I meant to post this earlier, but I’m sleep deprived and behind my schedule.
Last night Gordon had trouble falling asleep. Normally when that happens, he turns on TV, usually something like Ancient Aliens. We listen to the magic aliens who used a vimana to fly to Antarctica and build secret pyramids, and it puts us right to sleep. I swear, that show has never encountered an ancient civilization whose achievements they didn’t belittle.
Ancient Aliens wasn’t on the table because we have watched it ad nauseum, so Gordon put on a paranormal show. Something something, weird things caught on video. Normally it’s like, “Ooo, look at this blurry footage of a bear, I mean Bigfoot. Big scary Bigfoot.” Unfortunately, last night, it was the footage of a Chinese truck exploding. It was a massive explosion, way out of proportion to any normal load.
So they show the footage 5 times, and then they start theorize about what the truck could be hauling. It could be nitroglycerin. Let’s have our expert drip some nitroglycerin onto this little pad and hit it with a hammer. Oh, look, it went boom. Let’s examine the footage again. No, doesn’t look like nitroglycerin. It could be paint fumes. Let’s get some paint fumes into a jar and set that on fire.
I am a very sound sleeper, but I am a very light falling-asleeper. Every time I drifted off, they blew something else up.
So I woke up tired, overslept, went into the kitchen, and got stuck. I don’t know if it ever happens to you, but sometimes you go into the kitchen with a simple mission of starting bread in the bread machine and unfreezing and marinading some pork tenderloin, and then somehow you have done the dishes, and washed the sink, and made muffins.
I’ve made the gluten free, dairy-free, super healthy blueberry muffins for an acquaintance who might have Crohn’s disease, and they were a spectacular fail. They didn’t rise properly, but contrary to all expectations, they are very soft. They don’t taste bad, but they are not great either. They taste a little… gritty? I’m betting on the dairy-free yogurt as the culprit. I am going to try that again, not today, and this time with a bit of vinegar. This will take some fiddling.
Then I made the regular muffins, because when I asked Kid 1’s opinion regarding whether I should put blueberries or chocolate chips into vegan muffins, she said blueberries. My husband had apparently voiced his preference for chocolate chips with a brutal yell from the study, which I didn’t hear, and then he was sad, so I made a batch of regular muffins with chocolate chips.

Before you ask, the chocolate chip recipe came from here. I made one substitution. I had a little jar of sour cream that I needed to use before it went bad, so I mixed about 1/2 cup sour cream with milk to make roughly 1 cup of liquid, added a tablespoon of white vinegar, and used that instead of buttermilk.
The fail muffins came from here. As you can see, my results are questionable. Yours might be better.
I need caffeine in the worst way.
We received so many comments from you on Regina’s story. We are so glad you liked it.
Why was it cut?
Other than having a reason to bring Michael into the fight, is it necessary to have Regina’s family history in this scene with her cousin? Consider cutting this scene completely?
Editorial note
As you can see above, the scene just kind of sat there unattached to anything. I hesitated to discuss this. I’ve been trying to less of writing process posts, because as Grandma Frida says, nobody enjoys seeing how the sausage is made and I don’t want to ruin the joy of reading for anyone, but since we had many people ask us about it, here goes.
This scene is a subplot, meaning a minor story running parallel to the main story. Typically, subplots need to start in the first 1/3 or first 1/2 of the story, so they can be properly developed. This subplot just kind of popped up close to the finale. We would have to go back and artificially try to build to it somehow, and Ruby Fever has a very large cast already.
In addition, Regina has very firm boundaries. She doesn’t get involved in House Baylor business, and we needed to maintain that separation. We can’t draw lines in the sand and then hop over them when it’s convenient.
I love Regina and Michael to pieces and would love to write a novella about House Latimer at some point, so hopefully this is not a goodbye.
In general, if cutting a scene in a novel doesn’t force you to do drastic rewrites, that scene shouldn’t be there in the first place. We dropped that scene and basically nothing changed.
Will you ever release a collection of Hidden Legacy deleted scenes and the little extras from the website?
Eh. Well, first, the scenes were deleted for a reason.
Second, this is probably ill-advised, but I am sleep deprived, so here is what would happen if we released this hypothetical collection, even if it was at 99 cent price point. ::eyes Mod R to see if she is watching::
“I have followed these authors for years, but this is just an obvious money grab. These are not even complete stories, these are deleted scenes. They must really hard up for money that they would scam people this way. I know the description said that these were deleted scenes, but I didn’t read it because I was excited that a new book was available, and now I feel betrayed. I’ve lost all respect for them.”
And so on, and so on. At some point, Penguin Random House rereleased Kate Daniels novellas as e-specials, and we got so much hate because they were previously published in anthologies. It scarred me for life.
There is no way to make that collection available without writing a novella or some kind of new content to make it worthwhile, and right now, there is just no room in the schedule for it.
My real comment to follow because hoping… first?
Inquiring if there is an actual recipe for the muffins that Arabella makes in emerald blaze(I think that is where it’s mentioned)? Feels appropriate since this post has muffins.
I frequently want a House Andrews cookbook with all of the recipes mentioned in their books.
+ 1! I would love that!
I imagine it would sell like hotcakes if it had Orro’s endorsement or one from our favorite soup chef. Who could resist having an Orro recipe or two — maybe that fan-favorite: Morean water drake sashimi with fruit and grains ??
Loved the Regina deleted scene; would love more. Patreon would give us a way to pay you for them, but I love the blog too. Thanks!
if we do that, which i would do in anytime, the authorlords might become more stressed and might feel pressured to produce or give the deleted scenes. somehow, this time we are living in, has produced some self entitled individuals who will not have any qualms complaining about anything, given that it is us who practically beg for these scenes in the first place. i am floored sometimes with the negative comments they receive.
I feel compelled to repeat or reiterate that we were not forced to delete the scene, either by our editor or our publisher. It was a suggestion that ultimately, we agreed with. Did we work really hard on it, like for a couple of days? Yes. Could we, at the end of the day cut it without it impacting the story? Also, sadly, yes. As a wise man once said, “Sorry, boys, that’s the way she goes.”
Yes, but now we have all of the background worked out. 🙂 These characters deserve their own story, where they are the main actors anyway. Mmmm, killer cars.
Double yay and a happy dance!
Yay for killer cars and an army full of cute robot cats!!!
The fact that that House Andrews is even considering Novellas about side plots is the best thing ever.
Pretty please? When the schedule permits and the ideas pop up. Please?
Yes! (????Insert happy dance here????) ????????????
Where is the preorder link? And I want the 99cent deleted scenes collection!
And cursed be readers who complain to authors because they were to dumb … to read?
You could title the book:
DELETED SCENES, by popular demand.
Or “At The Request of the Book Devouring Horde”
That could be a total in-joke…. BDH Vol 1, BDH Vol 2, BDH Vol 3….
We of the BDH would buy those deleted scenes gladly!! And we’ll take care of the complainers too!
Books aren’t the only thing we can devour…. *starts trying out Caldenia impressions*
I hate it when people try to blame other people for their stupid mistakes and then even have the nerve to write a bad review. It’s like complaining about buying a cook book instead of a travelling guide because the person could not be bothered to read the text on the back and therefore the cook book ist bad.
I once saw a negative review about a kitchen tool for easily cutting vegetable cubes in a short time. The person complained that it was sharp and her husband cut himself with it so Christmas was ruined…
What do people expect? It’s a grit of knives. For cutting. If it wasn’t sharp how would it do its job???
Yes! Michael and his KITT car ride again! Heehee. I would definitely buy that story.
Also wanted to say my long-awaited print copy of FATED BLADES arrived today. Hooray! Thanks for making your stories available in print as well as digital.
You probably already know this, but my friend who can no longer tolerate gluten says letting the batter sit a while hydrates it enough to reduce the grittiness. Good luck!
Yes! Can confirm as well ????. I tend to cover the made batter & let it sit for at least 30 minutes, if not much longer due to forgetting it to some other activity around the house, and it’s much improved for it.
I know this is late to the party but just in case, adding a little milk to the dough/batter helps with grittiness too.
The Diamond Magic Novella was fantastic – that deleted scene really does lend itself to all sorts of intriguing offshoots.
10/10 hoping that you share more about them & their family via a novella (or full length book, but trying not to be too greedy)
*hides grabby gimme hands in attempt to be both polite and patient*
*happy dance* 🙂
I would pay large amounts of money happily if you wrote a series with Michael and Regina as main characters with a Killer Kar that even talked to Michael. Because Michael is also the name of the main character in Knight Rider. It would be *so amazing*. I would always read the lines from the Kar in William Daniels’ voice! ????
I agree. 😀 Remember the old Transformers commercial tag line “Transformers, more than meets the eye.” 😉
You could always self-publish the deleted scenes into a volume. This is what Nalini Singh did with her deleted scenes from her various books. Just a thought…no rush or anything like that.
YESSS! [Does happy dance]
Like Andrea and the near-blind tiger (brain freeze on her name), I think these characters could definitely sell a short story or novella.
In KD world
Dali ????
oh goodie – it was a really good scene – and we’ve all wondered about Michael’s and Regina’s backstories. so add my vote for a standalone when you have time and are not stressed and this tickles your fancy
I heard “…deserve their own story, where they are the main actors…”, which can only mean: future book, or possible subplot that carries across another trilogy or series. Score!
Because sometimes these are the hopes that get me through the day ????
I get lost by cleaning the kitchen. I’ll try to make something to eat, then wash up the dishes, then wipe the counter maybe the microwave next. Next thing you know Im half a body deep into the refrigerator rearranging and wiping shelves. If its a good day I’ll pick a cupboard to purge.
I’m always grateful to be able to read anything you two write, and I’m sorry to hear that people were harsh and unkind when all of the KD scenes and short stories were put in one convenient place.
Best wishes with wrangling the muffin recipe — I know how disappointing it is when something doesn’t turn out. I’ve been trying to successful make chocolate mousse for months, but it keeps friezing.
Thank you Ilona for sharing. I hope you master the super healthy muffins. Regina’s story was great and more about the Latimer family drama will always be appreciated. May you get all the sleep and feel better.
What did we ????
::eyes the BDH::
But what did we do ????
Nothing 😀 . Ilona said she’s eyeing me to see if I’m watching hehe. I just had to remind everyone that I am.
I meant if you were watching me posting questionable things, heh.
🙂 It’s like what I use to hear “I’m keeping my eye on you!”
That deleted scene made me want a Regina book. Hearing you say that you hope to do a House Latimer book makes me very happy!
Yeah, I read this part “… and would love to write a novella about House Latimer at some point…” and my first thought was… “Oh, now Ilona’s done it. BDH is going to be clamoring for that.”
+1000 too!!!
It sounds like you know the BDH…
Did you expect anything else?
I don’t think for an instant Ilona did. She is ready to say “When we know what else happens in the story.” and be firm about it.
Will it turn into another April Fool’s Day project? We can only hope!
Of course we will.
Me, too!! ❤️ Regina!
Ditto ????
Thanks for the explanation; it confirms my suspicions that it wouldn’t affect the story. It was nice to get a little subplot to remind me of how much I love the Hidden Legacy world. I am so looking forward to ready Ruby Fever, and this helps keep me from going crazy with rereading.
My favorite is bannana nut with dark chocolate yummy yummy.
Virtual big hugs and caffeine.
I swear, sometimes you could label something like “Not A New Story – Only For Details-Obsessed Fans” and someone will miss the point. How do I think this is so? Well … I have done similar leaps to conclusions myself, looking at things in online catalogues.
That being said, I am very sorry you got blowback like that.
Love the HA snippets, edits, April Fool’s jokes … muffins!
I hope there is a nap time in your day today.
Thanks for explaining. I appreciate and love all the snippets, deleted scenes, and stories you share with us.
Vegan muffins are HARD to make. I’ve tried and failed many times, but this recipe came out delicious on the first try: https://iheartvegetables.com/vegan-blueberry-muffins/ – not sure if these are gluten free, but Bob’s Red Mill and a few other store brands make a 1-to-1 gluten free flour substitute that is supposed to work great.
Good luck with the baking!
Who do you picture in your head when you imagine Regina? Anyone famous?
Looks only, not accounting for fierceness and acting style, we are in the area of Yara Shahidi, Kiersey Clemons and China Anne McClain.
Hope this helps 🙂
Wow, China Anne McClain is almost exactly how I picture Regina too.
Thank you for that explanation. Whatever version, the muffins look great.
By the way, just the hint of a story focused on House Latimer had me salivating. I know your schedule is stuffed, and I don’t want to add to your stress, but such a story would be very welcome. Just saying. ????
+1 for House Latimer.
I’ve wanted to get my greedy little hands on stories about that House since Michael tried to help Nevada get away from domestic violence (that wasn’t happening, but how was he to know?) at that shindig.
If only we all could do that.
Yippee first!!! Thanks Mod R! Had to comment because funnily enough, I made gluten, wheat, dairy, egg, and nut free blueberry muffins this week! My adorable, almost 2 year old niece, poor thing, has extreme food allergies and I’m constantly trying to cook or bake her new things to give her a more varied menu. I used this recipe https://www.mydarlingvegan.com/vegan-blueberry-muffins/ with minor changes and they came out amazing. I was beyond happy since gluten-free plus egg free cooking can be a challenge and usually involves a bit of fiddling around plus plenty of trial and error. I feel your pain. Baking chemistry and all ;-). I used vegetable oil instead of canola (the extra 2Tbsp used applesauce), King Arthur’s GF All-Purpose Baking Mix and no vanilla. Did a second batch of mini muffins with oat flour mixed with the GF flour and still came out great. All the positive reviews for this recipe are completely warranted. Just another possible option. Good luck with the next batch! Hope it’s a success. I now have a hankering for chocolate chip muffins :).
Thank you for this recipe link. I need to try doing GF muffins because I really, really miss baked goods. The recipe site had some good tips on it.
I can recommend America’s Test Kitchen “The How can it be Gluten Free Cookbook”. It explains the cooking issues and makes recommendations. Great recipes. My youngest daughter is both lactose intolerant and gluten “sensitive”.
My pleasure jewelwing! I second the ATK book. I’m a fan of them overall. A lot of great resources out there thankfully. Btw forgot to say why the GF blueberry muffins were good lol. The muffins were very fluffy, tender, moist, had a good rise and zero grittiness. The lemon and the vegan buttermilk add a subtle but nice tang. Mine ended up a more golden color than those pictured on the website. Filled the cups more than 3/4 and snuck in a few extra fresh blueberries so they would be higher. The King Arthur’s baking mix I used has a touch extra leavener so you get a little more lift. I’ve also had success recently with these vegan GF healthier carrot cake muffins https://allergylicious.com/1-bowl-vegan-carrot-cupcakes/ (used soy milk, KA AP gluten free flour w/1 teaspoon xanthun gum and 4 cups grated carrots, no frosting this time). You could not tell this was non dairy, egg or gluten free, delish. The apple, zucchini ones I tried last week though were gummy & wet (if you don’t use 1 to 1 or the like, xanthun gum in addition to egg replacers can be tricky) so thank goodness this recipe was a win. So go for it! I hope you’re back to enjoying baked goods soon! Happy baking to all!
Kudos to you for finding a recipe that works. My little cousin has very similar extreme allergies to wheat, dairy, eggs, and nuts (among other things) which makes food in general challenging.
Thank for the explanation. It seems the BDH has missed your Valentine’s gift of an expanded excerpt of Ruby Fever. I liked that it seems that Matilda is expanding her power maybe becoming a Prime?
On Valentine’s Day, HA posted the deleted scene about Regina. But also… at the top of that post was a line saying “We are treating you to a deleted scene from Ruby Fever.” Click on the “Ruby Fever” link, and you’ll find a “Featured Release” page with a new excerpt (https://ilona-andrews.com/featured-release/). Whee!
The new Chapter 1 excerpt of Ruby Fever touches on Matilda’s powers 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/featured-release/
And I love that the excerpts changeover time. I thought they would remain static. Thank you for your thoughtfulness to the BDH.
OMG – I’d completely missed the Ruby Fever excerpt so THANK YOU!!
Reference the cut Latimer scene, it’s wonderful to learn Regina & Patricia’s background & I hope there’s an opportunity to expand that storyline someday.
I’ve always admired Michael Latimer, from the time he offered to rescue a woman whom he believed had been abused. Seriously super hero!! Thank you for writing such wonderful people.
I was under the impression that Matilda IS a Prime, and presumably the next Head of House Harrison. Since White Hot, but definitely since the end of Wildfire.
Just to be clear, I love the process posts.
And I loved that deleted scene. But I could see immediately why it got cut. That sucker was dense. It packed a whole lot of drama and new characters and new characterization in a very short space. As a dedicated fan, it was wonderful to get all that back story. But in the middle of Catalina’s final book, I think it would throw me out of the plot. Catalina herself was basically eavesdropping, and didn’t need to be there at all. So yeah, totally makes sense, delete it now, and leave us all longing for a novella… sigh.
And for the record – I loved getting the e-versions of the novellas, saves me having to remember which anthology they’re in during my rereads.
Thank you for the clarification. I second the notion that short stories/novellas/spin-off novels (like Augustine MAN OF MYSTERY) would always be welcome!!! (Anything written by House Andrews will always be welcomed!!!)
Question though, compared to Emerald Blaze, how big is Ruby Fever shaping up to be? Also, after this round of edits, how much more work before the book is finished finished?
Ruby Fever is slightly under EB in wordcount at the moment. There are copy edits and Beta feedback etc left, so that will increase.
Here if you want to learn more about the editing process https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/edits-and-more-edits/ .
Thank you! So now the book is off for copy edits and Beta readers? How long does it take for that section of the process, a couple of weeks, or months?
It’s not yet at the Beta stage. I’m learning things as we go as well, I want to be be more involved in the process this time around, but it’s closer to months 🙂
Mmm, muffins. Why don’t I have any cakey goodness? I swear every time I see the blog lately it’s trying to torment me one way or another ????
I loved the e-release of your Kate Daniels novellas. Bought every single one, and I already had some of the collections.
I do not understand how any of your fans could feel the need to hate on you for something involving how you make your living. If they didn’t want to buy them, nobody was forcing them to.
Probably the same hatefulness that attacks authors who don’t write stories in the order (or world) the hateful reader demands.
Lol personally I loved having them in one spot….still hunt down Rogan’s POVs and several other scenes you’ve done. Love them
I did too since I didn’t have them when they first came out. I didn’t get on the KD series until Magic Breaks, so I had a lot of catching up to do.
As to people hating on something that was either re-published or something else, I just shake my head. What people need to look at before getting all worked up is that if they had the story to begin with instead of thinking it’s a new book and being disappointed that it isn’t a new one. I remember the up in arms Nora Roberts went through with her books. It got so bad, she had to put her initials on her books to denote a new book. Why would people not look at the copyright date of the book?
Oops…copyright not what I wrote above.
Fixed it for you ????
Thank you!
Now I need to reread Catalina’s books to remember how much Patricia and Regina did tell Catalina, beyond just “she has baggage.” But I need to reread them anyway.
I would devour a novella, a novel, or a series about House Latimer. You have me hooked.
Put me in the category of “yummy muffins are better than healthy muffins.”
I don’t think we’ve seen any of those interactions. A little bit in the second book when Catalina goes to Regina for knowledge about constructs and Regina said something about keeping her name out of it or she couldn’t testify. Something like that, but the hiring and discussions happened between books and we weren’t invited. 😉
Hmm, why do I feel like that hypothetic quote by a disgruntled reader could be a legitimate Amazon review? 🙂
Looking forward to Ruby Fever!
Because people write stuff like that, on every imaginable book-related website, all the time. No matter what you do, they will not read the actual description before they buy, and then they will be pi$$ed off because they bought something other than what they *assumed* (we all know what that word means) they were buying.
I used to get caught a lot when a book was rereleased but with a different cover. I suck at titles, but I’m a bit better with covers. I finally got in the habit of looking at the copyright date, and if it isn’t current, then I check my stash to see if I already have it.
Procrastibaking is my favorite. Grittiness can result from some GF flour substitutes, or it could be something else. I hope everyone enjoys the muffins and appreciates your efforts.
I loved the Regina scene. If a Latimer novella ever fits in the schedule, it will most likely be very popular. The BDH will go on being the BDH. No pressure.
LOL “procrastibaking”. I can’t bake. I just “procrastiread” or procrastireread”.
Ooh, I love the idea of a novella about House Latimer! Those of us who are familiar with domestic violence already loved Michael and Regina has been intriguing from our first introduction to her so I’m sure there is a lot of interest in their story.
I take it that despite the scene being deleted, the information contained within will continue to be official canon, correct?
I’ll have to try that chocolate chip muffin recipe and I think it would be interesting to mix in some of the peanut butter chips I keep on hand for banana bread embellishment.
It is still canon 🙂
Oh good, thanks!
Can Grandma Frida talk to Michael Latimer’s car construct? Is her magic similar to his or are they completely different? Just one of those middle-of-the-night questions.
Short answer is: no. Michael Latimer is a Prime Animator, off the charts powerful. Grandma Frida is not taking his construct away from him.
Grandma Frida is a specialisation of Magister Exemplaria, a mechamage, and what she does is see patterns in engines and is able to fix them. She uses “talk” in a figurative way when it comes to mobile artillery. She doesn’t actually talk to the guns.
Animator constructs are a lot more than that (see Chapter 11 in Emerald Blaze, a very detailed explanation Regina gives on how building a construct matrix is a multi-step process, including teaching them with IF…THEN loops).
Oh come now…it’s on wheels so shouldn’t it talk to her and is a weapon. Sorry had a picture of him going outside and Freda was talking to it
No. ????
Someone mentioned Christine, but now I’m thinking KITT. Or KARR.
I disagree with Grandma Frida, most of us are fascinated learning how the sausage is made. To push the metaphor, why are we so interested in online recipes, and fascinated with your muffin stories? Because we actually want to know how to make the best muffins ourselves, and the bones of a great entree. And we love learning about how you create, sort and chose the bones of your books, and why you might discard a really good scene if it adds too much sugar in the pudding.
I love having the stand-alone novellas in my library. Whenever a favorite author “de-anthologizes” a story or novella, I buy it immediately. I keep the anthology for the rest of the stories, but I like the simplicity of rereading without needing a table of contents. (Some people don’t want to pay for convenience, but that’s no reason to hate on those who do.)
I’m with you here. I don’t usually buy an anthology, because I only want 1 story from it. I’m 10x more likely to buy a singular novella. But to those haters.. if you don’t want it, don’t buy it! I will do it instead ????
Okay. However, I am fanatically enthralled with your writing, and will buy your “anything”, just because you wrote it. Just sayin’. Thanks for the muffins, and the cut scene. Cheered my cold ass day up.
It may not be in the book any more, but it is in my head now and will shape the way I see all these characters, present or mentioned. So … much appreciated.
This also made me realize that the authors know all their characters so much better than we ever can because there must be lots of scenes that get written which aren’t wrong, they just don’t fit into the story, so nobody sees them but the authors
So would Michael Latimer’s car be considered a “transformer” if the construct was able to morph into a different shape while doing murderous deeds? Can the construct behave independently or would that cross into the forbidden Contruct/Use of magic realm?
For more on how Animator magic and constructs work, you should reread Chapter 11 of Emerald Blaze 🙂 . Regina explains it in a lot of detail.
This is one of the most relevant passages, but really your question is answered in all its complexity 🙂
““I’ve seen constructs do weird unexpected crap, but when analyzed, their behavior is always explainable by their teaching. It’s just that animator mages are human. Our teaching is imperfect and it’s much more art than science. Sometimes a stray thought gets in there, sometimes we forget we taught them something, and sometimes conditions line up in unexpected ways. That’s why during the animator competitions, we geek out and applaud when we see an unexpected teaching, and the general public has no idea why we’re freaking out.””
Andrews, Ilona. Emerald Blaze, Hidden Legacy 5. Avon Harpercollins, 2020. Kindle edition, Chapter 11, page 235
I always think of the Robot Wars show when I read this
I was always told that if a scene didn’t move the story forward, consider deleting it but sometimes they can be easter egg scenes.
I loved the deleted scene, but I’m glad that you didn’t have to do any drastic re-writes because you had to cut it.
Also, the chocolate chip muffins look de-Lish! The ‘fail’ muffins look… um… well, never mind. 🙂
I love to think about how funny it could be if we were neighbours-all the animals ????
I like to watch *ancient aliens* to-it always makes me laugh ????
I assume from your comment about the bread machine that you figured out the problem that you had when you first got it (Jan 11). How to you like it now?
It makes sense. For the BDH that obsesses over subplots and barest hints of foreshadowing, it was a very juicy tidbit that answered so many questions (and raised more). You’re probably right to not release those snippets for sale to a general audience. But those of us in the BDH *really* appreciate that you share it with us on the blog. It’s a giddy feeling to savor those extra or preview scenes when it’s in a world you love so much. It’s our “fix” in between books ???? and yeah I will admit to my addiction. And no…I don’t follow any other author blogs. You’re that special.
Just read the new sample excerpt for Ruby Fever and wow!! Talk about starting with a bang! So excited!
I was happy to read the deleted scene, why? Because I like Prime Michael Latimer and was afraid he is Caesar. After reading the scene, I don’t think so. Thankfully.
You mentioned “schedule.” So what does the schedule look like? New Innkeeper, Huge #2, Julie+Derek #2, new Hidden Legacy?
*Hugh. I have the ability to proofread but lack the capacity
I would cry with joy for a Latimer novella, or anything from that family.
I truly don’t understand why people throw hate at you. It is upsetting because it ends up depriving the avid reader and fan of great content, but obviously, it is so toxic for you all and you must protect your health and happiness first!
I would just like to add to the chorus of positivity in hopes it will balance the negativity!
A true fan, love your writing, your transparency, your characters and world building. Will read anything you write 🙂
I think I get the undiagnosed-ADHD version of kitchen stuck. I go in the kitchen to make banana muffins and hours later, the muffins aren’t made but somehow the laundry is clean (but not dry and certainly not put away), 1/3 of the dishes are done, the bathroom sink is clean and the middle shelf of the bathroom closet is organized, I have five things on a shopping list that I will never look at again, I’ve read half of Magic Bites, cast on for a new knitting project, and built a sand castle in the bathtub. Also, I mysteriously have misplaced my house keys even though I never left the house.
If I’m very lucky, I still have enough bananas left to make the muffins tomorrow.
That’s sounds like my version of “procrasti-cleaning”. My house is never tidier- if unevenly so- than when I’m supposed to be doing something I don’t feel like doing.
I recently tried to make gluten free, dairy free cookies. It broke my failsafe cookie recipe. I feel your pain.
And another entry in my “this is why we can’t have nice things” file. I love it when authors release stuff that was previously only in anthologies individually. I rarely buy anthologies because I typically don’t enjoy over half the material. But I can totally see that bad review popping up. And I’ve seen that exact complaint about the “previously released material” as well. So I understand the reluctance. Thanks for writing awesome books and sharing some of what doesn’t make the final cut with us. And it can be fun to know some of how the sausage gets made!
Used to buy anthologies especially if a favorite author had something in it…only complained once cause it was the same story in two different anthologies, and second wasn’t even only her stories, the third time it antholog of her own (Like those by the way) other reason I don’t get them often (patricia biggs is it now) is I can’t find them by authors as easily as I could before so hope I haven’t missed any, most don’t show when doing author searches
Glad I’m not the only one who uses Ancient Aliens as an insomnia aid. Something about those voices and all those questions as statements. Classic error of starting with a conclusion and finding “evidence” to support it.
Would love to read more about the Latimers if you find time to write it. Already amazed at how much you manage to fit in to the schedule!
I read the one star reviews on Amazon and Audible at times. People will give a book they love a one star review because it was late in the mail, a comma was in the wrong place, etc…, or they hate the sound of the narrator. People got up in arms and were giving I think it was Magic Binds horrible reviews because they just knew the White Warlock would destroy Kate’s father and save the day and why did they waste their money and time reading the series if this super power just pops up to save the day and this was before the book was published. People get their hate and venom worked up for no reason. People are nuts too bad you can’t bake them into something useful like banana bread.
Your last sentence MariaZ reminded me of a movie from the 1960s (I think) called Soylent Green. The premise of the movie was that people where being processed into food on a colony. Only those who were eating it didn’t know they were eating humans. 😉 I watched the movie once with my mom. I have never watched it since then.
Whatever the results of those muffins, I am sure they tasted better than the gluten free cookies I made the mistake of making. My son bit into one and said, “Mom, these taste of ass and despair.”
For a heartbeat, I was hurt. Then I laughed my butt off.
Bwahahahaha ????
What do you say to that? “Oh, Child of mine, these ‘ass and despair cookies’ are what’s currently being served in the ‘eat what’s put in front of you kitchen'”
Forgive the weird punctuation.
Love the scene, love blueberry muffins, love weird paranormal d-grade shows. 🙂
Dear Authors. Please give your deleted scene book the title “Deleted Scene Collection 1 – Kate and Curran”. Then ???? Deleted Scene Collection 2 – Hidden Legacy (may as well push boundaries when begging) ???? and let the haters hate!! Please ????????????. You should never read your own press all good actors know this. ❤
I don’t know if you like lemon, but this gluten free, dairy free lemon blueberry loaf turned out well using Bob’s Red Mill gluten free 1 to 1 flour. It should be able to be adapted into muffins. The only substitution that I made was to use oat milk, instead of almond (I think the flavor disappears into baked goods, while almond adds its own taste). I made these for a girl that was having some issues and got put on a very strict elimination diet. They were a hit with her and the other girls that weren’t GF and DF. ????
A collection of all the PoVs, deleted scenes and outtakes would be great to have in one lump. I keep coming back to the ones posted on the site. It might not be a big seller but would not be a money grab. I had another author early in the pandemic market a book as a full price novel, then when you got it, it was 35 pages that should have been in an anthology. It was so annoying because I finished the “book” before I finished my lunch.
I like the writing process posts. Of course I like to make sausage too.
Someone above recommended America’s Test Kitchen, and they are pretty good for GF stuff (although not usually dairy free).
Even better are the GF cookbooks are by Becky Excell: https://glutenfreecuppatea.co.uk/
She lives in the UK, so some of the recipes might need to be translated into American ingredients, but the stuff I have baked of hers is amazing and always works. She holds that you need to be very very exact with the ingredients for GF baking (it’s best to use a digital scale). All her recipes have lactose-free alternatives.
For dairy-free yoghurt/soured cream/milk I often use coconut milk with a squeeze of lemon in it and that works amazingly well.
Also I would be careful of Bob’s Red Mill – some of their GF flours have a very beany taste. You have to get the ones specifically for cakes. I think King Arthur’s Mill is much better. My favourite is the UK-based Dove’s Farm GF flour.
Yes, please scam your ever-loving-BDH with the edited-scenes-book ????! Pretty Please?!?
Greets from Switzerland
(And in much need of an excuse to read a „better than my life-story“!!!)
Thank you kindly!
Yeah, it’s like readers expect authors to write for free and we’re offended that they need to make a living
I really want a muffin now…
I appreciate the deleted scene. It was a nice IA snack that was devoured and then I spent too much time pondering Michael’s transformer car. It will continue to make me chuckle for days. Thank you for that!
House Latimer novella would be totes amazeballs.
Everything I have made from this baking book so far has turned out really well and I am not half the accomplished baker you are.
Having Crohn desease isn’t always related to being lactose and gluten intolerant. Each person will have (or not, it is different for everyone) a kind of food that should be avoided during a flare (or is it crisis the right word?). You may have tried this vegan recipe for nothing ???? And good luck to your friend, this desease sucks (but now we have meds to reduce the flares occurrence???? even if we can’t avoid them completely )
I would never want any hate coming your way and after your experience I don’t blame you for your position.
But, just to illustrate the other side, I LOVED Jeaniene Frost’s Outtakes from the Grave, her deleted scenes from the Bones & Cat series.
I loved it more than any individual book in the series because it provided such a rich perspective and enriching details that were sacrificed on the alter of pacing. And I loved the alternative plot lines. It allows the imagination to run wild, long after the official story is finished. Worth every penny!
Your world building and character development are so engaging, any extra insight or exploration is such a delight. You post most of them for free on the site so I think any claims of money grubbing are disingenuous. No one is force to buy it.
But for me to have it on the kindle in a concise location when I need an escape is worth $7.99 or whatever the going rate is for a book of similar size.
I would buy it and appreciate it!
You have so many interesting characters in parallel plotlines you clearly have to live forever so you can write them all. Michael Latimer was one of your biggest teases. I’ve been waiting for his story – I’ll take a deleted scene in the meantime…
I make gluten free on a pretty regular basis for my sister with Celiac’s. She is also lactose intolerant and while the Lactaid pill exists, I can usually substitute Lactaid milk and it’s fine. The problem is if a recipe requires anything else dairy based that isn’t just milk like cream cheese, butter, yogurt etc. I know there is vegan butter, I’ve seen it in the grocery store but I’ll have to keep an eye out for dairy free products like cream cheese etc. and do my research because as I’ve come to learn with gluten free flour, not all gluten free/dairy free products are created the same unfortunately.
I enjoyed the deleted scene yesterday, always interesting to see how the writing process works.
Interesting as always. Thanks! Go Michael and Regina novella (someday). Yes, I completely understand the let’s not let the buying public hate on us because they can’t be bothered to read. I’ve seen that in the reviews more than once. Sheesh.
And sorry for the fail. I’m so happy to not be gluten free, I just can’t tell you how much. Altho there are more and more decent products out there these days. I even bought a GF baguette the other day for a friend. It did NOT have the baguette texture, but frankly, it wasn’t bad. Made very decent subs.
It makes sense why it wouldn’t be as involved given how separate they hold their lives. It was an absolute treat and if that novella ever did get written I would read it over and over again!
That is kitchen fidgeting for me. My husband fidgets in the morning, and I fidget at night. Works out pretty well in the long run! May your baking endeavors go well!
I just finished listening to the Graphic Audio for Clean Sweep and I am so excited to see more of these in the future! It was an absolute delight to listen to!
I hope you both get a decent night’s sleep tonight.
It’s lovely to get the background on Regina and Michael, but I quite see it would side track readers into the weeds, even though they would be pretty weeds 🙂 , so thank you for sharing it all with us.
Thank you for a) writing the scene and b) sharing it with us anyway
Just so you know I love your behind the scenes process work. It helps. My daughter is 11 and she writes a lot and she asks my opinion. A lot. Sometimes, I can help her and sometimes I send her to your blogs on the writing process. It helps her develop her characters and just helps in general. Plus, I use some of what you say to help her. I’ve just sometimes had to simplify it when she was younger.
I love when they republish works that were in anthologies. I do buy anthologies, but I can say I catch them all.
I loved the deleted scene/chapter and will voraciously read anything you share. I get pure enjoyment from everything you write. To quote “some simger” -“Haters gonna hate”.
I bake only gluten free and it’s hit or miss. Depends on the flour and the amount of liquid and if the moon is in retrograde and if I used the magic spatula.
The magic spatula is always a factor!
Please ignore any haters (karma will hopefully bite them). I would happily buy all of your deleted scenes… can’t promise more respect because you are already at the apex. If at some point it interests you to release a compilation, with or without expansion, it will be very welcome!
From the picture of your ‘muffin fail’ I have to say that they look like very yummy scones:) Also, I didn’t know ‘non-dairy yogurt’ was a real thing. Sounds very alien!
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post and snippet.
Sorry to hear about the fail muffins. Been there done that when I was learning to bake cookies for lactose intolerant nephew. I am gluten free. It took some experimentation.
A Latimer novella would be cool.
Re gluten and dairy free muffin recipes, Cathy Fisher, Straight Up Food has really good muffin recipes. They are vegan which would be even better for your friend.
I use a soy yoghurt – I make it myself with probiotics and soy milk which is just water and soy beans. In the US, I think the brand
Westsoy is supposed to be very good. Keep the yoghurt in the fridge until you are ready to use it and I find the muffins come out fluffy. Getting them to rise is my challenge but they always taste good!
Jill Dalton, The Wholefood Plant Based Cooking Show, has some really good muffin and other baking recipes. https://plantbasedcookingshow.com/?s=Muffins
Westsoy unsweetened soy milk is our staple, though Trader Joe’s,soymilk is good too. Non milk yogurt requires a special starter if anyone wants to try it, the instapot is great for that.
I am mad at others who make you feel bad for rereleasing collections or deleted scenes. As a fanatical (erm, dedicated?) reader, I would gladly pay for any/all deleted scenes in a collection. Because I go back and read them on the blog and love them – and then my anxiety-driven self starts wondering what happens if your blog ever disappears…. It all goes downhill from there. ????. Seriously, thank you for sharing your process and deleted scenes – we love them. (And I would definitely still pay for them!)
Some people’s comments don’t pass the idiot test and I would be so very happy to discuss it with them.
“You admit that you didn’t bother to read the description, even though it was clearly and obviously stated, because you were “excited.”How odd. I was unaware that “excitement” impaired one’s ability to read. So rather than admit you did a dumb thing you’d rather go online and make nasty comments about the authors whose work you were so very “excited” to read. Why yes, that makes perfect sense. ????♀️????♀️????♀️
And, unfortunately dear author, I can’t even tell you not to let it bother you, because in your place, I’m sure my feelings would be hurt as well. Ugh!
I also wish to have dinner with Patricia and oggle at the army.
I also have an almond pumpkin muffin calling my name.
It wasn’t because the muffins were vegan. I make many, many muffins and they rise and taste “normal”.
Gluten Free goods have a different texture and flavor, depending on what is substituting for flour. I only bake gluten free for my brother when he visits.
For a vegan rising agent a typical batch of vegan muffins use 1.5 tsp or 2 tsp baking powder, 0.5 tsp baking soda and 0.5 tsp of salt. Mix the dry and wet separately and combine them at the end. Rising reaction can start when liquids hit the mix.
To bind the recipe it can either be mashed bananas, applesauce, oil or ground flax seeds, depends on the recipe.
A couple of vegan muffin fave recipes:
I hope one day for a House Lattimer novella. ????
Hope you both sleep well tonight ????
My paperback copy of Fated Blades was delivered today!
I’ll give it a third read this weekend!
I have all Ilona Andrews books on Kindle and in print.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Love them!
You could definitely do a Regina and Michael story but make sure to include Patricia:).
If you are using a non dairy yogurt the cashew milk ones seem closest to the milk ones that I have seen. It could also be the flour substitute that made it gritty, nut flours especially are tough to get to the right consistency ( it is where having a Mock mill comes in handy).
Thanks for the explanation about side stories and how they work, I filed them for future reference:)
Random voice here. Although I am not a writer, I do enjoy your posts about “how the sausage is made”.
I would read anything you wrote and published. Why respond with hate when you published your e-specials? As I said, I would read anything you wrote and while I would buy an anthology to read YOUR story, it would be even better to just buy YOUR story. So if it ever came to a vote, you know which box I would tick. And thank you so much for Regina’s story. It may not the crucial to the book but it’ll give us a deeper understanding of the characters and their motivations.
But if readers follow your blog, we get awesome yummiest along the way, so I’m good with this. I love deleted scenes. I don’t need them in book format.
I love the process posts! But also, I want to try the honey muffins from the Kate Daniels books. The descriptions make my mouth water every time.
Almost buying books a second time because they were reissued with new covers and years later has taught me to double check issue dates and titles. Same goes for novellas. My book collections (with a few exceptions) are complete. Sometimes I have to search a little because the novellas are in a book with multiple authors and I can’t remember who I filed it under. But I check…I search….I look at descriptions. I’m sorry you have had bad experiences with obsessive fans. You guys are great. Your books are so entertaining, so interesting, so funny. They keep me coming back for more. Your BLOG has been wonderful. Again, so interesting, so entertaining, so funny. And I know you worked on making it light and entertaining because of where the world is. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to entertain us. Be kind to yourselves when you can. You make the world a better place…with your writing….with your caring.
I love the deleted scenes! And I also love hearing about the process of writing. I have spent a sizeable chunk of my professional life writing dry, professional stuff, and now that I’m in a different career I have no interest in writing anything ever again. But I love hearing about the process from you.
It’s like watching David Goldhagen work. David is a professional glass artist, and when I am in his neck of the woods I can (and do) watch him create extraordinary art from sand and fire. I don’t want to do it myself, but the process is fascinating.
Fated Blades finally arrived this afternoon. What a page-turner!
Have you tried Bob Ross for insomnia? He was so soothing.
Still, enjoying the knowledge of Regina’s family, thank you for sharing this deleted section. As I always say, even your secondary characters are interesting, kudos for your in-depth writing. A personal note on baking healthy, I did try in the past to go healthy, but butter, butter, butter is good with everything, or maybe bacon grease too…. Who wants to live forever….
Those haters…. Ugh! I loved your novellas and extras. If I had it already, I didn’t buy it. People can read the index first…. Y’all don’t cash grab. And I love everything you put out there. I know I am not the only one. Those haters can just move along and stir up trouble elsewhere and leave our GREAT authors ALONE!!!! I am also going to place this on the Facebook group comments as well.
My husband has gut issues, Crohns is on the suspected list as a possible cause, and we’ve been Low-Fodmap for awhile. He is also egg allergic and lactose intolerant. Baking without eggs AND without gluten is challenging because eggs and gluten are both binders and risers. I see they relied on a large amount of baking powder for rise which sometimes works, but not always. I am seriously side eyeing that recipe though. The thing wheat, blueberries and bananas all have in common? They are all fructans. (Fructans are a FODMAP). Monash University which chemically tests foods is the leading authority on FODMAPs and according to them 1/3 of a medium ripe banana is a safe serve. A heaping 1/4 Australian cup of blueberries is a safe serve. I don’t know about wheat flour because my husbands issue with fructans is enough that it’s not worth it. I would use a powdered egg replacer (Ener-G is Fodmap and allergen friendly) over a banana if I was also using blueberries. Also converting a regular flour recipe to gluten free flour always works better when measuring by weight. Gluten free is finicky with how it reacts to moisture absorption. I am American enough to stubbornly use imperial for everything but baking gluten free. I will absolutely convert a measurement of all purpose flour from cups to grams and then use that amount of gluten free. It’s just that much more reliable. I have found that with having a good knowledge of what is and isn’t a Fodmap (and the Monash App) that using a vegan or egg-free recipe with a Gluten free flour substitute (like Bob’s red Mill 1 to 1 or King Arthur’s measure for measure) often gives me better results than making a gluten free recipe egg allergen friendly. If you are not well versed in fodmaps, then this site has fantastic recipes that are well tested and often gives an egg free option in the notes: https://funwithoutfodmaps.com/low-fodmap-blueberry-muffins/
Great info!!!
Missy– look for my reply late in the feed. There are several interesting published medical studies for Crohns that support:
Vitamin D3
High Fiber
? SVD (Semi-Vegetarian Diet)
? Coconut
It might be interesting to try some of them; let me know if you’d like a link to the slide deck!
Hi Patricia, I’m sending you an email right now!
Honestly, I blame doorways. Those stupid things just seem to be memory/purpose vacuums (there’s actually research that shows going through doorways do cause you to forget things).
That being said, now I want muffins, and to smack complaining people who ruin things on the head with a newspaper. Or an e-reader, since it’s getting harder to find newspapers nowadays.
Nooooo, don’t stop (or slow down) writing the writing process posts! I LOVE them. They are fascinating, and I always learn stuff. I want to know all about the butchering and stump-whoopin’ and cooking and stuff (ok, ok, I’m describing chitlins instead of sausage but same difference, right?).
I loved the cut. It’s fascinating. I enjoyed reading it thanks for posting it.
You know the BDH is going to be frothing at the mouth at just that tiny inkling of hope for a possible House Latimer story with the luscious 6ft5 sharp-dressed Michael Latimer, right…?
And I’ll be first in line hehe
Personally, I enjoy seeing how the sauce is made, at least when it comes to writing, especially if it means I get extra snippets!
Just here to say, I actually really enjoy the writing posts! It’s kind of like knowing you used nearly (but not) bad sour cream in the chocolate chip muffins you made. It’s an intriguing fact that takes not one whit away from the obvious deliciousness of the final muffins. In fact, it makes hearing about the muffins more interesting. (To be clear, in this analogy sour cream = bts writing info and muffins = final enthralling novel ????)
Gosh, people can be contrary. If you bought a collection without reading the synopsis, you’ve got no one to blame but you. ????
I really enjoy the “sausage making” posts. I have a lot more appreciation for the work that goes into a book. Knowing the “process” I’m much more patient 🙂
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for writing powerful and talented black people into your amazing urban fantasy novels!! Lenora Jordan—I feel seen.
A black prosecutor
I love deleted scenes it’s why I love blue ray verses downloads as no extras.
I very enjoyed the Michael Latimer backstory ever since he offered to save our original heroine.
Thanks for the explanation and recipes? Super helpful! Hope you get some sleep
It could be the flour.
Try a flour blend that uses multiple types of gluten free flour and that may solve the grittiness.
Also, apple sauce helps
You can also use “just egg”. It is a fantastic egg substitute and it works great when baking.
I’m not sure if anyone else made gluten free, dairy free, egg free suggestions, as i haven’t read thru all the comments.
Oh! And the time in the oven has to be very exact!
May the odds be ever in your favor!
From a dairy intolerant, celiac with a whey allergy and with children allergic to eggs!
It’s very considerate of you to feel like you owe us something, but let me stop you right there. You are an artist, and nobody would dare to tell a skulptor or painter to tell him what he should create. That’s your work, your art and we are buying your books because they are amazing. How many times did I buy a book thats really bad. I can’t return it and I wouldn’t want to. But I won’t buy another one from the same author.
So please don’t feel obligated. You owe us nothing. You are writing a book and we can take it or leave it (I think you know by now that most of us will take it, no matter what you write). Just be yourself and do what you want, and forget the haters, how dare they?
Great analogy. No one asked Rodin why he’d chipped away that lump of stone from his masterpieces!
Thank you for the explanation. I hope you get a better rest tonight. ????????
Loved Regina’s story, and if you ever wanted to write a longer story I would love that and buy it in an instant. (Though of course you should write where the inspiration takes you!)
Fascinating; thank you for the insight. For my part, I always enjoy it when someone allows peeks behind the curtain of the writing process. And I’d love a novella, or anything else, that brings out the information about Michael Latimer and Regina.
The grittiness might be due to rice flour. My oldest daughter was allergic to wheat for several years before growing out of it. And my ate so much grittiness. Was there when we used ready-made flour mixes, it was there when we did the combination ourselves. We eventually stumbled upon super fine rice flour. And suddenly all the grittiness was gone.
So that might be a problem with the fail muffins.
I adore deleted scenes. I love when they are added to the back of a novel. I love when they are on a blog. I wouldn’t like it as an anthology of deleted scenes. I just can’t. But I would read the description, and I would not fault the author when I eventually bought it because FOMO. So yeah I can definitely see your reasoning.
This makes a lot of sense. I would love to read a novella about the Latimers, but in the mean timd I’m just happy we had this glance into their background story 🙂
I don’t see failed muffins, I see scones
Love the regina deleted scene.
Honestly, I LOVED knowing Regina’s backstory, but I understand why you cut the scene. It’s the kind of scene that makes me leave the EXPLICATE AT ME note in my book. It’s great to know, but it’s nothing but straight infodump. I don’t know how many words, but I know that on my Kindle it would be several pages (not necessarily applicable to a print book because, again, I didn’t count the words).
But this is why I come to the blog. So I can get the awesome backstories.
Sorry, autocorrect. The note I leave is EXPOSIT AT ME. Not “explicate”.
Thank you for explaining! Some of us love the process information. Also, you can’t please everyone, there will always be a few noisy haters out there. Now I need to go and bake some muffins. (You are the best!)
Thank you so much for the explanation!
I hope in the future there will be more Hidden Legacy books
I’ve Celiac. Gluten is my bane. And I love to bake.
Cup 4 cup gluten free flour is the best GF flour for bread making when doing gluten free items. I think it’s vegan friendly, but I cannot vouch for that 100%; I do dairy-light, not dairy free. But oui coconut based dairy free yogurt is the next best thing to real yogurt both for baking and nibbling.
Hope the re-do comes out better than the “fail” that doesn’t look bad by the way. Especially if it’s your first go for GF/vegan bread! (And the chocolate chips are probably better in the “real” muffins; chocolate can aggravate GI ulcers for people with Crohn’s or UC.)
wow House Andrews, people are NEVER satisfied….if you release deleted scenes CLEARLY MARKED as deleted scenes…and charge, gosh, a whole 99 cents!!! it’s labelled a money grab???? Did I miss a coercive practice such as ‘you won’t be able to get the next full price product if you don’t buy this?’ like really wow.
This is NOT like mobile video gaming where it is really really really difficult to progress levels without buying those in-game level ups, or else spending a LOT of time — 4-8 hours+ grinding at some task.
I regret that you are scarred by such….opinions…but the vast majority of we, the BDH, appreciate all that you choose to release.
I enjoy your “sausage making” process as its always interesting.
I understand your reluctance to publish the deleted scenes as much as I would love to read them. Please remember that negative comments are a teeny tiny minority compared to the vast number of positive comments and much love from the BDH. ????
I have Nalini Singh’s collection of deleted scenes & short slices of her character’s life. I don’t remember if she charged, but I would pay $1 for a collection of your stories. People…????
I often bake vegan cakes/cupcakes etc. Unsweetened applesauce works really well. It is also not gritty which some egg replacers can be depending on what you are making. I have not tried it in muffins only because I do not typically make muffins. Bananas also work well for sweet taste and binding consistency in many baked goods to use in place of eggs.
However much Baylorworld side fic you find time to write will be eagerly devoured in my household. Thank you.
People are so weird. Any published material, solo or combined, is a gift! Enjoy it! If you already have the anthology, don’t buy it again, or do because now it is all combined in one book! I’ve combed through the back catalog of favorite authors for deleted or added scenes and done the work to put them in a personal folder and even have combined them for reading on my personal ereader, and it’s a LOT OF WORK. I’m happy to pay an author to do it for me!
Too bad, I loved the Latimer family history. It’s these little moments within the big moments that make your stories so satisfying. The family history also explained much concerning their secretive head of security and her animator wife–a piece of the puzzle slid into place for me with an audible “click.”
I look forward to more Michael-time someday.
Hi! I have celiac and bake gluten free. If the muffins are gritty just let the batter rest 30 minutes. GF flour takes longer to absorb liquids.
As far as the hate mail goes, I am reminded of the scene in Pixar’s Ralph Breaks the Internet, where Ralph is told, “Never read the comments!” That’s one of the reasons you have ModR (sorry ModR) – she can move all the hateful email to a sealed folder. Once a month you can look at the sealed folder, see its size (not its contents), sneer at it, and delete it without looking at it with a clear conscience. And take ModR out to dinner occasionally or send her a nice little present as compensation for HER having to look at it.
It seriously isn’t worth your time and emotional effort to dwell on (and hardly worth ModR’s!). Chill and write. And if you want to put out a compilation of deleted scenes with no new material for $0.99, name it “Not Otherwise Publishable Scenes (I Warned You!)”
I would spend $0.99.
I have something like, unfortunately, that but definitely don’t show it to Ilona once a month.
And I already get oh so many treats from House Andrews! ????
+1 darn tootin’
My sister, the Tiramisu Expert, once tried the lower fat Mascarpone, thinking it might help some of us older…..er, more mature and waistband-expanding members of the family. Tasted like crap. So it will always remain Full Fat Ahead!!!
(And damn the Canolli!)
I love the books – every single one in all the universes. I also love the blog and your comments about life and cooking. I think the only thing you owe us, your readers, is to write the best stories you can, they way YOU want to write them. You don’t owe us explanations for your decisions to include or delete scenes.
LOL! I do this often too. Is it presuming to much think this is part of how Arabella came to be? I love the BTS insights. So share what fits your mood, I don’t think reading about your process is off-putting at all. It just shows how much WORK and SACRIFICE it takes to bring your creations into being. Best Wishes from CA.
Hi !
I eat (and bake) gluten free, and usualy a gritty result is caused by too coarse rice flour, or not enough liquide to hydrate the gluten free blend.
The batter must be a thick liquide, and you can let in wait for 1/4 h to 1/2 h before baking to help hydrate the floor.
Or, you can go on this site : https://glutenfreeonashoestring.com/gluten-free-blueberry-muffins-bakery/
She is magic, and explain everything.
I hope this is helpfull !
I would read your grocery list …..
Grandma Frida might not be talking for every on this one – I love seeing how the sausage was made, it’s fascinating. Please don’t stop telling us about your process completely!
Question for Mod R: is it possible to purchase autographed copies of Fated Blades?
Hey A,
At the moment the only signature copies come from bookplates (because pandemic), so they would only be available from stone and mortar bookstores that House A ndrews are doing events with.
There is an event with Grace Draven in the works so Bank Square Books might have a few bookplates, worth giving them a try and asking them? The bookplate won’t be automatically attached, but if there’s a note section on the order or you can give them a call, it might work :).
Ok. Still really liked the deleted scene, but if it didn’t work in the book, it didn’t work. You’ve fought with RF too much to have to try to make it work. I love the characters in HL especially
Cornelius, but Michael Latimer has also always been interesting. So, any glimpse of them, even a deleted scene. I will enjoy. Thanks.
As someone who was not here for the e-novella rerelease drama, I was happy to be able to purchase them standalone as I got into the KDU (no offense to the other amazing I’m sure authors in the anthologies).
And actually, I was recently hoping the novellas were available outside of the anthologies in e-book form too, so I could listen to them standalone!
Also, I am all onboard for more House Latimer content (Idk how a single scene could make me crush on a fictional character so much, but here we are) ????♀️
Edit: audiobook form** too many thoughts overlapping as I type
I love see the snippets and deleted scenes in your blog. They’re like random tasty treats that seem to appear on some of my worst days. So please, please don’t stop posting them. And I love all the behind the scenes information regarding the writing and publishing world…but then I love making sausage too.
Forgive me if this suggestion is redundant.
The failed muffins, probably needed Xantham gum.
When I first started trying to bake gluten free items, everything was gritty.
Trial and error brought me to the point where I now add a couple of tablespoons of Xantham gum to all gluten free recipes ???? and it makes an enormous difference.
I’ve bought novellas that were part of an anthology before. I appreciate it when the author notes that it was part of said anthology with no edits or with edits/updates.
I haven’t tried this specific recipe yet, but I’ve had good luck with other recipes from the Gluten Free on a Shoestring site, and I love how she gives lots of options for adjusting the recipe for different dietary needs.
Very nice of you to make muffins.
Gluten free flour tends to be gritty. For best outcome let Gluten Free Batters set 20 min before baking. Also weigh the flour not measure as usual.
Please tell me you watch Helen Rennie cook on YouTube. Delightful to watch and learn. In case you don’t, she is from Russia and her recipes are amazing. Every time I watch her, I think of you.
Thank you so much for the explanation . I was one of the people wondering why the scene was cut , but what you said about subplots etc…made a lot of sense.
I did really like the characters so I hope someday maybe it will turn into a novella .
When a deleted scene is as complete and explaining as this was, can you put it at the end of the book, identified as deleted scenes?
Great suggestion Ms. Kim. They probably can’t though for some obscure legal reason. Still heres to hoping… 🙂
I’ve seen that in other author’s books. In particular, I saw something like that in Nalini Singh’s Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling series). The deleted scenes were a nice treat. 🙂
First – you sound as exhausted as I feel (moving, been packing for days and days it seems and my back is telling me no more – but I must – so here I am on my break enjoying your blog – thank you for yesterday’s AWESOME deleted scene BTW).
Second – who are these people that hate on you for releasing a small book of short stories? I hate having to dig out where all of the short stories are and buy all of those anthologies or magazines. I’ve bought new books not realizing it was a bunch of short stories, some of them I’d seen and was DELIGHTED to have them all in one spot.
But I understand. But I’d like a word with those folks’ managers…..
Haters gonna hate.
I love novellas and deleted scenes in between fully formed stories because some days you just need a little bit of something wonderful to keep from running screaming back to bed. But, after a certain point, heaps of hate upon your head makes keeping the rest of us sane a losing proposition!
So, thank you for the occasional tidbit to make my world a happier place, not having them all in one place is just fine by me. Gritty muffins after all that effort is no fair, and coffee makes the world a better place. With naps. Naps between coffee is key.
There is a reason you are the best authors ever, and little snippets of life, muffins, and writing magic are it!
Ilona I’m so sorry people are ugly about things you try to gift to us in the BDH. Most of us can understand what you are releasing but if a few ugly people (behavior wise) make you feel bad please do not do it. Life is to short to deal with haters. We love you guys. Hang in there and thank you for all you are able to do.
While i understand scheduling and such. And fully respect you not wanting to the deleted scenes thing. I do want to give you another perspective. I am sure you guys are familiar with Patrick Rothfuss’s Kingkiller chronicles, if not, check it out. He did a novella that isnt a story. It follows one character around her day to day and describes places mentioned in the series. Thats it. No climax, no twists, no protagonist/antagonist. just simple descriptive imagery. I love it. He also prefaces the book that its not a story. ????
Here is what Patrick’s main series looks like as of now.
The Name of the Wind (2007)
The Wise Man’s Fear (2011)
The Doors of Stone (in progress)
Patrick hasn’t released a novel in his primary series since 2011, 11 years ago.
Here is what we release since 2011. It’s not all of it. I got tired.
Magic Dreams 2011
Magic Slays 2011
Magic Tests 2011
Magic Gifts 2011
Fate’s Edge 2011
Silver Shark 2011
Of Swine and Roses 2011
Gunmetal Magic 2011
An Ill Advised Rescue 2012
Retribution Clause 2012
Steel’s Edge 2012
Magic Rises 2013
Clean Sweep 2013
Magic Breaks 2014
Magic Steals 2014
Burn For Me 2014
Magic Shifts 2015
Magic Stars 2015
Sweep in Peace 2015
Magic Binds 2016
One Fell Sweep 2016
White Hot 2017
Wildfire 2017
Magic Triumphs 2018
Iron and Magic 2018
King of Fire 2018
Diamond Fire 2018
Sweep of the Blade 2019
Sapphire Flames 2019
Sweep with Me 2020
Emerald Blaze 2020
Blood Heir 2021
Sandra 2021
It’s great that Patrick is comfortable enough to deliver a tour of his world instead of an actual novel or novella. I assume this must have been a free story for the fans.
However, we prefer to make sure that we deliver an actual story that you would enjoy, especially if we put it on sale. The reaction of BDH to a story without a plot but with a price tag would be WTF and rightfully so. 🙂
As to writing something like that for free, there are so many stories we already give away. The entire Innkeeper series is free to read right now. I do feel that’s probably enough. 🙂
Alert! Anne Bishop has an excerpt two chapters long on her website for Crowbones! So much fun while we wait for Ruby Fever.
Anymore deleted scenes?
… No.
I can’t remember if I’ve done muffins specifically, but I’ve had good luck in general with the Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free flours and mixes. They usually come out tasting good and with a good texture.
I’ve also found that substituting mashed bananas for eggs works well — I love doing pancakes that way. Of course, that assumes the consumers like bananas.
The best gluten free cookbook is How Can It Be Gluten Free by America’s Test Kitchen. Volume 2 includes a lot of dairy free recipes as well. Friends are continually surprised that cookies and cakes that I make from it is gluten free. The breads are by far the best gluten free breads that I’ve had.
Title it “Deleted Scenes”, then if someone complains you can point out it says what it is right on the cover. This isn’t going to satisfy everyone – but then, you can’t, really!
I’d certainly spend $.99 for it…
I grew up in the era of Bambi. If you can’t say something nice… all of the negative comments these days are getting on my last nerve! You are the talent! You write, we buy what you write, we read it and are extremely grateful!
Loved Reginas scene very much because it was amazing background where I’d previously wondered what had happened.
Reading your explanation gives a context, and another glance at how your books evolve through all stages until release.
Thank you for sharing both the scene and the fascinating insight.
I really enjoy the posts about your writing/editing/plotting processes. Please feel free to describe your sausage all you like. *
Now I want Kate’s sausage recipe. . .
*This post only indicates reader interest and in no way is a demand for specific author product. 😉
Just a comment from my small corner but, I liked the Kate Daniels novella reader release. Thank you for your explanation. You know, power naps are a wonderful thing when night sleeping has been miserable.
Please keep telling us how the sausage is made. Your posts about the writing process are fascinating and all the would-be authors who follow your blog, your truly included, learn from them and get to live vicariously.
I hope you bake and cook because you enjoy it. On another topic, I really dislike the haters who make you feel bad about your decisions. My example is expensive clothes have to be wired to racks and can’t be tried on because of thieves. The bad people seem to be too much in control. Your free stories, snippets and insights are all joyful, thank you for your generosity.
So im rereading the hidden legacy series. Already have my preorder in☺️. But omgosh i just love this series! Just finished reading the scene where arabella jumps out of rogans helicopter turns and fights the summoners monster. Lol. I know you guys have so much. But my word i look forward to arabellas triology…. Im being an ass here and totally assuming there will be one! ???????? Thank you house andrews.
Have to say I have found some great authors through anthologies – Patricia Briggs, Nalini Singh, you guys…..but I’ve also missed out on some novellas because they were published as anthologies. So I am quite grateful to Penguin Random House for re-publishing all of them. Would never have read Of Swine and Roses otherwise. Well, you know – eventually!!
Thanks for all the lovely snippets. I look forward to the Latimer House novella….hehehehe……
Also, can’t say it enough, appreciate all the work and effort you guys go through for us. Love your work.
Almost Friday, almost Friday, almost Friday!!!!!!
I have had to occasionally do gluten-free or vegan baked good for friends, and I’ve found King Arthur gf flour to be pretty awesome. Replacing eggs is the pretty tricky part. Christina Tosi’s “All About Cake” has a really terrific vegan cupcake recipe though that I think would be super with some blueberries. They are very dense and moist, but my family prefers them over normal vanilla cupcakes. I’ve made them many times and can vouch for the recipe. If you don’t have this book, I highly recommend it! It’s beautiful and has so many great ideas. Good luck!
Ancient Aliens is my go to sleep aid too. It works after I spend 5 mins giggling at what “some experts believe”
I thought the deleted scenes idea was a great idea.. until you explained your reasoning. It makes so much sense now. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain it.
There will always be people out there ruining it for the rest of us. Fortunately this blog is a great medium which allows us as readers to benefit from extra content and the reasons why, for all things.
I like the thought of a Michael and Regina novella, loved the snippet..❤️❤️. Thanks for letting us read it.
Just want to comment on your sweet Best Mom mug – I have one of those too. It’s the little things 🙂
Whole family down with Covid, I am playing Civ 4 on easiest level when out of bed, because it comforts. Your cut scene makes me think of the Tech Tree, Engineering (must be read in Leonard Nemoy’s voice):
“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery
It makes me so, so happy that you like Regina and Michael enough to consider a novella. I’ve been in love with him since he walked up to Nevada at the party.
Sad but true, the hate would be ridiculous. I’m sorry that people would blame you for them not reading the author’s comment on content, but there’s no educating them at this point. Thank you for the great work you do allow to go to print 🙂 I appreciate it. Have a great week and I hope your sleep gets better.
I love hearing how the sausage is made.
I love to read about the process of writing and to get a feel for how you construct your work. I think you probably have been asked about your process many times but how much detail do you go into for peripheral characters which isnt used in a book? For example, in EB Regina says she can’t testify on a construct, does that mean you have a strong idea of her backstory in terms of her being estranged from her house and why or do you just fit things in as you think of them? I hope this makes sense!
I love hearing about how the sausage is made — it does not change the flavor at all. And, yes, I collected and read the Kate Daniels novellas. Kate is one of my favorite characters.
I know you feel scarred from the e-specials, but just know there are those out there that truly appreciated them. I can’t not tell you how much I HATE being forced to buy an entire book (the majority filled with authors i don’t like or don’t care for that particular series) for one short story from an author I read everything from. And I have done it,I have bought anthologies for one short story I couldn’t get any other place. And now I’m almost audiobook exclusive in my purchases. So to buy a book at audiobook prices for a single short short, it’s a kick in the gut.
I do understand though, and will if I have to buy a whole anthology to get a single story written by y’all. I pretty much devour anything y’all write and let us read. Thank you so much for sharing with us. ????
Don’t know if anyone else suggested it, but Mysteries at the Museum/Monument serve the same purpose as Ancient Aliens for sleeping to according to my best friend who does that. (Not me. I need silence.)