The Kinsmen Universe Collector’s Edition (Preorder Now Available!)
In a distant, future world Kinsmen—small powerful groups of genetically and technologically advanced families—control vast financial empires. They are their own country, their own rulers, and their only limits are other Kinsmen. The struggle for power is a bloody, full-contact sport: in business, on the battlefield…and sometimes in the bedroom.
The Kinsmen Collector’s Edition is now available for Pre-order! Ilona Andrews is super grateful for all of the amazing support that made this awesome project happen. It comes in two different variations. There is the Kinsmen Universe Signed Lettered Edition and the Kinsmen Universe Signed Limited Edition, both in stock and ready for preorder.
This edition contains no new material. It’s a collector edition of Silent Blade and Silver Shark with A Mere Formality as a bonus story.
You can view pricing info and place your preorder here.
Dina – Stunde des Schicksals Ranked Number Four on Bild-Bestseller List
We are very thrilled to announce that the German version of One Fell Sweep has reached number four on the Bild-Bestseller list! Again, Ilona Andrews is so thankful for the awesome support y’all have shown. They truly couldn’t do this without you. You can find the full bestseller list at the official website and Amazon.
Rare 2019
Gordon and Ilona will be attending RARE, Romance Author and Reader Events, in 2019.
Paris, April 06, 2019
London, September 21, 2019
Tickets go on sale here, and they sell out fast! Hope to see you all soon.
Schedule for Dragon Con and Tour Coming Soon.
I will be posting the schedule for both the upcoming Dragon Con and Ilona Andrew’s tour dates soon, so please stay tuned. It’s gonna be awesome and they are super excited to see everyone.
Thanks for being patient.
A Message From Brandi (That’s me!)
Hi everyone, I recently just got back from vacation and wanted to let you all know that your emails will be responded to. I ask of you to be patient with me, as I currently have a backlog of about seven thousand emails. However, I am determined to answer each and every one, so please don’t feel ignored or neglected. I promise to get to you.
Brandi Bolden
What else can I say. Wow!
Welcome back and bless you as you tackle those e-mails.
Thanks for sharing the exciting news. Who did the Kinsman cover art? It’s fabulous!
Luisa J. Preißler
OMG !!! You’re coming to London !!! I am SO EXCITED !!!! 😀
I feel like we need to send Brandi some chocolates / wine / hugs / vice of her choice. Holy moly, 7K backlogged emails would make me cry.
I’m there with you. A mountain of 7000 e-mails would make me unable to start that task, I feel for her.
She definitely deserves a mountain of chocolate.
“Holy moly” was my exact response too. Best of luck and plenty of coffee to Brandi!
Let me know where to send contributions. Dang, girl, 7k in the backlog deserves respect.
Yes, definitely! I wouldn’t want to tackle 7K emails, ever!
I did my part. I did not send an email!
Same here. 7000 emails is just insane, I hope a good portion of them is made of spam or FYI stuff. Sending Brandi lots of patience
+1. No email from me. I’m trying to absorb PARIS and LONDON. I was considering UK trip next year.. Brexit be dammed but now. eooowee.
I think Brandi should do an FAQ style blog post to clear most of them. Good grief.
Good idea!!
I cannot wait to see them at RARE!! I was determined to get an EE ticket when I saw they were coming! Will you be there Brandi?
Yes! I am very excited.
OMG! What exciting announcements! Wow ?
And I’m so glad that you’re coming to Europe but it’s too far for me ? I’m visiting London at the end of the month for the first time, but with Brexit who knows if I’ll ever see it again. The only chance would be Paris…
Those are some gorgeous artwork!
Yay, you are coming to Europe! Most excellent! And as you are on the Bild bestseller List (congrats on that) maybe you’ll one day come to Germany, too?
Hope you had a fantastic holiday! And Brandi too!
Paris? London?
And it’s not April Fools’ Day?!
Oh my! ?
OMG, 7000 emails! My deepest sympathy to you. I’m not sure a vacation would be worth it if I had to go back to work and face that!
Ticket bought for Paris, France! Too bad the premium access is already sold out, but I don’t care!
I was thinking of coming to Texas, so you can see how this news is awesome.
Thank you very much for coming to our side of the pond.
And the art for Kinsmen looks really beautiful and I love the story so I’ll follow the link.
Thanks and welcome back
Wow! Awesome news even if all of it is way out of my budget! I am so happy for all of you.
RARE London booked.
Kinsmen ordered.
Brandi, you’re amazing!! I was on holiday for a week, came back to 123 emails, and almost had a meltdown over them! Sending you strength to make it through them all.
Kudos to you Brandi, as you wend your way bravely through those emails!
Kinsmen! Loved those stories 😀
Thank goodness your back! I was going through Authorlord withdrawal. Shakes, sweats, unable to concentrate… good thing your not local or I’d have stolen your grocery list to read.
Just a note on the kinsmen preorders that you may want to add on the blog post for everyone interested in buying:
As of now, you CANNOT buy the lettered $250 version unless you also previously purchased the lettered $250 Innkeeper version. While your order may go through, they will refund in a few days and cancel the order when they check to see if your email/account also purchased the lettered Innkeeper version. I learned this the hard way. 🙁
The SubPress people tell me that the $250 lettered version will be available to order by everyone in a couple months: they want to give the lettered Innkeeper people first chance at buying. It sucks, because I’m nervous that it may sell out soon and I wanted to get the lettered Innkeeper too but couldn’t, but it is what it is. Just a warning for y’all.
You can pre-order the Kismen Universe Signed edition for $75. I was able to pre-order it with no problems. ?
Now I know what Silent Blade is about. Go Meli!
Kinsmen…not what I wrote above.
Looks like Brandi had the same problem, the title of this posting is “Kismen, Dina, and RARE”. ?
Will there be a Kindle version of silent blade out at any point? I don’t need a fancy version — a replacement of the one I had and Amazon got rid of would work.
I so hope you come to rare Edinburgh in 2020!
Fantastic News all around. Congrats to the authorlords. They’ll get to see Paris in the springtime!
OMG – 7,000 emails. That is the stuff of nightmares. When I am really stressed about work I dream of numbers and spreadsheets. Good luck!
I adore the two Kinsmen novels, but I cannot remember if I’ve read A Mere Formality. Now, to go check…
It’s on the web site.
Go to the top of this page, click Free Fiction, scroll down to Kozlov Universe, and “voila, there it is”!
(I am embarrassed at how long it took me to think of looking here…)
When I saw how many emails you’re going through Brandi, my eyebrows went up, and I thought “oh. My. Goodness!” It makes you want to go back on vacation just to get away from the monster that are the emails.
BDH…if we don’t hear from Brandi by Thanksgiving (for us in the US), we’ll need to rescue her. Yikes! ?
Maybe, if we all are on bended knees to ask Ilona and Gordon very, very, very nicely, to have Silver Blade and A Mere Formality as ebooks. That way anyone who couldn’t get either pre-order from Subterranean Press or wasn’t aware of these books until now would have it.
I know the BDH would put these books on the NY Times bestseller list. ?
A Mere Formality is still available as a free read on the Website…and, unless I’m mistaken, it can be downloaded for Kindle and EPUB.
Will a e-version be available?
What Anne said 🙂
Dang, you guys came back from vacation with a bang. I was just expecting a “hey, we’re back”, not a Kinsmen special release announcement, plus the foreign trips.
Congrats on the Bild Bestseller list. I’m guessing that’s comparable to the NY Times or USA Today lists?
Can’t afford these wonderful versions. The only Kinsmen book on Amazon Kindle is number 2. Is the first one hiding somewhere? Or is it no longer available?
Off to number two.
Wonderful news about the Collectors’ editions of Silent Blade and Silver Shark, two of my favourite IA stories. A Mere Formality is an interesting choice as a bonus story, I would have expected Of Swine and Roses. Still no complaints here. I love my copy of the Innkeeper Chronicles and am hoping I am successful in obtaining a copy of The Kinsmen Universe.
I am envious of those of you in London and Paris. I keep hoping our favourite Authorlords come to Australia. Maybe someday.
Seconded! Aus is way more doable than London for me these days, being in NZ. I’d book a trip over no probs. Could use the short getaway from work!
Thirded. Maybe someday *fingers crossed*
Congratulations on everything. It’s fantastic. As for the Kinsmen pre-order I’ve already reserved and paid for 2 copies seconds after I received notification from Subterranean Press last week. Can’t wait for December and I know my daughter will pass out with joy at her Christmas present.
I just tried to purchase the book using pay pal, with apparently no success.
I signed into PayPal but after I authorized the payment pay pal sent me back to the book website and it said my shopping cart read empty.
I did it again with the same results.
I’m willing to pay for books I already own.
Kelly go online or voice to Subterranean Press. Explain the problem. Ask if you have been credited with paying. I had the same problem with ordering Innkeeper Chronicles to include the empty shopping cart. I was charged twice. My overpayment was refunded expeditiously. The problem was PAY PAL. The Kinsmen order went through quickly without PAY PAL.
OMG OMG YOU’RE COMING TO LONDON!!!! I couldn’t possibly be more excited!!! Now I just have to figure out getting tickets because no way on earth am I missing that ????
I just have to add that I GOT MY TICKET FOR LONDON!!! I’m so, so excited for this and I didn’t dare waiting in case the tickets sold out. Disappointed I didn’t manage to get early access but I’ll be there for the rest of the day & I apologise in advance for the foolish, overexcited idiot I’m going to turn into the second I see you guys! Part of time still thinks I’m dreaming and this isn’t really happening (it is nearly 3am here now lol) so I’m looking forward to confirming this in the morning to make sure it’s really true ?
My God you people move FAST! Im on vac and was gonna mull it over but yikes sounds like its gonna sellout by the weekend.
I was really scared it was going to sell out so I had to buy my ticket straight away. I couldn’t pass up this opportunity LOL
And I was so excited about the news you’re coming to London that my brain short circuited and I forgot to say how stunning those Kinsmen illustrations are! I loved the Innkeeper volume from subterranean press so I definitely need to get this one too ?
Forgive my ignorance… are the Kinsman books available in another format. Kindle, paperback ?? I’ve never seen these before.
You can get Silver Shark through Barnes and Noble. I’m not sure about Amazon or other places. I read from others you can read A Mere Formality under free fiction on the website. Silver Blade is not available in print or ebook at this time.
Thank you for the information Patricia. I was looking for the books too and this explained why I haven’t found them.
Thanks Patricia! Appreciate the response!!
yeah!! THANK YOU!!!
I love the Kinsman books a ton. I have A Mere Formality and, while I’ve read it several times and I like it, I don’t get the joke. At. All. Anyone want to fill me in on it? I’m very frustrated here. I get the impression it’s a dirty joke, given the story, and I generally have a dirty mind, but it eludes me.
Sorry, I’m as clueless as you. I’ll be watching the replies to see what they say.
Well, maybe this will help, I found it here on AI’s website under FREE FICTION:
May 02 2016
Warning: this story is one big dirty joke. There is no actual sex, but there is a lot discussion about it. It was written on a dare. Someone told us that we couldn’t write a short story around one particular phrase, and we did. So I recommend this for people 18+. Because you know, we wouldn’t want to corrupt your minors.
Published: June 1, 2011
Genres: Science Fiction
Tags: Kozlov
The confusion comes from the description of the story. The story itself is not the dirty joke. The authors created this amazing short story around a dirty joke found within the story. Have fun guessing which is the dirty joke. There are several potential candidates!
Fine. I’ll read it again and try to figure it out. I feel as if I’ve totally lost my dirty-mind street cred. (Or would that be bed cred?)
YES! Love Silent Blade and Silver Shark!
Bought the super limited book and booked 2 tickets for Paris (1 for my dad and 1 for me since we both love your books). I spent more in 10min than in the rest of my summer interning in Seoul XD
So excited!
And I also got tickets for the London gig, this time for my Mom and me (differences in timezones, I had to wait for her to wake up and confirm she also wanted to go).
Thank you for going to 2 European events! Both of my parents love your work, and this means I get to share going to one of your signings with both of them ^^
Brandi, the only way to handle 7K emails without a staff–separate into rough categories, refine some and then send form letters. Otherwise, your grandchildren will be answering them a generation down the road. I have to commend your work ethic! Good luck!
Ilona & Andrew, thanks for the Kinsmen limited edition. And for the Rare news. You have made your European fans giddy with joy. Hope your vacation was great.
This may be a stupid question, but, does anyone know if both of the Kinsmen Edition books have pictures in color?
Subterranean Press emailed me back with a ‘Yes’ on both Kinsmen books having pictures in color.
Should you wish to visit France after (or before) the Paris I’d be delighted to guide you 😀
Any plans to release Kindle editions of the Kinsmen books?
That castle from the Dina banner?
It’s located in my childhood hometown 😀
I can’t quite believe it. You’re coming to London, and what’s more, you’ll only be one tube stop away from me! But alas, I’ll have to wave as you go by because I’ll have to be working all of one mile away exactly. You couldn’t make it up.
The artwork is lovely! Will you offer prints?
Oooh I agree and what a cool idea. Or screen savers?!
Thank you Brandi for the info and all those emails .
Wish I could afford going to London or Paris.
May get new books from SubPress. Purchased innkeeper and I just look at it . I have other copies of innkeeper. And the innkeeper is still
Great no matter how many times you read it.
Liked Iron and Magic , still think Hugh needs more redemption, but looking forward to his journey.
Already bought Magic Triumphs and want to buy new Hidden Legacy but need it in paperback form.
Take your time coming back, your family is priority.
Great news, will see you in Paris!!!
Planned to go eventualy to Texas from France, imagine how this news is awesome for me!!
Thks a lot, hope you will love Europe and that you will be able to spend some qulity time in Paris and London.
A faithful french fan 😉
I’m happy to have some news, hope you enjoyed your holidays (and that you feel better you and your fingers :)) )
Positiv waves ~~~
It’s been a while since I read these and I forgot how much I loved them. Anyone know any books that’s similar and can recommend? I’m in a reading funk 🙁
The Kinsman art is gorgeous. I loved this series, especially Silver Shark. Would love to read more in this world from your glorious creative minds. <3