I meant to post it earlier but with the hurricane, there were other things that had to be done first.
Do you want a distraction from the world? I’ve got a book for you.
The Queen: Guinevere must save Camelot. Ever since Arthur died, the evil Scarecrow has been trying to marry her and gain the crown. If she and her daughter are going to survive his mad schemes, Gwen needs to find Merlyn’s wand. Fast. Unfortunately, the only man strong enough to help her on her quest is Kingpin Midas, a flashy, uneducated mobster dealing with a curse. Gwen is a logical, rational woman, though, and she can draft one hell of a contract. She’s pretty sure she can come up with an offer not even the kingdom’s greatest villain can refuse.
The Kingpin: Anything Midas touches turns to gold. Literally. The curse has helped him to rule Camelot’s underworld with an iron fist. He has more money and more power than anyone else in the kingdom. He’s convinced there’s nothing he can’t buy. One look at Gwen and Midas knows that he’s about to make his most brilliant purchase, yet. He’s about to own the one woman in the world he would give anything to possess. All he has to do to claim her is somehow win a war against the smartest man in Camelot, hide his growing feelings from Gwen, deal with his overprotective bodyguard’s paranoia about the queen’s hidden motivations, and adjust to a five year old demanding bedtime stories from a gangster. Simple, right?
The Contract: Gwen’s deal is simple: If Midas marries her, she’ll make him King of Camelot. It’s a fair bargain. Midas will keep her enemies away and she’ll give him the respectability that money can’t buy. She never expects Midas to agree so quickly. Or for their practical business arrangement to feel so… complicated. Midas isn’t the tawdry, feral animal that Arthur railed against. He’s a kind and gentle man, who clearly needs Gwen’s help just as much as she needs his. In fact, the longer she’s around Midas the more Gwen realizes that their “fake marriage” might be more real than she ever imagined.
This book is hilarious.
Okay, so there are these mythical kingdoms and one of them is the Kingdom of Camelot. The kingdoms are populated by various mythical beings, witches, wizards, griffons – which are a race of proud warriors, humans with wings – goblins, trolls, munchikins, the Walrus from Alice in Wonderland makes an appearance, big bad wolves, etc. All these beings are segregated into Good and Bad. The goodness or badness is determined pretty much at birth, and it determines how you will be viewed by the rest of the people. It’s a biting, sharp satire on all those artificial barriers we invent to segregate humans beings.
These mythical beings have modern technology, but they are still stuck in the bounds of their mythological kingdoms. You just have let go of the preconceived notions and roll with this worldbuilding. Anything is possible, go with it. This book doesn’t take itself seriously and that’s a wonderful thing.
So, Guinevere is married to Arthur, who turned out to be a horrible prick. They have a daughter they name Avalon, but she is born Bad. This causes no end of problems, until finally Arthur stumbles of a very tall balcony to a richly deserved early death. There is a question of whether or not Guinevere pushed him, but more importantly whoever marries Guinevere will become the King of Camelot. Scarecrow, who is literally a scarecrow made of black birds and who has twiggy hands, which is just utterly creepy, served as the head advisor to Arthur and he decides he should be king. On top of everything else, he is embarking on a genocidal program to enslave all the Bad people in the kingdom. The wizards baled and locked themselves in Emerald City.
Guinevere tells Scarecrow to stuff it, and he throws her in a dungeon. This is where the story starts. Guinevere breaks out of the dungeon, grabs Avalon, and runs away from Camelot. She can handle herself but to overthrow Scarecrow she needs resources, so she goes to the one man whom her husband utterly despised – Midas. The Gangster. The Kingpin. The man who turns everything he touches to gold. Quite literally. He was cursed.
I’m afraid to quote too much, because I don’t want to ruin the book, but Midas is a teddy bear. Large, violent teddy bear of a man with appalling taste. Again, I don’t want to ruin it, because you have to discover Midas.
Here is a part where Guinevere, after some dramatic butt kicking, finally gets a private audience with Midas. I did mention the appalling taste, right?
Guinevere’s gaze scanned around the interior of the room. Like the rest of his home, it was decorated in the most expensive, lavish furnishings in Camelot. Massive pillars lined the muraled walls, layers of silk curtains dripped from the stained-glass windows, and a desk the size of a small kingdom dominated the center. No palace in the world could match its opulence.
It was the best.
“This is quite… large.” Gwen said cautiously, her gaze on the frescoed ceiling and the two-ton chandelier. The multi-colored crystals dangling from it were as big as bowling balls. To Midas’ way of thinking, bigger was always better.
“Thank you.” He took a seat on his chair, which had a twelve foot high back and was made of wood from four separate species of extinct trees. “Lay your child down and have a seat. You must be exhausted.”
She hesitated, putting the gun back in her pocket as she looked around. Her gaze scanned the overstuffed sofas. All of them were covered in exotic leathers from the remotest lands. All of them had cost a fortune. “Um… We’re very wet.”
Of course they were. Camelot was always gray and rainy. It had been like that for years, but overly dramatic Arthur supporters swore that the land itself was mourning its lost ruler. Others insisted that the blue sky would only return when Camelot finally had a true king. Someone worthy, who was more interested in justice than Uther or Arthur had been. No matter the cause, the foggy, dreary weather seemed far too harsh for beings as delicate as Guinevere and her daughter.
“Maybe you should put a blanket down first?” She continued. “Or…”
Midas cut her off. “It’s fine.” He could always buy more couches, but queens were a far rarer commodity. “Please.” He picked up a remote control and clicked on his two-story high fireplace, in case she was cold. The mantle was made of yellow bricks. Damn Munchkins had charged him an outrageous amount for each and every one, but they were the best.
Gannon, Cassandra. The Kingpin of Camelot (A Kinda Fairytale Book 3) (Kindle Locations 684-705). Star Turtle Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Midas is in love with Guinevere. Deeply, completely in love with her and she has no idea. She offers him this marriage contract. If he marries her and helps her stop Scarecrow, he can be King of Camelot. Midas doesn’t give a crap about being king. The love of his love offers him a marriage contract. He agrees, which leads Guinevere to decide that Midas is way too trusting. She actually tries to do her best to shield him and protect him from what she sees as missteps he is making in dealing with the Underworld and other people, not realizing that Midas is an incredibly proficient killer and a ruthless businessman. There is one hilarious scene where he is following her through this old castle and there are assassins trying to kill her. He keeps taking them out just out of her view, and she is all, “Midas, please be careful, don’t get lost. This old castle can be tricky.” I was dying.
Oh and Avalon absolutely adores Midas. The feeling is mutual. For reasons explained in the narrative, Midas shows his love by buying things.
Guinevere arched a brow. “Which reminds me: Why are the gardeners erecting hundreds of rocking-horsefly feeders out back? You and I have had numerous discussions about not buying Avi every crazy thing she wants.”
“Well, I purchased those for myself. It’s just a coincidence that she asked for them, too.”
“You got them for yourself? They’re decorated with baby unicorns and plastic pinwheels.”
“I have excellent taste,” he said straight-faced. “Everyone knows that.”
Gwen rolled her eyes. “Just be sure you’re adding all this crap to my bill.”
“Your what?” He asked, like he genuinely had no idea what she was talking about.
“The bill, Midas. We agreed I’d pay you back for all the money you spend on us, remember?”
“Oh right. Yeah… I’m keeping a tally. Don’t worry.” He smiled, walking her towards the exit. “I got a lot of great discounts, though, so you owe a surprisingly low amount.”
The man was impossible. “Midas, you have to put the actual totals on the bill or it’s all meaningless. Let me see the receipts. You’re supposed to be the math-y one here, but you’re doing a terrible job. I think I need to audit you.”
“No need. I’ll add everything up tomorrow.” He opened the door. “First thing.”
Gannon, Cassandra. The Kingpin of Camelot (A Kinda Fairytale Book 3) (Kindle Locations 5285-5297). Star Turtle Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Okay, I’ll stop yammering. So to summarize, crazy worldbuilding, a huge fierce marshmallow of a hero disguised as a terrible monster, a queen who assures everyone that she is not a violent person after shooting people threatening her child, funnies, and a surprisingly sweet romance. Fair warning, it is a romance at heart, so there are a few steamy scenes. It is #3 in the series, but I picked it up by accident not realizing it was a part of the series and it works perfectly as a standalone.
Here is the order link: Amazon. And that’s the bad news. I emailed to Cassandra Gannon about it, but the whole series is on KU so it’s only available on Amazon for purchase. Sorry. And Cassandra does not have a website. But she did send this series description over.
The A Kinda Fairytale series takes classic fairytales and gives them a twist. Fairytale characters live in a modern-ish world, various parts of their traditional stories combining into fun, new adventures. Some of the characters are Good and some are Bad. Most of them are born with one True Love, who they have to find. Much of the drama in the series is derived from the social inequalities that the Bad folk face. There are laws in place that attempt to keep the wicked witches, ugly stepsisters, and big, bad, wolves under control. However, throughout the series, the characters are fighting to change that injustice and show that the Bad folk can sometimes do Good things. Theses romance novels tie into each other, but each features a different couple. The correct reading order for the books are: 1) Wicked Ugly Bad, 2) Beast in Shinning Armor, 3) The Kingpin of Camelot
I also write the Elemental Phases series, which deals with beings who control Water, Air, Fire, etc… A plague had hit their world, killing most of them and threatening to destroy the entire universe. Their only hope is to find mates among the humans. This is made harder by the fact that they are constantly fighting amongst themselves and causing chaos whenever they try to interact with mortals. Again, theses romance novels tie into each other, but each features a different couple. The correct reading order for the books are: 1) Warrior from the Shadowland, 2) Guardian of the Earth House, 3) Exile in the Water Kingdom, 4) Treasure of the Fire Kingdom, 5) Queen of the Magnetland, 6) Magic of the Wood House.
I also publish standalone novels (some of which do tie into each other) and my sister Elizabeth is a writer, too. We publish all our books through Star Turtle Publishing, which we founded together.
As always your mileage may vary, so please try a sample before blindingly buying. Gordon says that, “It’s witty, smart, well-written. No fat in the book at all. It’s just all good.” He is almost done reading it. He is at the big finale. Hehehe.
Okay, my job here is done. Something to take your mind off the hurricane.
It’s fabulous. I read it last week. I’ve already DLed book2
Ha! I was just telling Hubby I hoped for another recommended book. Finished “River of Teeth” awhile back and enjoyed it.
**hops over to amazon, rubbing hands together**
Ditto! I love book recommendations from the authorlords and BDH. The timing always works well–I’ve hit a glut and have exhausted (yet again) my trusty re-reads and the trolling for new reads on Amazon is unsuccessful.
This author sounds very promising. Thanks!
Excited to try the new book! Hope things are alright for all of you in Texas!
This sounds like so much fun! Thanks for sharing. I’m adding it to my TBR!
Thank you, always ready to try a new (to me) writer.
Am always looking for fun, well written books. Thanks! Be safe!
I’m always looking for something new to read, I’ll have to check it out. Have you seen the trailer for the new Guillermo del Toro movie “The Shape of Water”? It looks awesome.
Just watched the trailer…very intriguing! Okay, count me in. ? I love all of Guillermo del Toro’s projects (great and not so good) and also actress Sally Hawkins (Persuasion). Thanks for this movie rec, Margaret!
Ok I’m going to start with the first one in the series-I have to read series in order. I was looking for something different. Thanks
Yup. Going for it. Stay safe. Have you indulged in “The Parasol Protectorate” by Gail Carriger?
I’ve tried it and it’s not my cup of tea. 🙂
You didn’t mention Ms. Hanson’s books were free with Kindle Unlimited. (Capers arthritically around room.) Now to decide which books to return to make space . . . .
SNORT at the tea comment.
I thought you might like that. 😉
Yes, I did. “I emailed to Cassandra Gannon about it, but the whole series is on KU so it’s only available on Amazon for purchase. ” 😛
Skimmed right over that. Vision-impaired AND arthritic!
KF Breene The Warrior Chronicals. Awesome series. Like your books. I bounce between re reading yours, Breene, and JC Daniels Colbana series. Seriously strong female heroines. Not just fluffy sex books. Great fight scenes and weapons. Highly recommend THESE series. Don’t like other series. Nothing but descriptive sex. Boring. I’ve downloaded Camelot. Thanks!!
I think you need to move to Oregon. Can pick mountain, ocean, dessert etc and still only be a couple hours from the others. Stay safe!!
Thanks for the rec, it sounds like just what I need right now. 😀
Sounds fun. I one clicked. Something else for my TBR pile.
Oh my lawd! This is one of my favorite authors! I’ve been re-reading her stuff forever, waiting on a new book to come out! Shame on Amazon for not telling me. Thank you so much for posting this. I’ve got to go read it right now!
It looks great! I have added it to To Be Read pile.
This sounds right up my alley, which does not make sense at all since I live on an avenue. Thank you for the suggestion, I am always searching for new books that will make me smile, laugh and feel impressed by the weaving of other tales into them. She had me at “damn munchkins”.
Oooooooo Gurl! will download a sample
If the “River of Teeth” one someone else mention was the book with hippos, then that one I didn’t like that much, but I’ve liked all the other books you’ve recommended, and the snippets you provided sound good, so I’ll give it a shot.
Have you heard from Grace Draven? Did she make it out okay? Last I saw you mention on Twitter was that she had to evacuate with 3 kids.
She is safe in their second house south of Austin. 🙂
Oh, whew. Glad they made it out.
Nice to know everyone is doing well and that lightning didn’t fry your computers again.
Good to see you posting. Thank you for the recommendation, will have to check it out.
Yay! (Happy dance for another book recommendation ??) This book looks like a lot of fun. I’m off to download.
Ohhh sounds like fun. I enjoyed one of your earlier recommendations, River of Teeth. Heading over to Amazon now.
Just in time for a long weekend…thank you!!
If you’re in the mood for a sweet, uplifting book try The Luster of Lost Things by Sophie Chen Keller. It’s mild fantasy but so much more. It’s a profound look at how we are connected and how every day kindness is where true magic lies. I listened to the audiobook and it was delightful.
A safe and happy Labor Day holiday to all!!
The Luster of Lost Things looks great, I just requested from my library – Thanks!
I have started reading this book and love it! Thanks for the recommendation. This book reminds me a lot of Orconomics: A Satire (The Dark Profit Saga) by J. Zachary Pike. If you enjoyed this book – try this one. Not a happy go lucky but as Gordon put it “No Fat”.
Thanks for the book recommendation. Sunny days are here (at least in DFW). Finally!
Thank you so much for making recommendations when you find a fun book. I have been introduced to some great authors (like Grace Draven) thanks to you.
I REALLY like it! Thank you so much!
Just got it!! . Thanks for the recommendation!!
Thanks for the recommendation. I took an Arthurian Literature course years ago in school and have always had a soft spot for anything related to King Arthur and Camelot. I plan to get this one.
Thank you, and keep those recommendations coming! No hurricane here but temps projected to hit 112 by Friday. Now I have a shiny new book to read while I stay inside and hope the power grid handles the load…
Sending thoughts of comfort, hope and peace to Texas.
Not sure where you live but over here in NorCal we are going to hit 108 on Friday. So cool thoughts headin’ your way 🙂
Bought the book, but just start G.A. Aiken’s new book so it is in the queue.
You have never let me down on a book recommendation but when I started reading your blog I thought she is due for a miss but by the end I was like I have to get this
So thanks!
Soooo very glad to hear from you. I was born and raised in north Florida, so I am an old hand at hurricanes. Went ten days without power after Hurricane Kate in 1985. Now at least I know you’ve got electricity. Glad, glad, glad to hear from you.
I just recently discovered Cassandra Gannon and lover her Fairytale series!! If you like your fairytales twisted, a little dark, a little steamy and a whole lot of fun these are for you 🙂
Sounds fun! Kind of same tone as Cape High series- definitely giving it a try 🙂
I read Cassandra’s other series and her sister Elizabeth’s books before, thanks to Kindle Unlimited. Elizabeth writes The Consortium of Chaos series, where the superheroes all turn out to be jerks and the supervillains end up becoming the “good” guys, with romance and happy endings. Lots of fun!
Arrghh! I have a Nook. I am not buying a Kindle to get one book!
You don’t need to buy a kindle you can download the app it’s free.
OK, I’m clueless. Which app? Thank you.
The Kindle app. It can be installed on PCs, tablets, phones, etc. For tablets and phones, open the app store and search for Kindle. For PCs, go to Amazon and they’ll have the installer available on their website.
Thank you.
Good to know that you and your family is safe!
you had me at “Midas is a teddy bear. Large, violent teddy bear of a man with appalling taste”
I actually read Warrior from the Shadowland (a couple years ago, I believe), and enjoyed it pretty well for characters, plot, and humorous cultural cluelessness, BUT I decided not to continue with the later volumes of the series because it was rife with errors in grammar, etc. The quotes you share from TKoC look fine (as well as fun), so I gather she finally got a decent copy editor. I’m glad, because her stories deserve polish. I’ll add the title to my near-endless TBR list. Do you know whether her older ebooks have been updated?
P.S, re. River of Teeth: The unique premise is appealing, but it apparently has some major, plot-driving inaccuracies, especially re. the habits and capabilities of hippos. 🙁 I’m afraid that would spoil it for me.
Of course you had to take care of some things because of the hurricane!! But thanks for providing what looks to be quite a diversion!!!
Stay safe!
Great recommendation. Thank you.
Ooooh sounds like an amazing book!!! Never tried this author before.. maybe my cup of tea ??
*rushes off to read the book dancin with glee*
I haven’t read this series, but from the description I think anyone who likes it would also enjoy “Villains by Necessity,” by Eve Forward. It’s unfortunately out of print now, but a fun read if you can get hold of it.
Villains by Necessity is the most reread book I own. Definitely a fun read. I check Kindle about twice a year in hopes that it has become available as an ebook and request the publisher be contacted. Sadly, nothing yet.
Bought it and was halfway through it last night when my tablet died. arrrrrrgh! And the worst is that for some reason my tablet won’t charge in any of the outlets in my house, I had to bring it to work to get it recharged. This is why I prefer print ~
On a happier note, it’s so much fun! I’m really enjoying it and thank you for the recommendation. I contacted the author on Facebook and she says there’s a good chance they will issue a print version, which I plan to buy for both my personal use and for the library.
Thank you for nice tip. So I will make one for you as well.
If you want some really good and funny stories, try Whateley Academy universum – it is set in universe similar to that of X-men, but with influences from pop culture.
Namely I can recommed to either start from oldest, or just go for funny and witty stories from Morpheus like Art of being Imp or Whisper from Sleether.
Here are some links:
and main page:
Thank you for this, I really needed something fun, it’s been a scary and exhausting few days.
*one-clicks Wicked Ugly Bad* I think I’m going to enjoy this series. Thanks for the rec! My 4 day weekend is looking good. If I enjoy the first book, I’m sure I’ll have bought them all by Sunday.
Thanks for the recommendation. I just finished reading it and loved it.
Thank you so much for the recommendation! We’re in East Texas, and the news has been so terrible and heart wrenching (along with the weather). I really needed something fun to read. Thank you.
I’ve been reading this author’s books for years. Her “A Kinda Fairy Tale” series featuring “Wicked,Ugly,Bad”, “Beast in Shining Armor”, and “The Kingpin of Camelot” are some of my favorite re-reads. I would also recommend “Not Another Vampire Book” and “Cowboy from the Future”. After your books, she’s my favorite author. Her sister, Elizabeth Gannon, also writes and does a great job building interesting and unique worlds and characters.
My only issue (and I’m early in the book) is that Midas reminds me of Trump. Still reading, though.
It’s the gold gilding. Try to look past it.
I’m Canadian and have a Kobo. These books are not available for Kobo. Does anyone know if you can get them or download them in a ePub format for Adobe reader for example? I know there is an ‘app’ but hey girlfriends, I’m 65 and don’t know nuthin’ about no apps. Maybe with the boost in sales the author will get from Ilona’s recommendation, they will get a paperback version at some point. Sounds exactly like what I like to read, so sad puppy eyes if I can’t get them. Thought – maybe I can resurrect my grandson’s old Kindle. It’s circa 2009, but hey, it’s not like technology changes quickly……
If you have access to a regular laptop or tablet, you can download the Kindle app for free. You can check to see if the 2009 Kindle is still supported also…sometimes they still work depending on if the software was updated a couple of years ago.
Good luck!
I’m so glad you featured this book! I have love Cassandra and Elizabeth Gannon’s books for years, and own almost all of them. They are both gifted comic/romantic writers, and I cannot stop squeeing that you know about them. I always feel like my favorite authors should all be best friends, so it’s awesome when I find out they have a connection.
I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Sometimes you can use calibre to convert the book to an epub – but it doesn’t work with the newer books as amazon changed the format the books are in 🙁 🙁
I wish it was paperback!
So glad you’ve been introduced to the Gannon sisters. I really enjoy their “view askew” approach to their stories. I’d heartily encourage you to read a few more. Love in a time of zombies is laugh out loud fun.
Glad you’re not underwater! I will try these, they sound amusing. Here are some recommends for you, though you probably have read them: Lois Bujold ( a wealth of good reading there, though the Curse of Chalion series takes a bit of patience at first).Loretta Chase and Eloisa James for smart, steamy and funny historical romance. Karen Moning, Have you read her Fever series? The highlander ones that precede it are entertaining, but the Fever series takes that world from romantic paranormal comedy to romantic paranormal adventure and light horror. I thought she was foundering a bit after the five Fever books, till this last book, which had a lot more fun in it and a lot of closure. In the mood for a classy, fun historical? Try Georgette Heyer’s Venetia and she has a wealth of other good stories too. Lately I’ve discovered Penny Reid, I liked Dating-ish and the Beard series- nice light romance. You also might like Chelsea Gaither, and Brian P. Easton’s Autobiography of a Werewolf Hunter, though they are quite dark. Happy Reading!
Thank you so much for sharing with such enthusiasm! I love book talk! I am also delighted that you and family are ok!
Thank you, Ilona! Bought and read nonstop after your recommendation, laughing through whole story (especially the doll wars). Marvelous writing, and am heading for Gannon’s other books.
Yeah, the doll wars scene was hilarious.
Book was really long, but there wasn’t a whole lot that could be cut.
Thanks for the recommendation.
BTW, if you’re still looking for recs, Ilona, I recommend Linda Howard, especially her earlier ones. I was cleaning my bookshelves recently and started rereading my favorite parts of her books and thought you might like them.
I think I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been able to clean the shelves in one go without being distracted.
Try trytry drop dead gorgeous and to die for the are her best funny ones
Thank you for the rec =) Going to put this at the top of my TBR atm.
Thanks for the recommendation. I downloaded it and really enjoyed it.
This was great! By the way, you Texans are great
Thanks for the recommendation! I grabbed all three in this series to read over the long weekend. If they’re really entertaining (to me) I’ll glom her backlist & try out her sister’s list too. I’m always on the lookout for new authors, so I’m excited 😉
My brother’s a few miles north of Austin, so the floodwater didn’t hit him, luckily. I’m in the Lowcountry of SC, and we’re watching Irma carefully for a hit at the end of this coming week. Fingers crossed!
Having a flare up of MS, just got through the MRI today, and this book was a real godsend.
Thank you.
I had to stuff a blanket in my mouth to keep from braying like a donkey at the ‘castle scene’ you mentioned. Should finish it this evening. Enjoyed ‘River of Teeth’ by the way. This one skates close to Terry Pratchetts biting satire, and I look forward to reading more.
Stay safe out there.
Mary Beth
OMG This book just made me smile in the midst of a crappy week. Thank you so much for recommending it 🙂
It really was a lot of fun.
Thank you. 110 degrees/ “Very unhealthy” air quality power browning&blinking off&on. Need all distractions. Blessings. xxoocf
Thank you so much! Beast in Shining Armour is one of my all time favourite books and an automatic go to whenever I want a pick me up with laughter and steamy romance. I’ve been checking out amazon/goodreads every months or so for the last few years to see if the next book was available and then, bam! I find out on here – which I check almost every day 🙂
Funny book. Thanks.
I just read Kingpin of Camelot. It was fantastic! I am ordering the other 2 books in the series. Thank you for the recommendation.
The book was awesome! So of course I needed to read the first 2 and devoured them in a day. Now I am starting her phase series!
Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!
You’re the best!
Thanks for the rec, was looking for something along these lines to enjoy.
Thank you for the recommendation! I just read it and am now reading 1 and 2. The whole setting is so much fun!
I bought the book and am enjoying it very much. Houston and the surrounding areas still need a lot of help, but don’t forget Rockport and the surrounding towns where Harvey had a direct hit. Clean up is going to take a long time.
Thank you for recommending the books!!!! I just got done reading the series because of your recommendation. They are so perfectly funny and romantic (and I’ll be stalking the author’s star turtle facebook page) . Now I really cannot wait for the next book with Esmeralda!
Cassandra Gannon’s Elemental series is great and I read them all and didnt know about the new fairytale series so will definitely look that up especially after the amusing snippet posted by Ilona.
Another author on KU I can wholeheartedly recommend is Pippa da Costa who has a demon series called The Veil (as in the veil between worlds demon and human). For a short period she has 2 new books available Chaos Rising and Chaos Revealed set in LA and Boston both on KU. Her writing and action scenes are reminicent of Kate Daniels series, with heroines not quite sure of their powers, not YA nor heavy handed romance. If you havnt tried her give her a go!
Hi Ilona and Gordon – not sure if you’ve already seen this from Charlaine Harris’s blog of 24 August
I am also a huge fan of Ilona Andrews, and Wildfire, the team’s latest Nevada Baylor book. It’s just as satisfying as the first two, with Nevada coming into her own power and trying to negotiate the politics of being a House and her love affair with “Mad” Rogan. Gosh, I love these books.
this made me smile – my bookshelves are full of books from both of you
Thank you for recommending this, I enjoyed reading it. I bought all 3 and am looking forward to reading the other two.
Argggg! I love your book recommendations. I lost a whole weekend to reading these Kinda Fairytales. All three! I had work i was supposed to do and got completely sucked in. Over the years, not only have you written some of my favorite books, you’ve introduced me to Grace Draven and Rachel Aaron and so much more. Thank you so much for your books and suggestions <3
I loved this and have had a dry spell for enjoyable books lately. Please keep the recommendations coming!
Hope you weathered the storm without too much trouble…
Not to be ugly or unpostive aka negative. I tried to read this book. The plot is not good.. Continuous repetition of “oh Midas you are such a good person”. It becomes tripe and I really wanted like it or find humor in it. It just was not there for me. Ilona and Gordon you have great comedic timing. This book and it menagerie of characters needs to be retooled and the plot desperately needs editing. They can spell and write linear character chapters but that is all.. Love y’all wish I could agree with your assessment.
I didn’t have as negative a reaction as you, perhaps because I’m used to editing in my head as I read to get to the fun stuff. I liked it a lot, but I do agree it needs editing.
Thanks for the rec 🙂 I LOVED this series.
This series was the perfect thing to get my head out of Harvey excitement. My family and house was blessedly spared however other friends and family were not so lucky. I am also a nurse and after the fun of being sequestered in the hospital for three days and listening to patients and families take their stress out on the staff for over a week, I was sooo happy to escape reality with Cassandra Gannon for a brief moment. Thank you for the recommendation!
I had to start with the first book and LOVED IT. Really looking forward to the fourth book.
Loved this book. Seriously loved it. Read it straight through and have already recommended to friends.
I always love your book recommendations! I am reading The Kingpin of Camelot now and it is just fantastic. 🙂 Thanks for the great suggestion.
Just finished reading, and now starting the first book in the series. Thanks so much for recommending. It was laugh out loud funny :-). You still write the best books, but this keeps me occupied until your next book comes out. Loved loved loved Wild Fire.
Just wanted to thank you for recommending this book! Thoroughly enjoyed it! Your description was spot on. Not only did I enjoy the world building but it was a perfect piece of distraction from the world at large (Politics, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, etc)! In addition to being a favorite author you have now branched out into recommending books! Is there no end to your talents?!?!
I just wanted to pop in and say thank you for the recommendation. I checked it out and bought it since my local library didn’t have it. Totally do not regret the purchase. Excellent book!
That was a fun book! Thanks for recommending it!
Linda 🙂