I made a simple shrug for Kid 1 before Christmas, and when Kid 2 saw it, the first thing she said was, “Where is mine?”
Here is hers.

I wanted a kind of rustic look, because of the yarn colors. A slightly modern take on patchwork.
The pattern is available free on Ravelry and here, on the designer’s website, at Sewrella.com.
The yarn was Dk weight, Destination Yarn Southwestern Collection Variegated Colorways set. It is now sold out. I will say that while on the website the colors of each skein were distinct, in my set the two reds were practically the same color, green and blue were extremely close, and darker and lighter tan were only a couple of shades apart, which what gave me the idea for the cardigan. It is to be expected with the hand-dyed yarn, but if I wanted very distinct colors, I would’ve had to pivot.
The yarn was lovely to work with, however, so no complaints. Also, I can’t find the two extra skeins I ordered. I received them and put them somewhere. If I find them, I will add pockets.
Now I need to figure out what the next project is. have to do something with my hands while sitting next to Gordon on the couch watching true crime specials and Gold Rush. Come on, Parker, I’m invested in your Dominion project. You must succeed.
It’s beautiful! Knitting is such a mystery to me…
It’s lovely. My mama had a knitting machine when I was a kid, I wore the skirt-suit so much it nearly wore out before I outgrew it 😊
It’s beautiful!
I hope you have warmed up down there!
The colors and stripes are so pretty.
It looks cozy like wearing a hug.
“… cozy like wearing a hug.” +1000
You’re so talented at yarn work, Ilona!
I’ve been crocheting daily for about 8 years, and my clothing items never look that perfect. I think it’s because I loathe blocking 😬.
Hehe, thank you. This one isn’t blocked, because it is meant to be slouchy. I think you are probably giving yourself too little credit. I’m sure that in person there would be some flaws, but camera hides a lot of sins, and this particular cardigan is meant to be rustic-looking.
You and me both. Blocking 👎
Blocking is just washing. I mean, eventually, I’m going to spill *something* on my sweater. When that happens, I’ll soak it in the sink, and lay it flat to dry = blocking.
I mean, sure, if it’s a lace shawl, then pins are involved. But I’m more into making garments, so blocking is just washing.
I could do with some warm knitted jumpers here in England right now too. Blooming freezing.
So “jumper” is the English word for cardigan? I always wonder what article of clothing it was.
It’s more often a pullover/sweater 🙂 . Something long sleeved and knitted/crocheted, but we do call the completely open ones cardigans usually.
Sorry, no, jumpers are sweaters I believe you’d say. Or pullovers?
That’s called an open cardigan here, but I was just thinking of woollies in general when I said jumpers.
Do other English speaking countries say woollies (not the shop called Woolworths, much though we miss it) but woollen garments for winter (as opposed to light knits for other seasons).
That got strange quickly.
We have a complicated language. I’ve confused myself too!
Basically I’m cold and envious of any and all hand knitted garments as I shiver in the chill wind, slowly losing my mind. . .
Yes, in Australia, woolies is used for jumpers & cardigans (aka cardies), all knitted/crocheted items of clothing & also Woolworths, which is one of our major grocery supermarkets, and surprisingly not related to the UK version at all.
we still have Woolworths in Germany and also call it Woolie
very off topic sorry!
that cardigan is lovely
Thank you for clearing up the confusion over jumpers, pullovers, and woolies.
The phrase ‘woolie’ sounds way cozier than ‘jumper’ or ‘pull over’, but even though I know better now, the phrase ‘woolie jumper’ brings me images of a leaping sheep -lol
Maybe gauntlets for Gordon to go with his helmet?? Sweaters for all the little dogs? Cowl scarves for all the big dogs?
Such a talent (lots of hard work and practice)!
…I doubt I’ll ever make 1st, so thought I’d take my shot while I was under 10 😉
Absolutely lovely! I am not creative at all when it comes to crochet or knitting. What a wonderful professional job you did!
Absolutely beautiful. Love the colors, pattern, style, everything. If it was in a store I would buy it!
It’s great you all are such a tight-knit family. 🙂
Nice cardigan! Hopefully you’ll find the yarn to make the pockets.
I dug out a sweater I knitted a long while back. I wanted to a different take on the tradition knit 2, pural 2 rib. I like knitting in the round, so I decided to do the traditional rib at the bottom of the sleeves and main body, but when I got to where I wanted to start the body and sleeves of the sweater, I did k2, p2, but on the second row, I pural over the knit and knit over the pural. It made a distinct horizontal line that I didn’t notice until after I finished the sweater. 🙂
Love it!
Your work is beautiful. Thanks for sharing the photo and the info about the designer. I’ve been looking for my next knitting project (as soon as I finish the K3 in MC, P4 in CC beast currently on the needles) and this looks perfect.
Can I be designated Kid 3? Although I’m probably older than you and Gordon.
I could use a pretty cardigan. I’m constantly cold. 😊
Gorgeous! And if you put pockets on that will make it even better. ❤️
+1! Pockets usually make things better! 😄
Saw on the news Texas was asked to conserve electricity. With possible blackouts or brownouts.
It is gorgeous. Parker had better succeed at Dominion! I’ve been invested in his story since he was a teen on Grandpa’s mine.
They look lovely. Well done!
I know nothing about knitting, but I really appreciate the reminder to catch up with what’s happening with Parker this week.
Whenever I plan a crochet project for one of my kids, I always make sure to plan one for the other. “What are you making?” is often followed by, “Can you make one for me?” I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that they love basically everything I make. Good because they’re easy to please, but bad because their request list keeps getting longer!
Do you knit or crochet? Obviously I don’t do either yet but am wanting to start and deciding which to take up is my biggest block right now.
Ilona knits, crochets, cross-stitches, you name it! 🙂 Here’s a collection of craft posts – Warning, yarn porn ahead https://ilona-andrews.com/category/blog/fun/knitting-etc/
Yarn porn 😂😂😂. Unfortunately true.
A hint if you decide to knit: get a circular needle! 2 pointed ends with a cable in the middle means that even if you drop a needle it doesn’t skitter off into oblivion, it’s still connected. Learning was much easier when I discovered circulars, as I have only 2 hands, no coordination, and was challenged by 2 needles and yarn all at once. Good luck and I hope you enjoy whatever you pick!
I found some pretty pastel yarns with a silver tinsel running thru them in my yarn stash so I am am making spring/Easter placemats. I also have an unknown number of half finished projects I should be working on. The sweater you made is truly beautiful!
Lovely cardigan. Perfect for the winter weather this week.
Oh no! You put it in the ‘very safe place’ to never be found again. It is lovely though! I adore the colors.
Stuck inside during the ice in the PNW. Just started my Posy shawl from Tin Can Knits.
I too am in PNW and it’s an ice rink outside. Times like this I wished I could knit or crochet. Our fireplace has been working overtime the last 3 days. We usually have firewood left over by March, but we went through a cord of wood since November. Be nice to sit in front of a roaring fire and knit/crochet on nights like these!!
I, too, am in the PNW. Rainy, icy, cold. I eased into the yard earlier to knock the ice off my young-ish trees. They were coated! A few whacks with my broom did the trick. Hope they make it thru undamaged.
Awwww I was looking for a cardigan crochet 🧶 pattern and this might fit the bill !
Thank you for sharing 💖
Gorgeous! I love the red/green stripes, subtle, yet just different enough to give the cardigan some zing. I especially like the edging, it looks multi-dimensional and eye-catching. Lots of Gold Star Mom points there!!
I have a similar sweater that I knit 40 years ago when I was participating in community theater (LOTS of sitting around). It is way longer than it used to be and the weave is very loose in some spots. I love it but some day soon it will give out and I will be sad because I don’t have the down time to knit another. Plus I don’t know that I could recreate it since I had no pattern, just lots of time.
I started with both cuffs and worked toward the center increasing the sleeves together. Whatever I did on the right, I also did on the left. When I reached the center back, I stitched it together into an invisible seam. Then I picked up the edge stitches and created a ribbed edge.
You should sell these in the merch store!
How pretty!
That’s crochet, not knitting. Beautiful work. Thanks for posting the pattern address.
Hi Roseann,
Did you mean your reply to someone else? The blog post never claims it’s knitting 🙂 ?
Very nice! How do you keep the cats from playing with your yarn?
Beautiful, I love the colors and style of the cardigan!
Your knitting skills are amazing. My grandmother could create anything with her sewing. She had a push pedal Singer for sewing gloves and other leather items. She tried to teach me, but being left handed I pushed the pedal backwards and broke many needles. I can hear her, “ CA-Tay nein nein.” Poor Gram. You have my admiration as did she ❤️
You need to install a pellet stove. Very little mess. Very little effort. Nice heat. One bag lasts about 5-6 hours and easy to store bags of wood pellets. What is this going outside? Heck no. I think not.
Lovely 🙂 And isn’t that the way of siblings “where’s mine?” lol
I’m too “rustic” in nature (and blind) to take on any hobbies that require so much attention to detail. But I love seeing other’s projects! I’m so impressed!
Stay warm curled up on the couch!
I’m currently reading with a cup of tea and ginger cookies. But I need to get a warmer blanket…
Wow! That looks so cozy, I love a slouchy cardigan. I might have to make myself one 😃 Thanks for the inspiration 🧶
So beautiful! Love looking at others work! I am rereading some of your books. Graphic Aidio Innkeper in the car (before the weather though) and Kate (just finished), now on to Blood Heir!
It’s lovely! Makes me want to learn to knit.
LOL That reminds me of my two. Whenever the oldest gets something, the youngest pipes up What about ME? I always joked if they ever had tattoos, the oldest’s would say I’M FINE! and the youngest’s would say What about me?!
Beautiful cardigan!
I’m sure the two extra skeins are in a safe place. That’s where all the stuff I’ve misplaced is.
I love the colours in the cardigan- it has a lovely wintry palette of warm colours!
I think my most warn knits are probably the shawls I keep on the back of the settee! my absolute favourite is a garter stitch with stripe, after one from Outlander (I’ve never watched the show but I did admire the knits). Otherwise it’s my fingerless mitts I use when it gets cold 🙂
This is just beautiful. I’m envious of your skills.
I, also, cannot just watch TV, so I bought colourful origami paper to make tiny origami stars.
PS it’s 35 C here in Queensland Australia.
Amazing! I can see why Kid 2 wanted one too. So pretty. Love the colors and style!
Ooooooh it looks so cozy! I love the colors, too. I can see why both kids wanted one lol
it looks lovely! that’s been one issue I’ve had since moving from the north to the south… it’s just not cold enough for me anymore to be motivated to crochet like I used to.
Ain’t sibling rivalry just wonderful?
It’s gorgeous. The only thing I’ve knitted is baby blankets and scarves.
That seems more than a simple shrug. 😀 Pretty.
I undertook to crochet my dog another sweater (like she needs more) and realized I got the stitches too tight for the neck. I went to undo it, which was when I discovered the soft fuzzy yarn *felted* and what should have been a yank and unravel was instead 10 minutes of careful pulling and stopping periodically to convince stray fuzz to let go.
I got it sorted out. Now I need to measure her girth as the one I made last year is a bit too snug on her.
Have you watched the new True Detective first episode (out last Sunday)? So many characters to follow, so much darkness (all kinds) and scenery. I’m not sure you could knit while watching
I am amazed how you can just whip these sweaters up so quickly.
So cozy looking!
That is beautiful. Don’t you love when you put things in “safe” places? I have stuff I still haven’t located years later!
Yes. It is so annoying.
Cardigan is gorgeous. Kid 2 is very lucky. I love these, my Grand used to make me shawls, I wish she had taught me.
I love it! It is absolutely beautiful.
Love your color palette. This pattern makes me wish I was better with crochet, but I’m mainly a knitter. I’ve seen knit cardigans that are similar, so I may take a look on Ravelry and borrow the ideas in your lovely color palette.
Do you have a pic of the one you made for Kid 1?
Your kids sure are lucky. Looking fabulous.
And Gold Rush! We watch it also 😁
Gorgeous cardigan! I love the colors & striping. Lucky Kid2.
I knit/crochet too and enjoy seeing your projects (and cooking) as well as reading these posts on the books – I’m so looking forward to the next installments!
I don’t know how challenging this is, but you might consider knitting prosthetic breasts with Knitted Knockers: https://www.knittedknockers.org/
Yep, that’s exactly what my 2 kids do. In their defense though I do the same thing to them ( where’s mine?)😀. I have learned if I’m making something for one kid I might as well make two before the other one asks. Love my kiddos!
Love the cardigan! Being a younger sister myself, I soooo want to say “Where’s mine?” Thank you for the information on how to find pieces to make my own.
Love, love, love the snippet. Thank you so much. Please forgive those of us in the BDH who are like kids watching you make our favorite dessert but find it hard to wait until after dinner. The snippet is a wonderful taste of things to come.
I’m not a sweater person. If it’s cold in El Paso the wind is blowing and I would need a jacket. Don’t know Parker, but I really enjoy your writing. Reread, fourth or fifth time, all of Kate; third time all of Edge; and will do Inn Keeper next to prepare for Klaus.
Z! O! M! G!
But the book isn’t even on the schedule yet. Only HA could send us to the apex/nadir at the same time with just a short snippet. gibbergibbergibbergibberaargh!
Love the cardigan. Handmade gifts like these are appreciated for a lifetime.
What is it with husbands and Gold Rush?
Good heavens, woman, that shrug is a work of art! The color composition is divine.
My husband watches Gold Rush too and Bering Sea Gold, Gold Rush Whitewater, etc. I’m not interested so I listen to Innkeeper and Kate Daniels while he watches his shows. Lovely sweater! I’m trying to relearn how to knit. The Internet is great for how to videos. So looking forward to the GA Sweep of the Heart!
I’ve never really thought seriously about knitting after I tried a few stitches and learned my hands are dyslexic. But you make me want to try again! (Maybe special classes for me?)
How long does it take you to finish a cardigan? Or a shawl? I’m in love with Outlander hap shawls and I’m so tempted to try🙏
That’s really nice. I want one too!
I decided to try to crochet this pattern. (My skills are definitely not up to this level but wanted to try anyway.) When I went to the website and tried to download the pdf of the pattern in the best size for me, I was informed that the pdf of the pattern wasn’t available. I kept scrolling down the site and while I could probably reconstruct a pdf, I would not be able to make sure of the size that these instructions would make.
Love Destination Yarns. Just bought from the Southwest Collection, Zion National. Lovely dyeing technique.
Love the cardigan! The colors are perfect. Hv u ever tried PetiteKnit patterns. Well written, simple with just enough difficulty level to keep you interested. Fits a variety of body types very nicely.
Everytime, you get me so excited!!!! #squeal #monsterinvasionisahellyes #maudisthegreatest
ahhh Ilona
you have such a gift for creating
if i dared to touch yarn goods it would look like a was grandma Frida’s twin
you could just continue to make those beatiful things and when they started to pile up
have an attached sales room here called magic threads
i would surely be in line waiting for the doors to open
yeah we have high winds and nasty cold here too in western pa.
Oh my gosh, that is so beautiful! I love everything about it. The colors are perfect. It’s gorgeous!
the cardigan is absolutely beautiful!
Very pretty! And thanks for the snippet! I can’t wait!
wow its so pretty!
So pretty! Pockets will be nice. My sister made me a beautiful autumn colored ‘Crochet Dragon Shawl Scarf’ that is just too fun (the dragon’s tail tucks behind a strap on the back of the head to hold it in place) that has been keeping me warm in our Texas Freeze!
This is gorgeous!
I loved the picture you posted and tried to find it on Ravelry. Unfortunately, it is no longer available. Very sad. But Kid 2 is very lucky to have it.
Crocheting is very soothing for the mind, and for me Way easier than knitting -you only work with one stitch at a time.
I just finished a lovely shawl “fly me to the Moon” from the scottish magazine Moorit.
Since it was rather complicated and it was my first time using an english speaking pattern i had to make a simpler shawl first to train the lingo 😝 so now i have a pretty and a very pretty shawl and snow fell Yesterday
I quite like that moorits patterns are for all sizes of people.
Think next project will be a traditional hebridian hap (large shawl), or maybe a balaclava for my kid 2 -we saw a very good exibishion about a certain russian performative punk art collective in the danish museum Louisiana this winter…
I heard a proffesional weawer and PhD in psycology talking about craft psycology, the fact that crafting reduces stress/anxiety etc is probably not new to crafters but interesting to se if it has treatment potential 😆
Instead of looking at a too large stash you are looking at better mental health ….
Happy crafting
Gold Rush and the Curse of Oak Island are my husbands go to shows to unwind.
That is freakin’ beautiful. Makes me feel all cozy and warm–inside and out. I don’t craft so I think I will have to find something similar to buy.
I LOVE the cardigan. So pretty!
That’s a beautiful cardigan. Great job
I’m really bad at seeing patterns in different colours. I looked at your cardigan and thought wow! love it! Then checked out the pattern on Ravelry and thought …huh. a little old lady cardigan.
The investment of time and energy in making a whole garment for me is massive (I am a slow crocheter who is easily frustrated) so the risk that I will hate it is enough for me not to start but seeing your cardi…..I am inspired!
Gorgeous! I love the play of colors, it really works on this pattern.
Pretty! Doesn’t need pockets, I would definitely use it as is. (Managed to miss this post somehow.)
Oh it is so pretty. Pockets would make it perfect.
I wish I could be your neighbor so I could have one too. I would supply the yarn. I would also request a nice snuggle blanket for me to keep warm as I read in this winter season.
One of the people I work with makes 3-d dragons, flying horses, etc. Very time consuming.
I like it. I still have to knit a grown up sweater. I do huge shawls, socks, hats,mitts and even gloves. This year is my year for the grown up sweater. I like your colors and design. Off to Ravelry, Thank you.
that’s amazing