Hi everyone!
House Andrews got a new microphone for virtual appearances and, as they were testing it on Facebook Live, the BDH showed up!

It all turned into an impromptu Q&A and international travel guide- watch here for answers on anime adaptations, Innkeeper plans and scorpions! Sorry, I tried to embed it here but WordPress doesn’t like it.
It seeems you might be : )
Fingers crossed for you!
Yes! Sorry, I didn’t think we were doing first outside of Innkeeper ????
Mod R, you know us, it starts as one thing, then it spreads to everything! ????
What part of “No one pounces like the BDH” didn’t you understand?
I think…it would be fine to not do “First!” for any posts, but maybe it would be best to just keep it to Innkeeper? It means the first about 20 comments are trying to be “first.” It’s sort of tedious for me.
Agreed! Especially when the comments don’t say anything other than “first”.
Agreed, although maybe that makes me a grumpy Gus. But it adds nothing to the discussion and the first few comments are just people going First! First? first
Thanks for the link! Can’t wait to watch it
Hoping to watch it tomorrow.
We had storms and fence failures and a chicken escape.
I’m done in for the day.
(The chicken made it home, but it was uber stressful.)
So the chicken arrived home by Uber? (just teasing)
I can just imagine sending someone a chicken by Uber… lol
If it’s a space chicken, what kind of vehicle is the Uber?
Oooo! It pays off to (obsessively) check the blog! Thank you! ????
Dear Moderator R,
Can you tell me where I might find the snippet of Nevada telling Rogan she’s pregnant? I’ve searched for it without success.
Hi Carolyn,
The snippet My Favorite Truthseeker is no longer available. Part of it was reworked for Emerald Blaze, but unfortunately some of the reader reactions and comments to pregnant Nevada were extremely negative.
House Andrews made the decision to remove the snippet and the references in the book, because none of their pregnant fans deserved to read the things said. It’s a vulnerable enough period in someone’s life without adding negativity to it.
HA, BDH, & Texas, teacher here in WA, sending you love.
Hugs to all!
So many thanks, I have had a horrendous day, feeling sick, waiting on a cover test, just miserable.
And your chat was remarkably soothing.
Be well, did you have tacos or blynas(sp?) after???
May the scorpions avoid you and yours.
Can I just say that I love how all of our autocorrects still don’t have covid as a word? Mine is set to filter curse words, so I like to pretend that autocorrect is treating covid as a curse word.
Sorry to have missed it, thank you for the link.
That has to be my favorite cat/hamster/mouse/gerbil picture. Poor unsuspecting rodent!
Thank you for posting the new mic test chat. Very entertaining.
That was so much fun to watch, thanks!
Yay! Thanks for posting a link! Loved it!
It was great catching up on this. Thank you Moderator R for posting the link to it on the blog, your the best as are House Andrews 🙂
Tacos should be available in places in some of the towns in Devon… but may not be the most popular food of choice, so I’m not surprised that they don’t have a dedicated place, I’m not sure if I’m correct in associating Tacos with Mexican cuisine- but if I’m right, you’d definitely need a larger town to find somewhere …wondering if the chain Las Iganuas does it…
Scorpions are even found in the UK ????…admittedly, on a dock in the east end on London where they established through hickhiking on ships/cargo. There are probably hidden colonisers around Liverpool too given the climate and shipping history.
But when you both said about Australia and everything trying to kill you wildlife wise, it made me laugh, as that’s the impression of Texas I have from you guys????
I had a curious look online and found this…looks like greens a go for a poss location location location (show name in the UK) but then there’s the sunshine or lack of enough in those zones that might be a problem from what you’d said in the Q and A.
Maybe the aim is to find the friendliest (to humans)…or shy-est ones?
Thank you again- lots of fun for a camera test 🙂
I was just surprised to get into the top 100 comments, as I was sure there would have been a load more by the time I came to the party????????
Lol no scorpions in Canada. It is took cold for them. Except pet scorpions, but they do not go outside.
#$#%@ *too cold*
I thought immediately of a muckrat and Olasard lol.
What a delightful surprise to check the blog and find an impromptu Q& A from House Andrews !
Only disappointment was that there were a few hints about Innkeeper but nothing spoilerish about the direction of the story. I am thoroughly enjoying the story and that we are catching up with interesting characters from previous adventures. If I had been part of the Q& A I would have asked if Sean’s parents are going to make an appearance again and what happened to the female werewolf. I imagine Sean has given her a task but what? Do I understand the plan correctly that after this novel there will be one more that completes this story arc of Dina finding her parents?
Reflecting on the interesting but different worlds House Andrews have created between Kate Daniels, Kinsmen, Innkeeper I can see that they can easily return to those worlds with further adventures as evidenced by the success of the Julie/ Aurora book and “Fated Blades”. I respect that House Andrews finishes the story arc of the primary protagonists at it’s natural conclusion and doesn’t do what some authors do and spin it out till the story and the reader are exhausted.
We, the BDH, have much to look forward to in the fullness of time: the completion of the Dina looking for her parents story, Aurora Ryder book 2, Hugh book 2 , the secret project. Hopefully House Andrews will treat us to other stories in the Innkeeper world, Kinsmen world, Kate Daniels world as time and inspiration allow.
+1 paragraph 2 and 3
Thanks! This was too much fun. Yes always for tacos!
I watched it last night – so fun that a mic test ended up in an impromptu Q&A! Ilona and Gordon are such a cute couple – loved listening them going back and forth. Come to Southern Colorado – 300 days of sunshine a year (though sadly no ocean)!
There was a passing reference to an Innkeeper adaptation and 52 issues – what did I miss??????? Is this the Webtoon?
Great sand dune national park, and the creek!
This is the first time I’ve seen HA on video and they are ADORABLE! Thanks for putting yourselves out there you are so relatable.
Thanks. It was great to hear both of you speaking so casually.
Had to laugh when Gordon was talking about Australia. There was a guy on my ship who stayed behind in Australia. That seems to happen with every visit.
LOL. Do you feel stalked? Because I think I would feel stalked. Thank you for your patience with us!
We are the Horde!!!
Verily. The Book Devouring Horde!
I am just listening to the FB talk and found out that Gordon was born in Orlando. He must listen to (or read) Orlando People by Alexander C. Kane. It is a great novel.
That was fun! Thanks for letting us know, as I very very rarely bother with FB and wouldn’t have run across it most likely.
That was fun! I saw it go up just as I was walking into an after-school meeting for my kid, and forgot about it later on.
We are moving soon too and hubby and I are having similar conversations. He is retiring from the USMC, I work from home. Nj is where family is but its too cold. We are in NC on the coast, but I dont really care for the water at their beaches (Im a beach snob, raised in the Caribbean, lived on Okinawa Jp for nine years after that).
Florida is a maybe right now. Hawaii, the Caribbean and Okinawa Japan are our dream, but its either all super expensive to move the entire household or my job wont follow there.
I caught that and said Hi!
Thank you, mod R, for the post. I will try again later as I was just waiting on weather Doppler to load on my laptop. But something nice to look forward to. ????
I don’t have time to watch the video right now but just in case:
Whatever you are writing or planning to write, I’ll buy it. TAKE MY MONEY.
And if they said anything about Roman I’ll buy anything with Roman and his Eeyore pajamas in it.
Unfortunately, there was no Roman, but I can only say : hard same! ????
Just wanted to say good luck on the house sale and moving. In a couple of years, hubby and I will be living in an RV so we can go EVERYWHERE!!
Also I truly hope you have a relaxing vacation!!
House Andrews, you ROCK. I absolutely loved listening to you. Wish we were friends. I’m sick (thanks to my kid 2) and pregnant and dragging myself through the daily routine and chores and listening to you chat while I did lightened my load.
I’m not on FB so getting to still listen to the recording was awesome. I also enjoyed the Ashland library Youtube video.
I have one question. You mentioned the current Innkeeper will likely cover the challenges and the wedding. Does this mean Sean & Dina’s trip to Karron to rescue Wilmos will be saved for a subsequent volume?
When I heard wedding I got super giddy thinking Maud and Arland’s wedding and then realized it was more likely the Sovereign’s wedding.
Thanks again for sharing your slice of life.
I adore the mayhem and the LOVE that comes through from the Andrews household. It always lifts my heart to share in their lives! Her animal photos and videos are also ALWAYS PRICELESS! 🙂
What about building a bat or owl nesting area? They could eat up the scorpions.
Also, would either of you consider reading your own book for the audio book recording?
Ok, that was hysterical!
Baby and Charlie are great interview partners.
Hope you got a good dinner!
Mod R,
Their new mic/camera did a great job. The VA has switched over to video appointments and my camera is not getting the job done. What were they using, it was terrific?
BTW I didn’t have any problems hearing you Saturday. I was wearing earbuds. Ms J was louder.
I’d really like to read about House Andrew’s Verses Scorpion. After being subjected to so many evil scorpions, it’s only right to banish these horrible creatures from our minds for good. Why do I think Gordon may have a sword in his castle?
I caught the last third. Loved that they both are great together. Shows why the books are so good.
???????????? This is just so typical, we are insatiable beasts.
Thank you for the link.
The time difference from Singapore is the dark side of midnight!
Seasonal depression is why I’m moving south. South OH gets 15 days more sunlight than north Ohio. But if you do move up there you might be able to channel the depression and crank out like 3 Hugh books in a year.
“You write the books and we will split it.” – Gordan
Ummm this could be either the start of the awesomeness which is George RR Martins way to create Wildcards or a start of XXX rated fan fics. We could call it Herald and keep it in the universe.
Any chance those of us not on FB to watch?
Hi Zendog,
It’s a Facebook Live video, so not this time, I’m afraid.
I saw this on FB and immediately thought of constructs.
I too am moving south, for climate and parents. After the scorpion stories I’ll be on the look out extra hard for them and I’ll cross TX off the list of places I could live. I had a hard time with the palmetto bugs in Florida, so anything I buy MUST have a screened in pool and lanai – that’s the absolute rock bottom truth. Water views of any kind are nice, BUT water views come with? Mosquitoes! Bugs! Spiders! And all the bugs loove my sweet juicy blood it seems. So – I’m going to be living in a giant screened in lanai and that is fine by me.
This was so fun :). Thanks for sharing it!
Beautiful and warm place to live: Nashville, TN. It’s soooo green and flowering and beautiful and cost of living is good. Favorite attraction: the free epic indoor jungle in the Grand Ol’ Opry hotel ^_^. Some people walk there daily. When we were there it was like a real jungle under a faraway glass covered sky. It’s so big and thick that after wandering for about a half hour we stumbled on a village-style Godiva chocolate store amongst a gathering of stores that you could easily miss entirely 🙂
There Colorado housing market is ridiculous and never moreso than in the Boulder area, but the people are friendly. The weather is very spontaneous so you might get snow in spring, but you most often get summer weather in wintertime (everything melts and it’s warm and sunny and dry). Tons of sun 🙂
If you don’t mind my asking, what litter box did you get? I have been wanting an auto-cleaning box for a while but have had issues in the past with them working only a few months to a year before it died. I don’t want to lay down serious $$$ for something that will break quickly. Also one of my cats is a little large. I think he may be a Norwegian forest cat. He was a rescue so I don’t know, but he sure looks like one.
As to merch, there is always using something like cafe press or an amazon store where you let them handle orders and distribution. You would most like like still have to do the front work of getting a manufacturer though. IDK. Food for thought.