Hi everyone, Mod R here.

Barnes & Noble is running their Members-only pre-order sale, starting today, January 24, through to January 26.
This is a fabulous opportunity to pre-order Nevada’s trilogy in the new Hidden Legacy covers! Here are the links for Burn for Me, White Hot and Wildfire, which will be rereleased by Avon in a shiny (and non-nekkid!) trade paperback format in April, June and August respectively.
Mad Rogan isn’t usually a cheap guy, but currently he can be had for 25% off. And they threw in clothes, too—or carnations, as it stands.

As lovely Melissa in the comments reminded us, this also applies to the graphic novel Clean Sweep, the paper format of the Tapas model. It will be released on March 5th.
You do need to be a member of their Rewards or Premium programs specifically, and shop on the B&N website- this sale is online-only. All the eligible books will display a “25% Off with Code PREORDER25″ on the product page, but here is also the main landing page for…inspiration purposes. The sale applies to all formats of books on preorder (print, ebook, and audio), though there are some exclusions like signed editions and textbooks.
Above all, remember the ancient battle cries of the BDH, may they curdle the blood of our enemies forever: It’s not hoarding if it’s books! Our TBRs are longer than yours!
“ It’s not hoarding if it’s books!”
I am going to use this several times this week! 😉
My husband is on a mission at our house, to get rid of “stuff”…in which category he includes books.
I almost had a panic attack trying to give away stuff (mostly non-fiction business-related books) I hadn’t read yet. So glad I moved to Kindle, so my horde isn’t so visible…
My traitorous daughter (she’s 6) told him that she had fun sorting through the books and wanted to do more…she’s lucky she’s cute…
I was thinking I didn’t have a TBR pile, but then I realized my wishlist/hold requests must count. lol
Of course our TBR’s are longer. They include every Friday for the foreseeable future.
IS it Friday yet? 🙂
Hope you are all have a great week. And congrats to HA on the edits of Maggie. I’m being patient. Really. Can’t you tell?
“Much romance, so burn” 🤣🤣🤣
Mod R’s the best PR
Personally, I thought “Mad Rogan isn’t normally a cheap guy, but currently he can be had for 25% off” was the highlight of this installment!
I do hope these will launch in India!
“Much romance, so burn!” Omg, hahahaha.
I think I’m so funny 😛
Are we romancing the burn or burning the romance, or something else? 😛🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Rogan can be had for 25% off. Hmmm, I wonder if Nevada know this? 🤔
Now if only my husband would agree that it’s not hoarding if it’s books! He can’t see the e-books though, so there’s not toooooo many new paper books coming in. 😄
(P.S. I’m super pumped for when the Arcane books come! Is that maybe April, Mod R?)
Afaik, Arcane Society will start shipping the orders for the Ilona Andrews Box in March!
Was just wondering the same thing! Thanks!
I’m really looking forward to it.
Whoo Hoo! Thanks! 🥳
Used to get yelled at re: book hoarding. “No space” was the reason.
Much easier to hoard AND build a TBR pile on my iPad. That’s my REAL Hidden Legacy (heh heh heh snuffle snort)
Hehehe! Hidden hoarder, crouching reader!
I see what you did there, Mod R….good one!!!
Love it!!! 🤣
I have a feeling I may be older than many other members of the BDH. Why, you may ask? I LIKE the original covers for the Burn for Me, etc., and it’s not because of nekkidness. It’s because I relate more to books that have people on the covers, rather than objects that are, MAYBE, relating some concept or incident in the book. I find that maddening. Plus, I grew up when book covers were so artistic, they were nearly collectible. It didn’t matter if it was romance, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, the covers were all fantastic, and made me want to dive right in. I don’t really feel that with a lot of the modern covers anymore, which makes me sad.
It’s definitely the new trend in covers to have abstract symbolic vector art. Publisher-driven genre placement: see it in action!
Same here. I really regret the current development and am glad I still have the old books.
On my nook, the new covers show on the library thumbnails, but when I open the book, I get the original cover. Two for one.
Good to know. I’ll have to check on my Nook to see if I get the same covers as you, Sandra.
I agree with Lorie and Stephanie. I prefer the older style with people on the cover. A book is much more likely to get my attention that way. And yes, I suppose you could call me a mature woman. Or a senior citizen. I’m not real jazzed about those descriptions but it is what it is.
I love this cover!!!!
Don’t forget that the Clean Sweep graphic novel would count for this sale too!
You’re right! Thank you for the reminder!
Having an ever growing tbr pile(s) and a need to get the new bookcases stained and installed, I will have to remember it’s not hoarding! Thanks for the info!
Heh, it’s not hoarding if it’s books, it’s a library!!!!
Me: Flashes tape measure — smiles wickedly: ours are longer.
“ It’s not hoarding if it’s books!”
I’m fully behind that one. Never mind all those stacks on my floor. 😉
I am absolutely Team “It’s Not Hoarding If It’s Books.” While I don’t have strong feelings on the covers, I will miss the applicability of Curran’s comment to Rogan:
“You, with all your money, can’t even buy a shirt so you don’t run around naked on your covers. People are now pasting things to cover you up. You’re an embarrassment.”
++1 lol😂
Hehehe I’d forgotten that!
Yay for the sale! Boo for the fact I have all three with their new book covers.
I agree, Mod R, if it’s books it’s not hoarding. Remember that when moving and have lots and lots of small packing boxes for physical books. Thank goodness for e-readers and their apps. 😀
Mod R you’re the best! Funny too. Thanks for the information.
Relatedly — any chance of a GA adaptation of HL? That would be so amazing!!!!!
I don’t have any official news to share- there’s still lots of Kate Daniels adaptation to go, so they might just be busy with that 🙂
Thanks! Keeping my fingers crossed. I was a late GA adopter, but I love them so much! Their version of Sweep of the Blade is amazing!
I wonder how happy the offspring will be if I tell them I ended up spending half the B&N gift card on a graphic novel.
I have All of them in hardback (library editions because I own a bookstore and could buy them this way) except Burn for me, so I am crossing my fingers that some vanity press will make one. That one little paperback looks so lonely there by itself.
Wow, lucky indeed! I pretty sure even House Andrews doesn’t have the first couple in hardback!
I’m sorry, I feel like I missed something. There’s a print edition of the Tapas graphic novel? When did that come out, and where can I get it?
It didn’t come out yet, I mention it will be released in March in the article 🙂 – March 5th to be exact. You can get it from Barnes & Noble (the link for it is also above in the article), Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Innkeeper-Chronicles-Clean-Sweep-Graphic/dp/1524888680 etc, all the usual places 🙂
It’s even available at Target https://www.target.com/p/the-innkeeper-chronicles-by-ilona-andrews-paperback/-/A-89487156 !
I laughed at your “much romance, so burn” line, but your “chill your bosoms” line will live rent-free in my mind forever.
I don’t if I want the new covers even though they are much prettier than the originals. I could use my Christmas gift card for the graphic novel. Thanks for the heads up. I have it’s not hoarding if it’s books on a t-shirt.
Oh please can we get merch that says:
May they curdle the blood of our enemies forever: It’s not hoarding if it’s books!
That would be awesome!!
yes for merch! i would totally buy a sticker that said ‘its not hoarding if its books’!! or a little plaque to decorate my bookshelf with, hehehe.
and thank you mod r for bringing some humor to my day.
new covers are GORGEOUS. Its even got the magic circle in the background!!
Mod R, you are funny!! And I love the new book covers. It looks like a lot of thought went into them. I mean a carnation with frost on it for White Hot?! Wow! Thank you, HA, for many happy hours of reading and more to come!
If I’m paying I don’t want him to put more clothes on! Lol. Well I like the carnations, they are pretty.
I am not a Hoarder, I am A Reader….there’s a difference. Also, I have surfaces…. its only a problem if you can’t see your surfaces….
The cover is the best thing I’ve seen all day !
I’ve been hoping the TAPAS comic continues with the next novel. Print or TAPAS, don’t care, I just like seeing the alternate look at the novel
Well Mod R he might be cheap but he still isn’t easy. Thank you for the info!
Hello! Any news about the Anabelle book? Please give us some hope for 2024 😅
Hey Lucinda,
The Hidden Legacy series is finished. There is no Arabella sequel in the plans for now, and none was promised. That is not to say there will never be one, because the authors may decide to return someday, there is just no official schedule on it.
At the moment, we are getting a free serial every Friday about Roman, the black volhv from the Kate Daniels universe- that’s been brightening our 2024 considerably. Puppies ahead! https://ilona-andrews.com/category/blog/kate-daniels-world/roman-serial/
Oh no. I am so sad to hear that. 😔
Please could you share a post about the next Hidden Legacy world books? I am your biggest fan and I LOVE this world. They kept me from falling into depression after my first failed pregnancy. It was a world I could escape to.
Hi Alexa, there are no “next Hidden Legacy books” in the official plans. The series has ended, as series sometimes have to.
That’s not to say it may never inspire House Andrews again, there are a lot of characters in a great worldbuild 🙂 . Just not for now.
Ooooo. I love the art.
Of course it’s not hoarding if it’s books. It’s expanding my library… a very prestigious endeavour!! 😂