We are back from Buns and Roses, which was a lovely event, and now we have to write like the wind, because… drum roll, please… we received our clear to close letter. While that doesn’t mean the house is ours, it does mean that we’ve received the final approval for our loan. This means that in addition to working on Kate 10, we will have to do a number of things.
We’ll have to talk to some flooring places to see how much money a new floor would cost us and figure out if we’ll need to take out a loan to swing it. We’ll need to select the floor, which is harder than it sounds.
We’ll have to walk the house with insurance inspector to get the house insurance out of the way.
We’ll have to measure everything and likely purchase a new dining table. Ours is kind of on its last legs and it really doesn’t fit with the house.
We’ll have to buy two more desks for the detached office, a new office PC for Gordon, and a small sofa for the hang out room.
We’ll have to start packing and sorting. Oy.
We’ll have to rent Pods.
We’ll have to find a company to take apart our home gym and box it and then put it back together at the new place.
Our youngest daughter and her boyfriend are moving down with us to stay in the detached apartment that comes with a house, and he will be looking for a job in San Marcos, hopefully something that’s not a night shift, like his previous job was. He worked in a home for the elderly blind. They are planning to get down there before us, which means we need to measure the apartment to get them a couple of furniture pieces, dishes, towels, etc.
I’m not freaking out about it, because we will take it one item at the time, but when I write it all out, it does seem like a lot on top of regular writing.
I’m going to buy myself some mozarella today as motivation. I’ve been craving Caprese Salad something fierce. According to internets, I need calcium, Vitamin D, or sugar. I don’t really care, since what I need most is getting through the day without self-destructing. 🙂
Treat yourself to something nice 🙂 That always puts a smile on my face, no matter what storm i’ll have to brave. I hope everything works out well for you!
Buying a house / moving *always sucks*. It’s a ton of work and anxiety. But it’s worth it, and you will get through to the other side. We’re all cheering for you!!!
Buying house is fun. Thinking of the new interiors fun! Moving is miserable!
I am virtually making boxes and taking runs too recycle for you.
Thank you for all the great hours of reading joy!
what Char said!! Moving **always sucks** but your fans love you and have your backs…and so do the kidz.
A little fettuccine, butter, garlic, Parmesan…perfect with caprese salads. Bellisimo! Deep breath.
I hear you! I took my 4-month-old blue CR-V to the body shop for a preliminary estimate after our 16-year-old daughter had her first fender bender (2 weeks after license!) in it. Then I had to dash home to meet the guys installing our new furnace. The old one was original to our condo, which was built in 1985. New windows are being installed on the 6th (also replacing originals) and we are looking at redoing our kitchen. It’s not moving, but we have to move a lot of stuff around so we can get these things done. And somehow, regular life still has to go on all around this. Is it any wonder vacations are so cool? =)
I really like solid vinyl plank flooring, the kind that snaps together. We put it through out the basement of our last house and intend on running it everywhere but the bedrooms in this house. Squirt it with a mixture of lemon ammonia and water, run a mop or steaming Shark over it, you’re done. Stands up to dog nails, which is really important to us. Congratulations on your new adventure!
We had that placed in our living room and it is the best decision we’ve made.
We got the vinyl plank flooring for all three entryways, I love it! So easy to clean up and so amusing to watch the cats skid on… =)
Oh, yes to all of the above. Sooo easy to clean up dog-with-touchy-stomach messes; down to one professional cleaning a year instead of once every three months.
If you go with the vinyl make sure it is solid plastic all the way through. The fake wood kind my mom put in her house was only coated on the top surface. It looks decent, dog nails don’t scratch it and you can mope it, but it can’t take standing liquid. If something leaks or someone has a spot (especially in corners) that they pee in when you can’t get home in time for their bad kidneys or that relative that pisses off the cats visits too much then it warps. My favorite flooring is still the stained concrete. You can make it look like any other flooring now too. Scratch resisting and liquid proof it is great for kids or pets. I have seen some places are advertising for a raised Edge along the walls in case anything floods from the home. Being able to just push the water out the door would be great.
Yes, yes, yes to vinyl plank flooring, and Natalie is too right, make sure it is one “plank” and not a veneer on top of a plank.
I agree, we just got the Luxury Vinyl plank flooring and it is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. We used CoreTec because it has a cork backing (so easy on older knees), but there are lots of brands out there. Completely waterproof, so no worries about pet accidents.
Just take it one day at a time.
My favorite Caprese salad recipe:
Wishing you an orderly and manageable move!
Every time I move I swear it’s the last time. (And I bought my current house 15 years ago so this time it might have stuck.)
Now I just need to schedule a “move out clean” every few years and I’ll have really figured out how to win at life.
We used Atlas Flooring in San Antonio. They had the best prices and did good work.
I hope everything works out and you have a problem-free move.
Regarding floor options, I beg you to look for the least toxic flooring possible. So many of them off-gas terrible chemicals that cause life-threatening or quality of life threatening problems. Some of the symptoms are so common that you’d never think something in your environment could be causing them. I.e. Anxiety, depression, digestive problems, hormone imbalances, sinus issues, migraines & other neurological problems, fatigue, etc.
We’re doing ceramic tile that looks like wood. 🙂
You will love the ceramic tile, we splurged and installed it as part of our unplanned remodel of our house. Well worth the expense and they look beautiful, I’m so glad we did it. Tip-Make sure you get someone to clean and seal them properly, and use a microfiber mop with a Ph neutral solution so you don’t remove the sealant to clean them. (Zap makes one you can pick up at Home Depot).
There is special non-toxic glue…for tiling. Go for it. We don’t want our author-lords breathing in noxious vapors…because we love you!
I have tile squares in the kitchen. Looks wonderful but let something frozen slide out of my freezer and bam – a cracked tile.
Sounds really nice 🙂
Sorry if you thought I was bossy:( I live in Chemical Injury H E L L because I didn’t know that most of the products we use on ourselves, that are in our clothes and are in our homes are NOT regulated or only have laughable regulations which don’t offer enough protection. I also didn’t know we have a toxic threshold. I try to warn people because most people just don’t know enough or worse, think they do know enough.
Chemical Injury / Multiple Chemical Sensitivity / TILTS sucks so bad that I truly would prefer to have cancer. Cancer is socially acceptable, doctors don’t treat you like you’re crazy, there are insurance codes for it and people don’t hate you if you have it, and you know there at least will be and end to your suffering in the near future.
Not being able to tolerate certain chemicals like the junk they put in a scented products (people’s perfume/cologne, shampoo, deodorant, laundry/cleaners +++), to auto fumes, to bleach, wood smoke, etc. for some reason causes people to blame you for not being able to be around these things. So that means almost no social life, much suffering at work, ordering on line because stores are torture, saying goodbye to friends and family members who can’t stop using scented products for a day so a chemically injured person can celebrate the holidays without suffering. You get the idea.
I recommend getting a seriously good air filter (one with potassium permanganate and carbon which can filter out VOC’s-volitile organic compounds) because anything new will off-gas for months and years.
It’s an exciting time tho. I’m really happy one of your daughters is going with you. The extra apartment has already come in handy.
The house you’ve described really needs hardwood or the plank flooring others have mentioned. And send the scouts (younger daughter and friend) ahead with the tape measure, it will be a good learning experience!
Best of luck, all the trials and tribulations will be worth it in a few months.
Moving is always stressful. Be kind to yourselves! Enjoy the salad.
Once, when moving, a friend told me this rule of thumb: 3 moves = 1 fire.
(Hope your move won’t be as bad as that)
Does that mean you should set fire to all of your things after three moves? Or does moving bring bad fire luck to you? I’m confused. Yet intrigued…
Nah, it means that three moves deal the same kind of damage as one fire.
I see. I have to say, piling everything up in the backyard and starting a bonfire would look fairly appealing if I had to move again.
Me too! I moved this time last year after 19 years in the last place and I still sometimes thing a giant bonfire and starting again with nothing would be a saner option.
Yay!! That is very exciting and it does sound like a lot but y’all got it and mmm now I’m hungry for caprese salad ?! We are looking at buying a house and I tried to do the pros and cons thing with the 6 options that we have and it made it worse so I’m just going on a prayer now! Have fun with it and congratulations on yalls new home (I know I know it’s not officially yours but it will be)
Woohoo!!! Congratulations. I’m going to give you the best advice I’ve ever heard about packing to move. Everyone knows you are supposed to label the boxes with kitchen, living room etc right? Well, in order to make life easier label boxes with numbers as well as destinations so you know how critical they are. So kitchen 1 would have coffee pot, coffee cups, plates, glasses, and silverware. Kitchen box 2 would have pots and pans etc.
I haven’t done this as I didn’t have that advice last time I moved, but I think it makes perfect sense.
If I followed this advice kitchen 7-21 would be a permanent fixture in the corner, at least until I baked one of the every three years items that requires special equipment. Still a great idea though — it would help surviving that first 48 hours!
Congrats! One more step on your way to the new house done, on to the next one.
The list is daunting, that’s for sure, but you already know the secret – one thing at a time. If you can multi-task, go for it. But just keep plugging along. It isn’t glamorous, but it works.
What kind of floor are you thinking about – hardwood, tile, or something else? Consumer Reports had a great article about the possibilities not that long ago. You might consider looking at it. If you don’t get the magazine, many libraries do get it and you can consult it there.
Consider waiting to buy stuff and have it delivered to the new house. No point in moving it if you don’t have to. On the other hand, start sorting NOW. It always takes longer than you think – always.
I know you know all this, but your friends always give unsolicited advice. (I hope your BDH can be considered friends. We’d really like to be.)
Good luck (and I hope you won’t need it).
Oops comments went from 3 when I started to 17+ now. Please ignore redundant questions.
Ooh, that’s really pretty! I might have to look at that when I get around to replacing the floors.
That is really nice!
I want to redo my living room, but there are soooo many choices to choose from now.
A friend of my brother’s does wood floor installations, and he directed me to a store half an hour away that sells flooring to contractors. So you go there and get a better deal on the floors than if you went to a Home Depot or Lowe’s or something. There might be something comparable nearby your new place.
Love this! Have you checked out West Elm for the furniture and decor you’re looking for? Seems like they’d have some things that would work with this.
That is gorgeous!
Wow! That looks amazing!
Hello from the land of tile floors (Tucson)! Your floor is very beautiful, but could you consider doing it in luxury vinyl instead? Lots of older folk here (me included) have to rip out their tile floors because they are so hard on your knees and back. Here is a link to a floor very similar to what you show above:
Ooops, forgot to mention the pattern name is Divergence Oak.
No. 🙂
I’ve moved twice as an “adult”, each time more daunting and physically taxing than the next. This time I’m doing it alone :,( Sorting through 30 years of memories and boxing them up to move 600 miles is NOT fun. Neither is discovering my 52 year-old body cannot do what it was capable of doing alone what WE did together the last time WE moved. I keep telling myself the end goal of getting out of this 3-story house is worth the pain. After 30 years in the South, I have a lovely home and family waiting for me back up North in Indiana (won’t THAT be an adjustment!).
Well, now I want mozzarella.
Treat the house move like eating a bear – one bite at a time. Save your receipts – if you are moving more than 90 miles, your move is tax deductible!
Oooh-good advice?!
Wow! How exciting! Enjoy your salad. I love all sorts of versions of mozzarella, tomatoes and basil. Sometimes I even turn it into a sandwich with my George Foreman grill.
My piece of advice on moving your stuff is to start a give away box now, and as you go thru your days start thinking about the stuff you touch as keep, trash and give away. The quicker you start the easier it will be. Also if you start getting rid of the trash slowly you hopefully will not throw good stuff away. Plus as you fill up the give away boxes you can drop them off as you do your regular errands.
Good Luck with the move!
Another step along the way. In the end, having your own space can be worth the trouble.
YOU GOT THIS! You are strong and smart and capable! Kick it all in the ass!
Congratulations on recpt of your letter thus allowing the floodgates to open.
Congratulations! Hope everything goes smoothly….
Good luck! I moved 5 times in 8 years in ithaca and its no picnic. Start sorting now. Reuse stores often has some nice furniture at least desks. Look for moving companies, and Upack has some nice pods, which is what my roommate used to move to California
“We’ll have to walk the house with insurance inspector to get the house insurance out of the way.”
Can I ask why you have to do that? I’ve never had an insurance inspector walk through to get the insurance. I think they asked what the assessed value was and then we added 50k or 100k to account for furnishings, electronics, appliances, etc. I did that all on the phone; insurance company has never been to my house.
It’s a “unique” property and because it’s on the pricier side, they want to make sure they can adequately insure it.
Huh. Interesting.
“Give away” boxes are great! We use a three-box (or bag) system whdn moving house and have a “keep” a “give” and a “throw” box for each room. Makes the job of sorting easier (but still a chore…)
Oops, this was supposed to be a comment on post 20 – not entirely sure how it ended up here…
Congratulations on making it this far through the process, by the way, and best wishes for the rest of the journey!
Oh, yes to all of the above. Sooo easy to clean up dog-with-touchy-stomach messes; down to one professional cleaning a year instead of once every three months.
For the furniture, you might want to try Overstock. They will ship to your door for free and assemble yourself. Might be good for the kids. I picked up a nice purple velvet look couch for the play room for less than $450 and it’s pretty comfortable. Took less than an hour to assemble.
Buying fabric works for me. Go buy some yarn. Lol
I always like shopping for the house more than everything that comes after. I swear we’ll be staying in our current house until the end. We lived in San Marcos through college and for a little while after, and are now just north of there in Kyle. I think you’ll really like the area. Best of luck!
Oh boy. I never moved in my whole life (38 years by now) and I can’t even imagine the hassle. Right now we’re planning to redo the 33 year old kitchen and the remodel of one tiny room (13 square meters) is giving me anxiety attacks in the middle of the night. So I really can’t imagine buying a house and moving many many boxes.
Deepest respect to anyone who does this regularly.
Good luck to you all and hope the move goes smoothly.
I know this is easier said than done, but, if you can, don’t let the list get to you. One or two things at a time. You know you will get it all done. After thinking about changes becomes second nature, you will probably enjoy having those decisions to make. Dream away.
American house buying sounds way complicated. Think it is easier here in the UK!
Good luck with it all, fingers crossed you all manage to keep your sanity!
I am a flooring expert. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or want to bounce ideas.
Congratulations on major house hurdle! You definitely deserve that motivational reward. Im looking forward to the Kate Book.
Shakes imaginary pom poms and gymnastics ribbon! YOU CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT! If cheese makes you happy, you feast apon that cheese and it’s happiness! ?
Congratulations!! Now the fun begins.
We finally got orders this week to move, when I told my kids the both groaned. Not because the dont want to move but because they do not want to sort or pack. At 14 and 11 they are going to have to get their stuff ready this time. My daughter said she wants a fairy godmother who can bibitty bobitty boo her stuff to the next location. ????
Good luck with the list, I haven’t made one yet, because I have to figure if we are going on base or off base, depending on school districts. And the hubby is gone, for the next 3 months so I am on my own. PCSing is soo much fun (sarcasm)
moving is hell. you know this. moving while trying to still be a responsible adult is a whole ‘nother level of hell. but, it will end and it will be fabulous.
yay, caprese salad!
I know the overall list of things to do can be daunting (or downright terrifying) but it’s all for good things! Congrats on clearing another hurdle on your way to the new home!!!
Don’t forget to buy yarn…
Have a great adventure. Have a great snack. We support you!!
Congratulations! I purchased and remodeled a home 6 years ago. I love my house. I feel your pain. Best wishes for an orderly move.
For what is worth, here’s a suggestion for your daughter’s boyfriend: my son worked at ResCare in Seguin (long term residential care for people with head injuries) for several years until he was able to get a job using his degree.
Just wanted to say that my sister and I had a great time at Buns and Roses with you and Gordon! It was truly wonderful to meet you guys. Congrats on the house and I hope the inspection and closing go smoothly! Fingers crossed for you
My sister fairly recently set up a house for her eldest for college. She was able to find a bunch of good furnishings from http://www.ebth.com (everything but the house) very reasonably priced. This may be a good site to look for apartment furniture. She was pleased with what she got.
Congrats on the house! And that floor is beautiful!
A great place to buy used moving boxes: http://www.ecobox.com/Moving-Supplies/Used-Moving-Boxes I know you can always find free ones on Craigslist, but these are always clean and ready to go. We found them when we lived in Austin years ago. Looks like they’ve done well and have multiple locations, too. Not sure if it’s still an option, but they had odd sizes and specialty boxes available in the store. In addition to the regular moving boxes, we bought about 50 triple-wall, heavy duty boxes to move all our books, and also our glass/china. The savings was worth the drive.
I feel your pain. I’m moving from a small 1 BR apartment to a slightly larger small 1 BR apartment. The only thing I’m not doing myself is the heavy lifting. Moving electronics myself tomorrow and will set up the desk, tv stand and unload a bunch of other stuff while waiting for cable installation. This is killing me and I’m taking the next 8 days off work! If I were you, I’d be having a heart attack about now. Good luck to you…and me too!
Good luck with your move. I just moved from VA to NM and used ABF Upacks relo cubes. They are similar to Pods. I’d like to suggest looking at the website movers. com to help you find someone to move your gym. I used that website to find labor only movers at both ends of my trip and it worked great.
Go Ilona! Go Gordon!
It’s surely going to be interesting times ahead!
Flooring is a BIG deal. Best of luck!
Good luck with the move and all the other things you need to do before you move! While packing is the worst, it does force you to go through your things and decide if you really need it, if you can donate it, or if you can just flat out toss it. I’m in the process of packing up my things to move from Manhattan to Brooklyn. Not a huge move and I don’t have as much stuff as people owning a house as it’s mostly my bedroom furniture/clothes/kitchen stuff/linens. But if they have Bin-it down in Texas, I highly recommend it! They dropped off 20 bins at my apartment (you can definitely order more but I’m not moving an entire house) so instead of trying to scrounge for boxes to pack all the miscellaneous things that don’t include furniture, I can just pack them into the bins as I please. They even give you labels and zip ties to secure the bins and a dolly to move the bins. They provide moving services too but I’m not using them, found relatively cheap movers in Chinatown (where all the cheap things in NYC are found). Once you’ve moved, they come pick up the bins on the date you selected after you’ve unpacked. It’s made my life so much easier as I was worrying where the heck I was going to find boxes and didn’t want to buy a zillion boxes at the nearby Fedex store.
Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!! So exciting!!!
If you know any one who has one of those 5 grand buying club memberships? If not there are other ways . The most beautiful flooring I have ever seen was Brazilian Koa wood. There are places that you can get a good deal on it .
Brazilian Koa floors are gorgeous! Also lovely is a Rosewood floor if its a small office, because its expensive! But since you’re doing the whole house, better to just get a deal on doing same flooring throughout. Except perhaps the bathrooms because of all the steam the floor has to deal with.
I put ceramic tile in the living, kitchen, bath, dining rooms and hall ways. The living and dining room are out lined with a wood like ceramic tile. It’s a high light. The bedrooms are floored with 1/2 inch lnterlocking plywood planks covered with a walnut veneer. I love it. All easily Swiffered. Not a rug in the house except bathmats at the beach shower entrances. The dogs and ferrets were not good with vinal planking. Even the cockatiel tried to peck at it. Never again.
Congratulations and thank you for keeping us updated. Sending good thoughts for the move.
Caprese Salad? I checked what it is on internet. Turns out I’ve been eating that for years and never knew it had a name. I ate that at a friend’s house many years ago and thought it was her invention and have been preparing it ever since. I guess one learns something new each day.
Hi, floor wise are you all looking at carpet or a hard floor? The hard floors have many types of design. Laminate, hardwood and waterproof flooring. Nominally waterproof flooring is used in areas where water maybe involved (kitchen, bathroom, mudroom, entries). Depending on that floor space ( sq foot) you may want to think about using only waterproof. Carpet is something that depends upon color and warranty. But will be replaced every 15 to 20 years. What every you get, get the best you can afford. If you have allergies, do Wood like flooring, won’t need vacuum. Remember wooden flooring requires restraining every so often. good luck with new house.
Congratulations!! Hope the rest of the process – packing, closing, etc. goes smoothly!! Very happy for you guys!!
I was told to be careful with buying things on credit before the house closes because they run another credit check, so I’m going to pass on that caution to you. I’m sure you already know, though. Congratulations.
I worked in the mortgage industry back office for 15 years. Some companies do indeed run a second credit check 1 week before closing.
Sounds like you have a plan. Good luck on the move!
Congratulations! There is so much to do with moving. So even though it’s usually exciting, it’s also stressful. Pets and kids always complicate the process as well. I always vow I’m going to do a complete possession review when I move and the first room and a half starts out that way. By the third room, I’m throwing everything in boxes and vow to review while unpacking. Rinse and repeat on the unpacking side…. But I have been better as my DH and I have gotten older and I try to review more.
Our next house will have no carpets. Rugs, yes, carpets no. I’m done with dogs piddling on them, dogs throwing up on them – the above usually right after I have had them professionally cleaned. (the carpets, not the dogs, although that can happen too.) Mabel our boxer/bulldog likes to rip the berber loops out of the backing, so we have weird stripes in the basement now. I like dogs. Carpets, not so much.
Good luck with your move – it will be so fabulous when you are in!
Congratulations!! I have been through two home remodels to sell – oy! Plus, one remodel to live in – which isn’t done yet – double oy! It will get all done and you will look back, sigh, and smile!
Ugh. Moving sucks! Even moving to a home you’re clearly excited about moving to.
PODS rock. Garbage bags often work just as well as a box. Office cardboard storage boxes are cheap and great for craft and pet stuff. Name drop at a business that receives lots of shipments to save their boxes for you. Full sheets of parchment paper make great packing paper.
Or a Magic Wand. You could pack instantly and conjure up a couple of Clan Heavy to do the heavy lifting …
Best of Luck and Congratulations on your new home!
Loan for the floor? Wouldn’t the rate be much cheaper if it was included in the mortgage amount you’re getting?
Try Craigslist (or similar local posting sites) for holdover furniture on the cheap while you hunt for something you REALLY love! We found some awesome deals on really good stuff on Craigslist. I hate buying furniture or anything nice unless I *really* love it so this was a good way to get something into the house fast, for less $, and slowly replace with much better stuff.
Congratulations on the now quite probable move!! If I can make one recommendation, after moving countries three times and multiple times in those countries, the best way to move is to get a professional moving company. I did this twice and it was worth every penny. They come on, measure, take down, pack everything really well and, then put everything into your new house where you want it. You can unpack the boxes, as this is time consuming and not easy for them to do.
It was unbelievably good and made things much easier.
Just make sure you have a good idea of what stays and goes. But seriously it was so good.
Moving is always a chore, I never got the hang of it. But I wish you all the best with all of those tasks! I’m sure you’ll be able to finish off all of them, on top of your writing.?
If they have Pack Rats in TX, they are substantially cheaper than Pods and just as good.
Not really familiar with house buying in the US, sound like a logistical nightmare!
I thought buying here in the UK was stressful enough?
We have move 4 times in 44 years of marriages, one of those including a posting to Belgium for hubbys work. We are thinking of moving in about 5 years time into what we hope will be our downsizing last move. That will mean a lot of sorting, packing etc…on second thoughts maybe we will just stay where we are!!!
Best of luck with all that moving entails, it’s exciting, exhausting but worth it when you find the perfect house to call Home ??
I can 100% empathize.
One of the reasons I think we tend to live in one place for a lengthy time is I absolutely, intensely dislike moving. Even buying our new house while exciting still entailed the loan qualifying, choosing all the flooring (and now it seems there are even more choices out there than ever), the packing–which was easy, really. It was the unpacking that sucked. Then there were three young children, a full time job, changing schools, and all the reorienting in general–where to shop, finding a doctor–all the stuff that is entirely normal but not something necessarily consciously acknowledged until you’re in the thick of it all.
But I’m sure you will enjoy your new digs once the figurative and literal dust settles and things come together and routines are established. =)
It’s occurred to me that Nevada and Rogan will have had similar experiences when next we meet up with them. Except I think the repercussions will a lot less severe dealing with Gordon rather than Rogan should anyone thoughtlessly upset you. ;D
Good luck and we will keep you in our prayers.
Chocolate cheesecake should cover calcium, vitamin d and sugar.
Might have a lead on a place to rent, still need to get all of my ex,s and daughters they don’t want thrown out then sort and pack my stuff, change hydo and internet and then find time to get my film production back on track and meanwhile autocorrect on my tablet is trying change they to Humphrey. So same. ?