Hello, remember me?
After the marathon of 60-hour weeks, Ruby Fever has been rewritten. I do not remember when was the last time we worked so hard. Mod R read a little bit of it and she sent me an emoticon of a kitty with hearts in the eyes, so it must not totally suck.
First things first, Amazon Australia is charging $25.99 for the ebook of Ruby Fever. Do not buy this, please. I emailed to complain about it to our publisher. The price should go down, and theoretically, according to Amazon’s policies, when the price is adjusted before the release, you end up charged the latest price, but let’s not take chances. Let me see if the publisher can get it fixed, and then we will let you know when it’s safe.
Ruby Fever is now available at Barnes and Noble in ebook form. This was not a publisher issue. Harper Collins tried to get them to list it for 4 weeks. Many emails were sent. Apparently there was some sort of computer issue. But it is available for preorder.
Now that that’s out of the way, we are so tired.

Look at the beautiful flowers Jeaniene Frost sent us. They smell divine. There was a card that suggested that what was best in life is to crush the edits and see them driven before us. I saved it to show you, but unfortunately, the nice cleaning service came through yesterday because we haven’t properly deep-cleaned the house since the marathon editing session started. They threw it away. But it was glorious.
I am also the worst friend in the world. I badgered Jeaniene into sending me the advanced copy of the Other Half Of The Grave and then the edits ate my brain. But now I shall treat myself to it. Muhahaha!
Working this hard comes at a cost, so I have an awesome plan for this week. I am going to do fun things. Sometime in the haze of the edits, I received an email from Miss Babs, a yarn company, letting me know that an MKAL was happening. MKAL stands for Mystery Knit Along. You buy yarn, join a knitting group or forum online, and then you are given the pattern in small bits. You don’t know exactly what the finished project will look like until you’re done. It is supposed to be social and fun, and I have never done one.
I kind of stopped buying yarn. I was trying to do more writing, and the only craft project I finished since Kid 1’s cross stitch – ended up not outlining it, looked weird – is a little sweater for Charlie the French Bulldog, because we had a cold front come through and I had acrylic yarn I wasn’t sure what to do with. He liked it.
I’ve been trying to make a sweater for humans, but it is one of those knit in the round in one piece, and the shaping was too much for my very tired brain. I am typically good with it but it is all k2, m1L, [k to next m, sm, m1L, k to next m, m1R, sm] x 2, k to last 2 sts, m1R, k2. [k to next m, sm, m1L, k to next m, m1R, sm] x 2, k to end. And at some point I am like, “Wait, did I m1L this row or did I not, and how many stitches am I supposed to have at this time on sleeve caps?” I know this is blasphemy, but I think I like separate pieces sweaters better. Is that wrong?
Anyway, this MKAL is another shawl, which I probably don’t need. But there is one super important factor: it is Princess Bride based. It’s called As You Wish: an Inconceivable MKAL. Here are all of the quarters from Miss Babs.
My favorite Princess Bride character is Inigo Montoya. So this happened.

I broke down and bought it. It was my carrot – finish the edits, look forward to the shawl. The lighting wasn’t the best, but you can see it here on Miss Babs.
The yarn arrived a couple of days ago. I squished it, and oohed and awwed, and then Gordon who was out on an errand came home. He knew I bought yarn, but didn’t know what I bought, what it looked like, or that it was PB based.
He saw an action figure at Target and bought it for me.

It matches.
This is fate. I am so making this shawl. I might even wear it.
My precious.
The colors are beautiful!!
Yay, the conquerors of the dreaded edits!! =) I have Ruby Fever pre-ordered in both Kindle and Audible formats, so I’m covered. If I see it in the bookstore a couple of days early, I will buy it, read it, then pass it on to my local library. =) ::fingers crossed::
Have a lovely relaxing week!
The true winner
“ I will buy it, read it, then pass it on to my local library. =) ”
You are a mensch, Kayeri, a benefactor of your corner of Mankind.
Seaming makes garments hold their shape better. I agree that seamed sweaters are better, and if I never make another top down raglan it will be too soon.
I ordered the mass market paperback and a hard copy edition of the book for my collection. I’m so excited!!!
Ha! First. Mod R give me my stinking badge.
Oh dear…I’m afraid it’s not possible. I would give you a peanut butter chocolate sandwich as a consolation prize!
… Oops?
Am I in trouble now? If so, I will buy TWO copies to give to libraries to earn forgiveness… =)
😀 Gordon is first in the BDH hearts, so you’re ok. All Hail the Spoiler Lord!
I feel like this is a trap, since we’re not to call them Lords anymore…. but, yes, “Hail to the Lord of Spoils”! Please grace us with your knowledge! ????♀️
Hail spoiler Lord! We now down to you in the hopes we get some interesting snippets!
*bow down!!
You have earnt your Precioussss. Thank you for pounding Ruby Fever into even better shape — isn’t this the second time?
As I recall, Memoir of a Geisha was completely rewritten three times, first changing the main character from the son to the geisha, then changing from third person omnicient to first person — and the result there was a lapidary work of art, as utterly amazing as I expect Ruby Fever to be.
(Probably not even close to first, but that’s ok.)
Too much pressure. O.O
Love your O.O
Feel like me sometimes!
“Too much pressure. O.O”
I’m so sorry, Ilona — no pressure intended, truly.
Happy knitting!
No pressure. I read Memoirs, once, appreciated it as Literature, and gave it away. I read and reread and re-reread your work constantly. I can’t recall the name of the Memoirs author, and if I have any other works by that author I haven’t made the connection.
Better to be beloved than appreciated, IMO.
He hasn’t written anything else as far as I’m aware, Kimmelane. Unlike House Andrews, he seems only to have had one story in him, whereas HA have several they’re working on and more in the files.
Ditto about rereading. I find new details to appreciate each time.
Beautiful yarn! I crochet and love the colors.
You should have as much yarn “As you wish” for…
Nice pun! Well done!
That is so awesome. I love when the world is decisively moving in one direction.
Aww! Stars aligned to bring you what you needed to recharge. As you wish
I love everything about this. EVERYTHING. Princess Bride has been my favourite movie for 25 years, it’s my happy place, my always makes me feel better movie.
“My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die” I C O N I C
Fangirl moment over ????
Hehehe 😀
Me, too! So much to love in this post. I decided to join the mkal. It’ll be my first one, as well. The instruction page made me fall in love with the designer. Hopefully I’ll like the pattern/finished object, but even if I don’t I know I’ll have fun. I’m going to stash five fir the yarn.
This is my all time favourite as well. I can never see Mandy in any other role without quoting his line.
Perhaps as an homage HA can sneak in some R.O.U.S’s somewhere in the galaxy.
KD has a lot of Princess Bride Easter Eggs 🙂
When Curran says “As you wish.”, I think we all swoon. The first time I read it I did the reading version of a double take. Got to the following paragraph then was like: wait. What?! Went back to check, then wondered if Curran had read PB. Later it became clear that he had. Sigh.
Also, I think that Gordon thinking he was first, but actually wasn’t is the best demonstration of how hard it is to b first! But his buying Ilona the exact right thing at the perfect time is the most romantic thing. He’s definitely a keeper! My hubby is usually not very romantic, but every couple years he does something like that that is so perfect… Usually I have to tell him which thing I’m so happy about. Our 30th anniversary is this year- I’d totally marry him again, although we’ve agreed to elope next time so as to avoid most of the crazy.
Anyway, I’m glad to hear this round of wrestling _Ruby Fever_ is done. Is that the last round, or will there be more to do before y’all are finished with RF? Also, we know what Ilona’s treat was, but I’m wondering what Gordon did/got for his reward? Thanks so much!
I read an interview with Mandy Patinkin in which he said that people are constantly coming up to him on the streets and greeting him with that line. And he loved it! How fun to see the character is beloved to the actor as well.
Congratulations! Hope you are able to rest and relax now that edits are finished.
I am so happy for you two. Sorry this one was such a bitch kitty. May the yarn heal you a bit. The action figure was fated for sure. Thank you.
Congratulations on getting through the edits. I know we will all love it.
BDH to rest of world
“Ruby flames is by Ilona Andrews read it or prepare to die”
Marketing and promotion solved.
*curtesy in English
😀 You joke but it would be effective.
I have preordered Ruby Fever, so I’m all set. And thanks to Ilona I am eyeballing yarn for this MKAL, because I obviously need one one knitting WIP. But, Princess Bride. So I am off to waffle over which color to get.
I love the Avon “Mostly Dead” colorway, but then again I always gravitate towards a nice green, and silk/wool blends are sooo nummy to work with. BTW I have a few 3×4 inch bags of safety pin style stitch markers from DGY (Darn Good Yarn) if you need a few. They are plastic in pastel blue, pink, and yellow. I have Ruby Fever on pre-order as well, I usually read all in one gulp, then have to go back and read more slowly to make sure I didn’t miss anything.
I spent to much time waffling over the colors that I forgot to buy the pattern while it was still on preue discount. But pattern is now bought and I finally landed on “True Love” in the Avon so that should be here shortly..
Congratulations on beating the edits into a snivelling mess. I am confident that Ruby Fever will be terrific and once it is published and we are all squeeing you will forgive it for being such a marathon of work.
As I am in Australia and had already decided that I wasn’t paying $ 25.99 for an ebook ( listed at that on both Amazon Australia and Apple iBooks) I had regretfully accepted I wouldn’t be reading it till I could buy a copy at a more reasonable price. Thankyou for requesting the publisher intercede . I will periodically check to see if the price comes down to a more realistic level so I can preorder.
Enjoy your break in your super clean house.
Mod R, pleased to see you take no prisoners regarding first place badge!
I dunno, the chocolate peanut butter sandwich sounds like a better deal to me!
Never converted my account from US when Au launched, it shows $7.14 USD. Seems like Amazon Au tried to add the Australian tax to the Australian price which really needs to stop.
Ilona really appreciate the advocacy for us on this.
Congratulations on finishing! Thank you both for creating such great stories. I can’t wait to see the knitted shawl. As non-knitter, I will be thoroughly impressed even if you are not satisfied with the end result.
Love it!
Congratulations on being done! *confetti flying everywhere* I’ll certainly be buying a copy in one or more media.
The yarn is pretty, and I especially like the mixed literary references. The only thing Princess Bride was missing was Gollum.
Yay success. Time for knitting and video games! Wait wait that might just be my relaxation I thinking of…
Congratulations ???? ???? ???? ????
Can’t wait to read it. Pre-ordered it weeks ago and am running out of books to see me through. Guess I’ll have to do a reread.
What lovely flowers! How are they still intact? I can’t have any plants at home because my cats treat them as chew toys. Once I bought a pineapple and left it on the counter to ripen. The next morning every spiky leaf was mangled ????????
House Andrews cats are innate plant appreciators 😀 . They’ve never bothered flowers or Christmas trees.
Flowers are gorgeous, so is lamp in background and pink yellow and white scarf next it. Just a totally gorgeous picture.
So so sorry… but I think those may be St Joseph lilies, which are toxic for cats? Of course my cat only has a single brain cell, so it may not be a problem for House Andrews’ cats?
For years in my house flowers required constant supervision and were locked behind shower doors when we left the house and at night.
I now have all wall vases, mounted just higher than the cats can jump. Now flowers are kitty exercise. Boing, boing, boing!
The Princess Bride?!!! OMG! Have so much fun with that (and I desperately want to see the finished product!)
That said, Congratulations on your Ultra-marathon to the finish! You guys deserve some serious down time and relaxation! Enjoy yourselves!
I know it’s not really the focus of the post – but I love that table! It looks like a giant slice of fossilised plants (with some quite nice flowers blooming on top) – is it, or is just wood and my eyes are playing tricks with me?
Ruby Fever will be beautiful, of that I’m sure – and if anyone disagrees, just send Inigo off after them to polish them off; probably riding on Charlie wearing his sweater and trailing the new shawl behind him as his method for shinning down off of the table.
+1 on greatness of items in picture.
Congratulations, House Andrews! May you enjoy your coming weeks and fun times. Thank you for your hard work.
You have to post pics when you’re finished. I’ve never bought yarn from Miss Babs but a friend has and has done her MKALs. So this year I have taken the plunge and signed up for the inspired Adventure Club. 2 Shawls and a cowl. This will not interfere with my reading Ruby Fever.
Remember the flash sale from B&N with that nice discount? Tried my best to order Ruby, but it not have hardcover, just paperback. This happened to me with Emerald also. Went to pick up hardback Emerald that I ordered and it was paperback. Just to let you know, also hard to get your name to run in the search.
I looked on the Barnes and Noble site. You can order Ruby Fever in hardback if you want it. Just click on the other formats.
I hope this helps. ????
Wow I’m so happy to hear the slog is over. And you get to have some fun! I’m not a knitter but mystery knitting sounds like fun even to me. Congrats to you both!
Oooh, a MKAL is so fun. I did my first one last year.( Actually still doing it because I am part of team turtle, but no worries .) So much fun. Enjoy your mystery and your action man prince.( And reallife prince in the house)
I am part of team turtle too! ???????? Love this! I’m going to try the Princess Bride MKAL and it will be my first. Any advice for a fellow slow knitter?
I did a MKAL in October, a shawl by Stephen West, thoroughly enjoyed it. When I pre ordered Ruby Fever on 30/11/2021 on Amazon.au it was $7.59 but now it is the $25 price you mentioned.
Wow!!! That looks amazing!! I’m working on Winter Lights Shawl right now. It’s fun. Lots of new techniques.
Congratulations on finishing your edits. Celebrating with something fun is always the answer.
I also love The Princess Bride, but in my teens when I was playing an mmorpg the rabbit of caerbannog narrowly beat out rodents of unusual size as my clan name.
Hi Ilona!
I’m Bri
LOL! Enjoy your treat Ilona 🙂 Who doesn’t love Inigo?
so glad you finish Ruby Fever edits so that you can finally let it go from your brains. I am sure we, the BDH, will love it!!
Those colors are going to be very wearable, at least for anyone who pretty much lives in denim like I do. Can’t ask for more than a Princess Bride theme. I look forward to seeing the finished product. Although, real talk – the finished product I most want to see is Ruby Fever. Or any other of your books.
Love, love love Miss Babs. The flowers are gorgeous. Love oriental lillies. Congrats on the edit “massacre!” That KAL sounds like a lot of fun. ????I wonder what Mr. Andrew’s is going to do for fun. Perhaps a change of scenery is in order!
Thx for all you do!
I have it on good authority that sun and action figures are in the plans 🙂
Change of scenery? Madeira Beach, Florida, but not this week – cold and wet, 68 degrees.
Sunny and 80s in LA, hint, hint. 😉
Congrats on the edits!! I hope you have great fun knitting.
I’m planting Daylily seeds for spring under lights, and trying on warmer days to get the garden in shape. I like soil on my hands. I have branched out and gotten about 10 dahlia tubers to plant also.
I love Miss Babs!! Her yarn is lovely to knit with and she has such great color combos. And many many colors. Their support team is awesome and they really read the order comments so they pick the right skein for you.
I also love Mary’s MKALs. I followed her Monty Python themed one from last year and it was a lot of fun. She is very punny.
I’m skipping her PB MKAL because I’m going to do Sock Madness this year, because I’m crazy. It’s like March Madness, except you’re knitting pairs of sock according to a provided pattern on a time limit. To qualify, you have to be able to knit a pair of socks in 2 weeks. If you knit at least 1 sock in that time, you get all the patterns from the competition free, which could be 10-20 patterns. I’m going to try to qualify, but I’ll be happy if I can get at least 1 sock done in that time! I’ve only knit 1 pair of socks before, so this is pushing my skills!
You are always entertaining. I hope the shawl goes well and you enjoy your week. Really looking forward to Ruby Fever since I know what you’ve gone through to produce it. 🙂
Love it! I just returned from a visit to my longest fave LYS, a hank of beautiful hand dyed sock yarn in ‘Old Gold’. That sweater thing – totally feel that M1L/M1R pain. Two sweaters later, feeling better. Happy knitting. We will enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Congratulations on finishing the edits! Those are some very lovely flowers. THEY MAKE PRINCESS BRIDE ACTION FIGURES?!!! Now I will have to find me some of my very own. I like the yarn colors have fun.
I don’t have patience for crafts like knitting, I’ve tried to learn it, I have managed 3 chunky scarfs and that’s about it. It’s kind of the same for all the different craft hobbies I’ve attempted through the years. I’m excellent at buying the supplies. The follow through, not so much.
I’ve decided to focus my creative outlets in cooing and baking. At least we can eat it, success or failure. There are also no failures, only ugly dinner. Latest attempt: Fish Shumai, popular street food from Hong Kong.
Buying the supplies is a whole different hobby, just as valid as using them to craft. I hyperfixate on the research, not the execution lol.
Congrats! Pre-ordered Ruby Fever back in November. The flowers are gorgeous. Also thank you for spotlighting Jesse Mihalik. At the time I was not familiar with her work and now I have read all of her novels. Great fun.
Hope you both get lots of rest and have fun. Tea and chocolate should be involved. Also bubble baths, massages and any luxurious items you wish.
I’m so glad the edits are done. You’ve both worked so hard to give us this book and I really appreciate it.
Knit alongs are fun. I’ve done a few.
Sweaters in pieces are OK, too. In some cases it’s the better way to go because it provides structure.
Enjoy your fun time.
Congratulations on the edit! Lovely rewards of choice definitely in order!
And a little thanks, BTW, to the BDH. Reading comments here is always so fun, and so cheering. You’re witty, kind, smart & classy – the best horde ever.
And your comment proves your point. Go horde!
The BDH is always a party! Every once in a while it’s the Donner Party, but on balance we come out great ????
Lol! (ain’t that the truth …when we were good we were very very good, but…)
onward & upward bdh!
The Donner Party?! That’s putting it mildly sometimes. ::Looks around to make sure no one else is listening:: 😀
How about the horde is like any of the American Indian tribes ready to stand their ground when necessary.
Yay, the edits are done! The edits are done! ????
I mentioned to Mod R I was able to pre-order Ruby Fever on Barnes and Noble. I know this sounds goofy, but I’m glad it was a computer glitch and nothing else.
Enjoy your time off and yarn. You and Gordon deserve getting away.
Congratulations! I promise we will loooove the book. The flowers are gorgeous. I hope you can have lots of fun knitting and playing , resting and celebrating. It’s so good when a project come together at last.
Aw, y’all are adorbs! So happy to hear you survived editing hell!!
Congratulations on finishing the edits!
Enjoy your break activities, and if you can manage a getaway that is even better.
So cool that Gordon came home with the action figure that correlates with your yarn! He really is a prince.
Love the flowers! I tried to make a New Years resolution to not buy too much yarn this year. So far it’s not working out so well. Today my husband ordered me this yarn kit:
It is supposed to be my Valentines Day present and I was not supposed to know about it except he used my login for the store and an email was sent to me to confirm the order ????????♀️
Happy knitting!!!
That’s such a happy looking blanket! Hope you enjoy making it!
Ooh thanks for linking the MKAL! I recently got back into knitting, and I am going to sign up! It will be my first too. I’m going to my local yarn store tomorrow to pick out colors, but I love the quartet suggestions on the Miss Babs website. ????
Congrats on finishing the edits! You deserve all good things. Hope you can relax a bit. ????
Sometimes the universe whispers and sometimes it puts it up it neon – HAVE SOME FUN!
My son bought me a t-shirt for Christmas that has Inigo on it with his famous quote. It included a sticker that was a name badge with the same quote. I now have it on my laptop. I love this!
I did Lyrical Knits last one, based on Month Python and the holy grail… all the random bits are so hilarious. But the pattern is fun and good linked tutorials. You should check her on Instagram for the reels she puts together for these. I ordered this one too, but other projects mean I’ll start late.
Yayyy you did it!
I don’t even know how to knit and I am excited about your Princess Bride project.
Also, too many shawls? Inconceivable!!!
Seriously, I don’t think you can have too many shawls, cardigans, and shrugs. They best things (clothing wise) ever. You can go from scrubby tank top, to business attire, to going out for a nice supper in seconds ????
This sounds so amazing! Once we close in our new house, I shall buy all the yarns. (I’m also with you, I prefer sweaters in pieces. Hats in the round.)
And, hooray for RF being finished! Enjoy your play time!
Looking forward to Ruby Fever, sorry it is making you work so hard.
Flowers are gorgeous, just keep them away from your menagerie, even the pollen is toxic if ingested, especially those creatures that are “kinda” self cleaning
House Andrews kitties have never had an interest in house flowers or plants, or even particularly the Christmas tree. They’re safe! 🙂
A subset of “As You Wish” should be “Prepare to Dye”.
My new life goal: be on the same CAL as Ilona (hope you crochet, knitting is still not my thing)
I said “No yarn until you finish the projects you have going”. I have a few more months to go. But then I had to hit that link to Miss Babs.
Just let you know I can still melt plastic with the best of them.
Clearly, the action figure was a sign! It would be hard to go wrong with anything Princess Bride related though.
Uh oh, pre ordered ( in Australia) but I see that the price is as HA says, still $25.99. Or maybe it went up? Will be chuffed to read it though!
The price is currently $25,99 AUD but Ilona has addressed it with the publishers and hopefully it will be adjusted 🙂
I preordered Ruby Fever on the 16th of Dec on Amazon Australia for AUD$6.35, so not sure what has happened since then.
That’s so much work! Congratulations on finishing and I’m so excited for your Mystery Knit Along! The theming is incredible! And it looks so very lovely and fun!
Innkeeper colors, too.
I am so happy for you. I can just feel the joy of the beautiful colours. And I love Inigo Montoya too <3.
Well done on the edit of Ruby Fever. It will be fantastic.
Your yarn looks yummy! I’ve been knitting from stash, trying to reach a point where I can (may) buy yarn for a sweater…
Congrats! Hoping for some rest time to come your way for the next few weeks!
Congratulations on finishing the edits! I so look forward to the release date. Winter has gone on forever. Chill out and enjoy your free time. ????????????????????
I love this post for multiple reasons. Not the least of which, I’m a huge Princess Bride fan. Attached is my dish towel – it has pride of place in the kitchen. All the feels.????
This is priceless! I want!!!!!
You killed my father, prepare to die….. can’t wait to see the shawl!!!!
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
So glad you are done with the rewrite! Relax and enjoy life for awhile! Love that Gordon bought you the Inigo Montoya action figure ????. Too funny that it came when you got your mystery yarn!
Congrats on finishing the Ruby Fever edits! Your yarn is beautiful. I tend to prefer knitting flat and then seaming, maybe because I used to sew? It’s also a lot lighter which is easier on my wrists.
I love counted cross stitch, but knitting is totally beyond me. Have fun.
Awwwww…. I’m so happy you finished the edits and get to take some time to do fun stuff. The yarn us beautiful and I love Inigo too! So sweet that Gordon got him for you!
Thank you so much for sharing this with us, it brought a smile to my face!
And the colours look gorgeous!
Congratulations on ending the beast. Let the fun and relaxation begin!
I’m so glad you (and Gordon) finally got through the edits and can now reward yourself by doing something that you’ll enjoy. 🙂
Thank you for fixing the NOOK issue.
I ordered the ebook!!
I guess now is not the time to beg for an Arabella book……
Congrats on the edits / re-write!
As much angst as this book put you two through, I am sure you are doubly glad to see the end of this one.
Since all the signs point to this being a killer book, hopefully you will find at least some of the trauma worth the pain.
Thank you for the book. I am really eagerly anticipating it.
I love your knitting posts. You choose such lovely yarn and make complicated things- that are wearable and useful!
I do not knit or crochet with any skill, so a project takes me approximately forever. (I am almost finished with the lacy shawl I started this past summer. Perhaps it will be useful in a month or two? I am not counting on it at this point.)
Nothing at all wrong with preferring pieced sweaters! Knitting is all about finding the best way to do things for you! Enjoy the MKAL, it looks like fun! Lyrical Knits designs are always great.
You two are spooky!
I preordered Ruby Fever both from Kindle (USA) and the printed version from the italian amazon (Of course in English).
Jeaniene’s flower are amazing!
The princess bride being your favorite book… we sort of guessed :p but I didn’t know about Montoya.
I trust mod R heart shaped eyes kitty reaction, about the Ruby Fever, (not that I ever had any doubt about it).
And yeah you deserved some good wool!!!
Fear=fever of course
Fixed it for you, Chiara! :* Hope you’re well!
I’m in awe of anyone who can knit or crochet. I’m totally inept. Someone very brave didn’t believe me and decided to teach me. She ended up laughing on the floor and gave up. I did warn her…..
I love the colors and the PB. Maybe you can post a pic of your project when you’re done, if you have time.
I’ve always wondered if Alesandro will say Inigos iconic dialogue before TKO the bad guys…
Have some fun with the shawl or something! Yiu need fun after so much work.
I’m sure the book will be wonderful because you guys are great writers and wouldn’t send it out into the world if you didn’t think it was good enough. But personally at this point in the series I just Need To Know What Happens. So super no pressure here, if it’s going to be published I’m going to be happy!
Also, with all the cool things I could focus on this post, I really can’t see anything but the Inigo figurine. I immediately went to Target’s site to try to get it. Nope, not there. They do have an Inigo adult costume and I contemplated getting it for my husband, but I fear he would look more hobbit than Inigo. And he already has a hobbit costume.
I went to the manufacturer’s website to get it, and ended up with the whole set. Inigo, Fezzik, Buttercup & Westley! Can’t wait until it arrives.
I love finding ways to continue practicing hobbies. I’m doing a weekly drawing challenge that does not give out prompts early, so you don’t know until it publishes each week. It is also social, which helps with feedback and feeling less alone. May your shawl by inconceivably gorgeous.
I thought about doing the MKAL, as a huge Princess Bride fan, but it takes a lot of yarn, which means I would not have enough time and would probably never finish it (I am the queen of WIPs). Also I CAN NOT WAIT until Ruby Fever. So excited!
That’s amazing! How can you not now make it when the universe aligns that way.
Lovely flowers. Sorry they got thrown away and I am not trying to be a downer here, but please keep your fur babies away from flower arrangements like these. Lilies are toxic to cats. I had to find that out the hard way…so I have to pass this info on in case you didn’t know.
Thank you both for writing and publishing.
Thank you for watching out for House Andrews ???? . Their fur babies have never been interested in the flowers or plants around the house, not even the Christmas trees. Everyone is safe 🙂
OMG there’s Princess Bride figures?
And yes, do all the fun things, all work and no play crushes the soul!
You always need more shawls. I design shawls. I currently have 24 of them in a basket on the bench where I put on my shoes, probably another dozen in a drawer in the bedroom that are not worn as much, one that needs ends woven in and blocked, another in the process of being crocheted, and dozens of ideas. There are never too many shawls. Enjoy your shawl and your break. You earned both.
Beautiful flowers! It’s nice to have a friend who thinks of you at special times! Congrats on finishing the edits. so excited the book is that much closer. Hope you get some rest and enjoy the knitting project! Thanks so much!!!
and now I’m joining a KAL…
A woman, neither of you have met in person, is hugging your hubby for being so thoughtful!
I love reading your posts Ilona. Thank you for sharing! ????
Ahhhhhhh! I did her Monty Python & the Holy Grail MKAL last year and it was SO. MUCH. FUN. I have successfully avoided being sucked into the PB one (because it’s tax season and I have zero time to knit) but it haunts me and I fear my resolve is crumbling.
Every so often whenever one of our kids are leaving to go somewhere I say “Have fun storming the castle”
Sounds like a really good day. Enjoy the knit along!
My niece and two nephews can quote every line of The Princess Bride. (One girl two boys, sister and brothers). Their parents did this for long car rides and camping trips. At the time they were between the ages of six and thirteen.
They are now 14, 18, and 22; they still quote lines to each other.
Their friends think they are insane. I find it hilarious.
Anybody want a peanut?
In high school, my brother and I used to quote Monty Python routines at each other in the hallways. Also, we sang lyrics from “Ahmal and the Night Visitors” (a Christmas operetta). It was fun to have a “partner in comedy”!
Yay for ruby fever being done!!
That looks and sounds like a really fun event for you to do!
BTW I have listened to Clean Sweep in Graphic Audio 3 times now and absolutely love it my kids really enjoy it also, but from someone who does not really do audio books because my mind goes squirrel on them they did a wonderful job and my mind can stay focused on it. I think having the full cast helps it stay engaged! I have already pre-ordered Sweep in Peace and can’t wait!
Enjoy and have some fun!
Welcome back to the world of the living! You probably feel right now like you never want to see Ruby Fever again. But I’m sure we’ll find it immensely satisfying. So ignore it as much as you can, then enjoy the success when it comes out. Now go play.
Its beautiful and I’m 40 today. Yay
Happy Birthday, Lindsay!
Happy belated birthday, Lindsay!
Love MissBabs yarn. I did a Monty Python mystery knit along “Knights Who Knit” by the same designer as the Princess Bride MKAL with one of her kits. It was a lot of fun.
Your post has made me smile. Isn’t it wonderful when we can enjoy the little coincidences in life? Every day is a joy for me lately. And I turned 70 a month ago.
Mandy Patinkin (well, Inigo Montoya, really) is on my List. DH and I have Lists. 10 people, dead or alive, real or fictional, who are so unattainable that, should the opportunity somehow magically arise, sex would not count as adultery. Inigo Montoya has had a fixed spot high on my List since The Princess Bride first came out in theaters. (I saw it twice on the big screen!) Some other guys come and go, but not him. If I knitted at all, I would join that knit-along!
Thanks for the heads up on the Aussie ebook! Was just about to order it ????
Hmm.. a little spooky how Gordon’s shopping turned out. ????
BTW, it’s been fun coming across the many PB (best movie ever!!!) references in the KD books!
Good on you! This will help make you feel great and also look fab❤️
Enjoy your time off. You earned it. And we, the Book Devouring Horde, canNOT wait! Nom nom nom…
You may or may not already know and this may be too late,but as a regular foster mom of cats I do feel compelled to do my PSA that lillies and their pollen are quite toxic to cats… regular reminders come out of shelters and vet offices every Easter 🙁
Thank you for watching out for House Andrews ???? . Their fur babies have never been interested in the flowers or plants around the house, not even the Christmas trees. Everyone is safe ????
Grats on finishing edits, and happy knitting while being watched over by Inigo Montoya.
Iconic movie, love it.
My happy place at the moment is painting watercolors, great for stress relief. Yesterday after looking at financial data analysis for 10 hours straight, all I managed was prussian blue washes, but that’s fine too.
Enjoy the breather and looking forward to the book.
Thank you for broadcasting the warning on Amazon Australia, it shocked me when I first saw it on Amazon, but I knew instantly it was their fault and not yours. I just hoped that by mentioning it you would be able to do something about it, so thank you. I will wait, and check periodically, for it to be set to a price resembling that of the US, factoring in the exchange rate. Also knitters unite! I am attempting to design and create my first ever ugly Christmas sweater, too hot to wear them here in Aus in December, so it is a gift for US based friend. It will be epic-ally ugly!
I work at a winery where we occasionally do events that require the paper stick-on tags that say, “Hello, my name is…” Well, you know how I finish *that* sentence. Reactions can be priceless.
May you enjoy recreating with your yarn. Eagerly awaiting the dropping of the new book into my kindle.
I love that character too! I first encountered the actor Mandy Patinkin in the musical Evita. And his Inigo Montoya and the PB movie is a favorite; full of great quotes!
Hello ????
Congratulations on finishing the book edits to you both and treating yourself after all of that too doing what you love sounds like a great plan- the serendipitous purchase of the doll/figurine with the MKAL seems fated to see the start of good things for the time recharging.
Thank you you all of your books and extra gifts to us BDHers????
Quick question. I’m in Australia and it registers as the $25.99 on the kindle app on my phone, when I check my Amazon orders however it tells me it will be $6.99. I preordered at the beginning of January, do you know which price I will be charged? Or should I cancel the order and wait for your all clear?
Loved the colours and can’t wait to watch the progress of your mkal. Enjoy your down time.
“ Whenever you pre-order a qualifying item for our Pre-Order Price Guarantee, the price we charge you will be the lowest price offered by Amazon AU between the time that you placed your order and the time that the item is released (that is, made available for purchase).”
My understanding is that includes Kindle books and you are locked in with the price your order is displaying, unless it goes down. ????
Ooh, looks fun … but I just spent a ridonculous amount of money on cashmere yarn to knit the Forager sweater and am now poor. Except in yarn, I am rich in yarn.
As you wish.
Yay for new yarn! My Christmas present to myself was a weaving loom. I have not started anything yet, because I need to finish another project first. But it sits in my living room where I can gloat over it every day!
Beautiful flowers, everyone needs beautiful flowers this time of year! Congrats!
Awesome! Can’t wait to read RF. Have fun with the PB shawl! Have you read the delightful book that Carey Elwes wrote about the experience of making that movie? It was a love letter and thoroughly enjoyable.
You did it!!! Congrats on getting over the latest hurdle. You two deserve a break to sit back and just enjoy things! Sounds like you figured out the right way to do it too. 😉
Gorgeous flowers! I am not a knitter, but love the colors of the yarn that will make up your shawl. It will be beautiful.
Thank you guys so much! This series is my favorite ever, and I have been an avid reader since 1972. Every character is superb and I am so sad it was a pain in the ass to write this book. My wife and I both preordered and we will get one audio version as well.
You kick so much ass.
Thank you for sharing all your hard work!!! And the yarn!!!!! As for the sweater…. I recently discovered chain style counters. Have you seen these? Twice sheared sheep makes them (could be others do too, but I’ve purchased from tss). You put it on your needle like a stitch marker, but it helps you keep track of which row/round you are knitting. They also have sets specifically for marking increase/decrease rounds. I had a pattern I was about ready to completely give up (cabled kilt socks) as I was having a terrible time keeping track of the pattern. But, the chain style counter saved the project. Have fun storming the mkal!
This is lovely. Enjoy your time knitting, and thank you both for all your hard work!
Kobo is charging 27.99 for nz too, but after purchase you can request a price match to another company and they refund. I will be doing that. I noticed all my ebooks are almost double in price now.
You make me smile. Good knitting with your shawl and may your brain get a good rest.
“My name is Inago Montoya, you keel’d my father. Prepare to die.’ My favorite line.
Second favorite “I do not theenk you understand what inconceivable means,”
Mandy Potinkin, love him!! (Now, out to look for my own action figure!)
I adore your little updates! Updates on books, the kiddos, random shenanigans what have you! You write it and I will read them because you are so entertaining! Please keep writing you have such a gift! On that note- ruby fever!!! Woohoo!
I LOVE your happy ending after all that exhaustion, nonsense and frustration. Who wouldn’t feel all better after getting a bouquet, some awesome yarn AND the perfect psychic-husband spur-of-the-moment gift.
Please do remember us when you finish the project. I can hardly wait to see it!
Cheers, Faith
Pretty hard to beat Inigo…even left handed, even if you are a stand in for the original Dread Pirate Roberts!
He has some great lines…. And like threads of yarn your shawl will emerge victorious and proud…..
Have fun…
I am going to go ride Binky yes Binky ,Deaths Horse, if you read Terry Pratchett you will understand….
If not see Soul Music, or better yet Reaper Man….
Congrats on getting over intense times, hope you have a very relaxing, enjoyable week!
If you need some passive entertainment, the Olympic men’s figure skating free programs are taking place tonight (8pm est) and we are all rooting for Yuzuru Hanyu to have his redemption skate.
In any case, the caliber of the skaters is so high this year, it will hopefully be a good time!
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. – Inigo Montoya
I had heard about the MKAL and I was resisting the temptation until your post. I’m going with the Princess Buttercup colorway. This is one of my top favorite movies of all time and Inigo is my favorite character as well. I just preferred the neutral tones of the Buttercup colorway. I hope you get to relax and enjoy the knitalong!
I love the MKALs. I got hooked early in the pandemic. It helped me learn about a lovely local yarn shop. I have 2 lovely shawls and a cowl. It’s helped me stretch my knitting skills. I’m not real social about it, but I love to see what others have done. I enjoy the snarkiness of one of the MKAL designers. Sadly I am having to restrain myself as they have another one starting in February. The stain glass studio is back open and I have a project there that needs to be finished. It’s been about a year, so difficult to get back into the swing.
Have pre-ordered!
???????????????? love this!
That’s awesome! You make me want to knit but then I think that knitting is basically counting ALL the time …and I hated maths. I’d love to knit to have something creative to do with my hands while I can talk or watch tv and not make a hash of it. As far as I can tell, you need to be a master to do this and knit. Happy to be wrong though!
Congratulations on getting the edits done.
Love the way this worked out with the yarn and matching figure ????
Hope you have a getaway planned after those Marathon weeks.
wait, you threw out the ruby fever and rewrote it? in how many hours?! wow thats awesome. I can’t wait to come out. I figure the closer you are to finishing ruby fever the closer (maybe- crossing fingers here) you guys are to starting on the sister? (running away after that statement).
okay gotta go! have a huge project to finish thats due friday.
You are so hilarious. And congrats on the finish. I know you rocked it! Also, you are a good friend. We all know the truth.
The Princess Bride is such a fantastic movie, in my top 5 of fave Movies, so many classic lines. Have some good you time
This makes me silly/happy! I work with Miss Babs, and hearing the pleasure in your writing just makes it ALL so Worth IT!!! I hope you enjoy every stitch, that you smile as the pattern reveals itself, and you eventually wear the garment with Pride! Thank you!
Enjoy the knitting project. Beautiful flowers. So glad the edits are over. We will love this book even. Pre for your perseverance. Can’t wait to read it. I love this world and it’s characters. Of course, I also love Innkeeper and Kate…. Thank you for the lovely future read.
You are a good friend, that’s why you have good friends. I pre-ordered Jeaniene’s newest book in support of you and your bestie.
Pics pls when the shawl is finished. Love the PB znd Inigo. Have fun.
The shawl should be fabulous. I live in California. It’s never cold enough to justify the shawls I make and yet I can’t stop. Happy knitting.
They threw your flowers away? ????
That is so awesome! I love action figures! I’m also developing a new enjoyment of yarn! (I’m making beanies with a round loom hahaha). I hope you enjoy your adventure with MKAL! I’m so excited for Ruby Fever! Love to you all!
Beautiful yarn. I love how they tie the name with a book/movie.
Last year a yarn shop on the coast had yarn named after Pokémon characters.
It was fun to read their postings.
And it’s time for another trip to the Washington coast.
Purly Shell Fiber Arts
So looking forward to Ruby Fever. Also really hoping Arabella gets her own trilogy! The hints as to how much ‘more’ there is to being her type of magic are so very tantalizing. Enjoy your knitting break & hope your precious is everything you hope it will be.
Hi! Not to be a Debbie-downer as the flowers were lovely but the cleaning service may have done you a favor since you have a cat (cats?). Lilies are extremely toxic to cats and even ingesting just a small amount of pollen can cause acute kidney injury in cats.
I would love to see a photo of the doggie in his sweater. So cute!
Enjoy your fun stuff! You’ve definitely earned it!
Just checked this morning (Aust time). Ruby Fever is shown on Amazon.com.au as available for delivery August 22 @ $9.99. Your remonstrations must have had an effect????????????.
I am in awe of your writing marathons and the entrancing stories that come forth!
Leigh from Perth Western Australia here! I complained about the price on Twitter and HarperCollins AU got back to me and investigated the matter. They told me that the price is being reset to $9.99 on 22 Feb. xx
Hi Leigh-Ayn,
If you check now, it has already been adjusted to $9,99 AUD 🙂
I really enjoyed this fight analysis by Jill Bearup – of the swordfight between Inigo Montoya and Dread Pirate Roberts.
And the My Name Is fight analysis by the same person…
Both delightful. I shall go rewatch now.
I also enjoyed the analysis she does of a Captain Marvel fight. This has opened a new world to me, and I now wish it had been included in my Eng Lit degree, along with modernism, post-colonialism, gaps…and then, fight analysis. Ohh, this means they would have to include books that have fights in them, but which ones…? Are there any fights in canon-y books?
Congratulations! I ordered the paper back as soon as it was available. I just checked my order on Amazon, and I see they’re showing the cover. It looks awesome!!!
I love when things like this happen. Hope you all enjoy a bit of down time after all the hard rewrites!
Yes I’ve done those kind of knits. I had to use a M3 note an d move it each row.
Depending on the sweater I will swap the designer’s m1l and m1r for kfb. I prefer knitting one piece instead of pieces, IF I otherwise have to match up stripes or other colorwork or cables or lace. Pieces get done faster and seaming isn’t that difficult. Sleeves make great swatches.
Uhm, that being said…. I’m making Filcolana’s https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/diana-28 in one piece but not in the round (not because I’m afraid of steeking but because I might want to take it apart and reuse the yarn. )
Haha, this is so cool!
Mawwiage literally wants me to sin (= buy more yarn to stuff into my cupboard where all the yarns sleep)
Have fun with the MKAL!
I was looking at the blues and thinking “inconceivable…” but then the action figure and it’s packaging?! How could I have doubted.
Perfection. Enjoy the fun things!!!
Just stumbled across this – the Graphic Audio version of Clean Sweep is already on Audible!
Gah sorry here’s link that works
Bask in being done with the horrid edits.
Have fun reading and knitting–the shawl colors look glorious!
Dear Ilona and Gordon, please take some time for yourselves. I say this as a greedy reader of your books. I am addicted to your stories, so I must encourage you both to take care of yourselves so that you have good health and happiness. I will happily re-read your books so that you both get some quality time off! So take the time you need-social media and your dedicated readers can cope with your away time. We know you will return with other amazing stories for us! All my best wishes to you both and your family.
I dislike shawls. I don’t have the patience for them, and I don’t think I would ever wear one. I am also much better at crochet than knit, so that might also be part of the problem. I could crochet you an entire outfit in less than a month, but one little beginner-friendly knit sweater takes me half a year! And knitting in the round? Forget it. I am still learning how to climb that particular mountain.????????♀️ But I am a HUGE PB fan. And I love buying yarn. So maybe I’ll forget how much I dislike making shawls and how bad I am at knitting and try that MKAL!
Yay for completed edits! Have a nice quiet and relaxing week, both of you!
Wow. I have been crocheting my brains out, and crafting an Amber pair of healing Rods for my wrists, and brain. Are we having fun Now??? Life is good. This is my Mantra.
So looking forward to Ruby Fever. Love the yarn — and Inigo Montoya. Congrats on knowing your own name after a grueling round of edits! Glad you have plans for a fun weekend!
I much prefer making sweaters in pieces myself. I think they just fit better. And I love the name of the MKAL and all those yarn quartets. Hilarious!
I’m a little late, but you will loooove it! I love Miss Babs Yarn so much. I also bought the MKAL pattern, but I don’t have time to knit it right now. (Also, I have a stupid wrist injury that’s causing me problems, so I really don’t want to knit right now and aggravate it more.)
Yay – congrats on the edits!
I don’t think I can resist Mary’s MKAL either – it should be very fun (and silly). Co-incidentally I have book edits to finish by early March – perhaps I can use the KAL as a bribe-along.
I love Sr. Montoya. What I like even better is to hear the actor who plays him SING! Mr. P has quite a voice.
Congrats! ???? You deserve time to yourself! That’s AMAZING about the Princess Bride MKAL! And synchronicity and all with the action figure!- you guys are on the same yarnlength… ????Yarn, story, omg so many good analogies to unravel and words to bat around????⬛! Looking forward to seeing your Inigo Montoya ????shawl
Is there a Miss Babs for crochet?
So loving this! Gordon came through and you’re going to have a blast????
ModR your heart sandwich is a riot!
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post. Congratulations on getting edits done.
Good job, Gordon. I love Indigo Montoya too. But my like is “prepare to die.” Bwah ha ha ha.
Knitting project sounds interesting. Have fun with it.
I lost my water hose “wye”to barn corral (it froze then bovine stepped on and it’s a goner. Sigh) so I will stop by Barnes & noble bookstore while I am in town. Thanks for heads up.
I don’t typically talk to writers, but I felt the urge today. (Probably not the best post reply for it, tbh.) I went to a book convention once, and everyone was really nice, but then I grew up and realized that must be pretty hard for them. Fans can be difficult. I just want to say that I adore your books. Whenever I’m feeling especially down, I reread them for a pick-me-up. This past year has been especially heart-wrenching and I’ve reread them twice.
Thank you for continuing to write and bringing joy to me in my darkest hours. I look forward to everything you put out. I hope whatever kind words I can give you will offset any unkind words you may get from someone else. Your work is amazing and I am always recommending it to anyone who will listen.
Also, thankfully, ERCOT has not failed us again. Whew.