Through the mists of time, people tell legends of a miraculous plant. It exists shriveled and dead, a little more than a dry clump, until water touches it, and then it blooms into vibrant green, suddenly alive. Its name is the Rose of Jericho.
Once there was a woman who didn’t trust the legends, so she bargained with the merchants at a vast marketplace and bought the dead plant.

She placed it into a bowl and added water. And then she waited.

A night had passed and her patience was rewarded.

The plant had revived, verdant and healthy. It filled the woman’s heart with joy.
But life doesn’t often bring us happy ending.
The woman consulted the writings of learned sages and discovered that the miraculous plant must be allowed to dry between the waterings. She didn’t have a proper bowl or the pebbles it required, so she took it outside and placed into a tall planter, where it would be safe, to allow it to dry before it could be brought inside again. And then she went about her many tasks.
The world exists in the balance between Order and Chaos, between Birth and Destruction. And since the plant was reborn and blooming, revived from the dead against the natural order of things, it had attracted forces of Chaos. A Destroyer appeared. Quietly it came, unnoticed, undetected, climbed the rocking chair, and snatched the plant from the tall planter.
A Destroyer can only destroy. It is its primary goal.
The woman knew nothing until she confronted the Destroyer on its throne and saw the consequences of her choices.

The woman took a deep sigh, consulted the sages again, and rejoiced because miraculous plant was not toxic to Destroyers*. For it would have been one death too many.
And now you know the legend of the Rose of Jericho and Coco the Destroyer. She is a menace. This dog has all the toys in the world.
*It is, however, mildly toxic to cats, so the carnage was cleaned immediately.
Naughty Puppy! My cat once found the sealed bag of colored unpopped popcorn kernels on the kitchen counter while I was at work. I came home to them scattered all over the kitchen floor. Not a fun cleanup. They were everywhere on the tiled floor!
I. Cannot. π
Coco the Destroyer looks at the camera, looks sort of cute, and portrays a “who me?” aura around her even though the destruction lays all around her. π
Thanks for the Monday laugh. Stay cool and hydrated in this horrible Texas heat.
nope, third.
thanks for the laugh!
She is so proud to have saved you from that evil shriveled thing
Yes! Evil. So much evil. π€£π€£π€£π€£
I will share the story of Smokey the Vomiter and The Clean Carpet.
My cat Smokey vomits, but it must be on a clean carpet. Yes, I leave vomit on the carpet to dry for a period of time which will not be mentioned. I finally vacuumed and cleaned all the stains on the carpets. It is so nice to have clean carpet. The countdown has began.
I have had my 18 year-old-barely-able-to-get-around cat hot foot it from the back yard where I had carried him to get in the house so he could vomit on carpet. All the grass in the yard wasnβt good enough.
Oh my gosh my cat used to do this also. He would run for the only carpet in the house, on the stairs so he could puke all over them. Though I prefer it over when we got rid of the carpet, his favorite puking spot became the bed. Maybe I should have gotten him a little carpet square.
No pineapple is safe in our house, thanks to the massive chunk Senpai. He nibbles and nibbles, then spews his feline guts at night, where a bare foot is sure to find it in the morning.
Poor Victorious Coco π
I normally expect cats to be destroyers. No piece of paper, nail file or pen is safe in my house! The pothos plant now has lacy leaves. I feel your pain.
Be careful. We didn’t think much of our lacy pothos leaves, and then we had a very $$ emergency vet bill. The vet said they can nibble 30 times, but that 31st time maybe be when their system rejects it…
Ahhh, the mighty destroyer. Such destructive powers, in such a cute package.
Bwa-ha-ha!! I just love your slices of life, thank you Ilona!
LOLOL. You only have to look at that cute little face to see that Coco is well aware of the consequences of her choices tho I’m sure she knows, as well, that she’s won…
I hadnβt thought about that fairytale plant in ages!
One of the princes always brings it to his father to prove how far he travelled and how much he lived hehe.
What a neat plant. I am sorry for your pain but I giggled at the Destroyer. Thanks for a funny.
But look at that face in the third picture!!!
Butter wouldnβt melt, but the Rose of Jericho would
In this heat the butter would melt and the Rose of Jericho would be on fire. Ugh!
So true!!!
The poodle beast has gallbladder issues so can have an upset tummy. If her tummy is upset, she must be in my bed as that is the safe place. However, she will regurgitate bile, which is a stain that cannot be removed easily. So, if she won’t leave my bed, an old sheet is added to contain the problem.
Side note: she’s a smallish dog. Do you know how difficult it is to cut an Omeprazole into 4 equal pieces with a pill cutter? It’s quite impossible
Have you tried an exacto knife and slow, gentle sawing? (Don’t know if it works with Omeprazole, but it’s worked for me for other small, annoying pills.)
You can also get a precision scale, powder it in a mortar, and weigh it out. (I’m usually working with cats, and generally find pilling easier, but it depends on the cat. Ezzi is a darling, but she would try to bite me.)
I was going to suggest mashing it and then dividing into 4 equal parts. I use a pill splitter and the pieces often are unequal so I think eyeballing it would do just as well. Now convincing the poodle to swallow it is another thing!
My cat sleeps on my bed all day. My cat will also go weeks without tossing up a hairball and then do it 3 times in 3 days. While sleeping on my bed. Yay.
My solution was to buy a waterproof mattress pad cover a size bigger than the bed (so I got a king to cover my queen mattress) and that is the new top over. I actually bought 2 so when he pukes all over one, it goes in the laundry and I switch to the other.
I used the same approach when new adopted-during-covid kitties (now nearly 3) were having “out of the box” thinking when first brought home. mattress pad under the bedding, mattress pad on top of the bedding. Came to a compromise eventually (you’re going to pee in that corner, fine, I’ll put a litter box in that corner …).
Too funny. I was thinking of changing my cat’s name to Destructo but The Destroyer is so perfect.
The series of photos tells an appendix to the story. I laughed so hard!
Thank you for sharing. You have my sympathy at the demise of your plant. Rose of Jericho is really beautiful. Too bad Coco claims primary occupancy.
Great legend. Glad it wasnβt toxic. Sorry about you cool resurrection plant.
Oh my
Ahh⦠the joy and the despair of having The Destroyer live among us:-)
A nice cup of tea, a little snack, and maybe some music will make it all better- or at least bearable.
Thanks for sharing!
Sorry about the amazing plant. It was incredibly cool looking.
Oh, dear. Poor plant – poor you!
(This makes my miscreants look… not bad. The worst the current batch does is play roach ball, where they catch a roach on the screened in porch, then haul it indoors to torture it to death…)
My old cat brought in all sorts of things. Mostly we found lizard heads, but on at least two occasions, I had to let birds out of the house – a pigeon and a small owl.
She was the least hunter-looking cat I have ever seen – all 8 fluffy, pure white pounds of her – and an absolute genius at hunting. She was rescued from an industrial site and there was no keeping her inside or I would have…
The roach ball players are my current fosters, who are total sweethearts. Fosters don’t get any real outdoor time, but they do get to go on the screened in porch. (Which is the best. Lots of dozing out there in front of the bird feeder…)
My three get semi-supervised time outdoors – they started out indoor and harness only, but we worked on it. They know they are allowed to go after small rodents and insects at their discretion, and to leave the birds, reptiles and amphibians alone… and it mostly works. I had my two black kitties since they were kittens, and they took instruction well. (Cricket will occasionally bring me lizards, but she’s very gentle with them and doesn’t to them any damage.) Ember, my tortie girl, came to me as a foster who had taken in three orphaned kittens after her own kittens were weaned, and it’s been a little harder to convince her not to go after birds, but we’re mostly there. (She also likes to sit on snakes. And at least once she decided to gently pat a copperhead – my heart just about came through my chest – though after an incident last fall that ended up with an emergency vet visit, she seems to be leaving the snakes alone.)
Ember is also the one who has been catching mice for the fosters. Robin just about lost his tiny mind when she brought him a still warm mouse – he carried it around in his mouth, and growled at anyone who came close, then ate it. So next she brought them a live one, which they gleefully dispatched. But this hasn’t been common, and TBH, I prefer it to the roach pieces that get left around.
My cats use to play field mice ball (I lived in a rural area in Missouri at the time) with their paws. Didn’t use their claws or bit into the mouse. They just chased it down a very short hallway. One would be by my bedroom door and the other at the other end of the hallway. I would hear them run while chasing the mouse. Then all of sudden I heard plaintive meows because their play toy wasn’t moving. I remember coming out of my room, saw the mouse, looked at the cats and said “did you chase the mouse to death? Probably had a heart attack that you didn’t use your claws.” No marks were on the mouse. So, I used some toilet paper to pick up the mouse to take it outside. The cats walked right beside me meowing. I told them that their play toy wasn’t alive anymore since they scared it to death. Once the dead mouse was outside, they stopped meowing at me.
About a year later, another field mouse came in the house. My cats did the same thing to that mouse they did to the first mouse. After that second time, no more mice to be found in the house. π
The word went out on mouse-net
Those photos tell the story…. proud waggy tail….. Slow realisation…. Guilt.
Coco’s expression – I just can’t – laughed out loud at work this morning, got here before 9 am – the place is dead quiet & I echoed. Spooked myself.
Bummer about your plant. Dogs will be dogs
I was totally fooled, I thought you were writing something new
I love the pictures of your little destroyer and thanks for the laugh π
Me too! I was already deep into the story, thinking it was a new snippet, when I scrolled down far enough to see the Destroyer sitting on his throne. π
I am so very sorry that your quest was cut short. I hope, deeply, that you may acquire another Rose of Jericho that will bring your heart joy and that the Destroyer may find other things to occupy him.
Such mischief is easier to take with a tale (tail?).
Love this, it’s exactly the kind of internal narration I have when my lovable labradors morph into ‘Dexter the Destroyer’ or ‘Gus the Grim Reaper’…
People wonder when dogs were first domesticated from wolves. It was when the look displayed in your last picture first manifested in an early dog. It was the Who meβ look
Wow you can turn anything into an epic story!! Thanks for sharing!
You get more whimsical when you’ve rested, so I’m glad you had a good weekend!
Heh. It is also the destroyer’s nature to sense that which you’d prefer they not find and to immediately seek it out. Coco does not look repentant at all, as befitting a true destroyer of all things treasured.
I’ve got 4 rescue chihuahuas, one looks like your fur baby. Two of them keep raiding my tomato plants and eating the green tomatoes. I’ve now put up fencing that I hope will alleviate the little thieves from stealing any more!
ππππ Thank you for this laugh. Coco the Destroyer is cute though
Oh no!!!!
And look at the ears on Queen Coco, the Destroyer, Agent of Chaos – she KNOWS!
So sorry but really glad no animals were harmed in the making of this tale. Time for tea, while the balance restores itself.
The Destroyer looks unrepentant.
My thought exactly.
ππ gasp ππ gasp ππ
Oh my God, this was fantastic! Because it is so completely true of this house as well. I swear I could read you talking about Toilet Paper and it would be just as entertaining.
Thanks for the comedy break during my everyday email/bill receiving.
Ha, ha, ha. You make everything you write interesting.
and thus was born the legend of the rose of jericho and coco the destroyer which will live forevermore in the hearts and minds of the BDH π
This is the epitome of a writer’s view of the world. Every event has it’s own story. ALL HAIL THE DESTROYER,it’s wagging tail and it’s kind woman companion who cleaned up after it and graced us with the tale!
Clearly Chaotic Neutral, not Caotic Evil!
She looks sorry by the 3rd picture⦠lol
OMG! I love this. I especially love the second pic wherein Cocoa looks about in apparent surprise.
“This? I have no idea what this is!”
In fact, she doesnβt even remember how she got here!
Lovely story and precious photos of Coco π
too funny! a new legend is born
The final photo is the best! The look on her face with her ears drawn back is adorable, like she just realized she did something that wasn’t supposed to have been done. Long ago and far away I had a Doberman who would get in trouble while I was at work. So I’d come home and look over the house while she followed with her head down. When I didn’t find anything I’d praise her and she’d be happy. Finding something just meant it was too late to do anything but plan for it not be a problem in the future.
Your imagination knows no bounds. You turn a simple dog-being -bad tale into an epic quest. I love you so hard.
thank you … for cheering me up on a particularly drab day workwise
That was a lovely story. Now we have a legend of Coco the destroyer
I cannot put the googly eye gif here but that’s what my eyes looked like while reading. I am more fascinated by the plant’s heroism to survive since this is the first time I heard of this kind.
And now I ordered one from amazon…but none of them come with a cute dog π€£.
Love it. Started the day with a smile. Glad it wasn’t “toxic” to her.
* the Destroyer then looked very contrite, and promised he was sorry and that he would be a very good boi, at least until next time.
Bwahaha!!!! OMG I so needed that!
My cat has a box full of toys at this disposal. All he has to do is go to the box and pick a toy. He does do that on occasion, but what he really wants is to go in the bathroom, topple over the trash can and get a used toilet paper roll to tear apart. I woke up to that this morning. He decided to tear it apart in my bedroom. If that isn’t available a magazine will do if I forget to put them out of reach. But, I keep buying him toys.
My mother had one. It was the only plant she didn’t kill. The poor plant lived in a silly swan shape dish and was water about twice a year. She would have loved your books.
Captions of the pictures:
βHello! I did something?? What did I do?β
βOh my goodness, thereβs a messβ¦β
βI sorwe. Very guilt.β
Look at that face !!! And you can see the tail wagging !!!
I was totally engrossed in the adventures of the rose of Jericho, till her noble end, thank you.
Sometimes I think our fur babies have ESP about what we donβt want them to do. I had to drastically change TP holders because my cat (who taught his little sister) shreds (not unroll) TP. This involved altering the wall.
Thanks for this Monday chuckle!
Sorry to hear about your plant but not sorry to read your story.
The Destroyer is too cute for words.
New merch – CoCo The Destroyer T-shirt.
Thanks for the belly laugh!
I’m sure Coco now feels entitled to scritches for protecting you against this terrible threat to the family π
Oh man this is real! My doggo is called Lucy the Maggot Face for all she eats (usually just Maggot Face for short-yes she proudly ate maggots once). Soo many plants never had a full life thanks to Maggot Face. Life would be so much less without her though.
I grow cactus. So-far never had a pet crazy enough to tangle with one. Hope that continues.
Sorry about the plant, but thoroughly enjoyed the story and pictures of the heinous criminal!
the wagging tail in the first picture just kills me!
my dog Heidi jumped the fence into the garden that she KNOWS she’s not allowed in, and stole green tomatoes off the plant. then she tried to eat them and decided they were gross, and left the half chewed green tomatoes on the patio. guess i’ll have to wait a little longer for the first ripe tomato of the season.
Everyoneβs a connoisseur π ! Sorry to hear your gardening skills have been criticised lol, but hope the next one is delicious!
so cool you you can make anything sound fab – loved this.
Nicely written! We have a cat and a kitten, and they are also desructive, especially Bandit the Kitten.
omg – that blurry, wagging tail. XD Dying over here! lolol π π π
ah the destroyers we all have that somehow we love them,and they return ‘the favor’ on their yes.
our big, black sweet knucklehead Finn is such a boy dog, he is 100 lbs ++++ and we swear most of that is pee. our back yard is the land of huge beds with a lot of mature plantings and the new ones we constantly plant ( talking 300 linear feet , avg depth is about 12 feet). Finn won’t rest until he pees on his every planting, and we have lost a lot of plants to it ( that and the trees his sister and he constantly barked at with nothing in them, until we finally had to remove the trees)
then we have our own ripper of souls ,where the nightly body count often needs a score card. He once left a chipmunk head after getting mad about the food we gave him. Then there was the time we were sitting in our screen room in our back yard and he showed up with a full size rabbit in his mouth. Said rabbit was alive,so we drove a long way to a really nice animal hospital that took in wounded wildlife ( we like to think they could rehab it), said cat was pissed for days at us.
Love it!!!!!
This is amazing. My day is now brighter.
Best post everβ€οΈπβ€οΈπ€·π½ββοΈπΎ
The look on her face! Hilarious! She meant to clean it up before woman saw. π
It must have been a very fierce battle!
Resurrection ferns do the same thing and are used in the design and manufacture of heat-stable vaccines.
Good reading!
My cat, Spaghetti, sadly now long gone, used to love to eat cut flowers. Like out of vases. Not green plants in general, just flowers. Luckily, I’m allergic to most flowers, and my boyfriend, now husband, knew not to give me any, so this wasn’t a big issue.
However, one day, one of my old roommates was getting married, and left a bunch of the **artificial** flowers that were going to go in the table decorations at my apartment.
Yep, Spaghetti tried to eat those too – artificial or not. Luckily, he puked most of the mess back up (luckily for him, but messy for me), and the vet said he was okay after our emergency visit. But still – artificial flowers ???
And of course, there was the matter of the second emergency trip too – to get more flowers for the wedding tables – which were not stored in my apartment the second time around!
Sigh! But I still miss him…
The way her tail is clearly wagging in the first picture π
Looking at the photos, Coco is clearly saying, “It wasn’t me! I tried to protect the plant, but the ravening monster was just too strong!”
This is why I cannot have a pet. No maβam. Nope. Donβt sit there amongst your destruction looking over your shoulder like you didnβt do it!! NO!. Canβt accept it, like my mom used to say. I know as his mom you think itβs cute. Canβt do it. No. Thats why I have and adore plants. I vote for the moss. But it can be replaced without much mourning. Hope you get through the heat.
Oh, dear. Poor miraculous plant!
Coco, at least, looks pleased with herself.
That little face thoβ¦
Such “helpful” little darlings. The cost of unconditional love. π
Heheheheh. Roflmao! Thatβs a great story and what a mess to find from the force of chaos! Hope your day goes up from here (snicker).
β¦β¦. The plant of legend originated from the Chihuahua Desertβ¦. from whence the ancestors of the Destroyer also originatedβ¦. Perhaps there is some ancestral rivalry at play as well. Hmmmmmβ¦.
(My deep condolences on the loss of your new plant.)
You may be onto something there.
Thanks for the cool plant info/picture, the OhNo! π± and the giggle. Now Iβm off to search for my own Rose of Jericho. π
All those faces!!! π π π
The last picture has the guilty “Oh sh*t!” face. π π π
Glad the plant was not toxic to Destroyers (still laughing – sorry).
Hilarious! Loved the pictures. Who says dogs can’t talk?
That last sequence of photos is just gold. π Tentative greeting, looks around noticing the evidence forgotten, appeasement begins. Pure and unadulterated Grade A dog behavior in condensed form.
Thank you. my story follows Penny the great hunter. a few weeks ago I had both knees replaced. Thank you House Andrews, I did a complete Kate reread. my first night home the mighty hunter Penny, who is 18 and a sweet cat, caught and dropped a half live mouse in the bed. it’s been 10 years since she caught anything. From the way I moved you would not have known I had surgery less than 2 weeks before.
This is why I always check the blog! Thanks for making my day.
A beautiful tragedy.
So glad only the plant was destroyed. I will remember no Rose of Jericho in our house.
Never a boring life with a pets. Thank goodness the dog’s okay.
(btw: you see a jericho, I see a sleeping baby dragon). (Plant dragon?)
(First picture: right side looks where the heads is).
I never comment and just wanted to share this. Good evening all.
And that, children, is why House Andrews are best selling storytellers….
(OMG, that was so incredibly brilliant!!! )
Cocoβs looks described in each picture
First picture : Hihowareyapetme.
Second picture: howdidthatgettherewowitsmessy.
Third picture: Iamsocuteyouknowyouwanttopetme.
For a moment I believed that I was reading either a Kate Daniels or Aurelia Rider snipet lol. Ps poor plant.
This was SO well written! I am laughing as I post this, but I am also amazed that this could sound like a fabulous start to an epic adventure when it is actually just an anecdote about a naughty doggy destroying a beloved plant.
I love it!!! As a child I remember watching my resurrection plant unfurl. It was truly magic! Glad the Destroyer survived.
Our last dog was more of a snoozer and couldn’t be bothered to make trouble unless it involved eating grapes off the counter (greyhounds are beautiful but do have a high reach), which of course entailed a rush visit to an emergency clinic. Our current 1-year old, on the other hand, likes to gnaw on furniture and photo albums. Destroyer of memories indeed.
That plant looks like some kind of mutant slime organism from Magic Tides. Who knows what it may have generated next, Magic Clams perchance? The Destroyer might have had the inside track. The destroyer as protector – very cool beans, Err no, beans are another story. π lol
Bad baby.
I bet she rolled around in it.
Make sure it gets all over for mama.
Hilarious! Thanks for sharing!
Ha ha.. As I was reading “Die Walkure – Ride of the Valkyries” by Sumi Jo … was playing on my spotify….. synchronicity or what…
Omg!! This so made my day. I have two grandfur babies that I watch and one literally chews on the walls when stressed from loud noises.
No Destroyer at my house. Instead, I woke up at 6am Sunday to the delicate crunching noises of the Mighty Mighty Hunter Cat. Eating his kill. On my freaking bed.
His new name is Mousegut Breath.
(I mean, he was locked in all night, so said kill must have been in th house. So, good kitty! But gory mouse guts all over the bed, ewwwwwwe
The Dread Conquerer Coco ! Thanks for the fun story.
lol – that’s a very cool plant, and a very not contrite destroyer!
The Destroyer has the look of IDGAF!!!! lol
oh my!
i’m trying to imagine coco climbing a rocking chair. and failing. still…
π π My biggest embarrassment was when I had to go to our local library and confess that “My cat destroyed your book” π π
Coco is chaotic! Iβm glad it didnβt make her sick! Many years ago my one year old son munched on a poinsettia plant. He didnβt look nearly as guilty as Coco looks!
That is one guilty looking destroyer. Also, I will never show my four legged friend that bed. I would lose dog mom of the year award. I have never won the award but, there is always hope.
Oh my. You tell an enthralling tale, and the pictures, well, they gave the telling extra delight. Thank you very much for sharing this tale.
That was hilarious.
Onto other subjects:-
1. Don’t care if mugs are broken. Will glue together and make plant holders. Great talking points.
2. Just finished a re-read of Hidden Legacy (gets down on knees and begs) “Please, please, PLEASE can we have Arabella’s story?”
That is all.
Apologise for sounding like a whiny 4 year old. Will also happily read “Maggie”, stories of Coco the Destroyer, and/or to-do lists.
The whining comes from a place of love.
Thank you for your amazing stories.
Oh that is just brilliant! Again you bring such joy with your wit and skills.
Our new planter box full of chives and mint suffered a similar fate from a less wee version of the destroyer – they are so lucky they are cute and their tails wag so beguilingly.
And the teach from this tale: Youβve got a guardian against necromancy at your door steps and all destructions are made in name of Greater Good
Erras true name born from her mini me destroyer!! hahahha. Glad it wasnt toxic though! amazing little mini story. Maybe the merchants will humbly provide you with a new one if you share the story of the Rose of Jericho….Have a great morning. PS I just paid for the pre inspection for our new “almost” house, wish me luck I go in with tools bared tomorrow with the inspector, **fingers crossed** though with all the rain here in Philly we may get a new roof out of the deal if were lucky!!
Hahaha. Coco the Destroyer is aware that she is probably in trouble. Her ears and little face are clearly saying, βuh oh, bustedβ.
Love your story. In the beginning I thought maybe it was a snippet from a new book!
One of my cats disemboweled a catnip mouse and proceeded to scatter catnip all over the house. Of course the remains were trod upon (and into the carpet) before being discovered. Even after a thorough vacuuming, the cat would still fixate on spots of the rug and the shoes I was wearing at the time of the mouse murder.
Pets, gotta love the innocent expressions they put on when caught. They have controlling their human down to a fine art.
BTW, all of my merch arrived in perfect condition: ferret magnet, t-shirt and clams mug. Love it all. Thank you so much for all you do.
πππ That just made my day, thanks!
Oh my goodness, look at The Destroyerβs guilty little ear tilts in the last pictureβ¦thatβs too funny!
When things like that happen in our house, I have a very hard time deciding whether I should laugh or be very mad and scold the Offender so it doesnβt happen again! π
Was the picture of the dry plant picked because or designed to look like a little curled up animal or is that only my cloud-reading interpretation?
Also, I forwarded this post to my gardener husband and guess what came in the mail today? Hint: not a small dog.
Is it bad to rejoice in Coco the Destroyer? With a face like that, she could rule the world!
LOL Awesome. Lots of good vibes and love to House Andrews!
Glad the plant wasn’t toxic to the dog! Sorry about your plant though.
My dog once ate mice poison. He even broke a panel beneath the oven to get to it. We had no idea until his poop came out turquoise, the color of the mice poison. I wasn’t at home when all of this ridiculousness went down since I was at college. The dog survived and went to live nice a long life of 15 years and persisted to eat many non-edible things throughout that decade and a half. Lactaid pills, chocolate, carpet fibers (that last one did almost kill him), etc.
Coco looks very guilty. Also looks like she was scolded for being a naughty puppy. However can’t have been too bad, obviously Coco lives a life of luxury!
Destruction isn’t limited to Coco. I just dug up a rose that I thought had died, only to break off the new shoots hidden at the base. So it is now soaking & I will try planting it again in the hopes I haven’t killed it. Crazy weather has really made it difficult to know if stuff is still alive…..
Epic! Thanks so much for the laugh and pics of the fierce Destroyer.
We had a Destroyer. Our Rottweiler loved to chew things. He chewed through each loop of a neatly coiled hose, and left me with 5 short pieces.
He ate an entire packet of coloured balloons and literally pooped rainbows for the rest of the week.
I swear dogs are the greatest animals in the world and sometimes the worst. They are the destroyer of books (oh the horror), shoes, wooden utensils, glow sticks, couch cushions, clothing and so many more things including unmentionables. Still we love them, forgive them and wait for the next item that catches the Destroyers eye.
Heavy sigh.
Heavy sigh indeed. And prayers. On a totally different topic, I’m finishing a Little Golden Book quilt for a local charity. I’m making a gift bag arrangement of the 36 inch quilt, a swaddling blanket/nursing cover, a bib, burp pad and changing pad set and a Little Golden Book that matches the quilt’s fabric. Should I put in anything else? Right now it’s gender neutral. I like making the heirloom lace bonnets and can easily make one by Saturday when I drop the donation off. I could probably make a plainer one too. It is a new charity for me so I can do what I want. Any suggestions?
This made me smile. A great big smile. Thank you for sharing and lifting my day.
Oops. Safely out of reach is never safe where pawed critters of climbing ability (or jumping) are around! My cats would do that for baby’s breath (they seem to love the stuff!) or yes, carnations and roses. Hence all floral arrangements I am sent in vase form or basket, much to my chagrin must be put in places they don’t see or go.. sigh.
And the faceβ¦who me?
A new word for cheerful β-> fabracadabra
A mystical word used when fabric magically appears in your stash because you donβt remember buying it or stashing it in THAT closet or under the bed in your spare room.
I love all your pet posts and pics. Sorry to change subjects quickly but after reading No Heroes, I was wondering if you ever considered writing a childrenβs/YA book for Conlan. I love him and think he could be as popular and interesting as a Harry or Percy. I think being advanced but young gives him incredible potential for character development. Iβm an elementary librarian in a larger district in TX. A fourth grade book level book would be awesome!
I love your writing. It definitely brightens my day. Coco is such a delight. You are both blessed