Hello. I small dog Coco. Someone threw me in a dumpster.

I’m a girl. Kid 1 is my pet mom. I stay with grandparents now because Austin rental rates are insane and they are trying to find the right place.

I have the best time.
Dogs, Family POST A COMMENT by Ilona
Hello. I small dog Coco. Someone threw me in a dumpster.
I’m a girl. Kid 1 is my pet mom. I stay with grandparents now because Austin rental rates are insane and they are trying to find the right place.
I have the best time.
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I just hope he gets a sock to wear in winter.
That could end unexpectedly.
“Master has given Coco a sock!”
Awwwww. Poor Coco, he’s not a house elf 🥹
She is the Frodo to Tubby’s Gimli.
love it!! Thanks for the pics!
What is it with furbabies and socks?
My cats will carry my socks all over the house.
I find them in strange places.
A cheap toy for my dog was taking everyone’s old, holy socks or those who’ve lost their mates and stuff them all into one to make a long, bumpy big sock. My dog loved to play with those. We’d find bits and pieces of sock all over, but it was hilarious watching her with it.
It is the endearing fragrance of those they love embedded in those socks….!
Oh man, a dumpster?! That sounds as bad as a guy in southern Dallas dumping a German Shepard puppy out on a not so used road. People who live on that road caught the guy using a surveillance camera that is posted by the road. The puppy was taken to the Dallas animal shelter to be adopted. Glad Coco was found.
I like the look on Coco’s face when snuggling with Gordon. He/she got the best place to sit. 🙂
Socks and pets…the mysterious conundrum of the universe.
Adorable 🥰 so happy to see these cute pictures and know Coco will be / IS so loved.
Ahhh. Doesn’t take much to keep them happy. My rescue cats know they have it good. My living room has far too many toys for them but if I’m there I’m the favorite toy.
Hope you won’t have a hard time when goes home with his mom.
When my sister went on 12 hour shifts unexpectedly in the navy, my dad jumped in the car and drove from Massachusetts to Maryland to get her pet kid. Boogie never looked back. Grandpa and grandma were the best.
My sister couldn’t separate Boogie from my dad when she got discharged. She didn’t even want to it would have been mean they were so attached.
Good memories now that they’re both gone on .
Coco won the lottery after being an outcast. I love a happy ending. Coco rocks. And so do you!
After graduation kid 3 & her gf moved in with us with their golden doodle. He had the run of the house, wfh grands & a big back yard. He got pretty spoiled so when they found a place & moved out he was a little sad for awhile.
I am not sure Coco will ever want to live his big pillow, his favourite char, his bestest friends or the big backyard! Not to mention his grandpa and grandma 🙂 Kudos to Kid 1 for the rescue.
Mark Twain reputedly said “Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.” Research has actually shown that some predators appear to take pleasure from playing with their prey before consuming it, but I think humans are probably more frequently cruel. I am not a member of PETA but I do think all nations need stronger animal protection laws.
Humans are also the only ones that are cruel as a deliberate choice… How f*cked up must one be to throw a live animal in a dumpster to get rid of it?
All the heart eyes! More puppy content, please!
Coco is a lucky Pup!
Thank you for your kindness to your nonhuman family. In about 30 minutes, I will be leaving for my regular volunteer time at the local animal shelter. It is people like you who keep me volunteering. Frequently I dispair when I see how some of the animals have been treated. Our shelters are constantly crowded. We are low-kill and not to no-kill. We can’t keep an animal that has been abused so badly that medical intervention will just prolong the agony. We also can’t keep a dog that will not, after months, allow anyone to handle the dog. Thank you for the hope in your books and thank you for the help you give these wonderful animals.
Love the Super Mario Bros. music in the video! Perfection! Lol
Also love how you and your family care for all these precious animals. Thank you.
Thank you in every way for this. You made the rest of his life possible. Gordon looks just right in this position. This story makes my heart happy.
Awww 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Good to see Small Dog living the best life. Thank you for that hit of oxytocin lol
Awwww what a sweet baby
Hi Coco! Long distance pats, scritches, and snuggles ❤️
You are good people, House Andrews! Good people.
To that person who dumped Coco (or any person who irresponsibly abandons a pet): I hope it burns when you pee FOREVER.
Awwwwsome! I sympathize with your hoomom about the insane rental prices. You got some great support there puppers!
Coco is so cute. The big question is will Coco want to leave her best buddies and best granpa and big yard when its time?
PS. my daughter bought specific socks for our dog in her puppy stage. She did not want those, she wanted the ones we wore on our feet. Our girl is 10 now and has thankfully grown out of that stage.
Oooh, people throwing pets away just makes my blood boil! Coco got lucky with his rescue. Thanks for being the kind of people who love them.
you do know that Coco is never leaving, right? The sleeping with grandpa was they key. That’s when they wrap your heart and soul around their little paws. Have to go. My rescue dog needs a tummy rub and is doing the paw dance of command to here slave.
Very glad Coco is with you guys , happy ending 🐾🥰❤️
Coco is a cutie. I’m glad he gets a lot of love. I have a chihuahua named Grace. No socks for her!
I send Coco much love. Smol dogs are good dogs.
Deer head chihuahua. poor little thing. But very lucky little girl now.
Aww, she is adorable! Coco, I’m so sorry someone threw you in a dumpster, but I am happy you found a great family that loves you and that you are having a wonderful time with them!
That’s not kid’s 1 dog that’s your/Gordon’s dog. Just face it 🙂 who does Mona visit from?
Mona or Momo, as I call her, visits with her dad who is a friend of Kid 1. Also, the caption is misleading. Momo doesn’t “relax”, she is either zooming or sleeping.
I had a dog for years named Isabeau. She looked a lot like your Coco. She was the best dog ever. She lived to a ripe old age, but I still miss her! Enjoy your Grandpup!
Another example, if anybody needed one, of why (granted some exceptions that prove the rule) dogs are better than people. Coco looks like a complete sweetheart. She’s in her happy place now.
She looks so happy and content! <3 What a sweetheart.
Sweet doggie! You mentioned last winter (?) trying to make a sweater but size was a problem. Check out ‘Dandy dog Sweater’ pattern. It comes in 3 sizes. I thought of you when I saw it on a Facebook page I follow.
Happy Friday!
Awww!!!! Hi Coco, you’re adorable!
I’m always amazed by people’s capacity for cruelty.
Thanks for all the cute pictures to counteract the bad stuff in the world!
I love it ! Chi’s are special & ornery.
awww…. he’s a cutie!
Love the pictures! Wish I could have an animal, however my husband is allergic to fur . Sorry for the awful circumstances that was for the rescue.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Small Dog and Best Friends looks like a winning calendar – just saying! Soak up the love, Small Dog! <3
That dog may not be going anywhere. You all look extremely comfortable together.
I don’t understand how people can be so cruel… Glad baby girl has a good home now! thank you for sharing the pictures. enjoy seeing all the pets! thanks for all your hard work, it is much enjoyed!
Thank You for unconditional Love for little Coco! I have 9 rescue dogs, wish I were closer I would adopt her. Every day are stories of dog, puppies & cats being dumped. Mankind is cruel,no matter what walk of life they come from but Thank God there are more people like you!
Your home is so full of love. Wonderful to see Coco thriving. Love to see all the fur babies 🐶🐈. Thank you for the smiles 🙏🏽❤️
Hah! Dog-sitting for family is a fool’s game. I had my dog-phew (brother’s dog = dog-nephew = dog-phew) for 12 days, gave him back last Saturday 13th. He’s returning for a week this Sunday. And will be back again for Glastonbury in June. I got 1 box of Turkish Delight in return. I had to do eye drops! He does not accommodate this! Familial abuse! Potential fratricide incoming. . .
My small dog is a Texas import and I named her Dina after my favorite Innkeeper (and small dog lover).
Cute pup.
Good for you guys (or Kid 1) for rescuing the little dog. I have several small dogs and really can’t imagine someone throwing them in a dumpster. Glad Coco now has a home.
Awww, so cute!
🥰love the fact that your daughter is so compassionate! A dumpster, I still can’t understand some people. That little one is soo cute, but Mona stole my heart, lol.
My brother in law sto..uh hum…confiscated a starved beagle chained outside someones home. His tail healed bent like a hockey stick so they named him Gretsky (hockey player). He formed a non profit called Project2heal.
Coco is the cutest! I can’t someone just threw her away, but I’m happy to see that she’s living her best life now!
Some men tried to throw my dog in the dumpster, and some young teenage girls saw them, and said it was their dog to save her. We were very thankful.
I LOVE 💕 these pictures, but the captions are even better.
…. What awful person would throw such a cute doggo in a dumpster…. :,(
So cute!! Sending hugs to Miss Coco and her friends Tubby and Mona! Also, it is good to have blankets and a Pet Grampa to snuggle with!
Adorable 🙂 🙂
Yeah House Andrews!🙏
Those pictures brought a smile to my face,thanks!
I love knowing you and your entire family probably wear as much dog hair as we do.
My mom calls my dogs her furry grandchildren since she didn’t get human ones from me.
That dog is adorable and looks quite content now despite her bad times.
So adorable!
I will never understand how anyone could put dogs in a dumpster. My dog, Zeppo, was found in a dumpster as a tiny puppy with three siblings. Someone found them, kept two for himself, and took the other two to an animal shelter where I adopted Zeppo. He was the best dog. (He died two years ago this month when he was 14, nearly 15). And except for the chance that some guy found them, I would have never had my sweetheart.
What a sweet baby!
I honestly do not understand people some times. Why a dumpster? Are they just too cruel or too lazy to take an unwanted pup to a shelter? There are at least half a dozen around Austin.
Coco looks like a great little dog too. Kudos to kid 1 for picking her up and adopting!
I love this, so sweet! Who would literally throw away a wonderful living creature! Makes me angry! My last 2 dogs have been shelter dogs, they are absolutely the best! My Sadie is sleeping in the sun as I write this, she is a great dog!
Thank you so much for two articles of cute dog pictures! It made a lovely break in my work day. Perrito and Small Dog are both so cute, and the German shepherds are lovely. All beautiful dogs…happy boost for my morning.
I am so happy for you and your new small adorable dog!
I recently lost my
beautiful fur baby Miguel to diabetes complications. Give your heart ❤️ to your fur baby !
Coco no lovely should ever be treated like trash. Lots of hoomans suck.
You have yourself a great family now.
The worst and the best of humanity in one post.
Thrown in a dumpster!!!???!!! WTF is wrong with people??!!! Thank God your daughter found the dog. She seems very happy to be visiting with you and her new life.
A dumpster?!!! That’s just awful. There is a very special place in the afterlife for those that treat innocent fur babies this way. 😡
I got my first dog many years ago when some idiot woman zipped closed a whole litter (5 pups, app. 4 weeks old) into a backpack and tossed it into weeds alongside a rural road near us. A friend of mine saw it happen (unfortunately they didn’t realize what they had seen until they went to investigate, so they weren’t quick enough to catch the woman.) All fur babies were fine though and adopted into loving homes.
I adopted the runt of the litter: he grew up to be a 103 pound goofball, sweetest, funniest, and best dog ever. He looked like a very (!!) tall golden retriever with shorter hair and some German Shepherd, with a Golden’s personality. He lived to be 13, and I will never forget him. 🥹
Adorable and he so good with his Grandpa 🥰❤️
I was just doing a puzzle and ruminating on how Cornelius’s family, um, unalived his dog to punish him for Adam Pierce’s poor choices, and I had to stop and remind myself that they are not real people and that dog never existed.
So it is nice to come here and see a dog who was rescued and is living the good life 🙂
Dawwwww Small Dog has a big heart!
When I was in High School, back in 1967, or so, my dad brought home a dog that looked just like yours. I’ve got memories coming back I haven’t visited in a lot of years. Thank you very much.
Am I the only one who keeps coming back to this post just to look at cute pics of happy dogs? So much better than Aol News.
Love dogs. So glad she was found.
I love animals. There are a few small, young squirrels in my area. Everyone tells me not to put water near their tree(a public area). We have no standing water anywhere and it’s been in the low 90s. Bite me, everyone.
I hate people. A dumpster. Grrrrrrrrrr
Looking forward to pix of Coco & Perrito together! Want some small dog energy.
That is so sweet. Rescues are the best but this is even more special. Poor baby. And yeah try Dallas even higher rentals and home prices. ( big sigh) I miss Austin