“What is it?” I asked.
“She wants lilacs in her wedding bouquet.”
“Okay…” Nevada said she wanted carnations, but we could stuff some pretty pink lilacs in there. I didn’t see the problem.
“Blue,” Arabella squeezed out. “She wants blue lilacs.”
No and also no. “Nevada…”
“I had to hide in a bush of French lilacs yesterday and they were very pretty and smelled nice. The card on the branch said, ‘Wonder Blue: prolific in bloom and lush in perfume.’”
I googled French lilac, Wonder Blue. It was blue. Like in your face blue. “Why were you hiding in a bush?”
“She was being shot at,” Arabella said with a sour face.
“So you stopped to smell the lilacs while people were shooting at you?” I couldn’t even.
Joanne says
Loved it! Can’t wait to read this book!!!!!!
Leena says
Sakinah says
LC says
So many presents! Thank you
Natalie says
Laughing so hard! Unique flower choosing Arrangements! Don’t know what to spice up your bouquet with, choose whatever plant you jump into when someone’s trying to kill you. Love it!
Rhiannon says
Why not smell them?
Jessica says
Great snippet, really looking forward to this one.
Juggling books! How do you keep them separate??
Nancyc says
Must take time to smell the lilacs before you die! Especially if some one is trying to kill you.
Akeru says
Rogan POV!! Yeah!
Loved it…
Kyla says
I think it’s Catalina’s POV, actually. Either way, I have a bad case of grabby hands. Thank goodness it’s less than a week until Iron and Magic!
Veronica says
Loved it! I think this is actually Catalina, not Rogan. Rogan would have just had someone breed a perfect Wonder Blue carnation for her. 🙂
Lisa B. says
I actually thought was Arabella, Nevada , and Catalina.
Bride and Bridesmaids ..going over wedding details
Regina says
That was sooo funny!
I have no idea who she was speaking to, but that conversation was true to form for the family!
Thank you Ilona & Gordon!
Kyla says
Awesomesauce. You’re so good to us 😀
Demi says
Hahaha 🙂 Sisters having fun i see..
Cynthia says
Thanks for the snippet.
Hope hands are better today.
Looking forward the SotB segment tomorrow.
(If your hands cooperate)
Alisa Hylton says
Just enough of a tease…..
Lynn Fitzgerald says
Ha ha. Loving the visuals. Thank you for the single chocolate chip ….. it will keep my addication alive.
Christine Eaton says
Isn’t this how every bride chooses her flowers?
Lol…much appreciated. Needed the smile.
Ami says
LOL What I wanna know is where she was when she did this bc lilacs don’t grow this far south (I’m in Houston). So either she’s in a greenhouse, or she’s someplace else, or somebody shipped a plant south, stuck it in the dirt and it hasn’t died yet, or given the world there might be a plant mage involved?? Just so many questions.
Also it amuses me a lot. Lol
DinNC says
Agreed. Crepe myrtle, yes; lilacs, no. So….plant mage?
JO says
There are a few low chill varieties that some dedicated folks are succeeding with in Houston. One of them is called “Blue Skies,” nut French Blue Wonder wouldn’t grow there without a plant mage. Regardless I thought the snippet was funny, and I’m worried about poor Nevada.
Here’s the Houston Chronicle article about lilacs where I got my information: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.houstonchronicle.com/life/gardening/amp/Lilacs-and-peonies-A-transplanted-gardener-s-5448978.php
Lauryn M says
Thanks for the link, Jo!! Having been a Northern gardener for 25+ years, I’ve acutely missed my old world Lilac’s and Peony’s, too!! Always looking for a way to make it happen in my gardens in The Woodlands, Houston!
kommiesmom says
She might have been at a garden center. Most labels don’t last long after the plant hits Houston weather. (Well, mine never did, anyway.)
Alternatively, a botanical garden?
Lilacs will grow as close as the Austin area, as my grandmother had them in the yard and the family cemetery on the family farm in Georgetown. I suspect she babied them some…
JO says
The issue is mostly how much cold they need to make buds. Some lilac varieties can take the heat, but most can’t.
John says
Burn For Me had a whole secret meeting, chase scene, and sort of gunfight at the Houston Arboretum, unless it was called something else.
Gai LaMarche says
I’ve checked out those so-called southern tolerant lilacs. Professionals tell me that the article is really not correct. I live in Houston. Believe me, I’ve searched and researched. I got all excited about those varieties too, but could not find a reputable garden center who would recommend, or even stock them. Sob.
Avril says
I can’t wait!
Dianne says
I wanted lilacs in my wedding bouquet too! Unfortunately, the florist didn’t want to do it because they don’t stay fresh long after they’re cut. Wonder if she would’ve had the same problem if it was Nevada & Rogan asking. ?
Manon Jacob says
I just reread the Hidden Legacy series and I am desperate for more. Thank you for the snippet
Bee says
HA! Thanks for this. We all benefit from more opportunities to smile and laugh these days.
Olivia says
Sisters talking and maybe mom is there too?
Tylikcat says
Eee! Gimme!
CharisN says
Soon, oh soon …
Christine says
Lovely surprise – thank you ?
Amanda Porter says
Had a panic then but checked Amazon, it’s ok I’ve already pre-ordered it, phew ?
Nov seems a long time away
Thank you for the snippet and have a good weekend when it arrives
Gracie O'Neil says
LOL! Me too!
Becca says
Oh wonderful! This was a very welcome surprise today. Thank you!
snapdragon says
I giggled and than had to read it to my office partner. So looking forward to this.
Sarah G says
Yay thanks for the snippet! I can’t wait for this story and for Catalina’s series to start 🙂
VeronicaK says
Fabulous, can’t wait for it to release, thank you! If you’re stuck in a lilac bush, I don’t think you can avoid smelling them although if you’re me, your sinuses will immediately blow up like balloons!
Teri says
Thank you. Just…..thank you
Chris says
Snippet was fun, but I don’t get what’s wrong with Blue. They’re gorgeous!
Tink says
I would totally do that. Lilacs are my favorite flower.
Karren O'Donnell says
Same here. In fact French Blue is my favorite variety.
Tammy Daniels says
Diane L says
Ha, Ha, Ha! Thanks for the laugh!
I could sure grow this lilac where I live. Have to look into where I can get one. Beautiful. 😀
Lauryn M says
Just burst out laughing at this tasty tidbit!! It’s Categorized with Catalina so must be she and Arabella with Nevada in this snip. God, I love your posts!!! A highlight of ANY day!! But, especially since I’m dying for next Tuesday. Listening thru the entire Kate series on Audible this week as a lead up to Iron & Magic, and really poring over everything Hugh related as well as enjoying the whole blessed, beloved, crazy crew.
Adam says
I’m going to miss Nevada’s POV. 🙁
Ara says
Just thought today about how y’all spoil me. You write SO fast and SO much! Y’all are serious hard workers. I realize this is your livelihood but even taking that into account, I think y’all are super productive. Is it just drive and discipline? Is it love of the craft? A combo? Either way, THANK YOU!!
Also I’m really really looking forward to reading Catalina’s POV. I have two sisters also, and I just feel like I’m really going to enjoy her
Susan M says
Well, unless she stopped breathing altogether when she was hiding in the lilac bushes, it would be hard NOT to smell them. 🙂 Really looking forward to more about Nevada and Rogan and the rest of the Baylor clan!
Deb says
Can’t help but feel that Arabella is putting Catalina on here…
Melissa says
Just perfect. You do dialogue! No, you OWN dialogue! And how you describe reactions to the dialogue – outstanding!
KC Hulsman says
Lilacs, wisteria, and hydrangea… I love those. Though my allergies do not. Carnations also lay me out, though the smell is lovely. ???
P.S. Thank you Ilona & Gordon for the tease. ?
Fan in California says
? Thanks!!!
jewelwing says
Thanks for this! Looking forward to the book.
Angel says
I want it in my greedy hands right now. ?
I’m so glad you are writing more Hidden Legacy books. The characters are amazing and the world has such interesting potential.
Violet says
Sometime you need to stop what your doing and smell the lilacs. Lol.
Patricia Schlorke says
Yippee! Thank you. ?
Teresa says
Wow just wow. You never disappoint. I grew up with a lilac bush next to my window. They smelled wonderful.
BelleBok says
Yaay! Thanks for this snippet. Love this series!
Sherri VanNatta says
I absolutely can’t wait for this book! BTW, I love lilacs!!
Simone says
I had carnations for my wedding bouquet! Small wedding – only 15 guests. Picked up a big batch the morning of the wedding. Wrapped up some for my bouquet and the rest for the table vases.
A batch of carnations with lilacs would be lovely as well. Lilacs always smell so lovely 🙂 Thanks for the treat.
wont says
The first thought….Yeah!! A snippet. More Neva and Rogan.
This was a teeny, tiny baby snippet. That’s OK, it’s better than nothing.
Now, to get through to November, deep breathing exercises. Sigh.
Thank you.
Robyn Huffman says
Thank you so much for the snippet. The world is making me sad and this made it some better.
I can’t wait for next week 🙂
Lora Lachelli Tyler says
Thank you so much for the snippet. You both are the best authors. I love all of your offerings.
Angela says
Thank you!! Much needed!
d LM a says
Of course she did … Nevada multitasks!
And she is soooo not a pink girl. She loves her carnations, that spicy, snappy, lingering scent …
But you know something borrowed, something- something- . . . blue is in there somewhere and isn’t it the color for boys and its my wedding, my only one shoulden I get something … … … what, why not!
Cristina says
Addy says
Ista in Sydney says
Thanks for the snippet
mdy says
LOL, is Nevada turning into a bridezilla?
Gaelle says
Angie Papas says
Goodmorning! I woke up early to go to the open market because it’s so hot later on. Thank you for your early-in-the-morning surprise.
Gaelle says
Wonderful snippet! With the Innkeeper series this is my second favorite!
Lindis says
Lovely! Thank you:)
Janet says
You guys are the only authors to make me laugh out loud. You guys rock!
Bill G says
Lilac bushes? Amazing. I’m fascinated by the question of whose viewpoint this is.
Love it; thanks so much!
Variel says
Looks like Catalina’s viewpoint. I don’t see their mom or gran putting together bouquets. Though gran might make something out of bullet casings and machine oil.
Sivi says
Liv W says
Lol! Arabella always cracks me up. Her reactions at her Prime trial still make me guffaw every time.
I don’t know much about flowers and absolutely nothing about wedding bouquets. What’s wrong with blue and blue lilacs in particular, or am I misinterpreting Catalina’s “No, and also no”?
Cristina says
I think Mother Rogan and The Sister Bridesmaids had already decided the assigned color theme for the wedding, and Nevada came with this idea out of the blue ? and Catalina (POV described) doesn’ t deal well with changes… and I’m assuming she is facing huge omes everyday already so… the aforementionated ‘No also no’
Vetita says
Liv W says
Aha. I can see not wanting to mess with a color scheme.
I’ve been picturing Nevada and Rogan’s wedding as an intimate affair with their immediate family, Rogan’s team(s), the siblings and children of House Harrison, Lenora Jordan, Augustus (and maybe members of House Montgomery), the Keeper and Michael, Linus Duncan (Caesar?), and select allies.
sarafina says
Why would the Keeper and Michael Latimer be included? Linus Duncan at least helped Nevada out in contacting Victoria, but I don’t seen the Keeper and Michael as being “select” allies.
Allan says
She owes the a favor. It could lead to the next trilogy.
Maryann Stein says
So excited! I just preordered it on Googleplay. Can’t wait to read about the wedding and venture back into Nevada and Rogan’s life.
Shannon from Florida says
I googled wonder blue French lilac and this snippet popped up in the results! Can’t wait for this book.
Lorraine says
Thank you for the snippet! I am quite looking forward to the book release!
Vetita says
Me estoy riendo en voz alta por el fragmento Fire Diamond, la imagen de la situación es hilarante con todo de rosa y azul y solo 4 días antes del lanzamiento de Iron and Magic. También hoy podemos ver a Maud y Arland, espero, la declaración de amor. Estoy muy entusiasmado con este viernes.
Thank you Ilona and Gordon.
Cristina says
I’m taking the liberty to translate your comment (the Spanish sentences) because if it was a language I’m not able to read I would have liked for somebody to translate it for me ☺: I’m laughing out loud due to this Fire Diamon piece. To picture this situation, all pink and blue and just four days before the release of Iron & Magic, is hilarious. Also today we may see Arland & Maud’s love declaration to each other, I hope. I’m eager this Friday…
Linda DeLeon-Campbell says
I love Nevada. Thank you for this snippet. It let me with a much needed smile and giggle.
Joan says
Thank you. Already preordered ?
I love ? lilacs + blue hydrangeas.
Amanda says
Speaking as a sister who adores annoying her sister (although I’m the younger in our case), I can’t help but wonder if Nevada and Arabella are messing with Catalina? It’s so something close sisters would do sand Arabella can barely get the words out (holding back laughter perhaps?).
Chris says
If anybody is reading this go to the blog and you’ll see that there is no innkeeper till maybe Monday. Gordon is taking Ilona on a lunch and yarn shopping date and giving her a break to recharge. Best husband (next to mine? )ever! You go gordon!
Have a wonderful time Ilona!?????
Amy says
Aww.. They are definitely couple goals.
Artstuff2 says
So when can I place my pre-order???
ChelleyPam says
Why do I picture Catalina banging her head against the nearest flat surface?
Vicki says
Just read my email from Party Jansen. She dictates her first draft using Scrivener on her phone. She says she will dictate 1000 words while walking home from the gym. Might be something to look into….a d would save your wrists/hands
Emily says
I would not be surprised by lilacs making an impression even mid-gunfight. The human mind is a strange place, and if you weren’t born with one I don’t recommend trying it out. The environment is highly unstable, often inhospitable, and requires a great deal of training to navigate safely.
But at least we have flowers. Lol.
Joan says
I didn’t realize I needed a YA Catalina/Arabella novella until I read this. Two newly recognized primes back to school. 🙂 Thanks for this snippet Authorlords.
Gai LaMarche says
So where the heck are they? Not at home, obviously. There are NO lilacs in Houston. None. Nada. Zip. I know this because they are my favorite plant in the whole world and when I got chained here I searched for any way to get them. Despite what a couple of specialty catalogs claim, they cannot survive in this climate. Maybe with an herbamagos, I suppose, which would make me intensely jealous. But it would take a Prime. Hell (all puns intended), it has been so hot even my Mandevilla tried to die. I had to bring it indoors! OK, I guess I will have to wait for the full book. Dammit, now I’m so homesick for lilacs I’m teary. Sob.
Angel says
Thanks for making me smile today. So much love for what you do.
Carol says
Thank you! That’s very Nevada!
Swati says
Absolutely wonderful book. Could not put it down. Thank you so much for sharing the incredible gift of both your imaginations with us. It’s made my day
Tina Black says
Ah, this snippet could cure whatever ails you. Thank you!
Sandy says
Thank you for this! Looking forward to it. Just read the Innkeeper update. Had to just say; please ignore those rude people. Most of us are grateful for the treat, however it shows up. Sending a ton of positive energy for Ilona’s hands. Adore you guys. THANK YOU!
Amanda P says
Looking forward to Diamond Fire. I have just listened to the others in preparation for it?
Hope you get your medical problems resolved quickly as it can’t be good feeling ill all the time. Take care both of you and thank you again for all you do.
Michelle Porter says
Yehaw! I am SO excited you are continuing with Hidden Legacy series. And feeling a little smug about the hint of Catalina and Alessandro Sagredo. Maybe not smug so much as happy. I felt a tell-tale spark of curiosity at the encounters described between these two – my imagination went into action considering how interesting it might be to have a “siren” and someone who can resist that power (whatever that power was called). Very fun possibilities.
Still I love Rogan and Nevada. I can’t even place why exactly. I just discovered the trilogy this year (2018), and loved them, and all the other characters as well. I don’t know what can happen after “happily ever after” but I hope there’s something there to continue with. Or is it “with which to continue”? I read them back to back – rather I listened – and the only other hope I have is that the pace of future installments will be more like first two, and not the frenetic pace of third one. Wore me out, and didn’t feel like I got as much fun dialogue.
And I’ve also wondered at possible hints I thought I caught between Mom and Heart. Something there, too? But the Catalina and Segrado connection should be adorable. Or more if they’ve grown up in meantime. P.S. I’m not sure I want to admit it, but this is first series I’ve read more than once. Again, I don’t even know why. Renee Raudman’s voices for the characters might also be part of it.
(All of this love doesn’t mean I don’t also love Kate and Curran as well. And I’ve only made it just past Magic Breaks, so a ways to go to see what happens there.). Thanks!!!!
Christina says
Thank you
mdy says
Oooh. Amazon just notified me that Diamond Fire is available for pre-order! Love the cover!
I spy our heroine holding . . . a crown?