Today I bring you Artificial Intelligence. will generate a special motivational message just for you. Sometimes it goes very right.
Sometimes it goes horribly wrong.
Here is the link. Have fun and feel free to share your cool posters in the comments on Facebook and Twitter. I don’t think the blog let’s us embed images in the comments.
Tink says
“Politicians exist to tear apart your social life.”
Elle says
On a related note: “You don’t have to seem intelligent to become a world leader”
Although “Don’t question the days of imbeciles” is more apropos.
DianainCa says
Interesting site. First time I got “Don’t forget to trust no one.” The second was a little bit more upbeat was “Seek shelter, and you will achieve a happy life.
Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend. Especially if you are celebrating the Fourth with fireworks!
Julye Evans says
Mine was: To wait for sunsets inspires baldness. Um…okay….. The two others didn’t make any sense at all (not that this one did so much.)
Nineran says
“Outer space is like a submarine, it destroys your soul.”
Um. Okay. I can see that.
Clearly there’s a range on this stuff. Thanks for the rabbithole for us to investigate.
fairyfreak says
Don’t be a smoker. Be yourself.
Believe yourself to be heartbroken and remember to receive.
fairyfreak says
Best one yet…
Never let magic get in the way of your weight gain.
Um, ok.
Tasha A. says
I love this one!!
Andrea Smith says
Love this one… So that’s my problem ?
Tink says
Obviously magic hasn’t gotten in the way of MY weight gain. Unfortuntely.
Retias says
“Be the reason a friend calls the police.”
lynn says
ROFLOL. So perfect for my across road neighbors. well, I call 911 on a regular basis because of my non law abiding neighbors. It has been so quiet and peaceful since April when number 3 got arrested because they are all presently in jail for assault on a female [the latest in a long string but at least they did not get this one pregnant before they beat her up and I called 911 to aid person screaming for help in the night] and assault with a deadly weapon [knife this time]. I think first one gets out on July 26 but no clue on other 2.
Thanks to Ilona Andrews for this interesting link. Mine was “Overthink your day.” which I already do according to SO.
Tink says
Sounds like a variation of “A friend bails you out of jail. A good friend is sitting next to you in jail saying ‘Damn, that was fun!'” or something like that.
Aimee says
I got a similar one! Mine was “Be the reason a friend goes batshit crazy at work.”
kelticat says
With unchanging leadership comes unchanging greed.
Sort of apropos.
Carol says
That one is almost spooky.
Eli says
Interesting…it took me about 10 tries to get something that wasn’t incoherent and/or demoralizing.
To be fair, I am an unlucky gambler (folks have paid me not to sit next to them at slot machines).
I wonder if there is a bad luck with random number generation power in Nevada’s world? I’d be a prime!
Pika says
“(folks have paid me not to sit next to them at slot machines). ” Omg *laughing*
Jessica says
Apparently it knows I’m an introvert:
“Don’t talk to strangers. Scream.”
Tink says
MissBliss says
“Make it so that stranger goes bonkers” Seriously, it couldn’t have been more accurate considering that I commented on a political post by a FB friend whose politics are pretty much diametrically opposed to mine, as are most of the beliefs of his FB friends. I was polite and civil…but even so I’m pretty sure someone went bonkers. LOL.
Barbara says
I kid you not: “we cannot find new ways of partying, we can only find new ways of wearing nothing”
Pretty inspiring, and possibly quite appropriate since it’s my hubby and my 22nd wedding anniversary today!
Carol says
Yay, congratulations and LOL!
Sammy says
“Don’t sheepize your ex”
“Flies are 10 percent following orders, the rest of it is inspiration”
Why, that’s absolutely beautiful…maybe?
Olivera says
“Feeling slutty? Talk about it.”
Eva says
“If you can’t build a bridge out of it, you can’t burn it.”
“Making up experiments is unforgivable, no matter how much you understand mathematics.”
All right.
Pika says
Hum. I got : In a not too distant future, what we have fallen in love with will become unfallen in love with
This is sooo sad O_O
Surfergirl says
I got “Government is Latin for War Room” ? !
Surfergirl says
And then:
“A dog can be shared by everyone”
Surfergirl says
Thought I’d start the day with a quote – I got
Cry. It’s OK
Halcyon says
We cannot save the world by writing, we can only save the world by crying.
Love is just reality breaking on through to the other side.
Tiger Lily says
If you are talking about femininity you are not a barkeeper.
Ask not “at what cost” but “what’s it worth.”
The second one is interesting.
Tink says
“The second one is interesting.”
And rather appropriate for the health care discussion in the U.S.
mj says
A slight modification of the old saying: knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing.
Arcanist Lupus says
“Embalmers become embalmers out of animal instinct.”
Courtney Mincy says
And I got: “Undertakers become undertakers because of immaturity.”
Tink says
It’s Friday before a holiday. I got a little bored.
“Encouraging a cult member to become your classmate is as amoral as one gets.”
> Nope, I can think of some people who are more amoral doing other stuff.
“You have always been a gorgeous human. A gorgeous human. A gorgeous human.”
> This one was paired with a photo of a woman jumping off a cliff. O_O
“Argue with a man. Don’t just embrace a man.”
> I’m fine with that.
“Being a magician doesn’t make you a more effective robot.”
> Um…
“Feeling normal? Read a book. By Ilona Andrews.”
> Ok, I admit it, I added the last bit. But I think it fits.
MissBliss says
I love “Being a magician doesn’t make you a more effective robot.” That is just brilliant.
Tink says
Now I’m trying to remember of it was magician or musician.
Carol says
Oooo I like the read a book one!!! ?
Simone says
My 3 attempts:
1. Don’t admire yesterday’s nudity. Just be a man.
2. Making mistakes can give you sympathy for the bankers.
3. Discuss it.
My interpretations:
1. Don’t think about how good you looked nude when you were younger. Just be like a man and enjoy the nudity you currently have.
2. It would be easier to be sympathetic to them if bankers made mistakes in your favor rather than just against you.
3, Communication is essential.
mj says
One of the few I got that actually even hung together as an English sentence was: “When you are winning remember to aim for the stars.”
Most of the rest of them made no sense no matter how you angled your head.
jewelwing says
“Human beings would all become dead if only more of them would give up on heroology.” (sic) This one is only mildly scrutable.
However, the photo of the pug wrapped in a blanket as head scarf/robe, like a statue of the Madonna, was totally worth it.
jewelwing says
Come to think of it, the pug photo might imply some sort of vague Dune allusion.
Christine says
Had a few attempts…
Keep trying, let the stress dissolve, and in the end you will not believe what others say.
“Yo!” Is what you’re saying but what you’re thinking is “I like you”
Understanding what makes you strong makes you human.
Before magic, comes work.
I think ? Ilona and Gordon should have had the last one! ?
Joanne says
Mine was a woman holding a newborn with the inspirational saying –
“Look in the mirror. Don’t just try to build a teleporter”
How did it know that was the plan??
Mirren says
“Look in a mirror. Sell your soul.”
On a related note, can I recommend All Systems Red by Martha Wells the first in the Murderbot Diaries if you haven’t come across it yet – really excellent sci-fi
Lisa L says
‘Stop Coming’
Um, what?
Gail says
“Dare to say (No) to the reality.”
Which is kind of cool. You are in charge and you can change your reality. And I won’t tempt fate and try again.
Will see what tomorrow brings.
Deborah Wells says
Without talent there can be no craftmanship.
Janette says
Authors become authors out of hunger for blood.
Kelly M says
[superimposed over a heart drawn in the sand] “Try to make it so that somebody feels regret.” ??
Kelly M says
Then there was (in the sky above a lonely farmhouse on a plain), “Between a chicken and a kiss lies the ocean.” Words to live by.
Lynn-Marie says
Mine told me “try to be like other people.” Nice 🙂
Nicole says
“Nuclear physics can be quite like school. But not for killers.” Um, alrighty, then…
Patricia Schlorke says
I’m laughing so hard at everyone’s posts. They’re great!
Here are mine:
“Be a loved one.” OK.
“Don’t complain about others’ pregnancy just search inward.” Ummmm okay.
Tina C. says
Show Risk. Die Old.
Nicole says
And, “Wine is a heroine with all the fun parts removed.” Whether that’s the person or the drug, kind of creepy…
Courtney Mincy says
I did 7 and they all made a weird sort of sense. My favorite was: “If you’re looking back on your life, remember to not suck.” The oddest was: “What seems clean to a homeless person, seems unclean to a real individual.” So… homeless people are just a figment of our imaginations?
Kim says
Ummm. I’m afraid to try another. My first attempt resulted in “You penis.” I’m female. Also very confused.
Lisa says
‘Childhood can be like being buried alive…it eats you up from the inside’ . Inspirobot just gets me 🙂
Elaine says
Embrace hell. Fall in love.
Janette says
If you do it long enough, you start to get commentary from the “bot” between the quotes. It is almost as interesting as the quotes themselves.
Simone says
One of those commentary notes was: Vote yes on human / robot marriage.
They robots are coming for us – eventually it will be like the Matrix movie. 🙂
Pat Sciarini says
Winners invent grown men
Mousewynne says
1. Are apologies just a set of lies created by the elite? Hmmm.
2. Solar systems should create ambiguity.
3. With shared possibility comes shared foolishness. (Seems sort of appropriate to the current world situation.)
4. Over a picture of a rainbow – Only when you learn to see the destructive side of brain washing will you get joy.
Carol says
I had a lot more fun reading through the posts than I did reading the bot stuff!
Patricia Schlorke says
For this morning’s inspiration: “Never give in to your urge to be more chubby.” Alright then, I’ll try not to give in. ?
Bill G says
Across a background of stars with a green aurora, my first response read “Time is to spank”.
I happen to enjoy claiming to be into lots of kinky stuff, but it’s all talk.
Kathryn says
Mine this morning was ‘you don’t have to get married to be important to someone”. After last night my sister and I having a talk fest about our respective men we’re dating, life, and what we want from both. Right on the nose.
Tink says
Thought I’d see what inspiration I’d get today…
“You are a pig.”
Alrighty then. I’m going back to bed.
Karenanna says
Poems are just shadows dancing on the wall within the cave of your eyes
Penelope27 says
Mine was, “Calculate perfection. Alphabetize weaknesses.” …..Well, I am a bit OCD…..
Katie says
Semen is the opposite of a dancer reborn.
My life is better knowing this!
JessieD says
An apple on a stack of books.
Slogan: “You slut.”
Anyone else curious to know what was fed into the algorithms to make these?
EarlineM says
I got “Every person is inherently kind.” and “You can make a stranger scream.”
Wrayth says
well my first one was a black and white photo of a puppy in clothes pushing a wooden pram with 3 kittens in clothes O_o and it said “Insurance is 70% fake and 30% kindness”
…that sounds realistic? XD
My other funny one was a green grass picture with two horses in the top corner (viewed from above) and “A disease is worth the effort”
Which disease? what kind of effort was that?!?
And this one: A moody front shot of a bicycle and “A werewolf is an alcoholic who pretends to be a melancholic” XD Oh dear…
Finally a almost night-time sunset of a desert, and among the sky it says “Customise goals. Dehumanise departments”
I like that. I think I want to gather all the villain ones lol
FBR says
“Physics. It’s not for everybody.” On a creepy graveyard/haunted house background.
TS says
I just now read the blog post. My InspiroBot quote of the day is “Believing you are romantic makes you a vampire.”
Gail says
“The simple fact that you are desparate makes you realistic”
Gail says
Desperate. Sorry, typo.
Angela Gradillas says
Live for the moment. Go rogue.
Kay says
The first 3 I did:
1. After infinity, comes the dawn. (I think this is pretty cool actually)
2.Don’t apologize. It’s ridiculous. (My personal motto ^_^)
3. If you can swallow him, you can become him. (….Umm…….)
Regina says
Okay, that was fun! I got,
“Live through the absurd” and “Push the opposite sex”.
Sounds like Kate Daniels mottos -lol
Quele says
I got “Believe in miracles, prepare for failure, and try not to invent gunpowder.”
I think I could make that work, actually…
Dee says
Trust abuse, and you will achieve marriage.
VanessaC says
“Reality Show contestants become reality show contestants because they have a lust for life.”
That’s my inspirational quote. Whew, I couldn’t have gone through life without that one, LOL!! :-}
Mary Hughes says
Nudity is just a receptionist coming to kill you.
-I never knew.
Tiff says
I need to try again with Renee’s narration. I have a lot of trouble finding narrators that don’t grate, and I couldn’t get on with the sibilants in the samples. I’ll get one of the full length books and see if more of it will start to grow on me..
Elle says
Mine was – “Do it, and make your doctor your bitch.” This is actually really good advice.
The other is “The fact that you know that you are high makes you psychic.” I suspect that one would impress me more if I was actually high.