We have finally repaired damage to the office and yesterday and today was spent fixing it back up. Writing in a flood damaged office kind of sucked. So we are working on Innkeeper installment now and we will try to get it to you today.
This installment is kind of a two-scene deal, otherwise it doesn’t really make a ton of sense, so if it’s not up today, it will be up Monday.
In other news Iron and Magic is up on all major retailers. I am still sick – yes, I know Sarafina, I know – but book had to be done and honestly I did take time off. This crud just suuuucks. But I can now breathe through my nose, so yay. Although I cleaned the office and I could’ve used a lie down after. Hehe. That will learn us to go to New York to have spiffy meetings.
We are trying to finalize an audio edition. The barrage of emails right now is kind of nonstop, so if you emailed with something urgent and we haven’t replied, please wait or send a second email. We haven’t yet even looked at beta emails, because we haven’t had a moment.
Okay. Have to answer three emails that came in while I was writing this and then Innkeeper. 🙂 Writing it is like therapy. Assassin’s Creed soundtrack on and off into alien planets we go. 🙂
Mia says
Acckkk.. First to comment.. buuutttt, refresh refresh refresh.. 🙂
Mia says
It’s good to know you’re feeling better… I hope you’re both back in good health soon!
Stacy says
Thanks for the update! Take care and good luck getting rid of the crud.
Henry says
Thank you.
Barb says
Thanks for the update?Go and ignore this and other emails. I fully understand that you can either write or respond and I’d much rather you write!
Donna says
wait, you had a flood? And you’re sick? Get some rest.
Sage says
The flood was a while ago. Check the blog back a couple of weeks to a month. She posted pictures.
Verslint says
Thanks for the update, hope you feel better soon! And take your time, the BDH won’t go anywhere (^^,)
Andri/Kaylenn says
I love Innkeeper and won’t deny I have a lurking tab open on my browser, but I hope you take time if you need it. I can wait and it’s not worth your health. At the same time, if it’s therapy, then go for it, you know we’re always happy to read more of this story!
I just wonder how pissed the medic is going to be at Maude, because I’m pretty sure he said no stims… ::chuckle::
Take care of yourselves! =)
Tina in NJ says
Carol says
Christine says
Christine says
My message disappeared again just leaving my name! Spooky!
Thanks for letting us know about the Inkeeper chapter.
Hope you feel better soon ?
Patricia Schlorke says
Maybe it’s Hugh messing with your first message (or it could be the Lees since we’re talking about Arland and Maud). 😀
Christine says
You could be right Patricia, but this has happened to me before? …probably the Lees as I don’t think I’ve said anything in my previous posts to bring myself to Hugh’s attention!!! ?
Sage says
My posts don’t always show until I repost it and then there is a double post
Char says
Did you end up with French drains and such to keep the flood from happening again?
Thank you for all the great hours of fun and relaxation!
Joan. DF says
God bless you both.
Kathryn says
Marianne says
+1,+1,+1 ?
Teresa says
Thanks for the update. Fixing flood damage is the worst. Every Friday I wake with a smile. Thank you.
But I can smile on Monday, too.
Ms. Kim says
Which story will be for sale in June? Will there be something for sale in July, Aug & Sep or Oct, while I wait for November?
Tina in NJ says
Iron and Magic -June 26
Magic Triumphs – August 28
Diamond Fire – November 6
BDH, correct me if I’m wrong. Of course, we have Innkeeper/Sweep of the Blade mostly weekly in between.
Charisn says
Isn’t there a novella out this month or am I overdosing on Advil?
strangejoyce says
Long ago KD10 release date was this month but got pushed. I remember because May is my birthday month and Magic Triumphs was to be my bday book.
If there is a (other) novella it would be a sneaky, great surprise.
Joan says
This Innkeeper – ‘Sweep of the Blade’ – was originally going to be a novella but at this stage it is probably a novel (yeah) so that might be what you’re thinking of …
Patricia Schlorke says
I think you’re correct.
Ms. Kim says
Magic Triumphs in Aug? Yea! I thought that was November, or else Iron and Magic. Hurray! Is Diamond Fire the Hidden Legacy novella?
BryMarie92 says
Byes Diamond Fire is the Hidden Legacy novella. “Connor and Nevada are getting married!” (Sung in a sing-song fashion)
BryMarie92 says
Just regular yes not B-yes lol
Cynthia says
Sorry Ilona the crud has such a hold on you……… glad the office is fixed. Be sure and take your vitamins….
The Friday installment, well, will have to ? ??…………. til next time (a member of your BDH).
Cynthia says
Sorry Ilona I forgot ……..it’s Mother’s Day weekend. Happy ? Early Mother’s Day Ilona.
Wonder if Arland has time for a quick flight to earth for a ‘Mother’s Day gift ? for Ilemina (coffee anyone).
Teresa says
You are so fun. Hehehe
Sage says
Irishmadchen says
Oh god, Illemina on coffee….The visions I have….Her evil laugh….
sarafina says
I’m sure Karat would give him a pound or 5.
Ms. Kim says
+1+1. I vote for coffee for Ilemenia for Mother’s Day. But do vampires have Mother’s Day?
Oona Pilot says
Ooh. Yes! Or Dina sends Maud a gift? Or comms her and gets the on a vigil story and drops in very unexpected thus saving the day?
Jenn says
Thanks, you have saved me from camping out here and hitting “refresh” 10,000 times. 🙂 Feel 100% soon!
AJ says
Fan in California says
Flood damage + crud = sucks big time!!! Hope you feel much better very soon!!!
Charley says
Looking forward to Innkeeper, and glad you’re feeling better. Just looked at IRON AND MAGIC sales Amazon–WOW!
Susi says
So glad to hear that writing this is therapy – what with everything else you’re juggling. May the crud continue to clear, the emails remain surfable, and your repaired office be mich nicer to work in!
Sam says
This is off topic, but do you send out emails or blog/newsletter notices from ilona.andrews@gmail (from Ilona Andrews, Inc.)? I received one regarding “Hugh d’Ambray and Hidden Legacy,” but it looked different from your usual emails, so I checked your other emails and I saw that they came from ilona.andrews@outlook (from Ilona Andrews, not Ilona Andrews, Inc.). I assume the gmail one is from you, but just double checking since it looks so different from your other notices…
Christine says
I received one of these email too, I just assumed it was either from Brandy or another email address belonging to Ilona Andrews ?
BryMarie92 says
Thanks for noticing the differences in domain. I took would like to know if this is A-Okay. I noticed more hacks/imitators and spam nowadays. I didnt click any links but I did open and read….
Patricia Schlorke says
I got the same email. I looked at the very bottom, and apparently it’s from the New York agency. Maybe it’s their way of announcing what’s coming soon. ??
Brandi says
Hey guys, if it’s the Ilona Andrews newsletter that’s from me. Sorry about the confusion!
Patricia Schlorke says
Thank you for the update. I don’t mind waiting until Monday for more of Arland and Maud. You need to take care of you. If writing helps…go for it.
Just a thought: when Iron and Magic is completely finished and ready for the greedy hands of the Horde, you and Gordon should listen to “Ode to Joy” or, if classical music isn’t your thing, “We are the Champions” by Queen.
Charisn says
+1 We are the Champions
Ms. Kim says
Patricia Schlorke says
Of course the Horde would be listening to “I Want It All” by Queen. 😀
Ms. Kim says
Cynthia says
Yessssss ………….
We are the Champions !!!!!!!!!!
Sally says
If we are going queen songs and Hugh perhaps ‘one vision’ might be more appropriate, then again that might be Roland assuming he listens to rock I suspect he might be more classical. Maybe Brian Adams No apologies for Hugh?
Ismaha says
Muse, ‘Psycho’.
Sage says
Ode to joy makes me think of that bouncy ball game. Every time you win, it plays.
Maggie says
My pre-order for Iron & Magic has been made! I can’t wait!
ladyreadsalot says
I read about BDH members pre-ordering here, there and everywhere and I just want to participate but I have given up on pre-ordering. I am with Kobo and the 4 or so times I pre-ordered something (before I gave up) the book would show up in my online cloud library but would not show up in my device library. I was unable to download it from the cloud. Each time I had to move my whole library up to the cloud and then download again. Each book … one at a time… both ways!!!!
So instead I set reminders so I can order them as soon as they go live on release date.
My heart is helping you go number one right now but my body will give a boost on release day. I just feel like I am late to the party even though we all get the book at the same time.
Feel better and hopefully the crud does not bounce back and forth within the family. This unfortunately happened to us this year (family of 5, someone was sick all winter).
Tina in NJ says
I’ll be on vacation when Iron & Magic is released, so I’m waiting until I get home to order. I’ll read it while I do the laundry.
Keera says
Same happens with B&N, if I pre-order I can’t access the book until almost 24 hrs later. I save it to my wish list now and get it is soon as available. I am hoping it will change once I move back to the U.S. I figured its because I’m in Japan using an American IP address.
Irishmadchen says
I can explain this one. You’re a day ahead of us on the world time zones so you don’t get the book until technically a day later. I know this as my father was in the Philippines when my daughter was born and we couldn’t figure out how he got her bday wrong as we called when she was born. .
Keera says
No I mean 24 hrs later than the actual U.S. day. Its crazy because even the B&N customer service couldn’t fix it. The only solution was not to pre order.
Sheryl says
Flood damage is the worst. Chlorhexidine cleaners will kill mold. You can get a gallon of concentrate at most veterinary suppliers. Feel better!
Marianne says
Fantastic idea Sheryl!!! After flood damage, sneaky mold can occur in the most devious places, and boy would that do a number of your health!! I am so glad to here that your office is once again habitable.
VeronicaK says
Ugh about the crud. I had it and it took 6 weeks to finally get rid of the cough. Feel better, and thanks for the update on Innkeeper. Really, it makes my Friday every time it posts, but if it comes out Monday, it will make Monday better. A better Monday is always a good thing 🙂 I’ve pre-ordered Iron and Magic, and am really looking forward to reading it. Ditto for the novella.
VeronicaK says
Oh, and let’s not forget the Magic Triumphs release in August. It comes out the week after a hugely busy and stressful work week , so it really will be the best present to myself for surviving!
German fan says
Thank you very much for your hard work, 3 installments this year and the weekly Innkeeper!!
Can‘t wait to read it all!
Get well soon!
Kathryn says
Not a doctor here…but…I’m wondering if you really do have the crud. You’ve been sick for a while, it seems, and your office has been damp for quite some time…I’m kind of wondering if you don’t have lingering mold/mildew somewhere that ServPro missed and that you’re sick because of an allergy to an environmental contaminant…Just a thought…
Ms. Kim says
Yea, I was thinking something like that too. But along lines, you’ve been cleaning everything up, putting back together, maybe you disturbed a bunch of stuff you’re alergic too. But good news would be that once it all settles back down, you should be fine.
Joy Powell says
Assassin’s Creed soundtrack! Now I need to go watch that again. Or maybe I will reread all the chapters so far to the soundtrack. That sounds really fun! Off to try it. Thank you for the idea. ?
Aria-May says
Oh thank goodness. I need something to look forward to. Sorry for your troubles, but glad to hear there’s an instalment on the way. Although by the time you publish this as an actual book I will know the entire thing verbatim.
catlover. says
I’ve been praying for Friday all week and it’s finally here. I actually have some energy tonight so may accomplish my two projects this weekend. No matter when she arrives, Maud is my reward for good behavior. Happy to hear the office is back together for you, one less annoyance to deal with. Have a great weekend.
Daria says
I hope you will get better.
If you need to add new tracks to your playlist, especially, how to put it, of the weird kind, this is Eurovision week.
This year edition has been offering the usual bag of unbelievable things, from pacifist vikings from Danemark, Serbs in capes, traditional Georgian singing in jazz sauce, Hungarian heavy metal, a wannabe George Michael from Sweden, Ukrainian pseudo-vampires with burning pianos and much more.
It always gets out a laugh from me.
Joan says
Yes I agree. I rarely watch TV anymore but the Eurovision is so crazy it’s fun – and the whole family enjoys yelling at the TV over some of the voting choices ?
Tom says
Nothing could beat the uk’s commentary by Terry Wogan… started the night with a bottle of scotch I think it was and got steadily less ….generous… with his praise as the night went on!
It was a classic “said what the viewers were thinking!”
Daria says
It is not Eurovision night without some kind of drinking game. 🙂
kommiesmom says
Thank you for the update. Monday is fine – Tuesday works – whenever you get it done.
Not only will the Horde wait, you will have to chase us away with a stick (or two, perhaps – oh wait, ya’ll have a sword – eek!)
Hope the crud goes away soon. I once had 6 weeks of cough from barely 24 hours of bug. Not my favorite time.
Tiana says
Your Monday is actually Tuesday in Australia, in this case it hurts to be ahead…
Cheryl Anne farley says
Oh hooray! Tough day ending tough week. Planning on picking up to go order at friends restaurant including his spectacular Butterfinger cheesecake slice. Add in a round of milk bones for thge dogs and I will be ready for treat.
Keera says
Sorry about the crud. My little one is better but I still have a dry cough, and congestion headaches.
Your books are going to be the highlight of my summer. We will be back in the U.S., partially homeless and living at my mom’s until we get a house on base or decide to rent. If the base housing office could give us a direct answer I would know which way to go. But in the mean time I will read and try not to stress.
Amanda P says
Get well soon xxx
We’ll still be here when you recover ?
Not that we are stalkers!
Tiffany says
Are you sure there isn’t mold in your office or anywhere else? It can make you really sick.
Paula says
Goodness! I got to pre-order Iron & Magic and Diamond Fire in one day… It’s always fun to pre-order, forget you did so, and then suddenly have a new book pop up on your kindle over night! 🙂
Regarding Crud… This is your first spring in your new neighborhood… new allergies perhaps?
Chris L says
Take care!
Ms. Kim says
If there were mold somewhere, would running a de-humidifier help?
Kate says
Eucalyptus and menthol soothers – no cruddy, gunky nasal system will survive those bad boys.
Alisa, near Seattle says
I absolutely love Jesper kyd and the AC soundtrack. I listen to it while working on the world quests for the Legion expansion of World of Warcraft. Take care of yourselves!
J. Lee says
With any luck, life will settle down and stop being a horse’s backside where you are concerned. While I do miss my regular dose of Innkeeper, I can totally understand that you need to take care of yourself first. Do get better soon.
AndrewC says
Oh boy! A double dose of Sweep! How cool is that?! And congratulations! Iron and Magic is listed on Amazon as a bestseller and it’s not even out yet. You guys and what’s his name… that Comey fella.
Leana says
Life happens. I don’t lIke Mondays this will give me something to look forward to. Stay sare and get better☺
Leana says
Lauryn M says
Love the updates and looking forward to delivery on my preorders. Whenever the Innkeeper installment appears, we’ll be here. I sure hope the crud releases you from it’s grip soon! Thrilled you got the office back to order. You do need some (relative) peace to restore a baseline to your lives again. Happy Mothers Day!
Tom says
Hope you finally beat the crud this weekend! You deserve a healthy summer!!!
Wenonah Lyon says
We fans remind me of my miniature schnauze Beller: loyal, will defend, but expects twisty twirlys in return. We buy, pre-order, you write, rewarding us with books, short stories, our version of twisty twilries. Belle reminds me: the paw. She pats. Cannot escape the paw. Pat, pat, pat. Sometimes, though, you just don’t feel like going downstairs for a twisty twirly so you crawl into the bed, pull the covers over your head, and ignore the paw. (Does this make any sense at all?) Anywy, crawl under the covers, ignore all obligations, and sleep ten yours.
Wenonah Lyon says
Nope, makes no sense. I’m half-asleep. Tried to delete, couldn’t.
Marianne says
First of all, Happy Mother’s Day this weekend! I hope you do something fun to celebrate.
So glad to hear that the flood damage has been repaired and that you have finished cleaning and reclaiming that work space. Like others have mentioned, I hope there isn’t any mold anywhere – but then I am pretty sure the company you hired (and you even if they didn’t) thought of that and made sure there isn’t any.
I am sorry the crud is still clinging on for dear life Ilona. Some of these bugs just seem to work that way, and I am very sorry to hear that you caught one of those! I hope you are feeling 100% again soon!?
Thank you for taking time out to update us on Innkeeper. ANYTIME you can and do post it is great. Just always a delight when it does post! ?
Rizel says
Hope you have a blessed weekend!
Will wait for Maud’s story on Monday!?
Rizel says
By the way, happy mothers’ day!!!?
BelleBok says
Yes.. Getting a chapter on Monday means a shorter week next week to Friday? (Fingers crossed).
Happy Mother’s Day, Ilona.
D Lm A says
Winter & colds, flu, & chills hung on until
Spring sprung with sinus drips, allergies, & clumps of pet hair
I seriously cosidered shaving the cats; they keep staring at me with this look
^¤~ What!, they’re hairy. Not furry, Hairy & they keep sleeping with me.
I totally cleaned the house, fresh sheets, sun dried & didn’t the obnoxious
twerps lay all over the pillows & throw before I got out of the shower
Mothers Day maybe breakfast in bed
Monday maybe the continuing saga of a mother in love
Maybe shaving the cats is a good thing . . . umumhm
Gab C. says
Have I mentioned that I love youbguys and woukd not blame you if you went incommumicado for a flipping month just to recuperate from everything? Seriously, please schedule some actual vacation time where you do anything but answer emails. We will be here.
Gemma says
You guys work REALY HARD for us! Thank you.
Lc says
Happy Mother’s Day!
thank you for the all your hard work.
Beth says
Take care of yourself. You need to take some time off, otherwise both of you will be unwell. We can wait for the stories later. Your health is more important. The other suggestion is to plan a holiday for family or just take some timeout. Take care