you for whatever story most inspires you to want to write, because it’s all fantastic and you are my favorite author ever 😁)
Thanks for the re-link!
I’m voting Puffles too if it goes to a vote. As described in the post, most other projects are at book stages rather than novella and it’s always good to have something different:)
And, because you post lovely photos of tea and teapots, and you drink tea, I just wanted to share my four favorite teas … Bigelow Matcha Green with Turmeric, which has an incredibly delicious flavor (I sweeten with Stevia or Monk fruit powder) that is strong, slightly spiced, and a really good first tea in the morning. My next tea, after breakfast, is Bigelow Constant Comment Green, which is deliciously spiced, warming to the belly, and helps digestion. (and, I admit to a caffeine soda around noon/one – Zevia Cola which is Stevia sweetened). After dinner, I have a cup of Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice tea (no caff), and I take a cup of Celestial Seasonings Roastaroma to bed with me, to have a sip before sleep, and a few mouthfuls during the night when I wake up.
I want to mention how I brew these, because I’ve given up filling teapots, as I like variety in the brews. I use heavy-sided glass or ceramic cups/mugs, and I fill them with boiling water, let the cups heat up, dump that water, throw in the teabags and sweetener, and then refill with boiling water. That way the cup doesn’t leach away the heat that is necessary to bring out the flavors in the teas.
Smiles to you … I hope you are finding lovely flavors in your teas, too.
I know you didn’t ask for votes, but I’m with Gordon –Wilmington 3 please!!
Thank you all for such consistent creativity, hard work, and sharing of information about all aspects of what makes you so special. I love supporting you with my $$ because you never let me down. I look forward to buying, reading, and enjoying whatever whenever.
I would love to see a Puffles book. …..and Hugh 2……and Wilmington……Looking forward to ALL of it😀
I will buy anything you write. You should write whatever you enjoy the most, but count on me to buy a copy and the audio. You are my favorite authors and the weekly serials are such a fun bonus between books. Thank you for all of the many hours of entertainment you have given us!
I vote Wilmington. I love, and adore Roman, but I need Kate.
Wow, who wouldn’t like Sweep with Me? I actually like novellas, because usually nothing Too Terrible happens in them. Makes for relaxing reading.
I’ll be looking forward to whatever you both feel like writing 🙂
Question: Will we get some clues as to when the Roman serials fit into the time frame of the bigger Kate series? I.e after Hugh 2, before final kate? Around Wilmington years? Right before that? Or is that a spoiler xD
Ilona said it won’t really impact the KD storyline, but it feels like after Magic Triumphs 🙂
Roman is 34, so I’d guess not long enough from Magic Triumphs that we’re in Wilmington territory 🙂
Ok, first of all, do not ever apologize for giving me more to read. I really enjoy your storylines. I would love Wilmington 3, but I gotta say, I love Raina and Puffles! LOL! So excited for that one!!
Second, do NOT listen to complaints. I am not even sure if they were real complaints, they may have just been telling you about their thoughts in a more forceful than they realized way. I am called aggressively helpful by many people. LOL! So it is possible they were not complaining at all.
Third, all the Sweep stories have been fun and different. Love that!
Fourth, if you write it, I will buy it. I guess I should have just started with this one.
+1 💖👍
I’m a little befuddled about the reaction to the Sweep With Me. I thought it was fascinating and satisfying. I loved it. I feel like it might be a good inspiration mine for spin off stories too.
I am a bit of a FANADDICT so my opinion is flavored with “anything they write is welcome”.
There have been times a new storyline came out that I wasn’t looking for so I felt a tiny disappointment that it wasn’t the next series book I wanted. But when I start reading that is all forgotten. I might be too easily pleased but I don’t think so. 🤓
I agree with your befuddlement about sweep with me. I enjoyed all the sweep books.
Munch, munch, munch, slurp. So much to look forward to! Thanks for keeping us in the loop!
Yay! This really gave me hope for the future😊😅💕
Also, love puffles
Definitely Puffles, please! I’m sure I’m in the minority but I’m not a fan of the Kate Daniels world, and other than (mystery project), that’s all that we have to look forward to until Innkeeper in late 2025.
Not complaining, just curious. Will there be another Blood Heir novel?
Yes, a sequel to Blood Heir is coming too. It’s likely that some reveals from Wilmington 3 will help it along, from what we gathered in author comments, so that might have to come first however 🙂
A reminder for everyone that the status of all series can always be checked on the Release Schedule page (shortcut in the top left corner of the website, direct link https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/). All series are considered ongoing unless they have a Finished/Finished for now status 🙂
What happened to Maggie?
At the moment, we cannot confirm or deny anything in regard to Maggie.
woohoo for puffels!
Oh no, no Innkeeper this year!!!😢
How will I survive ‘till next year?😳
The Horde feels your pain! One reread at a time, fellow soldier, one reread at a time!
The Secret Project is our Dear Authors being the next celebrity couple on Traitors USA 3.
All the best to you and Gordon and many thanks for the happy hours you have given us all by the sweat of your brow .
Wilmington 3 is very tempting, and if that wins I won’t have a problem with it, but Puffles is fascinating. From the title, I strongly suspect that Puffles will not be going home after Raina gets to Paris, er, Bellesere.
It’s so weird for me to hear that there are people who “didn’t like” an IA book. I have never handed one of their books to someone and them not like it – they may have thought it too dark for them to read long term, but they loved the writing and the voice of the authors. I consider them an auto-buy. Reading all the comments, I’m not the only one.
I’m pretty sure Ilona and Gordon could write a cook book and I would find it entertaining.
Hm, looks like I am the only one that really really wanted a follow up of Sweep of the Heart. Also would love to read more about Augustine as in your snipped Corporate Agility and the Baylor sisters.
I’m sorry if you have answered this question 1000 times, but I hope you’ll forgive me anyway because I’ve just reread Hidden Legacies for the second time and I just can’t take not knowing.
Will there ever be a trilogy from Arabella’s POV!?
Hidden Legacy is finished for now. 🙂 An Arabella sequel is not on the horizon the near future, but it is possible that House Andrews will return to the world someday- hooks and idea for future stories exist!
I love everything about this, especially Puffles
Puffles is CHARMING. Totally charming.
Hooray!!!! For everything. But especially Hugh 2!
I vote Wilmington 3 for undetermined novella because then we will be closer to Blood Heir 2. I already know I will be buying Roman novella, but please, I’ve been waiting so patiently for Blood Heir 2. Don’t I, and others who’ve been waiting, deserve a reward? Pretty please?
I’m thrilled to hear Hugh 2 is in the Mix – yay!!! I often wonder what’s happening in that world. Thank you.
Yay! A tentative schedule of promised books. So exciting. Thank you for this and for Roman’s serial. Excited to see it will be published.
I loved re-reading Puffles! I would absolutely adore reading more in this world. I‘d also adore reading Wilmington 3 or more Roman.
So happy about the schedule!
I vote for Wilmington 3! Ich love everything that you write so i am happy over every Release, but Kate has a special place in my hearth and reading it makes me especially happy! I wish you all the best for your Health and I am very happy about your good news! Greetings from Germany 🙂
Thank you for the updates. Any books/novellas are greatly received. But, I would love to read more about Puffles!!
Ooh all sounds wonderful! I am happy that I remembered Puffles, which is really something because I often can’t remember why I walked into a room.
I am happy to get anything. Thank you for updating us!
I personally loved Sweep with Me. I understand the comments. But Dina and Seans relationship cementing and the Innkeeper Assembly threat mostly removed were vital to the story.
Again, I am happy to get anything. Thank you for all you do. I am struggling right now and re-reading your books has been the glue for my sanity. I even bought the audio book for Sweep of the Heart. I have never bought an audio book before. But I play it before sleep on nights I can’t shut my brain off and it takes me to a wonderful world and lulls me to sleep.
Yay! HA is so good to us to give us this tentative schedule. Firstly – I will read and purchase anything you write. Second – I loved Puffles and have re-read the snippet more times than I want to say – however – I would also thoroughly enjoy Wilmington 3. All said – it is, of course, your call and creativity. Regardless – I know I will enjoy and devour whatever it ends up being! Thank you so much. Ilona and Gordon you are both amazing!
puffles please. I will buy Sanctuary of course, but I would rather see puffles next.
Since I’m one of those pushy readers who think you should clone yourself four times, never sleep or take any fun breaks….wow, do I want Puffles! Maybe it was a business non-starter back then but now, with your new publishing models, it would be a total starter?
It’s good to know that I have a rough calendar of what and when. Keeps things from getting crazy.
Definitely appreciate the updates…
Love all the ideas, but I vote for Puffles!
I, for one, loved Sweep with Me — even though it was “only” a novella.
The story may not have furthered the “Parents Missing” arc, but it did give Dina and Sean another boost in magic power awareness and confidence.
Without that magic confidence power boost, Dina might not have made it through the finale of Sweep of the Heart.
(Well, she probably would have made it because you are the authors of her fate, but having a step-to-the-side story that includes another game-changing “power-up” description makes this fan happy!)
I am really looking forward to a compilation of shorts, novellas and “side bits” in the future of the Innkeeper Chronicles. I will definitely pay for it.
SIDE NOTE: For my own side note, I finally convinced Mom (my mother, not yours) to read the first book in the Innkeeper Chronicles series.
I bought her the Kindle version — okay, alright already, I am a cheapskate… There! Feel better now? — partly because it was less expensive than the paperback, and partly because I am trying to get her to read books digitally (it’s a long, family drama story that you won’t care about…).
So far, she really likes it!
I guess my original description of aliens, an ex-pat, former galactic ruler, vampires, werewolves, a gigantic hedgehog-like chef and magic beings staying in a specialized magic inn on Earth didn’t go over all that well.
I think she’s beginning to understand why I drone on and on about the Innkeeper Chronicles.
P.S. I really like “Sanctuary” serial so far. Similar enough to the KD series that I enjoy it, but different enough to allow some originality to make it unique. Though, I am really pulling for Roman to make things right with Vasylisa and avoid a nasty Karma. I guess that will take a few books… all the better for the BDH!
Thanks for the update that we will promptly forget and roar for more XYZ book. Novella idea – Kinsmen Universe. If I want a quick comfort/mac and cheese read I hit up Silver Shark or Fated Blades
Yesss ! I vote for Puffles..been waiting a long time.There’s no mention of Maggie ..is that shelved for the moment? Thanks for all the weekly snippets. Will there ever be another story in the Kinsmen universe? Or even a suite for the Blood Heir? You guys have spoiled us with all the rich world building and great ambience that leave all us readers and fans hungry for more.
Both the Kinsmen and Blood Heir series will continue in the future 🙂 – you can check the status of series on the Release Schedule page, if they are not marked “Finished/Finished for now”, they are considered ongoing! https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/
From Ilona, higher up in the comments “We cannot confirm or deny anything in regard to Maggie.”
while the greedy part of my brain wishes you could write 10 books a year… the part of my brain that actually touches reality is jumping up and down, shaking pompoms, yelling “YAY!!!!” at your tentative release list.
thank you for the hope of whats to come, and i will do my best to keep the greedy part of my brain in check.
my vote for the novella is willmington # 3! or a roman # 2. i’d love a puffles story, but i guess i’d prefer the new series to start out with a full length novel, not a novella.
I want them all (but especially Innkeeper). Right now. However: I will (reluctantly) accept that authors are human and probably need to do things like eat, sleep, take vacations, and generally live.
Seriously: Wishing you the best & take the time you need to deal with medical issues. I’m always a bit leery of telling authors how eagerly I’m looking forward to their work because I know it can sound demanding. Please see it as the best kind of anticipation–waiting for Christmas, not demanding that my widget be ready on time.
Dear Mod R
I know that there was no asking for votes about the novella, I would, however, LIKE to put in a good word for a Puffles novella. I loved, loved, loved that snippet! I haven’t read any of the comments yet, so I don’t know if there are any others that I am chiming in with. I most certainly hope there are more.
If we get a vote, Wilmington 3 for sure 👏
“several of them mention that readers didn’t like taking a side detour from the main storyline”
Not to argue for an earlier Innkeeper, just a vote of having loved all the choices you’ve made so far with Innkeeper, side detours and all. I am really looking forward to the Parent storyline of course but have loved your explorations of the others. Love the options on the list: Wilmington, yay! Sanctuary, yay! Hugh 2 eventually, yay!
thank you for sharing.
I vote for Puffles (I keep thinking about that snippet) and for Maud’s wedding. Thank you Mod R for clarifying that Wilmington 3 must come before next Blood Heir. Also, thank you House A for letting us know what’s on the writing horizon. I’ve been disappointed that several of my (other) favorite authors have not released anything or maybe one book since the crazy (it shall not be mentioned) 2020. Happy Easter to all❣
I’m with Gordon on this one. Definitely Wilmington 3. 🙂
House Andrews books always satisfy. I’m sad to hear that others didn’t appreciate Maude’s book. Maude is freaking fantastic. Sweep of the Blade is one of my very favorites of all the HA books, honestly. I adore the female comraderie, Helen’s adorableness, Maude’s badassery, and the adventuresome plot. It is just uniquely satisfying.
I don’t mind admitting that there’s a part of me that’s nervous about Hugh 2. The fact that this story was too traumatic to deal with during the pandemic gives me anxiety. That poor dude has already been through so much. And, like, I’m academically aware that he’s a pretend person, but my brain is pretty sure he’s real and he’s our buddy and we are emotionally invested in him.
It’s a high-quality problem to have, right? The character is so well written that my subconscious is convinced he’s real. Brains are weird.
Anyway, all that to say that I’m very excited to see what’s next, and I’m so very happy I have this little corner of the Internet where the fans are both rabid and kind, and the authors clearly love us.
I will buy anything you write so do what works for you. love from Perth Western Australia
I have to say, anything that is written by House Andrews is something that I will read.
That being said, I would love to read more of Puffles and Raina’s story and have ever since it was initially posted on the blog in 2017.
The story with Puffles just made me want to read a book about this. It sounded like a greatnovel. But I love everything you write.
Wow, that is a tough choice. My first choice would be a Roman 2 novella but I would love a Wilmington 3 as well. I know I’m being greedy with wanting both. I feel like there’s so much more to still explore with Roman and Sanctuary really has me craving for more. Please consider doing both, some way, some how? I realize that’s a lot to ask. I remember a long time ago it was mentioned that a trilogy/series idea for Roman was scrapped, and I was super disappointed to hear that. Hope there’s some way to have a Roman 2 novella at some point.
I loved the side story. It was just right in order to flesh out the vastness of the world.
Not that I get a vote in this, but, PUFFLES!!!!!!!!!
That snippet was so intriguing, and it hasn’t gone out of my head since I read it the first time. I would absolutely love to see more of that story.
(And, just an odd note, the only reason I even picked up reading Fourth Wing, is because you mentioned it/dragons in regards to the Puffles story).
I am flabbergasted at that Sweep with Me feedback. It was such a fun read for me! Probably my favorite installment yet.
Then again, each of us having unique perspectives is also one of the things that makes humans cool, even if it means less of Sweep of Me type stories *sigh* 😔
Thank you so much for the updates! Looking forward to following along with upcoming releases!
What about Arabella,is she getting a trilogy?
The Hidden Legacy series is finished for now. The authors feel at peace that they left it in a very happy place and do not intend to continue it in the near future. That doesn’t mean it will never get a sequel, just that one is not guaranteed 🙂.
thank you thank you thank you. I was so worried that Hugh would be lost to the dnf pile.
You know that feeling you get where there is this place of wistful-want and a sizzling zing of adventure, interspersed with a longing sigh of potential romance that would be oh-so-sweet? That feeling where you know there’s a place where you will feel alive and exhilarated, but it’s just out of reach?
That’s what I have right now, but it’s for a place that doesn’t exist and a time I can’t go to.
So yeah that’s a #weebeastie vote for me.
I have decided too read elsewhere until you do a second book for blood heir 2. Julie and Derek can be just as much fun and more than all the Magic books. Will just keep checking.
what about Blood Heir 2?🙏 Julie & Derek, yes please!❤️
Puffels has resonated since first reading the snippet: a tangible world, a coherent sense of place and intriguing characters created in a few broad brushstrokes.
I would love to spend more time there discovering their stories.
Hopefully a follow up to Blood Heir? I love Kate Daniels world!
When do we get Arabella’s story?
The Hidden Legacy series is finished for now. The authors feel at peace that they left it in a very happy place and do not intend to continue it in the near future. That doesn’t mean there won’t be a Arabella sequel, just that one is not guaranteed 🙂.
Hidden Legacy is one of my favorites and I hope that the authors will feel inspired to continue after we get through the other pending books. Thank you!
My vote is for Wilmington 3
I’d love an Innkeeper serial for Christmas. I’m just saying.
Yay, future projects! I love them all. I am wondering where Arabella’s story stands from Hidden Legacy. Just finished rereading the series to date. Is that a project that is still on a back burner, warm but not simmering?
The Hidden Legacy series is finished for now. The authors feel at peace that they left it in a very happy place and do not intend to continue it in the near future. That doesn’t mean there won’t be a Arabella sequel, just that one is not guaranteed 🙂.
Yay!!! thank you!
Oh, more Puffles, please!!! ❤️
I know I’m late, but Mod R, is the mystery novella maaayyybe about Augustine and Diana?
I would like for the Horde to fluffily meditate on the meaning of the word “mystery” 😛
Stating the obvious here.
We are just grateful you keep us in the loop and throw goodies our way when you could be doing something you would really , really like to do just for yourselves.
Thank you very, very much.
Wilmington!! that would be awesome.
Wilmington 3!!!