Me, pleasant chit chat about a vacation and move to Florida.
Some peeps: Let me ruin Florida for you. Did you know it has allergies, flood zones, and crime statistics? We know you have never seen crime statistics before. Let me explain them to you.
First, thank you for all of your awesome suggestions and taking the time to let me know about all the cool places. We really appreciate it. We will now have to check out Virginia, because we’ve never been.
Second, having read several comments that have assumed that I was 14 and outright berated me for my lack of wisdom, I feel compelled to clear some things up.
I have moved 12 times since I was 16 years old. Seven of those while Gordon was in the military. Because I have moved so often, I have a decent workable knowledge of real estate and relocation in general.
Purchasing real estate requires specific knowledge. For example, if I am buying a property in Texas and it has its own well, my first question is going to be dug, bored, or drilled? Because if it’s anything but drilled, I am walking away. There are other relevant questions. How old is the well? Am I going to have to drill a new well in 10 years? When was the well water tested last? Is there a company that maintains the well? What’s the water quality and flow rate? If there is a well, there is a septic tank. Where is the septic tank? How far is the well from the house and the septic drain field? Is there a company that maintains the septic? For how many occupants has the septic been rated? What sort of septic is it? Will I have to replace the drain field and if so, is it going to contaminate my well water? I have never had a house with a well. I know all this, because I am a professional writer who is good at research and careful with her money. I worked very hard for it.
Gordon was born and grew up in Florida. When he arrives to Florida, within a week he can breathe clearly and stops itching. When we return to Texas, he has to take a Zyrtec every day or his skin feels like it’s on fire. 🙂
We are familiar with Cocoa Beach, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Orlando, Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Seaside, and the Keys. And by familiar I mean visited during different times of year and have remained for a considerable amount of time, not just sat in a hotel. When I say I hate Orlando, it’s because we lived there for several weeks.
We know about hurricane shutters, impact proof windows, deed restrictions, flood insurance, and sink holes. Having moved 12 times, we know to check crime statistics, taxes, elevation, and proximity to nearest grocery store, gym, and hospital. We know about the Scientologists in Clearwater, carnival folks who once wintered in Gibsonton, and junkies at Cocoa beach. We know about Palmetto bugs. We lived in Savannah, GA for several years, where they thought they were our house pets.
We have seen a gator up close. We have seen it climb a chain link fence.
We have been to Texas coast. We know what it looks like. We smelled it. We saw Rockport before the hurricane and after. Our neighbor’s condo still hasn’t been repaired because the insurance companies are dragging their feet.
We have been to California. During his time in the Navy, Gordon was stationed in San Diego for 4 years.
We’ve lived in Portland, Oregon. We’ve seen the coast. We’ve driven to Astoria.
The reason why I hate gated communities is because before making it as a writer, I was a legal secretary who worked for an Atlanta law firm that dealt specifically in HOA disputes. I have seen an HOA level a $25 per day fine because there was a crack across one of the driveways leading to the house and the homeowner failed to repair it within their time period. You have no idea to what depths a retired lawyer with nothing to do will go when he thinks his neighbor’s Pomeranian is barking too much for the 15 minutes the poor dog is permitted outside.
I have to date bought and sold several properties, never at a loss, so when you are writing a comment, please address me as another able-minded adult. 🙂 Nobody likes being talked down to, and normally I have a longer fuse, but I am still pretty tired.
Here is a cute kitten for you.

Do not be mean to this kitten. I am warning you. 🙂 There are limits.
Moving is hard, complicated, exciting–and very personal! Good luck if/when you decide to do it.
I loved your response to all of the “Debbie Downers”! I think you are now one of my favorite people that I don’t personally know.
i have always hated to move, but i’ve only lived in one State my whole life..
Good luck on your move
If you are looking in Central Florida, check out Deland. It is between Daytona and Orlando. Small town but close to big town if you need it.
Love your books. Good luck with the move wherever you choose.
Lol, when I read your last post, “Huh, they are moving back to Florida” pinged in my brain. Was it around the time of “The Edge” books?
I’ve never been to Florida so felt like I should stay out of the conversation. Wherever you both go, I hope you find relaxation and inspiration in your surroundings.
P.S. The kitten is cute and looks quite fierce.
P.P.S. Go, Navy!
Cute kittie
0_0 gator + climbing fence = I never truly appreciated freezing winters until now. =o)
Happy house hunting! I hope you find exactly what you’re looking for.
Love your response. ????????????????????.
See, I saw the bit about the gator climbing the fence and was all “I am so jealous right now.”
When I visited family in Florida a couple of weeks ago I looked for alligators in every pond and puddle and ditch. Hoping/scared that I would see one ????
That was my response as well!!
My favorite zoo has several ‘gators in an enclosed indoor habitat. Stood next to the glass wall one visit to study the closest one. After a while, he rolled an eyeball my direction. I understood in a cold flash what being a prey animal felt like. Hairs stood up on the back of my neck. Oy!! Still like to visit them, but I don’t stand close to the glass wall anymore.
You tell’em. And thanks for the kitty.
+1 ????
As a member of the BDH, I am flabbergasted that your readers are putting that stuff on your pages. You have my sympathy. I have not posted for a while because, as I have no knowledge of the areas of conversation, I really cannot say anything.
That kitty looks like a adorable trouble maker and will run it’s human into the ground getting into mischief.
Rest first! Then enjoy the hunt. Two Zyrtecs a day is two too many.
I <3 you guys and believe in you!
That was awesome!
And woot Kitten!
That is one of the cutest kitties I’ve ever seen. Only your kitties (and mine) are cuter. We’ve lived in this house 22 years and will move in a few more due to retirement. I love the house, but can’t afford the state. I’m a bit apprehensive about the eventual move. I am in awe of your varied and substantial experience! I had no idea you’d lived on the west coast. If Gordon is that much more comfortable in Florida, I expect that your next adventure will be a move there. I look forward to hearing all about it. Even your packing lists will make interesting reading!
You just have to watch the episodes in TV series that take place in gated communities,
to know to stay away.
Yikes, doesn’t some of them have rules about the length and color of the grass?
Okie, dokie.
The last things I saw were innocuous cocktail party comments about allergies and living near the beach. Glad I missed it.
Cute kitty.
I’m allergic.
Just kidding. ????
Hope today is better for you. Get some rest.
Cute kitten! ????
That kitten is adorable 🙂
First, I love the kitten – because… kitttttyyyyyy! and I am a cat and dog (ok all animals) people.
2nd: you handled that far more gracefully than I ever could (or would). Far. More. Gracefully.
3rd: In Beirut, where I lived for a time, the cockroaches and palmetto bugs can fly. I learned that the hard way. Once I learned that lesson once, I learned also how to look at houses with pretty shutters with a much more jaundiced eye. Curiously, 2 transcontinental moves and 3 city moves gave me knowledge to NEVER assume people who say they want to move don’t know how to move.
4: Florida has Big Cat Rescue and all the pretty rescued babies. I envy you that if that is where you end up.
Have a fantastic day.
The big American roach we have here can fly, too. Corner one with a broom and find out hee hee. I’ve never screamed about a bug before, I rather like them, but that was an unpleasant surprise.
We have a winter place in the Tampa area, and not once in the 5 years, I have never seen a gator in the wild. We have to pay to see them for the kids. Bah.
Good luck with your search. As another person who has moved a lot, some people have no idea that others do it too.
If you’re in the Tampa area, I’d recommend trying a canoe trip down the Hillsborough River from Sargeant Park to Morris Bridge Park in Thonotosassa (just northeast of Tampa, near Hillsborough River State Park). You may see no alligators one weekend, or you may see fifty. I’ve seen quite a few every time I’ve gone down it. It’s a pretty safe trip, but you will be at the gator’s level when paddling down the river, so keep in mind that trailing hands through the water is a bad idea. There is a vendor at the parks who rents canoes and will transport you back to your car when you get to Morris Bridge. The best time to see alligators in Florida is the rainy season, from roughly May to November, but you’ll catch them at other times as well.
Poor Gordon! My husband has outdoor allergies (and the cats don’t help) but nowhere near as bad as Gordon’s. How miserable.
I am sorry that some “helpful hints” crossed the line. At least you got to vent your spleen, which can be a relief. I’ve lived in NJ my whole life, so have nothing to add to any moving discussion, except to say that you are a goddess, for having survived all those moves.
… gators can climb a chain link fence?!
(yeah, sorry, that’s what I took away from this. I know. Probably not the most important part. But wow…)
I had the same thought. And then looked at the kitten picture and wondered if they can also climb trees? Run kitty run!
+1 – YIKES!
Yeah, pretty wild, isn’t it!
Exactly, that stood out to me the most, yikes
Gators can climb a chain link fence? Neat!
Thanks for all the house-buying information! I have only ever lived in one town and thus I am only familiar with the real estate ins and outs of this town. I likely will move on from here once my parents are no longer here and I am trying to think ahead of where I would like to go.
That kitten is cute as hell.
I have no doubt in your abilities. Any of them. The list and the extent is impressive. Though I’m glad for you, I don’t envy that level of experience. I truly, truly hope you and Gordon find a property that will bring you some peace. No one deserves it more. Good luck hunting.
Does the kitten realize it’s now forever stuck in the tree? Also, you’re mean for making us worry about the kitten. Because mice won’t climb up there and the kitten will be hungry.
And the birds!!! Now they can’t safely nest there!!!
Heart palpitations ensue ????
I love kittens; thanks for brightening my day. 🙂
Virginia is beautiful and I hope you guys come to visit us sometime.
I’m sorry people treated you like you weren’t a capable, knowledgeable, experienced adult. On a personal level, there is very little more infuriating than being talked down to.
Much love to you both.
If it gives you a chuckle, here’s a funny about Florida gators, kind of. My husband posted a pic of our son standing in the lake when we went fishing. A close family friend who lives in Florida was horrified that a gator might get him! When we told her that there aren’t any here in Iowa lakes, she realized that she’s become a true Floridian. ????
I just had a great idea and had to add it. (I’ve never said that my great ideas are reasonable though.) ????
Maybe you can buy your own private island and then it’ll kind of be like Gordon got a moat! Plus no HOA’s! Win win. ????
If I every buy property I am now very worried about my lack of knowledge on what questions to ask but thats for another day.
Also as I am not sure what particular allergies Gordon has but you mentioned breathing so an Air Purifier may help if you have never tried one to lessen the allergens in your home. I have a mold and dust allergy that once I got one I stuck it in my bedroom and I no longer wake up to a stuffy nose in the morning. If you have never tried one before maybe it can help before you are able to move. Having constant allergies can really be miserable.
Loved the kitten in a tree picture w/caption “I R an adult”
I lived in South Carolina for a year. I laughed at the Palmetto bug comment because it is true!
So cute kitten!
Hope you find a place where Gordon can live without those awful allergies.
Signed, living in Orlando (ugh), in a neighborhood that used to have a HOA until some of us took it to court and had it dismantled (yay).
P.S. Letting lizards run loose in the house will take care of the small bugs. Palmettos are good for minimizing the stays of unwanted house guests. Win-win.
too funny I am going to Florida for the first time for a holiday on March 2, and am looking forward to the visit, the ultimate goal is to see a Tampa game and a Florida Panthers game (our favourite player is having his number retired on March 7). BUT, my sister has an unknown fear of gators, not sure where it has come from but as a joke I told her I would get tickets to gator land and we can zipline across a field (is it a field or marsh) or gators, she did not speak to me for days. wherever you guys end up will be amazing or you will make it amazing. i am a military brat, GO NAVY, and have moved too many times too count. i wish you all the best in a move, selling and buying of a house and finding a place that ticks off the most desires and needs for the two of you and the furbabies. allergies, well they are hard to escape anywhere you go, but they can be lessened in certain areas, however for myself the seasons impact me more as well. good luck!
Florida also has the Plecia nearctica — AKA Lovebugs.
Twice a year, and they get into everything.
If she lived in Orlando… then she knows that too.
Go, Ilona!! Can’t imagine why anyone thought you and Gordon didn’t know how to make a move, given he was in the military. ROFL. That was fascinating about the wells. I know a fair amount about septic tanks and drain fields given the number of friends who have them, but no one is on well water. I’ve only moved 11 times since I was 16 (more if you count college years, but I decided not) and quite a few of those moves I actually remained in the city of choice and just moved apts. And none were military related, just a need for a damned job or less expensive place to live lol!
You guys have some fun and find a nice place!
I used to live in the Panhandle, north of Navarre Beach and Gulf Breeze. It had the whitest and best beaches in the world. I left after we got a couple hurricanes in 04 and 05, so a lot of the beach and dunes were washed away then. But, that’s happened before and they always build it back up. I just don’t know what it looks like now. You might want to check out Pensacola or Pensacola Beach. There’s an airport there and I-10 goes through town, so it’s fairly easy to travel anywhere.
No way! a gator can climb a chain link fence? Does anyone have video of that? I’ve got to see it!
There you go:
That gator climbed the fence far faster than I could have!!!
Cool! I didn’t realize they could go that!
Too cool for words!! Thanks for this!
That’s hilarious! I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t laugh at your fabulously exasperated tone. Would you like me to teach your grandmother to suck eggs? I love reading your posts and surprisingly, have realised that both of you are adults. I’m amazed others haven’t.
Where does that saying come from?! Who wants to suck a raw egg anyway
*goes back to re-read my comment to see if I was an asshole*
Um. Wow! People certainly aren’t afraid to share their opinions, are they? I hope you find a great house and property in Florida! I’m a fan of visiting the Orlando area, but there’s not a snowball’s chance in Hades I would live there either. Happy house hunting!
I love this post. I also have allergies. One of the worst is cats. Also Cedar pollen in February in Texas. I was there for a week for a computer training and I was miserable. I also can’t go to South Carolina in April or May because something there makes me very sick. But I am fine in NC. I do very well with Allegra. But I used to only live in homes with radiators (MN) because with forced air I was sick every October when the heat turned on because dust and mold. The point is you have to do what works for you (Gordon) and everyone has different allergies and levels of sensitivities.
???? This made my morning!! I haven’t said this before but I love you!!!
I had to look up Palmetto Bug- Uggg, living on the TX coast they are my pets and I didn’t even know that name. I’m a bad Palmetto owner. I wish you a good home hunt.
I find it amazing that your readers are going to “splain” things to you both. Don’t they know by reading your books how much research you do on any given topic? Now if a reader says “move next door to me because I want inside hints or snippets on your next book” that I can understand.
Sounds like Florida is the perfect place for Gordon, bestie Jeanine is there and bonus, has potential for one of the kids to end up there as well. Scorecard looks good to me! And on a personal note, closer to Georgia, so I might get to see you and a book signing one day!
Some people just can’t help themselves I guess but at least we got a cute kitten out of it and you probably felt better after having metaphorically bitch-slapped them down and put them in their place. Happy house hunting and moving and don’t feel guilty taking time for yourselves to recharge. You guys certainly deserve it.
Thank you for being you Ilona.
I do not make it a habit to comment on blogs or webpages but I need to tell you that I enjoy reading your books and blog. I look forward to your posts which tells us something as simple as how your day is going, how your family is doing, when you ask a question about yarn (I’m a quilter myself) or when you just have to “spank” some folks for their comments. I especially love when you post about teas; my new favorite is Paris.
I love your snarky comments because they make me smile. I enjoy reading about the Kids, pets and Gordon.
BTW, I live in Northern Virginia and I love it. Best of luck wherever you move to!
Keep being you, Ilona!
I love reading your blog as much as I love reading your books. So many times I’ve found myself falling over with laughter from your comments about your life.
I never respond to the blogs or comments about the blogs because I feel that your gift in sharing your life with your fans is exactly that – a gift. This time I just felt so strongly about supporting you with your decisions, moving and all. Just because you say and do things I would never do doesn’t mean that you can’t say or do them, it simply means you and your family are unique and precious in my world.
Thank you for expressing yourself in all the ways you do and continue to write these wonderful stories.
My hubby collects bugs. He loves Florida because the humidity encourages an awesome variety!
Good luck with the hunting and I hope you have a wonderful vacation.
Native Virginian right here! Enjoy the adventure of deciding what you want to do and where you want to go! I’m so sorry that even fans are douchebags!
We have a condo in Clearwater. It’s a beautiful city and we enjoy staying there. Sadly people don’t seem to reflect on the effect their words would have on another person. Even children do not enjoy being condescended to or railed against. I can sympathize with Gordon. I have allergies year round here in San Antonio but moving isn’t an option. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Your comment about Gibsonton reminded me of the XFiles episode that took place there. Thanks for the memory…and the kitten. Best of luck in your relocation (or not).
OMG, look at the claws on that cute kitty! Take it to Florida with you; it can probably fight off alligators. Good luck with the house hunting and the move, it sounds like this will make Gordon happy. Happy authors produce more books, which means happy readers.
That kitten is the cutest, fluffiest thing EVER.
As to Texas, near Waco is the allergy capital of North America. Texas is one of the worst places to go for allergy sufferers. We get Gulf Pollen and stuff from Latin America, we Get Rocky Mountain and Arctic Pollen that get dumped on us, plus with our mix of prairie, desert, hill country, swamp, and mountains and the way weather patterns pick it up and dump it all over, and our very long growing seasons and winters that tend to be mild with very brief coldsnaps, it’s just MISERABLE. I live on a combo of zyrtec and rhinocourt just to function. The Juniper/Mt Cedar kills me, every year sometime between Thanksgiving to new Years I end up with cedar fever where despite my preventative measures end up with me, unable to breathe, coughing up my lungs for WEEKS as the allergy reaction develops quickly into bronchitis. Tried allergy shots, in my case they made me MORE sensitive. And we have those nasty flying roaches (aka palmetto bugs). So big you can put a saddle on them. So it’s not like anywhere in the south you can escape those nasty bug-gers.
Good luck with the house hunt! Personally I hate Florida, but that’s because too many of my relatives live there ????????
“We know about Palmetto bugs. We lived in Savannah, GA for several years, where they thought they were our house pets.”
bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa
There is a lovely little island off the coast by Jacksonville – Amelia Island and the small one town on this island is pretty cool – Fernandina! We go there every summer and have since I was little, and now my sibs and I all take our kids – it is my dads favorite time of year. He gets a kick out of watching all his grand kids run amok around the pool and playing in the sand.
Worth a look I think. Not too many gated communities around there unless you live on the plantation where the Omni is other than that maybe some of the absolute newer ones might be gated.
Searching is always the tough part in my mind – Best of luck hope you find a place you guys will love no matter where it is.
Adorable Kitty!!
Somebody (Kessa?) really lucked out one lighting. Or else knew what they were doing.
Well ok as long as you know about hurricanes, and given the salubrious effect on Gordon’s allergies, yeah, you should move to Florida. It’s humid but you’ll adjust.
I live in Los Angeles county and I get/read/hear so many opinions about living/working in “la la land” and even CA . I miss the other places we have lived Santa Cruz and Seattle, but I am happy living here in spite of the horrible traffic. The weather is so comfortable and we spend a lot of time outside in our garden. I swim year round and walk and ride my bike. Last month I drove my car only 28 miles, Yes! I’m not lying.
Once while traveling in Scotland in 1994 some Aussies were offering their negative views on living in the USA (while wearing Nike, Levis and Sony) and I asked “How long and where did you live?” The answer of course was never they only traveled for about 6 weeks. Yet they were authorities on “living in the USA”.
It’s funny about people and their opinions….
I’ve been to Miami once and I thought it was great! I also watch tons of HGTV shows that take place in Florida and I get why people want to live there especially on the Atlantic. Living by the Ocean is very important to me and like Gordon allergies are a problem for me, when I visit my Mom in AZ I am miserable and as soon as I hit the SM freeway they are gone.
I wish you the best of luck finding a wonderful home in Florida.
You tell them. [I do think my cat’s cuter]. From Georgia -weknow bugs!!
I find it so weird that Gordon’s allergies are relieved when he’s in FL. My sister and cousins have a horrible time with pollen season. Texas seems like it wants to kick y’all out.
As an Orlando resident, you are on the money. But I can’t move because it’s my circle of comfort. Lol. But I will always suggest east coast water because it’s so much better than the bath water that is the gulf. A beach should have waves!
Oh if you visit Cocoa again, I would highly recommend the Sandbar as a place to eat. It’s a dive bar that has the best tacos and is really popular. Just be careful on football days because it’s packed.
I’ve lived on both coasts and yes the Gulf is way too warm. 😉
12 Times, 7 with Gordon in the military? I am so shocked – I think it is time to accept that I dig roots when I stay somewhere for more than three weeks 😀
You’re like an inn seed ????
I know how Gordon feels lived in Florida all my life till I married did not have outside allergies till I moved with my hubby. Now I love in North Carolina in a small little town. Love the fact that I can leave my door unlock. No worries about crime. Love the wild life, hate that it takes 30 mins to get to a grocery store since yes we love in a small town but we technically live on the outside of it. They still count us as the population. Lots of land for a lot less then Florida I don’t miss the palmano bugs lol. When we do get a hurricane here it’s funny how people prepare they grab bread milk, and eggs. That will really stay cold if the power go out lol.
Sorry that some people have been idgits. I’m allergic, but kitten is cute. I live near Myrtle Beach, SC but spent years in Orlando area. I despise I4 but love being near the theme parks. I’m actually headed down that way in March for a visit. I know it’s near Orlando, but Clermont has some beautiful hills and lovely non-gated, HOA free areas – also larger lots acreage for pets and it a horse or two. I wish you luck in your house window shopping endeavors.
Love Clermont/Leesburg areas. My grandparents live there in one of the aforementioned despised communities, but I love to visit them and the parks. There is a fantastic German bakery outside of Leesburg we visit every time.
Kim, I live in Clermont!!!!
It’s grown a lot since the days when nobody bothered to use a turn signal, cuz we all knew where they were going anyway. Haven’t been to the German bakery though.
Kick ass post! ????
I want to thank you for the wee tea pot recommendation! It’s hard to find a teapot that makes tea well and fits the one cup requirement. My mom and I are both in love with this one. Thank you, thank you!
I’m jealous of Gordon. I have the complete opposite in allergies. I live in Florida and whatever is here wreaks havoc on me. When I’ve gone to Texas to visit relatives in San Antonio I feel better almost instantly. Sadly both are too hot in temperature for me — makes me melt like the Wicket Witch of West getting doused by Dorthy with a fire-hose instead of a bucket.
Love the kitten
I always figure there are positives and negatives no matter where you live. To me it just depends on what you can or cannot live with. I personally love where we currently live not very pretty but today it will be close to 80. It will be hard to leave when my husband retires.
So I will probably call my sister in MI and tell her it is so warm I have opened up the house ????.
People in MI hate people who live in warm climates! OOPS, is that a hate statement?
????. She always tells me something along those lines too. Sibling thing
Heh heh. I just posted a beautiful sunny clear day with mountains picture on FB. Gonna be in the high 70s today. My family in St. Louis gets to enjoy 33° weather ????
I’ll text my brother and sister-in-law who live in Northern Indiana about how warm it is down in Fort Worth while they’re getting snow and ice. My brother has a great comeback to me and says “Yeah, but in August when we’re in the 70s and 80s you’re hitting over 100.” I laugh and agree.
It’s not just MI… it’s snowing here today in IN. I’ve also lived in MI, OH, WV, KY (but I’m originally from OH). I hate all of you in warmer climates right now. 😉
Well !! That told the buggers ????
Gators can climb a fence? OMG!
I’m totally emailing Ilona for advice if I ever move to Texas. As a Brooklyn native, the only thing I know about wells is that a baby named Jessica fell down one. The coverage pre-empted the soap opera Santa Barbara.
Good luck with the house hunting!
I would love for you to move to mt town of….oh wait nevermind. I have a job that requires a security clearance and getting arrested for stalking would cause problems. Thank you for the cute picture of the kitten…except now I want the cute kitten. Have fun exploring the possibilities.
You handled that better than I ever could. I like my slice of NC. Virginia is gorgeous! My mom went to a college in Florida. She is forever scarred by flying palmetto bugs getting stuck in her hair. Lots of hairspray and bugs do not mix! ????
We get a lot of the same comments when we talk about moving to Flordia! It always amazes people that my wife and I have LESS allergies when we’re in Florida. That, even though we hate summers in Washington, we find summers in Florida bearable. And no, the Pacific is not the same as the Atlantic ocean (and the Gulf is not the same as either). We prefer the Atlantic ocean.
So we have a plan, and my wife (who spent her childhood moving around as a military child, and the first 13 years of her adulthood moving around as a military wife) has been researching for years already – despite the fact we can’t even think about moving for another 6 years.
HUH! if you have seen a gator climbing a chain link fence, I am glad I live in a place where my face hurts outside in the winter!
And now I have googled palmetto bugs.
I love you. That is all. ????
You go, Girl.
Never fails, people have opinions about baby names, where people should live, and cilantro. I’m no exception, and although I would have concerns about Florida and everywhere else for that matter, I’m kind of surprised that I didn’t see any other comments extolling the virtues of the culture. I know some parts of the culture there are terrible too, but it really has some elements of Caribbean and Cuban AND Spanish culture that other places don’t. Aren’t we all ready to shrug off mainstream US culture for some foreign flavor right now?! I say go to Florida!
Kitten! And ugh, people. I hope I wasn’t one of them. If I was, I apologize. Although I feel fairly confident that I wasn’t, because the well stuff alone makes my head spin (looking out back window at the hillock in the yard for septic and suddenly nervous).
Like a few others I didn’t comment on the last post because
1 I don’t live in America.and 2 I know that you have moved quite a few times to say the least!
I moved as an adult home owner 20 years ago and I have flatly refused to move again…
We worked out back then how to adapt our house for our old age. It was hard enough just clearing and selling relatives houses in the intervening years.
Good Luck with all your choices for moving and after hearing about all the bugs etc I am so glad I live in England!
Very cute kitty too.
I’m a West Coast advocate, born and bred, lived in all three states. But if I ever move to Florida (or Texas, or several other locations) I’m consulting you!
SEE! That’s why you are one of my favorite writers! You can tell someone (s) off and still make it entertaining!
Yes! That! LOL
I understand about “gated communities”! Any property with an HOA can be a headache. I own 2 properties which have HOA’s one is a condo and I am on the board. The other is a home in Las Vegas and the association doesn’t like it if you paint your house the wrong color or there is oil on the driveway. I personally do like a small amount of oversight that does give adequate warning before doing anything like handing out fines.
Not sure about Gordon’s allergies. You might try Vegas there are many properties without HOA’s and the living is nice as long as you don’t have the gambling bug. Food in Hotels is usually not too expensive, though if you want really good food out it is available. I used to go there for a couple weeks at a time and never visited a casino. People are friendly and there are amenities for anyone’s taste.
Love everything you guys write. Find a nice place and enjoy.
PS I’m an old retired fart who likes to travel.
Cute murder baby!
Loved can I say again ???? the oh so polite smack down IR Adult. The kitten is cute.
Good luck house hunting may the force be with you.
I am on board with HOAs! We have chosen not to look at houses in communities that prohibit clothes lines. We also were looking to buy a house at a time when we were caring for my father in law’s 2 dogs in addition to our 3. HOA covenants said 2 dogs. Realtor was like… oh, nobody cares. Nope, not going to risk it!
I’ve moved 10 times as an adult. Can be challenging, but I love learning and exploring new areas. Good luck and have fun with your move!!
I’m being inundated with kittens today. The universe is trying to tell me something, I think. My cats are 12 and 15. My dog is 10. And everyone is posting pictures of kittens. I had to snooze the Humane society because it was all homeless kittens all the time. I want a kitten… but it looks like we’ll be moving to an apartment in the city for work in the next year… and while the boys (who officially own the cats even tho they live in our house) will take their cats, and the dog will be fine in an apartment, I think we should wait to get another cat.
But I WANT one. They’re so CUTE. And FLUFFY. Dammit. Maybe the new baby cousin will get me over the “baby” spot. After all, while not fluffy, new human babies are cute too.
Wow! Just wow! People, people, people! Control yourselves!
Palmetto bugs are the spawn of Satan (shudders) Best of luck with the house hunting!!
Thabk you for the kitten pic ????
Bless your heart for having this much forbearance. The amount of research and knowledge in your writing was one of the things that impressed me in the first place. Ignore the occasional WTFery. We love you guys for the intelligent, decent humans beings (and exceptional writers) that you are.
People have way too much time on their hands to be up in arms about your personal decisions on potentially moving. Good luck with house hunting/moving/etc if you do chose to move! And what a cute kitty,! Could we possibly get some dog/cat/yarn posts too? They always make me happy. But if I’m overstepping, please disregard my request!
Hey! I’ve never commented here before but I feel the urge to now just because I loved your firm yet humourous way of standing your ground! Not that you should have to.
I’m from the UK, we have no gators or many dangerous things at all, we have 1 venomous snake (the Adder) but they’re not something you’d stumble on a lot. We have no need for hurricane protection or many threats to our homes apart from flooding from all the rain we have. So what I’m saying is I can’t relate to much of what you said but you seem fully prepared and able to deal with what life throws at you so I’m confident you’ll end up where you feel suits your family and circumstances best. Also I’d love for Gordon not to have allergies anymore, not only must it be rubbish feeling like that but I imagine you are both more productive writers when you’re happy and healthy! Fingers crossed you find somewhere perfect and when you do can we have pictures of your views whilst you write please? I love the kitten!
Ever thought about North Dakota or Minnesota? Low cost of living, low taxes, low crime, lovely lakes area’s. Granted we put up with snow and mosquito’s, but in all its worth while. Plus we would love to have you!
I just love when entitled people feel free to give me unwanted advice on my life choices. Yep, I sure do. Your grace, even when tired and (presumably) cranky, is inspiring!
You guys are the best!
Wow, 12 moves! I have also moved quite a few times throughout my life and it is NOT my favorite thing to do. In fact, the last time I moved I said it would be my last and that is still my plan. So, good luck to you on your move, and I hope everything goes smoothly.
I just closed on a house right outside St Augustine in a small community called Elkton, golf course community (no gate), very reasonable and a
mile or two from a rails to trails trail head. I recommend the area…I had lived in Jacksonville for the past 19 years and wanted a less urban setting. I know we have some ah…weird stuff that happens in Florida but I’ve never understood the rest of the country’s hate…we keep all your grandparents for you.
I am sorry. I have no opinions of Florida or Texas and thus did not comment on the last post (Mostly because I am in Wisconsin and from -9 degrees everything warmer looks wonderful). Thank you for being willing to share wonderful snippets of your thoughts and life. When I see “Posts from Illona Andrews” in my inbox I know the day is going to be a bit brighter, with or without anything to do with a book; it is fun to read what you have to say and just enjoy hearing about life. I am sad that anyone would make you feel otherwise.
Only you can know what’s going to work best for you. So go for it. My Aunt and Uncle spring/summer in Cape Coral Florida (Gulf Coast) and fall/winter in Sandbridge Virginia (Outer Banks style part of Virginia Beach). I know that sounds backward but they do it like that so they can spend winter holidays with their grandkids in Virginia.
I’m sorry people were rude to you and we all know how tired you are sending all love and healing to you. The internet can be a trying place.
Thanks for the info on snappy snappy climbing fences. I live in Oxfordshire England and that sounds bonkers. Terrifying and bonkers.
Ps just reread Sapphire Flames and thank you for saving my sanity again, I’m going through a dark time and reading helps keep the suicidal thoughts at bay . I love all of your books and yours and Gordons writing is awesome. Thank you!
I live in Virginia and enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would when I moved here. If you end up finding a beach you like in Virginia (which I assume won’t be the kind overrun with tourist traps, which is the only one I’ve been to so far), I would love to hear about it! (Ditto for Florida, actually, since I also dislike the Orlando area for family reasons and would love to hear if you find an alternative.)
All kittens are adorable.
Wouldn’t know anything about Florida. I think I’m glad I didn’t read any of the comments for the previous blog.
Do know tired, though. When I get like you sound, I get bronchitis. I hope you don’t.
And I’m all for somebody living where allergies don’t bother them.
Alligators can climb fences?!!?!?
I learn something new every day.
OMG. OMG OMG OMG. The Palmetto Bug house pet thing made me laugh so hard. All I could picture was a palmetto bug with a little purple harness (think cat walking harness) sitting on your desk as you sit there and typed. My sister was looking to move to South Carolina, and we did a lot of research on the area, and the palmetto bugs and crime rate made her think twice. But mostly the palmetto bugs. Thank you for making me giggle so hard on a particularly bad day.
Also, as someone else who has moved a lot, I wish you guys all the luck with the house hunting, and hopefully you find what you’re looking for! Sorry people were trying to ruin it for you. 🙁
Aww, kitten! Many good wishes for house hunting and traveling, and I hope you have a lot of fun. Oh, and yikes about the gator climbing a chain link fence – I once saw an adventurous beagle climb one, and am guessing the gator was more bitey and less cute.
Extremely cute kitten! And why will people learn not giving unasked for advice. At the Facebook link I first thought the kitten was about to move alone 🙂 hasn’t been kept up with the posts I realized
Do what you feel is right for you. It is.your
Life. I just want you to be happy so you will write more. Sorry for my selfishness but I realish your work. You deserve happy wherever you want. So ignore the masses and their opinions. Move for your health and enjoy!
Home is where your heart is! I love when people want to live others lives for them. I personally like the country, as my farm fields make very quite neighbors.
Wow amazing that’s why I love your books you really know how to put it all down well. Me not so much. Health is all you have.
So that should be your plan
Thank you for the cute kitten.
Where you and Gordon move to is where you move to. I refrained from commenting in the other post since I have never been to Florida.
If the salt air helps Gordon breathe, then go for it. I totally understand about the fire under the skin and the itching that goes with it. I had that happen when I found out I was allergic to penicillin the hard way when I was a teen. It’s horrible!
My dad was allergic to penicillin, my sister is allergic to mold. She neglected to tell one of my nephews about the penicillin allergy in the family. He moved out, got an infection, got penicillin, and turned purple from hives. ???? He rightfully blamed his mother for not warning him of the possibility until after he recovered.
Yikes! He needs to wear a medical alert bracelet warning medical personnel he’s allergic to penicillin. Otherwise he could go through that again only much worse. I wear one.
When I was hired on at the healthcare system I work at, even though I work at corporate, I had to go to the closest hospital to have an employee chart done. When asked if I had any allergies, I told the nurse penicillin and showed her my hands. They were red and itchy. Underneath my nails, they were a lovely shade of purple. She slapped a red allergy sticker on my folder so fast, I laughed.
Got him two for Christmas one year. A leather style one and a rubber one for the gym. Hopefully he wears them. My sister thinks that I should get one for my resistance to opioids, just so I don’t have to prove they don’t work by screaming until I pass out.
I am sorry you were treated so condescendingly but this I r an adult post made me giggle out loud. Thank you.
Thanks for smacking down the a-bit-too-nosy-for-their-own-good BDH with a snarky, but well written rebuke. It’s only because we LOVES you so! 🙂 Best of luck w/ the search!
Very adorable kitten. Much appreciated.
You are an adult and should live where makes you happy because you are lucky to be able to work anywhere. I’ve lived in Connecticut, Hawai’i, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, California, NYC and now Virginia. I don’t know how Gordon’s allergies would be here in Virginia. I didn’t really have allergies until I moved here, but it could be an age thing for me. I get allergy shots now. We’ve lived outside of Richmond for about 4 years , and I like it. All places have pros and cons, and where you live is so very personal.
Little off topic but do a search on Zyrtec and skin itching. For some people it’s a thing. My kids take it off and on with no issues but it affects a group of people intensely
I live in Alabama. We plan vacations to Florida around cotton harvest time. About the time we hit the Florida line we can all breath through our noses again lol. Totally understand why you would want to head to Fl with allergies !
*mic drop
Hi cousin from New Zealand well my husband is Maori but a Trainor too
Good one!!
If you can make it to Orlando between 4 November to the 18the November please let me know so I can stalk you (not in a scary way) as I missed you unfortunately at the bookcon in the uk last year ???? and save me the hassle of Christmas shopping for the family ????
I hope you find someplace you truly love and enjoy.
An area’s “biome” is a mystery. We live in the SF bay area and my husband has BO when he gets sweaty. We went on vacation to Singapore and HK over the Christmas holidays before the whole Coronavirus breakout. Singapore was 90+F and we sweated doing the tourist thing. My husband didn’t have any BO either in Singapore or HK. It was a miracle. When we got back, it took a couple of days, but it came back. So must be the miracle of Florida for Gordon.
I would’ve asked about California on the last post, but then I remembered the prices on the monthly mailer with the neighborhood’s houses for sale. My grandmother bought the house I’m living in for 12 grand in 1968. Houses around it are selling for 1.2 million.
California is ridiculous.
Though I am walking distance from at least one park, a community college, and just over 9 miles from the beach.
The current thing I’m happy about is that I’m only 18 miles from a microbrewery and pub that serves English style cask ale. So good.
I liked the 2 years I spent in San Marcos, Texas, but that was 2nd and 3rd grade, so all I’ve got to offer is comments about great barbecue, inner tubing along the Guadalupe River, and vague memories of a swimming pig.
Good luck on the Virginia visitation. I hear they have good barbecue there, too. When not around D.C., I hear it’s lovely and rural.
I’ve never owned a home, and HOAs scare me.
I feel for Gordon with the allergies!!! I love Texas… but my body hates it! If I travel back home to Arizona everything clears up… and all of a sudden I can breathe! I was tested last summer and found out I am allergic to every species of tree and grass in the area… and cats. ????♀️ I hope I can make one of your meet and greets in Texas before you move! My schedule never seems to match up with them. ????
You could always move to NZ! We live in whangarei the city of 100 beaches (all within a 30min drive). No gators, chiggers, snakes, scorpions, poisonous spiders or any other nasty critters. We do have american cockroaches (palmetto bugs), wetas and centipedes but you rarely see those. (unless you are my brother chopping down the toetoe at his place in the wops). Would highly recommend a visit if nothing else! Frances from chapter book and tea in Auckland often hosts the good international authors should you ever visit. Hope your future move clears up Gordons allergies, can recommend liquid polaramine. Works wonders when my year round allergies flare up worse than normal. Good luck from a kiwi fan. Xx
My husband is also allergic to Texas. He will be somewhat miserable when we visit to see y’all and Grace at PopCon this weekend, but he tagged along so it’s his fault. The kitten is adorable.
I am an almost-retired lawyer. I am only saying that because I just moved my office from elsewhere to my house. The move was hellacious and I am still dazedly trying to do some work at the same time that I whirlwind around, looking for things that are now in different places. And let’s not talk about internet and phone connections, misplaced deliveries, and figuring out how to tell people not to come into the house with boot.
Anyways, I am in awe that you have been able to move so many times, including with kidlets, and stay sane and still write such awesomely great books.
So if you are willing to move again, more power to you. You know that the BDH are always willing to give you our $0.02 cents worth (though mine is in Cdn cents — and we don’t have pennies anymore). Just ignore everyone and decide what is best for House Andrews.
BTW: not all lawyers are Pomeranian haters. Although I do have to say that I never really understood the appeal of little yappy dogs. But that’s not because I am a lawyer. It’s because I am a Cat Person.
We have lived in Virginia (the Beach) and Florida (P’Cola & St. Augustine) due to Navy moves also.
Allergies kill me in Virginia (and I was born & raised here).
I would give up anything to move back to the little house on Anastasia Island in St. Augustine. Nothing like it!
Enjoy your time searching!
Hol’ up. Can we go back to where you saw a gator climb a chain link fence?
That was my reaction too! Nope, my horses can cope with chasing off javelina, but a fence climbing alligator!!!! Course, don’t P#*( of f a horse 🙂
Ahhh..pretty kitty. And I’m sure you’ll find the right place and make it work for you!
I love your sense of humor or sarcasm or whatever. Your blog usually brings a smile with it.????
Come to MS. We have great food, crappy roads, and love to BBQ Or boil anything that can’t get away fast enough. Don’t like the weather, just wait a bit. It’s like a woman on keto – 1/2 my coworkers LOL.
+ 1
Pretty kitty! I have horrid mold allergies and don’t handle heat, so I won’t be your next door neighbor, but I can recommend checking out the Chihuly museum in Clearwater-St Pete. The Chihuly museum in Seattle is AWESOME. (channeling my inner Ascanio….)
Especially the glass house with the HUGE red flowers.
Thanks for the comments about the well and septic systems! We are looking at a place with one of those and I’ve never had one before. I had no idea what to ask!
First time home buyer here, currently in the contingency / inspection period. I now know more about wells and septic systems then I ever wanted to, and now know I need to go back and find out how the well was made – thanks for that. Also, apparently radon is the devil. Had never heard of it before
Home buying is stressful! I hope to be half as savvy as you sound someday. Also, the cutest of kitties!
Radon is the devil. That’s $5-6K to get it out.
And non-negotiable to mitigate. And totally varies by neighborhood. Ugh. The more we know. We live in NE Portland on “Radon Ridge”
I have moved 27 times. I feel for you. And, opinions aren’t worth the pixels they occupy on my screen. Do what feels best for you and your family.
:bows: Me not worthy!
You beat me – 24 for me – soon to be 25. 9 were with family growing up the rest were on my own. Hubby and I are visiting places to decide where to live next. So happy to be moving out of NYC after 22 years!????????????. I moved in with him when we married – 12 years in one apartment is a record for me.
It is a delightful kitten.
Thank you for the kitten adorable, isn’t funny how some people don’t think you have the sense you were born with ???????????????? On a lighter note I wish you we’ll house hunting don’t know enough to comment only moved 3 times in 55 years ???????????? waiting’s in anticipation for your next book thank you for all you do ????????????
I am on the mental/knowledge level of the puddy tat, and have no suggestions/hint/clues. And I have recently come to realize that my electronic voodoo curses do not have any effect, so I can be of no assistance with the condescending posters. I only have hopes that you easily find what you want.
Blessed be.
As I commented on the last post “ya’ll know how to move” It amazes me people don’t realize that.
Kitty is cute.
I hope you find a house you love.
I absolutely love Virgina! It’s so beautiful.. I visited Marshall for a couple of weeks and in my memory it is golden ( I was there in October) My daughter went to Roanoke in Salem and I love it there too. Roanoke is the perfect little city. I have been wanting to sell and move to Virginia for years. I have a terrible sense of direction, but weirdly, I had no trouble finding my way around Salem from day 1.
I hope you find the perfect new home in a perfect new place. I wish I could sell and move, but, I honestly can’t figure out the in between. Where do we and our 4 furkids go to live between selling and buying? And since this place is long paid off, and we are retired.. a mortgage scares me.
Palmetto bugs are just disguised pteradactylus (as I’m sure you know). When you first see one, you think you can almost step on it, but it’s so ugly you start sweating, cursing and pacing instead. You’re not entirely sure you can win the battle because it really is large and even uglier than a nightmare. THEN IT MOVES. Worst case, IT GOES AIRBORNE. Yup, it’s a time-traveling creature. It lands in your bathroom, disguised as a bug you can almost handle. But as soon as you attack, the magic hits and you and your broom are at war with a 5 foot monster from the past. Those antennae are suddenly teeth longer than your hands. You better hope you can use that broom to either: 1. fly out of range or 2: that the broom comes with a sword that pops out one end. GAH!!!!
P.S. My cat, Leo, sends you a purr.
Oh em gee, thank you so much for that visual (not!) (although it made me laugh)
Excellent answer to all the vitriolic comments.
I hate moving. Next time, I will hire you to do it for me. Cause I suck at it!!!!
Sounds good to me like you are the expert house shopper. Buy what you want, where you want and when you don’t want that house any more sell it for a profit and buy a different one somewhere else, as it doesn’t sound like you mind moving. Live your life your way and enjoy it. The happier you are the more you will write and the happier I will be. See even though my opinion is to your benefit (and it is exactly what you should do and how we should all should try to live – it is what the people who love us would want – aren’t you looking because Gordon is uncomfortable), it is also to mine. Good luck.
Good luck with the move! Thanks for the kitty!
Virgina is awsome! We are retired Air Force and have lived in FL and VA. Va is cooler than FL but still has the beach. The possible downside for you is allergies seem worse here than some other places. I’m sure I speak for many when I say the east coast would love to have you!
We’d love to have you in Virginia, but it is hell on allergy sufferers.
I love the kitten!! I don’t care where you live as long as you keep writing—the faster the better ;0.
I love a woman with her shit wired together. That was a pleasure to read. Hope you find a great place!
It just dawned on my why y’all write Innkeeper. A house that will open doors into the universe AND a house that changes for your needs. You just need to find your Inn.
It seems to me you can write from anywhere, so, hopefully, you will find a good place that you like, doesn’t have allergy problems and a beach. It’s a big country. Also, the kitty is nice. It is snowing here. My buhund is pleased.
I read this and had to look up palmetto bug o.O I moved from San Diego to northern Virginia and have loved it here. Your mileage may vary but my allergies and asthma do much better in VA.
OK, about palmetto bugs…. This is a true story, I’m ashamed/not ashamed to admit.
Years ago, I was the Evening Manager at a large convention hotel in Orlando. The hotel backed up to what was then forest/swamp land, and we had a lot of interesting critters wander in.
One night, I was called down to the front desk to hear a customer complaint. At the beginning, it was all about the plexiglass ice bucket that had not been replaced, although the guest had reported it a day or two earlier.
Why was it missing? The plot thickened…
It seems that there was a rather large palmetto bug in their room, and the guest had captured it in the ice bucket and then taken it down to the front desk to register their horror about such a creature’s presence in our very fancy property. The FD clerk had taken the bucket, bug and all, and promised to have another one sent up. Which never happened. Now the guest was getting pretty pissed, both about the casual attitude toward the bug as well as the missing ice bucket.
Well, it was all too much for me that night. I apologized profusely. I thanked the guest most sincerely for capturing the palmetto without injuring it. I assured them that we took it out into the open woods and released it unharmed. As it was a protected species here.
I took an ice bucket up to them personally. And sent champagne, chocolate covered strawberries and other goodies, and another apology note.
I did not get fired.
We are moving to fl and people feel obligated to mention hurricanes, bugs, heat, humidity, hurricanes. I’m amused because we’ve lived in new orleans for 20 years. Pretty confident we’ve dealt with it all
Take a deep breath, hold it, then let it out. Now make yourself your favorite cup of tea and look at whatever property in whatever state that you want. I have only lived in Washington state so I’m no help at all unless you want to move here. Sounds like you definitely better get Gordon out of Texas though. I hope you can find a place somewhere that you both love. Good luck and love the kitten!
Thank you for the well example!! I am going to be building a house in the near future and this will be the first time dealing with a well – looks like I got lots to think about around installing and maintaining it. ????
My Mom used to tell me “I am not the idiot child” when I got officious or extra bossy. Unfortunately I heard that way too many times and deserved it every time. I hope you find the place and house you want and if not try again.
Oh Sheesh. Why can’t people take the time to be respectful when they make comments/tips/recommendations??
Allergies are weird, my allergies are bad here in the DFW area, but when I go to East Texas, they clear up. My 2 nephews are the opposite. So, yep – there’s no set pattern on those puppies!
I hope you and Gordon find the perfect spot to move. Matters not where, as long as I keep getting those wonderful books from ya’ll! 🙂
Love the kitten – now I want it!
The kittens is so cute, enjoy your holiday and have a fab time finding your next home ????
Yes!!!! Well said.
And this is why I dont comment/post much….
Thank you for being awesome
Great reply and honestly, some people are dumbasses with their cautionary tales. Only you can conclude what’s best for you and Gordon, especially in regard to health concerns. Speaking of dumbassses, when we were adopting our second child from China, a teacher-friend at school asked me what we were naming her. I made the mistake of telling her and she said, “That’s a stripper name.” Gag!
We love the Gulf Coast area -specifically around Mexico Beach and PCB … MB has the quiet I need for my sanity. PCB has the things to do when I want them. And I have allergies and the salt air is amazing — never have a problem down there with that. That area seems to be a little more laid back… The hurricane hit the area hard, and they are rebuilding so it’s changed radically. But the people are friendly and the beaches are amazing. We have been going down for vacations for about 15 years now — but it fits us, our lifestyle.
Amazing that people who aren’t paying for your residence think they have a right to dictate the terms and conditions. Imagine you telling them where to live and why!
It’s an adorable kitten.
Cute kitten? Look at the claws – its Fierce!!
While I absolutely agree with you that you are a highly intelligent, capable, and delightful person (as evidenced by your prolific and very welcome writing), are you sure you wish to claim being an adult? Adulting is mostly stoopid and a subscription most of us wish to cancel. ???? And I’m loving the kitty picture as I sit here with my kitty purring in my lap. ???? Best of luck with the moving thing. I’m the other end the the spectrum – been in my house for 31+ years and truly dread the prospect of moving because of the amount of crap I hache accumulated and stored over the years. ????????
Having lived in Florida for the last 18 years I can say that there are a lot worse places to live. When you come this way next and are near Tampa, try Jai Ho Royale Indian Cuisine on a weekend. They have one of the most amazing buffets you will ever enjoy. The place looks like a hole in the wall but the food is so impressive you will have to try it all. I can’t wait for you to find a new place as I enjoy hearing all the fun adventures as you have it painted and so forth. Oh and does your Father like Florida.. do you take him out to fun stuff like swimming with the manatees? I live up between where all the Kentucky Derby horses spend their winters and where you can go swim with manatees. We like the country living instead of being deep in a city. If I have a crazed need for the city we can drive a few miles and poof look crazy city people. Then we go home to the peace and quiet of small town.
Two weekends ago we wanted a good laugh so we rode the motorcycle to The Villages to sit around and watch the golf carts race to park. My life goal is to own some wild decked out golf cart that makes heads turn and just drive around there showing off. hehe
When you say Palmetto you mean love ❤️ bugs.. gotta be near Savannah .. yikes never mind those are bigger than water bugs!!
I had to google Palmetto bugs. Ugh. Cockroaches are one of my heebie jeebies. I don’t mind or even quite like most beetles and insects, will tolerate outdoors spiders and relocate indoor spiders but I loathe cockroaches.
I saw my first “Palmetto” bug when I was in Hilton Head. They are actually gigantic mutant cockroaches and are everywhere.
Good for you… My parents lived in Mount Dora, FL . I found it nice and not as touristy as the rest of Florida. Although a lot more people have found the area since then. It’s not on the Coast, but they have a very nice BIG Lake… In Florida you’re just a couple of hours a way from either Coast. Another area to check out is the St. Petersburg area. That is a up and coming area. Also not as many people. Good luck with your move. Better you than me, as i live in Montana and love it. Do like to visit family in the Winter in Florida tho.
I live about 30 minutes away from Mount Dora. There’s always some sort of art show or festival going on there. And Pisces Rising has a delicious shrimp and grits dish for breakfast. Still, middle of the state is where you get the worst of the heat and humidity. We take our vacations in the mountains or the West Coast where I grew up. This year it will be Massanutten, Virginia, in April; Alaska in July; Steamboat Springs, CO, in December. Best of both worlds.
Kitten is adorable. I can see why you needed to look at it based on the prior information you posted. People should really ask if you need/want information before deciding they are experts and you are an ignorant person who must be educated. Which in general they and you are not. And oh btw, it’s not just gated communities that have issues — I am on the board of a condomium complex and oh the stories about neighbor vs neighbor!
wow…some people…. live where you want, live how you want. in this day and age when you are entitled to your own opinion as long as it is the same as the majority, i say rock the boat! do what makes you and your family happy.
and i love the cute kitten!
????♀️ Some people…Ugh.
You just taught me some things (wells/septic systems) that I will definitely keep in mind for our next home.
I’ve also learned a gated community and or some where with an HOA (even as lenient as ours tends to be) is not something I want in the future.
I can’t wait to hear more about travels and the possibilities for moving!
OMG. You were “fansplained.” Is that even a word? Well, it is now.
Love the word, wish it didn’t have to be invented…. If you’ve read one of Ilona Andrews’ books or a few blog posts, you know that Research is their middle name!
Almost like people think you don’t have “the gouge.” Hilarious that anybody could read what you guys write (particularly wrt the competence of your lead characters) and have the sense, in any regard, that it’s your first rodeo.
The well section was an education. Good. Thanks. (Files mentally for reference)
Ah, palmetto bugs. They tie with earwigs for me in shiver factor. I grew up in inland San Diego, so thought I *knew* about and *was not scared of* bugs. Killed my share of indoor scorpions and centipedes. The ones in Southern California were fast, and made noise running across wood floors. Not allowable! Spiders we mostly lived with in a state of detente. My parents firmly instilled the maxim “Never put your hand or foot where you can’t see it.” So I was basically all good with bugs. And then I met palmetto bugs in Jacksonville. Only bugs I’ve ever met that run *toward* you when you stomp at them. Shudder. The fact that they fly, and seem to like it on the ceiling (invariably over a bed) is not to be borne. Your house pet comment made me laugh. Otherwise, I had a pretty good time in Florida (lived in Pensacola, and Jax, detached to Key West, have visited and quite liked South Beach).
As you well know, no place is perfect, it’s all about trade offs, and it’s possible to have a lot of fun most places. Wishing you someplace that *you* both find to be prime, and not itchy. Happy hunting!
I cannot express how jealous I am of Gordon for actually getting allergy relief with one pill a day. Zyrtec may as well be placebo for me. I’m stuck taking generic benadryl as often as I remember to take it at 4-hour intervals. I can’t go anywhere without some in my purse, because if I miss the time to take it, it’s instant issues. I, too, tried shots to alleviate it, but alas, there was no luck for me with that!
And well water and septic came with my home here, but fortunately for us, “city” water came available, because our well was pretty much poison when it was tested. It’s not as if other people don’t know about such things, but the seller had it drilled, then lived here for 15 years without testing it at all, and fortunately the lender we had forced the testing. And of course, we had to add more drainage for the septic because in that 15 years, requirements changed.
You should know this, though: In 1980, during my first pregnancy, my doctor told me that I was going to be amazed the instant it became known that I was pregnant, because I was about to find out that EVERY SINGLE PERSON I KNEW was an OB. He was right. Suddenly, everyone from the grandmother to the young teens where I worked knew more about pregnancy than any physician ever learned. I heard everything from “Don’t reach up to the top shelf of the cabinet or you’re strangle the baby with the cord!” to “Don’t put your hand up to your face when you are surprised because you’ll give the baby a birth mark!” Yeah. I also heard how to put myself into bed to sleep, what labor was *really* like, and just so much crap. But my doctor was there before they were. He told me that I should nod my head, say thank you for the “advice”, and call him if I needed to know something.
What he said to me then has translated into my own advice to myself and to everyone who complains when people try to “help” others make a decision. (And I’m guilty, too.) We all try to give others any benefit they can take from our own experience without thinking even once about how every person is unique and will experience the exact same thing from their own perspectives. One example is how many people get onto roller coasters and get off with smiles on their faces! I can’t even watch strangers ride those things without getting an upset stomach from terror! I have learned not to mention a decision I am trying to make to anyone whose opinion I would not value. I’m just too tired of nodding my head and thanking them for intruding. When it can’t be avoided, I just don’t really react to being told what to do. Water off a duck’s back. In the end, it’s all about “the third rule”.
Oh, yeah. The kitten is adorable, and I sincerely hope she has a good home. But then again, I have never in my life seen an ugly kitten or wished a kitten a bad home. I wish I could get the focus so perfect in the moment I get to take photos of my cats. Beautifully done!
Rant away. This is your blog. And I’ll see you one cute kitty and raise you one greyhound making light a dead Palmetto bug.
Sorry – file would not load. ????
I’m just fangirling because one of my favorite authors just mentioned my state (VA) ???? I feel like no one ever thinks of Virginia. Please come visit, most of us are lovely!
I replied to the wrong comment, sorry! Clearly I have no idea what I’m doing…
Love Florida! Currently live in the panhandle (military family:17moves). No state taxes – yeay. Haven’t seen a palmetto bug in 6 months – thank you termite/pest guy! My allergies are under control – I am a zyrtec a day girl. Just remember; house with cathedral ceiling for that gorgeous Christmas tree. Happy house hunting. Zillow is awesome.
One woman’s vent is another woman’s treasure trove of information. Thanks for all the tips on purchasing a home, home ownership, etc. We’re nowhere close to buying a home, but I feel like I can never research enough for big expenses!
Anyways, best of luck with everything! Texas literally gave me allergies that follow me wherever I go now, so I’m glad Gordon has a safe haven in FL!
After this post I am very much in crush with you ( in a very non stalkery kind of way)
I am sorry you had people leaving comments that came across as talking down to you, or talking to you as if you are anything but an intelligent, experienced adult! I think people sometimes are more well-meaning than aware of how they come across.
I hope you do get away for some r and r, and that it refreshes and rejuvenates you both!
P.S. If anyone picks on the kitten, then they need to do some soul-searching to find out what is causing their grump factor to soar!!
Let me offer you a virtual cup of your favorite tea. I have wonderful memories of living in Florida and as a huge sufferor of allergies only in arizona where I live now, I understand completely. Happy house hunting and please post the crazy options!!
I feel for Gordon with the allergies!!! I love Texas… but my body hates it! If I travel back home to Arizona everything clears up… and all of a sudden I can breathe! I was tested last summer and found out I am allergic to every species of tree and grass in the area… and cats. ????♀️ I hope I can make one of your meet and greets in Texas before you move! My schedule never seems to match up with them. ????
That is by far and away the best shut-down I’ve seen this year.
Just wondering if Gordon has had any luck getting to the root cause of his allergy? I have something similar (itching to the point of pain) and after numerous tests the doctors can’t find a cause, but I calms down in winter. During summer, I too worship at the Zyrtec altar, hoping for some blessed relief….
You tell ‘em, Ilona! I love it when you rant – (er, respond with dignified hauteur?). It’s so empowering. Anyway, good luck on your new home quest. I hope you find everything you want in one gorgeous place near the ocean. May your future be filled with the sound of waves and gulls and lots of sunshine, wherever that may be.
Amen to this!
I moved 13 times in 30 years and I don’t have allergies but everyone here in Dallas told me just wait. I have been here 6 years and BAM, freaking cedar trees! I lived in Florida for about 4 years and nothing.
It baffles me why anyone would feel the need to tell you things you presumably already know and/or are capable of finding out yourself, or where you “should” live. People can be weird.
I’ve moved 12 times, but have only bought and sold 5 homes. It’s interesting how helpful people try to be, and how well meant (I like my cup to be half full) advice can quickly turn into a trip down the rabbit hole of “I know better!”.
Growing up in southern California, the sight of brick (which crumbles during earthquakes) used to be a deal-breaker for me. But, in Virginia, brick homes do well during hurricanes and I ended up buying one. *shrugs*
Good luck on the quest to find your spot! Sometimes looking is part of the fun.
I’ve heard good things about Naples, and I can vouch for Sarasota where the gulf breeze keeps it around 92 or 93 instead of 100 like Orlando…which is only for family vacations to the theme parks. And the palmetto bugs won’t be too much of an issue if you’re proactive about pest control.
Oh dear god, you’ve had to move that many times! You could write a book about the many “adventures” you have endured, notice I didn’t say enjoyed. I have one more move to go through and please God I can plant myself and not have to do it again until I’m headed to the mortuary.
Love the kitten. Love reading books written by someone who actually knows Atlanta and Houston. I lived in one for many moons, and I currently live in the other. (For many other reasons I enjoy the books; I was in the Navy also and recognize a few catch phrases. I love the writing style, and I could go on.) But for the record, anyone who has read one of these books should be aware of the author’s IQ and appreciate the understanding of the brain that goes behind the scenes to make these worlds real, should understand the complexity of how that works, and should figure out that if one knows enough to accurately calculate Houston or Atlanta traffic, then one has enough sense to ask if the well was drilled or not..
I love Florida and probably never leave. But I do share your hatred for the HOA. They are tyrants who get a tiny taste of power. But wherever you guys land I just hope it fuels your creativity and work so we can enjoy it!
Thank you for cute kitty.
I laughed really hard when reading your post. Thank you so much.
Nice kitten btw !
???? I read your previous post and thought about the research my husband did and the visits he made when he decided to buy a property in Florida. I quickly decided his experience had nothing in common with yours, and I needed not bother you with my 2 cents. Then I read a couple of comments and saw that I definitely didn’t want to contribute.
Now I’m even more glad I said nothing because I’m way out of my depth. I moved only thrice in my life, I plan on staying where I am for the next 20 years at least (hey, our renovations should be done by then! Or if not, my oldest son will be about ready to take over ????) and please please god l’ll never, ever need to know anything about wells, cesspits or quarrelsome neighbors. (Triple hurrays for efficient municipal aqueducts!!!)
I enjoyed reading about your house search when you last moved though, and your descriptions of packing, renovating, organizing your space… I hope you’ll again share with us this time around. Have fun!
I understand Gordon’s issues with Texas and allergies vs Florida. I had nothing but trouble in the desert, and was sick all of the time there as well. But, oh, I loved the sun. I’m somewhere gray and more humid and I’m seldom sick and mostly do not have allergy problems (except to food, but that’s everywhere). I miss the sun so much, and have for years. And places have different characters, as well– Denver had maintained grassy areas all along the freeways when I lived there, and even notoriously “green” cities seem less green by comparison because of that.
I also am not enthusiastic about HOAs. The last thing I want when my roof is leaking is to have to get approval from the architecture committee about what kind and color of roof I’m permitted to install on my house. Just as an example.
I’m again shopping for a house, and trying to figure out what it is that’s most important to me (well, I know “no gray” and “no open concept”).
I hope you find a place with both the climate and the character you’re looking for.
Didn’t read any of the comments. Usually do. Coming off a mild case of flu or something here. I would live where the allergies bothered me the least. I’m not sure there is such a place for me. Doctors like to call it COPD. From then on they don’t have to figure out what the cause is any more. I have lived in subdivisions before. Always made sure there were no restrictions and NEVER an HOA. STILL had a couple neighbors approach me as I was up the ladder painting the soffit my color choice of ..beach blue.. tell me I couldn’t paint that color. All the brick houses were trimmed hunter green, maroon,black… I was young then, I just looked down from the top of my ladder and said “ sure I can, see, just like this”. And kept on painting my bright cheerful beach blue
Move to Australia- Melbourne is best! We get all four seasons in one day! It’s awesome ????
The Killing picture is adorable. But your comments are even better. From reading your books and reading this blog the amount of research you do is evident. People are dense if they think you don’t know what you’re doing. My only complaint about living in Florida was that I missed the change of seasons. Virginia is not a bad place to live, that’s where I am at now.
Sorry, kitten picture.
Want to move to Virginia? Try Fredericksburg, halfway between Washington, DC and Richmond. I now live around Ladysmith, VA. Quiet suburban area. Also Bowling Green or King George. Would love to see you move here. Good luck to wherever you move to.
I think I’ve only been to Florida once, and that was to do Disney and Universal, and I’m betting Floridians don’t count those areas as being Florida, so I can’t comment on Florida itself. Except to stay away from Ft. Lauderdale — it didn’t fair well in RJ Blain’s book “Water Viper”, so perhaps not the most relevant recommendation, but can’t be much worse that the recommendations you apparently already received.
(I’m pretty sure it was someone in the comments who first recommended RJ Blain, so whoever you were, thanks. I’m loving her stuff.)
Love the kitten. 🙂 Hope you find a place you both love.
The kitty is adorable. No mean towards the kitty!
Good luck with house hunting.
Make sure you visit Northern Virginia. I lived in Middleburg for a year and loved it. Unfortunately, it is very expensive but if I ever win the lottery that is where I would like to live.
I feel so left out. And really dumb.I live in the same building all my life. In Astoria NY. If I ever move, I know who to ask for advice. I do have friends, who live in Pennsylvania and know about wells, septic tanks, radon etc.
it doesn’t make me want to buy a house. More like , run away.
You and Gordon are some of the most organized, well informed, and competent people I have ever come across.
I would never berate you on any subject .
Fie on anyone who thinks they can “educate “ you on anything.
Go on vacation, and breathe and watch sunsets or sunrises. That is my advice.
And love the kitten.
I had to smile at your comments about a well and septic tank. I live in the mountains of southwestern Virginia. We have both as well as we take our recyclables and trash to the county dump 🙂 We are only 2 miles from Main Street but we look across at mountains every day. There are so many parts to Virginia – crazy traffic northern Virginia, the places on the rivers and beach areas, etc. The area around Charlottesville is lovely. It is horse country and is near a major university. I am located 3 miles from the Virginia Tech campus so we can take advantage of our Moss Arts Center, lectures, and of course sports. I was raised in Richmond and my husband in Baltimore. We tried really hard to get back to Virginia during our careers (we moved 9 times) but had to build a retirement home in the mountains to get here.
I have terrible allergies. Really awful. I was once prescribed so many antihistamines that I could only remain conscious about five hours a day. And I was pretty loopy during those five hours. I’d call myself a pink spotted leopard because of all the hives. I think I was more pink than anything. It wasn’t until I talked to a regular general practitioner and not a specialist who told me to take Zantac along with the Zyrtec that I was able to find any relief. If the Zyrtec ever stops working try combining it with Zantac! Hope people stop treating you like Xavier treats Catalina!
Love your comments. You certainly have done your homework. Additionally when my husband and I were looking for a retirement location, we added disasters and earth movement to the list. (We checked geophysical aspects, weather, water sources and a l things you mentioned above.) Well we ended up in Maine outside of Portland in a home built in 1849. Needless to say , nothing is perfect and as my husband died before our last home closed and the new one closed, I should have purchased a retirement condo.
Oh well, it’s just a bit of hind sight which is always perfect.
Nicely done Ilona. (As usual). Love the kitten – totally adorable.
Ho K. Perhaps I did assume too much. Sorry. However as a friend of mine pointed out to me, I have passed the age of sensibly realizing that I should not do something and have reached the point where I figure:”What the Hell? Let’s see what happens.” I’m sure there’s a middle ground, but damned if I ever found it.
I am very pumped you are gonna look at VA.
How do people not realize writers are research fiends?
It just goes to show that some people think you have experienced all the things you write about cause you’re so accurate!
The kitten is very cute so thank you for sharing that with us! Sorry it took a lot of nonsense to spark the post that ended with it.
I sympathize with Gordon on the allergies. I, too, live somewhere that makes every day hell without medicine (sometimes even with medicine). I would love to have you come to Virginia (for selfish reasons), but I’m sure you’ll find the place that’s right for you and that’s the most important thing.
Am so glad I don’t blog or post or volunteer info that make people feel entitled to give their opinions! I am just say way way too cranky. After 55 plus years in the Pacific northwest I moved to la s vegas about 10 years I have seen Neanderthal cockroaches so big they need saddles. The last one I tried to stomp threw my foot off! no matter where you move there will be Issues. You are both very intelligent, cautious people. Good luck and I say full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes (or know-it-alls as the case may be)!
OMG how I love you guys. I love how you make your point across. You are amazing and I understand perfectly how it feels when someone talk us down. Dear sir, I am not an idiot, married for more than 30 years, I have birth 2 child , had 2 business and still alive, I don’t know how I did all that without your input .
Go Ilona, tell it like it is! ????
Beautiful kitty ????
Carnival people are no longer in Gibsonton? Darn. Whenever you mention your life people have to butt in. I did when you were sick all the time. Cute kitten.
I may move in September and if there’s enough room ( have 2 cats already) I’d like to talk about Batty.
Me upon reading the beginning paragraph: ” Whoa! Have any of those ‘peeps’ even read any of their books? ” I mean the amount of research and depth of thought and planning is evident all over in your writing. Why would anyone jump to the conclusion that you would put less thought or effort into something as important as selling up and moving?
I do wish more people would stop and **think** before they message. Sigh.
Great kitten pic – thanks.
Firstly, there are both good and bad aspects to be found no matter where you move to. PNW is lush and green, but that’s because it rains 364 a year. Summer, however is beautiful…at least, I thought so the few times I didn’t oversleep and miss it. Nevada has bugs, no rain and lots of heat. And so on. As for crime statistics? Whenever I’m going to relocate, I call the local cop shop and ask them which areas they have the least problems with, and which ones they have the most problems. Makes it much easier to decide where to move to in that city.
Secondly…those people who tried to rain on your parade? Ignore them. Just listen, smile and nod … and do exactly what you think is right for you. If Florida is healthier for Gordon, then slap a big “Miami Bound” sticker on your suitcase and go.
And thirdly: Best of luck, whatever you wind up doing.
Why do people believe when you tell them your situation, you want their opinion? Why not just assume you just need someone to listen?
Kind of like telling you who to write about and what to write.If you enjoy an author doesn’t that mean you trust their writing no matter?
You have the patience of a saint.
A very smart, capable saint…
Cute kitten. Thanks for your service. I was Navy. Stationed in SD 94-96.
I love you wherever you live. ❤️❤️❤️
The kitten is adorable.
There’s a Yiddish word called “chutzpah.” The jokey definition of this is “a man who kills both his parents and then throws himself at the mercy of the court because he’s an orphan.” I think some of your readers are showing a lot of chutzpah and assuming that you know absolutely nothing about moving. Unbelievable. (The American way of saying it would be “gall”–as in, he/she/they have a lot of gall.)
Wow. Just wow.
I am sorry you even had to feel like addressing the comments. They have added to your feeling tired is what I am sensing.
While I am sure the loving hoard that follows you only meant to help, it sounds like you were bombarded with well-meaning advice that didn’t take into account your experiences.
Having followed your most recent move it is patently obvious you and Gordon know what you’re about.
I hope your holiday is relaxing and energising.
When you find a new place I hope you will, eventually, be kind enough to share it with us. While it hasn’t turned out to be your “ever after” place I did appreciate you letting us in.
Enjoy your short break and thank you for all you give us.
You know, actually I have read somewhere that it is almost compulsive to people to share advice, because this is some kind of protective mehanism for shared knowledge and collective memory, transferring data to next generations, in times, when there was no available knowledge really, and now is hard for people to realize that information is easily available and people know more, so it is probably not assuming that someone doesn’t know something, but is more like saying the thing, despite the surcumstanses. If I make any sense ???? and there is probably not real need for my comment 🙂
You make perfect sense to me, scary as you may find that. For fun, here’s an old article that addresses part of what you say, “…excerpted from Clive Thompson’s book Smarter Than You Think: How Technology Is Changing Our Minds for the Better…”
What an interesting article… It somewhat refuted a theory that I had (that some technology, particularly cell phones, were ruining my memory because I used to be able to quickly memorize phone numbers, but now it’s a struggle (I didn’t use address books/phone books much)).
Another point that was interesting was finding people who gave additional unasked for info to be “boorish,” but if the internet provides more info than asked for, it’s “enticing.” Thanks for this link.
Oh, thank you ever so much, a wonderful article, Veri interesting!
Sweet kitty! Years ago I went with a friend who was house/land hunting around Crawfordsville, South of Tallahassee. When I read your Edge series, it was that area that I pictured.
Love the kitty!!! I hope you have time to get some rest! Or watch a fun show!
I can see that! I’m an insurance agent who’s had some interesting encounters in Crawfordsville.
As a carnie thanks for the love lol
The cute kitten is very cute. And… Gators climb fences? ????
I, um, ok… I thought SA was bad ass ya know, because we have crocodiles. They don’t climb jack merde, they’re too big. I’m thinking their size is now moved to the plus column.
Verslint, gators can get quite sizable but if your SA is Southern Australia – y’all grow critters scary big there. Gators are sneaky though, they like to hide out near play grounds, swimming pools and in hotel bushes waiting for a nibble.
That’s really crazy! It sounds like a giant rat with teeth! ????
Our croccies pretty much stay put where they belong (rivers and close surrounds) , although we have other critters we worry about. Good luck with that!
To the entire community: if you felt offended by my previous responses, I apologize to you unreservedly. As poorly worded as my comments may have been—a cross I have long borne—please accept that I meant them with caring and concern but *definitely* not condescendingly. Please enjoy Ilona’s kitten with me.
I guess there’s technically a beach in Oregon, but if somebody said warm Florida sands, I would not think to compare it to the freezing cold gray rocks of Oregon.
The golfers in Astoria are bananas. Playing all day in the pouring rain and when a huge lightning storm blows in, they get annoyed that the course is closing. ‘Cause they’d totally run around in the open with good conductors in their hands. These are just run-of-the-mill old guys in loud pants, not extreme athletes.
Beautiful kitten! And, funny enough, the well questions I dont know enough to ask about..yet. I learned another new thing today! 🙂
You Go!!!! thanks for the cute kitten! I get more enjoyment reading the posts and mostly the comments.
May I just say that you are superb at crafting a well thought out, yet still somehow polite put down. I have read you do this many times and I am in awe of your powers. Really! (Yes I am being funny, but it’s only funny because it’s also true.)
It is unfortunate that in the desire to be helpful, people (me included), often forget that it is not our job nor do we have the knowledge to tell others what is best for them. This is a good reminder of that.
Awe, sorry, the horde are many and varied. I’m sure we all mean well… “bless our hearts” 😉
Sorry to hear you are looking at another big move. I’m not a fan of moving. But hey, that’s just me. Hope you find some place that works well for you both and that you love. Some place conducive to writing. Yes, a place where ideas flow and books fly out into the internet, down the lines and into my kindle. Oh, wait, that’s a little selfish of me isn’t it? But .. books… I need them.
Also, moving probably means I’ll get to see more postings of “interesting” properties! YAY! What else could be out there? The house with all the dolls was pretty creepy. And that kitchen with all the decoupage? Yes.. house hunting is fun, (for us).
I grew up reading Dave Barry columns every week (syndicated to the Wash Post magazine) from the Miami Herald. Of course he might have been making that up. 😉
That kitten is up to no good.
It is a cat. Of course the kitty is up to mischief. Mine climb ladders.
I live in the UK, so don’t know Florida from Maine. Or any other american state, for that matter. Been to New York and New Jersey once. 20 years ago or so. And that’s it. And I only ever bought a house once and still iving in it. My house doesn’t have a well. So from somebody relatively clueless… hope you have a nice move! (What I’m really saying is… I hope this “moving thingy” does not delay the publishing of the books I am looking forward to reading!) 😀
Take care!
Gotta go where you feel good … My husband and I fell in love with the Forgotten Coast near St. Joe, Florida (maybe it’s St. Jo?) and look forward to going back some day.
so Sorry you had to write that column. Even knowing people mean well it is hard to swallow unasked-for advice.
Hope you and Gordon get a lovely vacation, no matter how long, or short. And come back raring to write all those wonderful stories we love.
Travel safely and I pray you find your forever home, or maybe just your for sometime home. ????????
Perhaps you might like to hide in a state no one will look for you in. Alabama comes to mind. Writers and artist enjoy the eastern shore of Mobile Bay. Property tax is low, and the people are colorful. Lots of free material and great sunsets. Really.
Perfectly said! I learned a lot as always from your writing. Sending you lovely fruit tea and cookies thoughts.
My first thought was to comment that Florida made my allergies unbearable, and when I moved back to California, I was fine. And then I thought everyone is different and I should mind my own business. Sorry that other people don’t think the same way.
I have never contacted and author before even though I am an avid reader and have authors that I admire and whose books I love. Just want to say in particular I love your Kate Daniels series it is my absolute favorite series and I love that you and your husband write it together, it really gives an edge to your books that I believe is part of what makes them so amazing to read.
But what I really want to say in response to your I R an adult is AWESOME SMACK DOWN, makes me admire you even more.
Hubby is in the service as well and I absolutely hate moving. We’ve moved 7 times in the 14 yrs we’ve been married, 3 we just across town but packing and unpacking is still not fun. Maybe 1 or 2 more move left until retirement
I hope where ever you settle Gordon get some relief. We’ve been in NC for two years and I am on 3 meds daily to be able to breathe comfortably, but I have no sense of smell unless its sharp and pungent.
Good luck and rest up till the next round of work starts!
Thank you for the cute kitten!
I thought about commenting on the last post, but I couldn’t really think of anything other than, “Florida. Yuck. Hurricanes. I don’t get why some people like beaches so much.” In other words, all about me with 0% interesting or useful commentary. So, I didn’t.
I should probably delete that last paragraph…
I’m not sure why people thought you weren’t familiar with real estate. You just bought the current house (and renovated) not that long ago.
Live where it makes you happy (although if you want to move to Central PA, I’d welcome you with open arms and show you the best yarn shops ).
Good luck on finding a new place, if that’s what you and your family want. Get rest. Take time to play games and knit. Everyone needs to recharge their batteries.
I did not comment for just the beginning said. You are both adults and know what is the best places for you to live with allergies.
I see your cute kitten and raise you 2 😉
Oh and at a risk of offending both of you, has Gordon taken Zyrtec and Tagamet at the same time? Don’t ask me why but it works to relieve my hives. It’s nuts.
Ooh, maybe I should try that. I was going to post a comment sympathizing with Gordon because I take 2 Zyrtec in the morning and an Allegra in the evening because I itch like mad otherwise. Stupid allergies.
Zyrtec, Flonase and Sudafed to get relief.. its crazy.
My brain is still stuck at “gator climbed a fence.”
They’re not supposed to climb! They’re supposed to be broody and creepy and hungry WHILE IN THEIR SWAMPS or NYC sewers!
I’m never going back to Florida ????
OMG, me too!! We don’t have critters that can kill you here.
Wow! Thank you so very much for the background on “You”.
Great “eye opening” response. Here is to a very happy move when you do….
I was going to make a comment about Virginia, but my view on that state is colored by both the years I spent growing up there and the mental scars it left. You may like it. There are some lovely areas.
I see your kitten and raise you:
This is one of a series so expect to lose 30 minutes of your life – but you will be happy at the end so it’s a good thing. :-0))
Wishing you well with your move wherever you land. It’s an adventure – a taxing adventure – but an adventure nonetheless! I just moved from Salem, OR to Kansas City, KS. I loved every minute! … except the boxes. So many boxes!
Oh my, all I can say in response to all the over-splaining (I don’t want to assume mansplaining, although I’ll admit that’s what I initially assumed) is, bless their hearts…
Also, kittens are adorable!
You do you boo! Personally, I like happy Author couple better than sad or hurting Author couple!
I’m late to this party and didn’t read all the ‘helpful’ , unsolicited advice you got.
I did read your rebuttal in full and want to thank you for your oh so respectfully/professionally/ succinctly worded smackdown response. It made my day. ????
How is it no one talks about moving to New York City?? You’ve got 5 boroughs to choose from, each one quite different from the other. And each neighborhood in each borough has its own personality. I’d give my right arm to be able to afford Manhattan (OK, just kidding about the arm, but not about Manhattan) instead of being stuck in one of the outer boroughs.
As for living in the South? No way. I can barely deal with the heat and humidity we get here in NYC. Southern summers would probably kill me.
Good luck with the house hunting.
Thanks for the kitten, and for the info about wells and septic systems….I never knew. Sending hugs from Ottawa, in a snow storm ????
I hope you and Gordon find a suitable place to settle soon^^
On the one hand, I kinda want to go off on the people who caused you to make this post, but on the other, I have to admit, I like snarky Ilona, lol.
Thanks for sharing the unique viewpoint of someone who’s lived in a military family (among other things). I especially enjoyed your description of Palmetto bugs in Savannah, and while I am truly sorry to learn of Gordon’s allergies, I was not surprised to learn that Texas made him itch. After reading this blog, I began to wonder if the reason I look forward to reading your blog as much (and sometimes more) than reading your books is because of the kinship of shared experience. I’ll look forward to reading about life in Florida in your unique voice! I’m a fan who remembers when Fisher Island was home to a research station and the biggest land hermit crabs on the planet.
Florida is magical if you’re the kind fo person who won’t miss winter and doesn’t mind the heat.
And there are MANY people like that, and they love Florida. Isn’t it amazing how varied we all are?!
Also it’s beautiful for allergies or any kind of pulmonary issue because the furthest you can ever be from a beach is like 60 miles. Magical.
I hope you find what makes your hearts and health happy.
I honestly don’t get how people feel the need to “advise” you just because they like your books. You do you. Be happy. Live long and prosper. (And whatever other quotes I can steal).
People always need to make themselves feel good by sharing ‘wisdom’ with others and therefore mentally placing themselves on a step above. Personally, I’m a little surprised they still get to you enough to ‘compel you to clear some things up’ (though also a little grateful, because we then get to read more interesting things 😉 ). Personally, I’ve also been sighing wistfully about the house you described in the last post ever since. I wish I’ll get to live in a house like that, with balconies and hills and all, at some time in my life, instead of a tiny Tokyo apartment. Not that I’d ever want to move to either Texas OR Florida. Canada at most.
I may get how you feel, a little. There’s this one guy at work today. I said how people at our new building are lazy, and cited a few examples. He mentioned a few messes they made and ignored, and said ‘it’s because people here are lazy’. I snapped that I told him that 20 seconds ago and he was repeating my words back to me. I like to think I’m somewhat tolerant, but this was far from the first time.
Selfishly I want you to cone to Virginia. That being said, I live in Northern VA. And I, like Gordan suffer from allergies all year round. Partially my fault, because I have two cats and dog, and I’m allergic to both animals. But mold, grasses, and trees are also big environmental allergens depending on the season. I take Xyzal everyday (stronger than Zyrtec) but still over the counter allergens medicine.
Sigh. Humans! Not so thrilled with them myself right now. Hugs. Good luck with your proposed move. This is my second time in FL, and over a lifetime I have also moved a ton. One gets to be very good at it! : )
Wow, tell us how you really feel. I have never read or participated in a blog. Started reading this one because I love your books. I thought it was neat to experience a little of the “behind the scenes” of one of my favorite authors. Read it for a year, looked at the comments, thought some were fun, some silly, some useless, all well intentioned. Saw where you’ve asked for input and everyone joyfully joins in. I’ve even commented occasionally ….just because. I think I’ll go back to just reading your terrific stories. I wish you the best of luck wherever you end up.
I think that had we known before that Gordon had grown up in Florida and that you had been to several places here without the allergy problem, it would have saved us all a lot of time trying to be helpful. And you might have wanted to preface your “looking to move “chat with , Please don’t make any suggestions.
However, where ever you decide to move, I hope it will be a much easier segue than the last time, and whomever buys your present house will be getting a lovely, turn-key
property. Best wishes.
Well said. Your word smith talent shining through. You were also much nicer than I would have been. Enjoy wherever you land, and if you don’t , you can move again. We moved 3 years ago into our not-forever home. It’s almost time to move again, just across town this time instead of across country.
Yes! Yes! Come to Virginia! We never give advice! We just read your books!
Love the kitten. Its gorgeous!
Moved 16 times by the time I was in high school. If you haven’t tried Maine, it beautiful country. So is Colorado. Have my sympathy on the allergies. Live in Texas and Zyrtec is my lifesaver!
All I got to say is – YOU GO GIRL! Love your writing. Find you witty, funny, and you write damn good books! Take it from someone who’s been reading for over 65 years, even a sarcastic comment is well written!
I live in Colorado, and I would go back to the keys in a heartbeat. My favorite key is summerland key. I love to sail my hobie island adventure, ride my cat trike, fish , snorkel , swim, garden, bottle hunt, and explore the jungle of s florida. If you are anywhere near Big Pine Key there is a beautiful Catholic church where the women will teach you how to make stained glass and invite you to lunch with the father. Amazing nice older women, oops I’m one now? You can ride your bike to Fort Zachery Taylor and do yoga on the beach! it was so wonderful, then breakfast out at the place with the bondage barbies hanging in the windows. Then, I would ride my bike to the grocery and make something healthy and fabulous for dinner or go to the flea market on big pine and get fresh fruit, vegetables and shrimp. So many cool things to do. I really miss it. Sometimes a friend of ours would take us out in a 36 ft cat to compete in the wreckers race. We always won. Or out until sunset. He was a wonderful friend. Or my girlfriend and I would kayak through the mangroves, or go spearfishing or lobstering….I guess you can tell I miss it.
I went to Big Pine Key Sea camp when I was in 5th grade. I wanted to be a marine biologist at the time. One of the best weeks of my childhood. ????
The Outer Banks in VA is what my friends in the DC area all talk about…
I still haven’t made it there!
I am here for the kitten.
Me too! So sweet!
It’s not that we don’t know you’re an adult. We just all want you to be our neighbors!
Cute kitten.
And, we want our favorite authors to be happy.
If you can afford to, he where your soul finds happiness! That’s all that matters!!
If I ever look for a home in a different state can I contact you? You Wow’ed me! Just kidding I am not likely to move any time soon. Still very impressive. Cute kitty , but doesn’t hold a candle to Artha
May the buttholes of people who are condescending to you be forever itchy. Enjoy considering where to move and, if you do, may it be relatively stress free. Take care of yourselves.
May you find the place that brings you both lots of joy. Your books bring me a lot of enjoyment and here’s to reading many more of them.
I feel Gordan’s pain. Sometimes I feel like I’m allergic to the entire state of Kansas. I think we have similar amounts of ragweed but I can’t even imagine what it would be like having it bloom year-round.
And it baffles me that anyone could read your blog posts and think you aren’t a careful thinker. Even if you weren’t, literally no one likes unsolicited advice from strangers. Online or IRL.
Sorry you are feeling exhausted.
Positive Florida comment – I hardly ever get a cold here. Used to always get colds up north.
We are in the midst of moving and selling our house (in Florida). Which is stressful since I work from home.
We have been here 8 years (we seem to move every 6-8 years) moved from Virginia and thinking to relocate to North Carolina (maybe). Our daughter is in Virginia so want to be closer to her. We live in Sarasota, which is very nice. Beautiful beaches and lots of artsy stuff to do.
We bought an RV so we don’t have to choose where we end up right away. Planning on enjoying the Gypsy life for a while. ???? as long as I can get reliable internet. ????
Best wishes on wherever you choose to land.
Wherever you go, may you be happy and Gordon allergy-free. Because this equals MOAR BOoKs!
No lie, I love the saltiness of this post, lol. You are absolutely an adult, and will make the best decision for you and your family. Florida isn’t my cup of tea, but I’ve only ever lived on the west coast, and have a serious adversarial relationship with humidity. I once visited Florida in February, and felt like I was drowning in the air, so yep, not my thing. However! You are not me! My things and your things do not necessarily match! My goodness, what a revelation.
Reading this and sad because my kitty is stuck at the evil vet hospital where they are cruelly keeping her locked up unto she is doing all better and can come back home to run the place and chase the palmetto bugs back outside where they belong.
Also sad that people don’t realize still that sometimes unasked for advice is just that.
Come back to San Diego!!
While I have the same reaction to cats as Gordon does to to Texas– that is a cute kitty and pictures are just my speed. And totally with you on the HOA’s. Seen the horror stories there too.
You always make me laugh. I love your blog – especially when you call people on their ridiculousness. I’m officially inviting you to come visit us up here on the West Coast of Canada. Vancouver Island is a great place to relax, refresh, and feel inspired. You deserve it!
LOL, I hate gated communities with cookie cutter homes and HOAs too. When we were looking for our first home our agent took us to one, and as we drove in, I made a comment about not wanting to live in such a place, and my husband told the agent that he agreed because might get drunk one night and come home to the wrong house. It turned out our agent actually had a friend who was an ATF agent, came home after having had a drink after work, walked into the wrong house and pulled his gun on the poor family inside before he realized he was in the wrong house. Fortunately no one was injured.
I love Florida. I was born in Florida and spent most of my growing years if you will in Florida and would seriously love to go back.
My comment is this: for all the peeps saying something about crime… can anyone name a state or city in the USA that doesn’t have crime?
As for allergies, they told me that Arizona didn’t have allergies.
Lie. I have to take allergy medication every day.
Good luck and please get some rest.
I like the picture of the kitten. Cute, yes, but the look is stern and unyielding.
Unsolicited advice is the worst. Sending hugs.
It sucks that you received such unsolicited advice on your own blog. However, this post was snarky gold. I hope that you and Gordon will find your dream house in Florida, and that the move will go smoothly. If you feel like it, please share the most ludicrous or loveliest houses you come across. Those posts have been really fun to read. And aww, that kitten is adorable.
LOL! Very cute kitty. Good rant.
Australia has lots of beaches and usually great weather. All your Australian fans would love you to move here. I do realize it is very impractical for your children, book signings etc but we great Australian fans can still wish. Hope you find a wonderful new home to live in and love and that Gordon’s allergies go away.
Australia, beautiful cities, fabulous beaches, lovely laid back people, cyclones, drought, floods, bushfires, venomous snakes and spiders. High allergens. Wouldn’t live anywhere else. Love your books and look forward to the next one.
Wellington New Zealand: Earthquakes, Flood, failing water/bus infrastructure, Gale force winds coming straight from Antarctica…more earthquakes
It works for me…
My aunt by marriage was an infant school teacher who had met my uncle as a teenager and before I was born. Her manner of speaking and advice did not change as I grew older and it was only on her premature death did I discover that I wasn’t alone, my father, mother, siblings and even her own mother-in-law felt that they had never aged beyond 4 years old! Some people cannot help themselves!
May the edits go smoothly so that you can enjoy your vacation afterwards.
Cute kitten- as adorable as your cats ???? Always love your stories from the mischief they get up to.
Mansplaining! Love it! My father had a little stroke a few weeks ago. After 3 weeks got bored and took out his bike (he is 78). He fell off because, surprise surprise, his leg didn’t work, and has major bruising coz, you know, stroke blood thinners. He tried to explain to me why his leg didn’t need treatment. I asked him where his layman’s knowledge backed up against my medical degree, my specialist degree and my masters. He looked a bit sheepish. Mansplaining! Humph!!!
So since you have moved so much, and with your former military transient lifestyle… as a person presently in the Air Force Reserve and married to an AD AF guy… I (try to) reassure myself through all the moves (including hubby’s upcoming- yikes- retirement where for the first time in 20 years of married life we get to pick where we live!)… anyway I reassure myself by thinking about a place to live as not my “forever home” but “our best choice right now.” We are planning a move to Whitefish, Montana because: Colorado is too big and crowded by now… where I grew up (New Mexico) no longer feels like home (and like you, Ilona, I am haunted by memories of loved ones dying of cancer). We vacationed in Whitefish 2 years ago. It feels like Colorado was 25 years ago, before it got discovered and exploded into the sprawl and busyness that I feel there now. We both love the mountains and the cool relaxed sports-and-artsy- vibe, I miss skiing, my husband misses biking and hiking and outdoor pursuits, and they have a strong public MS and HS for the kids. BUT…I also periodically freak out because I’ve never lived someplace that cold, with such long winters…. What if the kids don’t fit into the school? What if I can’t find a job I like? What if the community isn’t welcoming? Then I think– “well, we can always move!” 🙂 That is the last thing I want to contemplate after moving every 2- 3 years for the past 20…. but, better to move than live somewhere that doesn’t work, where you (or your spouse) is miserable! Allergies are the worst, and Zyrtec makes me at least super sleepy… I get why Gordon wants to move.
Those of us who follow this blog do so not just for the occasional snippets but also because we an relate to your worries, fears, joys and struggles … thank you for sharing.
Still looking forward to meeting you guys in Chicago in April! After watching a few episodes of ‘Buying Hawaii’ over the last few days where people are buying places close to the lava flows… I am quite sure that there is a buyer for every type of property and to each his own! Good luck!
Cute kitten in tree: “/Now/ what do I do??” Since most kittens happily climb /up/ trees & such, but then can’t figure out how to get back /down/! 🙂
Good luck with whatever you decide to do with your move. I’ve read some of your pre- , during- and post-move blog entries and hope you don’t have any disasters spring on you this time (floods, lost Christmas presents, etc.!) (“post-move posts” just didn’t sound right!)
WHY are there gators that climb fences?????!!! Take it back!
Perhaps it’s to get to the other side?
Yes! Thank you for calling people out – I loved it. As part of a fellow military family, I completely understand! Some people just don’t get our lifestyle.
No advice, just love you and your job ! Good luck for your next moving/adventure ! The kitty is so cute! Nobody can be mean with him. Best shield ever ! 😉
The Andrews are my favorite authors. Even your Smackdowns are classy and fu reading.
S’posed to be “fun reading”. Keyboard is sticking too much lately.
If I ever have a chance to buy a house I’m going to hire you as my consultant!
Virginia is a lovely state and its has a variety of living areas depending on if you want water, green spaces, horses to ride or hills to climb. Its climate is mostly mild and this past winter was a non event for us in Virginia Beach. There are the occasional hurricanes but no place is free from weather events. We have also moved all over and settled here for the last 40 years. We have an oceanfront if you like the tourist lifestyle and a wonderful Chesapeake Bay side that we much prefer. No tourists and a lot of beach. Single homes there can be a little pricy and there are smaller condo developments that might fit your needs. There are big ones too but I don’t think you would like the bigger kind of complex. Virginia would welcome you and your family and all your literary family as well.
Damn, the levels of adulting in this post are insane. I doubt I’ll ever be this adulty. Especially not regarding real estate or wells, which I hate anyway. On the other hand, I know a bunch of stuff now at 28 that I was clueless about when I was 20, so maybe I will be able to impress others with my adult knowledge someday too. You guys (and your characters) are always an inspiration when it comes to being a responsible adult. (No sarcasm, I mean it!)
I am with you on the coast thing! I was born on the West Coast of Canada, but my folks moved me up to the prairies for my dad’s and sister’s health. So mine went down, while theirs went up. Dry eyes, allergies, depression. Got married, stayed. Finally (very early) retirement! Florida! Back to a beloved coast. Florida was ultimately not for us because I honestly can’t stand the heat any more, I am healthy though! Six years there and I loved the places we visited, never Orlando though, I agree with you there! We were in John Travolta’s home area of Ocala, horse capital of the world. Gorgeous gardens, awesome antiquing, good bargains on non-HOA/POA neighborhoods, we got into one with a community center and pools with no additional fees. They are out there, I am 100% with you on HOAs or “fees, just so your neighbors can f*** with you,” why would I pay for that grief? There is a lot to love in Florida. I am back in Canada on the East coast of Nova Scotia, where we were thrilled to get an acre across the road from a river, 10 minutes from the Atlantic, with an 1800s house. Our Florida home closes tomorrow, so our coffers will be full again. I have moved many times, but crossing borders takes it up a step! By all means live where you are both healthy! I wish I had done it a lot of years earlier! Hoping this time we got it right!
LOL!! Seriously, thank you for the laugh!! Love you guys! Clearly they have not read anything you’ve written if they think you need advice!
Thank you for this delightful post. Cracked me up. I appreciate your frustration. It did make me glad I decided against my own knee jerk thought of climate change and rising tides. 😉
Love the kitten!
oh wow….this is the universe god/goddess giving me another message.
I have been doing the same thing to my family. In particular my two brothers. Its uncomfortable to admit but Im convinced that I know better than them and in order to save them hardship and failure I insert my advise often and I have become a nag and controlling troglodyte to them.
BUT….now that I am super aware of what I am doing I have these fantastic internal conversations with myself BEFORE I open my mouth and try and tell them what to do. I have stopped doing it and I am letting them go forth and do whatever they want, its been a bit hard at times because they do something and my way would have been faster and easier…but why the feck am I putting so much of my time and energy into giving a shit about their lives.
So this busy body is retiring to focus on ME….
Goodluck for move 🙂
Come and live in France, we have the Mediterranean, tea and everyone hates pollen. ^^
As someone who has lived in Seattle, Boston, and Galway, the following sentence is both mind blowing and terrifying: “We have see a gator up close. We have seen it climb a chain link fence.” What?! How?! No!
Goodness! It seems some folks have forgotten what the word “assume” mean! As an army brat, I understand moving! I guess I “assumed” because of Gordon’s military history, you guys were well aware of all the details of buying and selling houses (besides, I’ve been paying attention… Pflugerville to San Marcos…). Besides all THAT… I would NEVER tell anyone and I do mean ANYONE how or where to move! Maybe I actually am old! My parents raised me differently!!! That’s just rude and I am sorry there are people in this world that would even say such nonsense!????????????
I don’t think that people mean to be rude. Maybe it’s excessive interest or sadly some of us never get to “share” our opinions.. on jump on the apparent opportunity with both feet. sigh…. but Ilona has explained what is what and now we will calm down and be good, for a little little while.
Move to Australia! We have our own issues, but you’ve never lived here before and it would be a whole new set of experiences for you all.
That is a damn cute kitten!
The only reason I don’t recommend Florida is because of the melting icebergs. Most of Florida is sea level. Yes, I believe in climate damage. I just know how much our winters have changed since I was a kid. I hope you find what makes you happy. Love the kitten. When I’m having an off day, I just picture the kitten hanging from a tree branch and figure I can hang on longer! ????
I got similar unsolicited advice when I told friends I plan to move to where my daughter and her family live, when I retire at the end of the year. It’s not as if I would make a major life decision without thinking it all through.
Good luck on finding a place that makes you happy!
I love Florida and am beside myself with excitement that you might be living in my state and that I might attend your book signings. If you choose to move elsewhere, please keep writing and I’ll keep reading. Either way, I hope you and Gordon find your happy.
Hey, wherever makes you happy. But, for me? Either Florida or Texas. Hubby and I just moved back home to FL in 2018. I’m an 7th or 8th generation native Floridian. No, I’m not rich, skinny, redneck, tanned or capable of wrestling alligators. We finally landed north of Gainesville. I had lived in TX for 3 years soon after high .I moved back when my dad’s health was failing fast. Anyway, we are about 25 minutes away from Gainesville and the insanity that can be the University of Florida. We’re about 90 minutes away from Jacksonville, a little further from St Pete, 2 hours from Naples, etc. You get my drift. You probably know you are never more than 90 miles away from a beach. We moved back home from 8 very long years in CT. I kept telling my husband we had to get home before I slipped on ice and broke my hip (in a side note: I’m currently recuperating from an accident that resulted in multiple spinal fractures and resulted in a hip replacement). My allergies were much worse in CT. Thank God for the blessing of Singulair. I can get to a Trader Joes, Aldi, etc fairly quickly. We have 1st class medical centers nearby (I can attest to that!). There are 3 acupuncture schools in G-ville, plus yoga, naturopathic treatments out the ying yang. But, I don’t have the property taxes of Alachua county! Land is still pretty affordable if you want to build to your specifications. The most important thing is that YOU feel at home wherever you land.
“high school”
Everything you commented on can apply somewhere in Australia – except alligator – read crocodile. Have you thought of trialling Oz? There may be even more experiences for you.
Yes, I agree and the crocs are really only in the top parts of the country (very small percentage of the map) leaving the rest croc free. No guns to speak of. There is also the wonderful bonus of me not having to fly 20 hours to a book signing. Definitely move to Australia …however where ever you settle, best of luck with the search.
The east coast of Florida is much less humid, look a little further north at Stuart/Jensen Beach. Less crowded so more peaceful.
You are an adult, as is Gordon. If you thought I was talking down, sorry. I am a much older adult and thought you were looking for sympathy, suggestions and reviews of where we (the BDH) live to see if you thought it worth while to look there. I have lived in Chicago, Dallas, Pompano Beach FL, Georgia, Alabama, Northern California and now Oregon. My sinuses haven’t been right since I was 13 and moved from Southern Illinois to Chicago. I am 70 now and still take sinus pills every day. Your search for a home is not one I ever plan to do again. They will have to carry me out of here, I am not moving again. But I do enjoy your notes and look forward to learning where you settle next. Good luck and steady on your course.
(Not just because my wife is a cute army brat that both sympathizes with all the above and runs a small yarn store in northern Virginia that gives military and first responders a discount .)
( )
That wasn’t the right comment!
Oh well, silly smartphone interface
How do you edit your comments
I’ve lived in Utah, Texas, Arizona, and California. Looking can be fun, but find just what you want, where you want it, can be hard. Loved living in all four places. When my husband and I retire we are leaving California. It will be 5-10 years from now but I am already looking. I wish you both good luck in your search.
I am SO stayin’ OUT of the whole “OMG! Where should they move?” thing. Y’all done dug that hole. ..dig your own way out (hint: dot at one wall, and stomp on what you dig. No guarantees, but it might help).
To Ilona: Thank you for the kitten, I’ve been needing a kitty fix. My baby died 2 years ago. You take care of you, and move where you gotta….and may I just say, I am not surprised that a Floridian is allergic to Texas….I’m FROM Texas, and I’m pretty sure I’m allergic.
Good for you!
I had, and have, nod advice – instead I was following because as much as I love Northern NY – mountains! Water! Highways close to the rural farming community my little village is in! I am getting tired of shoveling the miles of sidewalk that my corner house has. And that my utility bill has ‘delivery’ charges that are at least 1 1/2 times the amount of I use , for both the gas and electric.
I actually wanted to follow your search, and your filtering of communities.
So Thank you for sharing.
Cute kitten I now know who to hit up when I move for advice. Have you ever visited NYC Gordon and you are one of my fa authors and I would love to see you in person
NYC was a blog topic with LOTS of wonderful info when House Andrews went to NYC to do author stuff a couple of years ago. I wanted to bookmark.the blog there was so much good info.
Wow !! I’m 43 and I have moved only 3 times in my whole life !! And I’m counting the time when I was 4 years old !!! And each time within a radius of 3 miles !!!
Well, I ‘m questionning my life right now…..
Love the thought that you might move to Florida…and perhaps I will get to meet you in person someday. My husband also moved to Florida as a child, by order of his doctor. Seems to work for him, hope it is good for Gordon as well.
We have a home on the beautiful Withlacoochee River and love the myriad of springs and manatees in our area. Believe there is something in Florida for most anyone.
Hope you are getting some rest after all of your deadlines!!
Fabulous kitten!!
Levy, Marion, Citrus, Sumter or Hernando?
I too live near the With-a-cookie River. (Shout out to Piers Anthony’s Xanth series! The only author I have ever read from Citrus County.)
We really do live in a beautiful area full of lots of outdoor activities.
Every place has pros and cons. Florida is undoubtedly beautiful. It has some great wildlife. It also gets Hurricanes. I guess its what we have learned to consider an acceptable level of risk. We normalize things like this. Its not just Florida. Tornado Alley gets hit every year.
I live in earthquake country, The Pacific Northwest. Quakes only happen every so many years. I cant imagine one being enjoyable. They are infrequent, and I do a lot of disaster prep. We are due for a big one. ( 9 or 10) I have stored water for a month , dehydrated food for a month and a half that is OK for 20 years. I am working on a good First Aid kit and updating my First Aid knowledge. Our bridges are all structurally deficient. I plan on there being a prolonged period before we get help if we have a big one. I have hand crank power for cell phones and keep several high capacity power banks charged up. I have a HAM radio and have to find a local class that will get me licensed. Solar rechargeable batteries are a goal. I have high capacity water filtration gear and water purification tablets if there is a longer term need.
Quakes are infrequent. I cover my likely weak points. and never forget that Man proposes, God disposes. I suspect it’s no coincidence that Tornado alley and the Bible Belt intersect. “There are no atheists in Foxholes.” All we can do is prepare. I keep my meds and copies of important documents by the door in case I have to bolt. I eventually want to have go bags with two sets of clothes, documents,meds, high calorie snacks and water. I have renters insurance. Good protective shoes are by my bed along with a couple pairs of stout work gloves. Broken glass is a common hazard and work gloves can really help if someone is stuck under rubble. Its not if, but when we get a quake. Every several hundred years we get a big one. We are overdue. We have volcanoes, again infrequent.
Being raided by Mother Nature several times a year with hurricanes, tornadoes & flooding sounds as though it would get old fast. That’s a lot of clean up. I avoid flood plains. Limestone sets one up for sinkholes. Hurricanes happen several times a year. Wildfires stand my hair on end. No one can avoid everything. I suppose its all what we are used to living with.
Don‘t let the „bugs“ get you! ????????????
Love the kitten!
Love your books! Wherever you are!
Greets from Switzerland…
Ooh seriously Virginia? Fun place lots of history. So many different cultures and climates. Maybe it’ll be the right fit for you. Or Florida. As a fellow allergy sufferer I totally empathize on the importance of climate. If I never experience the allergy explosion of my head in the northern Virginia area I will be ok. I love my allergies in the pnw! I admire gordon’s perseverance in living in a place that makes his allergies flare! Go house andrews
I love Virginia. Beautiful places with lots of history, Kayaking on the Potomac and James River. Shenandoah caverns. DC is a foodie’s dream. Wineries and microbreweries every where. But I’ve come to believe it’s also the pollin capital of the world. We get more pollin than snow fall (only slightly exaggerated).
Good luck with the move- its daunting having so much choice in 1 country! I woudn’t fancy gators, heavy winters, hurricanes or the US health service having been spoilt in the UK, though we do have floods, Brexit and Boris though, so not all perfect.
I’ve moved in the UK and Ireland 12 times in the last 20 years, with degrees, jobs, husband etc and it doesn’t get easier, you just learn more questions to ask! I’ve now learned to let the movers just pack rather than hovering and trying to help. Working for a museum means precision packing which is good for Granny’s china but not really useful with pots and pans!
Happy searching and hope you get chance to relax and catch up with yourselves soon
I have no opinion on where you should move, although I’d love to move to St Augustine. We have family there and in Jacksonville, and I’d really like to live somewhere that I can actually grow the orchids that I love. If you moved to Virginia, you’d be closer to me in Pennsylvania and maybe I’d have the opportunity to buy you a hot(or cold) beverage in a nice public place and tell you how much I love the world you’ve created. Or I can tell you all about how yesterday I ended up with dog number 5.
OES! Gorgeous!
Aw, so cute !! Is he a Bobtail ?
I’m going to blow past ALLLL the other stuff and just say that on FB earlier this week, someone was trying to remember a book series where the trolls got drunk on caffeine and (insert other plot points here). Of course my brain went …where do I know drunk on caffeine aliens?!?! I could not think of it. I went through my Goodreads (even having JUST READ Sweep With Me…nope didn’t trigger it). Someone on the thread had mercy on me and said, “I bet you’re thinking of Innkeeper/Ilona Andrews/Vampires. Arland drunk and streaking through the Orchard will never not be funny.” Sometimes, the Internet is a blessing. (Nobody knew of drunk trolls, FYI)
I want a snippet! Y’all be nice. This is like when I was in high school and I didn’t understand why my mom wouldn’t let me borrow the car. Maybe if I hadn’t skipped school on Monday I could have had the car Saturday. My mom never came out and told me this, she just let me figure it out on my own.
House Andrews is under no obligation to give us snippets. They loving gift is with them to help us get through the wait till the next release. But I guaran-damn-tee you we won’t get any if House Andrews isn’t happy with us. Talking down is not making them happy. Y’all cut it out. August is a long way away
That’s right!! Got nothin’ nice to say, shut it! As my step-mama taught me, words never said don’t need an apology.
Now, as to allergies when leaving your ‘home’ state/area. Moved from Ft. Lauderdale/Pompano Beach, FL in ’95/96 , ended in Columbia, SC–20 years of sinus running like Niagara Falls. And I don’t have the ‘nature/outdoors/pets’ allergies-I got tested. “You have no allergies Madam” is the verdict. I paid almost zip for that expensive testing because it was a sick year. Lived in FL 28 yrs, and no allergy symptoms. Go figure.
Advising about local conditions wherever you are-I miss the concrete block construction of S Fla. I love the cheerful attitude of strangers when I need to ask for directions/finding stuff –99% helpful here. Just don’t block the back roads when flagging down an oncoming vehicle ( and yes, I have watched this-2 cars, drivers chatting in the road, no traffic blocked). I don’t like following behind farm tractors. And I can talk to strangers in stores w/o them wondering if its some kind of con. I laugh when people here are complaining about the humidity. I don’t love the state income tax, public school rankings, and a few other things-mostly to do local government offices.
I couldn’t stop laughing at the Scientologist in Clearwater comment
I love this blog it brings a smile to my face every time I read it.
“We have seen a gator up close. We have seen it climb a chain link fence.”
OMG, how tall was that fence?
Good for you! I’ve never left a comment but I think you are great writers, I love your books, and you deserve to be treated with respect. As all humans do. Nothing in your writing (books and blog) has ever made me doubt your capabilities. You are much more polite than I would be. Good luck with the move!
My kitten is cuter.
(I R Adult but it is Friday and I R letting my inner kid out)
Come to Arizona! Life in the Phoenix Valley is great, especially in the East Valley. Property rates are reasonable in Mesa, Chandler and Gilbert. Surprisingly there is much more water around than you would think and even tho the summers are hot, an hour’s drive north puts you in the high mountains and it is BEAUTIFUL, as well as cool.
Plus the people are mainly nice to each other and friendly too. 🙂
South Carolina checking in here – those Palmetto Bugs never get less gross. You just get less surprised to see them. In all of this lovely country, the place I’d love to move to most if given the choice is Brevard, NC. A small college town in the middle of the Pisgah National Forest, it has the mild weather of the South with the beauty of mountain living.
Enjoy wherever you decide to live.
Thank you for the kitten. It was cute.
I live in Hampton Virginia. We’ve been in the Hampton Roads ara since 2002. We like it very much but realize its not for everyone. Like any other large metropolitan area, it has good and bad statistics. I woulld be happy to answer any questions you and Gordan might have about the area as I am sure any other of your fans would as well.
The best part for me is it is a two and half day drive to my family. They have only visited once since my family moved here.
Good luck with the relocation search.
What an adorable kitten! And a great photo!
If I ever consider moving to another state, may I ask you for advice?
I love when Ilona channels her in her Nevada. Sorry you had to get mad to do it, though. Please enjoy wherever you decide to move to.
Oooo As a library manager we just hated booking meeting rooms for HOA meetings. The booking process was painful and difficult, the rebooking process was painful and difficult, and the actual meetings were painful and difficult (they fought and NEVER left on time or put their chairs away). Sorry – bad memories.
I have weird requirements when looking for a new home. There can be no leakage from the roof or into the basement. I need lots of natural light and enough room and a climate conducive to gardening. I also need there to not be a propensity for natural disasters. Is that asking too much?
Thank you for the adorable kitten. 🙂
*enthusiastic cheers and loud whoop whoop*
You tell ’em!
I lived in Buckhead and Little Five Points. Twenty-one years total. Loved Atlanta and was thrilled to leave. You should really try a visit to Bentonville, Arkansas. Look us up on the web and read about us. We’re pretty hot now. The hubby will take you for a ride on the lake and you can buy tea from the cute little tea shop on the square.
That comment about the retired lawyers & the Pom somehow gives me an insight into how and why Warren’s neighbour met his end ???????????? (I know he wasn’t a retired lawyer but it resonated with the same energy!) I love irritated Ilona, she resonates with my fuse length ????
Good for you! Every place has its pleasures but it’s always good to go home. Blessings on your new abode!
I live in London, so cannot offer any advice, even if I were tempted to, which I’m not. I was an RAF brat and went to 10 schools, and moved about 19 times between the ages of 0 and 35. I am allergic to moving. When I moved to my teeny tiny flat I put down roots, I reckon they might carry me out feet first. But looking at houses on line…oh yes. Property porn rules. Have fun with it. Find your dream house and enjoy it. Post the odd link to temptation so we can enjoy too. In the meantime rest and recover. I am so looking forward to Emerald…happy anticipation here.